Newspaper Page Text
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S22. OO ilPor* Tour.
Paragraphs licked Up In
the County.
As Seen by Our Local Keporters. Wftat
Our People Are Doing;.
—Cold snaps continue to corns.
—Will Hubert visited Athens
this week.
—Mrs. Gee has returned from
If yon want, patent medicines at
actual cost goto Dr. R. J. Rtid.
—Picnics were rather scarce
this Easter.
—Winter is surely lingering
with us now.
—Millard Henry took in Pow
elton Sunday.
Cost, cost. Go to Dr, R. J,
Reid’s lor all the medicine you want.
—Cotton planting has been
general this week.
—Lend a helping hand to me
morial on the 2fith.
—Carl Holden came home Fri¬
day to spend Easter.
-—Correspondents too busy to
write news this week.
Gibson’s Choice A Rye at W.
R. Reid's.
—There were few straw and
Easter hats out Sunday.
-—Lee Evans attended the .as
ter picnic at Jordan’s mill.
—Dr. Binns attended the sick
at Norwood again Sunday.
._Col. II. M. Holden attention
Warrenton court this week.
OU1 Oscar Pepper Rye Whiskey
at W. R. Reid’s.
—Mrs. U. S. Gunn has return¬
ed from a visit to Augusta.
Rov, Mr. Burgess preached
here Sunday morning and night.
—Clin Hubert, of Harlem,
visited Crawfordville this week.
—Charlie GoSteke has
his brag cottom pfatch near the
—Omer Taylor has not recov
oredfrom his ^severe spell two
—Rev. Bell preached Airs.
Saggus funeral here Sunday eve
ing last.
—Mrs. J. H. Leary, of Craw¬
ford, is visiting relatives here
this week.
— subscription list is grow¬
ing rapidly. Thanks for your
The best picnic you can have
now is to buy your canned goods
and groceries from Jno. H.
— Some of the boys, thought
they were April footed at the
show Friday.
—Messrs. Bob Edwards and J.
F. Portwood went down to
gusta this week.
—Air. and Mrs. R. E. L.
ris returned Friday from their
Oglethorqe visit.
Dr. H. F. White his arrived
safely in New York and is domi¬
ciled on 34th St,
A dinner is not relished |
without some of Jno. Stephens
nice, sweet or sour pickles.
—Charlie Gee was ordained
chief elder for the Presbyterian
church here Sunday.
—The old steam mill building
in the edge of town would make
a splindid knitting mill.
—The celebration of emancipa
tion by our colored people yes
terday was rather damji.
Where'd you get that nice
jr.O. sui’ o f clothes!' Ordered it from
Stephens’ nice lot of sain-
1 , _
J. B. SwtrJV Pure Corn Wliis
keyat W. U Heitl s
—Air. Thov J pj s. of this
is me of t.o r best iron¬
workers in this part of
Tlie T5a?aar.
The ladies of the Parsonage
id Society are making exten¬
preperations for the Bazaar
to be held April 23th.-25th. They
will meet again at Liberty Hall
next Monday afternoon at F:30
ciock -
Asb »i ry-Torbert.
The marriage of Dr J. Cobb
A.-bury and Miss Fannie Torbert
occured at the Baptist church in
Greenesboro on Tuesday night,
of last week. Dr. As bury who
is a fine physician, was reared in
this county and his many friends
will be proud to know that lie
has won the heart and hand of
one of Giv>enesb mbs noblest
young ladies. Best wishes from
all are extended.
Two Negroes Killed,
Two negroes, Jim Harris and
Elder Vance, were knocked from
tlie train by the bridge over Har¬
den’s ei’eek on the Washington
branch of the Georgia R. R.,
Monday. Vace died and the
other is not expected to live.
They had attainted a picnic at
Hillman Monday and were re¬
turning to their home drunk, and
were looking out of the cars as
they passed over the bridge.
Fridays Show.
The Aquarium car of animals
and birds and the balloon ascen
sion Friday last at the depot was
a pretty good drawing card, A
large crowd came and waited
around neai'ly all day to see the
pfitr m,■ ship go up and it was
after six o'clock before it loft the
eal -th. It flew up in spite of the
stiff wind and the ascension quite
a success, the occupant landing
near Mr. Tom Akins’ yard. The
animal and bird display was
small, but contained some very
rare specimens, also a very large
snake and the largest logger
head “ turtle we ever saw.
Fell out of a Wagon.
Mr. W. R. Gunn, of this place,
fell from his wagon-yesterday,
his head striking the ground first
d both whoals passed over his
body or neck and shoulders, and
the horse became frightened and
jumped over a fence close by
carrying the front wheels of the
wagon over and leaving the hind
wheels out in the road. Air.
Gunn seems to have escaped
without much injury except a
skinned spot in his temple and
a soreness about the neck and
shoulders. A harrow, in the
wagon, on which Air. Gunn was
setting fell out, causing the
IMr-i. Sa^gim* Doatli.
Mrs. Eliza Saggus died tit her
] lome near Sandy Cross in this
county last Saturday evening and
her remains were interred in the
cemetery here on Sunday even
ing. The deceased was B7 years
old and had lived a Christian
life, raising a family of good
children who are following her
example of an upright lift She
was the mother of Messrs. IJ. A.,
O. M. and J. M. Saggus. Her
husband died about 10 years ago,
having been hurt during a house
al*!.* ..............
lha square uherc she n> honed
S nday T were good old
1*01''”'— NmPMtte-s are
with the bereaved.
Mr-T? P ShJr^onX* Bay.
May 31 k;, 1895: “I was troubled with
riysp -i ia for twenty-five yearx, and could
««> ^ “7th” treat
n.)ateur‘'»on,' f, e
years ago. It Fave me irreat rebeff and
after the lapse <>f five, I can recommit it
the Lest medic ne I know of for Indi
gestion and DjM»e|>sia,” Tbi ■* it but
” ne out of thousands which prove that
fur tion, Dyspepsia, an i
-tomicii trouble*. Germatmr cures when
r.n se fall*. New package, large iKittle,
108 doaes, (I. For tale by Dmggiat.
“ ■ lot of stra*»v hats
at ; Alliance Store is worth
h more than the
gee Tjc
tice in this paper.
What Our Frien 's and Neigh¬
bors Are Doing.
Oftlie Ilappeuiuss inTholr Kospectlve "Lo¬
calities. Ail the News.
Mrs. Edna Smith is visiting her
sister Mrs. T. S. McGaughey, of
Mr. Hansen Mapp was called
to Atlanta last Wednesday to at ¬
tend the bedside of his sou Fuller
who is very’sick.
Reid Mapp. one of our boys
who has been attending school at
Warren ton is visiting his home
folks this week.
The many friends of Mr. Ran¬
dolph Tappan will be glad to see
him out again after being confin¬
ed to his room for some time.
Messrs. E. L. Tappan, Z. T.
Walker, J. J. Eley and Jarrell
Jernigan visited Atlanta lrst
Thursday to attend the Smith,!
Crisp debate.
It would be an agi-«cablu (‘lirpiiso to
persons subject to attacks of bilious
colic to learn il at prompt relief may
be bad by taking Bbambcrlain’s (..'ol¬
io, Cholera and Di irrboea Reiudey.
In many insta,ie< s the attack may lie
prevented by taking this remedy as
soon as the lirst syinptons of the dis¬
ease appear, ’id and 50 cent per bot¬
tles for sale by Dr. It. J. lteid.
iiy troutman.
Mrs. Pate is quite sick.
Sam Rhodes’ line boy is grow
ing fast.
Mr. T. J. Rhodes has quite a
fine rye patch.
ton, / - ( « . nroCy -mu' b, -g i.i
UiIUl 801110 UOtlOil tlJiSO.
We had a nice sj^rino’ growing'
rain last Wednesday.
Airs. E\ans that , has been quite
sick for sometime is dead.
Mr. James Lyle and family arc
having quite a scige of .sickness,
The Sunday school al Powdiu*
creek is moving along very well.
Mrs. Cox is sulteving very
much with as, vero spcllof * new
The pwwh crop is not all kill
ed; hop,-to have plenty of poo
pic yet.
Dr. Rhodes and wife attended
preaching at Crawfordville 5th
Robert Edwards and Lum
Caldwell are going forward with
their sawmill.
Af Mrs. A. . T L. Hillman . is .
mg to . leave , soon .. tor Atlanta, . ,
where , she , will make , her , home ,
for r some months. ,,
The, Writer planted sotne
acres , of c cotton this a, * week . although i,i .
he was quite sick for several
days with fevt r and chills but is
some better at this writing.
, An Affidavit.
This is 10 certify tint on May 11th,
I walked to Meliek’n drug store on a
5 ;LiT£“ r tL°. f
,miorv rHe,.„,vM, had od|.|.l«d
raeIlf). Afiei using three bottler 1
Sonbuiy, Pa. -utecrili -d
Sworn and to lief,,re me
«" ‘BDI — Woltot Ship
man, J. i . r or sale a’ .iO ceuU per
bottle by Dr It. J, Held.
Turkey Mount Cm North Carolina
Corn Whiskey at VV. R. ReidV
AtlvfP.lvil letter*.
The following letters remain in the
pystofhce at Cra t, K>1 1 ville uncalled for;
I'iliTB if !>-:?-=: F 1 ; I:;: Miss Sal
M. Mrs. Bett
Xl> r , Mrs Hattie liarly,
C. H. Farmer, P. M.
WANTED A re!pit,t ),vly < r gentle.
srriafi ii,:re ample- and make a
no - I- r aur W '/ef.n 1
Children for P itcher’s Castorla.
by moonsiiink.
Kovgot to mail our nows in
in 'hue last wool..
\7(> aru glad to state that Dr,
A. 0. Davison is some butter, but
is rfnite.sick yet.
Tie-re was an entertainment at
the Academy at Raytown Easter
Monday night.
y> Sallio Brankam. of An
rur) visited friends in this soe
tiou Sunday and Monday.
M‘'si's Norma Bolder. Mamie of Washington are the
gntfets of Misses Essie and Lillie
xr .^.r, and Mrs. Arch Harper of
this neighborhood have a very
sick child with measles; it is not
expected to recover.
Easier T^b.e Picnic at Moore's mill
was quite an enjoyable
one. It was very largely attend
ed.ii There were .several from
Misses Annie and Ida Dyer, of
Fountain, spent last Saturday
nigpt with Mr. F. F. Darden’s
faufly, and attended services at
the!Catholic church iu Sharon
StJfcay. who llie young man is
who says he has-been staying at
hor|a every Sunday this year,
waiting for the girls to call to
sec jam; and has decided if he
w ?0 rt: to see girls he had better
call-in them.
Tfuve was quite a pretty mar
riago at the M. E. church at
Rajtown Wednesday evening of
lastkvfeolr. The contracting par
ties jta’.ro Miss Nora Moore, near
tha' -place. and Mr. George Fal
lanof Atlanta, Wo congratulate
them, They left the following
clay 1 lor Atlanta where they will
malic thoir’future home.
i’t# —
— p. M.
l\TrtI mvV>T liOH’M Heftoh, Wftflt Vii-.
‘Otitacied a MU PVe ooM w^ic.h left
him with:, cough In speaking ot
townie |. cured n he Siiytv. “I uhikI
8eve ft | hn H is of cough syrup bnt
found no relief until 1 bought, h bottle
whiftt JOlminberlaiii’n Cough instantly, remedy,
relieved nte alrnoat
aflil jm ;i Hhorl Utno brought, nnout. a
comitate culc^’ , \Vht#n doubled vviih
a cough or cold iihcj Hijh remedy am!
y 0 ’ 1 to t.iy
«»*+“» '«’<•’.« yo« f';
It bin been to llm rourket lot «»«'
Uvei'y yeaiB mid con.sluntly Korsnloot grown
>»'<> i>«:>ulnrity. Dr '* 2 J >
ce,,tH 1,,!r lM>tlleb " '
Dull times at Robinson.
Rather cool Wednesday.
r ljhe Spring the beautiful
Mr. L C. B. Mitchell was all
at . the picnic, .
frit nds here Saturday, ,
Attrs. , r John T , Jones was sick . , last , .
Wf 'J' fj.l*- V k’ 1 ' h ■ 1 '. rmw
tlciClv Downing, ,. i'Ol*
^ 9 Jv]atjv „ 8 and
, our correspondent _ . ana , also ,
O. H. Murden spent J Easter at
Joi dan , s mill, every-body enjoy
ed themselves at the picnic and
atthe party at Mr. <>. C■ Davis’
r< s idence that night.
jji,n. m**™* s
' A
^ amery is also sjioken of.
Mi to . oe our adjoining town day
a I rosperotis little city enterprises some
' , ’ 1 ' 1 think the above
wo uld’be of much advantage
th4 surrounding cfiuntry as a
Kin rket for the farm prothicl,
Su •<:* gentlemen in your
IT iris.
Flue F«ndii|e.
Mr. T. h. Talom, representing
th • best makes of iron and steel
ice js in town, nnd making ar
r’<■-.] ts to put. JlFO’UHl
th * comet:ir and court house.
Sc eh a fence would add much to
ba tb places and all the encourage
;nt Tit po k i H J •xlend
ed hirn, He ha; contracted for
1 *v tting up the cere' cry fence at
El uron. All wi-.e his
g'i‘, itiSj/f>cl *
Iu Ad-Vaiico-
awwtssasT* -
DR. HATH AVer. „ A CO.
The URL TABLE SPECIALIST* fagutar Graduates in Medicine, Authorized t>y th State.
Six Banks (or S-in.mclnl ^eLrcnce, i!iou-v.?rtd*i v C ’re 1 P.stVn ♦ • '*11 over the Unite j Sttites
d os to our profossionlal ability. All barn JS con-'lucti. - ’M 3 Tree*.,
confidential. Consultation Fret M oft Ice or while bv mail. . scot everywhere .e hom
« observation. No Interference with business Weakness using: in Co es. Sexual Debility
(T Seminal aau
(.Vo, .“/?.•• -rrk it:\tf i-:*t " % lf) (MltlFC'I 1’V <\v'\ J 1 * '■.fill
l-n'diieiag m.-rvouMiu.'' , hr- . ,r ; :n''ii" h!-■■■ <
of blood ID the It end, pni t i i ■ - • >u ■
• - in of s it I power, 1 • *•
hood, etc., cured for life, We ran slop night >we>. restore -*1 wxual
i; 0 v.or, rrstoro nerve ami bmin power, culurge and \uuk
parts and make you fit for marriage.
Syphilis, 'iis.'H • ., In n'l It- ,
, skin Pk-i
li’igfi, Sores,isoaorrhtva A Btret, and all • <h Fnv.w ID.- UD'I
jL’y.vV *5U CtpJefjfff. IvvUI v perthumly oxfto re t urisl PaUeut wit! out the or tr»\umuH ettMing
!a can use
• -■ • ! ndlOf V “ J ih.v-> delio;'.**- <1H- >■ ; '-.•uii.-r to .m ua, hi
* * , ' v h' ■ r /u A - lwJ»f your own hou»o without liteUui»u.‘n5>.- M.uiy v.ui >*•! niter
H In other I-Sjfl, doctors have failed. The Can Croat give V remit you proofs. Kheunutlc Cure. ASIKU t.l X.. ,,,, II ?-r.-ao ,1 • ■
L. l\IiCUIli«i.iini , vrt ...... til the annals of medfolue. One dose give ioliet; a tew do- ten,
ory v
R U fever and for pain both In joint*-’a <U cure pAgr is with bound full to ileseriptlon take pla CO. of hf* al I ove Mdtcuicnt di-•-is«- oi »!u> cam* a. B nnd euro,
sexes, . , ,
j'* lilxv/IV • . iHiiJii.. No.
,s»'(ded itt plain wrapper five. lbv«l tide little book and . • nd i<-. i' .vi.iptutu I
c] ft for Men f.hanco.s ; No. -J for and Women obtain Iho No. bast :i fbr by oonsulting Skin Piseases; (ho Loading No. 4 for S; Catarrh. ,H:L Iti the United Slates.
T:ike >17 , ! EmJ
IjSflmwiMBMH If HONESTY 22'i DR. South H Briofto ATM Street, A V/AY ATLANTA, & 03 . CA.
I Iini ri r r r u -I e::rT£.
Spring Beauties!
The Excellent bine of
Straw Hats,
Except ioiuilly Cheap,
Latest Styles,
At the
CrawforMle Allianc C55 D c 1
Craw ford vi lie, Ca.
'fUin or grey hair nnd hnM head"., so
displeasing to many people as marks oi
age, may he averted for n long time hv
using Hull's Hair Kenewer.
Tlie nimuil session of tin* (UMi-gl.-i
Teachers’ Aasodation wilt lie held «>n
CuintierlBiid Inland, July iglh lo ai»t.
............... . „ -,»y.
nl hilsilKlMM HCUftlOll ofTfie A5 *E)C{aHoH. a
moBt iniert nting program in M\\ft pro
pared and question pi rlfiini.^ to ael.ool
Lgislation will be ibscussid hv the ablest
speakers. During the last two weeks,
the Association, through the aid of Dr.
Curay, Agent of the l’ealwdy Fund, will
conduct tin- most compl.-u- Summer No,
in«l in tlu* Soulh. Tlit-n- wilMn* a corps
0 f nim; prof^HHors aucl twelve counts of
sUl( | y jt will puhcut tin- best ojjportu
t V ef offered iu (*ilm prole*,
si,„rd improve........ In-mu-iions fr.-,
Railroad fare Iw than one fare.
VVr j te to J. S Stewart, l’renident. Mfl
vj( . U;| c> ,u !lsinKim „.. s.-c i.-.ry,
Jackson, Oa., for full ],:irtuului'H ami
1 ’urNoiml.
KRKt: Our 04 J’agr Medical reference
liiiok for men and women afilleled with
any form of private d'meiise jvt to
their sex, errors of youth, nmitnglouH
diseases, female Irouliie etc. Send ^ two
cent stamps to pay |s>sfcage to the lead¬
ing specialists and physicians of lids conn
Lrv Dr. Hathaway ,V Vo.
22j4 bo. Brood St., Atlanla, <ia..
President Oleveltuid’s baby
has the measels.
*‘ll«»w to C7tir«t nil ftkfn l>l*<«n»^e. ,,
Simply apply "Swaym's ointment"
b'tter'.'ewmia., V ( v mltiiPtl iDPtlldm* n cinin-il. ( tin h
B'h, «„ eruptions on the
face, hfififln, now;, aw:., leaving the hkiii
r .j ( . Jirt whiu* and hcaitiiy. its •-nef in ai
lnt< and curative powers are'possessed hy
other remedy. Ask Druggist
gwayne’s Ointment,
- Mrs. J. F. Reid lias returned
from a visit to friends and
fives in Siloam and Grei-neshoro,
r Is fils tv’gi ails you?
pm Have yon a feel
n ing, of weight in
the Sioijiath
\ Moating a Iter
h G m ing eithij* Votmtifigftf Wal«rt*fiish of Wind f lood !->•
Heartburn Had Ta*»tc in lip,* M'uith
in the Morn ins; I'aifdufhni of the
Heart, due lo of Si num b'
( tinkered Month hat* in the Howci«,
Lo hh of Fit h Fickle AppcliU
bef»rf * ved, frritYtble Condiiion of (he
Mind bizziiitHH llendacfie (on
htipation or biarrhwaY Then you have
; »ne»f iu tun tty form Thf out * i"
uf*- Ur tbl* 4i*ir«Mtnx iplaint L
/ rA’MT’S B«;5??p5l3 ObktS
a mail, prepaid, on receipt »( if, ot.
r M«*J t Co., l6*f8(lioBili(f* M,, V I’ >
No. 8 .
Over-Profit Paying
Stop if
Oct our Great Catalogue nnd ,!| iy -
cr» Uuidti. Wc'U send it for ,,
cents In Btampa Vo pay part pottm, fir-,
or exprciisanc. The Il'rdt'ii
joo Pages, i.’.ooo IlliiutrntiunB,- «,<m
iatwr'i t;« •v.... 4 io.-.» u <1, i 1 -
In life; tells you wli .t you ought to
pay, whether you buy of UB or nw
One profit from maker to user. Get -
OrlKinotur. of lIn: Mull Order Method
111-116 Mlchi^ ,n Ave., Chicago.
s I’VtMVn.*v..'L-dVCf. •■Vx
0 7 ne
p ms* f
(I J
^ Hun been thoroughly leftmtl by
otninent phyetol m* «i»‘t n««l U\m poo- C
pjo quUtklyend for forty pormanouUy y are, otirfi*
und nil manner of Y\t. I Nil, MPH WADI NO .,»■ ^
HUNNirUt BO it EM. Hie l<> ftrlb hr-utloti •
find blood purmor* dV«r oft«sr«d lo lb- vj/ >'la
Prlott^I per boitlo, O boillff* l »r *’ b-» V
Ul) th« hnalth uttfl rtr- nutU from the tteat tide* 1
Foreulo by drug«lttta.
# .SENT FREE wosnuu-i ™ • f ,
BLOOD BO K C0„ AIDnta, Oa. \
"V*!' SbesuWSr-.
Georgia Railroad
Stono Mountain Route.
A. G. Jackson, Joe W. White,
iit'ii. t’nn* Tntv* IJhk I'** 1 *** A|f«nl,
Augusta, 0a.
J. W. KIRKLAND, P;e«. Act. At b utty r
W. C. BOYKIN, Land Agent.
Aiif;i - I A, f«A s , Man JOtli. HOT.
All \n iron liolfllng l;ift‘{ i
J i< s travciot fi by tlO:
Geo r g ]a Rai lroad
which they (’ t li, will ]»Ipii to- uul
t}e*( ) i jdi iii a W laud
may be wl z in tip
pcacrijdtoij Manic fV
cation to
I,AND At.KN'l iKOltOi \ H
Augusta, Ga.
O Tildren Cry fo
Pile fa ta Caetorla,