Newspaper Page Text
\ \
81.00 Per Year.
Vol. 21 .
Pure Home Matters Picked TJd by Our
Local Reporters.
What Our People Are l>oing and Saying.
Things Our Friends Tell Us.
—Crops look line all up the
Georgia Railroad.
The cheapest fruit jars in
town are at Jno. Stephens'.
—Miss Ella Norton went to
Daniels springs this week.
—Miss Mamie Akins has re¬
turned from a visit to Augusta.
FOR SALE—A tine Piano
and Organ. W. R. Gunn.
—Sorry to learn that Julian
Richards has been quite sick this
—Wade H. Gunn, of this place
spent a part of this week in At¬
—Mr. Jno. N. Chapman of this
place is selling a great many
A fresh supply of patent
medicines just in, at Jno Steph
—Always patronize home if
you expect your community to
—Mr. W. J. Norton is doing
some building in Washington
this week.
—Carl H. Holden returned
Tuesday from Athens and the
State University.
FOR SALE—Home raised
lard and hams. W. R. Gunn.
—The service train on the Ga.
R. R. is cleaning up the railroad
ditches near town.
—This is a good market foa:
frying size chickens now. They
sell like hot cakes.
—Miss Janie Stephens, of At¬
lanta, visited relatives in Craw
fordville this week.
—Mr. A. S. Lunceford, of this
county, has purchased a nice,
uoeble seated surry. w(, *
—Mrs. Jape Hamma*:te went
to Atlanta Monday to spend a
few days in that city.
—One of our popular minis¬
ters learned to ride a bike in a
few hours this week.
—You can get the Advocate
Democrat every week until
Nov. 6, 1896 , for only 25 c.
—Preparation is being made
for the dedication of the Presby¬
terian church here Sunday week.
—Mr. Clarence Peacock, of
of Fitzgerald, visited his father
in-law, Mr. Joe Mann, last Sat¬
—Mr. Torrence, the candy man
and one of the most popular
drummers on the road was here
Jno. Stephens serves soda
water and lemonade every day,
and ice cream on Saturdays. Ice
for sale at all times.
—We are glad to know that
Hezzie Richardson is improving
after considerable sickness dur¬
ing the past few weeks.
—Mrs. Slack, daughter of Mr.
Tom Evans of this place, was re¬
ported dangerously ill first of the
week, but is better now.
—Messrs W. R. Reid'and Hor
ace Holden represents Crawford
\ ille at the Democratic Conven -
tion in Macon this week.
Our fruit jars are selling &
rapidly ... and . will , be
soon gone.
Get your part of them while they
are going. ° T Alliance Store.
On their ... trip . to lr \\ arren last ,
week Messrs. Akins, Holdemand
Farmar found crops not looking
so well down there as in this sec
tlon -
—The Advocate-Democrat ^
representative was entertained
pleasantly last Monday night at
the home of Mr. E. K. Boode m
—Clarence Rhodes puts all the
flowers the trjrls send him on the
syrup barrels m the back room
of the store. He keeps them in
a sweet place.
Chil’ - A- —. M !
A Team Organized.
The boys of this place have
organized a ball team of home
material and have commenced
to practice some. They propose
to challenge and play the similar
teams of the neighboring towns,
beginning with White Plains, we
believe, to-morrow.
I.lco Plentiful.
There is considerable com¬
plaint of lice on cotton. Mr. T.
O. Gunn reports that when the
lice are found on the stalk
they seem to cause the cot¬
ton to stop growing, We
do not look for this pest to
materially injure the crop to any
great extent if we have plenty of
warm weather.
A Fortune Lost.
There have been bushels and
bushels of blackberries gone to
waste in this part of the country.
If they had been picked and can¬
ned the product would be as val¬
uable as a gold mine. There are
many such things allowed to rot
within our midst for want of a
small canning factory. These
little leaks drop a great deal of
money for us in the course of a
few years.
Filied 830.00.
Our town council held a special
session Tuesday morning and
had up two colored belligerents
of the feminine gender. Sarah
Chester had been pounding one
women named Liza Holden and
the evidence was such that Sa¬
rah was fined $20 or 40 days’
work on the streets. She paid
her fine, but was taught a lesson
that our city fathers propose to
keep order within their limits.
One of the Latest.
Rev. Green, a colored Baptist
preacher, was giving entertain¬
ments here this week and among
his new selections of songs he
used the, folio win g; % v
Lord is this Heavau?
Xord, Lord, I’ve done got home at last.
Set down, Elder, set down!
Lord, Lord God, I can’t set down.
This is Heavan!
I done got home at last?
Mama, is you got to glory at last?
Lord, Lord God, I can’t set down.
To Advertise Our Section.
The people of Crawfordville
and this section are being urged
to get up an exhibit of products
for sending to the North and
East and to the fairs of that sec¬
tion, through the Southern Inter
State Immigration and Industri al
Association of Pinebluff, N. C.
Cash spent in the way of adver¬
tising matter and special editions
of the county papers describing
our advantages would bring in
good returns.
Early Melons.
Sam Gunn, one of our prosper
ous yo.ung farmers, who lives
down to-wards Barnett, reported
the first ripe watermelon of the
season in this county last Satur¬
day. This is quite early. C. J.
Park, of Greene carried his first
a 20 pounder, to the Greenesboro
Herald-Journal last week, and
the Sparta Ishmaelite says that a
^”1^ Thursdly^aU country
ra - se( j This is very early, real
w, ^ wo W eeks earlier than melons
usually usua u v gei ee t npe ripe in this part of
the country.
p a i n t it 1 P P
A . who . paints . , up , his . dwel- . ,
^ n g an q the other houses around
his p remises is doing well for
himsel f family,and the town. It
looks better f or himself, makes
t he houses last longer for his
heirs and is a great recommen
dation for his town to all who
pa ss and come. There has
been much painting done here
and there are many more houses
that need painting. Hope sorm
to see the Hotel, Holden & Cos.,
store and the Alliance Store all
painted up nicely. It would add
much to the town s apx^arance.
CRAWFORDV 1 LLE, GA., JUNE 26 , 1896 .
Correspondents’ Reports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
Of the Happenings In Their Respective Lo
calitieft. All the "News*
The pea crop is looking very
H. M. Harrison will soon have
ripe watermelons.
Dr. Rhodes will soon have op¬
en cotton.
Gardens are flourishing and
everybody has a good appetite.
Mr. Humphrey lias one of the
finest cane patches we have seen
Mrs. Amanda Rhodes is im
proving after much suffering
with asthma.
Farmers are getting along
splendidly and have the bright¬
est prospects for a good crop
they have had in years.
If it required an annual outlay of
$100.00 to insure a family against attack any
serious consequences from an
o( bowel complaint during the itlheir year
there are many who would feel
duly to pay it; that they could not af¬
ford to risk their lives, and those of
their family tor such an amount. Any
one can get this assurance for 2 >> Cents
that being the price of a bottle of f
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. In almost every
neighborhood some one has died from
an attack of bowel cotup aint before
medicine could be produced or a doses phy¬
sician summoned. One or two
of this remedy will cure any ordinary
base. It never fails. Can you aff#d
to take the risk for so small an
amount? , For sale by Dr. Ii. J. Reid
Lost, Strayed or Stolen.
Five or six county correspond¬
ents have stayed from these col¬
umns. When last heard from
one each were at Sharon, the
Grove, Barnett, Powelton, Ber
muda, White Plains, and Robin
son. A suitable reward in
news -viil kgi given for, th ir wft
Old People.
regulate Old people bowels who and requite kidneys medicine will find to
the true remedy in Electric Bitters. This
medicine does not stimulate and contains
no whiskey nor other intoxicants, but
acts as a tonic and alterative. It acts
mildly on the stoniiiehe and bowels, add¬
ing strength and aiding giving tone to in the or¬
gans, thereby functions Nature Electric the per¬
formance of the Hit¬
ters is an excellent appetizer and aids di¬
gestion. Old People find it just exactly
what they need. Price fifty cents and
$1.00 per bottle at Dr. It. ./. Keid’s
Drug Store.
It Wan Well Maunged.
The excursion to Atlanta Mon¬
day was the best ydt run by
Gapts. Tuggle & Hollingsworth.
The biggest trouble on board
was the scarcity of cars and that
was because the crowd was
much larger than the manage¬
ment expected. About 800 peo¬
ple were carried into Atlanta,
and it was the most orderly
crowd we ever saw to be jammed
up like it was. This is account¬
ed for by the fact that the train
made good time going and com¬
ing. There was very little drink¬
ing and the colored and whites
cars were separated by a bag¬
gage car. It was a well manag¬
ed excursion.
Mmn^Mich., was
ly afflicted with rheumatism but re
ceived prompt relief from pain by us
ln £ Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. He
a “At tunes my back would acne
so badly that I could hardly would raise up.
If I had not gotten relief I not
be here to write these few lines.
Chamberlain's Rain Bairn has done
, ne a great deal of good and I feel
very thankful for it.” For sale by Dr.
«• «• ^ ___
_ Luther Hadaway, of Hart
well is on a visit to rdatives
h We are snrrv to bow
that Lut her has been quite sick
and bope for him a speedy re
covory to heaIth ,
—To increase our list of sub
scribers to the Advocate-Dkm
ockat we will make a special of
for of 4 months trial subscrip
tion for only 2 a cents cash,
Pitcher’s Castoria.
A Hun for Life.
Sir Thomas Akins comes to
the front with a lizzard-snake
story that takes the dilapidated
linen oft" the bush. He says he
saw t,y snake catch a rusty-lizzard
a few days ago and prepare to
swallow him. During this pro
cess of preparation for swallow¬
ing the lizzard, the bones of the
little innocent reptile were crack¬
ed load enough for the spectators
to hear them. The snake had
swallowed the lizzard up to its
fore tegs and as the snake saw
the spectators it stopped to
“lick" out it's warning tongue.
At luis pause the lizzard saw a
ch;u ce for escape and broke out
of tl e snakes mouth and'out-run
the speed of a bicycle down hill,
unti' lie was safe in the woods a
couple of hundred yards away.
Then the snake was killed for
being so stupid.
A Household Remedy.
And it-never fails to cine Uheunm
t^.Catarrh, nl injvttre ' ,tcllR " Blood.
is Mamo blood Balm (I?. B. I>.)
rroasnnd euddrso itM the best remedy
oyo.. offered to mankind. 1 housands
o tires performed hy ft im remedy are
aln .xt inuaoiilinis. liy it. Ely
Sl.dU per largo bottle. For ado by
bee adverUaemont
. 0.1,Hi Tlim> Tlim-mlny,
Sa& Rhodes, SfcT, Dr. J. J. Kent ?"! w and “"i
sdiie Others went out to Malear's
bridge ou Little river yesterday
fishing. They took along a kid
and had* it nicely barbecued, and
t^s*y enjoyed a regular old-time
tJJtpp-Jish and-stag barbecue.
O ir thanks are extended for a
otifdial invitation to go out with
tl | party, but a bad cold and
P •iss-day for printing our paper
“f Invented who tended our going. . had Wo a know , good
10 "
• htSfiises itt these
baited State* can boast of fifty year's
standing. The business of Dr. J. C.
Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., whose in¬
comparable Sarsaparilla is known and
used everywhere, has passed its half-cen
letintal and was never so vigorous as at
—Look out for trespass notices
in this paper, and keep off the
Colquitt county has the larg¬
est unbroken belt of saw mill
timber in the state.
Turkey Mountain North Carol ina
Corn Whiskey at W. It. lteid’s
It is said that a person cannot
remain under water over two
minutes without fatal results.
G»bson’H Choice live at VV
R Reid’s.
The Kentucky Press Associa¬
tion, 175 strong will visit Cum¬
berland Island today and remain
a week.
— Those havingcattle to sell will do well
to call an or write Khodes& Dolvin.Siloam
Tony Bill, a negro jeweler of
Atlanta, is in jail on the charge
of making and passing counter¬
feit stiver dollars.
Old Oscar VepperUve Whiskey
VV, R. Keid’s. *
-------- - ------------- —
Will Myers has again been
captured at Corsicana, Texas.
So sure are the people of that
town that they have the right
man they propose to pay the ex
ponses of ihe officer who has
gone there to identify the prison
I.oZ Rl 8 Sm"ofi?Jfc S.mSa 2 t SPft. .irfi 2 i/X
Wood Pnrflier. gives HEALTH.
k , va t w *— 'Tclil*-"™ ^ ^
- --
Trespass Notice.
On and after thi* date any or a’d w-r.
w,n found hunting, fid,mg, p *««g
through or in tr !•“ mg-mmsy
' ^ lo lb( . fuJJ tx ^, nt of ,, j(; !aw
w r otx.v.
Ga, Jane 2%, i w*.
We have just received
X A New Lot of
and Parasols,
And are sellingthemfrom40c.up.
ft They Are Beauties. #*
Grawfordville, Ga.
j'''™',' 1 '">»t •
E ’ohnich * Afiuni ' \u'''^ “I
((iko k „ lsu reilI t ,„ii vl „g,o the great
v j rtw , „f King’s Royal Germetuer in
,,, sllhmf . lion,
influence of malaria,
awV( ,,. ,l m)11 gh which my
p ain Uv p.m-eo from tins oppressive at
flj ti< - , follM<l Oermetuor to bo an
iinltie dUto specific. Have also fouml
it aspe'-dv tonic to the digestion, and
n most grateful and Refreshing ......tody
SSSSSLTJ New package, large bolt'o, £«*£& 108 doses,
$i. •• .
Rntutliig-Kiini In Wljgyr. vul
Mr. A. , 1 . Molt oh t<iMS.i\l*a
liable way to put up virffi (T-oasi
ing-ears) for whiter Tise,* Mr.
Sam Hailey, a Northern born
( Ogle
gentleman who lives in
thorp county, fmts up if barrel of
corn every year as follows, and
finds it pure, sound and sweet
late in the winter. He takes a
water-tight barrel, and after slip
shucking his corn leaving a few
■thin shucks around the ear lie
packs the barrel full, sticking
the sharp ends of the ears down
ward. Then he covers the corn
with strong salt-water or brine.
In winter the corn is taken out,
soaked and is almost like fresh
roasting ears.
Quite a sensation was raised a
few days ago at Yale college be
cause tlio senior class accepted
a sprig of ivy from the grave of
R. E. Lee as fcho class ivy to
use at the dedication of tins
Wool,soy memorial building in
the college grounds. A bloody
shirt, orator, Prof. Twitched, of
Hartford. Conn., made a bitter
speech, denouncing Urn select ion.
11 is strange how these old h‘‘<’
tionul feelings will linger with
some people in both north and
south. It is time to bury this or
stop holding out tlgit it is dead,
when it only slecpeth.
Mumlay Mull*.
On and after .Sunday dune 2H, the
Crawfordville |,o*t-offlcc will online
opened Sunday* for the delivery of qRl| lie
immediately after the Service* at 1
churches, about 12 o’clock, Tin: 2 :do
< weeing until will not lie opened.
C. it. FakmkB, V. M
To ro»ton- «ray hair to iu natural rol
or as ill youth, causes itlojcrow abundant
and slroitu, there is no better j,reparation
titan Hall’# Hair K*-m;wer.
R. W. Boyd, a traveling
evangelist, ' Jireachftd on our
stre-ets rt I , hursday . . f 1 - U 1 1 , , } c j..,.*
week. H<i had his wif(? and lit
tie girl along with him
.p aut!r“Vu^ 'll.'.er. wnaPfor Cnta v'
W, sah »t ...... Y
-Tetter ... ..... - l Hand ...... .....*
mrn, and *nski,,
tive y cur*** I lie* or m> par p
For-tebyDr.H. J. iwd.
“«»••* «•» « «r- *u *hi»
s » h.Vmi: medicine "required. re.
tetter,, /-, eruption tu,
clear, wi,u« and healthy, it* gr„ „
h>8“fid eurativ,, are j,„-, ,*ed hy
In Aavanco
No. 19 .
-Messrs. J. W. Farmer,
Thomas Akins, John Holden,
P. G. Veazoy, , 1 . V. Andrews and
W. R. Reid, and , 1 . II. Leary, (of
Oglethorpe,) and others of our
county are on the list from this
place to go “on to Richmond’’to
the Confederate re union. They
leave Sunday morning and
will have a good time.
Miss Lena White, of Taylor
ville, III., sister to Miss Aliie
White who visited hero some
years ago, spent a few hours
here this week with relatives.
She is related to the Stephens
I)r. Miles’ Heart Cure Does It.
Mrn, CIiuh. LaPoint, a well-knownriwktonf.
of Denver, i>™Ih,'h tills wonderful remedy. lln*
Her tmtlinoiiy xhoiild convince all an to
worth of thoNi'W Heart Coro unit Ki-tlorn
tlvo Nervine. Her letter dutod popt. Utn,
Mi, rends us follows:
r f
m j- m
! -
Mum. La Point, 8187 Humboldt Hi.
'•Typhoid fever loft ino with heart troubln
of thei iiioMfc serious nature. Nothin* th»
doctors *11 vo had any cfTucfc, I had hc tvero
pains in tho heart, and wna unablo to II n on
my If ft Hide for more than thr<« nituuti-H at,
a time. My heart wiwmal to mins la-atM, and
i had »mot)inrlng hixdlH, h* which itwuemcd
every breath would he my lane,. We
di’iitly Haw an ad vcrtlaement of
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure
a: d R' .toridlvc taking ami the purehlined reined let a
bottle of e;u Ii, After and a
week. / could hu lifted In a chair Hit up
an hoi n r, and In a abort time 1 waw able to
do Ii; lit, hoi, ie work. I nhall be ever grateful truly
to you for y our wonderful modldmg*.
they mivmJ my life, LA POINT.
MUH. Oil AH.
Dr. Milan CJurn ImhoIiI on a pou It I vo
guarantee that the ffrat bottlo will bi oulit.
AII dri 4 {fS(iHtM Hull It at $1 ft bottlo* for 9ft f >r
It will boHRut, pi'ftpabi on nxmlnt of prion
lythu Or Mliefi Medical (Jo . fcikfcart, lint
Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure
United Confederate Veterans
Monument to Jefferson Davis.
and Atluntlc Coast Line,
Will run Tlirougli Coaches anil I'ulliiian
Sleeping Cars from Atlanta, Macon ntul
all pointa on the Georgia Railroa?! to
Kicnmoml, Va. by special Atlanta train, June
391)1. Train will leave 2.55 p. m.
an<l olhcr siatjfiiis ou the same Hchtalule
MM Pant Train (No 28;, arriving A <Kii*ta
q; fo p. 111. l.cave Amriiftta p. m ,
arrive Richmond 9:00 a. ni., June 50th.
The round trip rate from all stationft west
of Madison will be $11.00.
Round trip rate • from OreetieslKiro 11
“ “ “ “ Union Point 11 00
by r .id ... this . ud y.*,
KUiA" C ' "
The tickets *ie timitol (or return until
^^nd ,.Xi
itetnemlx-r a, K.einmmd,
the »i*-«-.W train will »t»rt
ing vale inform;,ii< 4 »ri’-to
1 ,, r
Jj.jV ’ Jpe W. While.
A Augusta. T.I’.A
j.w.K,Aland.I' A. W ,v ft,rd k f l\\
Atlanta Ga M icon, Oh.