Newspaper Page Text
ufilcffll nmri organ Taliaffirro County,
° 1
It may surprise certain esteemed con¬
temporaries to learn that divorces are
do longer offered on Chicago bargain
counters. Rut the town offers extraordi¬
nary facilities (or getting married while
you wait.
As Iowa judge has decided that when
a footpad draws a revolver on you at
night, sticks it under your nose and
holds yon up, he cannot lie charged with
carrying a concealed weapon. Techni¬
cally that may be right, hut practically
it is decidedly unpleasant.
Fin ir is not a complete dietary ir.
itself, hut is excellent to accompany a
meat diet. The acid contained in the
fruits assists digestion, and it is for this
reason that applesauce should he served
with roast pork or goose, the fat of
which is rendered more assimilable by
Mum Hksmkmi s, of Maryland, in the
last century, writing (after Goldsmith )
a description of her charming daughter
Charlotte, slipjieil into it tins bit ot reel
ism: "When dre*t, wtill her head has a
great deal ol trash on; il her gown is
pinned crooked, 'lis made in the fash¬
ion.” F.videnlly mmlnme had been sit¬
ting lieliind her daughter at the theatre.
Tvenom fever ha* singularly stricken
a man at Anderson, lie had a severe
attack of the fever but completely re
covens! physically. His mind isstrsnge
ly aflerted. He does not remember any
on* he knew previous to bis illness, and
bis family are strangers to him. He
was a clever workman at his trade of
glass-blowing Indore bis illness, bnt has
entirely forgotten all shout his woik
Ilia mind la blank in these two respects,
hut he ia entirely rational otherwise.
A i-outaiii.k crematory lor military
purpuess has bwm Invented by a Polish
engineer. It bus the appearance ol the
army baking oven, but is much higher
and heavier, and is drawn by eight
horsee. It is intended lor the disposal
ot the bodies of soldiers kilied in battle,
so as to avoid the danger of epidemieB
from the burial ol grent Dumber* of
men. Kaeli Gjrnmn corps, it is said,
will lie equipped with one.
A 8*c« girl he* got a pig which she
lend* a hunt the street* ot that town#*
other girls sometimes lesil n {Kindle.
Tbs pig is young, and pret ty a* pigs go,
and wears a broad how of scarlet ribbon
about its neck It ambles along con*
Unitedly a* a poodle would, except when
its mistress' walks takes it past an in¬
viting puddle, when there is ustinlly a
sharp and musv struggle lor a minute or
two tmlora the porker ean lie persuaded
to pursue its promenade.
Or lb» swven women earning large
Iiolicies of life insurant'*', Mr*. (Jeorgo
ilsarst ol Califomi* leads with $300,0(H);
Mr*. Kim>iino Wallace of San Francisco,
$150,000; Mr*. F.t'kharl ni 1 Vom er, $ 15 i.
000, Mr*. Caroline Sinclair of Cedar
lt$j>id*, Mr* Lauretta (iihnuu of ('mein
nali, Mr*. K. B. Crocker and Mr*. Kloal
Funnelt id Elmira, carrying upward of
$100,000 each.
Hoi.i mo an umbrella i* an art that
lew understand. The right way t* to
take hold of the end of the rih* and the
atiek with the sum* hand and hold them
tightly together to prevent tl eir twist
mg while the covering i* tiring rolled
•round with the other hand. In this
way dii umbrella may lie a* tightly
rolled a* when it mine lumi the tactory
It ia the twisting at the rib* out «( &h*}w‘
around the atick that Hpeda the lor ks ol
the umbrella.
Move specimen* ol the amallcsl ki • wn
species of hegs are now quartered at the
Loudon zoological garden*. They cam*
Irotu the dreerr regioc* ,d VuMrah* sod
are known ** "tbe plgiuy licg* ()te an.
lipodee ” They aiv »*,( formed, (risky
little porkers, the very totg,ei M ,„|
i,*t iu U,*U'tt»i »■' mial full kiokii)
not being larger than n nuisk.'al Three
zoological curios aie •••»! hog*, and j
»b<»u Id nt*i b* confounded with the m>
catted ' Guinea t ig*," »Inch arc » epecte I |
«t rodent.
Kx-t aWain Dmx\i p*, the French armv
officer Who ... convicted ot selling in
forma,.on to the German government,
m ■ sir bed will) eztraordmar, care. He
ie improMinrel on Hevd'e Izlsnd. an
«al rock filleea noire nor,l eas, of
•Venue, .boo, hall . mDc long and
3tNl yard* wide. He is the only prisoner
on tbe island, is kept under lock and key,
and only allowed to pace up and down a
hundred vard* at th» word of command
•or r zeroise He is never out of the
eight ol some keeper, but is allowed to
•Peak ft) po tee «xcef t a yist •
doctor from the mainland. Anv boat
•ot flying the vpherflis that approaches
the kale nd i* fi ed tutor
lux arrival ol l 54* lta ian imttii
grant* by one suoaner is an ltd ca i ;u.
oloa eacrwa 10 which the basic™* of
fleeing from military tervk* to the iaifd
of litierty is carried. This one ship load
is only small portion of the arrival* for
tbe month. Thoughtful people may
we;I he concerned with the wonder what
all ihe?e people will do. I’ is not far to
nee that their first effort will be to get
employment. Not being ekil ed artisans,
'heir attention mn*t be mmed to com
moo labor, where die ranks are already
!;il! to overflowing, and where grim pov
erty is already pursuing the unfortu¬
A Dkxtkkoi* French feat is that ol
grafting hair along the foreheads of wo¬
men with whom nature has been cruel in
arranging lor the hair to grow too far
har k on the forehead nr when the hair
fpririgs in an ugly, irregular line, says
the Boston Traveler From other parts
ot the head short new sprouting hairs
are delicately extracted and replanted
along the top ol an uncomely forehead.
The inventor of the new process clings
boldly to the argument that no woman
can tver cxpict to lay any claim to
beauty whose forehead is ungracefully
draped, and that, of all beautiful women,
never found a face that for half it*
charm did not depend upon the lovely
framing ol the forehead. Modirn train
ing lias enlarged the sirs of women’s
heads nearly half an inch all round, anil
added a hall inch of “bald space” to her
forehead’* depth. The increase in the
head’s sizs has taken from perfect femi¬
nine grace, and the widening of the fore¬
head from eyebrow to hair roots lias
nearly destroyed I he low Madonna
browed women, the type of most per¬
fect feminine loveliness.
Essentials to Success in Poultry Raising.
I am thoroughly convinced ol two es¬
sentials to make poultry raising and
keeping a success. One is to keep the
fonts free from lino and vermin, and the
otter is to have a dry, welt ventilated
building. Lice ur.d dampnevs cause
nine-tenths of all the trouble in raising
poultry, either I n meat or eggs. (Ian
.you at all times have a dry house with
loam bottom? t say ”m !” from expert
imce. In moist weather it will gather
liampiKM*, won though not a drop ol
witi'r can enter at side* or roof. Tbs
same with send or gravel, anil the mine
with hoard* il they sre covered wi'h
dirt. Put on the driest dirt p esiirle to
get,and il not properly soon
becorat * damp, anil dampness cause* no
end of trouble. Better have a lew cracks
arid fresh air than warm, poorly venti¬
lat'd room.. I believe the tight build¬
ing Idea ih iwing carried too lar, and ia
already showing itself in many ol our
flocks, with poor, sickly, unproductive,
unprofitable 1 iwl*.
Kora feed ro m, scratching suit roost¬
ing room. I thoroughly believe a board
floor, covered about one Inch deep wiih
dry pine sawdust, i* the best possili e to
have. Nothing i quale sawdust a* »u
absorbent, and the pine odor is pleas¬
ant and health-giving, tl von ever by
accident have an inch ol warer settle on
a floor i as 1 have), inn bailout what
you can and then put on the dry raw
dust, end in a few minutes you rein ve
the sawdust, water anil all, aud you
iignin have a dry II >or. Just such an
occurrence as above 1*1 me to adopt it
a* * permanent covering, and nothing
that I have seen from >ts use tor the
pud five i ear* will induce me to *han
,t ii it. With this 1 use drv leaves,
sometimes straw and semetine*s hoy.
It i* u it a good idea to use the latter, as
they will eat it,and must in c nstquenc*'
consume more or lee* tilth
For a hath 1 have u**d boxes in the
sHine room, hut have discarded them
and have studied nature’* plan. If in
ti e same room, dust is all over every¬
thing; without it, room I* at all time*
neat and clean. My dn*t box or dirt
hxlha are small sited*, built on south of
le use and mi the natural earth; they
are three leet high, roof covered w ith
hoard* and pajH*r.have windows in front,
aud ate raised »o that no water can get
in. No ashes nor artificial du*'. Noth¬
ing pie.*** the hen* better than mother
earth, and 1 twlieve nothing is its equal
for a hath. Acteea to dust house is by a
Hivmll door ojlv, ten by twelve incher
Now we come to tbe Seeding. I say,
feed no egg food* tor any kind sold as
such, either in s liquid or powdered
form It is money for the seller of such,
end not for you. I se a little c minion
sense; study the nature ol the hen's
waot* and her natural habit* in sum
mer.whm favored with unlimited range,
and yon can turuish fee,! suitable to pro
dure eggs, »t less coat and in izrgequan
titia* than in any other way. You have
no u*e for the patent ban-food man. yon
are o. benefit ,o torn. snd. ol course he
ha, lot. ol ad,we tor von-free' Don't
think bre-.use I do not edrocat.
«u« h hwid* that 1 have never used them,
a. I hzve, zntkuow u,e trouble thev
-au- lh« „ benefit, pereon to live
on stimuizuts. be thev what thev may?
Can stimulants benefit your poultry in
the long run or increase your egg yield?
They can be obtained in a eater and
more healthful wav end in Urge quanti
G**, which, in my udgment, ia
Some advise a bill of tare equal u> IV1
monks®'*. I stiou’.l want it 'ti print, tor
leer of making a anetsk-, which might
cause a complicated c»*e of
and then, of course, tbe expense of tbe
pen doctor, to s»r nothing about the
Kvss of eleep or neglect of other business. .
A Lyons, in 1'oaitrv Monthly.
Vewa Notes from the Empire Sta* e
of Use South,
Improvements, »eeelopme«*S Tree
Hi*. Items Abeot Tiling* Trwosgtrl** l»
hor Own GrMl Stet*. From MMehmag*
and ether Source*.
A field o( cotton planted by William J.
Johnson on his place in south Atlanta,
is in bloom Such a thing at this time
ol the year is almost unprecedented in
that sect ori, am) the cotton is attract¬
ing a good deal of attention.
A very disastrous hail storm passed
through the northeastern part ol Butts
county Thursday afternoon greatly darn
aging the crops. It *as a mite wide and
completely stripped the corn and cotton.
Farmers report their crops ruined.
Mrs. Nellie Allen died suddenly "at her
home on Wtdtehail street at Atlanta,
Sunday morning. Her death is attrib¬
uted to griefov£r the death of her little
grand daughter, Ida May Nelson', the
day belore.
Madison Hauler, alias Madison
l'rilehett, alias Frank Johnson, a young
negro boy, was arr sted and lock'd up
at police headquarters at Atlanta Sat¬
urday night on the charge of murder. He
is accused of having shot a man in West
Point last November.
The Fine Arts Glass and Decorating
Company, with a capital stock of
$100,000, with the privilege ol increasing
to $500,000, was granted ft charter t\i the
superior court at Macon Friday. The
petitioners for the charter were Kidney
K. Clark. James lludd and 1). 8. Fletcher
of Hartford, Conn., and Albert Fretcnun
of New York.
At Atlanta Tuesday, Judge Newman
issued the final decree in the suit of
Andrew .1. Robinson against the Pied,
mont Marble Company for $193,875 05
principal, and $7,837,08 interest, which
Percy Adams, the appointed special
master, decided in favor ol Robinson.
The safe ol l lie property has tifeeu
At Atlanta Tuesday, the jury tbit
has been engaged (or severalduys on the
rase of M. A. Hale, administrator on the
estate ol J. 11. Mctinfty against the h^ar.
saebuset's Benefit Life Association,
brought in a verdict for the plaintiff.
WcGuffy was a doctor who was well
known in Atlanta. He had liis life in
sured with the association for $5,090.
He died but the association refused to
pay the money, alleging that McGnffey
had consumption at the time the polity
was tsk-n out. Mr. Hale was appointed
administrator lor the purpose of sub
for toe amount. The verdict was for'"
principal sum of $5,000, slid $1,000.
A contest over valuable property left
by an eccentric old man, is going on in
the superior court at Atlanta before
Judge liiimkin. The old man in ques¬
tion was James Caldwell, at one time a
(ami iat figure on the streets of the city.
Mr, Caldwell traded about town and
made some money. He we* drawn and
crippled and fond of who key. In his old
age lie professed conversion and tecum*
nco died to eoni>< of bis old friends
from win m he hsd been >s ranged for a
long time, sa they advoetied prohibition
a lew years la-fore when he opposed it.
When Mr. Caldsell din! he left his pro¬
perty to Mr*. Hill, who seemed to be his
favorite child, lie tied two o'iier daugh¬
ters. Mrs. Kicklig' ter and Mr*. Biilkck.
They claim that that Ihev should have A
share in the property and that undne in¬
fluence had twen exercised upon their
fattier to cause him to overlook them as
he did. These ladies are now s-ekiug to
have the w i I set aside.
The parties who Imve In on working
the Morgan mines in the tl ttwoods sec¬
tion ot Oglethorpe county the past, few
months have been grea'ly encouraged
by their success recently. They think
they have succeeded in discovering the
vein of quarts which has all along been
thought to exist and which contains rich
deposits ol tree gold. From dial this they
havi bum taking some ore as*ay*
very satisfactorily, and from which the
gold can be separated without the great
trouble ami expense that has heretofore
made the working of these mines nn
proti able. These parties have sent
quite a quantity of the precious metal to
the mints for mintage within the past
few weeks and are hopeful that they will
send much more in the near future. For
the present they are working tbe mines
on ■ small scale, having only five stamps
in operation.
Miss Higgins, a young woman living
in Gwinnett county committed tuieide
'*« - ^ , ^ . . . _„ ..
'Z™ and had been work- J
I’ 8 compla.mng ol feeling tirrei. Her
“° th * r * V"" T. *1
'“ r " rurn “‘'‘ pr ■ *ug iter lzfHp
mg by a ro{ie. Lite was extinct.
The Bon,bland Manufacturing Cotn
pony of August*, working one hundred
hands, found it necessary to dose down
time, working only three Jars
daring tbe week, The cinse is dull
and all these people ore on half
pay, for bow long the manager of the
mill, Mr. Head, is not prepared to say.
U may be that the half time aid cob
tiaoe all through the summer mvnths. ft
is verv probable that other cotton mill*
will be placed on half time
Hon. 1 G. Ritch of Ritcb, in Wayne
county, * an extensive farmer and Li a
success in hi* line has been remarkable,
He is 68 years ol age, and is living on
the o'd homestead where he first saw the
iigi.t, hi. nearly three score years end
ten having been spent on the same place.
Mr. Ritcb has represented two counties
in the Georgia legislature. In 1859 and
1860 he represented Appling, the county
in which his home was at that time lo¬
cated, in the general assembly, and
later he was annexed to Wayne. In
1882 and 1883 he represented Wayne
county in the legislature. His wife, who
is 72 years of age, is a remarkable
woman. She is still doing all her house
bold work and never had a servant.
She i» the mother of ten children.
A two-headed calf is a curiosity in
Terrel! c unty. It is the property of a
ntgro farmer. ~
jT-v r>«( 7J
h /7 »
'M km 4; 4
*0 V 4:
* Av.
ft mm l V. $ 7z//z^S?S. 7
Superior To All Sarsaparillas.
Down fn Georgia, over fifty years ago, a marvelous medicine was discovered. It was what
Is now known as P. P. P., ( Lippman's Great Remedy ), and its fame and reputation has been
growing with the years.
Dyspepsia, I'or Rheumatism, Malaria, Scrofula, Blood Toisoning, Pain in the side, wrists, shoulders, back equalled. and joints,
and all Blood and Skin Diseases, it has never been
Pain is subjugated, Health Renewed, Appetite restored and sleepless nights banished by
V Its wonderful influence.
/ P. P. P. is a wonderful tonic and strengtliener. Weak women should always take
- P. P. P. It builds them up. It has the universal commendation of medical men throughout
the country, because we publish tbe formula on every bottle, and one trial will convince the
& most skeptical that it is a genuine health restorer.
Read The Truth And Be Convinced.
A Wonderful Cure.
I wa* a martyr to muscular rheumatism for thirty
years; tried ail medicines and doctor* with no per¬
manent relief. I waa advised to take K P. I’., and
before X bad finished two bottles my pain subsided
so I was able to work. I feel better thsa I have for
years* and am confident of a complete recovery.
J. S. DUPRISS, Nevrnauville, Fla.
Testimony from the Mayor.
f suffered i«sh Rheum.tlsm for fifteen years,dried
stt the ao-cetted apecifica. Put to no purpose. My
grandson got me a Cottle of I*. P. P., and I feel like a
new man.
W. H. WILDER, Mayor of Albany.
From Two Well-known Physicians.
We prescribe are hiving it in a big sale for your aud P. find P. it P M and
we ft greatmany cases, an ex-
Tbe above letter* are taken from many received by tis. P, P. P., ( Lippman's
Great Remedy,) is s medicine whose virtues arc known from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
P. P. P. begins its work by purifying the blood, which is the source of all life,
and does not cease until a perfect and entire cure is effected.
The mortifying eruptions that disfigure the complexion, tbe tired feeling that pre¬
vents thorough accomplishments of the daily tasks, sleepless nights, loss of appetite,
Irritability of disposition, all mean a derangement of the system consequent from
impure blood, which can and will be cured by P. P. p.
P. P. P. (Lippman's Great Remedy), is conceded by physicians and the people
to be the Greatest Blood Purifier of the Age. It positively and permanently
cures. For sale by all druggists or direct from us; price fi a bottle, six bottles for fj.
mm bros KI4 Llppman Block, SAVANNAH, GA.
■, nttunu
Sunday alteruoou. while in bathing in
the Oistananla river, near Calhoun,
James Brawner, a farmer, met with an
accident that will In all probability be
the can*'- ol hi* death. In diving his
head came in contact with a rock about
three tort belo » the ruttiiReof the water.
The force of the concussion left him tin
conwi us. and hut for timely assistance
ho would ti vi* drowned. Result * sev¬
eral scalp wound*, the skull is fructuitd
aud hi* body partially paralyzed. He
is not expected to live.
W. T. Heasteriey has filed suit against
the Exposition cotton mills at Atlanta
for $10,(HH) damage*. Tim plaintiff
alleges'.bat his son, Charles Heasteriley,
was at work in the carding from when
bis aim w«* caught between the iron
teeth of one of the carding machines
and so badly lacerated that amputation
was m cess ary, and lie consider* the
mill to blame, and his son to have been
at no faul*.
Joseph Beeman, a young mau living
on tbe Stewart plsntation, near Ameri¬
cas, met a tragic death s day or two
ago Young Beemmi was riding a mule
to the bouse from bis day s work in the
field, when tbe animal threw him. His
foot became emaegied in the harness
snd be was dragg d a consider*hie dis¬
tance over the rough ground, sustain¬
ing injuries from which he died the next
dav. Reeroan was nineteen years old.
Th# citv council of Atlanta is to have
the population of the city enumerated
in order to demonstrate to the poetoffica
authorities at Washington *hat Atlanta
has more than 65 000 population. The
government census places Atlsnta's
population at 65 000, and upon those
figures ie Atlanta’s rack among the
country's poelotbees fixed. Atlanta
^Tht BE USB UC SPECIALISTS Regular Graduate* in Medigin*, Authorised to the State
5i% NsOothU Bank* for Financial Re1<r*en«* thousand* of CureC Patients all oeer X he LnltedStataa
: strictly professional basis and st rictly
COMttmtt.r ft* to gar pTKAe*ioaJel ConJblWiOn atrilir> Free All trusin«8 ertic* con by darted on a Treatment sent everywhere troe (jto
at or Ml.
#WtrvTO 90 - nrterferonce *Hh toisiiress *hfle u sitrg mdicinos. Sexual Debility ,
—-— Seminal Weakness and
r (Spermatofrhata Impot&icy) Caused by youthful follies and excesses,
f <zr. d the face, rushes nervoaaoess. losses pimpie9 and blotches on
of blood to the bead, pains in tbe ba<?K. confused ideas ana forgetful*
ness, ba^hiulness aversion to society, loss of sexusf power, loss of man¬
hood, etc,, cured for life W* can stop nifrht losses, restore lost 6exoal
oower. restore nerve and brain power, enlarge and strengthen weax
parts and maite you fit terrible for marriage disease, in all its form* and stages _ cured
oypnilIS, Cvr'ih i IS c- that life Blood Poisoning. Skin Diseases. Dicers.Swel.
for of Private Diseases cured.
l i ngs, Sores, Oanorrkcea «t Gleet. and all forma No
. » -jjr^rtnanUy OtriCvUrt i cured'vithout caustic or cutting pain.
oexp*)'-ure. Patient can use the treatment at home.
4 peculiar to your aex al
^•sBESSEL'- I I*dU oHiac Iv5 we cure those delicate diseases Many cured after
? your own home without instruments
tSSSSStS^SBst^ers^^i^ fever m3 pain in Joints cure Is bound to take place Send statement of CRs e . • ’ 1
—a above tbe v effects «nd cure ,
Rnnb DUvR for fcota in seres.'14 patres, witb lull description little book of and send diseases, for rumptom 13lank bo I
aeajed plain wrapper free Read tbls Jot Catarrh ■* ,
f0» Hen i. tfo 2 for women Ko. 3 for Skin Diseases; No. 4 _ he • tinned - Slates. ft
Take m> chances and obtain the best by consulting the Leading Specialists in
I HONESTY 22 • DR. South HATHAWAY Broad Street, ATLANTA, & CO. CA. SKILL j
cellent thine. We handle about oa« dozen bottles A
Dr*. J. M. * M. T. RICHARDSON, Piedmont, S. C
Hot Sprlnss Surpassed.
A bottle of p. p. p., has done me more good than
three months' treatment at the Hot Springs, Ark.
JAMES M. NBWTON, Aberdeen. Brown Co., O.
Pimples/ I take great Sored pleasure and la teatifylnr Eruptions the Cured. efficient
Tor to
qualities of the popular suffered medicine akin diaeasea with
known a. P. P. p. I for several years
an Alter unsightly end disagreeable eruption on with my direc¬ face.
tions, I taking entirely three cured. bottles ia accordance
.Savannah, Gft. of Johnston A Co.
ranks in the second class. All cities
over 65,000 population rank in the first
class and enjoy the superior postal
advantages deities of that rank. Tbe
postal facilities are better and the pay of
the carriers is better in cities of tbe first
class. Every one who is at ail informed
on the subject, says the Constitution,
knows that Atlanta has more than
75,000 population. A conservative
estimate fixed the city’s population at
110,000. while the city directory puts it
at a figure 5,000 higher. Recently l ax
Collector Stewart stated that the city
had at least 125,000. He made this
statement upon the basis of the voter*
registered for the recent primary.
in tbeeity court at Macon Friday, C
II. Diggers was convicted of cheating
and swindling English & Co.out of
tie was sentenced by Judge K iss to pay
a fine of $400 or serve six months in jail,
or pay $200 and serve three months,
Wiggers is a white man pretty well
vanced in years. He represented to
English & Co. that he owned a certain
lot of land in Henry coanty and twelve
bead of mules, which he had mortgaged
to the firm. \A hen the note for *2,X)
due Wiggers did not pay it and Enylish
& Co. were unable to realize on tbe mort
gaged property. It developed at the
trial that Wig^er* had sold tbe land and
the stock had been *pld before he mort
gaged the same to E giigfa a Co. Wig
gers now has a suit aiainst one or more
insurance companies for policies oa the
liia of a deceased relative, a voong
who died sudden y and under suspicion*
circumstance* soon after being
Tbe cororanie* refneed to pay the msar
ance and W igtrere instituted *oit.
Preftb M* - ■ «cr* ol ArioeniaD*
A Constat'i i- pie di?px*ch to the
Chronicle save that a Iresh massacre ol
Armenians ia reported to have occurred
near Yon. Sixty persons were kilied.
Double Hives.
George Appleton tells in the Farm
Journal that when the production of
honey is not a side industry, but theonly
one, the double hive has taken place of
the single one. The more workers there
arc in any industry the greater will be
the product i f the workers have sufficient
room and facilities. He says: “A small
colony requires as much attention as, in
fact probably more than a large colony,
Therefore, when the season is lairly be¬
gun and the strength of each colony is
determined, unite the weak colonies
immediitely. It is better to have five
strong colories than twenty-five weak
on es. Give each colony a double hive
—that is, a hive w ith as much room in
the surplus chamber as in the brood
chamber, 'f thii be done and this
(jg.j j ,-e be recru ited to ! Is max*
, mum cnpac i ty, then there is no quest ic n
to the profit ia keeping bee*, ptovidtd
0 f course that the season is an average
one and that there i 4 honey i u the fie’d
that may be collected. There ;s no rea
^ a colony should not contain
:,n / > or 75.000 bees, and they must be
as numerous to ensure success, not a few
pounds of honey, but fifty, seventy-five
or 1( pounds of extracted honey to a
colony —Farm and Lxbor Journal.
lit*/ Itviioinineted
A telegram from trie City of Mexico
says: President Diz. has been renomi¬
nated for the fifth tom. There woe a
procession of about 8,000 peraons, in
cloding f-r-nr th, as.vnu pure blooded In
disns from neighboring villages, carry
j B g bsnn. re and flies. The tells were
ringing all day, and at night there was a
ol fireworks. Forty volumes
with more man a haif million signatures.
favoring the renomination of President
Disz were presented. He had practi
callv no opposition.