Newspaper Page Text
Family Meoicine
She Ha» Ever Known Word* of Prane
from a New York Lady for
I like to told my tr-xtlmony to
that of others v« )n> hire Used Ayer’s
pill*, .'Hid lii c ;iy lliat I !• taken them
for many y<*ai , and n!"rays iIorive«l the
host f- -i.'* i "in t in .r ihc, J‘ «<r .-toiii
i*! h ami liver Ironh';e*, and lor the euro
f>[ !.* .< iicroh;• -
wvuU, Aval I'iliH cannot b< equaled.
v Z>
n jtr
Li Vi
) 4
When ui y friends ask ton wliat is Ike
IicmI remedy for disorders of Hie hIoiii
h> h, liver, or ruy invariable
answer Ik, Ayer’s Pills. Taken in sen
<•"». will l.r.-ak up » ii.ut, prevent
illi;i-»tiv« r. orgliim. heir few^r""! They am "-giii,,I. eaxy ti.i, tn
t,ke l aiM] an-, iiiiteeii, tie in at all-roiinil
fiimiiy taeiiieine I iiavi■ ever known." —
Mr. Mav .Tonmon, acs lUJ.r Avenua,
Highest Honors nt World's Fair.
Aytr’t Sarsaparilla Cure* ill Blood Duorder*.
Right in Sight
Sure Saving Shown
Well send you our Oeneral Cats
l ok ue and Buyers Guide, H you
senduai* cents in stamps. That
ray* part postage or Cxpressage, and
IfsaDirtlomuyof Hone* Valuea;
Full of important information no
matter where you buy. 700 Pages,
profit only betwocn maker and user,
MONWiOYtrov mkhlitan wabd a CO
111*110 Ave., Chicago,
I ^ t eminent II•• been t»by«lotaii« tbormighl/ au>I Iwtcd th# p«o- by
. I ()>• for forty y*••«». •«>! curoR
W i gulobly ami iterintuffutly
_ AI..1 «n manner of B ATI HO, »t»4
| I HUN NINO HO It EM It ta offered t»y far the the beattanu world
’ and blnod purillor ever to
^ 9 Yrtom the #t health per bottle, and alraugth R twittlea (row for tha *ft. Aral It tmllda Uoaa
* mV
senV’free tgffieia
j .....Kti't.,. wJ
iavaaavvvvavkv_ Hi000 BALM CO.. Atlanta. (I*.
EXPECTANT Wl Itt-Mf offer l»Y \Yhlch You ii
of l.lfe to Motltrr
and Child.
Robs Confinement of its Pain, Horror and Risk.
My wife used ** HOTNBItS' IRISM*” be
for** h.rth of h^r 0r*i chid a hr dltt not
naffer from tHiMl’s %irl*Al%> wi**nuukly
rellevtKl at the crltt « a) hour suffering but
littlr-ah«* had t>o :r in* alter ward and her
«a* r»i
t: K Jdmuwn Eufaula, Ala
Bent f by l.wi Mall or t'ottlr. SCvpreaa Hook on “To recflpt Moth- of
price, |»cr
<*ra ' malted Krcv.
“Save My Child!”
is the cry of
many an
w h o s e
writhes in croup or whoop¬
ing cough. In such cases,
Gr. Acker’s English blessing Rem¬ and
edy godsend. proves a Mrs. M. A.
\ Hurke.of 309 K. 105th St..
I New York, writes: " l>v.
{ j cured Acker’s English babv of Rcniedv bronchi
tis. and also gave instant
relief in a severe case of
Li i-.f, ;v ; ?x.: M. All I*r»tri,*». T
• ■
\ m %!r* YYtfrr saxu itt4 mi •' t«A in thr I n to*,
iete A* * fit!
h ' i* *»
tir*\ XSJ- at* * »*e « » *eat \tHi B
IlLL8 T- ! J
The gavrj used at the St.
Ijfju'i* cow. ontion vas iu»*d« from
one of tlie logs of Lincoln's cab
The Atlanta Constitution says
that all hop'-.- of a fusion of Re
publican aiio Populists of this
State have vanished.
Adjutant General Kell has is
sued an orde r admitting the L**x
ington Light Infantry of Lex
ington to the State troops.
It is said that a man with a
“Me” to his name was never
elected President of tin- United
States, so the Ohioian. stands a
poor showing.
Senator Teller says he does
not desire to la; notbinated for
President by the Democrats and
will not allow his name to be us¬
ed, Good decision my silver
A Lawson paper says that
Lawson has with-drawn from
the Congressional race in the
8 th. How was that when How
ot /ill thfi V<)t<‘S? Lawson
jn jf
1 he Telegraph says there are
straddle bugs in Macon and
that none need be expected there
and that the gold-bugs will not
the silver-bugs, during
the convention.
Another victory for silver in
the llth Dist. The Hon. Hi
Goldbug r 1 Itrner declined to go
into the convention and Hon. W.
Brantiy was nominated for
Congress by the Democrats.
Two negroes, Tom Suns and
Alex Frazier, were shot near
Washington . Sunday , 'Horning by ,
, Dave Harris colored. They
were playing , 'craps ,. at , a church , ,
| while being held.
her vices were
_ -------
goldbug Tl *’ papei 1,01 8 to “"1 keep ?' " ,e
u> httrrttHS thin « s by cur8in « out
'ho overwhelming silver majori
ty. When you are whipped say
g() an( j g„t, into the band wagon.
The stopping of the Eagleand
Phoenix mills in Columbus has
raised 1 uite a racket among the
directors of the mills, and i •
seoius hard to toll who, or what
was the cause of the mills’ stop
A great- many towns that were
chartered since 1893 have
had their charters swept away
by the late Supreme court decis
sion, but old Crawfordville was
chartered in 1826 which charter
props the new one.
The Milledgevillo Union
(•order is 66 years old. In years
gone by the Southern Recorder
and the Federal Union wore the
loading papers in the South and
were subscribed toby the, «oplo
of all Georgia and the South.
Mrs. Nobles, who hired Gus
Fumbles to kill her husband a
year ago and who has been try
tug to plead insane, has been
resentenced to hang on August
7th next. Fumbles is to be
hanged the Millie day. lx>th at
Wo have received nn invita
tion ft\>m the Woman’s Press
C'ltth of Georgia to meet with
them at El her ton next month
and go on an excursion to Old
Point Comfort and to Halifax.
Sorry we will not bo able to take
said excursion. We don’t want
to "go to Halifax” no how.
There is a move on foot by the
cotton merchants to induce plan¬
ters to use the sugar bug cloth
for covering their cotton. It is
•-aid to be chea|>er. stronger and
retains tin* marks and the chase
weave piice tstoe cotton better that at least 81 t H«r halo util
be saved bv the phut tor in
In th, cas. ot the State vs.
Sutton and Hmt,»n in Wilkes Su
jawior court last \v. «*k charged
with slu ing a negro about a
hog last July. Sutton was found
not frillltV ;UH H mton teU’Hd gtUi
tv ami si'UteiH'vHt , ti* , be* . hung
w .ts
J* t’ilNt* S:a i* vs
JiiSO -R
for \lAhn\ v
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Much in Little
is enjrf-siaiiy tru* of Hood-* pm*, for no moil
cine ever contained so great curative power in
so small space. They are a whole medicine
| ■ ™ ■ | ood’s
chest, always ready, al- Pills
ways efficient, always sat¬
isfactory; prevent a cold
or fever, cure ail liver ills,
sick headache, Jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c.
The only rills to take with Hood's Harsapariila.
In Irwin county last week, Sam
Clyatt drew out of the Alapaha
backwater, the biggest- logger
head turtle yet caught. This
cooler was a mud-reveler of a
century's standing. 3 feet across
it, back and 5 feet 8 inches long.
Initials dated 1838 were found
carved in the shell-
State of Ohio, Citv of Toledo, i ss.
lucas County. i
Fkank J. Ciiknkv makes oath that lie
js the seinor partner of the firm of F.
J.CiiK.sitr & Co., doing business in
the City ot T«’.do, County of State
aforesaid, and t hat Mid firm will pay
LARS for each arid every case of Ca
tarrh that cannot lie cured by the use
of Hall’s Catarrh Cuke.
Sworn to before toe and sobdhribed
in it,y presence, tins 6 th day ot Dt
cember, A. I). 188<i.
) Notary Public
Hall’* Catarrh Cure i* takjn inter¬
nally and acts directly on the blood
and mnscoiis surface ot the system.
sJend for testimonials, free,
F. J. CHENEY & Co.,
Toledo, 0,
Sold by Druggist 75c,
Hull’s Family Fills are the best.
I he'Republican party . ma , e
new discovery in their nomina
} f candidate for Vice
President, , , .■ the tierson of . G. ,,
Hub . irt of New Jersey. He,
liko Morton 4f with Harrison, IS
<•« tail to the kilo 11101 i. a mil
lionuire. It requires these well
to-do millionaires to run for of
flee on a gold platform.
Mothtrs will find Chaimberlain’s
Cough Remedy especially valuable 11 for
oioup and whooping cough. ja
K've prompt relief and w rafe
.™ e ha ' 0 or se vfrai
vearn and it r as never tailed to , give
most perfect satisfaction. G- W.
Richards, Duqueane, Fa- Sold by
Dr, R. J. Kt-id
Having much experience In handling
cattle, we are prepared to pay the highest
market price. Rhode*&Dolvin,biU>ain,Ga.
Macon, Atlanta and Augusta
will all celebrate July 4th.
Poor, downtrodden silver did
not get a hearing at the Republi
can convention, and six Senators
of that party pulled out and
shook the gold-dust from their
feet and took to the woods. Sen*
»tor Teller, of Colorado leading.
His ,»e„ple have presented him
the Drtmocrats us a suitabIe
candidate to carry the silver
cause through successfully.
There are many Democrats who
do not think that way. H. E.
Taunbeneek, National chairman
the Populist Party and a large
crowd of his jieople in the West
endorse Teller as the right man
for all. who believe in reform,
to support for President.
Keep Up Your
Scott's Emulsion 1
lfl , Summer-time
u»j»What are your resources
for the summer? Have you
an abundance of health stowed
away for the long, hot, deplet
ing days, or docs summer find
you low in vitality, run down,
losing flesh, and weak? Scott’s
ofCod-W Oil will
give you the proper reserve
force, because it builds up the
system on a solid foundation.
A tonic may stimulate; Scott's
Emulsion not only “boosts,”
it sustains.
It a 1 vhr -^notice *1»-»\*5 tr tuv* At
W*st a mu- torsi* d Scott’, Eraa'mno in
hoo *. U., , rt » . I L.rp jeiciir
ft**y. Tt*'-:!v v'vfkei aher ur: kept in
a coo! piac*. it well remain »«i :or week*.
For sa'-e bv aI! droggea a!
...Ul) Or..- atvd $LOO
Temcheren Institute* and Examination.
Below will be found* extracts
from circulars sent out by the
State School Commissioner of
dates June 8 th, and June 12th,
1896. Viz: "The next general
examination for teachers in this
State, will occur the last Satur¬
day in July.
"Most o-f the institutes will be
held before the examination oc¬
curs. I propose questioning the
teachers as to their knowledge of
the institute syllabus, which I
trust is now in the hands of eve¬
ry teacher in the State. The
teachers should be advised, how¬
ever, that they will be question
ed u l*> n the matterof thls s * vl ia '
b,, ‘ s ' and the >’ must b « familiar
with it in order to stand the next
‘•As you have been previously
advised, the teachers will also
be questioned on 'White's School
“I shall limit the question on
any one topic* to ten in number.
"On account of the great in¬
convenience to which the teach¬
ers and commissioners are sub¬
jected in attempting to hold a
Winter examination, there will
be no examination other than
that of Saturday, July 25th, un¬
til next summer.
“Please advise those teachers
in your county, whose license
will expire before July, 1897,
that they must stand the
examination of this year. ”
You are hereby notified that
the examination will begin at 8 :-
30 o’clock, local or sun time, on
July 25th, 1896, at the court
house; stationery will be furnish¬
ed by the C. S. @.
The institute for white teach¬
ers will be held at Hillman in
this county, begining at 9 o’clock
The colored teachers will at¬
tend the institute at Madison Ga.,
beginning 29th June, and con¬
tinuing four weeks; they can at¬
tend the whole four weeks or
any one week they may choose.
Wm. T. Flynt, C. S. C. T. C.
Sharon, Ga., 23rd June, 1896.
Two Liv«» Saved.
Mrs. Phot-' e Thomas, of Junction City,
Ill., was told by her doctors she had Con¬
sumption and that there was no hopes
for her, but two bottles of Dr. King’s New
Discovery fayed comjiletely life. cured Mr. Thos. her and Eggers, she
says Florida it her
139 St. San Francisco, suffered
from a dreadful cold, approaching
sumption, tried without resmt everything
else then bought one bottle of weeks Dr. King’s
New Discovery and in two was
cured. He is naturally thankful. It is
such results, of which these are samples
that prove the wonderful efficacy of this
Regular size 60c. and #1 00.
The crop bulletin for this
week report an improvement in
and , corn, a r falling n- _ Off ,.«■ Of p
peaches, peas coming up. JVJel -
are reported poor in the
southern section of the state.
When Baby was sick, we grave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
Whet* she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When *h« iud ChiUren,slie gave them Castoria.
rilcri Ptto.t! Itching I* tea.
Bj'inpl »ms—Mu! • -
ture mfns • c
and stin nir, hum at ci ri»i w*>r. e ‘o
aerstebin l I nil>p* e . l >"3lin e t m *•
form, wh ch often ble i unit nit • rate, f e
coming very sere. Sway re’s Oku men*
stops the it *hing and tdcedinjr, hO'iU til
ctntion, aod in most nses r r } n ve« the
At druL’gfet, or oy nidi, for iU
cents Dr. Swnyne A s >n, P hU
FHEE—Our and (VI Page Medical afflicted rcfcrenO* with
iKX»k for m-n women
*»? 1nrm of i'" *' 0 ,! HC,lll * u ' ,0
tiiuir cr ors of youth, a n*Bgiovis
discos, r. m ie tto tMc etc. Send ^ tw«
Cc.itsUiii;N t» pav poet#:*' to file lea***
in ripecia Uisai d phy.-ivia flsthawav > of :h’s & couu
— ,rv Dr. k,o.
So. Brt^l S».. Atlanta, (la.
Scientifle American
Ajency for^^
PATENTS, etc-!
For te^ , *rmarton frr* Haadb»* X*w lc wrttr y ta
XVNN * CO., m: B*o*dwat, «.
OldTd burrmu f.»r •rmrfng patent* In Amrrto*.
*T#rr r-a«rir taken out » < u*U tr-'nstit brfttre
the public by m nrKtee gin?n free of charge in tte
frifntifif Atucrican
mS IMBMI of r? e-ientlf* * paper fa the
jr*r; fT-V six m.voUiSL. Addiem. XrVx A OX.
Vl; tis-a.'. Ml Brv-Adwxy, New York CHjr,
What is
A I 'll V
Castoria is I>r. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years’ use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and
allays Feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour
Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colie. Castoria relieves
Teething troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach
ami Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria
is the Children’s Panacea—the Mother’s Friend.
** Can tori a is an excellent medicine for
children. Mothers have repeatedly told me
of its good effect upon their children.”
Dr. G. C. Osgoop, Lowell, Mass.
“The use of Castoria is so universal and its
merits so well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
intelligent families who do not keep Castoria
within easy reach.”
Carlos Martyn, D.D.. New York City.
“ I prescribe Castoria every day for children
who are suffering from constipation, with
better effect than I receive from any other
combination of drugs.”
Dr. L. O. Morgan, South Amboy, N. J.
Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria.
On any Business it Will be to Your Interest to see
-:AT HIS:-
Olieap CastL Store
Anything you want including COUNTHT PRODUCE, can be bad tber*
very cheap.
g ^ ^^ 3 —
■_g f B
Some Medicines beloryg to one
season and some to another.
It purifies the blood, removes languor
and depression, invigorates and exhila
rates the whole system.
It overcomes the relaxation and debility
caused by hot weather and corrects
bowel troubles that are so prevalent
then. Besides, it makes the most de
lightful and refreshing drink.
When malaria “ rides on every passing
breeze,” it is the great preventive and
the unfailing cure of troubles result¬
ing from that cause.
It is still needed for curing Colds. Grip,
Catarrh, Rheumatism, and the ills that
belong to cold seasons.
It does these thing:*, not in a feeble
and uncertain way, but with assured
and triumphant power.
Keep It in the Home at All Times.
t^”Sold by Druggists, new package, large
bottle, 108 Doses, One Dollar. Manufactured
only by
Write for 4S-P*g* Book, Balled free.
Royal-tansy wr, DR. PEPPER S
. C A new. reliable and Wfcfo relief for sup.
t rG 1 2 -VI ypn*> U'turati. ed, exces Now ive. n*ed ec*nty by over or paiefui 8o,O«>0
* nH m
ledle*. lnvigc*rates tbv^e organs. Re
>. « war® of dangrren* Imitation*. Name
-T paper. C2 per box, small box Send «. fla Sent
m se t:ed in plain wrapper.
J* ? ytamiH} for ixartloulai s. Md by locul
dn^rKt-ct a i-tre^ PF.r FEBBT Ui
CALAfMtClATlO.N, CkicaM 11L
For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
a warning:
All persons are hereby notified and
forewarned not to emplov, id re or other
uaar- the service v»r la! ,.r of Will
Parte,-, colored, during the present year.
lst*d. a- he is under contract with th,
•-’it'-i riber for sai-1 Year. Nonce i- :dso
_-iv, n, that any .-ne - > employing
orhirin* him will tie pros, cuti-d to tic
full of the Liw.
C. II. Golucke.
Cra^Yfonivilie. Ga.. June *».
Wanted—An Idea i t Who Li f Lag some ram to patent? mupie tfcfr*
Protect '-True SS:
Leya, W*shirzt*>n. D C.. for tbrtr prise offer
and list of two kaadnd invention# wanteti.
“Castoria is so well adapted to children
that I recommend it as superior to any pre
scription known to me.”
H. A. ARCHER, M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y.
“For several years I have recommended
Castoria, and shall always continue to do
so as it has invariably produced beneficial
Edwin F. Pardee, M. D., New York City.
“ We have three children and they * Cry for
Pitcher’s Castoria.’ When we give one a dose,
the others cry for one too. I shall always
-take pleasure in recommending this best
child’s medicine.”
Rev. W. A. Cooper, Newport, Ky.
I The Mothers Best Read This: ^ i
Remedy, «»
* For Flntiilent Colic, plarrMr*. j
Sisia-jraia.ft’ss: l>v*enterv, "»»«•»- <oUKh», eliol- i
from tlie Boweln, Pain*, L«*» » f
Is the standard. It carries chil- ^
dren over the critical period ,. of ^ „
teething, and is recommended , '»V v
nhvsici ansae a friend of mothers Y
Adults and children. It is pleas- #
ant to taste, never fails to satisfy. ?
A few doses wi 1 demcnstiate p’r Us 0
superlative virtue. Price 25c p
l ott o. For only side 1 yDr.1t bv all (Impel** ,M.Pitts. s - ^ \
91 savmw
' r.i~=r
m m
“R. Monarch” and
“Kentucky Club”
Pare Whiskies *w Family and Medirinal
Cenuine Only When Bottled in thts Styl
Quirt'8l.o0 I. ibet si discount Ly the
ca.-t <-t 1- Q.san-.
W. R. REID, Local Handler,
Crawfordville. Ga.
R. Monarch Bottlong Co,
Owe •or '. Ky.