Newspaper Page Text
8100 For Year.
Vol. 21.
Pure Homo Matters Picked TJd by Our
Local Reporters.
What Our People Are Hoin^ ami Saying.
Things Our Friends Tell Us.
Have your pictures taken by
—We welcome our Lvnet ille
Goodman will make you first
class photographs.
—Mr. T. C. Holden, of White
Plains, was here Tuesday.
—Mr. John F. Holden spent a
part of this week in Atlanta.
—Mrs. C. C. Jennings visited
friends in the country this week.
—Mr. C. C. Caldwell went up
to Greenesboro Monday on busi
—Mrs. John Thompson, of Au¬
gusta. is visiting home-folks
—Jack Beazley returned Mon¬
day from a short visit to Nor¬
—Mr. Edmond Golucke of this
place, visited Washington first
of the week.
—Ulie Gunn has been suffei
ing considerbly with rheuma¬
tism this week.
—Miss Maude Stephens has
returned from a visit to Ogle¬
thorpe county.
—Mr. and Mrs. Hezzie Rich¬
ardson visited relatives at Con
vers this week.
—Mr. J. W. Farmer went to
Oglethorpe county to visit rela¬
tives this week.
Six cabinet Photos., only
one dollar, during the first four
days, at Goodman's.
—Mr. J. W. Goodman, the art¬
ist, was here yesterday arrang¬
ing his gallery business.
—Mrs. Ida Harris and Miss
Cattie Farmer visited relatives
near Crawford this week.
—Col. Horace Holden, of this
place has been placed on the
State campaign committee.
—Miss Nina Edmondson re¬
turned to her home in Washing¬
ton Monday after several days
visit here.
—Messrs. W. W. Bird and A.
J. Melton are heartily in favor
of Crawford ville’s increased
—With the thermometer at 95
and 98 is no time to argue that
the gold standard is the best for
this country.
—Mr. A. H. Gunn, of Holden,
was here yesterday and said
everybody in his neighborhood
was hunting a cool place.
—Mr. Jack Gunn, a young
minister from Jewels, preached
at the Baptist church here Sun¬
day. He delivered a good ser
—Miss Kittie Beazley, who
has a good school near Mr.
Bishops place in this county
spent Saturday and Sunday in
Crawford ville.
-Frank P. Mann, of Bayburg,
C... is ststadins J -»« r -
South Georgia.
—Mr. J. W. McCord, formerly
Carolina, was m Craw forcit tile
first of this week.
_Mrs. C. H. Mann and her
mother. Mrs. Howell, have rent
ed the Trippe lot and moved to
this place to make it their home.
Charlie is at work at Smithonia.
— Esquire Thomas J.
married a runaway couple of
darkies at the court house yes
terdav. He made short work of
it and sent them on tlieir way
rejoicing. ...
—Mr. R. R Bradford. Of
Gwinnett county, was in tow n a
few days ago. He is preparing
to move his family to this coun¬
ty and will live at the Mrs. Elv a
He nry place. "We welcome them.
Children Cry Pitcner’s Castoria.
BiiildluK a Nice House.
Mr. S. M. Johnson is having a
tine ten room house built on his
place in the southwestern part
of the county. We are told that
he Will have a handsome home
of it when it is finished.
A Hoed Woman I>»*atl.
Mrs Lucy Woodall, one of the
oldest members of the Baptist
t .] lurc } a here died at her home
near here last Thursday. She
was a noble lady and her trans
planting into a brighter world is
our loss and her gain.
A Child’. Death.
The ten-months-old child of
Mr. Ben Edwards died near San¬
dy Cross Wednesday evening
whith cholera infantum. It was
the picture of health, but died in
a few hours after it was taken.
The bereaved have our sympa¬
The First of the Season.
The first open boll of cotton
brought to town this season was
taken from the "patch of Linton
Ellington, colored. The cotton
was planted March 2fith and on
July 26th this open boll was dis
covered. Linton has a nice crop
of cotton.
Tuewday’H Game.
The baseball gameSlere Tucs
day between S he„„ end Craw
fordville was not a complete
game in many respects. The
game was called at the end of
tne 5th inning and the score
stood 20 to 12 ..... m favor of , n Craw . -
I-tke a Uttoc From HouMt
Prof. L. A. McLaughlin writes
that he is having a splendid va
cation in South Georgia. Says
crops are good—above an aver
age in that country. Says tin
Advocate-Democrat is highly
appreciated—that "it is like a
letter from homo. ”
He will return next week.
rUotoBrai>lui! Photograph*!!
Mr. J. W. Goodman wall open
his Crawfordville gallery Wed¬
nesday, August 5th, and for the
the first four days will make 6
ONE dollar. You have never
had such a chance before, to get
first class pictures, and you will
never have again.
Remember for four dajss, Aug.
5th, 6th, 7th and 8, six cabinet,
one dollar. All work guarai -
and enlarging . .
Copying views
of all kind. Gallery at Mrs.
Bergstrom's millinery store.
J. W. Goodman, Arlist.
Want McKlnly.
While Col. McGregor was
speaking ,• Vwv«» here TWirl Tuesda„ a v n a negro mnrro
walked up to the liar in tne court
house and said "Boss, I se got
one question to ax you. Day
tells me dat if McKinly is ’lect
cd we hint er gwine ter git nilf
fing fer our cotton? Dat’s
what bothers me. I se got a
g™> d cro P and don 1 ' v ' uit d ‘ d
man ter be ’lected it dat, s so.
S* ,?£
-ion is not called o,
A Rare Chance!
anticipation of changing
ajjfj below cost.
You will find it to your inter
est t 0 get jnv prices before buy
inc elsewhere.
Below you will find a few
sam ple prices. $1.00.
Granulated Sugar 20 do. tor
^ver Drip Syrup 1 G-d.. adl.
^ ^
Laundry Soap 10 bars_______ 5®ct»
Toilet Soap It cake*--------
Green Best Chewing Coffee 311 Tobacco *. - lib----- - - - ■ JJJ* Mu
jjg^t Smoking Tobacco 4 oz-----‘trails.
Every thing in stock rnust be
sold by Sept. lath.
Respectfully Yours.
John Stephen
Crawfordville, Ga., Aug. 1 st,
Correspondents’ Reports of Wliat Their
Neighbors Talk
of the Happening* In Their Respective I.o
calities. All the News.
••Every body is hot."
Rain is much needed.
Miss Mary King is on the sick
list this week.
Mr. Edward Croak Is reported
a little worse this week.
There is a good deal of sick¬
ness throughout this community.
Raytown and Sharon crossed
bats last Friday, Sharon won
the game nineteen to ten.
Harold and Moore Kendrick
are visiting their grandparents
in Milledgeville at present.
Remember that protracted ser
vices begin at the Presbyterian
church next Friday night, all
should come out aud hear Dr.
Mrs. Sturkey of McCormic, S.
C., who is staying at Hillman
for her health, visited Mrs.
Ferguson last Saturday and
liewrarc of Ointment" for Catarrh that con*
tain Mercury.
j| ie „ i.olo system when filtering it
tUron^li iho mucous sin-feces, Such
articles should never be used except on
vtw.vii,H.uw from reputable i.hysi
clans, as the damage they will do is
tjie good you can possibly
derive from them. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney
& Co., Toledo, O, contains no mer
etny, and is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. In buying
Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get
the genuine. It is taken internally,
and made In Toledo, Ohio, b- F. J.
Cheney <fc Co. Testimonials free.
Sold by Druggist, price 75c, per
bottle. best.
Hall’s Family Pills are the
Tlie barbecue wrs ever so nice at Philips
mill last week.
Hope someone will giveremedy for lieat
—it is a little troublesome.
Now is tlie time to sow your turnip
seed if you want to makeftfie ones.
Mr. T. J. Johnson lias a fine young maid
at his home. Hurrah for Tom.
It does look like if there ever was a time
when the people should come to-gethcr,
now is the time.
The seasons are fi ne for the glowing
crops in this section, and the crops are
Tuesday was a big day with the peoples
parly. Some new Candidates looking out
for office.
Mr. F. I’. Hall is undecided a* to wheth
er lie will go to Florida or remain at his
home near here. We hope he will stay
with us.
Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Asbury attended the
Genera) meeting at Siloam this wci-k.
Rev. Mr. Shank te carrying on hi* pro
m( . othlg at carter's Grove this
^ AVehope great good may result to
u ie spirit of the church,
We can’t see how some men can live like
they do because the Bible says "No man
U««l* » himself nor no man dieth to him
tb,;HC m,m OUf?lu 10 “" l tl,cm ead *
a wife.
If the free silver parties mean what they
say, now is tiie chance to win and unless
they do harmonize we may as well keep
our mouths shut; for McKinley will get
there awl if be due* our hopes for the free
coinage of silver is dead. Owl p ty tiie
man who will allow Ids prejudice to beat
him out of bis rights. Now Is the time to
make our calling and election sure. If we
wait it may tie too lale fot u».
we have no doubt about ft; and I belfeve
ttmt \|, Watson would make a good Vice
President, if he and Mr. Bryan can agree.
^ Mh ,,,e ,i,me lJrinci,,Ie ’ ° r
about the same.
The I<l*i*l I
Janies L. Francis. Aldennan, Chicago.
^ ^Ideal^PaMc^ for Cough*,
the exclusion of physician’s prescriptions
other preparations. ’
or Keokuk, Iowa.
Rev. John Burgus. Iieen Minister of the
writes; ■ I — have a , for
Methodist Xie'tiomsT r-.piscopai Episcopal Church vuu.u. , . .. yi ■ years ; ----
or or more. more, aiK and having lie—r found any
erv-” Trv this Ideal Cough Remedy now
Trial Bottle Free at Dr. K. J. Reid’s.
— The oldest inhabitant says
he never saw it so hot.
Children Pitcher’s Castoria.
Rain is needed very much.
Miss Ellie O’Neal, of Atlanta,
is visiting relatives here.
Miss Lilia Reynolds is visit¬
ing relatives in Woodville this
v eek.
Miss May Pinker of Washing¬
is visiting her Uncle .T. M.
Mr. R. S. Murden was a dele¬
gate to the General meeting this
week at Siloam.
MissAddie Davis has returned
home after an extended visit to
relatives und friends in Powol
Miss Emma May Lewis, of
Powelton. is spending the week
with Miss Addie Davis, of tlys
A fishing party went to Jor
dah’s mill Wednesday, Your
scribe would like to have been
on- hand that day.
A large crowd attended 1 be
ice cream supper at Bethany on
the 22nd, every one had a good
time and went home happy.
'bn Wednesday last, White
Plains and Bethany Base Ball
Clubs played at Bethany. The
score stood fifteen to five in fa.
vor of White Plains.
Mrs. Frankie, of near Siloam
celebrated her one hundreth and
second anniversary last Sunday.
She is the oldest person in
Givene county so said.
Mrs. Lucy Woodall departed
this life on Thursday last, the
23rd. She will be missed in that
community aud wo extend our
heart-felt sympathy to the be
rea 'ed.
The old bachelors should at¬
tend Sunday school and not wait
for 1 committee to see them in
ref '-d to thematic trunk’TK .'Vpallude Attend
to ooe aiid Will
after this.
The Bethosda Dramatic Club
will give a public exhibition on
Friday night August the 7th.
Quito an interesting programme
is arranged and no doubt about
it being a success. Como one,
come all.
Last summer one of our grand
cl»i <Jreii wiiH Hick with a hovito bowel
trouble. Our doctor’s remedies had
failed, then we tried Cl aimbcrlaio’a
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,
which gave very speedy relief- We
regard it as the best medicine ever
put on tne market,lor'bowel complaint
—Mrs- E. G. Gregory, Fredwieks
town, Mo. This certainly is the best
medicine ever put on tiie market for
dysentery, summer complaint,coho children. It
aud cholera infantum in
never tails to give prompt relief when
used in reasonable time and the plain
printed directions are followed’ Many
mothers have expressed their Hinoen;
gratitude for the cures it has effected,
For sale by Dr, It. J, Reid.
l.-i,ll> Dl.lrlrt. Convention.
A convention of the Populist
party of the 10th Congressional
District will lie held at Harlem
Monday, August 10, at 10 a.
m. for the purpose of nominat¬
ing a Congressman for said dis¬
trict, and for the transaction of
any other business that may
come before it.
A Bank l-re.ldeat.
Mr. W. T. Nelson, president of the
National Bank, <>t Jackaon,
Term., says: “For Indigestion and
Nervous trouble, I would rad,er g;.e
op the use ol any remedy I ever tried
t ban King’s Royal Gerrnatuer. and restorative, Asa it
nei ve tranquilizer, desired. It is
it all that can Vie not a
narcotic in anv sense, but produces the
happiest effects upon the dinorded tier
vous system. I consider it an invauia
ble remedy, and have tor years iieen
recommending it to my triends.”
New package, large bottle. 108 doses,
m.eajeu's Amies salve.
The B" t Halve iu toe wort I tor 0 U*.
Brui-e., Sores, Utcers, Sail it leu III . K v
er. Tetter, I 'h ipi-e i Hand*. Ci.iii lam*
r’orit ji*i ! nil H ;ia Krupt ois'l - L’l po -
i *,f- y vino# I’iUm or no
\ (rtHrante*! lo or
m f»t- r,-iwuUA. f’fjfF ( fuM per jdi.
Highest of all in Leavening Tower.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report.
Royal. |g£
Will Meet Here.
The delegates from here to the
District Conference at Athens
last week returned and report a
a most magnificent time. The
Conference meets in I’rttwford
ville next year. Hope the dele
gates who come will bo as well
pleased, (and wo do not doubt
but that they will,) after coming
| ( > Crawfordvillo as when they
returned from Athens. Craw
fordvillo will do her best for
licmemlxT -only such medicines were
admitted for exhibition at the World’s
Fair as are accepted for use, hy physicians,
in the practice of medicine, Ayer’s Sarsa¬
parilla, Ayer’sUheny Pectoral, ami Ayer’s
Pills licin# included in the list. They are
standard medicines.
Now For AtJiMitii.
Another grand and well man
aged excursion will bo run to
Atlanta on the morning of Au¬
gust 6th, leaving Augusta at 5:30
a. til. passing Crawfordvlllo at
7:58 and arrive iu Atlanta at Hh-
45, a. in. and will remain in At Friday evmfhig tins
7th at 5 [i. m. and will arrive >n
Augusta at 1<» the sumo night,
getting, back to Crawfordvillo
sooii 4 iftor the Fast Train The
faro from Augusta will bo Sfl.'dn
and from Crawfordvillo and re¬
turn #1.50, This gives two days
in Atlanta and will give all who
go an opportunity to attend tho
People’s Party Con volition which
will bo in session on Aug. 6th,
12 rn The excursion will bo
ter (tie <na;lavement ol.l ul'is
Tuggle and i-foili.igsworth and
their excursions are too well
known to ....... any comment
All who want a cheap and nice
trip can get their grip sacks and
tickets ready for Aug. 6.
Vice Presidential nominee T.
E. Watson will speak in Atlanta
Oil the night of I lie 6th.
Their Utitht Dead.
The four--months-old child of
Mr. mid Mrs. Will Agee died at
their home near town yesterday.*
It was taken quite suddenly ill
and before a physician could be
had, the little child died, We
sympathize with the parents.
p[{jr t’ O-irUtlC-e M.-Ife’d refereeos
,oou lo! Ill ’ll and women iithieled with
mv foiin of pi i » dinem-e* pi collar to
f, I j i, S.(.* ir-oiH of voiilli, e, ,fi ngliMis
i iioahie Bend
(lisea-es. f, mile '-to. v two
re a stain i- t. pav po-la -e lo lli<- Ion •
II : HjXK iil l«:sami physicians of tli ( Oil '
I . Dr.’ Hathaway it v.o
Bo- Brt'ivl S 1 ., Ga.
(i<‘\ your tif'kot, roady for
rlle.l ,’lle.l Ilrlilritf >‘ll«>.
Symptom*—Jlomurn nierig ■ i e tne
Hid .Mi nst; wo*! »r r,lgi*t; eouliic.e w.,r o bj
CI»U:ii it If allowed t" tuui -rt
form, wii ell often 111, '’,i nnd uh erab*. L*
coming very v,re. Ha “> ii-’s
stop* 0,e It -hln ' and Iilne-'lng, i... heat- uJ
oerution. Hint in most c ih,-s '>-;iviv«s the
tumor. At drill*glut, or by m.ii. for .'>(1
cents Dr. S a avlii-. ,V Son, I'lnliub 4 | hl»
Steohens High 0 School,
[ : o]| Xcrill (JpCDS Moikhty
" . s $ 1 , 18 %.
Tiie prospects of this honored
tion were never better,
Our Motto:-—Earnest Work, Firm l>i-
ofpline, Thoroughne-s in Everything,
Primary Departmeiii. , .|1 ,o.
fotermerliate .............. Z <io.
ijrammtir Si-iiool ........... “2:oO.
High Hi-liisd......- - ■ ■ ......" -tJt”
Music...... . . . ‘ ■■l.otl.
Patron* are urgid to »t»rt their children
fm p irh t ,L,y a „,| keep them prompt in
I ■.
Mm Mu^iete MrLau&rliltfi, a recMitgi d
, ' I hr. In <'l»a
'’ n ^‘' ri " rv !< ,l! ‘ •
For further particular* uddr, -
l. a. McLaughlin, a. it,
In Advance,
No. 24.
—Mrs. .7no. Moody, after a
short visit to her niece Mrs. IT. S.
Gunn, in this place, has returned
to her home in Augusta.
CliainilM'i’lalii’s Cough and Remedy
eutvs colds, croup, whooping
cough. It is pleasant safe ami relia¬
ble. For sale hy Dr. It. J. Held
Marrlt'tl In AufftiNtii.
Mr. 1’. 11. Leary, of the <la.,
It. It. and Miss Fannie Thomson,
of Augusta, were married Sun¬
day last at the home of the bride,
”11. ’ is a nelipew of Mr. ,1. W.
Farmer of this place and is an
employee of t he Georgia Rail
road and his bride is one of Au¬
gusta best young ladies, Wo
wish for them a long and pros¬
perous life.
Suffered Eighteen Years.
l*at»« Ilopartnd mid Nl<*o|> Uiimo.
Mrs. Julia A. Rrown, of Covington, Tetin.,
whoso bUNhiuul Iihh charge of the electric
light plant at that place, has been a great
sufferer. Her ailments am) speedy euro
are \> 08 t described l>y herself, an follows!
"For 1 H years I suffered from nervousness
ana inomknl )ndlg« v Hilon. hy family ) tried every remedy ree- I
could -in and momlx. hut.
get being no relief at all. Two yearn ago,
while treated hy three loeal phywi
dans, Dim. Iturrot, Maley and Hhurod, they
?s J t
j m
4tiF v *r- V,
V K ff
t M l r
Mhh. Julia A. Jlnown.
and Informed that me there that I had littls become hops tof drnpuitat. ol#< I
then det ldcd to try
Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine
f wan (Inn iimildn to to hlt'op until
well on toward I had daylight, <f« heavy and during till
MiIh Hum a < mfarnihCr, p, pain In my
left, fide. ing / Watt otteluilf tnogt itidmi, AVrtdne but,
after tali Mleciiull hoi Ho of the
did. I could Thu Nervine- night, Juki, an well remedy an I ever that
In Mm only
gave mo any relief whatever. I am now
wall and hi t ong, hr. and I thank (Jod em u tiny
of my life for Mile*' Nervine."
Dr. MIIch* Nervine In wold on a nowltlvo benefit.
guarantee that (lei II ft I, bottle will
All druggist m well It af, $ 1 , fi hoUhn forifi, or
by If-will thu he Dr. writ-, Milos prepaid, Medical on Go., recelnf, Klahart, of price Inti.
Dr. Miles’ Nervine ke ’% e .nt.
United Confederate Veterans
Monument to Jefferson DauLs.
and Atlantic Coast Line,
Will rim Through (‘oaulius find IbilJnbin
1 !5r£h , 7.
Hi< limoml, Va. hy speuiul train, Jure
291)1 Train will leave Atlanta 2:55 ac(te<tttte j>. in.
and other afatiotf* 011 the hr me
an !**;*hi Train (So 2H), arriving Au^ti«la
9 10 j), in. Leave AiiKiiatft 9.30 ]». ni.,
arrive Ki< hfnoml 9100 a. 111., June 30th.
The round trip rate from all atatiofin vvt nt
of Madiaoii will l><* fu.oo.
Round trip rates from Oreeiieidioro 11 - ■* >
“ " “ “ Union Point u oo
To iJilnin rates east of I’nion Point take
distance from your station to Aw.-usta,
multiply liy J, add to tliis fo:y, and you
The tick-c limited for return until
Richnu>n<l ^cL’.pon,' Norfolk awl round Va trip WaHhin^ton, rat. from
11 th, awl "t!" r points of inter, t ad
j “'^m«n^Mhe Mieciat train will hot
Jnnr, v tli. arrive in Rulimond morii
in aii.
f or full informatksl write to
\ G. Jin k-on, Joe W. White,
G.P.A. A iigtiKfa, T.I'.A
J. W.kirkUml.P A. VV . .VMI«r<Ui< k,r.A
Atlanta, f»;t. Mitttill, *»«,
Precints Re-establishsd.
G EOliGtA. TAl.t\FEURO Foiinlv:
I lie County <-oinini'HioiH f H of *ai<l
it y ; ,t their la*t Tvy'iiUiT mir»- tUMlh, •"»
tHblinhiHi voting omwv in f)»<f
Wd'Jjst" 1 wtl ' Ui " rl<:N i». M., i>f I
* “ 1
I hi, July 9 th tWtti.
Clef k i ’<Hinty i 'on»ini*Mo.
Wanted- An Idea
t«,«. pd Jtgt !jt two Luli'lfvi l> C ./ lllf*UUOt t Ihi-lr 4 *i.*J» WMlUJ*!. P«J»S ull * r