Newspaper Page Text
$100 Per Year.
Vol. 21.
Pure Home Matter* PioSed Ud by Our
Local Repcvt rs.
Wh*t Our i s «G»|)|e Art* Doinjr untl s*«yU»X*
TU'm^Ovir Filrmln Tell l >
—Mrs. John Thompson re
turned to her home iu Augusta,
Have your pictures taken by
—Tito ice supply has been
rather slim during the recent hot
E . r 0 ryth;ng ‘at cost at •*no.
Stephens .
—'The’jury commissioners
here Tuesday and revised the
jury box.
- Jor.. Stephens is , selling
more goods,, xor the leas. mono*.
of ILl anybody.
Leila A.ltay I ami
„ a. nti. . . , 1 *''■ . f
our town this week.
See John Stephens big ad.
on another page.,.*
—No public sales Tuesday.
These quiet sale-days speak
r~s- il '■ our county
fir/iniiirAA "
Goodman will make you &st
clu-'s photographs
—Frank Maun has returned to
Bayboro, Ga., Where he is over
seeing at a saw yiill yard.
Tinware at your own price
at Jno. Stephens’.
—Marvin Pope who attended
school here under Capt. Antho¬
ny is visiting the in county.
—Miss Eva Asbury, of Lyne
ville, in this county, visited
Greenes boro first of this week.
—Mr- »Bob. McGibbony, of
G.. >T »3 county, was Ifeie om
.day this week with his °M
Six cabinet Photos., only
one dollar, at Goodman’s.
—W. P. Hubert went down to
Harlem Wednesday night to visit
his brother, Tom, who has been
quite sick.
—Rev. Jack Gunn returned to
his home at Jewell’s this week
after spending several days with
relatives here.
—Mr. J. V. Garrett says, he is
henceforth and forever a candi¬
date for any office within the
gift of the people.
-The rain Saturday did a
great deal of good to crops in
this section as well as to suffer
ing man and beast.
_Jno. M. Wright and wife, of
Sandersville, have been visiting
at the home of Mr. J. H. May in
this place this week.
—Mr. Gus Anthony, of Titus¬
ville. Fla., arrived Wednesday
to spend some time with his
parents in this county.
—The pool of the Baptist
church was cleaned out Wednes
day morning. It contained a
buggy, a lot of rocks and other
—Col. Frank Mitchell, of
Swainesboro, is visiting relativ¬
es in this county, recuperating
and getting rid of the wiregrass
—The chairman has called a
mass meeting of the Democrats
of this county to meet to-morrow,
Aug. 8th, at the court house in
this place.
—The regular monthly meet
ing of the County Commisioners
was held Tuesday. Not much
business before them except the
regular routine work.
—Will Y. Edward of this
count y, has returned from a visit
to relatives at Comer anct Ath¬
ens. Will says that country up
there is getting along finely.
—Col. Thos. E. Watson, vice
presidential nominee, passed
here Wednesday morning on the
fast train, on his way to the Pop¬
ulist State convention *•. A'
Children Cry for
The Largest in the South.
Iu another column vgill he
found a notice of interest to all
owners and prospective owners
of line machinery. It is Pro
Lombard Iron Works :pl, of Au
gust a and is well worth' re?»diag.
These Works are the largest in
the south.
To liuilil the Bri«gr.
Mr. Frank Cain has been
ttWilr j a( j the contract to build a
bridge across the creek this side
his house near the Henry
tp, K1 d<Ss place. It has been in a
had fix some time but when
p 1 . ;in j { g sos it according to his
jdans it will give but little more
Early Crop.
The -cotton has begun to move
oarlier thisyeai . lhan - evev kuown
bl?£Qr0< Augusta - s fir8t
year rr.s 15 <l , W s .head , , el ...Jf
Previous and she
5 bales in one day last week. it
Is opening rapidly iu this county,
many fields showing four and
five, bolls opeu on a stalk.
His Arm Urokon,
Mr. Marion Brown, Wdio lives
ridin mule fh^. wllK !l get
was S a ‘
frightened and threw Jum.
the mule sprang upou his arm
after he fell to the ground, crush
ing the arm right severely. Dr.
Rhodes dressed the wound.
I*hot«gr»plMi! I’liotoffrapliH.
Mr. J. W. Goodman, the
ington, Ga.. Photographer,has
liis branch gallery at Mrs Begi
strom’s Millinery store in rim
n'mg order and will continue do
make six cabinets for *1.00. I
will kegii my gallm-y.. - 'I'cn for
business until 4 P. M. Saturday,
August 15. No longer. Come
at once and ad void the rush.
J. W. Goodman, Artist.
Kovival Services.
Owing to the third quarterly
conference at Powelton, there
will be no morning service at
the Methodist church on the next
3rd Sunday (Aug. 10.) At the
evening service however a se¬
ries of revival services will be
commenced to continue for sever
al days. Rev. M. L. Troutman,
of Harlen will assist the pastor,
Rev. John W. Bale, in
mg . these^mvices. ..
Hi, county FinuriNiiing.
Col. C. Howell Beazley, cWm
ty solicitor, of the state of
with haedquarters at Leesburg,
Ga., is visiting his parents in
this place. Howell reports that
county flourishing, liiling
with immigrants, raising
selling fine fruits, and is making
her roads like town streets with
the use of a road machine and
new road law. Tlfc connty
advertising its resources and
reaping a benefit thereby, Til
iaferro should do something of
th e kind. The benefit is far in
excess of the cost.
—Cotton market is on*the rise
as the crop declines.
A Rare Chance!
In anticipation of changing
m y business I will lor the next
gq days sell my entire stock at,
Sl n<l below cost.
You will find it to your inter
est to get my prices before buy
ing elsewhere,
Below you will tind a few
sample prices,
Qranubitol S i.-ir 20 lbs. tor. $1.W.
T~>iJvcr Drip 5>'rtip 1 Gal- — .30 »■! -.
Best Rice, t; lbs.. .......
Best Cookiriji Soda * D>s.— 2A»- .
lasuodry Soap 10 bars-------- 23c t*.
Tolict Soap J 2 cakes — I Sets.
Green Coffee *3 lbs. ............ 50ct».
Rest Clicwiag Tobacco J lb.
Best Smoking Tobacco 4 oz. 05e&.
Every thing in stock must be
sold by Sept. 15th.
Respectfully Yours.
John Stephenk.
Crawfordvilb G a. A -g. |st.
Pitcher’s Castoria.
_________________^ .... .
Oorraspoadants’ Reports of What Their
Of the H«i>pon'in“S in Their liUH|M*ctive T.o
iraUtlrs. Alltli^Npws.
Mr. Tillman Rady, ol,\Yanvh
tou, visited our city IdUt „'Tdos
daA m.
Mrs. LleWllyn
Savannah, is vi^tingcMrs. i.h\
Brown. * * « •
Mr. Fred Brflwn. t>f
visited friends near this ptfivc
last week.
Mrs. Kate Burled and Miss Mol
lie Keaiy spent last Sunday in
Mrs . nollingshoad, of.Linqpln
county, ’ visited Mrs. J. W. FaJlet)
., . ,
Mr. R. M. Hill, of Culver ton,
visited his sister Mrs. A- T. Gil
bert last Friday,
Miss MaUie Lara more ..v of
Thomson, is tin? gn^st; of Miss
Jessie Fcrgnaon. u *
Mrs. .I. O, Brooke, of M idi,son,
r i : 1,1
M'AV. ha.c rafugued trom -"'f a de
lightfal visit to M-mon
Mr. A . T. Gilbrft’A^ list
Sands - willy his brtit’ier M r. J, *'
M. Gili)%rj?of AVaslij; on.
Mr. a id Mrs. G. L. i at ton. oh
<'•'•.11 ilc. visit'd Mr. Sir T. Iv-m
di ink's family Saturday and Sim'
.Miss Lillian Arnett lvUtmcTl
from Washington last, week tic
com pained by lior coftsiu Mi >s
' ?4 o^,
•' " • '”
Thomson visited relatives ami
friends hei'e last week.
RoV. Mr. Burgess, pastor of
the Presbyterian rM , f! (M ’
Crawfordvillo, was down last
Sunday night to hear Dr. Mack.
Services began at the Presby¬
terian church last Friday con¬
ducted b,y Dr. Mack. Ho has
preached some excellent ser¬
mons to large and attentive con¬
r.cutiii- of for F'alJii i’li Mint con
Tula Mercury,
. 1S mercury wi'.l surely dchtroy tltc
sensj of sruvll and completely derange
the whole system when eiUaiiug it
through I he mucous surfaces. Such
articles should never bo used except, on
preseriptions from renutntilu physi is
Guns as d,,. damage they will do
d) . rivo , rom p,”,,. IL.Il’s Guinnh
Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney
& Go., Toledo, O, coqt.iina no ukt
c '. ,r y> al "' ls internally, acting
‘‘I'n '»,‘5"g
n a ii' s Catarrii Cure be stye you get
the genuine. It is taken internally,
and made m Toledo, Ohio, lr* F. J.
Hall’s Family Fills are the best.
There will be a mass-meet
imr >pg r.f (J * the 'Te uem rVmnrntir JCLillC nnrtv pa ly of >
Taliaferro county 4 held in
Prnu/Inrrlville net Sllltrdav
the Bth, at 10 0 clock, a. m.
John R. Kendrick, Chair.
C. II. Golucke, Secty.
Quarterly ConfcrencH.
The third Quarterly confer
ence for the Crawfordville, cir
will be held at Powelton the
third Sunday and Saturday be
fore in this month (A ig. 15 and
10) and not the second Sunday
and Saturday before as has been
Let the church secretaries
their church records with
to this conference for ex
nation, John W. Bale,
P. C. Crawfordville, ct,
Th‘* hot v/l ; * ./iv has been n
set back to cotton all over
the south.
K >r\ body is tiot aim has been for the
mi ! '
atn»y^Rld to see eoo’er «•<?;,ther
TF ibujh aft beginning to, suffer f.n
vaiu .a ;iou.
Pjj.iuk have been'verv busy for the past tills Xftcfion pullin'.'' fo,hler.
Hi l.ftia Stftith. of near NorwftoU,
mp few rtajat at thi' Grove-last week.
5j;f| Utvi Kohler, 'of Washingtof, is
rl*Mk atidtm at Kay town ut this writ
^ ,todk Qvevtou, of Th,mo-on. for
mwp.vof this countv, is visiting in tiii.s
coBt^daitv %
<>' twavy from Raytown mtemied ser
'*** " ^ 'Vosl.yieei.u, elmreh a, stmr.m
jn?-; * A very impressive sennpu
"nivemi bv nr. Mail..
M, 5 - im i Mrs. N. c. KiIivunIk, of War
mhtyfa raUrtl O'-uorTwhilo by t)ir Urovo, last Saturday,
lWlt * llt >m their way homo
K(iw01 'l u ’ Mr ’ ’ ,1> -
".Wd- n mat ... Slone vyi!) ... soon
*•' .....""...............
l*rof. B sl. Aim. mur l*htlttpa
< liunv Miss Essie is fully tjouipeUmt for
tin: p ftitiou.
i’rfliKTlingH at the 'Methodist
I’m jfltdb'HurcUes bavo closed, but this
IkdjMtoriuiiS irt Sluiroii have commenced
tin tua ' \V«'horn; that il will he u lamiilil
to all ,ie t<- pin.
YV Utmiavd C'liiMrcn’s i’hv at Now
......................, w
wi ij, .L t . mi "n W v n, v. Mr. Wont, wlrtrh
win v|;* instructive.
OnG» wlwt- youn.i? mim Hiurtnl to HGH
hi* gL .♦ dArt while .sine-, ami got to
- ? «-i tlwiraln bail to,,,.., but dr.t
^ ftW , wullt !1U> thc^rl NV1H ,.
vyu,. a ,ir got ti,e,c I>„ found tlmi
ima u|,A«ty tciffii «cpi« «wr tlmi momiugl so ho
yauik withoutKcoin^ bar. It
wxtia 1’C mtyidnji^tvo btltcr h, lie oiw bun,Am Hftemoum >l Hum
(i;. li R brd to tiifJt* think* woll
uu(*ci- . >4 iK'fcjv ^OiUg to fur vve tliiult.
m* pi-.’./ -Tr‘;,'.,i"L.. , mV„,
,, a 1}tV1 Tlu . i„ : , r ,. )mi( | y
Unit «n tv %uml *Git:,:r,e.t i'.t iitix distre*#l%
nmnpteiinri • inII ooTh I’III’h. TI„*w!
| • i' 1 ’ jm* • <> IT 1 i •' < i dug ' ''Dll' in u< ' H'»i, > rt
tuoroutrh. that th •> gist wit if
faction. TIujv cum sick Jtpntluciit’, |muh
dice, Hiair • tomneb nml all liver tile. Tlicy
breal; up coltlN and fevers and prevent Urn
^ crip. 1
<Miltr i* II urtnh.
A catastrophe or accident oc
cured’ an our streets Friday
niglft' that some of dnr citizens
describe as amusing and others
as exciting. A mule hitched to
a wagon ran away down the
streets about U o'clock and run
against U lamp ]>o .! OH Lie (tor
tier of Judge Ham mack’s lot.
Tho/say the mule Uiree*fime„ iiipd to Climb
thf . po gt two or
at any rate he broke the T «»d
down, exploded the lamp and b-r
a few minutes it look' d like our
re department would liave lobe
0011 hl» f way out With TI,< thedrtver : mu }° W,;I11 lollow 0,1
ing him and the lump burned up
on side wuillc and the ‘ire
ther damage than scaring some
of the neighbors.
A linuk .
Mr. W. T. Nelson, pi'e-iJerit of ihe
Ho, olid National Hank, of Jackson,
T< nn., »ay»: “For Indigestion and
Nervous trouble, I would ra'lmr give
U|ithe use ofuRy remedy I ever iried
than King's HoyaHleinmtuer. ;m<l iv., A n
nei VO t.ianq liliaer re-tooil il
narcotic in an* miih", bui prodne ■■ Hi.
hlt i*F‘ <!Sl (,ff ' , ' ,,lH u t'"" !'••• '* u “ r * , “' 1
vou»nystein. . J consider
il an mvani.i
tile remedy, fin 1 have tor years lipf Ti
reeomilMJlldiOg it to my h a nd .
New package, large bottle. 108 do-' -,
—Jack iv Reid and his Wi lit
and baby arrived Tuesday evt*
ning to visit relatives in U
place. Jack s i : rioiHis 3 a 2 to know he
B»;<!k!eb'x Artm-.i \ e.
T*i« E> ! Halve in um «' 'M f <r r it*,
r;ruj'«-'. Sores, Ulcers, Halt Ulamm, F v.
jk-iv-r. Chapped H riels, f t,i! ’ I;*rr,„
r, m sn-t ml! Skin Erupt oust, sic) post
V no pay n-ij iira i. It
• ,.,j (o yivi* satisfaction c*
: , i - t. Pr'i i> 25 f'l'ti’* J" t Lo*.
• Iu R J3. IPt!
Children Cry for
Ilighest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report.
| Powder
—Mrs. Slack returned home
Monday last.
Mrs. L F. Stephens is hav
ing a now well dug on her lot.
— Garnett Rich.ire', midwife
have, returned from Snyders
• -Claude Williams, of Union
Point, visited this place Iasi
• Alias Eleanor Richards has
i-otiiruoil from a visit to 1 jiiou
- Mrs. C. 11. went to
Atlauta yesterday to visit rola
The Hancock Democrats
have instructed for Ijluok for
--Popltliftls ail over 1he ntnte
are, t ■udorsing the Hryutl and
w— uokot.
There is one family in this
county that have among them
live bicycles. ,
Bee big notic-e "A Hare
^ italld
t.iqyleft Corner of
3rd page ot this paper.
W. 11. Stevfart is in Wash
hig’lpjt this woelc working in
F Inker's machine shops
--Mi's. J. O. Reynolds and
ot ; Atjhala, uro visit,
tug rchtliivus,in lids UlfalyiUK place.
■ (
—The opinion of farmers in
this section is tfeat tin? extreme
| i()| W( , a ( j U!| . j s injuring cotUm
Mr. James Ingraham is
traveling thi , sec I ion in the in
j 0 | ))„. Domestic sewing
mien I me.
W. B. Harnett, of Raytown,
one of the best, dr'u lunfefs on
thi.-Tim, q,out. a part of lllis
a m (Yiiwiordvitl-.
Mi s I utlerson aim »•
Strum, of West Palm iWeli,
Fla., are spending a wliil with
< 'H' 1 Aulliun.y , hem in tli jr
rrof. IL M. (!luiijmihM U'U
Wedtmsduy for Mucui lor some
where H , , I!" , ■ nmd to be u
Ttte •« »»>"* •«
actly where lie was going.
VVe were glad to see Roger r
T. Hrooke among his many old
friends here Friday last. Roger
is located at, Ashvilh', N (
where lie has charge ot the ad
veil,Ling anil e,orrer.jioii.denee of
one of the large holds in that
P ace His health ha- improv
Vo*t*mbi,Y , » ffiiutiirnloi*.
The. xc.ursion that went, to At
|a.;if/i ■ ■ ,|i •rd.a.y eon mte'l o! t ■
long t rain: . and a the happy line
from all along <‘nt
y\|,on} tif’ il, went, from tins pi an
.j'j,il,,, an- Wat-on ratilica
t ion and the Fopttl i Icon ention
a first,-ehis.s
,n draw ell from this
- in of th~ world.
,N<# I’’iiair*ft (l» 4l|clU.
The Populist S.ati- < 'on• *■ i 1
fion in A t lanta h;M not nominal
od tiieir suite ticket when we go
to i udicatjons at this
tiinq. iiOV'evcr, are that Judge
Bines will t>e nominated for
i ,(jfYonior t This in* ins Uiat
( tii S5i« breil will not, be iii it. and it
-aid tiiat there will in no i i
or with the 1 ’rohiiiitionist s
.. emphatic demand for Se
all's withdrawal a- i 11 He made. I'll..: ell- ».
fiympt on.s—;t .l l in
and .( « ;.B; n o-. . i
•icratct. ii . I afi-v • • 1
for: wh atiT/'cn Me
wmmj; st r 'f
St<ip4 if lifti
i* i jD . Ti
C*n% I>i.
Pitcher’s Caetoria.
In Ac^ranco>
No. 25.
Jim Mann is here from Fitz¬
gerald. lie says the town is
gelling along all rigid; that some
of the Northern peon! there are
not satis tied, but that there are.
000 wagon loads now on the
road here. T1 say . the town
has about lo.noo inhabitant's
I’upils not having received
the benefit of the Public School
fund last spring can do so the
coming Fall Term at slept lens
High School. This is an impor
taut item to parents add we hop!
they will take advantage of it.
lL A. 'McLAruii.UK.
IV* vtiit uni
FUER Our. itud flt lV.;;o .Wwllmil nfmap*
nook for m in uflit let wltli
an. tliiiir form of )iit om a:n of gipriiwa ' vii»)lli,' pi q,'H!HgiiHm miliar to
, it.
Uiuua-i.,, if m Ue (IimlHu ito. Hiifld i Uvu
conGWinu* in Nprrialimn »•» nmi pay ptiyuii t-’-bf »*. of IJiiU'roitO* thy. I,'ml.
' auis
irv. St., Dr. Aihintn. tfettUMwy & U«r.
WM Ho. Uiuod
Stephens- High .School.
1 all Term Ofien# Monday
Auk- M, UiVO.
Tim pi'o-iirt!' <il IhlmJumoi'vd hiililu Witt never tif' >,«'r.
, >ur Mom,:-■ Km iii'Nf Work. Fl#m J>i
oroiijiliW’’'.'' In KviTyihlnK- *
MOM 111
Ri«b SH«mi................
EattimMam urg<*.4 {osfart tlicif c luldn if
mi tin* /iii’Ki, <Eiy, and l.« |> lUciu pTonipt ffi
Mi, Mnitei,' Mrliim".t»llii, u ,•»•• *-»,! r„»t
u,u i|'|,h Vert (Ititli'V' Will Ini in rl'itr'.:,
(M tin- Prinmry lit}>1. mitt lltv Hit, h . I'i ,
For fmTlicr ptnTipulin mldmv.M,
I, \. MfEAl DlUJN, \ IE,
Ibhn i {ml.
SeptOmbOP Sheriff SalOS.
i:oHGIA TAIJ M R n:<» Got NTV
win Will t„. Ins wild „i,i l,fieri i r-? • <• z „ri tue i
lour in Emwl’ot'lvilli* s and
(, GHiify MM ,ir 1 f r 1,1 I , tic
-t I | hi! follow Hi ■
jh<» 5 »< rf y, to .vi i imd or i nn
<»f i owl, ffunli’d l up ~ (I 1x4tig in if
r,04i - I >i t. O. M , 'd. >\ X tit* nmi ('ouihy,
= il r North bv 1.1 TO I of W. A.
,, f ,, , ~ h „ , ( , v f< ti’ll11 'ill owurd
)fi , s Boiuli hy IrthIa tif
m - , ■ - on tin - r t by
H - rgI or
I tar'cl iff Intel i i oil i nh H.
ucip m it' <»i !c 4 . i { bunt lovii
T’-"f ftv of Elviru t tO
h li. In. if Mii fl from 1 be Km in |i»T t 'mu t
Wild (hmiity, ! Owo. W < •. IV
ndrif'. tie bon non, if* t thi
'I I
D. p. in. ■il
:rr' <x> LULLS
-at A M)
»-. Evaporators.
E.i ‘r* < k HiijtiiH iit,
•T VliU i
Gins and Presses.
Saw Mill ol |< L.\ it
s f. ’ pii'iinVKU VAitfAHI.l;
IH'J.T KKKD f?i , ail tlso Erielteii
Foil HAW MILLS , ,1 Pitfct’S VKitV
WF, ALSO oxttltV \ ! \ k<!F sT<
OF HA n ■ 'I l.t.Tli, lli.LT Oil* ( 'r.
AND i l l TI
Engines, ' Lj ’
liOJbfK WAT tFFI.H, Ft f
t.i.y- sMAFTIVo - t (
f- s Id. - Mi PAT KM
I'H'Ks, < At.TKS, I”K
Cast every day. Do work quick
and cheap.
Lombard Ironworks® Supply Co
At U1 TA, UKOimiA.
Precints Re-established.
La l.iKM TALI \) KIHtOt .
t..- > '0.11.1G--u" -•••' 42
ti - I
<vo<Yih hi 1 < M.,c»r sditi
CIgi Ct ty t "inmis*; "nt .