The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, August 07, 1896, Image 5
THE BEST Family Medicine She Has Ever Known. Words of Praise from a New York Lady for AYER'S PELLS fi I would like to acid my testimony to that.of others who have used Ay*r's Pills, and to nay that 1 have taken them for many years, and always derived the host results from their use. For sioin aef ia nd liver troubles, and for the cure of headache caused ly these; - ments, Ayer’s Pills cannot he -v» 2 f : j * 9 #f|i®*' ill ■ "A When my friends ask me what is the best remedy for disorders of the stom¬ ach, liver, or bowels, my invariable answer is, Ayer’s Pills. Taken in sea¬ son, they will break up a cold, prevent la grippe, cheek fever, and regulate the digestive organs. They are easy to take, and are, indeed, the best, all-round family medicine I have ever known.”— Mrs. May Johnson, 308 Rider Avenue, New York City. AYER’S PILLS Highest Honors at World’s Fair. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Cures all Blood Disorders. MOTHERS, SIS’” “MOTHERS 5 Rolls Confinement of its Pain, HorrorRisk. My wife used •* JIRTIIBBS' FB1K? !>“ ' t foio b rthof rth of ltt*r h.-r llrst IIrat child, child, she she dH did i»<»t not suff ierironn from < JtCItrs h.uji >nr or r.lINs—was, r.u.i' i u i clt 1 y r. 1 ieved at the critu al hour sulTi-rimz but little—she had no pains afterward and her recovery was rapid. Eufaula, E. E. Johnston. Ala. Sent by Mail or Express, on receipt of price, $1.00 per bottle. Book “To Moth ers ” mailed Free. BliADFIEIiD KKM LATOR CO., Atlanta, (la. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 1 Save \ Faying BOCtOrii , Bills B.B.8. BOTANP 6 BLOOD BALM - THE GREAT REMEDY FOR ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES Has been thoroughly tested by eminent physicians and the peo¬ ple for forty yearn, and cures quickly and permanently SCROFULA, ULCERS. ECZEMA, ERUPTIONS, RHEUMATISM. CATARRH. and all manner of E ATTN fi, SPRE ADING a*j<. RUNNING SORES It is by far the bent tonic and blood purifier ever offered to thxt world. Price * 1 per bottle. 0 bottlea for #.». It builds up the health and strength from the first dose. Tor .ale by druggist.. SENT FREE „„ blood balm co., Atiant?.. Gr. Georgia Railroad . Stone Mountain Route. A. G. Jackson, Joe W. White, Of 11 . I*a»8 Agent. Traveling Pa»t». Agent • Augusta, 0a J. W- KIHKLAND. W. C. BOYKIN, Land Agent. Augusta, Ga., March 80th, All persons bolding lands in tlie li traversed by tlie Georgia Railroad wbi.'b tbi-y ii<-ire to si-ij, will picii-i dcM-ription and prices, so that such may be advertised in the North Northwest. Description blank* furnished on cation to W. C. BOYKIN, LAND AGKXT GKOHOIA J{. i!., Augusta. Ga, Trespass Notice. On and after this date any or all Fen feunii bunting, filling, thro,idler in lands \b tlii; 1>u islied to tli<* ful i extent of the law. Crmwfordville, Ga. June 25, 189(5. Wanted—An Idea Wl.T <73.T5 thltiV of hOV ♦- 8it thH.g ; - vj‘r!£ j6hs WMbbERBChS A l4u*ni AtL-r revs. Wfcsbfnarton, V. C., t r tbHr $1 .9*t pr ze Kii l list of t» o huiuxT&l hiventioiks wanted. J. L. Lewis, of near Sparta plowed up some petrified snake eggs fast week. The State Agricultural Society meets in Rome on the Id'ill of this month. We believe in the people and are willing • ■ to them ill sottliug all this political muddle. -— An 18 foot long rattlesnake was killed near Americas a few days ago and it had 16 rattles to one button. It is said that 1000 Georgia and Florida negroes will sail soon join Cubans to help them win their freedom. A I, -year-old piviener toe name of Leonard Hill made a tine beginning at preaching in Macon Sunday. Wyoming has a lady candidate for Governor, bv the name of Re ill [t will be ••real" funny if she is elected. Tiie Wilkes county populists have endorsed Bryan and Wat son and the action of the St. Louis conven t ion. Voters, it: is a long pull, a strong pull, and a pull all er to win this free silver fight and lei s lo that? Kind of pulling. The Scientific American issued recently a very line edition on its 50th anniversary, II shows up the progress of the scientific world during the past.50 years. Rev. W. L. Kilpatrick died at Ids home in Hephzibah Monday after about 10 days illness, was 67 years ’of old, and was a brother Dr. Kilpatrick, of White Plains. The democrats should accord fair and honorable treatment to the poymlists and free silver re¬ publicans who agree with them • mine . u- git,.11 .< money j i.nsui Sx)I) , . TJii. un ion Recorder. “How happy I’d be with eith¬ er dear charmer, were ’(other dear charmer away.” Thus uses Mr. Bryan, when he thinks of ids two vice presidential run ning mates.—Columbus Enquir er. The citizens of Glasgow, Scot land pay no city taxes. The city owns and operates the water works, gas works and street railways and the revenues there from pays the expenses of run¬ ning the city affairs. Under the convict system of working the roads we all know that we will have better roads. Then let the candidates for oloc floll to the IlCXt gC-noml USStUU bly put on their thinking caps DOW< H1K 1 1 -,. a dy with bills to get everything in shape for the beginning of convict road work as soon as the leases expire. Ex The Girls’ Normal and Indus trial College at Milledgeville is in better shape than ever before. Hundreds of girls have been turned away from the on account of want room in the boarding depart¬ ment, but a magnificient new dormitory has just been finish¬ ed at a cost of 835,000 which err a bles the school to furnish very best of accomodations ftll Georgia girls who may wish i to come. Tuition is free. 1 entire cost of attendanc<'. includ j n g board, matriculation fee and ] )00 i^_ j, oil |y s) 10.00 a year, i Dr. .J. I. Poore, died very denly .at Monroe a short t ago. and it was discovered he had just taken out 815.000 surance on his life, the •co pretiii; i; i i bull -n!t' - ! paid on I pul Icie- h'-n tn' doctor died. Now the insurance companies re fuse to pay the glides, and investigating the matter asto how the doctor died. The money was left to Poore brother who lives ill August i. man worn* a f<tol to kill him " »1 f t *) t mom *y for any Inf and tho insurance nies should pay the insurance. Much in Little Is especially true of Hood’s rills, for no modi cine ever contained so great curative power tn so small space. They arc a whole medicine Hoods chest, always ready, at- Pills ways efficient, always sat¬ isfactory; prevent a cold or fever, cure all liver ills, sick headache, jaundice, constipation, etc. av. The only nils to take with tlood’s Sarsaparilla. BETTER ROADS. There is a sentiment growing all over the state that the con¬ victs of each county should be put on the public roads, in .that county. There is no doubt but that good roads leading through tlie fauns in ibis county would | enhance the v due of the farms several hundred dollars. Other st at is. and many coun ties in our own state, are hiking fo u new road law that requires I th « citizen to pay a tax or work so many days on the public roads, and a traveler through those sections will soon be * con vinced that the new syston is telling. Recently we wore in Mhrgan county, and passed over roads ou w hi c li are long red bills that llg0(l t0 he almost impassable an j worked twice a year by the old system, and now they are in tine lix and are rounded up in the middle and look like well kept streets. The county has a road ma¬ chine for pulling the dirt to the center of the road. The eounty j has mules of its own and a set of ilands are kept constantly at j work on the roads. The hands are paid by taxing those who do not work on the road. Itis dis cretionary with a citizen to elth or work on the roads or pay the taxes, We should have better roads and if our people will investigate 1 lie workings of these new sys¬ tems, they will soon be convin¬ ced that it is better than the way our roads are being worked. It is to the interest of every land owner in this country, to have a good road to his farm. J5 Advertised Letter*. The following letters remain in the postoffice at Crawforilville uncalled fori Hob Armstrong, Mri Jeama Bilge, Minn Mnria l.ittle, Mr. A. Ii. Heaves, Jack Stuarf, cf Mr Tim Stimri, h. 8. Stcirart, John Ycrly, col., Card. C. II. Parmer, P. M. The Diamond Match and Bis¬ cuit Co., of New York and Chi cago failed this week, si!.*),ooo,000 worth of stock caus ed considerable lass in the ex change and speculating market. Poor Blood is starved blood. It shows itself in pale cheeks, white lips, weak digestion, no appetite, e;.haus tion, lack of nerve force, soft muscles, and, chief of all, weak muscles. Vnnr 1 our dnrtnr aoctor c.,us r lie it it Anaemia. He will tell you that the weakening weather of sum* mer eften brings it on. Scotts Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo phosphites, will make poor blood <dch. It is a food for over-taxed md v/eak digestion, so prepared that it can easily be taken in summer when Cod-liver Oil or ?ven ordinary foods might repel. JCOTT & BOWNE, j* New York For sale at 50 C and $ 1.00 by all dru; Right m ill m SSViflg ShOWfl V/e'tl send you our Gen«al Cata¬ logue and Buyers Guide if you send us 15 cents in stamp;. That pays part po- tage or ezprew age, and keeps off idlers. n*s a Dictionary of Honest Values; Full of important information no matter v/'nere you buy- 700 Pages, 12,000 illust /ions: tells cf articles and r.ght price of each. profit only between i aker a d user. /MONTOOMERY WARD St CO., 111-116 .Michigan Ave., POPULIST PRIMARY. Candidate* for < unity Oftloes Si ledt tl Tuesday The primary e lection by tIs e Populists of Taliaferro Tuesday, the 4th resulted in the nomina¬ tion of the old officers. They have served the people torily and they are rewarded with another nomination. official rot urns are as follows • FOR SKXATOI!. AY T Klvnt “.17 J A Woodall 100 FOR HKl’I?FsKXTATIVI!. John .Johnson 077 W A Slone Jr W T Combs Vi ORDINARY. Oen 11 Milclicll 1170 J .M Mnnli’i! o (1 K Orillitli 1 CI.FHK. S 11 Rhodes .171 J A Woodall i SIIIClilFF. n P Bonn W F. A nictl Doc Stone i 11 F Con v a TKFASl UVM. A .1 Chapman 300 W !•: Wall l TAX COLLVUTOU. (1 T Edwards inn W A Cary aa CL Uagby IS W !•: Wall •JC TAX RECEIVER. George H Moore ...........•. :i;m \V II i in ply 23 W i ; Wall •l spin FYOU. W (' Oljupman I ss F II Mendows 1 go W T Fh lit s A T Gilbert I ' J A Wooilull NY A Fury 1 I, T Moo tv o OOHOX Kit ■ 8 N Aeruu HO '• G K < Jriftilh 137 T L Hently 3 .1 A Woodall 8 COF.NTY COMMISSIONERS O M Saggus “in J M Murilfii 1101 ■I M bury .. ■-'17 G M Ross “38 J I’ Moons....... I:.() 11 F Corry 101 NV Oltlioilrs 87 \V K Arnett :i J J Lyles iO T ciemnwHis U .) A Caldwell... VV A Stoms t j J Moore .. J H Simmons It I! IthodoH VV T Combs. o Jesse Port wood K I) Iliultiwnv 3 c b Itoiiby - I H T Kendrick 3 I’rol,i'aeted services have lie • n going on at the llaptisl. church here this week, concluded by Rev. Ii. E. L. liarri Mitch ill I ores I has been iiianilcsb'i] and wo hope much good ha , bo n done. The election in Alabama for Governor and Stale officer-, this week, resulted in Johnson’s (I )< iinocrilt) fitM'Vion OVCJ d)Oll , wvn (Populist) 1 by ' a majority ' of 40 ,000. The .state was hotly con tested. At Five Points, trouble arose between the Democrat- and Ropulist in Which one WftS l< i I led ,u, “ , . UOOD’S SHi*u|mHrbi ha over mid ■ ■ ovi-i' ngitiii |»r<>v*'<l by it <:iir<'n, wlifin nil other pre|)!iratioiiH fnibnl, that it i , the Oho Trie BLOOD I’uri/icr. Corn. Neshitt. advises action by the farmers against the present cotton tie trust. ’I’he price of 1 ies has been increased nearly ]00 per cent, and ho sees no rea son for it. and suggests a meet mg of the farmers and subwti tufi’s adopted to be i sed instead < f lhet u Some farmers are us ing wire for baling their cotton. South Georgia farmers ha found that a uitable wire 1 hat meets all the requirements can be had very reasonably ’i’he ginn“rs in that, ■ectioii agreed to arrange ho ihoy can nit on th<! wire. It would veil for all our farmers to JikeV. i-,.;. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. ,4-t /W , .,__— It w s»?r7 r»iiiiiiii'iiiii«n*iiiiiimiiiiiiiiHiiii|iii!mi 9 OQ Drops ■Ufliuih iTiljif, AN H’c table Preparation for As¬ similating the Food andRcguta- Bowels of ling lire Stomachs and Infants /Children Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness and Rest.Contains neither Optum.Morphine Narcotic. nor Mineral. Not Mr V * of Old lySAMl EL PI1VEEH J\inifJ>in SetJ" .4Lx. Senna *■ JLihLhUi Softs - strust Seed * JYppt /// uwtmnatoSada mm it - ’ * Clarifint ffirm Sec/J Sugar - • hioAsynui riatvn y A perfect Remedy forConstipa lion. Sour Stomach,Duin hoea, Worms .Convulsions,Feverish¬ ness and Loss of SLEEP. facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. At b months old ». J EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. Mothers Read i his: The Best Remedy. 1 ,n 1 'IjiI nlvitl Celle, !>**•* 1 1’" »»• I > thflllt'l 1 . «I»|UM*M. rtHlglt . * .in I ii I'm ill..... ilm*. I*'•H'lim * guhHui*1 ‘ *11*»» *}'* ! 1 «* • in n . I **l I t v m I It* I n \' « Ih. I’mIi |>H, »'►* lilt ImIIim-HIoii, ,n <1 nil t'lp it|>|it of . tlii* Hi H'lH li A I owt-lH. , ,iko h PITT’S CARMINATIVE Isibi' stiiiriliii'd. It i nrrb i* < b ’ Iren i vi v i|n i Hlb nl | cr'i-d t I ... I ii-Hldlij’'. ni"l ih rt (< n li'cm '•'' V pliy .|i'i ill Hie n fib-lid of molbri'h Ad'ulis nil'll Idldioi lib pirns nut I" t or lo. t""T hdlsb'OdiHh . A lYw 'l"‘i "• "I I ill'll" list 1 ti<i- its rrlilll"' vli 1"| 10 ii I -To I' l I « <1 <*. F"t' wili'li’ nil ilr'igefsiM. fn i nu d oity tijllT.W MTTia. The Year Round Some Medicines belooq to one season anti some to another. DR. KING'S ROYAL GERMETUER IS IN SEASON ALU TI|E YEflli HOUHU. UN THE SPRING Tt. piiriflfs tliu blood, removu*, languor and flopn'ssion, Jo v'lfyorut.r:, uiid < \hilu~ l aliiti tbtf whole synU’ijt. i in the sum mi «v It ovcroomcR the mtaxaf fon findd'1d1 i iy caused l»y Jiot vv<Rtf.ln*i* arid corrects bowel 1 iLii 1 .i<-h t.lmi, m- s<» then. Ih'KideK, it Tnak( , f4 tho iiumt d«t light Tiff mid VufvQMhititf drin/c. IN THE I ALI. W)l( . n „, ll1al . ia » rl ,i,. H „„ evary pawing breeze,” it. in I II" grout, «t trouble j.rcv.-nt.lvo and un, unMiiug eum .-.■ .......... ... . I IN THE M/INTER Itl '-till m-.-.l I for I'lirln^ < > J«b Grip, GiiLiirrb, Kbi'liiniil.turn, and tliti ill# that b. inn; r to e»U d-a.soiii: It does tho«« thing*, not in fnoUl.» and uncertain way, but with UMUured and triumphant power, Keep If in the Home af AH Times. l by DnigfriHtM, ntsw pHcUawi, It ted ftt,i i }•■, ] oh J Jo ,0/o Diflhir. Alunufiwi nn;d only by THE ATLANTA CHEMICAL CO., ATLANTA, GA. Hrllfi fdf 4 ! f-l , «f(« Hook, 3li\U*‘A Free. On iwij llii-iiii-ss it Will he to Your Interest to see CHARLES BERGSTROM’S r*XTJL,lL. STOCK Ol?' GENERAL GOODS, -- • AT HIH: Clisap Cash Store At ythitift waut inchrlio^ COUSTUY IM’.ODCCi:, <M ) bt had tti ti ylu vary SEE THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE -OF » IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE OE CASTORIA Gaatorla la put ap in ono-nbn bottloa only. It la not Bold in linlk. Don't allow anyimo to Bull yon anything eltm on llio jiloa or promil" tlmt it la "jnat an good" and “will nuawor every pur poao." tf7r*Soo that yon got C-A-ll-T OUT A. is on every wrapper. Scientific American Agency for ^i i -'i 'ffrtffl Ki A' l Ah A J ! vh. A. .1 * DtSICH trade CAVEATS. marks, •v' - ^ PATENTS. copynicHT.s, etc. For Information find frm> Hjimtl»ook " rlto to MIJNN A CO., ilfll UllOAliWAY, Mtw VoilK. si litircati r<»r vniMiring pfiicnlM in Aumrlca. livery iwilt n. 1 Iftkfii out. I»y iih Ih lit*'night Imforn tin' pUulkv l»y u not loti given free t<l'eUui i,u In Uio 1 Scientific SVmcriCim j LnrtjrNt clrcjiilntlnti of nny «ulontlno pji|»pr In tfio mini hipmli tm wlttiout*U. \V«n Ul/ (Htn your: Vinuu>uuca«, JU.ftOMlx montliH. Jtromtway, MITNM CO.# !IU I Now Yiirk City. NOTIOh. 1 vv ant very imin nml wo uiiunn in Hio 1 nitet. Flail'd habits inlpiCKlcil lmv« in the Opditn < nml Wliml y to one at mv bookii on thcae dm - OC.'J m fi* T mf(m k : **0 . *, ismm pc. . . mm . * h , 'Mr/.& - M “R. Monarch” and “Kentucky Club” I*tiie \VIii*Lle* fin I fly mill Mnld'liml I* 11 rjioni*. Oonuino Only When Pao'/age. Bottled in this Styl Qn ;t- s \.:,o I ihi'in| d'ei'"Hni l»y d" ra-( of 1 Z fjimi'H. W.RjREID, Local Handler, Crawfordville, Ga. R. Monarch Bottlong Co, () :,»■ \i4,rn, hy.