Newspaper Page Text
20 Years Lid THE ADVOC^ E-DEMOCRAT t !t I Is the Best.
Cttowfordvllle peinucrat. Ksl*lili*liwl 18*«. Consolidated Oct. 0,1893.
People’* Advocate, Efctablblied .
Hammack, Lucas & Co *1
ri - Atlanta, Ca.
On Meta. rn
We Sell only the purest and best of medicines and at
lowest possible cut prices of which we append a few.
Aleocks Plasters 13 Hsdways Kwdv Relief b8
Browns Iron BiMers 08 Sages Catarrh Cure .A
Carters Little Liver Pills 13 Syrup of Pics 34
Halls Hair Renewor <13 M utts Liver Pills 15
Harters Iron Tm.ic To 'Ssola Cream 38
Hostetlers Bitters To | WTlhams Pink Pills 35
Malted Milk 75 tVnislows Southing S*t nip 1.
Pinkliaros Compound To , yeti.s Beef Jmee ,o
Pears Soap i > Wampole Cod Liver Oil (.8
Pitts Carminative 18 j Everything.else _ , . , ... Sinn- .
Pierces Fav-•rite Prescripti’n <18 i And , at .
Packers Tar Soap 2 i j lar Low Prices.
Dr. Hammack’s Blackberry Compound, a splendid
remedy for all bowel troubles, 18 cts.
Dr. Hamniack’s Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla,
far superior to all other sarsaparitlas, 68 cts.
gtgySend to us for what you need. Express charges are
usually 25 c. on all packages under five pounds.
Fine Dried Califor¬
nia Friut.
Sweet and Fresh
Coeoanuts, candies
and apples.
Fresh cheese and
— A1 -
Retail Grocer,
Crawfordville, Georgia
—Alex Beazley has returned
home from Morgan county.
—Jack Chapman says he can¬
not buy a home in Madison coun¬
ty any where near the railroad.
If your children are subject to croup
watch for the first symptom of the
disease—hoarseness. If Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy ts given as soon as the
child becomes hoarse it will prevent
the attack. Even alter a croupy
cough has appeared the attack can al
ways be prevented hy giving this tern
edy. It isaho invaluable for colds
and whooping cough. For Salt? by
Dr. R J. Reid.
Jack Akins will farm next
year and will live at the B. R.
Reid place east of town.
Nov. 4, 96.
JjtaJiLiGill D Ipnt'o 0 fjpij flscto- I? I? QhnWQ kjllv H U
The Time-Tried Exhibition. The Grand
—Fruition of Years of Earnest Toil—
—And Lavish Expenditures.— .
A Superb Collection of Wild Beasts!
The whole world made tributary in furn
— i sbin them. —
The Rare Treasures of the Wilderness,
the Monntain*. and the Pampas.
Exhausted in furnishing Nature's Curios
ities l(g the Instruction an ) Amuse
s meat of our Patrons.
Merry Miscuevions . Monkeys, ti i
A Broad Guage
Comprehensive Show ’
Dicarding Old Ideas Our Motto Is
tion is given only THE
Truthfully Advertised and
RAIN mr/ilSroS'S/
Only or SHINE.
Pure Home Matters Picked Up by Our
Local Reporters,
What Our People Are Doing ami Saying.
Things Our Friends Tell Us.
Try the Alliance Store’s 25c
Jeans from 10c up at the Al¬
liance Stoi'e.
Best fire proof oil 15c gal. at
Alliance Store.
—John Stephens sports a nice
pony now-a-days.
ArbucWes roasted coffee 20c
per lb. at /Alliance Store,
i —Miss iOrawrdrdvilie. Jinn Moonjs.;,pending
d Wffile in
Apples, Oranges, i Bananas,
and Coeoanuts at <o Stejihens
—The big show! .ill be hei
next Wednesday, Nov. 4th.
Best New Club Shells for
30c per box at Alliance Store.
—Golucke & Combs grist mill
will soon be ready to grind corn.
The Alliance Store is sidl¬
ing 22 lbs. granulated sugar for
Extra nice 4-4 Seaisland at
the Alliance Store for 5c per
—Mrs. Dickerson, of near
Penns, was in Crawfordville
Buy your Fisli and Oysters
H’om Jno. Stephens,
—Mr. Ii. B. Slrozer has moved
his family to this place from
—Senator Flynt went up to
Atlanta Tuesday, to meet with
the Legislature.
—Mrs. Jim Reid and son, Low
j Si went uj) to Greenesboro Wed
nesday on a visit.
—Mrs. J. J. Lyle returned
Monday from a visit to relatives
up the Georgia road.
Get your j latent Medicines
of Jno. Stephens, the freshest
goods and best prices.
— Mr. S. M. Johnson is put
ting the finishing’touches on his
house ill this CO.tllly.
Buy your dress goods, vel
vet trimming, pusirientry, etc.
etc. at the Alliance Store.
—All the politicians in the
state have been to 1 he “Jog-roll
ing” in Atlanta this week.
—Messrs. W. R. Reid and Jim
Moore went fox hunting one
morning this week. It is said
they caught-a cold.
—Miss Annie Wells, of Allan
ta, is visiting relatives and
friends in Grawford ville this
—Messrs Rhodes & Dolvin
shipjx;d another £o load of this
from here Augusta,
—The “merry-go-round” man
is in town with his wooden
horses and the little folks arc
Buy your Flour, Meal,
?a r. Coffee, Lord Syrup and
Meat, if you want the freshest
—Mr. 8. H. Rhodes and Dr.
R. J. Reid returned from Macon
vestordav The Masoffic Lodge
iuoto «** satisfactorily «t j..
“In the Intlrei-t of All the People.”
Front.*- — »
f Still to the
We are about to close our 7th year in tn ;iness- Every
year our business has been entirely satiV\ K q of y. But
this year's business is
Suppassing Any Previous Year.
We account buy for goods this increase from bankrupt in business sto* „ji Hows: We
never our a If we did
this, we would be sure to get
Old, Shelf-worn, Shoddy, Out-of-sf j] e Stock.
know We buy our such goods word from as fail. live, up-to-date We therefore m| f,j rc j 1;ln f Si f w ] 10 h
no : neWi res
and latest style goods, which our cutomers fjkpreciate.
Our Motto is: “BEST VALUES/ ! ,
Crawfordville Alliance v.ore. c
—Col. Horace Holden went up
to Atlanta Tuesday to mix and
mingle with his legislative
—Weave glad to hear that
John Mann, who has been sick
quite awhile at his father’s, is
—Rev. Jno. W. Bale has re¬
turned from a trip to Rome. He
reports his good lady as improv¬
ing in health.
Every one compliments Our our
ready made clothing. astonishing.
prices are simply
Alliance Store.
• —There was a blind negro in
town this week making music
for the people, with both mouth
and accordcon.
—If you want a lot of the cel¬
ebrated “horse notes,” we have
them for sale cheap at the Advo
Democrat office.
Buy your winter shoes at
the Ailionce Store. We are con¬
stantly getting in new lots and
are able to suit you.
—Mr. Ben Edwards, wife and
son, of near Sandy Cross, left
Tuesday to visit relatives in
Dougherty county. lot
We art. just f receiving a
l•jfrtra./TO/Tht of. pi aids vjv bought eaaly:
class oUgikids. Alliance Store.
—Mr. J. O. Brooke, of Madi
son, visiteo his old home at Sha
ron this week. Jim’s many
friends here are always glad to
see him.
—Rev. W. P. Lovejoy, P. E.
of the M. E. church, preached last,
good sermons here Sunday
it being the fourth quarterly
— Mr. Thomas E. Bristow is
having the dwelling, recently
vacated by W. C. Bristow, re¬
shingled and he and family will
occupy it next year.
Those who failed to see L. If. Lent’s
Circus ami Menagerie missed the oppor¬
tunity of a life-time. It, is the fest old
time performance that ever exhibited
here. It certainly Is a first-class show
and the management live up to what they
advertise. No wonder the pres* and
public are so intense in their enthusiasm.
—Paterson (New Jersey) Daily Cal).
Show at Crawfordville Nov, 4.
A Household Treasure.
I). W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y. f
gay* t hat he always keep* Dr his King’s New
Discovery in the house and family has
always found the very best results follow
its use: that he would not be without it,
if procurable. G. A Dykeman Druggist J
N. Y.., says that Dr. King’* New
uiscoyery Is undoubtedly the best Cough
remedy; that he has used It In his family
fur eight year*, and it has never failed to
that 1* claimed for It, Why not try
a remedy -o long trii'd and tested, i rial
bottles free at Dr. H. J. Held’* Drugstore
Regular size obc. and 81.00.
All cyes-are turned to Georgia
now as the most prosperous
state in the Union—so says the
New York World.
I*. B. Lent'* Circa* Hay.
p, B- Lent’s Railroad Circus, Mnaeunt
and Menagerie, were visited by thous
yestetday, and the ring performance
WM the ^ « vet w ‘* n in tl,e cn *- The
rilaria ^ erne,,t ^ ,IH *how demirveH the
■’ u PP‘> rt of th,; I ,ubli,; everywhere Their
modern way of uiakin^ people merry in a
decried step in advance of the hfereotyp
ed style of lon^ ago, and we wish the
whole outfit the golden harvest it no
richly deserve*.- Cedar Radidn tia/.etLe.
Show at Crawfordville Nov. 4. j
d g*'»»“■
Dr. Ryder will be re sentenced
to Nov . 2 . for the murder
G f Miss Owens at Talbottom |
Ground Spices, Baker’s
chocolate, and in fact every
thing usually found in a first j
class Fancy Grocery store, at I j
Jno. Stephens.
Children Cry for
t «e county news.
Oorrespoudents' Reports of Wliat Their
Neighbors Talk
ortho Happenings In Their Respective Lo
calltien. All the New*.
No news of interest to report.
Mr. C. B Mitchell, of Wash¬
ington, spent Sunday here.
Our farmers have not comment*,
ed putting in their grain crop.
Rev. Mr. Smith preached a
good sermon at Bethany Sun¬
Miss Eunie Humphrey is vis¬
iting her cousin Miss Moselle
Mrs. A. G. Boazley, of Craw
fordville, will commence teach¬
ing school at the Lucas place
now soon. We trust she will
have a goodly number of pupils.
On Tuesday night last Mr.
Dan Underwood gave the young
people a sociable. Quito a
crowd were there, including a
number from Union Point and
Bethany. And every one had a
nice time.
Mr. Warren Andrews met with
quite an accident Monday while
working at the saw mill. His
leg being broken, the wound be¬
him ing a very painful one, much. causing We
to suffer very
trust lie will soon recover.
There is more Cntanii in this se i
tion of the country than all other dis
oasew put togotbor, ami until tho las,
tow years was Htipposcd to be ineina
||lt ' For doctor*
, „ g| . oat , n „n y years
pronounoed it a loon! disuase, and pro.,
scribed local rcomdicN, ami by con
st.uitly fiidiug to cure with local treat
meat, pronounced it incurable*
Soienco has proven catarrh lobe a
constitutional disease, and theretbi'e
I’jqnires constiniliotml treatment.,
Hall’s (latai'rb Cure, manufacitired by
p j. C honey & Go., Toledo, < Mno, is
the only constitutional cure on tho
market. It » taken internally in dos¬
es trom 10 drops to a tonspoonfiil. It
acts directly on (lie blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Ti.ey offer
one hundred dollars lor any case it
tails to erne 5}<iud for circulars wt* “
tcs'imonials. A <1 ‘ I I’QfJBk y
i V. J, OHKNKY 4 Mgf «»
Sold by Drug^ is I i *)C,
Catan li Pilla tiro this boat.
Senator Flynt left t'ais week
for Atlanta.
We are glad to learn that Mr.
Leo Smith will make his homo
in. tills neighborhood tho coming
Beautiful! B dutiful weather;
such a splendid tittle for gathering people
who havo’ut finished
their crop.
Miss Annie Dyer returned to
her home at Aiirum this week,
after spending some time with
relatives in this neighborhood.
Mr. Claude Story, of Columbia
Co., who was elected as teacher
at the Raytown Academy Monday. opened
his school at that place
Farmers report a very short
crop of sweet potatoes this year.
| We have heard of some though
! weighing 5 lbs apiece, Very
good if there was many of that
On heavy groceries, such as
(tour , moa |, „a1s, suit, etc, the
Alliance Store is head quarters,
A reo-lllar cyclone struck the
.................... 1 1*.*.
day. As high as Iffi emits was
Out-door life and Scott’s I
Emabion of Cod-liver Oil with I I
Hypophosphites have cured I J
thousands of cases of consump- j I J I
tion in the early stages- They I
cure old, advanced cases too; I
prompt- I ■
but not so many, nor so I
ly. When a case is so far ad- I I
vanced that a cure cannot he I ?
made, even then SCO I T'S I I I
EMULSION checks the rapid I
ity of the disease, relieves the I I
pains in the chest, reduces ‘he I I
night sweats, and makes the I I
cough easier. In the;e cases it E I
comforts and prolongs life. £ I
Don't experiment with I I
cures I
that destroy the digestion. Pin I I
your faith to the one remedy I
which has been THE STAN I
DAPD for Over 20 Years. I
Book about it free for the asking. 1
for by all iru ggixt* it 50c. ind
y.OTT *, BOWSE, He* York,
It Wa« i ftftll*
The Warrenton 1
Pair was a
sticcess last week 'util Fridays
rain closed them oi ■. The races
were postponed un ,, Tuesday of
this week. Sever t from this
place attended. Why can’t
Crawfordville get !p a fair for
next year. It wij holp the
county wonderfully
luim.rkio <t reB
1 ho book now beittj . n t out for
one-ceiit Ntaiup, by the l*' 1 .. , it ,
Ralm < o., of Atl tu t. ' i oeriaiUly
slfcwa Botanic Blood B|, n (H ]{ >
to bo a wondcrinl 1 ' ' u hy for lmi!d
mg up, amt cuiing e r.. in m, l o f blood
and skin disease certificates
arc from well know pt j SM( 1 the
cures performed abn*'^* {;../ir credul
tity. It is a tic iiie<nc:|^ f nr Letter
than the rnuiiy stipwi^i ^^ R „j ( ] to | )0
j ist as good. tested MJu old reliable
ami long . , )V .
large bottle, cm Druggists
hi* nan* tf.
Wo are, told that •SH Lott
’ nt,
Oslin, has been appo \j' |)(}st .
master at Barnett , Kives
him the combined a j* L s uf
* llP ^ j A i x
nre i £a.o rn
,. r
f iyTrTn Ttdegrapfi ('“JT and i he
postottic.e. Lot’s many friends
here wish him well
If Troubled With UhrutuniGm Thin
Annapolis, Md., Apr. Pain 16, Balm 1894. — for 1
used Chamberlain’ll
rheumatism and found it. lo be all that
is claimed for it. I beliei e it to be the
best preparation for rheumatism and
deop seated muscular pains on the
rnaiket and cheerfully C, Brooks, recommend dealer it
to the public. shoes, Jno. No.18 Main St.
in boots, etc.;
A'echanicsville, St. Mary County,
Md,—I sold a bottle of Chainbe*.Iain’s
Pain Balm to a mam who had been
suffering with rheumatism for several
years. It made him a well man. A
,J. McGill. For sale at .50 cents per
bottle by Dr. It. J. Reid.
CrawforiJ vllle’* rialm*.
Dr. II. J. Reid has gone to
Macon to meet with the grand
lodge of Masons in that city this
week. Wo are told that the
Doctor will present the claims of
Crawfordville for the lodge
is trying to bo moved to Sharon.
The lodge owns its building here
and it, seems that this is the
, 1 )roper 11 place for it.
A Nice Krit«rfalfjfn«nt.
An entertainment will be giv¬
en at the Academy in Crawford
viileon Nov. 6th, by the Craw¬
fordville Dramatic Club, under
the direction of Prof. L. A. Mc¬
Laughlin and Mrs. M. Z. An¬
drews, for the benefit of the
Presbyterian church. “Toodles”
the prince of comic plays, and
“The Miller’s Daughter” or
“Bound in Honor," a drama of
fine plot, and unusual excellence,
will both ire presented. The
popular character song “The
Gypsy Countess,” will be sung.
The best music and dramatic
talent of Crawfordville will take
part in this entertainment. The
public are cordially invited to
attend. Admission, adults, 25c,
children under, 15 years, 10c,
-Miss Lizzie Thompson,
daughter of Mr. L. M. Thorn p
^/filri^iast pSstm^te^at week to*Mr MSison.' Charlie
, M r W T Chapman S D
Newt, his sons, nave divided
property they recently bought
The former will b lild a nice
hoi in the woods lot near
Pitcher’s Castorla.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report.
4 l \oyal
Farmers are about through
gathering in tliis section.
Rov. Dr. Lovejoy preached Anthony's an
interesting sermon at
Cluvpel last Monday.
It is strange that some of the
tree silver fellows who have ad¬
vocated free silver say now that
they will support McKinley, the
standard candidate, before
they will vote for .Bryan, That
proves what prejudice will do
and it can’t he any thing else.
We heard a man say not long
ago he wanted free silver but he
did’nt want it through Bryan.
Why. because Bryan is a demo¬
Arc you going to vote for
Mr. Watson? Yes. Well did’nt
Mr. Watson endorse Bryan?
NY's, Are you not going to fol¬
low your leader's dictations. No.
If you want free silver, you have
got to vote for it and not against
it. Mr. Watson’s head is level.
Ho is right, lie knows that
Bryan is the man if he could just
get the populist to do as he says
we would have free silver.
Tlu> Diivliiigtoit, \Vw„ Journal wiy*
that Oliiimbci'hiin’x Colic. Cholera mid
Diiinliocii Remedy in nil that in claim
ml lor it, »8 on two oco.'In’oiis it HUm
pi’il I'xciumin.tug paiim and ji<»sHiltly
H.-ivcl ns from an untimely grave.
Wii would not real eu*y o/er nigln
without it in the hotuw.' 1 ton ivine
ily uiulonhtt'iLy saves more pain ami
HiilJuring than any other nieiluiine in
tho world. Every family ahotilil keep
it in the hou8c,f,>i'it ifHuieto he need
ed sooner or later. For rale by Dr. R,
. LEU MAS. ^
Oats are being sown, and pci
aloes dug. ,
f We have beau Reused
rST'' a/' s.‘
Monday ’’ night.
.Mr. Ed. McKinley .. ,r. , • on .i ,lh
list, this week. \Ve , hope
he may soon he on* again.
The. Rocker mill, on Beaver
dam creek, which lias been clOs
ed for some months is now run
ttiug full time.
Mr. Clarence Rhodes ami Mrs.
Ida Harris of Crawfordville, and
Miss Sue Gunn, John and Miss
Ada Akins attended church here
Rov. A. C. Rainwater preach
ed hero last Haitirduy and Sun¬
day for pastor, Rev. B. H. Ivey,
who was on a visit L> old home
church Union in McDulllo conn.
Miss MtuiiioCulver, of Bpaiiti,
is visiting friends in our town.
Mamie assisted in lit
HchooUiere last Sail and , mad , ■
'»«»y friend* who will strive to
make her stay among us a plcu
wno *
”!!*»*• ««» <’»iro nil fthln 1 >Hg n«e.**
Stoipty »»;*|>ly “S vhv;h ' Oiiit.iu ja »*
. Cure*
n 1
iv,,, i, ,j, „
wide and healthy. It* great lies*
Hwayne'* oiuimunt.
"Ih lrHysfl," Nay* Wminoii.
Thonison, Oct. 2. Hon. J iio n
:is 10. Watson spoke yosienkty of at,
Lincolnton to a crowd
Populists. He declared that he, still
in the race for
and would be until the last vote
was counted. tie said that the
withdrawal of the Populist elec
(oral ticket in Georgia did not.
indicate, as some supposed, that
he would come. down, but was
only a protest against the man
agement of the present cam
paign. He declared that the Populist
party had been betrayed by its
leaders. He declared his undy
ing devotion to Mr. Bryan and
said that under no circumstances
woe 4 1 he vote for or assist in the
election of McKinley, lie de
nounced He wall as a plutocrat, and said a
national hanker, etc.,
that if Bryan was defeated the
resjsmsihiJity would rest upon
Sewall and tlie Democratic and
PoiiHijsl mana^pr^. will make
Mr. Watson no
other sjau-ches in the present Tenth
campaign outside of the ,
ca>ngre»sional district.
■% ibillon of good bi-altb. That i* why
flood’g Sar-aparilla, the One True
Blood l’urilier, gives HEALTH.
$1. In Advance.
NO. 37.
Tim following art the latest quotations
for cotton in (TnwfordviUe, corrected
every Thursday evening:
Gooil Middling 7
Middling...... e 7-8
Low Middling. 8 1-2
Strayed or Stolen.
From the house of A. K-Taylor, one
11iock Mare, 'nhnut 10 or 12 years old,
weight, about soil or 800 pound*. To any
one who will rctie’ii or let me know about
her 1 will |mi fur the trout,le.
,t. T. TAYLOR.
Sharon, On., Get. 20 , l.'-IKt.
Mwili flora.
The Georgia Baptist Associa¬
tion which was recently held at
Warrenton will hold its 113th
annual session at Crawfordville
in October 1HD7. I t has been a
long time since the Association
was held here. Our people are
already thinking of making
preparation to give the dele¬
gates a hearty we!conn
«***• —^ --— i,
rro&vfteuit , s
w<riJ . ’*
aimn. //<'• / w
There is of a hot prohibi
.. . .. ... ,
A i’i, ii»in* si,,,„.
L. II. Lent's Circus and Mcnngcrie huh
(lUcil to o\, i ll,,wing Inst ni«:nhundred*
were tunied nivuv. Iris un old fmdikm
performance im 1 could remain her,- .ill
HUison Kicrythli’if la moral, ch**n unU
honie-'lvc. I’licrc ts not too much <trcus,
hut Juxt enough to make It enjoyable.
HorneffsvlIkVfN, Y.) l ime*.
Hliow lit Cinwforilvjllc Nov 4.
There htlikely to be a jt/k ’se.J
cotton itlf a , iJm Nation,il
f''* ’ ; «'/, S.Owvm T''
’ f’ ' ■'
1'iHi' u’vy :>: ,1 iiii’«i*iii - i’ n, rsuoni
nnmdiiar m ihn public KingV Hoy a!
(ii*riiiu u«t. I have beim ii-ing it at
pmu-j Nerve fur line" ihi'h for l)y>pep-i i
.uid ,inirka with th« m , i gr id
lying mml *. 1 c,mk it i- due ttr*
wonderful mediemu to Hay Hint 1 have
i known n number of miu’wteis midnOi
| i ers u ho have taken it, and far as I
"'»«■ renHunber they all -peak of it*
r.'ua we and -tvn> gthening GT-ets with
: No<mc who hum
It un i UK! m iJiroct^n for tiio tn■ n*
! for wbicb it in leeeemeuded will ex
change New package, ic for uuy other mo limns do*c*, 1
largo bottle, 11)8
U; do ~ lidding Dillard, 85
i years , < • ■ I at his home near
Cmwfo ,- <l Mu-idav. I'ttHc Field
ing was mi.' of lit * best and Iru
ust men of our c omtry.
For Over Thirty Years’
“A FI' i'ill i for over thirty
y«nr» hit\ * k< j» f iiih in K'»o<l health,
imu « r Imvjii^ h;i»! u lek «luy In fill thafc
tfiiD*. It fora I hh t’*v<*nfy I KU<Tf*r«»l
tthtvo t tmi? iliH tils i\ ;i rt'HUli of C’OH*
fi'/ifM -f ■ j *i:t,
n* in, *<r \kA )'4 b»h 1 olhwf «?ruptlvo
WJiCfl l lilk’iimo coiivincotl
/ K
j ! v> XiV- if
: SM'
'j^ ' ntf nt my t ron bleu were
t «l hv I'oitHtipatioH. gfin the uh 6
„f >, pr’i P#I|n # ith the TiiOMt natisfiic
t .1 r* tmfvr having a single this
' . j; that did SMrefulily yield to
Ay My wife, who had been an
’ ‘ Id for arn, «i*o began to u#o
A • r * Pi'll*, and her health waa quickly
„. tore*!. With my children I had no
t. ! that nearly aii their ailment* were
prr<Tilol 1»v '’onntlration, and 1 soon
bad tfie plea* of knowing that with
cldhiren a* with parent#, Ayer’* Pill*,
if taken in ***as«»n, avert all danger of
■ :kne**. If. W*it*t*ii», Byron, III.
Highest Honors at World’s Fair.
Ayer’* SarMparitia Siremjthci» fits Sjsttm.