The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, December 04, 1896, Image 1

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    20 Years Old
Crawfordvilie Democrat, Established 1876, Consolidated Oct. 6, 1893.
People’s AdvocaU-, Established 1892.
/+ Hammack, Lucas & Co.,
VW»>«*»»** , ^** , WWM***MM**|
On MedlGins. 0,-1
We Sell only the purest and best of medicines and at
lowest possible cut prices of which we append a few.
Ayers Sarsaparilla To c s. Paines Celery Compound T5 ets.
Hoods Sarsaparilla t ;8 Quinine P. ifc W., oz. 43
B.B.B.(Botanic Blood Balm )68 Royal Oermatuer 6 i
Alcocks Piasters 13 Radways Ready Relief <>8
Browns Iron Biters 68 Sages Catarrh Cure 84
Carters Little Liver Pills t3 rivrup of Figs 84
Halls Hair Renewer 68 Tufts Liver Pills 15
Hartyrs Iron Tonic 75 Viola ( Team 33
Hostetlers Bitters 75 Williams Pink Pills 85
Malted Wlk 75 Winslows Soothing Syrup 17
Pin klia os. Compoti ml 75 Wyelhs Beef Juice 75
Pears Soap 15 Wampoie Cod Liver Oil t >8
Pitts Carminative 18
Pierces Fav. rite Prescripti’n 08 And Everything else at Simi¬
Packers Tar Soap 2 t tar Low Prices.
Dr. Hammack’s Blackberry Compound, a splendid
remedy for all bowel troubles, tS cts.
Dr. Hammack’s Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla,
far superior to all other sarsaparillas. 68 cts.
gfirSerd to us for \vhat you need. Express charges are
usually 25 c. on all packages under five pounds.
My Handsome
Christmas Goods
Including the latest novel¬
ties in China and Glassware
will be sold at collection remarkably is'made low
pricss. The
up of choice and useful articles
and the early purchasers w jH
pick Of (Hem. Do not
Retail Grocer,
Crawfordvilie, Guorgia
A decission in the U. S. Su
preme court in favor of towns
and counties jhrough which the
Central Railroad of Georgia runs
will give to the former nearly a
million dollars taxes which the
road has been due since the pas¬
sage of the bill in 1889 by the
Georgia general assembly.
When most needed it is i^ unu¬
sual for your family physician to be
away from home. Each was the ex¬
perience of Mr. ,T. Y. Schcnck, editor
of theCaddo.Ind. Ter.,Banner, when
his fittle girl, two years of age was
threatened with a severe attack of
croup, Ho says: “My wife insisted
that I go for the doctor, but As our
family physician was out of town I
purchased a bottle of Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy, which rt-lieted her
immediately, i will not ho without it
In the future.” 25 and 50 cent bottle
for sale by Dr. B. J. Reid.
As the new registration laws
required voters to register the
same year in which they voted,
the Justice of the peace's
constable’s election in January
was about to be left without
voters. However the
has corrected th^ustices the mistake by ex
cepting of the peace’s
and constable’s election.
To Buy:
lam opening up an entirely
New Stock of Dry Goods, Groce
rife... Hats. Shoes. Hardware, Co.
fectionenes and a general stock of
everything .... the merchandise , «- line
at the old Bristow store; and I pro
pose to sell them at New Prices—
the lowest to be found.
Come, See and Be Convinced.
Paul Q. Lucas,
Crawfordvilie, Georgia.
Pure Homo Matters Picked Up by Our
Local Eepciters.
Wliat Our People Are Dointf and Saying.
Tliinifg Our Friends Tell Us.
—Good rabbit hunting weath¬
er this week.
Buy your Christmas goods
at Alliance Store.
Wool under suits for Gents
at Alliance Store,
~ A lad y 130011 a - ent canvass
^ Crawfordvilie this week,
Furniture at Rock Bottom
prices at E. Golucke’s.
Dried figs, citron, currants,
etc., at Allliance Store.
—Judge J. D. Hammack had a
fine apple tree ruined by the
If you want a nice clock,
large or small, go to the Alliance
—All business was suspended
here Wednesday on account of
the weather.
Nice and suitable presents
for young ladies and gents at
Alliance Store.
— Mr. M. F. Griffith has
suffering this week withuseverc
rising on his hand.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Rich
ardson left last week for tbd*
ho#ie at Conyers.
—Tuesday was such a disa
greeable day there was a very
small crowd in town.
-Mr. W. A. begwen returned
the first of the week after visiting
Augusta and Harlem.
—Several little fights about
town since our last issue. Noth
serious, however,
Sorry to know .Tack
maa lost a11 the j° ints of a Iot of
,neat ^e killed recently,
hresh nuts, raisins, candy,
apples, cocoanuts, in large quan-
1 ' t * es Alliance Store.
~ The Uttle daughter of Mr.
and Mrs ’ S ’ K Gun “ has boon
rl ^ ht sick - but is better -
—Lawrence Battle came over
from Sharon Tuesday and spent
the day here on business.
See my fall stock of good
but cheap furniture before buy
ing elsewhere. E. Golucke.
—Greenesboro is pushing
ahead with a measure to have
niiWif. pUbl i C retinna ^ 1S fc.r for ^ Umic
—Ltsh . Moore and Jesse o' Brown
gave us a call Tuesday. They
were fixing up for Christmas.
—VlMm. George W Brown
and A. D. Kendrick, of Sharon
. here Tuesday _ , business,
were on
Your Christmas presents
and , confectionaries ... . will ... cost
much if you buy at Alliance
—There is a considerable num
ber of hogs dying over the coun
try with some peculiar disease,
Some people think it cholera.
Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria.
*‘In the Interest c All the People.”
The Alliance Store
Is Leader on
vc w
Our S f ock is Complete ]
And Our Price is Right. \
Crawfordville Alliance Store,
—All the nows was wrapt in
snow this week and had not
thawed out when we went to
2 lb can grated pineapple for
15c at John Stephens’.
—Many began to kill hogs
yesterday morning as soon as
old Sol began to melt the beauti
ful snow.
Dunhams shredded cocoa
nut 10c a package at Jno. Steph¬
—We were glad to see Tax
Collector C-. T. Edwards able to
be in town this week after a spell
of pneumonia.
John Stephans handles the
nicest and neatest line of Fancy
Groceries ip town, and ho sells
them cheap too.
— Our job printing department
has boon on a rush this week.
The people are appreciating our
good and cheap work.
Dolls, stoves, tea sets, and
other nice tilings for tho girls
at Alliance Storo.
—flife’ OgleTrue land which
was advertised' for sale Tuesday
was not sold. The case M*iil be
carried into the courts.
Dolls olTkinds and sizes at
Alliance Store.
—A watermelon on the vine
and covered with snow and ice
was the peculiar sight seen in
Crawfordvilie this week.
The Alliance Store is the
place to. buy your fruits for
fruit cake.
The all wool tricot for la
dresses>at Alliance Store,
is a bargain that you will have to
before you can appreciate
it. ♦
— The change this week was a
severe one on the system- - it has
been so warm. It jumped from
summer to winter as many had
John Stephens does not ad¬
vertise one or two articles as
.. leaderSt » buthis who l e stock is
a leader. Go to see him and he
will convince you.
—How did that fellow, who
been complaining of hot
weather, feel Tuesday night
when all this South land was
wrapt in ice?
—Tho board of county Com
rmss.oners held their regular
meeting Tuesday but no business
of much importance was , brought ,
before them -
—We have received Bulletin
No, 32 of the Experiment sta
tion. Experiment, Ga., on culti
vation of strawberries. It is
well gotten up.
—Jordan Sanford, of Waynes
boro, spent Sunday with friepds
i Q this place. Jordon is
ing Mercer. He left Monday to
reSUme hlS Stud,eS , j. -
The wife of Mi. D. Robinson, »
prominent lumberman of Hartwi.-k,
N. Y., was *iek with rheiimatiem for
R*- m w u th^milv toe ODiy thiu^ minf that mat £ rr 4Ve .v« h**r r,tr
wy rest from pain. For the relief of
P® ,n a,nnot heat,” Many very ■
bad canei of rbeuinaiiis,) have been
cared b“ it. For tetle at 50 cents per
bottle by Dr it. J. R. id.
—Mr. and M rs. William
Hughes, have returned home af
pj r several days stay with rela
tives of the lalt< •r near Raytown.
—Sparta Ishmaiite.
Cit uffht It K rl.v.
Sam Gunn got in Thursday
morning before sun up and
tracked a rabbit to Ns bed and
jumped on it befort it could got
away. Sam is an early riser;
suppose the rabbit 1 ad not wake
11 P
Pure Llqtlt rw.
If you want sovfp real j>uro
liquors for ui. dicap urposes see
the notice in this p iper of the
Satn Stark DisiiloryCo. Paducah,
Ky. They make ti| pure hunt
dale and Bourdon fcpu atnl ship
it direct to the of.-isunior, six
years old at $2.65 p'r gal.
(ionetoTtia »n.
Espor McDonald,,one of our
young merchants, b&xod up his
goods first of thi. week and
moved to Thomson where ho
goes in business with his father.
Espor has many Fiends hero
who are sorry to sec him leave.
If tho demand for , tore rooms
here continues sot .c one will
dbonilll just in vacated, the ver- LpprejE3fK>r
The book now being sent out for
one-e.ent stneqi, by the IJotHttic Boold
Bulin Co., of All nt«, Gn,, certainly
shows Botanic Blood Bsliji, (B, H. H,)
lobe u wonderful remedy tor Guild
ing tip, mid curing nil niannerof blood
„nd ski" disease Their certifi,
artiirorn well know people, and t lie
cures performed almost Htugjor cretin.
tity. 1 1 is ii ne medicine, far belter
thim the many substitutes, said i<> he
’•just ns good.” Buy the old r. liable
and long tested B.B.B.. *1 F
large bottle. Nr rale by Druggists
ThW UMran«:«.
Mr. Jno. W. Hawkins, living
near Crawford, in Oglethorpe
county had 14 fine hogs to di e in
24 hours last week. A
cian examined the dead hogs and
he pronounced the cause
them on dry corn after
them on cane, potatoes, etc.
Their stomachs were packed
hard with dry corn. The food
of 14 others in tho same pen was
changed to chops and none of
them have been made sick.
It IV»»• Heavy,
The freeze and snow covered
the earth Tuesday night and
Wednesday. Many nice shade
aud fruit trees were bent over to
the ground, some of them badly
split and broken up. The old
China tree at the Hotel yield’d up
the gost and fell to the ground,
Telegraph wires and poles went
to the ground, and trains were
tied uj> here all day Wednesday,
No fast train went up in the
morning. It passed np on the
evening train schedule. Aj|
hands were put to work to clear
tho tra<:k of the telegraph poles
and to gfjt thw W1FeS ,n ° rd<3r S °
the trains can make their ached
ule8 ' Yesterday Burning aaw
ed bright and the beautiful snow
began g to fade '
— •, «
IXorelc^'* ,r ~Z ------ _ u*etl i
, mail (ArriHjo* 4 arc tot* .
[„ New York City.
The B,T«T::£Z~r,or Ont..
Bniiw , Sore., Uxer*. Salt Rheutn. Tew.
Tetor. I Unto. C! id l«4r,«- !
Com*, and Erupt on*, required. end poai-| Ii
five y cure* Pl)m or no pay
i*» g\i*rjinteed to ujrc ion or
money refunded. Price 25 cent* per b om. j
lot Mole by Ur. R. J lUll.
Correspondents’ Reports of What Tluir
Neithbors Talk
Of the Happenings In Their Respective Lo¬
calities. All the Now*.
Mr. D. P. Henry passed
through Lyneville one day last
Mrs. Hixon and Mrs William¬
son of Robinson spent part of
last week with relatives at tins
One of our boys has had the
toothache so long that the mis¬
ery has gone to his ears; so he
Mr. D. N. Anbury left last
week for Greonsboro whore he
and Evans will go into the mer¬
cantile business.
We heard a man say that he
was too old to work the roads,
though young enough to marry
if ho could find a woman that
would suit him. It takes death
to knock marry ingout of a man’s
head when he gets it there.
Ml 00 Uonurd. MitOO.
Tlie renders of this paper \iill be
pleaNcrl to learn tlmt there is at least
one dreaded disease tlmt science him
been able to cure in all its Htagi>s 11 ml
thin is Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure
is 1 he only punitive cure now known
to the medical fraternity. Oatnrrhbe
imr a oonstituthmal disease, requires a
II.iIi'h Git
tltrih Van is , JlU(1I1 , y< n , !ting
,|jeoctly upon the blood and mu'ous
surlaces of the system, t hereby distroy
ing the tmmdation of the disease, slid
giving the patient strength by build
j,|^ np t lie eonsi il lit ion and assisting
nature, in Join/ ils work, Tho HnnilioJ nro
pviotors bav« otVo od Ouo
Dolliii'M lor nny eiisf llntt it fails to
hum. Sond for list ofTvstiinoni ils.
Address, K, J. CHENEY JkltO.,
Toledo, O
Sold by Druggist, "Jo.
HuII h Fuiuily Pill’s nr« tbo liottf
Hog*kilMttg Aril t.o,,* ...ii,, \it
riety to the weekly rejtorts of
correspondents. ^
Mrs. James Aldrod is quite
sick. Wo are glad to know she
is better at this time,
r Fiui bliis/.ard reached us as
T)r ' 0 < ii c p. ( i j„ the shape of iC«oid
N. h. , , ram on the .. evening of „ the ..
Misses Nannie and Mary Jones
an , both wick with f ever . We
hopo 1 to l eani of t hoir recovery
Our townsman Mr. 8 . N.
Chapman is the recipient of a
present of a line pair of Poland
China pigs from Mr. J. W.
ter, of Winchester, Ky. They
are beautiful “porkers” and u
present highly appreciated,
Wo are again called to cimmi
cle the death of an old aud much
respected citizen of this commit
nity. Mr. Josiah Carr who had
boon in failing houjUt for
two years, died from dropsy of
the heart on tho 25th of Novem
her. The large number in at
tendance at his burial evidenced
the high esteem of his neighbor
for a worth / il,uJ honorab,fJ »«»»•
The fuao, ' al K<,, ' vu:0
ed by Rev. A. C. Rainwater.
After weeks of suffering Mrs.
Sailie Seals, wife of Mr. W. D.
^ais b,,rlwd , died at Molhod,sfc on the 27t. church , and celn was
etory at Powelton. Funerel ser
vices by Rev. A. C. Rainwater.
One, by one our friends and
ed ones are crossing tho river,
families of these departed j
ones have our sympathy in their
sore bereavement. \
rev Pill*.
Send \<>ui addre lo It. K. Unoklen &
Co., Chicaxo, *ml Life «-t » free m»i|>!« tw*
0 ( b r Kims’* N«w l’iii». A trial will
convince you of tb»-ir merit*. There pills
in ?*’" ^ iT '
V" su-m'j "‘m, *'% »Tl aT ’
tr-,-i»,!.-Vn,ey hitve u-.-/, ib iZp invaluah F
They w guaraat 4 -<-.| iw f^rfm-tly fr»«
*n by theiraettonN, but by giving u>tu: to
htl)m * ( h hwI tHtwelnif rent lv iavu'itruto 1 ho
»y»tem. Be^iUr .ize '£>;■. \*r box. Sold
!>>• Ur. R. I. lteLI, fmup-i-t.
« ,n tr,.. . G.-,i. W- U-r
^ K ln K about in the , sue t.«U be* In ( „
und in oa.y lighting the native* nhen
hi* irt forced Ut do v>.
Wheu the hair begin* U> fall out or turn
i y the walp a*"*'drt doctoring, and w<
know of no better uju than 11
Vegetable Sk Ulan Hafr Renewer.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report.
fej! W1 Powder ming
nv la.Ai r
Mr. S. J. Jernigam visited
Qreenesboro Tuesday.
Mr. E. J. Merritt made a fly¬
ing trip to Atlanta one day last
Mrs. J. R. King is very sick
her many friends wish her a
speedy recovery.
Little Grace Anderson litis
been quite sick this week; we
are glad to know she is some
Iceland scenery is so beautiful
and picturesque when viewed
from the standpoint of a roaring
hot tire.
Mr. Overton, a prosperous
merchant of Union Point, has
been in our midst, several days,
Misses Ella Boylan, Eva and
Pearl Howell went up to Atlan
t.a last week to visit friends and
relatives, and also to hear Nor
dica sing.
The addition made V>y J. I 1 ’. &
T. 0. tloldyn to their brick store
gives it a more business like
look and of course it moans more
W. P. Purry is working
hard for an ontorlninment that
ho will give^riday night Doc.
II at the close of tint fall torn),
which promises to he quite a
White Plains can take the rag
off the bush when il comes to big
hogs; 400 pounds is very little
for a hog to weigh up hero since
several will be killed this season
that* will tip thug iitl »tA- 6 G)f 3
Spurgeon Willi uns was
brought home last Saturday,
with tho fever, from Athens
where ho has boon alt aiding the
University. At this writing he
is some bettor and his host of
friends join in wishing him a
Hpoedy recovory.
Simla < Ijimh II. Hdijimt {« t'M.
John .Stephens i . the reeog
ni/.ed leader in Christmas goods,
in quality and prices, both of
which be guarantee.-; to suit tho
times. He k< jo j )m Mm nicest and
freshest line of " candles, nuts,
raisins, fruits, and toys in the
1,! atest variety in town.
old stock from last m i, mi.
stock before making your
* 11 ist.ina., pure u,
Iliiiifcwitdo Apfiui.litn«*it)#.
The appointments of the
adters for the coming con
ferance y ear:
A l.hetis District W P Lovejov
,, roH j ( i il)g ejde,., Fi rst, church,
W. It. Foote; Oconee street, M.
H |Mi| an l i Whitehall, .1. M. How
all; Athens circuit, 1 ! Sanders;
Watkinsville, U. T. Dubose;
Wiute.rville, 1 L. I’attillo; Lex
higt.on, A J Hughe.sjGreensboro,
J R Lewis; (Inn circuit, -I B.
A(jkl;W . White (tins, II E L
Timmons; Norwood, J S I'hiibr;:;
Crawfordvilie, L I' Winter;
Washington, A W Quillian;
fJ|0iMi ,. iviil . u |{ (t T; n .r! nlil i ;
ytUe river j K UosHer; Ogh
t , )oriH3i n k McBrayer.
jr. vv. McClesky is sent to
J. W. Bale is sent to Tilfoneir
cult in the Dalton district.
Aflv^rtUdfl 1^*1 t«?r ».
Tho following letter*ntmnla in tti«po«t- *>Lh
MU .................... fl ,of tut,
uncfilU*! for:
Fank* Htirdmlnle, Col , Mr. Jarum fJoiry
c, M i, llenrMa . .•'.emit
>inlth f Mr, I. H, .VIcKoru ttril f j hour}
lVAgrn,C. U. Shou
C If K.\ KMKK. I\ M
FTt FTK Oor Oi Fa-« Ileal refer*rm
oookt> rm'U a* Hu t Hffllf ted . witli
any forth of |>ri ‘e ‘ !>*.,♦ Kn tK-euUar to
thoir iejr, «.t , mil, o ii Hgiov.n
dbn&mr, 1 l ** tfo thi* i ‘e. 8«xi * tiro
cent eiiitno* t> j / p * to 11 it; k a lm
ingapec.a f* ? 4i m h ’OUO*
fry. Dr. Hathaway & Co.
tin. hit., A ...inbi, Ga.
It Is the Best.
$1. »n Advance.
NO. 42.
Ttvro an' so-re* of ••urt'resa!” McKin¬
ley ou'ii now 11 i ty to !ny tin ir nlitimg be¬
fore tin : 1 otu.r ■; minfini Inti Ion.
If you are anxious to find the most u‘
tiatili' btoOil-pinitii r, vi-ml in Vvei's Aimn
0110*1 tin test inn minis of those who have
boon ourod of Aiio.h terrible diseases as
• •uteri'll. rliemntitlun, and orofula. bytlit)
use of A., i' tl tr. i ;.urii!:i. Thou govern
you reel f nrmi'dlngly.
The follow lug are the lire t quotation*
for cott hi in ( rawfordville, corrected
every Tlmrsdnv evening:
Good Middfii: .
Low Miitullng
Your \ W-mi’i l \ H lltlllilt.
So Mr. Oihtvin {‘town >f :!t Mill SC,
South Garth n, Mnr whs told by f iiis tb fe¬
tom ll H ‘i »ll I' t L !-i tiCf.Jtlo, follow
ing; T.vph'L’M M hi A • n.l he m t ut thr^o
luuvlvud ant! ■ uvt'nty-tWu dollar* v\ithdk><
toi’H, who ftiiaUy g.iw him il|), Ko
“Your hi won’t i month.*'
trift 1 Dr. Iv New I)i .'11 \an! a lYw
bottlu* l c •’ *1 him to hurilth u.’i'l vn *
bind him io .<» to work a purfwlly woil
muii. siivs In* owes hi 4 imycnta
g toil In iHh to iu • of Dr. King's New
Discovery, ;i;u) koovvH ;t. 1»> V»o Uh* bu«t
in tlio world for * uu;r tmubto. Triul
Bottle ■ Ft
*•*!».« to i ■ ‘ '*»**.' *
No Bimpty iiiU'Mi'il n.v.Vy \S * Olntu,
re. I ! U tbl, I Dtl, r ■»
totter, /,i uri, i! !*, < ruptfmm ~
fiu «, in .L, Ib *ut* i. 1 .. tv ii'lite (in. . j, 1 E
clear, will • a.iit . :. 'n 1 ii .' "I »
tng lUld ..
I ".Vr j > ,v < ■ . 1 t'C ( 10 * •<! •••■ i U »
a k in.ingest f r
• v ,
TiiiM'i :i o a few w ho have
not sent tin m lindr subscription.
Christriii'-s i ■ i i"' I hiu ■ and this
is bad weather ior a ;int>r printer
to bo s.'ion. in funds. If you owe
us any thing pfc :y nmni if in.
Tl F tl F<*r \‘<rAr*. (
Mr. Ji lin II, furo r, Dnltou, G i,,
tuiyx: '* Uw t Sib. ’H Till* M
i fuitcv | ff>r tbo ‘ Tim, %
fWiiifiliiei in in v
live yonr-i fir vnrioitM |>1 >tlntx. vi/u
IiidigcH' i Vi, biiwi-l tumble nti I gelt—
onil del Hit null (is I il II it
clnitto to I -. I .I fi.'t, l ! t tri in
If you would lol l thi- vh'iIo of
tin:- gi'c J i’iiiioil, i,i t. t> family, h-ti.I
to Tin- A '.in' i ni'.i 1 - t n, At in
On- f.w t i. -reL r , I'..”). Nov.'
| mol; ii go, tin ;,'i Oil hi, r «{tHCH, J •
E Gov. Norther.i 1 fXt re
turned fro .it a U •) Dot'! i and
West, lied fit ,;.l ii,
t.(.trued to / ■ r .:ia ne
country ; i livfi a
ni'ttiy pr.
4° ‘‘.o d tl i M'O
,nt be n a .aiuideo"
our went ! ,i ' f* the
of II V. I imu
now U ■:y - tld D j Ji
ill! this b I W -,l
La Grippe, far CNJs, Coughs,
*' Two yi-urK nyo, I Hft*t tin) fSrl|tpo,
ami It bill mi- witli .i rough which g.i .,
Ill*) no r<- ti flight or <hty. My family
)»ity»iclii» |*rt s«‘.rU>‘4 f« r m«*, chtmgiuy;
tli*. iiMtlicinii i>H of iun n lift found tho
tiling i l ii i'l lukon v. c not b'Jpiag
:SSF' S .
AA’i ]
w tec *■' tr-'
% vr?*” 7—*/ ■
mmk J&l p- 5 -
- 'Mi*, Why*
me, hut, in dpitu > 9 hi. .i<* inlftnc*-, T got
ho better, I i ‘j * my husband,*
day of a ut. ti lltt'i
bad tli« gripfte utol an *.rii «I I»v taking:
Ayet*n Cherry iwtoral, pror-nwsd, for
mbs n iHittJi: of thi* ubmIIcjik 1 before
1 hatl takun half of if, T wi urrd. r
Iihv« Mf'd th^ P»-utoral for my <*UlhJr**n
aiifi in ruy f-tmiiy, whenever wo liavu
nt*u4t <i it, and ivsvo fotuid it a
f</r coldi, Wooni^orMi coiigfm, ami lung trouble*.”—
Khily Bt., Flkton, 3M.
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral
Highest Honors, at World's Fair.
©<t*i*e I- <; 'a ”h Ajtt» Sart;jarifU.