Newspaper Page Text
20 Years Old THE ADVOC ■ i - j E-DEMOCRAT •— It Is the Best.
Crawfordvtlie Democrat. K*tabli»I»«1187^, Consolidated Oct. 6, 1803.
Peoplo'fi AdvocaiV) .Established 1892. i
4b Hammack, Lucas & Co.,
On Medicines.
We Sell only the purest and best of medicines and at
lowest possible cut prices of which we append a few:
Ayers Sarsaparilla 75 c s. | Paines Celery Compound 75 cts.
Hoods Sarsaparilla 68 i '.iuiuine P. «fc W,,oz. 45
B.B.B. (Botanic Blood Balm)68 Itoyal ftermauier 6s
Atcocks’Ptasters 13 Railways Heady Cure Relief <« 34
Browns Iron BiUers 63 Sages Catarrh
Carters Little Liver Pills 18 Syrupof Fiirs 34
Halls Hair Renewer 63 Tufts Liver Pitts 15
Harters Iron Tonic 75 Viola Cream 33
Hostetlers Bitters 75 Williams Pink Pitts 35
Malted Miik 75 Winslows Soothing Syrup 17
Pinkitams Compound 75, Wyetlis Beef Juice 75
Pears Soap 15 Wampole Cod Liver Oil 68
Pitts Carminative 18 Simi¬
Pierces Favorite Preseripti’n ‘',8 And Everything else at
Packers Tar Soap 21 lar Low Prices.
To curs a Cough-There is nothing better than Dr. Hrmmack’s
White Tine and Spruce Gum Cough Balsam. It soothes and cures all
bronchal and Inn;? diseases. Per bottle 25 cts.
For Pains and Aches.—Dr. Hammack’s Electric Liniment leads all
cures. — It, is the best all around liniment in the world. 25c. abottle.
Youne’Men.s Troubles.—Quickly yield and are enred by that stand¬
ard cure "Got There Eli.” Per bottle 75c. Send forcteular.
Make up clubs and save money by sending lo us for v hat you need.
Express chains are usually 25c. on all packages tinder five pounds.
W holesale and Retail Druggists, ATLANTA, GA.
For 30 Days!
The *
My Handsome
Christmas Goods
Including; the latest novel¬
ties in China and Glassware
will be sold at remarkably low
pricss. The collection is made
up of choice and useful articles will
anT'the early of purchasers them. Do
wait. get the pick not
Retail Grocer,
Crawfordviile Georgia
Too Much Sap.
The freeze played havoc with
fruit trees in all sections of the
South. Mr. W. A. Legwen had
a number of trees blown dowu
in his orchard. It is said that
the unusual warm weather we
have had caused the trees to be
filled so full of sap was the rea¬
son they were so badly torn to
pieces by the freeze and ice.
When most needed it is not ut u
nual ior your family phyi-ician to he
away from home. Such was the ex¬
perience of Mr, J. Y. Sctienck, editor
of the Caddo, Ind. Ter., Banner, when
his 1'ttle girl, two years of attack age was
threatened with a severe
croup, He says: “My wife insisted
that I go for the doctor, but as our
family physician was out of town I
purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, which relieved her
immediately. I will not be without it
In the future.” 25 and 50 cent bottles
for sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
The Ishmaelite can remember
when a plum orchard constitut¬
ed the only “juvenile reformato
ry” thought to be necessary tor
the wickedest specimens of
rising generation.—The State
cannot make good the neglect of
Business! ‘
We have bought the stock of
Fancy Groceries and Patent Medi
cines or John H. Stephens and wl ‘l
continue to handle a superior lot of
o-nods will in our line
\ eare e se g we
are marking the prices ver\ ow on
every article. We are going to sell
the goods if good articles and low
prices will do it.
We cordially invite the public
generally to come and buy at
low price house of Crawdordville.
At the Jno. Stephens* Stand,
Crawfordviile, - Georgia,
Pure Home Matters Picked Up by Our
Local Reporters.
What Our People Are Doing; and Haying.
Thing* Our Friend* Tell U*.
Apples 5c doz. at Alliance
Plenty of fresh nuts at Al¬
liance Store.
—Mr. Charlie Slack spent
day with relates here.
fancy Seethe Alliance SLor»h»
Big lot of fire crackers
Alliance Store.
—Jno. F. Holden spent Sun
Sunday last in White Plains.
Arbuckles coffee still 20c at
Alliance Store.
—Mr. W. J. Norton is doing a
big lot of building at Norwood.
—Mrs. Rube Rhodes.returned
Saturday from a visit to Augus
Best grades of fancy and
plain candies cheap at Paul G.
—Miss Mattie Tucker visited
friends in Greonesboro this
The Alliance Store is in po
sition to give latest price
—Jack Chapman has moved
his family to the house recently
vacated by Mr. Richardson.
The Alliance Store is
the place to buy Christmas
t-i n i i
G. Lucas’.
—Mr. T. E. Bristow and fum
ilv ily bftvo have mm-wl moved to to their (heir home home
near the Academy.
Nice tin buckets 5 cents at
Paul G. Lucas. Lot of all tin
f?°°d s cheap.
-Sknneot the boys are .peak
mg o f getting up a turkey-shoot-
1 ing for Christmas week.
All styles of men’s hats,
caps &c., very low priced, at
Paul G. B~ Lucas.
-W. Barnett one of the
most , popular , traveling , men on
the road, was here Monday.
When you want a most ap
propriate Christmas present, for
j all ages, call at Paul G. Lucas’.
_The bill to abolish the board
of county commissioners for this
' county has been introduced by
r Johnson.
I f >’ou want a nice . assort- .
, ment of fancy candy at a
g Q the Alliance Store,
_, It is „ id that M _. ’ Strom
™° an ol D f J f Citlzen ve . to of make ™ T t " her wn - h °™ WlH
* ’ I he rate they are going
' the Christmas goods at the A1
* -
liance Store will be sold before
the time comes to sell these
Children Cry for
• < in the Interest of All the People.”
The Alliance Store
•^e«SK LLI XGSslfc-'
Full into the procession ,
and get your part. i
—Wiirrenton will have a Christ¬
mas Carnival of races on Decem¬
ber 29th.
—Mr. B. F. Wynne, one of the
best farmers in Powelton section,
wasitt to see us yesterday.
—Mrs. Rogers, of Warren, who
has been visiting Mrs. J. W. As
bury, returned to her home yes
-Eight or ten telegraph hands
came up Sunday and went to
work on the broken wires and
pioles in this section.
The Alliance Store is get
ting iu new lots of Christmas
candy nearly every day.
—It is reported that there will
soon bo a Sweedish marriage in j
town. Our informer would not
give particulars of the affair.
Christmas goods and confec¬
tionaries don’t cost much if
bought at Alliance Store.
—Thomas Wynne has been
quite sick at his fiome^in *hrT ^his
ph «*5 tltlTl-n^TReHASt week.
is some better wo are glad to
Citron and dried figs at Al¬
liance Store.
—Registrars Wright, Golucke
an d Ogletree met Tuesday and
prepared the registered list of
voters for the election next Wed
—Several from this place will
attend the entertainment to¬
night at Dawson Institute at
j-white 'entertainment. Plains. It will be a nice
j turkey If you in the want world the buy best Xmas
a roas
ter at the Alliance Store to cook
! i it in.
It has been reported that Mr.
Thomas Akins was going to
open a bar at Sharon. This is
no t true but Mr. Akins will open
‘ bar in this place on Jan.
a new
! 1st next.
—* ‘Horsey ’ ’ a mulat to boy that
works at Mrs. Mrs. Jane Ham
imaek’s, was fined $2.50 Monday
might by the town council for
j has —Mrs. had her L. F. millinery Stephens, business who
! ' ,n th e same building with Jno.
: fJ 8tephenSi bas ronte d tho
Mitchell corner store and moved
her stock to that place.
—Senator Flynt passed
through here last week, spend
“ business. He
South GeorKi ,
Qne of lhe i e glsIativo commit
! tees to i nsi>e ct convict camps.
J —Messrs. popular Hainmack, druggists Lucas of &
Co., the
(Washington and Atlanta have
marie a change in their advt. in
| J this paper. See the change and
send to lhem for HOme uf lhoir
The wife of Mi, D. Robinson, a
prominent lumberman of Hart wick,
N. Y., wi\s sick with rheum»iinn for
; | R^mi* !” ■!’ ptin
the only thing that gave her
; any re* t from pain. For the relief of
! pain it cannot be beat." Many very
bad cases of rheumatism have been
^ b , For sale at 50 cenU per
bottle by Dr- It J. Reid,
j I week —Charlie with Mann broken is hand. here this He
was repairing an engine and a
heavy part of it fell on his arm
.and hand.
DICH RED BLOOD i» thefoon
Hood’s aw dationofgood liealth. I hat is why
Sarsaparilla, the One True
Blood Purifier, give* HEALTH.
There is talk of a big shoe fac
tory in Augusta.
Pitcher’s Castoria.
Correspondents’ Reports of Wliat Their
Neighbors Talk
Of the Happenings In Their Respective lo¬
calities- All the Nets’*.
bv thol’
The freeze in this section lias
damaged fruit trees greatly.
Mr. Will Lavender's littlo boy
h is been quite sick but is some
better at this writing.
Rev. Mr. Boll preached a good
sermon at the Baptist church
hero Sunday hist.
A good deal of pork has been
killed in this section. The cold
weather was good on it.
Sam Rhode’s littlo baby boy
that was burned by falling in
the tire some weeks ago has abon
gotten well wo are glad lo know.
Ucmbert H IT*.
Our thanks are tw tended to Mr.
Henry M. Harriet, n, of Sandy
Cross, for a bag of nice yam po¬
tatoes. He that kindly remem¬
bers the editors a” 1 ! other fellow
sufferers will be e .er remain ber
e <l
One Colli.ri«.
There was one ! titd mid col 1 i
skm on tbe Gpaiffia Kai i road
last week, at Grov^lown. Pass-
6ugor tr ^ in No _ x 0> i W i 0 d with a
freight. The engines wore dam¬
aged some and Capri Baily Jones,
one of the best conductors on
the road, was slightly injured.
Marriage Wed ?e*klay.
Married at the homo of the
bride in this county_on Wednes¬
day night of this weok, Mr.
Courtney Erodes an 1 Miss Florrie
Tay lor. Mr.- Ithod t> f/isasou of
Mr. Rube Rhodes ol his county
and wins as hitfbri' ^ -of the
-T-OUtFrios Lo.. s (■ Wf
. ,
extend to thorn our* best wishes
for a long and happy life.
—Wo want more correspon¬
dents. Ono from every section
of the county is needed. Wo
want all the nows of this sec¬
-—Wo aro thankful to several
of our citizens who so kindly re¬
port to us items of news that
they happen to hear of. It is
always appreciated.
Ill* Ilroktin.
Mr. Joe Mann, ono of Talia¬
ferro's best farmers, got his log
broke Wednesday near his home.
He was having some cutting
done and a tree fell on him and,
we are told, crushed his leg
badly. The tree was lodged and
it happened to fall unexpectedly.
It is a bad injury and wo hope
it is not as bad as first reported.
The book now being sent out for
one-cent stamp, by the Botanic Bookl
i} a |nt Co,, of All uita, tin ,
ing up, and curing all mannerof blood
and skm di*oase Their eeriifi.-a <-h
are from well know people, Bud the
cures performed almost staler credit;
thy- It is a ne inedidm*, far
than the many substitutes, sutd to tie
’•just as good.” ».,y tlm old $
am ong ti stii . .1”'
large Wtie. For sale by l>*ts
IttiiiMutty Tu«*<lajr.
Two excellent horses, hitched
to a wagon, l>elonging to W. R.
Reid, took fright near the *
Tuesday , . and .
morning ran up
Broad street and split the wind
for two blocks to-wards
court house. They threw the
driver out as they turned
Broad street and everything
gave them full sweep.
ran under the wooden awning or
veranda at Stephens’ store and
knocked every post from under
it and the top came to the ground
a complete wm*. The
w'as left under the wreck. One
of tlie horses got its mouth bad
ly cut. No one was hurt.
Xtacfclftti** Am(a» Wv*.
Tie Bmt S*lv. to iw- wo-M for Cst.,
Boris-.. Sort*. tjv*n». S*1, Bheom.
er, Ti tter, Ctupped Hxrxfat, C/i r
Corn«, aod *11 jprixi Erupt su», *ori poei
ttve y cure* Vifm, or no p*r required. It
1* fniaracteed to girc «ati*faodoo or
money refunded. Price 26 cent* j*e» bo*.
For sale by I>r. H i. Reid.
WIOO Ben-nrd. W100.
The readers of this p iper will be
pleased to leant that there is at least
one (headed disease that science lias
been utile to cure in nil its Singe* and
that is (’ManIt, llall’s Catarrh <\ire
is the only positive on re nmv known
to the medical fratentily- Cittanli reqniu*n lie
ing a constitutional disease,
cmistitutiond tmiunont, Bali's 0;>
tarih ('me is taken intenuitly, acting
directly upon the blood and mu -mis
surfaces of I lie syMcm. * lien by dCst toy¬
ing the foundation of the disease, and
giving the patient, strength by but hi
ing up the constitution and assisting
nature in doing its work, The )no
])iietors have offered One Hundred
Dollars lor any case that it fails to
cure. Send for list of Testiiiioni.ds.
Address, F, J. CHUNKY *('().,
Toledo, O
Sold by Druggist, 75c.
Hull s ’Family Fill’s m e the beat 1
Frnijtht* Htoppvd.
Our merchants have been kick¬
ing considerably since the snow.
They ordered goods and the gen¬
eral break-up of the telegraph
wires caused the way-freights
ifrufjilT up nearly'a* week. The'
merchants came very near soiling
out all the goods they had on
hand and the customers and
merchants were all about to get
Olil INjojiUh
Old people who iVfpiiie medicine to
requisite tin* bmvt lH ami kidney* xvill find
the irutt vvmvdy in Eiwuiv Bitter*. Thin
medicine docB not HUmulitle and ponhdns
no whlnkoy nor other fnt<'xiciml ,4 l hut
net h iiH « tonic and alfera'lve. It acts
mildly on flic Mtoniaclio and lH»weln, add¬
ing (strength and givimr tone to flic or¬
gans, thereby aiding Nature in the per Hit
foniMincoof the fundioUH. Klcelric -
fen* iN an excellent appdizei and aida di¬
gestion. Old People find if just exactly and
what they need. Price fifty reals
1.00 per bottle at Dr. l{. Itcid's
Drug Hi ore.
To llolp tho ttoy»,
The ladies of Carwfordvtllo
and this community are getting
up a Christmas box to send to
tho young men at Mercer, who
striving . , get , . . . ,
are , to , , a
education, and all the ladies
the Bajitist . church aro expecieu ,
to hoip all they can in making
this box a worthy aid to the
nreaoher bovs All articles that
]>ost-offico hero by or helot ■;
Saturday (tomorrow.) Every
one is urged to help the cause
M John It, Tarver, Dalton, fla..
^nifv “Line ‘"hat the 7 l',av> ith ’a', u‘-'e,! 'i’/ds in
Oerinatnoi in ^ my family for the Iasi
^ ^
Indigestion, bowel trouble and (tut
deDility, nnd lin l it 11 ilm! it
claim* to be In fact, I would not be
without it in my bouse.”
,f > ou kao ' v t»"’o<
thi* , groat reuiodv in tin- 1 faint.y, *< ml
f() TJ)( . Al!l|ll , M IlljC ; t | t f( ( a , !hi1 .
a . Gw for 48 psgeh <ik, free. New
package, largo iiouht, I (to doses, ft.
New Marrli»nt«
Another change and a new firm
in town this week. Messrs. T.
O. Gunn and W. C. iifitsles two
of Taliaferro’s successful
have bought out tho John fancy H.
grocery business of
Stephens and they will continue
where that he will likely accept,
and it is likely that he will leave
Crawfordviile. We are sorry to
give up John and family if they
do decide to leave us. We ex
tend - . hearty welcome . to . tiie ..
gentlemen who are taking charge
of the business and wish for
them much success.
Word come from all quarters that tie
neatest »n>l most -atl-fa' tory dye for col¬
oring the heard a l/rown or black is Buck¬
ingham'* Dye for the Whisker*.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report.
Probably the Klght Man.
It is thought that the murder
or of Julius Hardy, at Woodstock
some weeks ago has been caught
and jailed.
Last week Taylor Findley and
his brother, Linton colored were
arrested at the homo of the lat¬
ter in Greeno county and carried
to the Lexington jail to await
trial. It is thought that Taylor
did the killing and Linton has
been arrested as an accomplice
after the act, and they want all
the evidence that ho can give.
Detectives have been at work
on the case and it is thought that
they have evidence sufficient to
convict Taylor Fimlley. A shot
was found buried in the
woods near Woodstock that is
thought to bo the weapon with
which Hardy was killed. A
colored defective has been em¬
ployed on the case and ho has
been in jail with the Findleys
and he claims to have some
strong evidence against them.
The case may bo tried at the
adjourned term of Oglethorpe
this month.
It has boon reported that Mar¬
shal Boatwright and Mortie Lan¬
drum were both seen with Mr.
Hardy late that night, but that
report is not true, for all
know these two young men are
not such characters,- - Washing¬
ton Reps irter.
For Infants and Children.
Tk* f»s- fl
of#r j
One of the negroes in jail at
Lexington, thought to bo the
slayer of Julius Hardy bus con¬
fessed to the killing, told all the
oireti untune h, whore ho hid
tho gun near the dead man’s
home at Woodstock.
One of t hem hud served a term
in tlm penitentiary and is u dan
gerous negro, While the feel
ing against them is very high,
they will not bo harmed, but will
bo given ti fair trial before a
j ,.««««•
jftRljy. -Our «4 Pa<;« M<«!t<vt! wfatemw
! f>>r »« «> «(0«-e!d with
tun ,form u( ja-t-ttt* 6W. uk p< oultar l<>
t , lo)r „r v»tnh, orntslo'i*
dbuttw!*. frm ita trouble «t«. Bond > two
cu it»t»m;>« fr> p»y po*t*x« to oHi i<*«
, anoriaUts ttiidjuliyulcla l5r. i* of this w>uu*
i W- liritlmivar iS: t o
j Ho. liioS'l St., Atlitniii, Ga.
*;i.) or Work,
The town council is
this wook by $15,09 (when it is
' last week.
(..ousted) than it was
; Last wook, Orlandora Smith, col.
, * thu . ot hopH J d1
' ven t0 P an J ^
paled about the charges ol ti < ,
O. D. bill and used some rough
language t<) W. P. Hubert, our
t n , S( , nt(Ml aud Smith went i
<»<[ «*»<! later came btwtk loaded .
with knucks tnatie of old halter j
rings and a little “skittawahoo”
under his jacket and so grossly
insulted Hubert that be struck ;
Smith several blows with his j
fist and in the fracas, Smith lost |
his brass knucks. Smith was:
not satisfied with this, but went
off and got Ed. Shorter and Ama
ziah Johnson to return with him
and they filled the air around
the depot with abusive profani
ty. Monday night the town
«"*»***«*••* »m case
and resulted in a fine of £25.00
<>r days on the streets for
Smith; £5.00 or 10 days on ti e
for each Shorter and
- The young men of the town
went out serenading Wednesday
night. They make good music.
- Mr. C. 1*. Bagby, the weil
known tinner, was here yester¬
$ 1.In Advance.
NO. 43.
Tint following arn the latest quotation*
for cotton in Crawfordviile, corrected
every Thursday evening:
Good Middling <t 7-8
Middling...... 6 3-4
Low Middling. 01-2
Two Mvvm Saved,
Mrs. I*1 h»o'h‘ Thomas, of Junction City*
III., wus told by lu;r doctor* she lmd Con¬
sumption and that there was no ho pen
for her, but two hot ties of I.)r. K ind’s New
Discovery completely cured her and who
savs it faved her life. Mr, Thos. Effger&,
139 Florida *Sf>. Sun * Francisco, suftered
from a drciulfuj cold, approaching Con¬
sumption. tried without resuit everything
o 'bo then bought one bottle of Dr. Kitu. r ’«»
New Discovery and in two weeks was
euretl. II«' is lmtumlly thankful. It is
Hueh results, of which these nre samples
that prove the wonderful efficacy of this
medieinc iu (’oui'Un and ('old*. Free
t’iftl bottles at Dr. U.J, Iteid’s Drug Htore
Regular si/e 5(Jc. and l 00.
—Rev. J. W. Hale returned
yesterday from Rome and will
prepare lo move to his new home
at Tilton, Ga, His many friends
hero regret to give him up.
I'tlr.t rlt.s! rtl’titxs niton.
and Byngn-ms—Mi.i tain iuicnsi! i edny
,1 u - mo m i i i t ; r o ur
CVUlCMU ■ l ’til •• v , if cumin t m >n
■ or»i. wn p'i olVn DU*.-I unh uk ernte, 1 ♦»
coming v rv *nrt». Swmvm’m Oti-mcui}
ops (I i* It iiin ’ jind Mcv'.imr, heul> ul,
CtMuIlOli, Mi l 111 Dost U’W »unlove* ti e
Mill). I'., Af o’rn; i‘-bi , nr h, m ill, fur 7 0
c#n:!i Dr. .S hi up *Vj Sou, I j ,i l.j Adi liJi*.
Tlte trains are gelling back
to a better schedule now, but the
wires are not till repaired yot.
t,i Cur. nil Hktn III..
No simply imply "8 vuync’s Ouu -
uiUirimi niculfcini} Cmeis
^ tettur, ok winn, ltdi, till ♦.■rupt<ur.N
flint, luAviug <u D-d
iifiHfl, r}%«• ,«k’u
deftr, vvliltu nu<l liualthy. it*r:o,t lita
lug iuuI curative power* nru j y
go other rvirunh . Auk Vrn^i i.
“whajli'* uajL ?L»>t -iu ....... „ A ......... '.''uuwsni c
Mrs. Nancy Reid, of this place,
aged 8b years has received a let¬
ter from Iter great grand daugh¬
ter Mrs. Joe Richards, of New
York city, announcing the birth
of her great • groat grand daugh¬
ter. Mrs. Reid is the venerable
mother of five generations, viz.,
1st Mrs. R dd;2d, Mrs, J. L. Har¬
daway, dec'cl, formerly Mi ss
Reid; lid, Mrs. Walter S. Curtis,
now of Thomson, formerly Miss
Mattie Hardaway; 1th, Mrs.
Joseph H. Richards, formerly
Miss Ruth Curtis, and 5th, the
little daughter of Mrs. Richards.
This is truly remarkable as few
people are p u-uiiUe I f<, roach
the age t o see or know of their
great great grand children. We
trust this noble Christian 1 tdy
i to :-:ee this little tr ia»*
m-o hi,, •) a nto wo manhood,
C, H. King, Wutfir Viillny, Mil*., cured by
HJCI AvPI^Q O SdPSSidcirSfic) U«l oagJai IlfO
“For five year*, I »ulT«r«tl untold mhety
trow tniHcnlur 1 irliMl «*v*ry
kitowii tetnMjy, roiwuliufl the h<t*l f»hj u
tiltuiH, upmifildK vIhIUm! II<»tHprli>KH, Ark.«Wir»*F
$1000 there, VenUleti doctor** UUIh;
hut could obtain only temporary r**ii«*f. My
(|f.*iii Wu wanted away so that I wcltdif*ff
only r»|iu»ty-thr<*e pfiuitd*; my left arm and
leg were drawn out of ulmpe, tho mustflc*
I f
\ fa
bflu* twltUot up In knots. I ws* imaltfo to
tnynt'lf, except with hshihuh ce t and
eon Id only hobble about l>y using a cane, I
hud no appetite, and was a»aure<l. by the
rtoctor*, that I could fM>t Hve. The palus, at
were no awful, that I eotibl procure
relief only hy means ot hyp'»dt*rmlc ftijec
tform of morphine. I tia4 my limbs i<andat?e«ti
In clay. In sulphur, m |»«uit|ces; t»ut the^e
K tve only temjrorary relief. After trying
rverythioK, ami sufferinif the most awful
tortures,! began to take Ayer’a Sarsapaulkt.
Iiiolde of two mouths, 1 was able to walk
without a cane. In three months, my Naths
began to strengthen, ami In the course of a
year, I was cured. My weight has Increased
to 165 pounds, and V am now able ro (lotny
full day's work as a railroad blacksmith.’*
The Only World’s Fair Sarsaparilla.
At LU'S 1‘ILJLS euro