Newspaper Page Text
20 Years Old
Crawfordville Democrat, Established 1876» j ; Consolidated Cct. 6, 1893.
People’s Advocate, Established 1898.
/# Eammack, Lucas & Go.,
On Medicines.
We Sell only the purest and best of medicines and at
lowest possible cut prices of which we append a few:
Ayers Sarsaparilla 15 c 8. Paines Celery Compound 15 ets.
Hoods Sarsaparilla 68 ijmiiin.; P. X W,, o/.. 4 >
B. B.B. (Botanic Blood Ba!m)68 ' Royal Gernruduer 61
Alcocks'Plasters 13 Railways lteady Relief 18
Browns Iron BiHers 68 Sages Catarrh Cure 34
Carters Little Liver Pills is Syrup of Pigs 34
Halls Hair Renewer 68 Tutts Liver Pills 15
Harters Iron Tonic 75 Viola 1 Jream 33
Hostetters Bitters 75 Williams Pink Pills 85
Malted Milk 75 Winslows Soothing Syrup 17
Pinkhams Compound 75 Wyeth* Beef -Jui' e 75
Pears Soap 15 Wampole Cod Liver Oil C8
Pitts Carminative 18 l.-e
Pierces Favorite Prescripti’n 88 And Everything t t.t
Packers'Tar Soap .a lar Low Prices.
To cur* a Coufih —There is nothing better than Dr. Hrmmack’s
White Pine and Spruce Gum Cough Balsam. It soothes and cures all
bronchal and lung diseases. Per bottle 25 cts.
For Pains and Aches. -Dr. Hammack’s Electric Liniment leads all
cures. It is the best all around liniment in the world. 25c. a bot le.
Young Men,s Troubles -Quickly yield and are cured by that stand¬
ard cure “Got There Eli." Per bottle 75c. Send for cicnlar.
Make up clubs and save money by sending to us for v bat you need.
Express chaiges are usually 25c. on all packapts under five pounc.s.
Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ATLANTA, GA.
For 30 Days!
TLT My TT Handsome J
p, Cnnstmas . , P uOOdS
Including - the latest
ties in China and
will be sold at remarkably
pricss. The collection is
up Of choice and
7k iht*. ^riv-nurc-Wser A w
get the pick • l of them. b Do rv,
wair ‘
Retail Grocer,
Crawfordville, Georgia
C-iurch Furniture.
The handsome pulpit furni
ture for the Baptist church here
has arrived. It was made to
order in New York and consists
of four pieces, mahogany with
leather seats and backs and cost
nearly or quite !?100.00. It
be a Christmas gift to the
by its members.
Too Much Sap.
When most needed it is not unu¬
sual for your family physician to
away from home. Such was the ex¬
perience of Mr, J. Y. Sdrenck,
of theCaddo, Ind. Ter.,Banner, when
liis hole girl, two years of age was
threatened with a severe attack
croup, lie says: ‘‘My wife insisted
that I go for the doctor, hut as'our
family physician bottle was out Cliiiniberi. of town I
purchased Remedy, a of relieved in’*
Cough which her
immediately. I will not Le without it
in the future.” 25 and 50 cent bojtle.
for sale Ire Dr. R. J. Reid.
“Mow to Core ad.Skin Ii:« , H ."
No Simply Internal apply “Swayae’s Ouit.i.'i ’’
medicine required. Cure*
tetter, Itch, al) _
eczema. eruptions m the
face, hapds, nose, &c.. leaving the Skin
clear, white and healthy. Its hea!
tng »nd curative powers arc possessed bv
*10 other remedy. Ask Druggist fu7
Swayne’s Ointment.
Wp ” c arp rpppivimr new ffoods ® daily
eluding best lines of Dry Goods, _ Shoes, -j. trro
cerfes ’ Hardware, StoveiEtc, which
sold at the very lowest price. . Wo IT t rknlvaulr
the public to call and get our prices. We
are flptprminpd determined not not to to be DC undersold unatl SOia by ^ any ^ -
bony-anywhere. thanks for
We >> t hereby 11G1 e r return our your i
the past the IliTll-Ol o ( Tj- HOKien 1
■natronace ^ m as
& Co., and we will .„ endeavor ) to 42 * ment o a oen
tmuaiice I . _ OI /• ScIITIG ^ L»r DJ fnjp Iclir rlnnlintrtt Clt. ^ 8 rronn
goods gOOllS and cl low I prices.
Pure Some Matters PioXod Up by
Local Ecpcit rs.
what our People Are Doing ami
Thing* OttrFviei.da Tell u».
—See Paul Lucas’
Powdered borax at
stor °,
-Monday . was a durey ... day , v in .
l l ,-^res es ^ rts - will ,, be clo , d . ,
Ow-wtmusday. f
.. , fc .
-Horse trading * was on
^ here SlWrtil
Another new lot of shoes
received at Alliance Store.
—Mr. J. E. Darden has moved
to Augusta to make his home.
—Miss Annie Bell Taylor has
gone to Atlanta to visit relatives.
j Nut-meg, cloves, spice, cit
rQn figs> etc at Alliance Store,
—Next week will be the
! j ssue D f our paper for this year,
—Mr. O. D. Moore, of Ray
town, was in Crawfordville
T ueS cby.
—Mr. D. P. Hazelton,
Athens, was here this week talk
ing music.
—We welcome i 4 Rubo Bur
rows” as a correspondent from
172rd Dist.
See what the Alliance Store
says about clothing. This is a
rare bargain.
—There has been an excep
tioually large lot of meat killed
in this section.
—The fourth bar room for
Crawfordville is reported to b «
started up soon.
_Mr, I,~ -ved
to Atlanta to make her home
with one of her sons.
-Prof, and Mrs. L. A. Me
Laughl in expect to spend their
holiday in * ' '
Do not let the year
close before you settle up all
“In the Interest of All the People.”
IS 1
—sit* Almost al Sold!
The Remaining Suits
Will be Sold
At a Reduction of
' J. 09
This means a Very Low Pflee!
Crawfordville ANiancll Store.
—Messrs. Caldwell and Ed¬
wards shipped another ear of
cattle to Augusta this week.
—Mrs. Bentley, of Wilkes, vis
ited her daughter, Mrs. S. E.
Gann at this place this week.
—Read tho announcement “To
Your Interest” on the lower
right hand corner of this page.
Lack of vitality and color-matter In the
bulbs causes tho hair to fall out and turn
gray. Wo recommend Hall’s Hair lionew
e to prevent baldness and graynoss,
—Dr. J. A. Rhodes, of Sandy
Cross, had a very sick horse
here Saturday. It was able to
go home.
—Chari io Cald wel 1 returned
Wednesday from Atlanta, wnere
ha went to buy a load of horses
, md mules>
—It was Miss “Ruth” Taylor
that Courtney Rhodes married
last week and not Miss Florio as
we were first informed,
A decidedly nice collection
Of the prettiest Christmas goods
seen this season at Paul G.
Lma» - They .arc^ •
-Workmen have replaced the
„„,„ B in tront of G«»n &
Rhodes store, demolished last
week by tho runaway horses.
—The store windows of Craw
fordvillo displayed with toys
and fireworks reminds a person
that Christmas is near at hand.
—We aro informed that there
will be both a Christmas tree
and supper here for the young
people during Christmas week.
—Capt. William T. Martin who
US ed to be a citizen of our town,
has been very sick at his home
ne ar Thomson but is out again.
—Next week is the last
chance you will have to announce
y 0ur Christmas goods in this pa
p er before the holidays. Send
in your ads. early.
—Patronize home merchants,
’p- |( ,y w jH tell you through these
columns that they have a good
OOC j s auc } cheaper than you get
some other places,
—There is nothing so effective
in business as push, aud the
way to pU8 h the business is to
the people what you have to
hro ,
The wife of Mi, D. Kobmson, a
iiimhennnn of Hartwiek,
Y., was sick with rheumatism for
In speaKing of
Robinson Hava: Chamberlains lain
is the ouly thing that gave her
y rest from pain. beat.” For the Many relief of j
it cannot be very
liy Dr I{. J. licid.
—A new building will
between the stores
& Co., and Paul G. Lucas’
the court house, which
be occupied by Akins’ new
J w p rmer baa
G. Hixon which stands just
nfron{ of the formers home
will move it away and use it
other building purpose*.
_ Mi ss Peart Heard has closed
herschrx>l at this place until the
spring term. She will spend
hdidays with her parents
n(jur jj rJ i 0 n Point. She has
mvk many friends oLc ia o:r corn
1 .
^ , v Echo. r - i_
THE ONLY True Blood PuriUer
I uromineuUv in the pubfic eye to
day is Hood’* Sarsaparilla. Therefore
get Hood’s and ONLY HOOD’S.
Muoli Sltiknei Prevail*
At this tints of tin) rosr. You need
medicine, WUtri ymHj v of dru^s Uuuld
be pure and frosh. 1 t: r.mtee my goods
of best quality. 1
To C1«»B Chri '"»* Day,
ville The have merchant*! agreed t>f close Crawford- their
places of businessTm fuipjl Christmas
day and will obser ve t hat
day as a holiday. 1 No goods will
bo sold here on t* :t day—next
Friday. Do not ft , fund come
to town that da;* to' bay any*
thin The S- b.'Ok tn Jt„ .Lc out for
one-ceiit slant"*, by t Hot,min Boold
Halm Co., of All Blo(v’JM liiaS ' < coi'tftinly
shows UiitfHsiti m ,(lL U- H,)
to he 11 '.vonderfjjl ,|y for lmi-d
int; an, and eitriug idSi ’l annerof h otsl
mid sk '111 diseime *'"|'le, 1 ''' « f*
are from well know and the
cures performed ainiiiJ iiHijpW t-teg ter oi'eilu.'
lily. It is 11 ne h"' hell , ‘r
than the mb eni'l he
’•just as good.” aid reliable
timl large long bottle. tested For 1 ! |' .H '’^rllggtMs • v 1 i«
The fall term cflftke Stophons
Higli School at this place was
closed last Friday. A sociable
was given at Liberty Hall to the
pupils which was enjoyed by all
of them. Prof. McLaughlin has
managed the school well and it
is hoped that his next term will
be given the earnest support of
all in this section.
Tl,« Ideal I’ttnncnft.
James L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago,
says. "I regard Dr. King’s for New Coughs, Dis¬
covery as an Ideal Panacea
Colds and Lung Complaints, having used
it in my family for the last five years to,
the other exclusion preparations.” of physician’s prescrip ions
or Iowa,
Rev. John Burgus, Keokult
writes: “I have been a kiinisier of the
Methodist Episcopal Church for 50 years
or more, and having never found any¬
thing so beneficial, or that gave me such
relief as Dr. King’s New Discov¬
ery-” Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now.
Trial Bottle Free. alDr R. J. Reid's.
Five Pay* in Jail.
Sam Rhodes, col.,^of the 003
district this county, spent live
days in our county jail last week
for refusing to work tho public
roads and failing to pay the fine
imposed by the road
loners of that district. He was
roads ^ and public works.
a,, a h c i™ r„ Or„w„ now.
y 0 n probably toiroed the n'pmbrt nlim.t
t j mo you pninred w*hoc>b but nn all
„ W( Are mat .y imun to jeam
fu*r life. Particularly theone of nut'-dug
rnnn( ,y farthest. One way to do
at low prices.
The A r‘‘ ^
Rev.! h
at the home of
and Mrs. R. E. L- Harris last
Friday. It was a pleasant meet- 1
ing at the home of these mo«t
{. A conference of the dec
was held concerning some
t church matter s.
Without A Rival.
an(J painB of all kinds. Salvation Oil
ha* no Mra. Frank Julf, MS
Gratiot Ave., Detroit, Mich., write*:
“l used Salvation Oil in my family
and can *ay it ha* no rival a* a Uni
sprained my ankle and it cored me
aud feluee then I have always need ft
for any pain* and*.” Salvation
Oil ia sold for only J5 cents. No Other
remedy will do the-work a* promptly.
Children Cry for
Correspondents' Reports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
Of the Happen I Mjf* In Their Hospectivc Lo¬
calities. All the Nows.
Mr. Saul Porkins is looking
very bud.
Romamber your duos to this
paper and pay them up.
Mr. Charlie Dozier is in very
bad health at Hillman.
-Mi’. Li. L. Wright is among his
friends and relatives here again.
jjtev. P. P. Brown, of Mesena,
was within our borders last
Mr. Reuben Dozier will move
near Barnett another year, so
wo learn.
Mr. Oglesby, the fruit tree
man, was in our district the past
week delivering trees.
The 172nd District can beat the
country in horse-trading. Wo
go you drinks o i that.
The old Kendrick mill is going
to be over hauled generally
which Is very much needed.
Credit is shut down now on
those whom the bulk of tho money
is made on the laboring class.
Judge Hal. Flyut was in these
parts last week visiting relatives
and selling clothing by sample.
Mr. Dicky, of Buckhoml, will
locate in oar district another
year and sell whiskey at Sha
Mr. Lint Williams will re¬
main in this sod ion at Barnett
another year in place of going to
Mr. O. D. Moore one of Ray¬
town’s pillars and one of Talia¬
ferro's host men visited Augusta
last week.
Idleness is getting to bi a
great, luxury with a heap of our
oeoijl g now atbty.j, especially the,
young men.
The road Commissioners of
this district are having tho roads
put in better order, repairing
bridges &e.
Mr. W. A. Stone, Sr., of Hay
town. is getting quite feeble but
is very lively for a man of his
age and afflictions.
Lish Moore can out ride, out
holler and make more fuss on a
horse or mule than any other
man in tho district.
Will Bates, of this district, a
colored man. they say will clear 1
between $400 and §500 on a three
horse farm this year.
Tolbert Bailey was brought I
from Tennessee to Barnett a
last Thursday and buried
at Greenwood come,lory.
Mr. Shed T. Cosby will leave
district for Woodvillo. Green
county, next week, where he
make his home another j
The barroom business looks as
tnough itm getting a move on t
itself m Faliafem : I hree m
Rev. Mr. ,, Emory, T , , ,. f nfiw I
pastor of Raytown Methodist
, burch p roac hed there last Hun- ;
1,,H fl,ht WA ’ , in L " ho mr '
Mrs. William PliilJips died at,
Saturday morning at
Our sympathies arc.
to the bereaved rela- j
* vo,< and ,n<!nd8 '
We see negroes and some white
carrying corn to town to
(; i[ f or 45 or 50 cents a bushel to;
w j,i*k 8 y with. Next Spring
,-y tt, w «.
for the same corn.
glorious times and these people. are j
what a country ,
Mr. .r im n,T*rver, i>#uon.«».,
; “June the «.h. ’ 0 . 1 . TO. k
ths * v''ri [ V*, «„'}.* ‘o'.T']
0 u- complaint*, viz
j,„, t,„„blc i,ri.| g< n
i dabiliiy, and find it II ibftt it
1. fee!, I would not b •
m ■"
[f you would know the , value , of
ihi« gre it remedy in the aefid
to TJm At! .t.ta Cl*, rmeal Go. Ar m
(In lor 48 pigebok, free. >«•«
|>sck»ge, la*g<’ Oottlo, l<rJ dose*, ?
Pitcher’s Castoria.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report
Marti .,' t» .7.
Mr. Charlie Ogletree and M
Annie , Ellington were
Sunday last at the homo of
bride's parents in this county.
The ceremony was performed
Iiov. R. E. L. Harris. The
groom is the son of Mr. Ed. H.
Ogletree of this county and
bride is the daughter of Mr. 8 .
S. Ellington, and an excellent
young lady. Charlie ir, one of
Taliaferro’s steady young men.
Wo wish for them much happi¬
ness along their journey of life.
now'* This?
Weoffer One ITundred Dollar* lie -
ward for. any case of f'atanh that can¬
not. lie cured Uv Hall’s Oatatrh Coro.
F. J. ORKNEY cfcOO.,Toledo, O.
We, (lie undersigned, have known
F. Cheney for (lie hist Jo years,
and believe him perfectly honorable in
all business transactions anil finanoi
ly tittle by to carry out any obllgaiioiis
iittidu their fit in.
Went & Tnnx, Wliolo .iilo 1) u,
Toledo, O
Widdlng, Kinnan & Mniviii,
WIiokwalo'DrngL'i-lH, Toledo, O,
Hall C iibl' lh L , ... taken inter.
s lire is
iially, ft it.illg directly l'|">n the blood
mucous surhu-u* of the sssl' tn.
M',H tree. ,* Price 75 o per 1
. lit" I , In. Sold ,,, by all , Druggist.
Hall * Family Pill’s ftl'e the best'
Mrs. Eliza llcid has moved
from her home near town to the
Mary Jennings lot.
Mrs. W. P. Hubert and
Logwou visited Harlem
Pretty §1.50 water sets at
G. Lucas'.
—Mr. and Mrs. George Thom¬
of hear Crawford, are visit¬
ing relatives at this place.
‘Swft’ii ’ , f
That the Alliance Store is
hotulquarters for Christman
goods. lo r,„ht
T:,.l ,,,,, B .|
on .ill goods bought at A
m,;ul» AlllanM Store
tho nicest fancy candy in
'"liaUiw Alliance Store is
place fo buy firecrackers.
That the Alliance Store's
candy can’t the candy be beat.
That all at
is sweet.
That the Alliance Sloro sells
more good coffee for $ 1.00 than
any house in town.
That you can buy clocks at the
Alliance Store cheaper than
That the Alliance Store is t he
place to buy all your goods,
Mr. T. F. Rhode* has re torn
from Atlanta,
Miss Julia Smith, of Wood
is teaching school
her •.
Miss Irma Hu tiphi- y is visit
ing her sist -r, Mr?. Jones
Mr. J, 1. Hoard, Ji., „ ha.* , ...... i
turned homo from Atlanta
visit of ,, wo montflH ,
... ,, * { ( . Kancilc nas f) ., s m - lo
and oxpocts to make his
future home there,
\j r Edward Iiixon has gone
in the mercantile business,
w jth the Messrs. Asbury.
Mr . Henry Pinker and lady
with Miss Edna, his sister, of
Washington, spent Sund ly with
at this place.
There was alarge crowd
folks at the sociable
-«*m - m, -v,,
As the mo lerti dancejs
tolerated, the young mm
in ancient style.
Save The Children.
^ cbildren flre attac ked with
cough, cold and croup, Dr. Hull’*
cough »yrup will i*ove a quick and
enrecure. Mr. TcAwx E. Baker,
Blandon, l’a., writes: ‘We liavc
need Dr. Bull’* Cough Syrup for cough,
........ .....
cough medicine and cure lor these
affectionu. We never run out of it,
but alwa y* keep it on hand.” Dr.
jj u ir, Cough Syrup is sold everywhere
f or 9,1 ceots. InaUt on having it.
Is the Best.
$ 1. In Advance.
NO- 44.
Th« following nro the latesi quotations
for cotton In Crawfordville, corrected
every Thursday evening!
Good Middling 81-2
Middling...... 6 1-4
Low Middling. 6
Mr,. !*Ii 1111 {>’■ DokI,
Mrs. Bill Phillips, daughter of
Mr. Alex Stewart of this county
died Sat urday morning last
at h.>r father's homo
near Barnett. She had
not boon sick many days and her
death was very unexpected.
Our sympathies are extended
the bereaved.
An attempt was made to wreck
the night, express near Rutledge
by placing rails and ties on the
track. The engine stopped just
in time to save many lives.
A Vntnublo I’ri'»i rIpH<il).
Editor Morrison of Worthington, Ind.,
Sun," writes- “You have a valuable
prescription in Electric Bltiers, and l
can cheerfully recommend it for Consti
jmtioii and Sick Headache, and asagen
c,al system tonic it lias no equal.” Mrs.
Annie Stelile, 2625 Cottage Grove Ave,,
Chicago, was all run down, could not- at
,,,,r d'gejt food, hadIn baekache which
never left her and felt tired and weary,
Hot six bottles .if Electric Bitters restore
ed her health niul relieve d her strength.
Prices 50 cents and 1.00. Get a Battle
»t Dr., K.J.Reid's.
We Will IlMve It.
Mr. Bosselle, on a of the m am
tigers of tho long-distance tejfe*
phones was h$rl last, Friday
procuring thojught of way to
run his line fnrough town and
making arrangements to have
an office established hero, lie
suodfeoded in getting the consent
of the town council «n,i t>»- »it^
Zt'iw W*:^' civil. !
through and soon w 1 ® will have
telephone connect Ions with all
^ (n Orttwfor(lvillo and talk to
I Klfoahor^‘Sfr'vork* 1 'Sa
they were only on the other side
! ‘> f 1 ! ‘ e This «*'«“ ta in whiol, ofelectr voa occu- c, y
»’Y- anag.,
I and Crawfordville is taking on
oloctnciu airri.
After Acute Bronchitis
AYER’S Cherry Pectoral
“Three months ago, I took a vio
lent cold which resulted in an attack
of iicuto bronchitis. J put if
under medk-aUivulincut, and at tho
end of two mold lift was no better.
J found it very difficult to preach,
and concluded to try Ayer’# Cherry
v< •A
X >
<djfl ppjfeto > >,
now taking, has rellmrad me almost
ties more will a pmnancut from
cure. To all ministers siifTeriiig
Hir^troublcs I rcwminend Ay- r *
Publication Society,! eten. mrg, a.
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral
Nnt j e# » VaUAKKKKO. ___Leave tO Sell
Q KO|{(;IA uof NTV.
T( , a n whom it mav ciic rn: Dari i
A mi,,,ini rarer oi Ida >!»■■
Haggire. dye ■•;.«•<». ha* In .lue mrinjiiu..
^tatc of portion aid deceas'd the Mime be:n;
the Eastern of the lands of sal I
t u(s the »th dav ot Decetaher 18#*.
OEO. H. MITCHELL, Ordinary.