Newspaper Page Text
Tie AUTwate-DBiocrat i
_i i
Organ Taliaferro Gouaty.
It is a curious fact- that the letter
•V” j„ us ed more than any other let
ter in the alphabet
Tbe n»arri«ir<* rati* in Great Brit*
Mn, vrhieh ba#» »>♦*«• n atea^Iily daelin*
im n ref'**ij t ycat>. in on the
A of butter, so soft as to
rim «*ah lily, weighs exactly sixteen
ounces when hard tin* weight is
slightly greater.
Kbr>de InluridV new stateiio»)K«* it
Jo Ih* mud#* of <. 4 *t»rgia umrhle, and
aeeording to present #*»timates will
con t $i.reboot).
I hi liana juice make* a first-class
indelible ink. A on a white
whirl from an over ripe banana i*
marked forever*
Tin- first company of the (lover
nor's Foot Guard of Connecticut
just celebrated its one hundred and
Iwenty-fifth anniversary.
Over thirty- colored inch and one
colored woman have ls-en regularly
n.)mi11o*l to the Illinois liar and are
now practicing law in Chicago,
A machine for catching flic* off the
back of cattle, and ho affording the
aniiuuls relief and comfort, has been
Invented by a farmer in Kentucky.
W«*ddiug rings were first used by
('hristiauM aleml the* ygar HfiO, but
tbe ancient Egyptian* and Romans
used them, The fashion of the plain
gold wedding ring Is Saxon.
HI. Moritz, .Switzerland, has Hu
champion toi**ggnn slide of Um*
world, It i* Hirer quarters of a mile
long, and has been descended In a
whiz of seventy-one second*.
The follest trees are to la- found
In the state forest of Victoria. Aus¬
tralia. They lielong to Hie eucalyp
tus family, and range from .150 to
500 feet In height.
lit the ri'dM'iit self-denial week
11111,000 has lieeu raised in the Unit¬
ed Kingdom alone toward the funds
of the Salvation Army, Is-itig
in advance of bint year.
An f h writer says that If the
iu ittdia. Logiatid would have ,000,
V Giddier* actually in Iw
rtu-HK, #,th "* Ki.otM* recruit coining
up awry year.
The Belgian artisan spend*
tataure In a very novel manner,
breeds a special eoek for
amt that which can outcrirw Ha
hnva turn rvarhai the highest jHiina
ele o# |*'ifecUon.
The River Tlnto in Hpaln |ma»es*
en extra<»rdiniiry qualities. It luvril
run and jH*trifles the aaud of Hie
and If a atone falls in t,h«* at
II |M»II another, in a few months
fwo will be aoUdlfled together.
q'lte miiijj of the loeiust Ih
when laid weather »h iininiiuMit
at other Umm. In the rural
this ftigit in regard<sl hh
fav<»n»bl«* for a ivlwing*' *»f w»vvt 4
for the worse.
The CVibmibia liberty l*ell.
proudnent at the Wortd'i* Fair, hjm
lieen atteehml by the itherHT, «uid will
la* »ltipj*ed back to t'hh*f»go to the
inn im fact urerN.
Now tluit Niagara him Wen «me
e#i*»sfuUy harnessed and put to *u*r
vlee. Dial divine piece of scenery
may Im- rvpc’bx! t s'fore long to Is
*tn|ikiycsl in doing laundry \VN.1 k fat
the public at large
In the motor enrriage race Iwtwecn
lamdon and BrlghUm.. England, the
America 11 Dudycit motor wagon tva«
the first to a.H'omj.bsb the distance
of 52 miles from point to point. The
lime occupied was four bent,.
Dogs will eat fruit, though rare!)
When they «k» they uMutUly take »
fancy tu gtxicberrlc® In the annual
rc|w»rt of the m atiagt'mcnt oi the
menagerb* of the ZrtSulogictU Society.
ant 1 thr i!*• in “onion#” always flgura#
«rge the bill for ptMvrmirr
They .»re mainly for the African an
t ti giraffe#.
a few week# hcrsele** ve¬
hicle# will be Introduced experiment
ntl% in New York City in the service
,»f mail delivery. nnd enllacfloo under
the ttitpicfi of the (KKrt-oftitv depart*
mr u t. This idea is due to Second
AoKicttmat 1 'tie l mnster-tieneml N eil*
ion, who ha# given apex'ial attention
t« the KUbjffN't.
A (hqiAlch from IVkiti. (liinA
stains that klic |n>tcrtltt*ctit will Inur
n»w from (Ylama thv
#11111 of &.* IlfKM for the «xm«truc
tkui tif tlw* Hankow l Vkitt mil way.
It wtu> a #hurf time that
an AtncrkNUti tyikHcalf wouM ml
uikv iSS.09fi.0Qfi for thi# purpoac.
but a hitch i# rqportad to have oc¬
curred in the aqjuiiiflou#
A german Inventor haa lift upon
worn* •thing which may break up the
cobbler’* trade entirely. By epread
iug upon the leather .ole. of boots
and shoes a composition made of
glue and ground quaru he ha* pro
ducod a sole that is at once very flex
ible and practically indeetrur-table.
To attach leather to cardboard
dissolve good glue (softened by t
’ swelling in water) with a little j
peiitine and a sufficiency of water ln
ail ordinary glue pot, and then hav¬
ing maiie a thick pasite with h lurch
the proportion of two part*, by
. iiu-ch powder for every
IM r - « i. weight, of dry glue,
m. lln cont|smnds and allow the
mixture to become cold before appli
cation to the cardtsiard
A western engineer has jialenled
it <!«• by 11 m* use < A which
the KtdMiui that i* often allowed
t« go t#» waa 4 e when a loeo
motive • tanding at a way station
faking w<**d <»r water, can »#e utiliz
{ for j»»wnping water for the tank*
i i «** 4 *ivoirw aroiiii<! the fttatimi. It
euatomary* at mont large »tat Iona,
!o have ,i stationary engine and
steam pump for raining the water,
it at the inventor claim* by a*» l ar
rangement thiH coat of fuel i* waved,
while the eofft of abiding the im
j.rovetnent will be lent* than the coat
,f the pumping arrangement now in
II makes a great difference to a
Hi ion what god* they worship. You
may judge a people by Ihelr relig
M#*nf i . Thfme who worship
a Ives will resemble calves in Intel
I ijjTt* IH’l*. Those who have made mi
fur# fJn*ir hav<* found hint mid
l4*|tH<* 1 <> t>»* tin* <!on*traiiili4K tribute*
of their divinity, 1 f *Mri«*fioe be
moral will be deductions from mec
ha nisiu. If nothing la- god, then
,thing will satisfy and nihilism is
logical. Much is Die showing of his
Nil/, and the testimony of contem
Julian cons fact. The man of
rii>#* H#*# s that there is but one abid¬
ing object of confidence for any |s-o
pie Ihc ( realm and Ruler of
heaven and earth.
Fowls for Fartn«rx.
It is n fact that the following
of fowls as given by the
Farmer contains good ones for
farmer, but it seems to us it ia
pretty sweeping statement to say
all breeds of poultry that aie recog
11 lx*) by tb«* Aim*rb*an Boultry Ah
H iK'iati<»n, not half of tin-in art*
lur with tin* farnMT, or that will
vv<‘ll iMiough to be elHMwed aw a
The Plymouth Uoek (tmrr««)
white), tut V'vaffftottc (iltVer,
and w-hite), the American
th«’ UgM llr mIhiin. the Huff and Bart
ridge < fs’hiu. the Black
the Brow n a ml white Leghorn
single and roue comb), the
Minorca, the Blue Andalusian and
Black Spanish, would about
nit that there is of worth to
In turkeys tin- Bronze and
are the most |m»j>uIui (ii ducks
Pekin. In geese the Toulouse,
#D*u and African. \ great
guinea fowls are found on the
hut the American Standard <)<»<•«
recognize the breed at nil.
in the above list of farmem*
we have anything that could he de
Mired. Large roasting fowls,
rtwt stern, broiler It and breeds for eggs
We have hrow n and white egg lay
er«, and we have yellow' uud
skinned birds. 'Fhere is likewise
variation of colors of jdtiinage.
There arc a number of practical
fowls iii the iiiiitket that have not yet
lie**it accepted by the American Poul¬
try XssiH'laUon and yet they are far
tletter for the fanners* use than aotxxe
of the breeds that tliis association
continues to carry. Two of them ea
pcctally deserve iwitiee; thej are the
White Wom)crs and the Sharwowl*.
The former bcee*) is bccHiming
jsqndnr than the Wyandotte, about
like a large aixet) 1 M\mouth U«h*U
They arc lietter layer* Uian either
the Wyandotte or the )My mouth
litM’k, and as table fowls are said to
Ih* leaders in the Vmerieau class.
In woman, ib-Heary is her jM#int of
honor; it im alike her defeuw ftttd her
rrmvning eharui. UentleneHH, itunl
isiy ami true tante are the tripple
of woman; ami thene, even
without the attract Ions of external
l>eauty, !**»**•*.* u tabsiuHtiie power
flint none can renist. Snumlcrs.
Woman is not merely “the leimer
matt She in, p*yrihologiottlly at
least, a tiibbut'c l*eiug. She ha> not
t he same feelings, nor i» ahe net it*
ale.l by the wutM* ititpuloe*. She h*y
few of man’s Ktaivler qualities, but
tic ,n far more brifhtlifil and viv¬
acity . She is leets reliant and reliable,
but she im more k»ving, and, {M*rha|»»,
more lovable than man. Siduey
Would you desire at this day to
t <sut our noble language in it* native
beauty, (deturexque from idiomatic
propriety, rai-y in it* j»hrase«»k>gy.
dtlirsU 1 vet sinewy in it* oimivai,
six the mail Ssvgs tutd break
tter* in female hand writ
iv ty eey
\ t tiSTl.Y FKTK.
Thr knt Duty mail state* that
fetes at Bletihein sastle. in honor
t of the 1 Vi nee of
uf Hates to the
of .MarRtorvxigh, ixist
Notoa From the Empir® State
Of too aoutu.
Bwnhiauet tid rr»
gram Item* Vbom TM.;. Trwo»
plrlngto our otvu #r<»« «l»w. ir»*
Exib inges and <KheiT#c«r s.
Mr*. S. J. Anthony'* miilinerv
at SheDman was burned, with
- 'KinteBU, Tueuday night.
Hugh Chambers of Sandersvilte has
succeeded Col. T, tv Hardwick, re
tifrneci. a* solicitor of the county
Shelby Miller, the saloon keeper
who shot and killed C»r,rge Veuab’e
on the Jith day of last month, in
Sykes* barrom, at Columbus, has
pit.! been released cm ft.000 Intwi.
The election held in IteKalb <*>un
IV on tlic ipiestion of changing the
con iilv .We from Ihaattir lo Slone
.loimtain. dei-ideil the mailer in fa
W*r of l>e«*Htlir.
Jake Burney, colored, who was
.,-ntemed at the May lern, of ismrt
V a Id->x i a lor the killing of anoth
„r negro «!*.'•• a year ago. ***
resenteneed to bang on Jan. —
The ease has f-en ap|*-aled to .he
his preme <•011 rt, which HUfftained the
%-erelict of the lower court.
At Atlanta. Madden & Ferrell, at
tomey* for .1. J. & J E. Maddox an<l
1 H. Maddox A- Bro„ withdrew tbelr
. .
soft a gains I the Merchants' Bank to
accept ltie settlement offered by the
receivers. The suit of the Bank of
the Republic of North America, rep¬
resented by INivtic <V Tye, was
Mr-. II. I.. Iti<s,infield, wife of Pres¬
ident It. I,. Bloomfield of the Athens
'•lariiifaittnriiig Coiii|siny. vlieil after
a long illness, al the age of 66 . She
loaves three children Mrs. Dr. Bnm
i.eil ( Benedict. Dr. James C. Bloom
field and Miss Elizabeth I,. Bloom¬
Negroes discovered the mulilate<l
IKsly of a while man on the railroad
at (1 s-bran early one morning, llis
brains, skull ami limbs were scatter¬
ed for twenty-five yards, It is
thought that be was stealing a ride
and fell from the night passenger.
\ cvtrd in Ills picket read: ‘‘To A.
M. Gowan, gvssl for three months.
\. Archer, It. I. U."
John West Skipis-r, a prominent
young planter and merchant in Rut¬
land district. Bibb county, was on
trial in the suiierior court at Moeolt,
for attempting assault on Mrs. Ford,
the handsome young wife of one of
the chain-gang guards. The trial
wan conducted behind dosed doors,
tin* putillo t*<• • »• mt excluded from the
court r<M»m.
\ f)|ic umitieiuY on Sumter Mtreet
.it Oj(lf 1 ««•<•!.hv I'r ofj. }}
K. l»*nktnH, the prim ipal of the iiijri*
arhool. caught on tine laat week and
mil# totally count!med. The enuae <»f
the fire was u defective chimney, the
dftmew having tirat lieen discovered
hi the ceiling. The hon*e waa the
j.mjMTty t>f the Inlerstnte Building
and lz<H*n AnstHdatlon of Columbus,
,iltd wan at $1,200. Bn>f. Jen*
kins, the otH'OjMint, lost li Im ill I $ 2 .*»U
in furniture, and hint no insurance
The \tlien* Banner say*:
new slis-el rar* with their
hnuitie h iiiei’H place the A the
line abend »f the majority of
feiiiM in the south.*’ The \MienH
is lmte*Hl. ahead <if anything in
i »vvn; hIm*u! a dozen years
Here. t$u htiz/.urd-tlke (lays, we
Ilines gW a few haiulsful of
straw in the cars, but nothing up
proaehing a heater, automatic
«»t herw I m*.
D. M. Wihuui. proprietor of
Wawross shoe factory, who has
in \ugusta for some days, luus
arnwigetiUMits to move his
uring biiMiness there. He him
worth <»f itwtehinery, whk*h will 1
phiemt in tihe old Clark flour
budding, now owned by Jules
and uii'iint for nserttl years.
Wilson says Uv was hotllnl up
WayensMs by the Plant system
freight rates made it inqioHsible
him to conduct a remunerative
ness. He was attracted to
by rt* facilities as a ilist
point. His hIhm 1 factory will give
Poy tiieiif to 100 hands.
(lot. AtkiiMiitu is in receipt of
iui|M»rtant dcM'iiment relative to
ipplieat’ion for the jutrdon of
Hill. It w*a a written report
Dr. Bunh, the prineipal physician
the jM*nitffo*tiary, w~h*» ha«
ntHilr an examination of the
prisoner** phynicwl condition.
BuhIi reporta to the governor
Hill in suffering with chronic
vouh dy Hpe|wia. together with
ehronic kidney affection. Dr.
also refers to an examination of
made a year ag**. at which time
recommended his removal from
camp in Wilcox county, in the
<hat the change would be
to his health. He vvaa
sent to t>glethor|>e county, but
change hafc not done him any
and Dr. Bush gives it as hi#
shat the prisoner cannot gv<
under hi# present surroundings.
his written report upon HiU*a
tion. l>r. Bush does not
that he lw» relea s ed, hut in present
it to the forwnor he stated that
he felt compelled to recommend
|K*nh*n. on a«*«>ount of the comlithjn
of his health, and because he ha#
ready lieen punished sufficiently,
\tkin«>« was asked when be
would take tip the application for
Hill'* pardon for oonaideration. and
rv|die«i that he d*f not know \e»riy
every reader in the states out
of Florida to grow the genuine
onion either white or red.
this we do not mean the Italian
generally sold by- northern seed
under the name of Bermuda.
the genuine Bermuda that is so
grown in Florida.
Okra—Perkins' Mammoth.
Peas—For dwarf early. John L.;
medium crop. Home DeUght or
for late. Southern
Kadish—Long varieties—New Glass
Early bong Scarlet; Turnip
or half-long. Scarlet Button
j p ren( .h Breakfast.
Squash -Bush varieties.Golden Cus
| white Bush and Giant Crook
.^. r „nning varieties. Mammoth
an(J E ar ) v Marrow,
Tomato- Kedtield Beauty- for early
crop: fx>n$rkec[**r for a lat^* summer
Turnips.....Early Red, White Egg
anlJ p urp j e -p 0 p (dolie; of the ruta
bagax. the Improved American is the i
,„. ht . \
Vnv „ ( , h e varieties named in this
|ist & Huit able for a family garden
iri anv of the Gulf or South Allan
SvateK and if you plant all of the
<Mles enumerated you will have a
first-class garden and that is what
vou intend to have this coming year
know, liegin the new year right
ljv having the best garden in your
neighliorbood and you will neve.r re
gntt it.—H. G. Hastings in Southern
year ago the! •don committee of
legislature' I i. mn mended Hill’s
,j 4 , aw , - hut th* vemor l>aid no at
ention to it, *,|ed » j recently a petition
B tj.ii, favor, largely fay mem
er _ Q f the pr - ^ lev - uture. weTe
-tiled to hi. jgveral preacher*
-.eluding Dr, H. H ethorne and
Jones. h*v also asKed for Hill's
irdon. •
In* Farn-lj <*.home Gata production tt. of ,
iu the way 4* j
needs »f » .- >u' item fanner i
there is not i ij, more important
than a good law family vegetable
and tbei, |„ nothing connect
e.l with the s<4 hern farm that is
more n egiecter* | \\> know it i* early
lo begin to t.fg about the spring
‘ impress it on
garden, but tto'.'l ant to
t ." r mind ci ih it yon can pre
pa re for i! iieftf,- r rhe preparation for
i he /<* ie ra i fa J r£ in -the coming
! Iim flriv from your mind i
or Ill the lie *!\ tves you n<> time for
it. I •
} ^ w|th thl « rear,
^ ( <U( ,4 family vege- ’
* e ar den J lM | keep vour resolu
(> , he ( , f ability. By
n wr >, R ,, mean a fe w tur
and loose
leaved cabbie*-' put a garden that
contains a fui fi-our line of ull vegetables
that von Mid family like, [>eas.
beans', cab supiasT but/ teets, lettuce, rad
isles. pumpkins, potatoes,
melons and a| he other good things.
Then you wis* lave a supply of good
wholesome that will go a long
wavs lowardsjvustaining yourself and
family and ij-ep you all in ix-t tor
health than v ii have ever been be
fore. Plenty,*./ -nod vegetables will
reduce your ’nedicine or doctor’s bill
many times tt* amount of what your
seeds cost.
Now that III , have the time go out
and select Hot of suitable ground
from a quart 1 aer«* u pvvards accord
lnj? u> Um* of your family, and
spread broadrfcst on it all the manure
that you eanf-pare and get your gar
don plot in gild condition, free from
lumps and Iputh as soon as seeding
time conies. Buy your supply of
early mi that ljv on can put lliem in
early as p-psible. Don’t buy
l rashy seed* •ihwed in boxes in
try stores * be sold on commission
and depend fn them for a good
den for‘on 11 yii’t get it. Those
ire generai f the poorest quality
la- had and inti i „{ the packets
tell an estirrg story of
around th«j ,i{ (Inited States sold. Send
vear after 8r to be
reliahi ... edeman who does
business tb igj, the mails and
f Wrs h H«*e 4' mi headquarters that
will irrow. etiev your s, eds
lit!it* limt ore yon are ready
(da lit ••mi will l sure
titt ke »ci
{age of 1ti\ de seaH.uiK
Onion>. i- c • lettuce, radishes
turnips wt)) turn) eonsUL*rable
iml can I * 1 planted early, but
Iffcrs, squash, qggplant, melons
tomatoe* *h i *ld m>t lie planted
danger from from I* puat.
Cabbage and tomato plant* can
tartrd in lH>xe« early In the season
:ud *.*t in tie oiien ground aa soon
m the weather is mutable.
It is not p' ihle in an article like
this to give rim* of planting for the
different vegetable* that would a|qdy
In all reader for the reason that the
Kuraliat readers range from lielow
the friwt line in extreme southern
Florida to the mountain* of northern
UtHH'ttin. N#»rih ( rolina and Arkan
We have bee* asked to give a list of
the i»e*t varieties, which we do:
\s|M\rHgv»s The Palmetto. It is
preferable to plant the 2«ir-old
Bush Beivns Kxi*fl»ior, Refuge,
and Valentine for green |H*lckxl varie¬
ties; VVa rTw-R’a Kidney wax and
lirennell’a Rw»t.prool wax of the wax
varieties: U.i.y Wife's |*de bean i* a
gimd green ixaided (K)le variety that
i* very prolific.
Beets Ik'lipse, Improved Blood
Turnip and I entz Extra Early are all
Cauliflower.-Thorburn’a Gilt
Cablwge Sare Crop and lxtng Is
land Wakefield are the »>eet early
(arieties; Snrebea.i for medium early
and Centennial Flat Dutch and Flor¬
ida Drumhead for late. The Florida
Drumhead will be found esjie<-ially
valuable bei •• lae of it* heat
Carrots Cbanteney and St. Valery
arc of the brat quality and are both
vigorous growers.
Collartl The True Southern or
Gesvrgia is the oW standby, but the
new White Head is of better quality.
Eggplant We have found the Im¬
proves! Barge 1'urpie Thornless to be
su|*erior to all other varieties. In
seotions north of Florida it is not ad¬
visable to sow eggplant mueh before
April 1st, unless you have a hot bed.
The seed does not germinate freely
iu a temperature lower than 65 de
gr e en .
L«t t uce— I>r umh ead White Cab
luqrr. Florida 11 cotter and Big Boston
arv thw best. Ail of them resist heat
■well and are «b>» running to seevl
\ftmk M«e!o The Mixon and Can
iianlMUi are- NHl» southern rarietkfa
and are well adapted to the south.
Montreal Market is the finest in qual
it \ but sunocaJcU xily and is «nb
ject to attac k* of insect#.
Water Meioi For home use there
are no better rarielie* than the Tin
ker. Jones Sen-iRide. Florid, i’mur
it* and At^jrvwrta Rattlesnake. For
shipping, the Jtt me* Diamond, l-agvvn
da and Duke Jhv IsCS* .re all to be pre
ferred to Irik and Kolb Gem.
thtkm -We would espeeiaity urge
Empty Egg Baskets.
is j us t. too bad,” exclaimed a
j, 0 „sekeeper to her town acquaint
r , t j v , “that I haven’t an egg
on th( . | a( . e , and my hens positively
,.,.fuse to give me one under ail kinds
of tempting basis I give them, and 1
am so rar ,,i v without an egg that I
anj )<mt wl „„ j have none in my
The town friend then pro
to gwe a number of her re
j n which no eggs were used
K | ]e j ia( j through non-use of eggs, be
we n versed in the no-egg
she told her how to make:
(lingercake~--Oue scant teacupful
butter, two cupfuls of molasses,
,. u pf u ] 0 f lK)iling water, one
Kin f u i of soda, one teas J K >1 >n f u 1
j-j n <,,.]■ Beat the molasses and
en j U jr well together, add the
pour in the cupful of boiling
and thicken with three cupfuls
fl our with which the soda has
s if,,„]. This will make two
should lie baked in a
Kaisin Cake -One and one half
f l( | s ,,f .sugar, one half cupful of
t ,, r eu|>ful of sour milk,
cupfuls of sifted flour, one
f,,| ( ,f soda, one halt tea-spiKinful
cloves, one large cupful of
(-‘■.■••am tlie butter and
<ir, add the spices and sour milk,
flour, with the soda sifted
p lastly Juki the raisins, after
ni4 r an d flour them well.
Lumpkin Pies. First be sure
the pumpkin until the juice
V yi 'Jb'
m A
\\ *-0 *x «;
<1 v
% «Fl
i v 4 1, s' l
ii n
Superior To All 5arsaparillas.
Down In Georgia, over fifty rears ago, a marvelous riedicine was discovered. It was what
la now known as P. p. P., {Lippman's Great Remedy'), and Us fame and reputation has beam
growing with the years.
For Rheumatism, Blood Poisoning, Pain in the side, wrists, shoulders, back and joint*
Dyapepsia, Malaria, Scrofula, and al! Blood and Skin Diseases, and :t ha, never been equalled. banished
It* wonderful Pain is subjugated, influence. Health Renewed, Appetite restored aleepless nights bjr
P. P. P. is a wonderful tonic and strengtheuer. Weak women should always take
P. p, p. It builds them up. It has the universal commendation of medical men throughout
th* country, because we publish the formula on every bottle, and one trial will convince tha
moat skeptical that it ia a genuine health restorer.
Read The Truth And Be Convinced.
A Wonderful Cure.
ZwMfttnftTtrr t* mtucuUr rheu-natiam for thirty
y«mr». tned all aaadiciBca and doctors with »o per
mmmtml relief. 1 was adviff-d *o take J*. i\ P . a 3d
Bsfarc Z had IIDisked two bv-.r S s*y pe:a «ub^:ded
— I was able to work I i Teel better than I hare for
ysars, and am can ifident of a c mplete reco-ery.
J. B. J>UFB1S8, NewoansiiV?. P'a.
Tootlmony from the Mayor.
Isnffered witb It ken imatista for fiftrea rears, tried
ail the so-called • pectfcs, but to no purpose ify
grandson got tae a bo!tl« of P. P. P , sad 1 (eel like a
new a
W. U. WILDER. Mayor of Albany.
From Tws Well-known Physicians.
We are having a big sale for your P P. P , 2 ad
it sad nod it an e*.
The above tetters ere taken from many received by us. P. P. P (Lippmau't
Gnat Remedy,’) is a medicine whose virtues are fcr. r-vn :;oi:t the Atlantic lo the Pacific.
P. P. P. begins its work ! purifying the Li oi, which is the source of all life,
and does not cease until a perfect and entire cure is r- ted.
The mortifying eruptions that disfigure the compkxion, the tired feeling that pra
vents thorough accomplishments of the daily * is, sleepless nights, loss of appetite,
irritability of disposition ah >.n ’ .ierangeuent of the system consequent from
impure blood, which can and will*: cured bv p. p. p,
P. P. P. ( Lippm-in's Great Remedy), is conceded by physicians and the people
to be the Greatest Blood Purifier of the Age. It positively and permanently
carta. For sale by all druggists or direct from n? ; price $i a bottle, six bottles fcaff.
UPMEM EROS,. a;- mi ’* \ SAV’SHAR. GA.
Me SemtnaPWeakness and Sexual Pe b4Hty
^STsSSforW# and WtmnMp brain pow^r. «uarf« *m * tI » n * 1 *
row«r. rwon a*rrc
S 1 ***** 1 *iTf* T St tentbie fi»«a»#k ia #U He form* mhJ »**/••
Syphilis, for iif«. Blood Potsoelas. Mtf PH—» »■
S ,nCT JT-- Qoexpocnre. PstB cm esc *£•“**!£ *Se tiwr m rt ><SS
I Laul-', odlec *e rwr tt0 *i d 1 *“* e >#**> «ot«S MM*
, oar own h*m« wtuwwt Instramentt- .
Rheumatism ga? S? I»wSS?
§Sot£~J &*S '£#"&# H3SOTiS^^3E|H2fia- *Sww an
I honesty] OR. HATHAWAY & CO. F
LaoMmaMl 22H Soutk *so»o STSEET, ATI.AWTA, CA. I
dried out of it, stirring carefully
prevent scorching; sift it, and thin
to the desired consistency with rich
milk, sweeten and flavor to taste,
then add one cracker roiled fine or
one teaspoonful of corn-starch for
each pie.
Icing Without Eggs-Take an egg
glassful of sweet cream, flavor with
lemon or any flavoring desired, and
then stir in the powdered sugar until
it is of the right consistency to
spread smoothly.
Green Rye vs. Ensilage.
That the silo is unnecessary and
unprofitable in a climate like that of
Florida, where some kind of green
b e kept growing throughout
t j, e year, has often been asserted in
columns. Ensilage is doubtless
letter than dry feexl for butter cattle,
seems to lie growing
that it is inferior to fresh, green
f w <l; and experiment proves the
opinion to lie based upon fact,
-pf,following report seems eonvinc
j^g- Station
“The Alabama Experiment
t, Kl h 0 fur Jersey cows and divided
them into two lots as nearly equal
J possible in their milk yield.
were fed for two periods of fourteen
too k four Jersey cows and
j S ”fme feed of grain, and one lot
j reiving all that could be consumed day
-bout forty pounds each per
green rye, and the other all
I could be.eaten of
j twenty-five pounds each per day.
the second period the lot that
e d rye in the first period received
s jlage, and the other lot
The ensilage was much richer
than the rye, for it was cut and
ed in the silo, ear and all, when
kernels had just glazed. The
were as follows: In the first
of fourteen days the two cows on
gave twenty-nine and
pounds of milk more than the
in the second period vras found a
anee of seventy-two and
pounds in favor of the rye. The
| feet of the two feeds on the
j and yield of butter will be
ed by another
client thing, tfc handle about oa* dears hettlata
Uta. J. U. h M. T. RICHARDSON, Pied moat 0. C
Hot Springs Surpassed.
A bottle of P. P. P-. h? 3 done roa more good Uuui
tbrr? montlis’ tr-n'mem at 'he Hot Springs, Ark.
JAMES U. NEWTON. AbsrdM, Brown Co., O.
Pimples, Ceres and Eruptions Cured.
I u'-e --eil pl st-jre la testifying for to the efficient
<?-•*. ko *:? x.: ;je P. popular su/Trred medicine far skin disease*
j a3 P i*. I several years with
ar. y s - 3 disagreeable en:p*iow on my face.
A:;cr *.i> : ; i.; . ce bo.ties ju acco.daacO with d&TkO*
tioris, J- am entirely cured.
Savannah. Ga. of Johnston A On
Shade as a Fertiliser.
y n y kind of shade is a protection
|he w>i ] shaded by the foliage and
e bris of trees our forests flourish
ever increasing fertility. Under
ok| houses, as is well known, am
monia accumulates, but only the re
,. ent discovery of the nitric acid bac
t „ ria sho ws a reason for it. Plowing
t(|rn8 „p and exposes the soil to the
destructive energy of heat and light
^ uL j t causes a coating of dry dust.
under the shade of which a little
deejs-r down the vivifying bacteria
may still work and a sufficient stock
of moisture be preserved. These facts
explain some other hitherto puzzling
observations, According to the old
chemical notion ot the soil changes,
to lie out fallow alone ought to give
tone for land to recuperate j set
ting free its potash an p losphorus
as a consequence of disintegration;
but the fact is well known that H the
ground is perfect y re 1 wi i
poverished by rest. Sha ^ e it y grass,
rye, clover, pewvines any mg, an
it will improve.
Not denying the possibility of the
green crops adding to fertility by
bringing to the surface the necessary
mineral salts, and by adding to the
stock of humus, shade is insisted
upon as necessary for the preserva
tion of these salts, and for the evolu¬
tion of nitric acid and ammonia.
Herein lies the rationale of mulch
and the secret of successful tillage of
the soil.—Citizen.
One Dollar the Average.
Experiments made in different sec¬
tions show that the cost of feeding a
kpn onp y ear ; a about $1, and that
profit is about the same, the
g. rQSS receipts from the hen being
a i >ou t 52 a year. Of course this varies
| according to the breed, cost of food
and location, being sometimes more
and somt^hnes ie»s; bat it i^
ed that pays the cost and $1 profit
is made from each hen. With small
flocks, where table scraps are put to
use the labor is reduced and the prof¬
its larger.—Poultry Keeper.