Newspaper Page Text
I I * H 11 1 k 1 1 ■ J - foGA%-DRNl()( :i< VI'
VOL. , XXI. x
: Hanunack, Lucas & Co.,
Od Medki II*
Wg Sell only the purest and best of medicines and at lowest possible
at prices of which we append a few:
■ Celery Com pound 75 ets,
Avers Sarsaparilla 75 ets. mines i 4>
Hoods Sarsaparilla O^'nine P. W,,«.
B.B B.(BotanicBlood Balm) 68 Riynl CrTmati^i- Relief ' 68 68
A.eocks Plasters 13 Sages Bad ways Catarrh Heady Cure 34
Browns Iron Bitters 63 Syrup of Fttrs 84
Carters Little Liver PHIs 13 Tutts-Liver Pills 15
Hal's Hair Kenewer 58 Viola Cream S3
Harters Iron Tonier 75 Williams Pink .. Pills , 85
Has etters Bitters 13 Winslows 8 Kithiug Syrup 17
Mailed Milk 75 Wyetlia Beef Juice 75
Ptnkhams Compound 75 Watnpol Cod Liver Oil 58
Pears Soap 15
Pit; Carminative 18 And Everythin,:' else at Simi¬
Pierces Favorite Prescripti’u68 21 lar Low Prices.
V irfcers Tar Soap
To Cures Cough—There is nothing better than Dr. Hammaek’s While Pire
and Spruce Gum Cough Balsam. It soothes and cures all bronchal and lung diseases.
PRr FmPaf^'and CBVSgWWft Aches-Dr. Hammack's Electric Liniment leatls all cures. It is
*• "ns-i&iSf «S — — —“<>«
»<« *«—• *•>»•
chat.gas are usually 25c. on ail packages under five pounds.
Wholesale and Retail Druggists'. ATLANTA, CA.
or 30 ■ Days!
ilv- L- 4 , handsome *
lirist I tii s Goods
■fcdi:!? I the latest novel
Kchina B^i remarkably an.! Glassware low
■L.or.HA^ at is'marl
rdvf ieorgiaj
A WlM Queen. ^
W|uecn Amelte, of Fortugal, by the look¬ use
cl the famous Boectgue (or X) Rav ladies
ed st the chests of two of her court
as they were constricted by corsets. She
was shocked at the manner in which the
lower ribs w-ere pressed out of position by
sassasaftwaasss know that the functions of
All anatomists seriously
several important organs are wasp-like
terfered with by corsets, Women the
waist is not attractive. are pun
ished by nature for the folly of
wearing. The day is sure to come when
common sense about tight lacing will
yall, and as a consequence corsets will be
discarded. Three cheers for the queen of
Portugal. R. C. BINNS, M. D.
H. F. WHITE, M. V.
Major C. T. Picton is manager of
the State Hotel, at Denison, Tixas.
which the traveling men say section. is one In
the best hotels in that
speaking of Chamberlain’s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Maj.
Picton sayB: I have used it
and in my family for several years, and
take pleasure in saying that 1 consider
it an infallible cure for diarrhoea and
dysentery. I always reoeommend tt,
and have frequently administered it to
mv guests in the hotel, and every case
it has proven itself worthy of unquali- Dr- R
fied endorsement. For sale by
J. Reid,
"How to Care eli 8kia
JIo Staply Internal apply medldne "Swayne** Ointm^U*
tetter, itch, all required. Cures
(we, hands, eczema, Ac., eruption* leaving on the
bom, the skill
clear, ing white and healthy. Iu great heal¬
end curative powers are possessed by
ao other remedy. Ask Druggist for
wWayne’s Ointment.
We are reee ving new goods daily in
eluding best lines of Dry Goods,
OPriPS. Hardware. Stoves. Etc., which will be
. . _, r , .
SOld at the very lowest price. We only ask
tlie , pUollC . tO . Call *n and j §ei , Olll prices. • -wwr e
are aeiermmeu ,L,4n~rYx!nnrl IlOt Frx LU Ko DP iir»rlor«nlfl Uimu I SUIU V»v v HT1V- ‘
hnflv __V anVwhere *
We hereby return our thanks -ill* for your
patronage , the past the xi firm OI » tt ilolden i i
in as
& O rv Co.y and we „ _.Vi Will endeaxor _____ 1 _______ 4 tonieilt a n a con
tinnoruiD tmuance nf OI samp same W D\ fair iail (1 atdimgs, OH I i Ultra o-nod goou
o-nnrla nnrl low nri(‘(>S 1: ‘
Consolidated Oc*. «,»•»*.
Pure Homo Matters Picked Up by Our
Local Bepcit'.rs.
What Our 'Teoplo Are Doing and Saying.
Thine* Our Friend* Tell U».
‘Fresh cabbage at Gunn &
Rhodes. ’
—Mr- W. J. Norton has recov¬
ered from a severe spell of cold.
—Glad to see Tom Wynne out
alter a severe spell of sickness.
—•Mrs. W vv. J. T Ttf 4 V-.ion -ton has nas been
right sick this week vatu
0< ” d ‘
.•—Jack Boazley closed his
FnM tor ""
-Oolleotor G. T ‘Bdwaid
. y "fits ■ "
this week.
—Sam E. Gunn has moved his
family to the Gee lot vacated by
Jack Akins.
Nice, fresh groceries of
kinds just in at Gunn & Rhodes.
Lowest prices.
_lack Akins has moved his
» m» eu» iw 4 -.i*»**
place near town.
_M art in Leary, of the Athens
branch , Ga. r , T K. > R- spent pnt S bunaay nn d a v
with relatives here.
_Crawfora and Reese Morris
of , this county ma&e „ < visit to
Greenesboro this week.
—Mrs. E. R. Beazley closed
her school near the Lucas place
last week for the holidays.
_Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
tree will make their home at Mr.
E. H. Ogletree’s next year.
—Miss Ethel Hillman went
over to Washington Saturday to
visit the Misses Edmonson.
—w. B Roger, of Madison,
was here Monday making a r
rangements to open a bar here,
-Col. Frank Mitchell. of
Swainsboro, has been here this
week looking after his land in
_—-^e are informed that Mr. J.
N. Chapman will soon have his
home near Liberty Hall remodel
—Jno. T tt H. o. -Step u e „„ _____ _ , „
AtlantaSunday to accept ExpresS a posi
tion with the Southern
SLJSri’WuluT? alright.
M In the Interest f II the People.”
IS mu
f Almost^ JtkJ
The Remaining ■
Will be Sold I
At a Reduction of ?
This means a Very Low Pn«
Crawfordville Alliance More.
—The church at Bairdstown
sent a thanksgiving offering Crawford- to
Miss Carrie Toddy, at
—The express is running men
night and day including Sundays holiday
to carry their heavy
» 4 Xmas trix, ” musical carts,
fire works and the wonderful
“Whistling Devil” at Gunn &
Rhodes. ’
Gunn & Rhodes are adding
to their nice line of fresh drugs.
Get what you need from them at
cut prices.
—We are glad to see Mr, Joe
Mann able to bo out last week.
His broken limb is getting along
Best fancy candies, nuts,
cocoanuts, oranges and
at Gunn & Rhodes. ’ Low
P” C0 ®1
~ Mr ‘ W ' A ' Avdr y- of near
has moved to Augusta
make his home in thut city .
hi.n success.
with your home
burned Friuay night
Auburn where they
have been attending school.
—There seems to have been an
of pneumonia plantation. out about
Mr. S. J. Jones’
eral cases and one negro boy
died with it.
—Frank P. Mann, who is hold¬
ing a position lumber with one at of Bay- £hc
large concerns visiting his old
boro, Ga-, is
homo in this county.
— Rev. C. L. Winter, the new
pastor of the M. E. church here
preached a splendid sermon Sun
which pleased his members.
We welcome him among us.
—There will be an oyster sup¬
per given at the home of Mr. J.
V Andrews in this county next
Monday night Dec. 28th. Every
body invited. A nice time ex
—Miss Mattie Moore, who is
one of the best teachers in the
Athens school, spent Sunday in
our town and went to her ho—
at White Plains Monday to sp< J
the hohd.y.
— Col. Alex. W. Stephi
sends us a card announcing
opening an office 611 Tem
Court, Atlanta, for the pract
of law. His many friends h
wish him success.
—On last Wednesday even
at 7 o’clock occurred the bean
marriage at the Old Hastin J
church Mr WiU|am R Cor
Miss Hattie c Dolvin ..Green
Herald Journal,
—Misses Annie and M,
daughters of Mr. S.
Jones, of this county, have t
sick with pneumonia; while
former is not yet well,
latter is just able to be up.
contracting parties were
colored. 78 years old,
bald and without a tooth in his
head, and Anaky Rhodes color
<?< J and about 65 years old.
It is said that Henry went to
see bar last Sunday week and
Anaky to have him and
she would not give him an an
swer, whereupon Henry propos
to bring her a load of wood
and receive the all-irniiortant an -
swer. Henry and the wood was
on hand Tuesday morning early
aQ d the contract was sealed with
.. yes _» The marriagf) fK . cure l
night and the bride was
dressed in pure white. Rev.
Henry Smith performed the
Children Cry for ditcher's Castoria.
A Bicycle B
The boys are spei If? of get
ting up a bicycle tor Craw
fordville during Bu (dolidays.
There will be foi e entries
and the prize wi (MO to the
1111111 who makes best time on
11 Klx mile run. Iy| | ill be an iu
teresting race. ; have not
learned the day se >r the race.
When most needed is not uiiu
sti ll tor your family p; y-ieian to be
AWayfiom home. Sue: was the ex
peri cnee of Air J V y “Tanner, penok, ed when tor
of theUadilo, (ikI. Ter of
bis btile girl, uvo yean nge was
ihrwuetted u nb a sc ml nek of
Otoup, llo says: “Ml iwife insisted
tlint I go for the dot 1 "' 5 but as our
family physician was ut of town 1
J-hijti'bi*rl. ,, iii s
ptiichiised a bottle of 1 r'liexcd | her
Conglt Remedy, whie feaL7 M ! "! 11
immedtutely. 1 wt ‘' l<>
in the future” 25 at Wit Lojtk
for sale I)r, R. Jg -feSi.
Almost a Bn
Tliere ear fire ,n
JjjjjjM kmonung. love
■ pry pipe
Ion stove
K® ” v,4 'l
could ndt litHW S^E^Jj®jt s dtu r
was broken ope lira
tinguish' ___ . aa her^^^Vndrews
returned be whs cp£Tm-' surpris
ed aa&AWvbq that 4 hip ' office had
entered. No > sfi *- fous dam
age was done’. '* ^
llow’ll Thin?
Weoffet One Hundred Dollars Re¬
ward for any easo of Oatarrh that can¬
not be oared bv Hall’s Datat rh (lure.
F. J. OH ENEY A<k>..Toledo, O.
We, 1 lie unilerslgnedj have known
F. Cheney for the last la years,
and beiieve him perfectly honorable and finnnei- in
nil business transactions
ly able to carry out any obligations
made by their Ann.
West ifc Titinx, Wht le-alc D ug
ojst, Toledo, (!• it Maivin,
Waiding, Kinnan
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O.
Hail’s Catan h C tue is taken inter*
Hally, a ’ting directly u ion t lie blood
and mucous Nurtures c f the system.
Testimonials sent f ee. Price 75c per
bottle. Sold by all I) itggist.
Hall s Family Pill’s tu e the best’
a timely frieni. TT^WWmeut rape y
cures rheumatism, neutfclgia and |» »,
when other remedies fail. Mr. Jno.
M. Hall, Ashland, Va., writes: ‘I
suffered with lheumat.sra in the ankle
and the muscle* connected therewith,
Salvation Oil at once relieved the sore
ness, reduced the swelling, and cured
the pain. No other liniment that I ever
used did me ho much good.”
An ABC I<w#on for Crown folk*.
You i.rebebly b-ar. >-l the ..Iptoii ot «lx>nt
the tim<- you i-titeyed Bcho/d, but as all
know, thereare te*., - to lesm m
, fu . r nfe. Fartkulariytlieom.ofm.kl^
money go farth it. One way to do tin*
i» hy purchasing vour Gnwerii-*, Notion*,
etc,, of PAUL (I. LUCAS, getting fine
rood* at low price*.
Correspondents’ Reports of Wliftt Their
Neighbors Talk
Of tlie Happening* In Their Heaped!ve I.o
ealltlea. All the New*.
pretty raw weather the past
Must all ourschools have closed up for
the present year.
Mr. Willie Harris and lady was in our
vicinity last week looking well.
We wish all a merry Christmas and a
bappv new year.
Our Bailiff W. E. Arnett has keen eleet
ed deputy marshal of Sharon.
We see Sharon has two restaurants run
hy darkies.
Rev. Mr. Embry Is very much liked on
his circuit so far. ,
Mail dogs arc reported all through our
di 'trict and many have been killed out.
Don’t forget to pay the Editor ot this
paper while you are settling up this years
Pay up your duos to this paper now and
make tin 1 Devil and his Boss fell happy.
We learn from reliable source that Mr.
.1. It. Kendrick Is quite unwell at tills
Eating spare-ribs, hack-hone and sau¬
sage Is the order of the day with the most
of our people.
There will he a Christmas entertainment
with the Barnett Sunday school next week
so wclearn.
We believe politics is fro/.e up for the
present and turkey dinners, egg-nog, ele,,
will take its place,
Uncle Hilly Moore, Sharon’s miller,
holds his own hotter thin any o,d gentle¬
man we ever saw.
Rev. T. B. West spent the night last
Friday al Sharon, the guest of Llntini
Jackson and family.
SevetSl from Augusta were up hunting
in this Lection last week, and >V. L.
Jackson led t he hand,
Ye Bribe made atrip to Cruwfordvllle
last week but never enjoyed it much, the
weather was two severe.
Mr. W. T. Fly lit I* moving from our
district to Crawfordville we hum to give
him up, hut can't helpourseif.
it. N. Ollbcrt, of Kaytown, will buy
your raw hides, It you huvuany to sell, at
*ho Idglicst market prices.
KUh'IIoii passed ott very pleasantly -i
Hiiytowu precinct. There were
tta t#.kc ttlni. r.-»llng.
- *-*•- ■«? >(,
district will l«» three Mdtc.1 dollars
all that sell it aexfycar
Mr. Aurth.trOttnh, of Ib.ytown, has
beco- ; up toBimron (ioinif wnne brick work
for Dr Davidson.
Mr. JlinhTV Flj'Bt, lnmhcT?Swod of Haytown la hat
log a good deal of near
th„t iiiacc now.
Master Hobble Moore, nephew of Mr.O.
1>. Moore, of Baytown, b nninlii,' a toy
storeIn hharoti during tho holidays.
Don’t forget the Editor wlien you are
natslnLC your proMeiiLn avouiul ami a 1 ho bv.
sure you pay him what you are due.
Dr. ])tivi(]idoii h vv;ij»ju•»I off 111* two old
i)u^Kic*« for a new oiiw lant week. Thu
Doctoralwiiyi belleven In tliinifH that nr«j
uircand iPNNiHH wDiiuHDtw.
No one in ordlnury health need bocoinc
baklor gray, if hi will follow sensible
treatment. Wo advise cleanliness of the
scalp and the uw, of ll«l | ’h Hair Kenewn .
All of Raylowns Masonic Fraternity al
leaded the oyster supper at Slinron on
Thursday evening ot last week. There
was three new mourners Initiated on that
It lookn Hk« evoryLocIy tliat hiMgot in.y
place of hiisjiicH? at all has got fin; work*
ChriKtmna ijo<mIs to Hell, Don’t mind
of y«m w ill have moum; hard stock to
over to another year.
Ye Seritie was calied out of Ii’h lad one
Ja«t week to marry a couple. Tim
W'uh seventy I wo and the hride sixty
They seemed us happy hh it they
Ifjhi in there teens or twenties.
Several of the Itnytown people attend
reaching at Ji nnlng* cliurt n now i vi ry
»y they have Horvid* till-re. I'attor i.
. Wekt la kahl to *«■ u flni- preai liar ami
6 «,,le genera, y like to hear him pr-m h.
MiHH He eda f‘lemmoriHdied at. her home
rar Fair Flay on la*t Friday evening at 8
do k. Hhr wax Imrlfil Sstnrilay. at Raytown Mlm
|dhoiJI»t ci-metary on
[lemtnonit hail ta i n a great sufferer for
une time with earn er of the hreaft She
saves a goo,4 many relative* anil friend*
. mourn her departure, (fur sympathies
OOtll tothe liereaved.
Ttic 1 »!*«•«»very Sau-tl tlU l.lfr.
f«. Calllouette, Druggist, Iteiiver*
oi-xovery in my store I *nt
forM | K , t tlr- and fegan lt*u«»ml from the
fl r ., dom: t„.gan u. get better, non after u*.
i„g three ixstlc* wa- up and atiout again,
it» i. wortii i:« weight in gi d We don’t
u-ep .tore or house without it.” Oct a
free trial at Dr. K. I. Ri*i<l» Drugstore.
—Miss Mattie Scott, of Union
Point, is visiting relatives in
I Crawfordville.
For Infants and Children.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report.
Powder s
The Prisoner* Were Moved.
One llight last week a report
was heard in and around Loxing
ton that a mob was in readiness
to go to the Oglethorpe jail and
lynch the two Findley negroes
who were there imprisoned
charged with the murder of Ju
lins Hardy. The sheriff thought
it host to be on the safe side and
the prisoners were taken to the
Athens jail for safe keeping. It
is said that more evidence is
leaking out that points to the
guilt of those negroes and their
conviction at the adjourned term
of Oglethorpe court, second week
in January, is almost certain.
The wife of Mi I). Rohm son a
prominent lumberman ol’ II art wick,
N. Y., was sick with ilieiiliintinn for
li/e months. In H| waiting of it, Mr.
Robinson says: ('liamberlaiii’s Pain
Balin Is the only thing that gave her
any rest from |mm. For the ivlief of
pain it cannot be beat,” M.iuy very
had ruses of rheumntUin have been
cured b" it. For sale at 50 cents per
bottle by l)r 11. J. Retd.
Wont Into tlio limine.
A peculiar incident occured at
the residence of our popular do
pot agent, Mr. W. 0. Holden one
day last week. Charlie Caldwell
brought some horses here from
Atlanta and two of them, being
used to going in and out of the
handsome city stables, walked
leisurely into the front door of
Mr. Holden's residence and went
nearly through 'the hall before
the intruders were discovered.
As soon as Miss Stella Holden
opened her door the horses ran
out. They surely had high
MfONDCRPIIL »ro tho cure* by
■ ■ Mood's Snrsiqmrillii, and yot they
are simple and natural. Hood’* Mnrsa
ii.ikca PURE B 1*000.
W§ lj H ' -onri -.X ’ tre pop
Kn3pf«t. yA ;), 0
lo-biW’snv -a. Kp-ut Chapman
Crawfurdvilh’. Mr:.
is also here with hot mother.
Mrs. W. J. Norton.
-.......——~ **
To the agod, with their poor appetite,
' ,,1,ln circulation, and impoverished hlocd,
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Is a boon beyond price,
Its effect Is to chock the ravages of time,
'*y Invigorating every organ, nerve, and
«*«»«]'»•« ***>■*'■'»
new year.
aii aj«,h*.
... We to . , know that
are sorry
SOITIO took It SOlioilH viow of tHo
urtiolo in this pupor oft Doc. 11th
conOcrnit)^ tho ori'OtlOOUH HITOftt!
of Mr. Jim Anderson in Augunta.
^ . was all a joke , on Jim and no
one look it, ill earnest except tho
policeman who had been ordered
| () arrest tiny body who attempt -
<« U . 0 enter the banks. rn 1 , he sleet , .
broken tho Wires and
electric lights were on and the
policeman , dl l not know thill Jim
was the trusted book keeper of
the bank. We, like other pa
pers, only joke those we eonskl
er our friends.
Iiii|iortMiit Nnwi.
At this season of tho year tho
most important nows in a paper
is to be found in its advertising
columns. Tho menthant who
(Jiinks that th() * public d 00 K not
mntr|butw fo thi vu ltmLlo fund
does , not Contribute 4 *. . to . tins 4 « • Vlll , •
liable find of noWH. Ill fact It
may bo truly said that he has rio
nows to give the public. The
man who advertises always has
nows that is interesting to the
people in his community and they
profit by what he publishes. He
likewise profits by keeping the
public fully informed through his
regular advertisement of the
latest styles, novelties, etc., in
his line of business. The trier
chant who gives proper attention
to his advertisements has as
faithful a coterie of readers as
the society column or the market
page, who would feel lost with
out their special feature. Au
g jsta Chronicle.
A Life Saved.
Marvelous cures of throat and lung
affection* are made daily by Dr. Bull’s
Cough Syrup, Xfiss Annie Swan,
Petersburg, Va., writes: “My brother
wax attacked by a bad cough and cold,
and it was thought he had connump
tion. l)r. Bull’a Cough Syrup waa
used, and to our great surprise It made
him well and hearty. There is no
better cure in the world than this
Syrup.” Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup i»
' sold everywhere for 25 cents
It Is the Best,
$ I. In Advance.
NO. 45.
The following (Ire the latest quotations
for < 0 ' , 0 " In ('rawfordville, corrected
iw r> l "" s ‘''' l ' eni " K:
‘;”V’. K ....... ... . 01-2
J.’m'.J,........... ....6 1-4
Low Middling........ U
Petition llltinkit ll«re.
Judge Mitchell requests us to
state to tlio indigent soldiers and
the widows that tho-ir pension
blanks art' itt liis office and all
entitled to those are requested to
come and till them out.
Cure For llendeche*
As a remedy for all forms of Head¬
ache Electric Hitlers has proven to he the
very best. It effects a permanent cure anil
.the most dreaded habitual sick headaches
meld to Us influence. \\t urge all who
tre nlllieled to prm lire a bottle, an l give
hi* remedy a fair trial. In eases of halnt
»itl constipation Electric Hitters cures by
giving the needed lone to the bowels, and
few eases long resist the use of this ntedl
vine. Try it onee. 50 cents and $1.00 ut,
Dr. It. .1. Helds Drug Store,
The|(fM( V«t.
Tho largest owl seen in this
.section was killed by Mr. W. Y.
Edwards near town Tuesday
” v,,|llll g- l 1 " ;1 -’ fie dtu .c
f? v,l Y variety and measured o.B
>n<'-hes from tip to tip. Its claws
wore over an inch long and loo.c
very dangerous,
Mr. .1 Jin U, Tmver, Dalton, G. 1 .,
‘ June th»< 5th, ’95. This is
to eerily ... t «• 1 , ' IVI ‘ '■
<" my
livu 3 't,','ir- tor various complaints, viz.
In .... 'l»w*-UrjiuMs , , ,, an.' , «wi- r
eral debility, mid find it II tlittt it
cliiiuiM to lm. In fact, l wo,dd not be
without it in iiiv h<ruse.
If you would know tin* value of
<I»Ih great rcm.-d, in the family.-Si-tid
to Tho Aibin'.'t U ' miaul Co., At un
tn., Oic lor 48 |vigc b ok, free. New
jutekage, liB’g” hi >u lu, 109 dosna, $1.
Z*j.. . . x (i . ( , •, B
bnt wi paplr |, ........ .
th'i-.....pilar to give our advor
.-,ot - notices
, [ . l” » ............
10 I J| ' 11 1 1 ”
renewed energy and M . . .
f, * ^ 1 ll11 '' ': "'I''T ' 1V,,1: " l', U W,1 ^ ('hunk nur
/ on,V'inuamui ...
f»»it **«»»*« v '*'t
’ sum.’’
oHlm will but, improve
V o„r couutV papor, A men y
Chrislmas to till.
WITH ¥w I I 11 RAI O rr L* DNESSl iJ 1 .1 td kj >«/
The Danger la Averted hy Being
o X ,. Hrly forty years ago, after
some, weeks of Hiik.iCHK, luy hair
turned gray and began fa llng m t
ho rapidly * that I was tbreateneu
wjU , Ilim ediate baldness. Hearing
Ayer’s Hair Vigor highly spoken of,
i commenced using this prepara
r?r*» i
iiiitr, and was so well satisfied with
tlie result that I have never tried
any other kind of dressing. It stop¬
ped the hair from falling out, stimu¬
lated a new growth of hair, and kept
the sealp free from dandruff. Only
an occasional application is now
needed to keep my hair of good,
^ f n ri( . I1(jM .”L M rs II.M.Haight,
Avo( .. i
_ , .. H3tf . ... VltJOF
uyPP J R ”
Aytr’t HarBaparilla JUtmovtt Vimplet.
Notice.—Leave to Sell.
Qi :oll I V T V 1.1A F E KI« > OI XT V.
l t> n \ whom t ninv corn'crti: David
V. ar m trnU r Ida Ji*v
say dec H*< d. iii d tp form applied
to the iini'e- t imed »or 1 hvi* to *cil Niap*
ty nine t n ,ii- linit ;ii i i «*)< iMdnpr t<*
the estate ■•( <'»-d -L v< h “ I t»»** »aiiL bcin*c
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