Newspaper Page Text
20 Years Old
Crawford%-ille Dem rth;, KstaMi^hed 187t»,
People’s Advocatc, £*tabll»he<l 1894.
VOL, X\i.
i £ GRIPPE 99
This insidious disease is now prevailing all over the country. It conics with its
chilliness, pains, aches fever, watery eyes, headache, Etc. To avoid it, take an oe
casional dose of
Dr. Hammack’s Cold Cure.
and it you have Grippe, the tablets taken according *v> directions, will cure it. They
are put up iu screw top bottles, convenient to carry. 25 doses 25 cents.
For Coughs
A cough is the rock upon which the health and life of thousands have been
wrecked. Every cough should be treated at its commencement, and for this
purpose there is nothing better than Dr Hamm.ich’s U bite Pine and Spruce
Gum Gough Balsam. It cures without fail all bronchial and lung affections.
Price, per bottle, 25 cents. Once used, it is always the favorite.
For Pains and Aches.
There is nothing better than Dr. Hammack’s Electric Liniment. It will cure
neuralgia, rheumatism stitches and pair,s. lumbago, chapped hands, and all
manner of pains and aches. Don't experiment, hut buy this liniment, l’rice,
per bottle, 23 cults.
A Good Rubber Hoi: Water Bottle
should be in every family. AVc have them—the best made from f,o cents upwards,
tuid everything usually -old in a first-class drug store at reasonable prices.
Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ATLANTA, GA.
T. A. Slocum, M. C., Hu* Great GUem st
Scientist. Will Semi Free, to the AMiict
ed, ’JCliree Bottles of His Newly dis¬
covered ltemedies to Cure Con¬
sumption and All Lung
Confident that hr in-ili eovered a r tia
blexarefor consumption and all brott
ohial. throat and lung dkeascs, general
decline and weakness, toss of flush and all
conditions of washing, and to make its
great merits km w u he will send, flee,
three bottles to any reader of Tim A.lvo
cnte-Democrat who may lie suffering.
Already this “new wienlille course of
medicine” has perm meutiy cured tliou
sands of apparently hopeless cases.
The doctor consideis it Ins religious
-a dm., which ho owes to bunumily
K be a curable disea e beyond any
r ^bt, «» ba.ou file ta b* American “J
European laboratories testimonials oftx
nerience 1 from those benefited mid cured,
in all parts of the world.
Don’t‘delay until it is too late. Con
gumption, uninterrupted, means speedy
and certain death, Address T. A. Slo
cum, M. C., 98 Pine street, New York,
and when writing the Doctor, please give
express and postoffio address, and also
mention reading this article in The
Free School SiiRifCstfd* i
There is some tulk of ;in e tt^rt |
being made to establish a liee
school here. This would add to
vxovil-ition ^ and would do
' *. j 0 Q f
moic to in»ei ^ sc ,
town property than any otner
enterprise. Commissioner Flynt
says that it will only cost about
^300 per year over the public.
school fund. It seems that the
town funds might be drawn on
for all or a part of thi-s amount
and the money thus appropiated
would do as much good as any
other place it codil be put.
Fili a bottle or common water glass with
tirin anil let it stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or settling indicates a diseased
condition of the kidneys., vv hen Ul ‘( ne
linen it i-positive evidence 0 t kid
ney trouble. Too frfyjAfripliesire to un
nate oi pain in the hadt. Ts..also convinc
iosr proof that the kidneys and bladder tire
out of order.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Df. Kilmer’s
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills
every wish in relieving pain in the back,
kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of
the uniary passage. It corrects inability
to hold urine and scalding pains in passing
it. or bad effect* following use of liquor,
wine or )a- r, and overcomes that unpleas
ant necessity of being compelled to get
up many times during the mght to nn
nate. The mild and the extraordinary -
effect of Swamp-Hoot is soon realized.
stands the highest for its wonderful cures „
of the m. ,-t eiistrirssing cases. If you need
a medicine yon should have thebest. Sold
by druggist-- price fiifty cents and one dol
ai. For a sample bottle and painplet,
both sent free by mail, mention the Ad vo
cat«-DeBi5erat and send your full post
office address to Dr. Kilmer A: Co., Bing¬
hamton, N Y. The proprietors or this
paper guarantee the genuineness of this
is a
Consolidated Oct. 6, 1898.
Pure Ilome Matters Pickad Up by Our
Local Eepcit rs.
What Our repple Are l)«>ins and Saying?.
Tiling Our Friends Tell U«.
—Yesterday was surely a
—Small grain lots about town
are looking well.
—Mr. W. E. Arnett has been
elected marshal at Sharon.
—Mrs. L. P. Stephens return¬
ed Monday from Washington.
—Clms. H. G'olucke has got to
be a regular miller here lately.
—Dr. R. C. Binns went up
Greenesboro Monday on busi¬
—Mr. W. W. Bird has bought
his motluH’ a r.tov
__^ Ed> fy Br]en of Barnett
^ ^ right sick Satur
, .
U *V
—Mrs. M. Z. Andrews return¬
ed home Monday from a visit to
—Excursion from Washington
to Augusta next week, so we are
—Olin Hubert, night operator
u t Barnett, was here one
— Don't forget that mark that
was on your poper last week—if
it was.......tod.
*—Mis. uoiuc^e is reported ,
much better since she returned
from Augusta.
,—Mr. Ed. S. O’Brien of Bar
nett was in town one day this
wee j { oa business.
_Onr press was shipped
Saturday and wo expect it with
in the next week.
—Mrs. Mattie Chapman ^ was
quite sicir the past week with
grippe but is better now.
—Dr:? miners are working worth
Craw ford vi 11c for all she is
now. Eight here at once. I
—Mrs. John Thompson, of
Augusta, is visiting the home of
her parents in this place.
—Alex Beazley has accepted a
position with >vlr. *»1- 1*. (.ri.Jlit,
in the mercantile business.
—Ml'S. W. J. Norton returned
week from a week s visit to
jjer daughters’ in Augusta.
_ Mrg L L 0 slin, of Barnett,
* ta .1 t of this week with
her mother. Mrs. M ibliza FA in Kern. Reid
—The weather man can
a catching-up of the annual
fall since the last few weeks.
-—Some articles sent in for
publication crowded D'»t this week
Hope to get them in next week.
.—Hancock courtis in session
this week and the Butts negroes
will be tried for killing D. Silver.
—judge S. H. Rhodes has had
printed and sent out his
dockets and he ls n0 w ready for
—Messrs. „ M. „ F. r. r. Griffith -a-iL and ,
Sam E. Gunn have added dry
goods to their merchandise
— Rev. Mr. Burgess was
Sunday and held regular
ly services at the Presbyterian
—Monday week is court week
here. Don’t forget to bring us
a dollar or a few dimes to keep
our P ress a ^ oin ^
—Marshals Tucker and Rich¬
ards have been putting up some
roving stock. People should
take care of their stock.
“In the Interestlof All the People.”
Constipation world. It
Causes fully half the sickness in the
retains the digested food too long ill the bowels
and produces bihousuess. torpid «ver, Imli
EH S5§|I ^ ijwB jfiHt
9 B ww f+Jp
gestion, bad taste, coated Pills
tongue, sick headache, in¬
somnia, etc. Hood's rills
cure constipation and all its
results, easily and thoroughly. 25c. AH druggists.
Prepared by C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
The oulv Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Knki g Improvement.
Tho city council of Crawford
ville gave orders last Tuesday
night for resetting of tho shade
trees in town that have died out,
and have also ordered that new
post be put up at the horse
racks. They say as soon as
weather permits many improve¬
ments will ho male.
The tire engine ordered some
time ago has been shipped and
it is expected every day.
J murovements Added.
Mr. W. li. Rojil is having an
addition put to the Hotel stables
that will bo quite a convenience
to the horse-drovers who come
here. Besides adding more
room for stables, an office and
harness room will be added. The
office will be supplied with tt
desk and stove and will make it
a comportable place for stock
men while they are here.
New lot of toilet soaps at
Paul G. Lucas’.
—St. Valentine’s come on Sutt¬
day litis year. Day after to¬
morrow you can expect an epis
tie of love or contempt.
P'ull line of ladies corsets
cheap at Paul G. Lucas’.
—Vince T. St! Ilford, Vi 11
known in this section has taken
charge of tax-collectors office in
Floyd to which he was elected
last fall.
All nttikcs of patent
cinesat Paul G, Lucasj’. „
—Filstl-rain was in another
smash-up Monday and did nr
arrive here until 1 o clock. 1 he
trouble occured in the yards in
Augusta. No one hurt.
You want a nice tie? Paul
G. Lucas has a pretty lot.
—The beef market business in
is a thing of The
past. Why don’t some
prising person furnish tho poo
pie here regularly with meat.
A few months ago, Mr. Byron
|,.g swollen tin full length, «:ihh
*j n <r him ip - <*a( Hiiffurin^. lie was ml
trv GluimbcilainV Pain Balm,
The first bottle of it Elped him coin-id
and the second bottle eff'cted a
The 25 and 59 emit sizes ore
by Ur. B. J. Held.
Well buckets, for dug and
bored wells at Paul G. Lucas’.
_yhe young ^ ^ people’s 1 \ sociable
which , . , was to have been at . the
of Mr. VV. K. Gunn
Friday night last was rained out
and they will try to have the
gathering to-night (Friday).
Arirtct pivell rhamherlianV Cough
and«r it one
of (he V( . ry lwrtt f or eroiip that
j },avc ovov found. <)itc dose has
R j, e( „ sufficient, allhougti I u-e
it f. eely. Any '.old my children con -
tract 1 Bids verv readily to tins medi
eine. I can conscientiously in’obil- rccom
mend it for croup. and m Ida
dret.-Geo. E Wolf Lick of the
Circuit Court, Fernandma, Fla Sold
b D) . , { j | {ei( j
Gents laundried shirts, all
styles, at Paul G. Lucas. ’ They
are real cheap.
rpi 1 • , ’ Toiirnnl ; suvlhat L*
‘ ’T’ ' 1S ' S1 ... '' > an j _ 1 ’
agent at Madison, was Ioiiih
HI ,000 short in his accounts wit h
the Ga. R. R. He is the same
who figured in a sensation
at pithonia some years J ago.
IM IUERVOU8 Troubles are due to
impoveriafied blood. Hood's -ar
gaparilla i« the One True Blood
Purifier and HERVE TONIC,
— It is rumored that a colored
republican will make application
^ . ^ ost . „ at , tins .. . jdace.
or l e P °oiee
For Infant* and Children,
TU fu*
r.*;;* k t%
'4. Tf
Will VViSi HI. Son.
Mr. W. N. Gtiw decided
to move to the hfflne of Ms son.
. Mp. T. O. Guilll, \ fjur toWIl, lUld
^ & {am n t h e lllttor's
! plantation tMs yur. An addi
lion 1...... i.Juic to Ollie’s
|] louse p 0 ma it e r o In for his par
onts. We were n hopes that
'Mr. Gunn woulAjj iild a homo in
An I Agvut.
Ml'. ,T. l'\ Mt'ehel Agent Southern
Kxpress Co., Griflii Ga , May Bill,
1895- "I Intro it ■ < King's Hoyitl
<»ennctitet' in my f.'l y, and consider
it the best ineiVtoii five ever used,
it has ndieved tnd kscu’ar lvli"«—
mat ism. I also kfl fl'sevi nil other
cases of rhetimai&n |I cat iitIi that
have been cftied lit I Use,” Write
to Tile At'.anla Che Int o., Atlanta,
(ill., for 48 page I'.t [package, giving full in
formation, free. N large
bottle, HIS doses, H
CotnpItiD O.Il*.
One of our uoM8 '|ioml«nls re¬
fers to the sa;dtA <r cotulition of
parts of our tot® That should
not be said ubotjpt town that is
entirely free ffiMt 1 such obnox¬
ious things, butifc I Lb i - ease t he
saitl reference i% •' very unjust¬
ly made, and wgfj *1 sit'c that as
soon as our !1 finds that
such complaint^. made the
matter will be Idtjlpd into.
Mr, Ward I,. Ntpfi of Frcdet'icKS
town, Mo., was li'aftl rid with chroma
iliarihoea tor ovyr mifriy yoats. lie
bad hecome hilly sSM'ted ll'.al if was
on ly a (pieslioM of jfitVc'p- a', jim > ‘ililts until
lie would have to llu had
sicii.ns been treated in Kit by srifflBfj'tlicbest s«|| wnciirabut pity
rope got
no pj-ked permanent newspap'v i el%f l^dtie idolmnoed day lie
up a to
read an advems, it^ jfc lot' Chamber
( 'o |k ’- " ll diarrhoea
Hentedy, He goj Tfttlo ut M, thi»
first <l<ise lu lpsd bit F Wlt( :\ i'» conHnneil Uf.
us., cured him, s a k* by li.
J, Reid,
SuilH! Oli
'rite Postal Te- ■ )!l Go’s ro
hun-ls herc this
dck „ tW css
lino. They ( of nice
looking mul«e wll are said to
| )( , O ' vor 20 years c>5F. It is also
s;l jj that, these mulfs have made
the trip from WnsliSigton, D. C.,
to Boston. Mass., I>ur times be
sides having been driven from
Washington to Get t gia. They
take good care of tiemnnd the
mules are lusting to do much
lli'HfllllMN CfttlllOl 1 ('llivd
[,y local ;i|jpliOrtti(iiiS xjK they cannot
new, ami Umt * l»v
i cm.’dins. Di .ilm* o vasc.iiiiy nn
inflamed ..( >f» mneo'w ltn
ing of tlm Eu-tarimi i Tube. 'V Imn
this lube is hill uned yon have tt ruinb
ling sound ot impeH', hearing, t"'; 1
when it is cntiiely clohpl,, deafucs is
“'ake^im i..?
restored to its
«"g will •>-» deatroye arecatAwl I fotev.-r,- niii :
out of leu J by
u nolhi , (l(t llt ct>
rjpj,,,, muentii Mfl faO«'rt.
Wo will gi •« Om- llmidrcn Djllars
(<>vauy cast; ot I). a(ne-ft (cruised t,y
<m(bi rh) llinl (hiiuiot be cumdby Il tll**
(-atari li (Jui'k feuwi ! 1or ci .cubirn.
I\ J. CliKNBV & (JO.,
’i'olc.lo, O.
SoM by Druggtstf, 15c.
Mali's Faitnl) I’lii'm> lln-*
Hi:Il4»4»l (fniim irncd.
The destruction >.V ■ tiro last
p ridayo f th< . | > 1 math Tlisti
tute r, i s from”iuv sight tt
liisto! .c place of lebrniTtg. Be
fore the war it '.vj;;, presided
over by the Rev. J W. Reed,
father of J no. C Ittl -d now of
Atlanta. There vB,■<■ scholars
I’”' erit from ele» different
States. Every ho I ,0 in town
v. its a hoarding ho’ e, over one
hundred months pupils be tig present The
for ten in tin year,
loss of this acadmu* s a severe
blow on our community just at
tJiistime, Tint we h >\*i to soon
have erected anotho' house oven
more convenient tl , j the last.
(y h . It* thorj/e Ec O
Honesty and Virtue.
There i» more hone* t.y and virtue
contained in a bottle of Salvation Oil,
than in any other liniment known.
“Mr*. A. Fiedler, 2864 PftTettiorj) St.,
Philadelphia, Pa., con fit an. MK tl,i* tine truth- «UUi.
biic found Salvaficn O I to be an ex
cellent remedy for rln , i, 4 i;ia, stiff
joints, bruise*, etc.. » ud think* it
should always be kef. in the house."
Don’t lUtcn to tlie deal; *’» argument*
in. favor of a substitute. Insist on get¬
ting Salvation Oil, itcos U only 25 cte.
Correspondents’ Reports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
Of the Happening* In Tlitdr Keapectlvo I.o
calitioH. All the Nowi,
I1V «'. I.. IIAGIIV,
Subscribe tor your county paper.
Mellon Gilbert is holding the fort at E.
T. Moore’s & Co.
Mr. Toe Moore and family, of Hillman,
are reported quite sick.
Mr. J. B. Gregory cut his leg very bad¬
ly lust week w it It an »\.
Mr. J. T. Taylor, of near Barnett, has
some quite sick children.
Wo learn tlmt Mr. and Mrs George
Griffith are still quite feeble.
A groat many sick colored people in out
couumuiitv and surrounding country.
Mr. A. I>. Moore ami mother visited
Crawfordvillo last week on business,
We learn that Mrs. J, W. McKItmy -is
up again after a very severe spell of sick¬
Several of our Sharon people visited the
ordinary’s otliee la-t week on pension busi¬
Mr. ('. C. Caldwell was In our town aev
oral days last week with a drove of mules
and horses.
Breaching at Burnett Methodist, church
last Saturday and Sunday by the Faster,
lire. Mr. Winter.
Mr. Slierrcr. of Wilkes county, passed
through our town lust week to visit rela¬
tives in Baytown.
Mr. lack Hubert, Jr., of Harlem, is
express messenger ell the Washington
branch tit present.
Mr. T. li. Mnssougale, of Norwood was
up last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jesse
Taylor near Sharon.
George Gregory near BtU'liOlt came very
near getting burnt outlast week. Ills
chimney caught tiro.
Mr, and Mrs. Jesse W. McKinney will
make their home with Mr. J. W. McKin¬
ney, Sr., the present year.
Mr Charles Both, our Railroad section
boss, has been sick for several days past
but is aide to be out tins week.
Cel. C. C. Carrol liasslarted up a black¬
smith shop on l'ea Bidge and hopes all of
Ida friends will remember him.
Council election in Sharon passed off
<Pdotty last Monday; the same old Board
wag re-elected with<*ut opposition.
Mb'S H jjnde ilBV m’Iiohi LeU'tUjJ, iwhv M 1 .’IT (hImMi W,
ifutTiP itr* w r. J
»ud h« about wlttoen pupils.
Tire rrmny frlerujeof Mr. K. K. Dardeii
will bo fflfid to know t,ip»t In’ otii nit- up
now and with no mDlmpn \rill gotwull.
Mr. Jeswe Taylor l»;i ; been seriously »lek
for wwerrd day s pnst. We learn that UR
jdiyMieiam 8iiy ho will hardly got well
Messrs. John Hill, Frank Gilbert and
Ulya Ivey, of Washington, were In our
i„ j w ,., k viaitiug ,, lathes und
i»g hm-e i.
Thom wmh a car loud of corn Hold in
Crawfordville in one day hint week. From
tlml it. Rccin thut Home <»f our county
pci,pie ain’t raising t oiu.
r rii<* and hD ^,od wife know how to
,,, a J %< . pcopln fed nt lioirn*.
Wnhcarlt ropnrti'il around (
W (m„. m,!,,,. g rttn d jury praamtimuito at
UHa crmlng term of court Hint some of
p ()0 p,c not a warn of.
Wl , llrtll Taint nTamt ov«r»g.
children ^ »i 11 'f, l<* Mm* public s- hoolfi. Our
O'ouiit y Hcliool <'tiiiiim's'ioner rh Mild look
ofler IUt matter we can’t,
Pens, potatoes and ’in is llie general
hill of fare now, with a rusher or two of
incftf for lo HO :| on witJi. JtH mighty g od
fare wh *u an* hungry
VIiora Ih more fu - and (juarreli over
hcIiooIh nnd t die her* nowUian we ever
hcjirl of. fOveryhody wmihld f»e (earlier
nnd evnrv one wanla lr , . < . holer . oi . hi no-Tis, . I.
We HOO ho c f iliiH who will drink
whinky abroad In public, buf won’l drink
It at. home. 1 (’ m’t h<*<* Hi 1 ’ poltiij H Ih h 1
wav« hm good to ion ut, loom; in* it Ih
Om friend, Mr. H. F. Atclilaon, of near
Harnett, rejiorl- that he i In very laal
health at present witli a Wood ufllt<-ti*.n.
H ■ hit h not b on a bln lo d<, tiny w.irk for
Home tline.
VV*.: in*;t our old (o jirod" nod H<>Idh*i'
friend VV. J{. M< Gibotiy In. I woo k in
('r.twford' ilk' • \Vn worn j/htd to hoo. him.
|| ( . js ciiiptov'e') with Mr. J. N. Chaiiuian
III tlie carriage and wa;on Inr-iae- 1 .
Mr. W. It It id, of <'/.iwfordville cer
min ’j k' eps a in Mai hotel. It was our
plea <ure to slop there part of twi ■la '
F ,1 week doing some work. We I Id nk
of hi ,ok;, porters and waiter- are
iiolv folks. They kept os all the time ei:
„, rUlil , ( .,i , u th religion, uig aervlce.
TIm ranwra.
James L. Frauds. Alderman. Chicago,
>ays: "I re y; ti rd fir. King’s New lli«
covery as an , fdeal r. Panacea for Coughs,
w;- 't'tyZZ.t pres<riptions
the exi lusioti of ph ysician *
or other prepam 14/llfJ.
Hrv. )o)m i’riir^us, Keokuk, Iowa,
writes; •[ fiavc n Minister of the
Methodist Episcopal Church for 50 years
or more, and having never found any
tl W) | )( . n( .f lr .j a l, „r that gave me such
idy r.-iief as Dr. King’s New Discov
.TV- Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now.
Trial JTulile Free. atl>r R. J. Reid’s.
Tti fw- t« ®*
tijy.iVVJh win*
Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report.
4Bsauimv pure
We see some little Improvement, going
on in Crawford vile but the .sanitary con
dition of some of the public accomodit
tlous near the ca'aboose are in a bad fix
uiul vlotv tsuc*i\k well fov tL<*. city fatUcra*
We held court at mtr court ground last
week lmt very little business on hand.
I’eoplo in onrdistrlet gnncrally set tie cases
before trial and don’t pay up cost. That
Isa very had thing " on tlio Imtleo ami
We bear some of our men hunts say
that to sell meat for cash Is just like swap¬
ping dollars and then turnaround ami say
that it would he better for the country if
all business was done oli§ ft cash basis,
"Const,staney, though art a charm.”
A I nitiate,' l*r,mcl*!ptl„n. |
Editor Morrison of Wortliington, Inch,
•Sun,” writes: “You have a valuable
prescription in Elec-trie Utliers, and 1
can cheerfully recommend it for Consti
palion and Sick Headache, and as a gen
end system tonic it Inis no equal.” 5ivs.
Annie Stehle, jd-iJ Cottage down, could (.one Ave.,
Chicago, was food, ail van had backache not which cat
nor digest and felt a tired and
never lett her weary,
but six bottles.Of Electric Bitters restor¬
ed her health and renewed tier strength.
I’l ices 5<> fCilIs and i aht. Get a Battle
at Dr. K.J.K AtW.
in iiioi.'tMan.
Hn»l ndds, arn^Dmually Hi" fumjd iiut In
tills suction.
Dr. Hhodcs' pallunlM n‘ Hillm in an*
rapidly improving.
Mr. I4 *!> ICdwimls Is adding a two > tory
addilion lo liis lioust*.
Hvvccl. poihUm’m urn injured in UiD mo¬
tion from tin' nxtmmn coltl sjadl.
Mr, Hum Uhodca itas Ju. t c impInL d a
nlno fnimnl lioiih*. Hn and Thm 1‘nikiiH
built (1 m* chimney * 111(1 it is a go >d om*.
I’reiiiu! lire Bnldin -s nmv be prerenti ,1
and tbe liair imide to grow <m h. mis ill
ready buhl, by Hie use of llull’s Veivelable
Sicilian Hnir Ui newer.
Rev, Mr. Hell men hed n jjomT sermon
from the text:
well, kin lletli at, tlio door and
shiil'. tie Ills desire and thou ithnll rule over
him." (I ne‘ |h J utd T.
A young mim In Lowell. Miuw,. Irtml.leil
for y eM'H with it eoiiHtluit HliecchHloil of
ImlN ........nock, wane.....old. ly eared by
taking only three bottles of Ayer's Hnr*n
pai Uhi, A noi her resull <'t I Ik* treatment
WHS d re,'ii ly improved II;.,' 11 ,11 with III
CICll • 44 ><i avoiidupoD,
Ill’ll W l» to M4M VH ii( l r 4*(»riif|T , .v Turin uf T»i(
lilfiqTd ‘ .upviinr < IHO'T.
loss Oinin, U II Ogh tref, W I, Ken
kS&W; ", VV M I'm I., I,
i, a Moor«*. J»^ K Ad»m*y, Gno N
n ' Jin kRon, VV <> slohlna, ih iiSfii — K' i't,
W ' 11 '* 5 1 1’l’i ' ' 11
p'w - \V 1-' IJI 'h , ’r"i' l.m'v,'
vv T N* iiurt t«m, (!hu« VV <h ■> • J II Bfi.lir,
John c, J--' AHim .
'l KAYi.HSi; ,11 KORS.
J A kin-, r vv ( » < 7- ♦•li, .fun v <; r
r« tt, * it < J < lurk, VV J HUienffir! .1 II
JaenHon, J) \) l < um , cf'»rd. W Kdvviirdf
D A perblns I T ( 'oo(i< r, if \> f fu^f * \*i n>
j |(; GrillUl,, 1! K Itiiy l> W
AI , 'I'li* h G mim, If (' VI ,ak, If II
(i nm, T Knnilrk’k. I‘) I An - 1 'HI, \\
It Taylor, I If Stewart, If It i! -r I W
Arinin'i II D Wallm<• J'tft if
Arthur ( r K iwiirti Keating. J,,lm
J Kealv, = A tit “ ill, (ten ( |' , tHj( h *, ,
Jalues P 'b*odV, < h - M, W If Miirdcn, ;
w A mil, It M f Impnmr. _
Our 'l hnith* i 1 >nt film «l.
Norwood, <h., J«Y!-. (5, PUT,
- Moor< ,
I I for r f erf ,i iofi. I
on noidlfi/.f your |hj» - You luiv
great I Jriiitfo e I If t n♦ <* y - took chi.iv
tVIshhig you m ucU sue <•
Mr .1. W. MeCulii)
Vlrksbiir^, Mi Kcio H, V «);,
G. Moore,
nwfonlVilb*, (r it.
Ptou Hir;
Tim pujHT hn ho" a tiivji nil O. K .
und I on n nuiro yon 1 oh Joy fowling It. 1
r < nd yon iiinwiht of HiihAnript.iou.
Your fl ie d,
L. I!. MANN'.
The following patrons have paid Dder
siil.-i rfpli' n to this paiier since ,mr last
issue for which we return thanks;
M »- sue Gunn, fel, to Kdi. B, 2IH
M. V. Grlftith, SI. “ 2‘, ’SH
If. K. I,. Marti*, 81. : 25, 'W
J. II. Stephen 81. Nov. |, ’97
U. H. Gunn, 81 “ r,.|>. 2 ’97
O. S. IomIoh, 81. “ Feh. 25. OM
h F. .l}|f*kMi>r, 2f,c “ .May 12, ’.il.
A Flag of Warning.
Beware of the dry, tickling, backing,
morning cough, for it warns you that
consumption lurk* near. The famous
Dr. Bull’* Cough Kyrtiji will euro it.
“I liad a very Del (NH1KU One doctor
pronounced it consumption. I used
Dr. Bull’* Cough Syrup and was com¬
pletely cured ; the cough left me and
has never come back. Kinioti Smaaal,
375 31 at Street, Chicago, 111*.” br.
Bull’s Cough Syrup cost* but 25 cent*,
Ask for Bull's, take only Bull's.
Is the Best.
$1. In Advance.
NO. 52.
Mm. Woodruff’* Death.
The remains of Mrs Gid
WoodrulT were interred in the
Grawfordvilie cottU'Uu'y Kuiulav
oVonj ll|st Mrs. Woo I I'd'I
died . III. Imr homo near Raytown
Saturday at an advanced ago.
|Jor husband was reported very
| ow at tho timo of hoi' buri-.J,
Our ., sympathies ,, . are extended , , ,
• 1
UiQ hoi e.lVOu.
Scrofula and CUirrd.
There it* nod nth', acme ding to dm
many remark d,!e cnt'. s p> rfm im d hv
Botanic Blood I, Tin ( B. B B.’)tlei'
it is far tin In-sl Toni" and I’d od Pit*
rificr over am mlactui'i'd, All otho s
pale into i'lsi piiti -nrier when inji-ii -
cd with it. It ....... pimples, uiicis.
skitl diseases, and it I lie tun r of blood
and skju allutetfs. Buy the bed, and
don’t thro v your money away <m mu t.
sdtutes. Ttv llm long tested and o'd
relinhlu IT. It. B !S I (til per largo
hot tic. Km mil 1 by Druggists.
ritofi i’iK» j ru*«.
By n i HUH ,*i i t ;l. v, • t J3 e
mid A 3 IV! i t, Wo V
*C aft:;. 11 . I ' iJl >v*’i’ : t u.iiiii i* t dit: 4
form, \va i’ v oL» tt IS 1 \ •.,•.. t wV
camim. vi ■ry . e’H (hi 111 . it
sti < t' It Liu.; and .Lur, l * d ',a Li-*
I'CM'B 1 tlW , i IP ! it', nil. - \ «
(urn r> At !• r )
Cviits I)r. A , ii.iit? i, i ii hi*.
TIm* followiuj': :in- llu* luluM <1T.
for cotlou in < run luidvillc, coirt t led
every riuirtvtlav evenin'*;
Good MidfJIiii/^...... .. . «:i-i
MiddHiur. . ...... t; r,.'4
Low Middling...... .....t; 1-4
"Itcw l<> Cure all Skin ll'«
.No lutonal ,,. 1 ,V *m niedlelee ' J* '"‘D requlre.l, Ml ' H ”
fft"U, hands, •ewma, Itcli, nil , mpthuiv f ,„ y,,,
u . Ac., h .'ivlrig tli« ..k'n
Clear, while and healthy, its Ifie. I
lag and curative ih»u am po . l..v
*>>• ottiei ten. .%. Aisk DiuggUt Ij
It has h" si s !g ,. df><1 t itit the
Council uf Grawh.rdvifle ukeup
tin mullor of improving tua
(' unotery, and it is thought that
it, will ho favor,ih!> aeded upon
b,y Dial hotly. The fence should
\>fv lUuVO'd; .. t i ly repaired tuid the
walks ui" dy I tid off anil cleaned
up H11c!i im pro .'nuient i add
lUliCil to t I • a *it .uiratice of a, town
an l we hopi ! SCOtl to sue this
v.'or!; be'n:: done.
After Acute rD-snchltl*
A prckc: : ■ Vf»ER(OiCE.
"V\r<v lijonjIn itI took n vio¬
lent cold which i«*. 1 1 d .it .mi attiick
of juMito hroiic.hi(i t. J fui! my ♦ If
under ne dn'.U ti'culiucul, .'.ndjit tho
end of two inohthH wd . I > better.
I found it very diidcnlt to jireadi,
and < oucluded to try -Ayer’s CJierry
^6 / a
C l
\ w. *
k, -4;
" N ’
Pectoral. Tim first l-dde h ■e 1 me
great relief; the eeeond, win mi
Dow taking, Im.t relieved me alliii--’.
entirely of all unplea aid f nif,'
and T feel sure Umt oim or tv ■ B- •
ties more will eh' ‘ a p-th '•> ; ei,5
cure. To ;il! min ’• ifferin r from
throat tronbli'-'. I r —"o: : n 0 ..d Aver’s
♦ 'berry Pectoral.” F M. Bi A'.vt.t v.
]>. d„ Hist. Secretary. Am. Bai t.
Publication l - 11 <' ,ety, 1 ■ tcrsburg.Va.
Ayer’s Cherry Peeler, 1
ii< mu i trni h JU.
.-in. Since
f I
n< 1 w I Of ( IN e t.i
un V
*u ri
ffof!: liip • l . tdund*. I wi l
in ti h <1 »z 3 n>
hvoaik li * y. iio -«*i? i s * a a,<
(or pOwtaHP WAHXKU
Your MUS r. A
Jack-onville, F.u-