Newspaper Page Text
Tie AltKih-DflKnt
MHU-IiBlB *T«»T HIStT nonwtao »Y
Official Organ Tdtiaferro County,
Shark* grow a new row of tee'.i
for every year of their age until
they reach maturity. The Jaw* of a
full-grown specimen can be extend¬
ed about 18 tnchea.
The frog cannot breathe with its
month open, lls breathing apparat
us being »o arranged ns to exclude
ulr a1 all times, except when tin
nostril* alone are working.
The water of the Ulcer Tinto, I li
.Spain, harden* and jM-triftes the
sand of it* bed, and if a atone fail
in the stream and alight* upon an
other, In a few month* thr.v unit
and become one stone. Kish cannot
live In II* water*.
Th«* new Daidith AmbfutimdreHii a 5
1’ariM in ah America.!! woman, fot
rncrly Mth. ( ii«,rl**n nc»*
(iree no ugh. of ('am bridge, M«m. \
Lily (irecnonRh lived In tin
mansion now devoted to Rndclitf
College, an<! us u “beauty*' she w«
for closing leaks in water-pipe* a
newly-patented device consists .if
metal casing lined with packing
which is designated to be slipped
over the P’l"". the end* being drawn
together by a small bolt and nut
thus tightly incasing the pipe and
preventing alt leakage.
To dry the hair quickly a new dc
vice ha* a cylinder, with teeth pro
Jeeiing from it* side, In the interim
of which i* a flame of (ire fed by »
reservoir In the handle, from which
a wick run* into (he cylinder. Ihu
producing sufficient heal to dry tin
hair a* It paascs over the drier
Cornelius Vanderbilt has slwny;
been the good young man of the
Vanderbilt family. A witty (though
not altogether charitable) clergy
man, who once met him at dinner,
remarked afterward that Cornelius
“would undoubtedly be the Vandcr
blit family’* representative In heav¬
Ulysses' Isle of the Cyclops, lying
close to Lire Bid Ban coast near
Acicastello, lias beeu presented to
the University of Catania by tin
Marches* Aravina, it* owner. The 1*
laud la a liaaalt rock rising uon feet
etaRou, the I'nivere.'ly m
tab Held ng estauslv* laboratories on
The Zoological Museum of Stan
ford University has just received
over one hundred bottles of deep
sea fish gathered by the steamer
AllmtrOKS in her recent cruise They
were collected between Outulinskn
«nd Japan last fall while the Alba
truss wm cruising In northern w«
ter. They will lie eia**ified by Pres
blent Jordan.
Under prew'iit lni|»rovi*cl cummer
cial condition* we me all nn^lihors
A few yG&r* nffo M<*e<i* from an 01
augti |fi<»vc on the Indian River,
Florida, were planted In Italy Fruit
from t It in aee«l wn* lately autd in
('biom'o. The Ixifce* in which the
uran^ew were *hi|»|»e$l from Ita)\
were made in Hanjfor, Maine
A recent ta*ue of a London pa pci
mention* the en*e of a p«»*U»r named
Mdthftou, who tutu juat dievi nt the
Kgr of VO, after aervinif *i\t> year*
oOOtiuuouii) a* Church of Fu^laml
minUter at Fatterdnle, Weatuuuv
land. For many year* hi* living
brought him only $ii0 a year, ami
the hlgheit aum he ever got w»* $v»0
The kaiser’ii cousin, the crown
prince of Sweden ha* every one of
bin teeth barred. That is to say, .i
lair of bone ruua through the root*
of every one of hi* molar*, and it
ha* to he crushed before n tooth
can be removed lie U a marty* t$*
toothache and Kpeml* * conahteift
hie portion of hi* existence with a
handkerchief tied around hi* head
to relieve the pain
The rvmsrknddc result of a tiaeh
tight phoU*grspti taken of the of
flee of Attorney W li. UHtv, iu
Portsmouth, U., U at tract ing consid
•rable ttitentiou among
phm. sad the general public lu the
picture Mr tirice i* sitting on '‘
chair, and through him »* dutiucth
•ecu the buk and rounds of th*
chair, together with a
that won on the chair's hack The
clerk w«u$ sitting sgaiust * safe, the
outline of which is shown thrvugh
his body It U very similar to A
r«ys. and s nutulwr of pnwti of the
photoghaph have been taken, to be
newt U> tteientifiv jwjer.
in a abort time IVnaaouIt arill lw
U»« tttrongly fortiffexl cit> on
tfie Gulf, and one of the strougral tu
the country, The rtu j.»la*v iu**u i *
now building on Santa K,*** i.lan-i
three of whit are ready for the
gfuiitt, will lw ui untetl with two 12
inch and four 10-inch dioapfaxtru-*
gun*, ten heavy modern
mortar, and a number of raptd hr,
fuoM tor the proto-tion of the uuu
itqt oaortuaW for the aiectri-wi di*
charge of torpedtow in the channel
Work os the fourth ampiacetuent on
the auanJ ha* oaoa partially dtecoo-
tinned and about *00 workman laid
off for the present. Tbl* cane
ed bv the failure of the iron work
for the magazine* to arrive on time
About 100 inert are at work, how
i-ror and the entire (orw will re
Hume when the Iron work arrive* —
Penaacola New*
Extract* from the Flr*t Paper
Printed In DeLand
Those of our people who were her*
twenty veara ago will doubt lea* read
with Interest the following extract,
from the first rnimlwr issued of the
Volusia County Herald. This paper
in dated May 10, 1177- nearly twen
tv year* ago. H. A, DeLand & Co..
were proprietors and M. H. Leet, It
K. Heovel, and T, 3. Honthworth, ed
Under the head of "Hereford,” w<
flnd the following;
"\Ve dropped down upon this tbriv
Ing little place, fresh from the edi
totial sanctum, and were more than
pleased at the appearance of life and
thrift and many residence* of stable
buslneiMi. Capt. Alexander’s wharf
whh piled hfffb with freight, the dis
pensors of grove,is* various, we,
well-nigh driven to distrre tlon Vi\
their numerous customers, and alvout
the only man we saw approaching
is-lifle stale of mind was our gen,at
friend (*oicord. meandering (nrotign
hammock In search of . foundation , ...
block* for hi* house, which . , . hoti%e .
Madam Rumor . has r Is . soon to 4 u Pc
the very opposite Sa bachelor** re
After giving a list of the new or
ange groves that are being planted
ihe editor t,ranches off on vegetables
and says:
"(apt. John Rich ha* one of the
t.est (if not the best) gardens In our
village, The first week In April
dug a quantity of well developed Ir
ish potatoes. Tomatoes measuring
inches In circumference were on
Id* vines, and turnips from 10 to Iff
Inches, and still growing. He ha -
I,ecu enjoying the luxury of , green
beans radishes, etc '
* • • "There is no reason why th*
locality so highly favored in many
other things, should not be able, to
compete successfully with any other
part of the state, in the cultivation
of early vegetable*. We were lately
shown some very fine early peas, on
ion*, carrots and rutabagas ut t In¬
store of Austin A Cannon and Mr.
Love], grown by the latter, who has
an abundance of all kinds for home
market and shipment.”
Among the marriage notice# I* the
"Cannon Flake. In Jacksonville
- ' "liUT ir 1 ' u
UeIMff. ii r’la., A
2 ’
y llM Kv „ ,j FisUe, „f New < »
Did. No cards."
A oorr«N#|>om1fint Misfiling M l). W.,"
Huiufi ^<mh 1 aclviet*. Many orangr
grower** (R>ubtleiii» wiftb they had
heeded It. lie aava:
"While it i« a truly good tiling to
have H nice bearing grove it good
grove living, iih it Is, the mo*t profit
aide thing on thia footstool yet wa¬
in ust not forget the fact that one
night of severe cold may sweep from
us tiie hopeful labor of year*, and
leave many of mt with nothing, worse
than nothing; for, wilii a frozen out
grove would go all our bright nntiei
putiona of comfortable old age, ami
to repeat a bliah tl«e grove. That »e
cold , . *pt*lla . done . tiiiH . * « thing ...
verts iiave
in the pa*t i* u patent fact in history,
wild i* ai*« evidenced in our wild
jfrtivea. Many yet live who were here
in the great freeze of 1SH5, and otli
era yet who rememher the creator
e<vUt “Void Friday and Hatvmtav’*
in J805; then a^aiu the cold of
jHtVM and 1X70 pluyed some havo*'
with the yonng if rove*, ami fluftHv
lant lh*t*i»mlM‘r brought out a few to
Now, don't put me down a* a
t'loaker, or one given t$» sombre iwi
tieijmtioua. but think a moment, and,
was written Iwfore. "IHitt’l." b*'
me eioptmai/e it by putting it M Do
Effect of heredity
"One moment, plon*e. Let me I*h>h
it that packiigc.’*
The mnn who vvaa on hii* way out
of the dep«rtmcnt store with ti bun
die under hi* arm turned round In
nrpri*e, *ay* the Chicago Tribune.
"What ik> you want to know about
he asked.
"1 want to see if it'« yovira," said
the man who had slopped him. "I
it in, though The corner of th;'
t hin k ii* sticking’ out of it all right.
j your pardon for troubling you,
h%»t weNe lost so many things lately
that we have to l»e very watchful,
nnd nt»y order* «r»' —**
"Vou’re a store detective, are you?”
interrupted the other, with some
"Yes, that'# busineas ”
"A detective, air, ought to be some
thing of a judge of human nature.
l)o I look like a thie(?”
"You mustn't think hard of me, sir
,f i your (».-e i» uot one that in
v. csttiflilence."
"1 it i*:" rejoined the man
w (, tlie under hi* arm.
rufi > j»randfather. on my
/ 5 s himself a detec
. a t hi* eharacteriethr*
it more
If ther
evlr ?
► hf»« ItJMpIf ■
help t>ut here u t «ft«4
Small But N way Item* About
Everything Imaginable.
Clippings from Our state Exchange
In Reference to buildings, 1m
provement*, fibnlcipaliUes, Courts,
Accidents, Etc.
Alachua'* countv Jail only oo.
tain* four prisoner*
Kipe Japan plums made their ap
pearanee In Galneavilie last week
Strawberry and celery shipment -
will ioon la- made daily from th
Gainesville section.
Missouri Pamsctt, colored, arrived
in .I a - |s-r Monday from Georgia and
shortly after dropped dead while in
a restaurant.
Within two days last week or
,lrih at Pensacola received from
fishermen in the bay twenty thos
sand red snapper*,
,1. A. Dalton of Polk county, hat
sold bis half inlerest In an eigbl
,-u-re tomatoe crop for $S(K), just as
-hey stood in the field.
\ man from Birinintfhani i.H
Tampa for the purpose of getting
((( a(| ,. x j t ,jtion consisting of u
linion between two railroads en
T , wHan Rfver Orange
lh( . oMe|t co . op< . rat ive
organization ori the «*a»t coast, wiif
hold its ninth annual meeting , at *
LRy * Point in July.
* }m ' t of Lharles II. \aughn
.gainst the Florida East Coast rail
«ay tor »2.',,WW damages has
dismissed at St. Augustine.,
P»rt.v paying _ the costs.
The Kcw West Advertiser says
judgment In the ease of Baer vs.
it\ of Key West amounting to
”. .71, with h per cent interest trotn
\Jm jy, jhbi, now amounts to $ ;o.
It i* now reasonably certain that
a harness factory will he establish
ed in Gainesville before next spring,
1 Ih W,or , . ,, v
v - "
lock company Of buxine; ;, men of
Gen William P. Crau-hill, chief of
engine-is United State* army, win- j
paid his last official visit to St. An
gustine a few weeks ago, was retir-,
ed on id* own request by President j
i leveland nt noon yeeterday.
An Escambia county planter re
port* that he raised last year on
acre* of ordinary land one thousand
and live hundred bushels of sweet
ixitntocs, and sold them at an aver
age price of 5.A cents per bushel.
The Tallahassee and Gulf Railway
i* putting up dL? 1 **
wwptxo -• ■*«■* *• ure i»«■ twiieiT"Utuv-'
iu*olrt and J avun»« for th^ benefit of
the truckers during vegetable aHr*
hou. The telegraph line baa been
Mr. 8. A. Edward* tell« on that to
Mm own knowledge he eau vouch for
the Hale of |86 hoxe* of grapefruit
I * v Mr. Morgan, near Punta Oorda,
for $1,800 eaah. and of a Ichm mini
her of hnxeft for $ l, -Bartow*
The secretary -if war ho* sent to
congress a report stating that Hills
bom liny, from its confluence with
I'ampii Bay through Hillsboro Bay
ami river to the city of Tampa, is
worthy of inqu-ovement*. No sur
vcy ia nucNNHutry
\A N, Camp says that during the
last business year he has paid out
for freight on phosphate $100,000.
He is confident tiittt the phosphate
miner* will goon jjet together anti
build a railroad from the phoaphate
mincH to the St. John* river.
St4Ulstl(‘» of the phosphate busi
ut*** in the l'nlted State* for 189(1
'•how* that Fioriihi took the lead.
with 499,005 ton*, followed by South
Carol in a. with 275,060 tons, Tenues*
‘>cee. with 42,911 tom*, and North
('ftrulina, with 7,418 tout*.
The Tampa Building and Loan As
socintion held its »eiid*atmual meet
mg last Thursday and declared a
I -cmi-anmml dividend of per cent
amt laani-J $10,000. Th*-ir annual
statement slunvs their earnings
Ih' $ 5,000. which i* divided auiong
their 1,200 stockholders*. The
.unount of loans up to the present
time is $300,000.
Turkey Creek ha* never. In all it*
i.story, had such a sensational trag
edy ns the killing of John Odont by
V K. M<s>dy on Wednesday after
noon, It develops that Odom
thrmteued to kill Moody,
The coroner’s jury brought iu a ver
diet of justifiable homicide. Moody
is under $4,000 ball to appear for
The cinnamon tree ha# recently
been introduced into the Biscay in*
Bay region and is now being culti
\ a ted extensively on the Perrine
‘irant. It is to t>e bopsd that the
<*vpermi«i)t will Ih* successful and
thftt wc *h;ill be able to add another
to the already long 11*1 of tro|j
plant* bow Iteiog pwfitahiy culti
rated in our fair state.— Biscay ne
\N K, Canuari** of the Cummet
1 id and Timlwr company. I*
Mach via lookiuc over se
y mill J; ksonvu .2 nea
Vf of ep at
It V
to ild tram*
Ike rmilroaa u> chair
land*. VYM ifty eommenee oper
st ion* they! employ many men
Their mill i .- » ->nville is one of
th* largest ; ■Mouth.
The Plor; 'Farmer and Fruit
Grower cojd< he Bli balance of a re
-ent report lad* to the L'nlted
g tatM Aep . ■II ent of agriculture
concerning *fhe Mexican orange
worm, in wheh the fact* are eta’
cd that no betdtnene of the worn.
are to be f<>«§■: •••: in oranges th ,’
were grown tne state of Morelo*
alxiut >00 south of the city jf
Mexico, and |hat no fears are enter
talned that 4i‘- peat wiil be intro
dneed into <Jt United State*.
Dr. J, T. fcdfrey, one of th*- most j
eminent ai< iar,s of Hamiltun
county, andlwbose residence is at
Belleville, i At tie upper part of th,
county, hasIHen recently sorely at
dieted. Onlon<lay of last
one of his phter* (Delta, 17 year
old) died. • dm lay his only sot
(Joshua, jnl grown to manhood,
died. daughter (Emm.;
about IS) [not Itor exjveeted to recov
er. The himself has been
very sick, iw days ago he seem
ed better mold get np but ha
relapsed , Hot now expected to
The nan p the Russel! house at
^ Ve * 1 ] f, been changed by tin
^ Die Ll Florida East Coast
Line, to ‘| Key West,” and it
will be af on next Saturday,
with Leonr II. Ciltey as manager,
who Is v-er known to the traveling
ag ruanager of the Maple
WQod c „ tu U Maplewood, N. H.
j R national bank
«. xamfjBerf 4^*, had charge of the
National tlrn| bank of Ocala for
after its suspension in
]fj0|> urriv L |n 0calll Thursday ami
wi) | Examiner E. T. Sbu
1)rl(iJ{ j n f tt, e work of making
up the r -ports of the suspended
Merchants 1 National. A report will
all proynbility be made to the
comptrolUg within the, next three
days, I l
S. 8. Illiwy, a well-known fruit
, Ku-ambla county, recent
iy addreg’ ■: a letter to Nicola
the el-V -an, suggesting that a
remedy f • j-ar blight the orange
scale, ^ other pests, might be
found in in use of electricity. Mr
Tesla rc It that in his opinion
such that evil*p^!d ethod be so of destroyed, applying but the
current t would avoid injury to
Gm tree*, Hid need to be found.
prom ! So consider tbe subject
The co jjydence is published it\
the Pet . News,
| ’ -H'«£ kVvifie.) pine wood have
( Hg; high and --rv pine
* gft&sSB r.^a f>n s show* w i sttk ff e perfectly ^- ■
TrucS cr* in Atookun county
are diet?! ■d because of the blight
that haul reei been observed.
The top V>ot* of the cabbage is be¬
ing cut In two by a small cutworm,
No remety has yet been suggested
for its rifidwiee,
The limestone clay, which is
found it abundant quantities nt
Rock L ifca» one mile west of Orinn
do, i* ironouaoed by competent
judge* the best road surfacing jet
found in that lection. It become*
compact and as hard as rock after
bl ,j |(g u KMed to the elements, and
j g Nn j d t) , ponsc-ss many advantage*
over any other road material there
Mr J® •• Agnvw, who operates a
one-horse farm four miles from
Madison, realized $1,651.90 from his
farming |iper#tion» the past year, as
follow fceren bales of cotton.
$: ».90: 50 bushels of corn, at 35
cents, $1 >8.50; 5.000 pounds of pork,
at 4 i/ a cent*, $225; 150 bushels of pc
tatoes, a, 50 cent*, $62.10; 10 gallons
of syrup* at 25 cents, $10; 5,000
pounds df fodder, at 75 cents, $37.50;
40 pi***, $40; seven calves, $21, and
i attic, $50. Total, $1,651.90.
«*ker has appointed J. .1
Hide of j mkaville receiver of the
Riti^vil state bank W. Jones,
ex-cashie was appointed receiver
but obffotiona were made on
grauiulx Rst th? receiver should be
dixint •etcil person. The name
T J. U.»k was next suggested.
% Mr Bok is the treasurer of
? -rnatuf squaty, and is a heavy
Much anxiety is
m i-d among the depositors as
rhe ; xihnbility of their recover
their money. Some of
e ail W their funds locked up in
1 ; f
rh* •old Thursday morning
througbc*t Florida was the most
intense i itiee February, 1$95, Acros
the noijhern counties from Jack
ie ) o Fensaeoia the thermome
ter ranjrrd generally between 20 ami
24 degrtpk going here and there as
low m 1 7 degrees. Frost in lesser
was felt as far south as
Roek s * on the east coast, and the
ne : Sot hood of Tampa on the
west, / t 'aim Beach 45 degrees
v s the] minimum. Reports from the
dititlcti demoted to the orange col¬
tur * iic.-j !e that, except in the
more xposad situatioas. little in
jury ws , done. Ia some instances.
t t gro es will lose part of their
.iage - *7 the latest shoots. Not suf
s (eat i ap was in the wood to cause
rt* lagv. The !us»S4ps
\hm tiw artaera in the Gainesvi!
i prove more severe. A
de |. percentage of t St¬
VI IH and cabbaga
ktf but no close eetitnate oau
y*l ba fmad.
around the world
Important Happening;® In AH Parte
of the World.
Short Stories To!a by tbs Telegraph
About Everything from Every
w here-Storms, Train firobberier.
Etc-, Etc., Etc.
The steamer Britannic, which ai
rived this morning from Liver poo;
and Queenstown, brought a iiuinbc,
a f Kilf .g, 0 f Bombay and East (mli
mail. When the Britannic dropp, ■
anchor off lyuarantim- this uiorivm
the mailboat went alongside the
steatite,. mid took off all of the mail
amounting to 1,100 sacks. Among
this number was the India mail.
Ueaitl, Office, Doty.on learning thui
this mail iiad been sent to the city,
communicated with Postmaster Day
ton, and it was arranged that
East India and Bombay mails wou. i
b. returned to Quarantine at once for
,i thoi ougit disinfection.
The London Graphic says that it is
rumored that Colonel Cecil Rhodes,
who arrived in England a week ago,
brought with him to London doeu
riientarv proof of the intrigues al
Ieged to have taken place between
President Kruger of the Transvaal
and the German government. It is
claimed that the magnificent country
house at Capetown belonging to Col
one! Cecil Rhodes, ruined by fire De¬
cember 15, vvas burned for the pur
po-e of destroying these documents
Members of congress are receiving
in every mail and by telegraph no
tnerous suggestions as to their course
of action on the bill presented to
congress by the Interstate Commerce
Commission, and now pending, to
amend the Interstate Commerce Law
a, as to suppress ticket scalping and
afford protection against counterfeit,
forged ,and other unauthorized forms
of tickets.
Fhe committee appointed by the
secretary and treasury to destroy
counterfeit notes and coins, dies,
plates, etc., captured during the year
by the Secret Service, has made its
report, showing that the amount de
stroyed exceeds that of any previous
y ear by about $7,000. The notes,
destroyed by the committee arc Was
sified as follows: Counterfeit notes,
representing $128,722; counterfeit
coins, $25,985; flash notes and coins.
«2,75-l,:i07; number of plates, 1.-J03;
mnnher of dies, 161; number of metal
p aouid w 1 ■ ‘-u. cs.. -’h* .
i, of plaster of Paris moulds, 448 sets;
, miscellaneous mould*. 17 set*. A
large quantity of tools, material.
crucibles .and ladles, including four
printing presses, were also
1 c'C_ CV ( t.» 3>-y/- rz.-p- 1;N;
r/ \
l.\ (■ ■ fifiP 4:
I J* f?.
''•aas w
Superior To All Sarsaparillas.
Down In Georgia, over fifty years ago, a marvelous medicine was discovered. It was what
Is now' known as 1*. P. P., ( Ltpfrtnan's Creal A n'dy) % and its fame and reputation lias bees
growing with the years.
For Rheumatism, Blood Poisoning, Pain in the side, wrists, shoulders, back and joint% L
i\\ Dyspepsia, Malaria, vayjvs rated, Scrofula, and J! and j Diseases, it Las never been equalled.
Pain is Health Renewed, Arestored and **eeplesa nights banished by
Ik its wonderful influence. %
I*, r. P. is a wonderful tonic and strengtheuer. WV k women should always take
B* P- P* H builds them up. It ha*, tne ur.ivi.;. .1 cumiieu latioxs ot medical n’en throughout
z. ^ the country, because we jhi- 1 . ' h Uie P :n:ula < u every bottle, and one trial will convince
i WV most skeptical tlxat it is a genuine health restorer 7
Read The Truth And Be Convinced.
A Wonderful C.;r».
I ws* a martyr to Du«ru'$r rh*u r isro for thirty
)*car$; tr.fd ad aedtar- > s v*. r: U eo per
laaucot relief. I wat auvi t i- . v siid
bclore X had finished two . ' 0.-U N .; : J; vl
$o I was able ta work, i •- ■ t! .ti ; i
years, a ad am cooudent of w
J. S Dt'r: i». ;.i I'ta,
Testimony from tho IVlayor.
I reSvrx* with Rhrci U r vtars, i.-trj
all the soca :d » tc:' y. tut tj : SNi. Ky
g-aukls^a got vac a bottle 1\ T V . 4 .’ . i iwtl like *
acw d.j
W. H. WILDER. Major uf A.baay.
From Two Well-known Physicians.
VTc #rc having a tt- sj:e for vour I i I*-, aai
we prescribe it ta a greatn;ac\ cases, SBvi i'n. <i i. uu ex-
The above letters are taken front many ri-.xsl by us. P. P. P., {Lippman?t
Gns! Rfmedi,) ts a ntedsciae whose virtues L:-- ■ from tbe Atlantic to the Pacific.
P. P. P. begins its work by purifying th. ’ v. mcli is the source of all Ufa.
and does not tease until at :: . i cr.tre cure ;s t .cried.; : >s:.g erep' . .ure the t ; ion, the tired feeling that pre
vents tliorottgu otur cr <l.:.y tu . sleepless nights, loss of appetite,
kmu. i.;ty ot < c; the system consequent from
impure blood, which can and v* -..1 K- cured by P. p. p.
P. P. P. {Lippman's Great Re f.L is'ed by physicians and the people
to be the Greatest Blood Purifier of trie Age It positively and permanently
cures. For sale by all druggists r c-.i.ct , price $i a bcttle, site bottles irir jj
LiPPUUI BROS.. fell I ir:;. -n Block. SAVANNAH. BA.
tnsxtr 1
EU2 abx* imw iupilgu Bcfcrmal 5Cere*
m •M
■vt ■ A* tM ta m
at Mh IMMM
wift hoatan Sexual
oakness and
hood. tea. caret •»*»»*» >u inupla sum
sewer, MMt aerrr aai grata imr.
Hag*.80N*,G6McckaakGieM.*iid OAK ah taw rtPrlrM, DtaaaaM ■»#••
Stricture *Vmt:
I E»u ariloc 'C*i your *» eaw cl th®« Ease Aeilnu. who oat dtsaase* inatraract* paeoliM Mu* to pejM earM aflar
Rheumatism Cl ”*- A scat*enti tmwmmmh* »lew naon
ta the annate of One «om rl»s» tesief ; Bom*
SSotfe ..... m]n i B lotnu—a ear* it boeod to tan ptaaa Band ctaMtsaot of easa
Olney and Sir Julian
Pauncefote today signed the conven
tionfor the definition bycommission
,jf HO much of the boundary line be
tween Alaska and the British posses
sions as is marked by the 141st me
rjdian T}ie trea ty will be sent to the
genate on Monday. Its outlines al
ready have bfeen forecasted exclusive
lv by the Associated Press, its pur*
pose i j to settle beyond doubt the ex
act locatjon 0 f the meridian, and
thus prevent the clashing between
t ^ e m i ner s, who have been attracted
in large numbers to the vicinity of
th<j boilndaryi and the local officials
of the two countries. The meridian
named, the 141st west longitude, was
no( . se]ected as the boundary line by
Secretary Olney and Sir Julian
I’auneefote, but was laid down as the
line of division in the treaty of ces
sion by which Alaska was passed by
Russia to the United States. The
difficulty has been to tell just where
the meridian actually runs, by no
means an easy task in such a rough
ragged, and snowbound country as
Central Alaska.
Tbe navy department wants no
more cjviliau stee l inspectors, and
vvan1s that fact given the widest puu
Within a few hours after the
pie ss dispatches gave notice that the
department was about to employ a
few exper t civilians as steel inspee
tors in p Iaee of the nava i officers,
who had proved to be unfitted for
snob work, applications in person
unJ by mail began to flow in . 0 I
the earliest come rs 157 were select
ed and put through a severe examina¬
tion, and from the successful candi¬
dates the whole fifteen needed were
appointed. The applications, how¬
ever, continue to pour in day by
^ . Wy ^a,oc4t ,, 1-....i 1,,,
^ hl(Vp , 1!)d their mtrabers of con .
^ ur(dng ' their claim8> so it haM
eu found , lereiBsary to give fon „.
nBdcj# , hat „„ more app ]i L . a tionH
can be entertained.
ce.lcnt week. thiaj. We bsadie about one do tea bottles *
Di». J. M a T. P.ICKARDSON. Piedmoat, A C
Hot Springs Surpassed.
A l«;t- ' of : . P. p . has done me more good than
three x.. t: •>’ ireatr ent at ibe Hot Springs, Ark.
JAMES M. M:\VTON.Abcrde-***, Brown Co., <X
P. ios, Scros and Eruptions Cured.
rat ’ 'a -' in testifying to skin the distates efficient
-r r u.iue ter
kat i* fi iisr several > ear* with
h C:-. . rccaole crupdioa on my face.
tiou :... . ; a id acco:a:.uce with <kreo>
. c a.. - .y cu. v J.
dpt. J. D. JOHNSTON,
Sa-.uuaala, Ga. of Johostoa A Cs$
A bill has been introduced In the
legistative assem bly of North Dt
kma> declaring it a *misdemeanor for
;ul y person to engage in a game of
football, and providing fines of $10
to $50 for infraction of the law.
The New York Press says: Mrs.
Bradley-Mart in has received doze
threatening letters in connection
with the fatuous fanej'-dress ball
that she will give February 10.
These letters have disturbed her
and Mr. Martin greatly. Some of
them have been of so incendiary n
character as to indicate that they
were written by anarchists. They
have hinted at all sorts of violence
if the ball shall be given, and in
some of them they have mentioned
Joseph A. Edgarton, secretary of
the national committee of the Peo¬
ple’s Independent Party, has issued
an address in reply to the one re¬
cently made public by National
Committeeman G. F. Washburn of
-Massachusetts. Mr. Washburn rec¬
ommends that the populists drop
the fight for silver, and take up gov
eminent issue of paper money and
government ownership of railroads.
Edgerton says that no change t%
needed in policy, as those questions
ur e Identical in the populist general
plan; that the silver Issue must not
be abandoned; McKinley’s election
was not the deliberate verdict of
the American people; that the re¬
form sentiment of the country is
turning to tire populist program in
its entirety; and that the fight must
tie made over, and the next time it
will win.
Pigs and Eggs for Sale.
Fine registered Poland Cbi^"
ms- ■a f o urn —
i.angshau fowls for sale^l
up. Eggs $1.50 per 15.
free ctre-uhirs. VVest H. Morton, tBI
Hawkins St., Nashville, Tenn.
tion this paper).