Newspaper Page Text
For a Year a Woman Seeks Relief
Without Success, but It Finally
Comes at Last.
Another Case of Nerve Exhaustion Cited, Which
was Cured in a Similar Way by
a Nerve Food.
From the Courier-Herald, Saginaw, Mich.
That we know nut
eo e nffib.mwof lh“ uu,r!’ and'lay our plans
accordingly, but when that to-morrow comes
we may bo stricken suddenly down by the
baud of disease, and lie ou a bed of suffering
and sorrow.
Every day a e see illustrations of ,.. this . fact
am.vng the friends in our own circle. To-day
they are well and strong and are
their daily labors, to-morrow the afflicting
band of disease or death has brought them
down to helpless ill ness or the grave. Among
the many ills that afflict humanity, and one
that baffles the highest medical skill of the
present leaves day, non - is more feared and none
the victim more helpless or hopeless
of ultimate relief than that known as
paralysis. Sometimes it gradually the
creeps over
victim, perceptibly day closing day and its again ever it tighten
ing coils from to comes
like a lightning Hash, helpless and the than once strong child,
man or woman is more a
Such was the case with Mrs. Kutk Wolcott,
the wife of Rev. II. 15. Wolcott, nn esteemed
minister of the few gospel, miles living from on the their thriving hand
some farm a
little town of Blanchard, Isabella County,
Michigan. attending her daily duties the
While to
hand of that dread disease, and when paralysis, she was
heavily upon her, was
alone at her fireside.
In conversation with a Courier-Herald
representative, who had heard of her severe
ease and cure, she spoke day shortly as follows: after dinner. “The
stroke came ou one
The men had just gone out on the farm to
work in the fields, and I was ironing. All
at once I felt a flash over my brain like an
electric shock and something that seemed
like a bead of perspiration seemed to run
down my left lower limb into my shoe. I sat
down for a moment and then, feeling few better, min
resumed mv ironing. Again, in a
utes, there came another flash over sensation my head,
and again there was the down peculiar side. Then
ofsomething something running serious iny about to
I knew that was bed,
happen and I made naste to reach a
where I fell, under the influence of paralysis,
After I had laid there for a few minutes my
husband came in and not seeing me where
I had been working, be looked for me and
found me speech lying helpless. affected, and I told
“My the was not doctor
nfm what was matter. A was at,
once sent for to the village of Blanchard, a
few miles away, and he came out to the 1
farm in about three hours, but he could not
afford me any relief. This was three years
ago—in April, 1802—that I suffered from
this stroke of paralysis. It affected my left
side and rendered me helpless. For a year
following this I had skilled medical attend
ance, using among other things an electric
battery, but it all did me no good. about Dr.
“At this time I read in a paper
Williams’Pink Pills, and they were also
recommended to me by some of my friends, they
who had heard of the many cures that
bad effected in eases like mine. After I bad
been taking them for about two weeks I l>e
to feel better and have continued to
steadily ifaprbv«.' The ^acalysis was so bad
that I could ” t walk around the house, but
haul to he lift I about. My left arm w%s also
entirely help* s. I am now able to walk
around and get out to call on my friends and
neighbors, and am so well that I can get
around very well. I used twenty boxes of
Pink Pills.”
As Mrs. Woleott concluded the recital of
ber trouble the representative of The Courier-
UlUiaM InrilATia DiOjfUe KlPyPIP P.A vju.j
Indiauapolis, Ind.
'-oh J ware of dar-c^rcua lioitatloim. Name
i- SSS In
For pa ! e by Dr. R. J. Reid.
p Mothers Read This: ^
* The Best
5 Remedy, m
Illarrhoa. * X
0 ,„r Flatulent C-o'.lr,
I»T»nt*rv. nansea, '
tt,lnc f k
rra infantum. to ;
( J
Is tbe standard. It carries rhil- i
dren ovr r the critical period m or
teetl in?. and is recomm' ndKt t.r #
# phvffd ans as a fri>-nd c»f mothers e
r» Adults and children It is pjeas
taste. never fails to satisfy- A ?
ant to demonstrate its *
Afrw doseswi l p'r , A
superlative virtue. Prire 25 c.
t Isitt'e. For sale bv all dniggist*. l
Prepared only by Dr. W.M. Pitts.
Herald could readily believe the many re
^ 1 ^ > weCThe^r^f ^han,^activity unusual "ga^^eb for her
r■ / are.
th two ,^ 5tores in the vil .
)aec , )y b ht f „ r the information
that theeaseof Mrs. Wolcott was well know n
t | r ,, | K)Ut t j lat section, and was considered
rf , m ; rkatlWur ,,. ifo demanTfor t h dnimpstsreported
tha t there was a steady UrWil
... lm,U5 , r>; «nk n w 1 i»;u ilia s f,, toriaae r Pjde Peonle reopie.
From the Republican, Harbor r _ . Springe, „ . Mich. .
One of the leading citizens of Northern
Michigan is Mr. George W. ClTilds, who has
made himself famous as a successful hotel
manager at the popular summer resort, Day
View . When Mr. Childs first arrived at
Kay View, some years apy the resort busi
ness of Northern Michigan was still in its
infancy. With the little money he had he
purchased the Kay View House, but running that
a hotel in this part of the country at
time was rather up-hill business, and he had
to work night and day to make both ends
“ When I came to Kay View 1 was a
strong, robust man, but close confinement to
my duties as manager of the hotel and
the amount of hard labor I was compelled to
do. soon told on me and I was taken to my
bed. bnt the
“ I immediately began doctoring and
physicians consults! did me no good, 1
paid out many hard earned dollars in doctor
bills. completely
“My nervous suffered system was pains in the
played head aud out, had 1 appetite. severe Finally I told
my wife that I had determined . to sell out
and change leave of climate the country might be thinking beneficial. that But a
in the midst of my sufferings, like the sun¬
shine that breaks through a dark cloud, speak, a
messenger came from heaven, so to
While 1 was perusing my morning speaking paper of I
chanced to glance at an article
I)r. Williams’I*ink Kills tor Pale People.
I saw that they were said to cure exactly
what seemed to nil mo—shattered nerves
and sick headaches.
“ I told my wife abont my discovery but
she said it would only be another useless ex -
penditure. I, however, thought 4 nothing
ventured, nothing box, gained,’and they only determined 50 cents,
to have a as cost felt
By the time 1 had taken half the box I
much relieved, and then 1 knew that 1 had
struck a remedy much better than a physic
ian and certainly a good deal cheaper, box
“After I had used the whole I was
able to leave my bed. I fourth persevered l>ox in tak
ing them and when the was gone
I was as To you Dr. see Williams’ me now—a Kink perfectly Kills I well owe
my life and 1 wish I could sing their praises
throughout the land that all might know the
life-giving power of these little pellets. Cer
tainly suffering humanity has had no better
friend than Dr. Williams’ Kink Pills.”
Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills contain, in aeon
densed form, all the elements necessary tn
give new life and richness to the blood and
restore shattered nerves. They are also a
specific for trw&fee irregularities peenViai io and icmakg all forms s ocn
as suppressions In they effect radical
of weakness. men a
cure in all cases arising from mental worry,
overwork or excesses of whatever nature,
Pink Pills are sold in boxes (never in loose
bulk) at 50 cents a box or six boxes for$2.50, direct
and by mail may from be had Dr. of Williams’ all druggists, Medicine or Com¬
pany, Scheneetady, N. Y.
« •
e Jr<tylIl(J p
v * \ ■ DOCtOrS’ J [
# * BlllS 1 1
*' _ _ 3 BOTANIC BALM*’
(1 * 13 * ° a *- . BLOOD < *
<1 for au. ®^°, ao *” ulIhly J„ tod b , • I
! S“‘Vo n 7 h riri“” n d , i , ‘’cS;»
r 0 . n t ^
i l BUNNus^eoiiBs^Yt^by por’botmc.VboitiU'to'J uie bMt tonu A
(I prio.*f *6. it b^tid. •
X up For the aale health by druggiiti. and etrengta from the flr«t do«e. ^ ^
BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta. Ga.
Georgia Railroad.
Stone Mountain Route.
A. G. Jackson, Joe W. White,
Gen.PaftH Agfint. TrkyeUng Paw. Agtint.
Augusta, Ga.
J. W- KIRKLAND. Pass-Aet, Atlanta Ga.
W. C. BOYKIN, Land Agent.
Augusta. Ga., March 30th, 1806.
All persons holding lands in the Coun
traVCrHCfniV’ C
Georgia n Railroad n ., ,
descripti in and prices, fn hat anff
may be advertised in the North and
Description blanks furni-hed on appli¬
cation to
Augusta. Ga,
Sent Free!
To anv ponion inl^r<*sied in humane
matters, or who love animals, we will
-<nd free, upon app: ration, a cr/py of
11a#- S^ \ r f T \ \f ^ion T M the UsTuUn^ly orvnn of thi«*
Iri v. In
te resting reeling, it contains a list of
the valuable and unusual^ premium,
York' 1 Vmt * <i Charlllc * Bu)ldlc 8’
The tariff duties on fine cotton
goods is to be raised.
The Georgia Sea island cotton
raisers want their cotton protect¬
ed by a tariff.
The Augusta News has come
out in 8 page form and while
already good, it is much im¬
Some of his followers are sor¬
ry to learn thrt Hon. W. J. Bry¬
an has gone duck-hunting.
Wouldn't have thought it Billie.
If reports from Washington
are true the Watson-Black con¬
test was finally settled yesterday
and Mr. Black was favored with
his seat in the present congress.
It seems now that the railroad
from Chattanooga, via Lula,
Athens, Lexington, Washington
and on to Augusta will be built
soon. Parties who have been
looking up money to build tho
road say that the money is ready
and the work will soon be com¬
menced on the road.
There was a ringing res¬
olution passed by the legislature
which met last week and a com¬
mittee of five have been appoint¬
ed to thoroughly investigate the
working of the state University,
Normal and Industrial schools,
Deaf and Dumb, Blind and Lu¬
natic asylums and the Peneten
tiary. This is a splendid idea,
if it is thoroughly carried out;
otherwise it will be a useless ex¬
While our national law makers
“beating about the bushes *»
to see how to lessen the bulk of
mail matter carried by the * gov
erment at an exjiense of the tax¬
payers, they might find some¬
thing alarming in the bulk of
useless public documents sent out
through the franking privileges.
Hundreds of tons of such stuff
are annully transported through
the mails and there is not a man
in all this great country of ours
who will take time to even
glance at the dry matter usually
contained therein. The same
privilege is abused each year
by billions of campaign docu¬
ments that are carried free. If
the cost of publishing, binding
and carrying of this tremendous
load was put into better service
for the country districts, UTS
horny hand tax-payers of this
country would be much better
pleased and the deficit in the
postal service would be less.
The following is from the
Christain Index and shows that
the Atlanta Baptist are follow
ing the example of tho Craw
fordvillo church. The envelope
sys'- 6111 was recently introduced
“The First Baptist church, of Atlanta,
has recently adopted lhe plan of weekly
contributions by the envelope ayalem. It
is working wonder* Last Sunday we
tn( >t a good brother on hl« way from Sun
day-school liefore Its dismissal. He said
ft* bepawed. “Tin* envelope system is a
quarters of a mile.” Uo had forgotten
}tis envelope but did n*»t propose to miss
doing his duty for tliat ilay. A system
like this llOf’H (Joul)lfl J(00<J. ... It gtUi money
and getH hold of the people, too. Either
result justifies it 11s wise, both combined
make it the wisest system.”
It is now about timo to take
a blood purifier and Ayer’s or
Hood’s Sarsaparilla will be good
for you. "Fresh at Paul Lucas'.
—Is there anybody selling
guano in Crawfordville? If so
the fact is not know in these
columns. A little ad. here would
help sell it.
Don’t forget that Paul Lu
cas' stock is new and fresh and
you can get what you want
—Wanamaker& Brown write
us that they will send a nice line
of samples of spring clothing to
the Advocate-Democrat office, on
T Feb. , , 15th. < w , t XJirL When you want a
suit remember they can suit you;
n. fu- /} - ^ B
s /-CCCC*U/l£ /?-*-#- T7 "”1 *TT**
it *
finrldra'i Arnica Sol we.
The Best Salve.«o the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Sab liteum. For.
er, Tetter, Chopped Uaods. ~ ChiVMm.
C*re*. _ end j „ !*» „ . Erupt _ <**, aed , peA
tive j e-art* Pitas, or no par required- It
1 * guaranteed to glw satisfaction or
money refunded. cenU p.bmu
for sale by Dr. R. J Reid.
Tf -Xt—Oir .. r,.„. -
0®*^ fiof saea %ta l woroea
"VT?? flTS ** ^
^ a ^
E.,ttd Su Atlanta. Ga.
“GRF*t- "*■ TON EARTH.” retire Nervine.
Mr. B. T. O. iJS 'U, l» book-keeper In
the First completes Natl ; llank of Fulton, Ky.
"I was mtsCmfe ran down. My nerves
became so through loss of sleep
and worry that 'J< It snre I would be com¬
pelled awake to all give night o, j fniy position it took l would but little lie
nsr, an.:
"J* <^**"*^—
i ’I
1 ! /■£ m
K. 'fll’AUlWBI.U
to attend shake mo up s bat I could 1 not should. possibly In
to my t ness I as had liver trouble,
connection with its
heaviness about? a stomach, and pains In
different parts in flusll oBrny 1 body persuaded 1 was also much
reduced was to try
Dr. Miles’ Ifestorative Nervine.
I first procured 1 results trial bottle from a local
druggist and koo<I oldlar bott quickly le, and followed. by the I
then procured thiSj&AnJ n time
I had used whs a different man. I
am now on ncMH bottle and oinuhleto
sleep I could soundly do re iguiarly, before taking something
not pi your
Nervine. 1 am prcl n |jce recovered, and do not
hesitate to fat J>r. Miles’ Kestorative
Nervine the 01 j nervine on earth.”
Fulton, Ky. 1 R. T. CALDWELL.
Dr. Miles* Nt no Is sold on a uositlre benefit*
guarantee that * first bottle will
All druggists t 'M t bottles for|6. or
n wni k. ,,,t
by tho Dr. Ml 1
Dr. Miles Nervine
I -
The quo- 1 n of reducing the
acreage in f ton can very well
be settled 1>] each farmer plant¬
ing a sufficiency of food stuff for
all the people and stock on his
place first aiul then plant all the
cotton ho cat work. Be sure he
has plenty <|f the former itself. and tho
latter will tiske i care of
A vocciv dr has been asked for
to a’ce chaEga of the Southern
Mutual Building and Loan Asso¬
ciation. It .Avas one of the larg¬
est cotnpaul ^ doing business in
this part otMhe country ami the
company ha a largo interest in
real estate |he depreciation in
value of whi' h caused the trou¬
ble. Sever'd parties in this sec¬
tion had stock in the company
and they tire i| little uneasy about
their getl 1 uJL' out whole.
d. ♦ f:
Ooe-tQ ibf all the children
die before ftfney are five years
o d. Mos 1 )of them die of some
wasting d se. They inilcsh; grow
very slowlfrl keep thin
are fretful | food does not do
them mat h good. You can’t
say they have any disease, yet
they never prosper. A slight
cola, or ,ome stomach and
bowel trouble take* them away
ea sfe'TC’S EMULSION of
Cod-liver Oil with remedy Hypophos- for
phites is jost the
growing children. It makes
hard flesh? sound flesh? not
soft, flabby fat. It - makes
strong bones, healthy nerves.
It changes poor children to
children rich in prosperity.
Book No abou* ibatitute H free for for the Scott’i asking. Emul
,{ on W U1 io m the children what we
kaow Scott’i Emulsion will do. Get
the For genuine. aale b' *11 druggiata at 50 and
sim Sr BOWNE. Nrw York
Michael Bros. A
Taliaferro Superior Court
John W.Hlxoui Auflrnst Term, 1896
tlon It appoarln;!f> of Mich*w Bros., the Court, IliatJ by W. the Ilixon j>etl
of said Couiijr, did on the 21 Hi day of
December USB cnet ute and deliver his
deed of molt l«lfe to K. H. McCauley,
who dill »«■ ; bed the same to Michael
Bros., theref&onveylng proplflr, to That them the fol¬
lowing larfafyug to-wlt; traet or
narcel of ami being In the Wist
Jistrlct O. said county, and hound¬
ed un the N<c€h by lands of Kent, on
Kast hy I. F, Held, and Janie Moore,
South by public road and West hy lands
of T. E. Brlsiow, Containing eighty-three
acres, more or less.
Ari.1 It further appearing, That s»l<l
U - tXCfPI \A‘(\ t<> WtCIlfc tllf*
payment of a Ml! made mud delivered
the sum of X nety-flve dollars *n<l forty
four cents ifJ d [Htyabh- 1,111 to K. II. MeOatiley
w,ll< h ’“ ' 111 now “ n,) l,n -
paid: It is ordered that the said John W.
Hixon do pay into this Court, by the first
day of the nett term, the principal. Inter¬
est and cost, due on said one bill or show
cause, If anylehas, to the contrary, or In
default thereof, that t»M mortgage tie
If**?* m ' of redemption
therein forever barred.
{j . t ^ rvi ,. w of , hm ru |e perfected ac¬
cording This S/Sti, to »v . August 1896
day of
j, **e SSk
GEORGIA, Taliaferro County:
I <5* bv certify that the foregoing
,, Halt Non rue and correct copy »
iVJ ierk Bufrerior Court of
' «B August 25 th 1896 . In
‘f* to ui vt lb "0 1 hereto set tny official
M my seal of office this
fjjHL m 8. H. RHODES,
I SEAt, I Clerk Sujerrlor Court
I —.—■ • gHO kferro Courty Georgia.
Small Storks lie ported.
The Macon Telegraph is in
favor of the legislative commit¬
tees looking up the tax returns.
In showing what value is given
in for merchandise in tho state,
that paper furnishes the follow¬
ing table and comments of in¬
terest in tliis sectien:
“Here is another group which
presents some puzzling differ¬
County. Mdse. Pop. Per cap.
Glasscock-. McDuffie_____ 811.500 30,916 ,v7 8,789 20 | 8510 3-50
Warren.... 55,341 10.957 5°5
Taliaferro. . 1,150 7,291 0.16
Jefferson..... Columbia 98.350 10,781 111,281 17,213 570
.. o-95
If anybody had made the as¬
sertion that there was only $1,-
150 worth of stock in all the
stores at Crawfordville, Taliafer¬
ro county, ho would have been
laughed at. Yet the figure is
much lower than that, acci rd
ing to official returns for, there
must be a few dollars’ worth of
merchandise in the stores at
Sharon, Hillman, Robinson,
Combs and Lynovillo, and yet
$1,150 was all tho merchandise
returned from the whole couuty.
Glasscock, with barely half the
population and not as big towns,
returned just ton times t he value
of merchandise.”
There is either an error in the
above report or some have failed
give in their stocks of goods
properly. Where does the trou¬
ble come from? Tho report is
not in keeping with the prosperi¬
ty of our county just at this
time. We have plenty of far¬
mers who givo in nearly throe
times as much value in land.
The Legislature has voted
$2,000 for the State to have on
exhibit at the N o fair this
Thousands of Women
By Arousing to Healthy Action all her Organs.
It causes health to bloom, nnd
Joy to reign throughout the frame.
... It Never Falls to Rcoulate...
“My #r|f«haiib«ion unrtsrtroalnipnt wiV\»ont Uaitettt.
lug phyri'Mstr.,* thrve yuorr*. »KI MfffA'H
Afutritfllntf itKuOl.ATou throa bottliM of It It AI dolisro^fi
1 KMA 1 .IC Aliormi
cooking, (Ullklng mill waalslni* “
N.8. BUY AN. |ltftiftor«on. Ala.
UKUVbATOli !•«., AiUaU, «•.
Sold by driigglNlaftt II IK) por bold*.
• s KwiSsl "hr l
mj {O
'1 a- IK
m pv
a t
t)o not by alluring •dverflprirr ntr *rwl
tlilnk you ran gut tho Inmt mmln, flmuit flulal* mm
for a rn*r*t «ong. Huy from r*-!f*hlo manufai •tiirwa
that tiarajralnatl « ropnlatlon hy horn rt anti pqtiaro
doallntf. Tlturt' l*i»»*»nt*ln thn rutlil that ran ronal
In mornanlral romitriirtfon, durahlllty of worblnig
parta, fln<*rioM of flnlati. hoauty In aiipoaram r, or hue
aa many improvtumutliiiui tho NEW HOME.
The Hev Home Sewing Machine Co.
Oaavgb, Mab«. Borrow, M aWU’ wiow Kquark, W. Y.
Chmaoo, lu.. Ht, l/ivin, Mo., 6A, Tkxas.
Haw Vuencun*}, f aU ATI.AWYA,
roil BALK ®Y
Plain Facts.
Apparent Cheapness Does
not make a real saving
of money.
BEST VALUE for its price, is real
only ( licHp/H M*,
HIGH QUALITY at fair prices is the
real and only ^onowijr,
The Domestic
Best Machine
Best bit the Agent to sell as It gives him
the most for the l< »st money
fi.-st for purcliasr-r- Is r'ausr: it gives the
most satisfaction in uw
AGENTS WANTED. “Domestic” and
fj.^rial I’sj,.*r Patlinif. Bend fr>r Cat
abrgue. Address,
Domestic Sewing Machine Co.,
J Pp
1 ooDjrovs *
ianBiiTmdiiiiiiii)iiii | iinniViiiUin.itiHiiiui>.iinnini..iiiimnnnpnr
r • ^
iniIlllHitutf>uUn)i>iili1 1 m mIll<ijil-II.i lm■ iinni> 1111 ... iiiilt.ti'niuTTT
AVegc table Preparation for As¬
similating the Food andReguta- Bowels of
ting the Stomachs and
Infan is < hildkf.n
Promotes Di^estion.ChperfuI- neither
ncss and Rcst.Contains
Opiuin.Morphinc nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
/Wh Sml
fieMMe JJtr -
AnmSemd *
tion, A perfect Sour Remedy Stomach.Diarrhoca. for Constipa¬
Worms Convulsions .Feverish¬
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
At b moil lli-s «»1<I I
J 5 Dosr.s ms I
Business Success
la easy with with proper methods. The
American $8. Typewriter
Is llic firsl requisite for every correspondent, nutlioi, clergyman, doctor
or business man- It does wark unexcelled by any. Alw ays does. Ill
fact the only Typewriter within reaeli of all. We are selling 15,000 s
For handsome illustrated catalogue mention Advo-Democrat when you write.
The American Typewriter Co.,
Ferndale RYE or Bourbon.
In'hIx yours old nnd is shipped direct
from ourdiHtlllery to the commuter, this
InmirlriK nhnolute purity. We never hull
to Hie wlioliwiile or retiill denier tliue nttv
log two profits lo flu* consumer. KKItN
HALK ItYK or Hol ltltoN Is highly re
ferndale eommnniled whlxkey for Medical hy I’hynleluun and family us a typical
Ferndale Rye or Bourbon, .
RYE $2.65 per Gallon,
BourboH mini No charge seemupe, for p >• king jM
Om Nut 11 Ihuik 1.||,III.Hull. ami CIU/. , > Mat ei^^B
11 r g
Sam Stark Distilling Co., Paducah, Ky.
On uny IIiinI 11 UNH It Will be to Your Interest to 8ee
-: AT HI*?!-
Olioap Casli Store
Aijjrtliing juu w ah i including COUNTRY PRODUCE, OAn be bsd thfff
rery ohuep
Wanted -An idea 2
Protact your WKUOKlllBJkN tl»»y may firing (JO HaU'nI you wraith.
Wrlto JOHN A , AtHtr
nay», Warhluf U»n, It. CJ„ for th«lr $l,Hrji) prtam uitm
and list of two hun>ir*d Inrentlona w»nt»l.
I wawt fiv»ry man Anfl woman In tho
HtaU-1 Intort; aU*<J in tfi« Oplnm tu »l Whiakr
halnla U> linvc oriu of tnv Intoke on thaso flm
A-Mr«r.ft ll M. Wool!ay, Atlanta, Ua.
!{'•( Wi. an<l bn« will l*o aent you free.
htiti tion and the
DEMOCRAT one year for only 81.75
Alsou chance at The
,!l « M,,nfi y Offer.
i ■xfimicnoc.
9 Patents
rMSOtaMp* t.mji **»»■.
r»,’ - OOFYAICHT* * 0 .
Anjrmtt o«ri<11ri|f a and daarrlptlon may la
oalcklr aacertatn, fra«. wlivibar an Invention
probably p»tauUt>l«. Y'ofnmurilcatkma atrlrtiy
or/nfldantlal. Oldeat a ttenr.f for curing patanU ofBre.
lu America. We have a Waahlngtou raoelra
fata fit* taken through Mu nu A Co.
OpedoJ mAtoe lathe
beautifully III oaf rated, laraeat circulation of
anr a^eotlflo foarnal. wa»«*fc»y, Utrrn • W-Of) a 1 oar;
II N) in moniha. onplea Ad'Jxeaa and UAMU
>K OM 1'ATMTR aa«t free.
MUNN A CO., f ark.
3(11 llroadwar. New
Exchange HATE';—
IVr Day, 81.<H).
Hotel. Fei Week, 84.00, 84.80
* Hod
A. Proprietor, J- ADKINS, 163 Marietta St.
Opposite Miller & Brady’s Celebrated
Stables, the Largest In the South.
Cutoff* 1 * pot op In on«-ilje tjottlu only. It
not *old In balk. Pon’t allow anyone to Mil
anything alia on the ploa or promiM that it
la " jn«t aa good" and "will anawor erery par
poM." Boe that you gat O-A-B-T-O-R-I-A.
Ibafao- _jT -
dip !F<, (■, • •*!
1 -j md
n ^t3S&
We an- now bottling Whisky in at: cord
ancs with the hill pending in Congress,
granting Distillers lie p rinisslon to bfittle in
I toed. We w ould glad to receive or
ders for such gorsls, feeling same will
meet with approval of tbe best Judges.
One Cast. I2qts, 5 yrs. old, 11.00
“ “ •* H “ “ 13.00
“ to ** “ 15.00
R. Monarch Bottlong Co,
Owensboro, Ky.
Mila Orders Promptly Attended to