Newspaper Page Text
TT -;^=wf Et adi I CA1 i IL^L l ! : 11 o —i/ . \ mi T—’ xi v V5 (
Sl'OO Per "STo^x*.
Pure Basse Matters Picked Up by
Loral Eepvvt’rs.
SThnt Our V. -He An. Dotes ; aying.
Tiiias' Our Friends Tell Us.
—Trade is good while the sim
Big bargains in soap at
banco Store.
—People hauling .
are guano m
earnest these days.
If yon want pants go to the
Alliance Store.
—Angus Richards in making
a splendid night marshal.
2 big bars pure soap at Al¬
liance Stpre fore?.
—Powelton is having a post
office building erected.
Buy your seed Irish potatoes
and __ onion sets at Alliance .stcre,
Farm work has been gie.ul;,
Oebyo.i on account ox in .w a i ..i.t
■—Miss Stella Holden is visit¬
ing relatives in Harlem this
For tha right prices on all
articles used on the farm, soo
Paul Lucas'.
—There was a Valentine par¬
ty at Mr. W. H. Harrisons Mon¬
day night;,
—We are told that Otnor Tay
lor got more valintines than any
one else in town.
The Alliance Store will soon
-Mrs. Nc-wa Chapman has
b-vy ri.gxPF ’..V,
$ cakes toiletsoap at Alliance
Store for 5 c.
—Mrs. L. A. Boline, of Wash
ington, spent Sunday last with
friends in this place.
The Alliance Store's 5 cent
sock is a hummer.
—Mrs. R. B. Strozer went
to Greene,sboto Saturday last to
v *!TXS-m^^aWx>u S ,i.
ly large crowdof tramps to make
calls on the people Tuesday.
Vvhere’d you get that hat?
At Paul Lucas’. He has tho
latest at the lowest price.
.x Mr. t TT Golucico has , ,
. lx. retw
ed Mr. Combs xntercstintlis
hero anfl will run ifc himself.
—Ji.o, II. Stophenshas 1 rotiim
cd _ and _ .-.n! m up a gattery „ , ipr"
and begin maximg photographs.
-Miss Lou Gnmth returned
home Saturday after a visit to
her brother's family in this
Be sure to buy Biggest your soap at
Alliance Store,
gains ever offered.
—Mr. Frank Brinkley, of Han
cock county, ginned some cotton
last week that he made
years ago.
—Sunday was a most lovely
spring like day and many of our
X . • dings of va-
1 ex
Buy cattle powders at A1
liance Store and keep your horse
in good. c..nditi ;:i.
— The i t for court in this
place v ■ -k is rather short
and it is b -dived th.;t tho session
art one.
—Miss Janie Howard ret :rned
to her ho ne at Stepeons Satur¬
day after a ; -d visit to
mother in this place.
Shoes are needed in all sea¬
sons. Tiis best shoe for the
money at Caul L cask
M :ty oi our citizens feasted
op Siir.d Wednesday. A. barrel
was gold out ina few minutes at
from d 'i to f'c each.
GA„ FRIDAY, FEltl >1 V l ' VRY S ( \ L 97.
I Mr. R. B. Strozer, the jevjelor,
ha .. ;30vcd ; nt0 the Trip lot.
—The valentine party which
was to have boon had at the ros
j ( j 01; ., , (>J - J., f ] J. J). H»1 'It:. k
; Monday mgot . , vras postponed. 4
—It is reported that there has
J bc ., n .. cllH / t0 w ho the iuj ics
who have been attempting to
wreck irnim nea r Bar:,
Better get your blood in
^ colK ptiou by getting some
of those fresh sarcaparillas at
Paul Lucas'.
—Marshal Tucker has had a
force of hands on the streets this
week cleaning out the gutters
and drains along the side walks.
—Remember ns nest week and
bring us a dollar, a half or a
quarter on your nbscripi ion. If
,. QVA , t p ne kas expired please re
Messrs. Jno. F. and Carl If.
pjolclo a ard Av". C .and J. V. An
drews wont down to Charleston
Wednesday to view Uncle Sam
naval licet,
— Dr. Cicero S. Lucas and his
friend, Mr. Frank, of Washing¬
ton, spent last Sunday with the
former’s friends and relatives in
Crawford villa.
_ jf y 0U want to see the prot
tiest lot of Nothing samples,
fa»cy shirts, etc. call „ at . the ., Au- . ,
coal voc ;‘h " ; from -oTC™ 1,0 t ' !,uS 1
W«F .. t
umr from new Pow :
filt °n spent Tuesday night and
Wednesday in Crawfordvillo hav
iughes fertilizer hauled out.
— Kov. J. H. Gambrell, of the
Gfoenesboro Baptist church will
j lathis month anVRev ' L.
I Harris will preach at Greenesbo
ro 0Q thc ,.g mo day
I san.-fiud that
I had become tally It
! only a qaesuion of a short nine nun
"'oaM iunc to up. He had
Iwea treat eh l,y some of dm k-s. phy
pin iimnanont hny0 ^ relat. a , n r o On* inv day h
j,p :kecl ., newuptiiier andcbaaewl to
, e; i,| a n adveitisrinciit of Ohamlicr-
1.......... Cl...„,.,1 !«.*»,
first dose liclped Inin and ' ! cft condnucc!
. IISI! | hi m . For sale by Dr.
J, Reid,
With this issue we begin an¬
other volume of this old patter,
For many years it has visited
the homes of the people in this
section and we hope it may visit
j .them many years more. O r
j pag | y ear ' s work has been better
Xan we expected and we extend
to our patrons hearty thanks for
all they have done for ns and we
win ortdoaror to t >w our
? •
■ ■
circumstances considered. ' '
. aim to work for the apbaUing <
Taliaferro and the sues 'AS o
F '°1 - i.
v'o Room for Dovbt.
Proof, yes orerrvluslnilqg proof can
he fumis’.ied of the excellent curative
qualities of Hr. Bull's Cough Fyrup.
“I caogbt a cold which led to a cough
and pain in. the cheat, (pcsunior: ia?) 1
bought Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup, and
after taking one bottle of It, the cough
began to disappear; when I finished
taking the seeoud bottle I \v; cured.
Gustav Thurn;aster, 49 II; -Dory St.,
ClereJand.O.'* Ixr. Bull’s C>/ ! 'h Syrup
CCSia hut -j cites. 'Fa . ou’y Bait's.
Iscaused by tarjiiil liver, which rrevi'uts tUiris-.
Holland permits food to feruvut Wi4 putrlly in
Uic atoataeh. Then follow dizziness, li.v.rta.fce,
i ;j 4# ^ty X: i
inson’.i’.n, nervousness, and, „ ™ Vi ^ T
if not relieved, potions fever f Qi ‘ 1 t: cm.
■ •r Id i I | 'I o l'S W 1
fills stimiiUto the stomach, u “ v -'
r, ■' tip- lie r, euro Headache, dleri ioss, con*••!••. 25 cents. Sold Hood's hired Stigsapnriho. j•osglsfs.
Tiie only mils to tatta with
mJB 1 -—~
My regular running agd?Satur¬ ?-«ys at
my mill are Fridays
days in each week. I whop on
1ui:k1 a f eal to
' U1 __.____1___1_- ‘' 1 J ’’ ir j /° QjM'kf ^ ^
MARPIAGM Wt',oM il$h.VA'.
Mr. James U. Dnufiatn',' Jto of Hits
comity, was married Mi ,
Marehman IVeduysday veiling
;•< the home of the brido father,
Mr. Rily Mtirehmaq, at White
Plains. Wo wish them
s END Til El It NA -
Write, to your friendVand rela¬
tives who have gone (Sit of the
county and ask them tysub,scribe
for the county paper. I It is like
“a letter from homo’j|io them.
Sand us their address*, and we
will send them sample ,4 coiiies.
_ »
Our new r: rr - press? ”" c v ' mit
Wonday, hut tn. ^ /out and
pult}n ,, i:1 took oi
our time we couldjhot gat out as
good paper the, .!■ week as we
would like to ha gotten out.
However when we got straight
wo hope to give a gowl paper.
w «-nt to geUn some
ned stories and many feature;:
that will be of much interest,
------------- ------
The P fire engine for Crawford
T it.*: capacity us a fm* , ? ' oxtin- 1 J
. ;iisher will take place hdn* to
fVV. , r , ., V't-.C . !‘? V
.. .. , V. „ur,,ug i >
satiu’otf d with ojI and then set
on flre and lot burn until the.
.. i committee ays pat it
ut> The trial will be given in
the afternoon.
fy?GOD’S Sarsaparilla has ovet-and
a i over again proved by its etircs,
w t. ■ ,i all other preparations full ad, that
it i, die One True BLOOD Purifier
One of our guano agents wiys
li:at uot l>,i a, >lelo get u. as
<uc!» guano from the’fac-ory
;; ‘ *on as he canm-H. T
r )>ointo:-
5 ' atJ " ;
ncta ° d to Sl, id>ky the demat d of
oar homo jxjoj !•;. TIi j
gentleman, nays that he is wil|«
ing to put in Die building for thA
oil mill and gumo works mid h:r*
b • m r •:’/?.)! to o ', in Dl.'lii in
, y . TMia 5 io v;a ■/
and if all w do own prop; rt
•I .. l ■w.'lton will sabneribo
■ til amount. D: ■ factory
bo (■ stablisl Th o '■
s :o : :ld lake stock in f'.is on v
5: »
Wait One Like M.
Cant. J. J. Daniel and Mr. P.
G. C. Pon ! :. of Wo;)d inch wmv
hero last week to see Or > vvlor 1
villo'a now Presbyterian c ir.iv'a.
They are thinking of ovarii till¬
ing or building a now cinuvh at
Woodstock and tliov , ;.no (o it:
zpoct, the handsome new strn
turn here with an idea of hitikl
iug their ehim it .•.something lice
it. They were ph ased with, the
itrraugemt'ht and tippeara-non of
t he Crawford villo citiuvh.
“tfi-llo Tlien-t”
Twenty live hands were put io
work Mondu on the \ug :,d::
end of the Long Distance Telo
Pkorm ami with a force of hands
at Madison, the work will go on
rapidly smd soon the telephone
line will be complete front Atlan
la to Augusta, and Crawford-, ill,>
will have connection with both
of these cities. After about two
week’s work in Augusta the
hands will tdart out this way and
about an average of four miles
per day will bo put up of wire
and poles. If will Iw ‘'Hello to
Augusta" and ''Hollo to Atlan
ta>. ’’
The rainbow party last Friday
night at the residence of Mr. W.
r. Gunn, in this place, vv„
largely attended and all tioomnl
........ «.-I-••
^ C.
in ( ,,, nm entertain:.; sit.
Th( , ym , lt , ilit . n shoved (heir
skill at hemming aprons (some
of them probably having prao
ticed sewing on buttons) nisi the
pri/> a nice scarf was
Col. Carl 'iTold'Ui while
“booby" pri/,e was won by
our popular young mere,hunt, Mr.
Paul G. Lucas. This prize via;
! *T lr of
fuir was entertaining. Dvlla
bttb h ,,, an<i ana calc ca.o ,, wore W( , ro T,*ved. .,ervca.
^ ./yIfk’T- . ______ ?e tvsr/ on
* ,
o vnppir.
Tin* !'t*< rid f,
i'll;; on-* at le * i )>i < •< I Io Wi'eclc
the fast train on the Georgia
H ■ ;;*d ear Barnett again one
night last wee;;. Cross IF;.
were loo doy la id oti the track and
the pilot of Iho engine knocked
Ih'Di off with no damage to any
thing, This is the second at
,,t to wreck the train at this
and the ant.horiti *s hst e
offei. d a re v. ard for tint parties
who are making this effort to
bring about such a horrible acci
dent tv; ti.. silly occurs vviicn
_ _ - ■ Aside from
1 ho people of tee
* on the lookout to arrest the
.v!io i. tryitig io it jure
pro] ; T’ this underhanded
. Tim effort to wreck attain
;• 1)0
Wonders f lever Cevse.
X» first! i.s.Dxr tkc t'irtures of
rlicunialism, bceaunc that modern Km
meat., Salvation Ok, p'/iiLvDycurcH it.
“I iva a great tufiVin-r from eciatie
rheumati’t:i, rnd the F t of Hoi-ton
at k tided n:e s/itlfo .f hcf. I corn
j ir.cnced »;••! ; Mai ■> Oil, and two
bottles Ju h * d rw • ad< dully. It
icertaii.D/!.; ;worl u 1 wouderSirith me.
•Mrs. E. J. Pi/ A, Box 2S, Enfield,
jf>,DSi. : ’ Salvation Oil i for sale by all
Idealas for 25 eta. Taka no substitute.
In Advance-
NO. I.
I have just opened up a
splendid slock of the l.ifed
HI (ides ill 1 hOSS (jOOJS, I’ll!
tons trimming ;md notions,
Dom.ssiics, calicoes and all
goods in (his line fresh and
011008 j!
My which new stock just been of shoes
hits opened
is complete with latest styles
in line shoes and best w toes
of heavy work shoes.
CrawJordvillo, - Georgia.
A i; ■ KICII \ .. ...
Again we have I'm autlioiity
to apjtoir.t, a young man fr.Jin
this county to a wbolavsliip in
tin' North Ut'orgiti Coif''.;.! at
Dalilotioga. Is lltere a, yciau;
mail in this county who wants to
go? We ;vi .0 oiVer again life
Hoholarsliip in o;io of the best
business colleges in Dio Swill
for a very small sum.
Wliilti'vcr m:n lx* flu- ( :iii c(if h!.:11< 1 1 -
illy, lift' hull' 11111,1 ho I*.*K|(:»!•'•>i I" iv orhii
n il color by tl*g u ,„'dial tiotc.V, Vt'UK!'!,
I Li Ilf-; V'*^i'j‘ 1 ’li,* !'■ ■ tl !ii a It. ■ i
ASK I\o llEEI’.
There was an elderly woiiiitii
begging about town here . ion
day. Site said her daughter bad
die.I in Augusla and I hat a/ter
paying out all the money she
luul she was forced to ask aid of
the people along to gel ba. !< io
her home near Madison. H w.t.-«
said that a ,young man was along
with her and that lie was wear¬
ing good clothes and ekl not
see a t) be on the be ga rs I HI.
Ffi&HW raEStCiKE
Ulio Ha'i E’/or Known. V/ordn of rnii»a
iroia a I.'avi York Lady for
/ .. • /•.[.) L ..I 1 J>
“ J would li!:D to i ,; \ nv ?
tlmt of oLh ib v, !d> I, 11,D-1 i
J'iIIh, : .ifl }•» mi;, ; X : I
fov m:iiyy •■cut
1 »«•: •, r-Mil*lfK f ‘1111 l r . I '■ t<
»!'■}) nutl live." fr'f:!)!»•. In!' tic- <■!"■>
t>f hciuhteh'! iM''! "i !■" ! ■< :'■ 1 < . r . -
luoutd, Ayer’.; J’.Jb n.,;;' '. if ■ <; 1.
. X
u »
-“j ■
.L ■$
) r.
i ■y n
y..i X'4
» / l a
When nty fr’ icU u M rri
})i: it KM
ai'fi, liver, or Jit*v - 1 ,
twelve r i <, A; < ; i'ilh
ill 1>: ’» P •
j a •1: Sever, m id I v
< (St (, They
, HUd if i< !<.< >], ilm t !‘ nr
f.illliJy 1 h im- I li.TVf* t'Vi’T Lti'iw
jMr'k. May .
ySc\Y Vo; i it S'.
m WU S»iL ?.3
Highest Hsiiora at World's Ea'r.
fijerk ia.-aparilla Curts all fclood Uaonltrt