The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, March 12, 1897, Image 1

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    nr* ;» e > HE ADVOCATE-DEMOCRAT.
$1.00 Per Tear.
Paro Home Matters FicKed Up by Our
Local Reporters,
What Our People Are Doing anti Saying.
Things Our Friends Tell Us.
Big bargains in hats at Al¬
liance Store.
—Some fruit blooms showed
up Sunday last.
2 quires note paper at Al¬
liance Store for 5c.
—If you do not got your- paper
regularly please notify tff s of¬
fice. 9
—Up to date March has been
full of cloudy days, very little
—We welcome our "Marga¬
rets Grove Wanderer "to our
—Miss Stella Holden went up
to Atlanta Wednesday to visit
I have 3,000 stalks of Sugar
Cane for sale at 01.25 per 100.
T. E. Bristow,
T wo packages XXX envel¬
opes for 5c at Alliance Store.
—Mrs. J. H. Leary of Craw¬
ford is visiting relatives here
this week.
—Oscar Chapman spent Sun¬
day last with his brother, Paul,
at Rutledge.
* If you want to save money
Aliiahce bay your pants and clothing at
'H'i—Prom th# cry of the little
chicks it would seem that picnic
season was not far off.
Don't fail to see the now
stock of shoes at Alliance Store.
—--Mi.. Pc, A, ui this cbniii-V
wont down to Norwood Monday
to visit Mrs. Mary Darden.
—Outsiders are constantly
talking about the increased busi¬
ness being done in Crawfordviile
— Some of our people began
gardening last weak, but the
rain and cool east wind stopped
—Chat lie Smith, formerly with
this paper here, is now located
m New Orleans with a lumber
—Mrs. L. L. Osljn. of Barnett,
stopped over here Monday on
her way from Atlanta, to visit
—Mrs. T. C. Holden and chil¬
dren. of White Plains spent Sun¬
day last with relatives in Craw¬
ford vilie.
—We have the promise of
some good items from "The Man
About Town” who will begin
next week.
—Jack Beazloy is suffering
with a severe attack of poison
oak that has made him almost
blind for the past few days.
*2.75 buys a good suit of
clothes at Alliance Store.
—Mrs Burgess, of .Vo Carr-f
accompanied her son. Rev. W.
P. Burgess, Sunday last, and
paid her friends a visit here.
—Rev. If. E. L. Harris preach
ed two good helpful sermons at
the Baptist church last Sunday,
—Greensboro Herald-Journal.
—Mr. S. II. Rhodes’ is an ap¬
plicant for the post-office at this
place. He says he has encour¬
aging promises and feels sure of
his appointment.
—Misses Della Moore. Prannre
Barnett und Annie Brooke, of
Raytown, were the guests of
Mrs. Horace M. Holden in this
place this week.
— Prof Ki-’i'sley r-ave r
tfraphophoiK! concert at the Hi«h
School building Friday night
last accompained by stereopti
con views of Cuba.
Extra good ; ^island at
Alliance .»U;re for uc per #ard.
1 !» «*
—Mr. J. V. Garrett fell out of
his buggy near Mr. S. H.
Rhodes’ residence and it was
said that he was badly hurt, but
we learn that lie is alright now.
—John Stephens’ photograph
gallery next to the Advocate
Dkmockat office, is getting into
shape now and will soon be
ready for the camera and sub¬
—Mr. J. P. Johnson writes a
reply to Mr. Cooper's article
about the J. P. election in the
608th dist. which came in too get into this paper. It
will appear next week.
—We are glad to see that Mr.
T. C. Holden has-' been made
mayor of White Plains. i-Craw
fordviUe is Claud's old home and
his friends here are glad to note
his prosperity in our sister town.
—James C. Williams was here
Tuesday in the interest of the
Augusta Herald. This is Jim's
old home and his many friends
were glad to see him. He got
several subscribers for the week¬
ly Herald.
Buckingham’s Dye for the
Whiskers is the best, handiest,
safest, surest, cleanest, most
economical and satisfactory gentle¬ dye
ever invented. It is the
men's favorite,
—It is said that Mr. Frank
Rhodes’ two boys at Siloam have
two goals on which they vide
over the plantation and when
they gei tired of goat-riding
they mount yearlings and ride
them. Frank is making cow¬
boys of them.
—Col. Jim Reid found a new,
unknown grave on his place, in
town one day tips week and re¬
ported it !o thetown authorities
r' -l l ' i:iy ;«r: DiWIf
proved the queer hud to be the
grave of a dog.
Mrs. L. F. Stephens has just i
received from the northern mar
ket and is opening up the larg
est and best assortment of the
latest styles of Spring Millinery
oral- brought to Cra.-ior.lvil 0 .
Call to see hor if you want the
latest styles, and the best assort- j
moat to select from. Prices are 1
right. |
The investigation before our
town council Tuesday night in
regard to some reported irregu
larities in our police force result
mi ed in in o a \ indication nf ol |i t.i 10 f t nwn ,
marshals, as nothing could be,
found that was sufficient proof
that they had done wrong. Mr.
D. P. Henry had said that a par j
ty to,„ Mto-^ba! T„vk.r
had caugiit two negroes gamo-:
ling and that the negroes protn
ised to pay the Marshal *!0 to
not report them. Mr. Henry]
was summoned to appear before
the town council and he did so,
but positively refused to give j
the name of his informant.
Mr. Henry's statement, was all
the council had to work on and i
be refusing to give the name of
the party who told him stopped the
the chain of evidence and
matter wa» dismissed.
Our town council is alive to the
interest of the town and they did j
all they could to make this mat
{ Cr c j ea r.
A Peerless Liniment.
As a pain destroyer an<l cure for ■
rbcnmabsm, Galvation Oil is tbe peer
land, 0.> writes: “I suffered from
rhemnafistp for twelve years and my ,
last sfl.tack kept j me in bed, unable to
^ - - f WTBtion oil and
Salvation 03 i* sold everywhere for
and he convinced 1 .'
25 cent*. Try it .
Correspondents' Reports of Wlmt Their
Neighbors! Talk
Of the Happening!* in Tjjir Respective lo¬
calities. All the Nnv*.
Grippe has subsided in sick¬ our
section, but there ik I* some
It is hoped thatsliur people will
not buy too heavily of guano this
Farmers arc turning to got in
their guano every day that is
suitable for work.
Our people are tioi thoroughly
disheartened by the excessive
rains, but are going ahead to put
in a good crop.
After having been confined to the
house for eleven dayaMind paving out
$25. in doe* or bills .without beuelh,
Mr, Frank Dulsen nfiSault Sle. Marie,
Midi-, was "itred by me bottle of
Chamberlain's Pain Halm costing 2or
and has not. since been troubled with
that complaint. For sale by Dr. U
J. Reid.
Mr. D, A. Saggus visited rel
atiues at Robinson last Sunday.
Mr. Courtney Rhodes and wife
have moved into their new house
and commenced housekeeking.
The farmers of ft his communi¬
ty are badly belji'H with their
work on account fhu continued
ruin. -L
Mr. D. A, Siggiis Yyielms is putting
up some good at present,
lie is getting a great detCl of
work to do.
Miss Mamie Moore, an accom
plished young lady of White
Plains, has a nourishing school
at this place. She is liked very
im lch ^ botl * l> atl ’0n« und l ,u *
pus. ,
.careen,ulovery tl.iog
is ,„.U, so W o will ask to bo ex
( *usod for our short coining, as
this is our first attempt to write;
we will try and do better in the
One of our yonng men calls for
mail often as a certain giii for
merly ol this community lias
moved away and taken his heart
away up the Ga K* R., and an
other one of our hoys looks down
tho «)unlry and si-hs.
Our Sunday school and. prayor
mooting have been talcing a long
w j n tcr nap. We hope soon to
see them awaken from their sleep
be brought to life again
we think there is nothing better
J*^ —,lty tta a Jgod
j n °
After the big fire in Cripple G're«k,
I too* a very .even, cob! and tried
ninny rcmcdiei wilboiit help, the cold
only becoming more nettled.
"*i»g three umaH bottle* of Chamber
lain*Cough Remedy,both the cough
andcolil left me. and in tin* bi«b nlti
mde ,t take* a .ner.torto.i* .erne
dy to do any good,—C. 1». ilender
sale son * by editor Dr. If. Dally J. Hekt, Advertiser. For
The Alliance Store is sending
out letters this week making an
offer that has never been equaled,
letters explain
if, for any reason, you fail to got
O no of these letters, call at the
Alliance Store an,1 be «n*M
with one. It is an opportunity
that you can t afford to
HoodV Swiparilla *11* Venn.' U
accotnplMiee CHEAT CURES.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
We have secured a splendid
serial story which wo begin pub
lushing this week. The title of
the story is “True as Steel, or a
Young Life’s Mystery." and
is .written by Mrs. Alvtth Jordan
Garth. Hope all our readers j j j
will begin with the first ami
read it through. Tell yotirl
neighbors to subscribe for the
paper and get this story and not j
bother you with borrowing the 1
paper. It is not treating the
editor fair to borrow a paper.
Tlm-klim** ArttTcjfc Salve. I
Tlir Hurt Salvv.ta the vvorM for Cuts,
Bruises, Sore*, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fev
er, T<Ucr, Chapped .la,.,!*. OMIUlivm*.
Corns, tlve'y cure* am! all I“ik«. SViu or Bnipb'an*. no pay required. and It | \
is guaranteed 1o give aattefootion or
money refunded. Price 25 cent* per bo*.
For wilo by Dr. K. «T. llelil.
- Considerable sensat ion caus¬
ed by tin* finding of that .strange
grave by Col Reid.
JWi*. Henry Slum, Ciiuiil, Ain
say: “Two year* ago 1 Inula Hi*, ere I
cast) of’Gi i|>|,H.* and could not recover
from its etf, c.‘h, About a year ago J;
TrieifnClug’/iloyal Uerineiuerntel tvas,
noon well. It also on led me of bowel i
trouble, which I had for four year*,
and I find it to be a quick euro for
lieiidaclie. It. cured my wife oi t.'iippc
also, andxlie sir s it in die hoM. Ibing
she can get for Asthma and Vertigo. I
heartily recommend it an a good mod -
icitie,” Now package, large bottle,
108 (lores, £ I.
Thu Ne(fio Who Killed Another nl Union
I’olnt Uaplurud h v S hurl If llunry.
Chas. Daniels, the negro win;
shot and killed Jim Walker at
Union Point on Saturday, Fob.
j j 20th, this which at was the time, montione I cap- in
| i»a])er night was Klierifl
lured Alonday by
Henry. Tho negro was hiding
in this county and Sheriff Henry
found that lie was at Tim SIe v
art's ue:.r Sandy (Voss and lie
| ( lep u tizoa Si>iu< li Jp aad wont
down lor tlx* eseaped murd *rer
Tlie negro was up stairs and to
avoid being seen ho swung out
the second story window, and
| the deputies on the outside in
and he pulled lumseli >Z b’ic.c ^.'.l into
the room, and there met tho
I glare of Sheriff Henry's shooting
irons und'r it iiicb he g'a. e i.p.
; It m said he ha*l a huge pi ' 1 ',!
with him, the bloody weapon
he took l he lile of hi.*-, iiieiu!
Walker with a few weeks ago.
He found 111:1 he was in .li¬
Sheriff s charge and did no.
try f<) use his deadly weapon. j
Iho SheiilT too,, him 1 p '"]
Greensboro Tuesday morning
and turned him over to th '
| Greene county authorities who
j i will for his keep lib* him at the until next he term is tried of
the corn „.
j A Truthful Statement.
] An excellent and invaluable remedy,
(or the cure of cough, cold and hoarse
nets, i» Dr. Hull’s Cough Hyrup, * U<J j
Mr. Jas. Iladficld, 350 West St., New
Y'ork City, verifies this utatemcnt. j
] I Rewrite*: “Dr. Bull’* Cough Syrup
ii. met exctllml urn*, lor
i cold and hoareeneas, and I take great
medicine.“Dr. Bull'* Cou;;Ii Sjrup
i* .old everywhere for 25 cent*
Ill Advance-
NO. 4.
In connection with watch, cloth and
jewelry iepniil: jr, cluriniv Ihe tiunniei
mouths, (prt)\ i(l< (1 you bring the nwieliinc
tt» 1 will nmlieM WUi^' iiuk lilies
run lifflit ami silt( h perfect that yo i e>»n
sitlei wortlile. s, 1 run repair imy Kin.I ».f
nmehiucry, l am a \iracticul \vt inman,
no cobbler. 1 f 1 do not--give salisfiieli< »i I
want no pay. It. I'. STIto/.KIi,
Jeweler, Crnwl’onlille. Giu
<4n«uro !« cn
•vers 1
0 • «*»«*
It seems that somebody tried
to wreck u Georgia train on the
Wasliinglon branch lust week,
n is said that lies were laid put, on
rack and Other ties Oil
Simf off "it ported that
the wheels of the engine mount
si the ties and broke tli s brakes
>f the engine, but she fell back
on the truck and did not tumble
down llin embankment, This
wrecking business is getting
„ C H, King, Water Vall/si, Mi**., cwnrl by
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla
“For five ycnrfl, 1 milTored untold nihory
from muscular ilimwiatlsm. I tried every
known rctiHMly, cmiHiilkHl tho l»c*«t pliy«i
cIiiiih, speiuilliK visit«•<! Hot Spring*, Ark M three times,
$1000 there, luisldus doctors' hills;
hut could obtain only temporary relief. My
flesh was wasted away *<> flint I weighed
only ninety-three pounds; my left arm and
kg were drawn out of shape, the iuuncle*
A \ ik ./
' A 4 dII
bf*liiK twiHtot! up In knot«r. I wan unable to
die** niywlf, (ixocpt with »’«', a ml
could only bobbin about hy lifting a wine, i .
had no appetite, and tvn* aH.mired. I»y lb«
doct4>rn, that 1 could not live. Tin; pains, at
tiinea, were so awful, that 1 could procure
relief only by means of liypoflermii’ injec
U«m* of inorpliln*. I Ua<l my limbs paiidage<l
In clay, hi Hiilpbur^ In poulflces; but llieso
givve only temporary relief After trying
everything, and suffering the most awful
tortures, I began to take AyeVsHursaparllkt.
Inside ol two months, I was able i<> walk
wfthont a cane. In three iiiontbs, my limits
began to strengthen, find in the course of a
year, I was cured. My weight lias Increased
to 165 pounds, and I urn now able to do my
lull day’s work as a railroad blacksmith.”
The Only World’* Fair Sariaparilla.
AVt-U’h J’H.J.H curt /tcaUuclu.
_ C' —. **N| KKWMM’OVKRY. W IIIM OVKUY. r.od WKVI’ItrAIIA t tot
W A l.r i.r*, *, n n*tr. n,Jj»
. -
' ’• I lf)i,»*■ 1 #} l.irotl • *’<1, • '«. „•Wtlofi. « • re*.Jvw, X-.W U»r<i *.< <*nt/ ijfOVtit or y fiD.OPG -Cf'G
1 luUU*,. jnvi/orato* <,rgai**. is .
tk. v, urn «r 4uiii(*ruua linllMlvii*. tu
J .jr pHgrr. i * r »*o*, •mall box *1
1 In plain wniyei. Mcicj 1
____' j* ; rtamirn f 'P imrUctiUu VVYYlilt * fiohi Uf Mi til
t ^ _T\ CAi.Ar,*OCIATiOA. r u.btf'* i J.
For nt i’ by Iir. It. J. *U M.
1* , < koRgia I'AMAFERRO COUN'i .
V,'. T Na-li. guardian foi W. K
%•„.!, - ( „,i m ,,-, l. N .-i.. Im* «l o.
me for a ilD.-liarg.- from lb* Kii;mUfcii-lii|>
( . 4 j t ,jj<- ilu-lr .lUj.-i tiou*, if imy tl.ev
r „ r G M.‘. M Ml ICR Eh!
ro CottJiii