Newspaper Page Text
Usage J lor the Murd.r of VV. 11
iiab s, at Gads leu.
Bis Brother I Yew-lit ami Wept at ti-e
Bight Morning Spent by the Con
deiomsl Man With Hi* Wife and
Bab*-** tin id He Hud Been Treated
Gadsden, A he Golin DangiuirU died
He wiut hung here at 1 o’clock
Friday aftcruon for the murder of J.
I. Bates, of Montgomery, Ala., *
drummer for the JN-ush-c Gaulbert j
Co., of Ia>uisv!Ile, K/., whom he killed :
In the VV. II. liar m.-s saloon Christmas
-*ve, 1H9&.
The hanging took place tushie the
county Jail and wua by
about two dooeu peraoua, wowtly couw j
ij uffWr*.
Ail others were excluded by special
requan, of DaughdriU and his rela.
tlv<*. The rei*>rter gained entnuM-e
to the Jail and was soon excluded by ,
4emaud of tlie dead man’s people.
But DaughdriU himself requested that
he Is- allowed to see tin- hanging, and
the reporter was admitted,
8 peatitig to the reporter lie said:
“Tell them nil 1 boar no ill will to any
cm <*. 1 have been treated badly and
I only h<d** they will never treat any
other man they have uu\ I am re
•dgned to my fate. I feel sorry only
for my wife and thildreu, anti the rest
«f my folk*.’’
Religions w-rvlce* were held at 11
O'clock In the cell hy Dr. Rails, a k>ea!
Methodist preacher. The man's
brother* and uncle, and several ladiea
tK-ing admitted the latter cried much.
But DaughdriU allowed his usual eool
At noon lie made a request that lie
lie allowed lo addreee the (leople from
tliv balcony, but afterwards changed
his mind.
lie smoked cigarette* in<-< taatitly and
talked to every law j.
Ilia wile and children, Imy and girl,
remained with him until noon, The
pra 111 < is did not seem to realize liicir
father’s fate. Especially the little isiy
who ran alsiut from man to man smll
lug and chatting in happy innocence.
Tlie prisoner loved life and toui*lii
for time. Even when lie left tlie cell
and stood on tlMi trap door lie u*ked
tlie time.
Bpeaklng lo the bystanders from the
Imp door, he said: “Well, friends,
goodbye, 1 have been treated Imdly,
but I bom- no Ul will to any one.”
To Totte Ibsiker, one of the jailer*
Ae-wm'-'Di,'ToTS , ' ,r '
Booker reached out his hand, but
Daughdri'l smiled and sold: "I can’t
real'll you, Tolie."
Mr. Booker withdrew, weeping
DaughdriU smiled on the crowd a few
moments and again said: "Well, good
JuM juki Iwfui-B i* ton tIn- tut black a ran oi|i was vwi.n nut l'ui «r «■
he lotiktt) nt his brother John, the only
relutlvc nt tinml. and *ald: “Make
tun n of yonraolf,"
The youth kditrcMfi) broke down
anil wept. Those wetv the Inst word*.
filler ( filer D.-outv D<|iUtJ Burn* lluriiM out l?nt on on in* tla- lilnek ”ia« K
Sheriff Leister sprung the trap and i
Datlghdrlll awting Into eternity. Ills
n«s-k was broken
Of Young MciPw t’hrisiian Acsocirttioii
lo In* ilchl In Mobil**.
1 Mtibile, Ain Tilt* committees h:ive
Ih u appointed ami are making ptvjm
rut ion for mlerpiate rwcplicii iiihl
eitNvtaiiim^'nt *»f th** IrHeriuitionnJ
fimvratluu of vie Young Men’s* t'hrisv
Inn As>tM*laflou. uhleh will meet here
Apr ! J\ to “5 llielusivt
Among tin* speakers win* fmve al
ren«l\ agmsl t•» tak»* part in the cor.
YMtlioii are tin* !U. Ii**v. Bishop Sos
Kimm, of f.oulsiamt. ami »'ham ellor
Kirkland, ot Yamlerbllt Inlversdy,
two lend lug **rg.mixers and < "lirhitian
worker* «*f the country; I'asior (’. t.
jNCf*fh*ltl of Nortt)th*ld. Mass. Mr.
hb-mi.’M ix ;m c\ t'onfrdt'rute otticer
and Inw ver. am! out* of fl*«‘ lending
I* rear her* and Bible *itmh*niH of the
Ite will bav«* ebarg * of the
It I hie w o cf t)u* convention. Mr
Julin It \t»tt. tin- heading y*nmg mini
In i'hrlf* nil work In \nien *.*i linhiy,
w ho h:m ju'i retiirneii from an eight
vs-ii montlrt tour aiming tin* ndlegvH
of the w.clj will cite th*' master ail
of tilt* aiHlilt! **t» a "World
Y\ U» Student Mi’Vt inetii
1 here w !».* other lendiiig «lergy
• ltd 7 u who will lake an a*t v«*
J>ar e omveiiiion.
Tl p'r'ahieutM of vjiriotN <<»nvvn
fion- and ! ,iine of tho b\*i*Dug members
of tin* 1 sitt-nmiional r-ominllttH* have
•Uvadv -igu t‘*d Hi.- r ntenth*u i\* Ih»
The singles: >>< 'he convention will
be Under lb tion of John 1*.
llUlUt. who has t» a tod with
Rev. R Fay M,!'« as a g"s|sl > iig,‘r.
Mobih Al.i ,iii.l t! t h expect
great t! ng* t- n wnt ion
1 Mobile intend* as far as it lie* in her
power, to do well her part and give
her distinguished guests a genuine
Southern welcome.
same old story.
A Home is Ruined, and the HciOv ‘
Kistol Ends the Drama. | :
Atlanta. Ga. H. S. Kerry shot L. B. 1
huim-r , twice Monday , in the Dekalb, .
< ounry Court House at Decatur. Ga.
I'crry hiij> that Lanier was breaking J
up tile peace of his home. He does
charge criminal Intimacy with
rK j. (frr y,;but leaves that impression
m Ids statements. Laui -r, who is dan
gerniinly wounded at the Grady Hos
|(ir;l j ttlis , ity, denies that he vio
| at „| , tj( . honor of the Kerry family,
y letter has been produced which
Kerry wrote to Ranier last Friday
wa j-uing him to leave the State at
on ,„. „ r iake ,ii<- consequences. La-' 1
j( J(rot( .sting. but at the
same time he left Atlanta and , went
out in DeKalb County, Kerry was t
harking for him yesterday, but Lanier
kept hid. '
Monday morning tin- two men met
on a train. Kerry acted in a threaten
ing way, and Lanier jumped off at
Decatur. Kerry followed him and
fired at him. Both were arrested and
taken to the Court House. While La
nier was standing in the court, room,
with liis hack to Kerry, the latter drew
a pistol and shot Lanier in the back. 1
Lit tiler fell, and Kerry walked up to
him and shot him again. Perry was
placed in jail and Lanier was brought
to Atlanta and placed in the Grady
Hospital. Kerry is an express messen¬
Madrid, Spain. A band of armed
men who arc believed to la- Carlists,
an' traversing (In- province of Sara
gossn, seizing lh.- officials of the varl
oils places , through , which , . , they . pass.
Another hand Is marching through the
province of Valencia. Troo,« arc in
pursmi of both hands.
* r
llY HRS. Moulds C )
Slie Whs la Torture tor Weeks—Excrticl, ; ' !
Mtlnc I'nliiN Miidb Her l.lfc* a Harden
—All limit Over nn«l Helple*B. I
From Oie. Nmo Era, McMinnville , Term.
Thro« mil* soot bens t of the lovely little
city of MoMlnoville, Tennessee, oentilngrat
the foot of the beauiliai and t?raod “Ben
'■ ’TiqO ttrifa 1 «, n re man v pretty and
comfortaulo homes—loeated on fertile lands
and nhad^d by grand and majestic forest
In this locality Mrs. Morris GafRn lives,
with heraoiiB, in <!omfort and contentment.
Understanding that Mrs. Onffin had oen
Kready benefited by the u«o of Dr. Wdlhims’
Pink Pills, a reporter of tho MeMinuvIlie
A, ' w Era «» Interview. With mis
p UrpoMt !n view H visit was made to the
h,., n eof Mrs. damn, am) she was found to be
one of those plensnut and little w-imen tho whoai one
lEwrtawttb. now then, in contdnatly
recurring chum?** in life. She i?»v« tin* re
portar a cordial welcome, nml upon learning
the *>bjH(‘t of the n»iexiJ*M*teit call, ah# bright*
lv J "Well, I Mew of no reason
whv .aoald ohjeet to an Interview if the
report ... tv not exagg-rated. , , t am personally ,,
Indebted to I)r. Williams’Pink Pill*,and If
my tiM'iinony can be the means ol Is-lp ug
some o»" ei-„ who suffer- a“ l suffered I
surely ought not tolmbhold it.
“A year ago Inst (K'totar 1 caught a wm
cold which resuit. ,1 in rueumatism in my left
me* deal of I
Allowing. I .»di n.*t Huftar this pain
nay more imtil March, la stooping a termbl©
l«ft o*li slds, .xten,ling even to my too*. I bad
to my to m© into rho ho *»e,
«n.l from thm tim* Ihe was almost jd
sU*™ 1 ’ 1 ''i.ur'ug rtat True- ! ^ed al I thT-Ld
rem»vU«'8 un<l mauv ovwoBt*. «trq » n<UBg
toClUcHgoformsdieiMS h»« noaoofthM.
all. and oh! how I did *nfT.*r!
“Finally, I told my son when
started to town, to me a box of Dr.
\Villi*ms’ Pink Pill-; thnt I bad tried eveny
thlnir rlHe,au«1 ih»*v initfnt do rue some gm>d.
He brougnt iL* box *ud l at once l*e«an to
u*e them atW'ordlijic tt> directions, au«I 1 I>e
i^an to Improve by the lime 1 had taken tV*
fourth or fifth pill, and when I had
finished tb«* box: I wiw* entirely relieved, :u* I
could walk ab wit a- w: a- ever. But l
sent for another tmx. That was in Juuo of
la**t year, and I hate never had a pain sm#e.
Kvery morning when i awake 1 am thaa vJul
and ;h»nk h w jffood it is to lie in *uch dan
fort. 1 thank l>r. Williams’ Pink Pills for ibo
wonderful relief ih**y brought me.
“Did you «orer have the toothache?** sh©
a.-k- d. "W IU If you cave, you wid k»«»w
so?tu*thin»: aUvut the pain 1 had. It vas
nothin*; more or lew than h toothache ia tb©
hin l>r. -it WtUia-na was on excrumattng Pills pain.”
Pink contain, sn a
condensed form, all the elemeuts aswwirjr
to Rive new and richnc#»to the blood and
restore *>hatt**re<l nerves. They are an un*
intlinc specific for such di>»*as** a- Itvoma
tor ataxia, partial paralysis, Ht. Vitus* dam***,
sciatica, neura Riw, rheumatism, oervoa*
hoxd.vche,the n ter efTectsof la enppe pa'pi
utiot of the heart, p*le and sallow t>on»plri*
ions, nil forms ot weakness either In male or
female. Puik 1‘ilis are sold by alt dealers, or
wiU he tvent paM on rec-ii<t of orice, 50
c-ata a bna or -tx boxea for ^2.50 (they *n»
never sold in bu.k or by the 100. by addrtva*
hr Dr. Vfiilttvcus' Medtciue ' 'em jam v, S»’b«a
'Ctadv. N 1
This Is a euphemistic ace. A thief
nowadays Is called a "kleptomaniac.”
a murderer is called a “psychic epilep¬
tic” ati.l in Chicago an Alderman Is
c one of our best citizens.”
Bud Broojh* al| d Grady Reynolds are
"both now sately confined in the conn
ty jail at .Jei erson awaiting a trial for
the innrder iff Merchant Hunt.
The matt'T of discrimination in
freight rates against Atlanta is rapidly
approaching a climax. Goaded by
unuecessarVf delays in the adjustment
of satisfactory rates, the
wholesale ,•> - .chants of Atlanta have
become desperate over the situation
and have tak-u steps looking toward
immediate action.
A bloody tragedy occnrred a few days
ago near John Morton engaged
in a row with the family of his wife,
and, drawing a revolver, killed Charlie
Crumady and his wife and badly wonn
d e 'i two others. All the parties are
negroes, the murdered man and woman,
hlH ' K ' U ' R I ,are utR ’ rhe f act
f aU8e ° f the tumble has u not yet been
lea-tied, ' ’. as ,the * entire settlement is
much stirred up over the tragedy. , ,
The Brooks Lumber Company,
whose plant is located in Charlton
county, has hied a mortgage in favor
of tll e American Trust and Banking
Company in the sum of $10,000. The
mortgage wa» executed in 1895, but
wast not plat d on record until a day
or for two the ago. consideration [The mortgage of certain is given loans
which are to be made by the American
Trust and Banking Company. Ihe
entire stock of' lumber and crossties is
covered by thjr mortgage.
The decision of Judge Newman in
the case of the Houthern Mutual Bui d
ing and Loan ■ ’ estimation at Atlanta
will not Tomplfcis, fin all? settle the matter.
Judge Ktockhkhlers, representing the
Florida gave, notice to
Judge Newma« that he would appeal
to the Unired Statesi district court of
»Pl* ala - He m-plrnd for a supersedeas
pending the appea • . ui ge . '"man
heard the rein,.'Ht for the supersedeas
and though B there was a hard fight on
, u 11,1 u , ranted
, . .
Sam _ w opened his
againgt Atlaljtfl sinners last Sunday.
He preached the first sermon of the
people crowded into the commodious
structure and 'fagerly listened to the
words of the ffmona evangelist, while
fully 2,500 people It were the turned away
disappointed. was greatest as
semblagc that Joe A»as ewer gathered in
Atlanta, with exception, and that
was when the inimitable evangelist
was preaching iGis farewell sermon in
the / y last A * I
.....7’ ’ ~
The attorneys tor V. T. Sanford,
ta* collector of Floyd comity, have
been to see Go 1 errior Atkinson and the
tremble which t)ook place in regard to
his bond has l4»eu brought to an end.
It will lie remembered that Sanford
claimed that he: sent his bond to the
executive depi U'tment at the proper
time. No recoird of it having ever ar¬
rived their can be found and Mr. Han¬
ford was so notified. Sanford and the
Governor have both come to the con
„i 11Minl , Gi i bond was lost in the
luaii between Home and Atlanta and
the attorneys Iiave beeu informed that
if Sanford w ill (make a new bond it w ill
, i>e ,
* * *
The Georgia'British company, limit
eo.oi p<! of London Domioii. with yiui a a canital < apiiai of oi i:l ii.oou, 000 -
00(1 or $5,(IIIO,i(|(l(.i, will apply to the
courts for a >'4 charter under tlie !»«s of
C </«**■ olonel ( aiuMer, PM— Hin-retury «>f r >*« state, «-■ ]
from London, eharWS but the secretiirv does
BOt krtant for mining cm„pa
me-, although, telegraph, he does and banking for railroad, ex
press, < ompa
u i 6s . Colouel'Gandler informed rep
resell tatie- nf the company that the • .
application w<yiUl have to be made to j
the superior e, yurts. This is the great
-tunning operations in company fieorgia. that ever begun
The Ceutra| railroad may shorten
its present line between Atlanta and 1
Savannah l,y *bout oue-fnnrth the <hs
tain: Wit .nix -tir b* inj. mad*. ;
a road t“ being built through Kman
tie!. Bullot-h jainl Effingham eonutiea
to connect with the Central at Kimv.ra.
a point aboht thirty miles west of
Savannah. xAiirty-eight miles of track
have Wen land and that length of road ,
is in oporHtiion now from Bruton to :
Ht ill more. Severn] miles have been
graded from * 4 t ill more eastward toward
Bineora and the rail* for Mime of the is j
track are onj the ground. Bruton
probably fifty rain miles east r»f Matron,but
connection |K>ssil>lv be made with- j
out building! all that distance. It is
possible to connect with the Central |
Savannah east of Macojn. tluj Central Between describes Macon rain- and
bow^shapetl qurve, which in 11 U miles
long. A line «*$ stretched across the base i
would cut seventy miles.
The ninetakmth annual state ronven ,
tiou of the Young Men’s Christian As¬
sociation w ill meet in Macon, March j
11th to 14th, inclusive. The invitation
for the convention w:*- issued to the
state committee of the various associa
tions several <lay- ago and was accept- j
ed. The associations of the state
notified and the selection of the place
for the convention has given universal
satisfaction. Indications point to one
G f t jj e largest attendances in the histo
r y 0 f the organization, and it is fully
j : expected that 15,000 delegates will be
in attendance upon the four days’ ses
sion. Reduced rates have been se
j cll j. e( ] on a U accommodations roads leading into Macon
j a , 1( j al nple have been
made l»v the people of Macon. The
! programme of the session is teeming
with delightful feature^ and some ol
tlie; most prominent Christian worker
tn the state will make short address^
upon the history, work and field of tin
Young Men’s Christian Association.
Oue Man Killed, and Others Seriously
• Birmingham, Ala.—In a collision at
a railroad crossing at North Birming¬
ham iictween trains on the Southern
and IxmisviUe & Nashville railroads,
one mail was so badly injured that
death afterwards resulted, and three
others were more or less seriously in¬
C. M. Bryan, engineer on the Louis¬
ville A Nashville train, was killed.
His right arm was broken and his face
and body badly scalded. He died at
5:20 p. in., Sunday.
F. M. Mosby, Jr., engineer on the
Southern train, left arm badly bruised
below and around the shoulder: left
forearm broken in two places: face
and body blistered by escaping steam.
Not fatal.
Smith Spains, negro, fireman on the
Louisville & Nashville train, scalded
and bruised about tno legs and feet.
No bones broken, and injuries not
j dangerous. fireman
Arthur Lawrence, negro, oil
the Southern train, scalded and Iouiis
ed. Injuries slight.
An unknown tramp, slightly stabled.
Botii sides claim the other at fault,
and until tin- matter is thoroughly in¬
vestigated the exact manner in which
it occurred will not be known.
The Louisville & Nashville, people
claim to lum- Ve.-p run into by tl»;
Southern train, while tie.* latter peo¬
1 opposite.
ple claim just the exact
Relict of the Noted Divine Hied at
Her Home in Stamford.
Staillford. ... , . < onn. Mis. .... iiinrv Vv.llil
Reedier died at 10:42 o’clock Monday
j morning:. Mrs. Reedier died at the
lioim* of her son-in-law, Uev. Samuel
i Scoville. She was lmeouscdous for
twenty-four houre before her death,
j and her end came [tciieefully. None
family and niece were present, The
family consists of Mr. and Mrs Si o
villo and their son ami daughter.
Kunict* W hitt* Bueetrlittr \v;is liori) in
Wist Sutton. Mass., August UH. 1N12,
and was ediicHled ai Hadley. Mass.
W hen Kc*v. Henry Ward Broobor s<*t
tl»*d in his pastorate in Lawtviietduirg,
Ind., In* roturind to tin* Fast to claim
his bride, after an engagement extend¬
ing over seven years. Mrs. livelier
lias lieen a <*ontributor, ehierty on* subjects, to various period¬
icals. and some of her artlcl<*s have
Immmi puidisiu'd in book form.
|>,,I,I,r-,» ROBBED A , JOMUH-HE. mw i oi'i'n i'
itnvcna. Ohio. Robbers broke into
the Knstoffice hen? early Monday
mormug by sawing . the , , liar- of , the ,
window - of the mailing mm. The
op..„ With
awl lH a tw»*»*n aihl ***** m Tm>m*y
and stumps were takon. Tin- robberr nmni
was not discovered until in th*
i ne No dew.
Says the Philadelphia Ledger: A
device for preventing unsteady will
contest, has appeared in Connect,ent
ami is being very favorably commented
OH. aw— •»
making his will,may deposit it with
legal officers and gave public notice of
!act, in order that any person who
ma y ,i ou i,t fits competence to make a
Wl1 , cotn,) ftr >J test
qnestion within a certain time. If no
objection is made within the time
8 pec iti e d the will caunot- be attacked
()D ^ ° { , bgQ o;T , re ,.j for
bat*** Nobody is to see the will or
know its contents; the inquiry is to
be confined ts the single question of
|„ R u cl .* B competence, perhaps in
eluding the question of undue infln
efice. l>»t if these two points can be
settled during hi* life there is little
danger of a successful attempt to break
th< , wili a „ er his death, It seems as
if a great deal of scandal and much
unseeady l.tigation might be prevented
by thus aim pie device.
Comptroller Roberts, of New York
State, cabs attention to the fact that
lit® ntnqual bar-lens imposed upon
the uatii holder of property is breed*
;C g di-contcut, if not a revolt against
existing methods.
A Vermont man, who has carried the
mail twelve miles twice a day, and re
ceived the munificent sum of one cent
for the four years, is to have $96 for
the next four years.
Care Corns With Physic.
Might as s ell try that as to attempt the cure of
afleitj —r. Eczema. Klngworm and other cutaneous
,ns with blood medicine. Tetterine is tho
It-tire absolutely is sate It’s and certain retn-dv With
sure. an ointment. 50 cents at
druggists or by mail for 50c. in stamps from J.
1. Shujslrine, Savannah, Ga.
There Is more catarrh In till* Sc-etie* ot
the country than all other dis.-.w- s pv : to
gether. and until the last few years was
supposed to he incurable. For a great a any
years doctors pronounced it a local disease,
and prescribed local remedies, and by —ci
utantly failing to cure with local treat¬
ment. pronounced it incurable. Science has
proven catarrh to be a constitutional di¬
sease, ami therefore rwiuires constitutional
treatment. Hail's Catarrh Cure, manufact¬
ured by F. J. Cheney & Co. Toledo. Ohio,
is the only constitutional remedy on the
market. It is taken internally In Joses
from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts di¬
rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. They offer one hundred dollars
for any case it fails to cure. Send for cir¬
culars and testimonials free. Address
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O.
CySold by Druggists. 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
A nice lamp with spherical china. Delft
or Dresden globe.
Nrt-To-line for Fifty Cent*.
Over 400.000 cured. Why not let No-To
Bae regulate or remove your desire for to¬
bacco? Saves money, ranker health and
manhood. Cure guaranteed. 50 cents and
SI.00, at ail druggists.
Anything in silver is always acceptable
to a woman.
OASOAHETS stimulate liver. kidneys
and bowefs. Never sicken, weaken or gripe;
10 cents.
Aaytbing for her tea table, from the ket¬
tle to the table or cloth itscif.
IMso’h Cure for TonsumptloH is an A No.
1 Aathnifl nMNikine.—W. K. WILLIAMS,
lAntlorh, Ills.. April 11, 1894.
Photograph frame of Delft or Dresden
china or embroidered linen.
FITS stopped free raid permanently ewi red.
No fitH after the first day’s use ofLDR.
Free $2 trial bottle and treatise. Send to
Dr. Kline. Areh St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Comfy or flowjrs for a man to give a
girl If only ah acq uaintance.
Jvst trv lilSc. box- of CaacaretB. made. the fined
tiver and bowel regulator ever
It ia an unfortunate faci that clerical
morals do not always go with clerical garb.
Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup for chil
teetlilng siiflens tho gums, reduces in
Ujnnnnitinn. allays pain, cures wind colic.
:. .cuts a bottle.
According to th«* world an edi rich man
is eccentric; an odd poor man a fool.
When bilious or costive, oat a Oascaret,
candy cathartic; cure guaranteed; 10c 25c./
3 0
Hood's Harsapariha now arid expel from your
blood thelimparities which hove accumulated
Liiriu" winter. Thus prevent humus, boils,
pimples, eruptions, and serious illness, such as
fever-, malaria, and debility of the system.
Hood’s Sarsa¬
Is the best in fact the One true Blood Purifier.
Soul by »l) rtriugiBls. *1, lor $ft.
Hood’s Pills sot liartnonioiis y with
Hood’s SarBHiianiia.
With * ™ careful rotation il of
crops ana 111 rai i frrt nil izat za j ons
COttOIl lands Will improve. I he
application of a proper ferti
liver IZLi rnntaininn C .I <111 sufiirient * * Pot
ash often makes the difference
between a profitable crop and
failure. Use fertilizers contain'
ing not less than 3 to 4%
Actual Potash.
Kainit is a complete specific
against “Rust.''
Ali about Potash —the results of itt use by actual cx
l>cnmcut on the best farms in ihe United States—i»
told tr> a litllc book which we publish and wii! gladly
ntailtree io any farmer in America who will write lor il.
93 Nassau St , New York,
in every couuty to sell our Plows.
50 different kinds. Good w ages.
Agency free.
life? life I
r-ttarrh. mr-ipu nt cv.n
raui|ftH>n aiwi m r«>nr ‘hi
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