The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, March 12, 1897, Image 5
Liver Ills Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti¬ pation. sour stomach, indigestion are promptly cured by Hood’s Tills. They do their work I OOCjS I 9 w ' r ■ easily and thoroughly. Best after dinner pills. 25 cents. All druggists. Trepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pill to take wiilLHood’s Sarsaparilla. - THE ADVOCATE-DEMOCRAT, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING BY CLEM. G. MOORE. Official Organ of Taliaferro Co. CRAYl'FORDYILLE. GA.MGH.13,1897. Warren people are thinking about adopting a new road sys¬ tem for their county. Many will be thankful to know that the Southern baseball league died last Sunday. Turkey and Greece are getting ready to get into the frying pan together and as soon as the film¬ ing begins what a popping there will be. McKinley pie for Georgia seems to be ready sliced and each big piece is already on the piattef'and certain men’s names f’thereon.' “Is the republic decaying?’’ The Macon Telegraph asks this question seriously. The Con¬ stitution answers “no; it is only the spring guano shipped through the country." Bud Brooks who is charged with killing merchant Hunt at Belton recently was caught in Oakway, S. C., a few clays ago and is now in Jackson county jail with Reynolds. They both c harge ea ch, othae- -wi-tlv Trilling Hunt for his money. All the farmers and those in¬ terested in cotton growing are requested to meet in Augusta on next Monday the 15th, to see what measure can be settled up¬ on to advance the interest of the tillers the of soil. It does not seem well for the owners of tho Central railroad to own and control the lease of the Georgia Railroad. It seems that the railroads are already too much of a trust now to comply with tho State Constitution. A hearing will be heard before the U. S. court in Macon on the 18th. inst. to determine whether or not the Central owners will have a lion's share in the Geor¬ gia. Thin, Pale Children One satisfaction in giving Scott's Emulsion to children is they never object to it. The fact is, they soon become fond of it. Another satisfaction is because it will make them plump, and give them growth S and prosperity. It should be I given to all children who are too thin, or too pale. It does not make them over-fat, but plump. It strengthens the digestive organs and the nerves,and fur rushes material for rich blood. . ■* " VTa have book telling a you more on the subject. Sent free for the asking.. ; SCOTT a BOWN E, New Yerk. r jWSJaf- THE MISSING WORD GUESSES. The missing word contest which was made in combination with the Atlanta Weekly Consti¬ tution ended March 1st and 1,976 guesses were correct. •‘Linked” was the missing word. making the sentence read “Sup¬ ply and demand are as linked as cause and effect.” Mr. W. R. Gunn, of this place, guessed the correct word in the last contest. There was $1,669 90 to be divided among the cor¬ rect guessers, each one getting 85 cents for each guess. The Constitution has now put up 1,000 dollars for the contest that closes May 1st, and the sen¬ tence is, “The right of "......” is the very essence of the Con¬ stitution." Every one sending us $1.75 can get the Advo-Demo crat imd the Weekly Constitution both pne year and have a guess at the missing word. If you are already a subscriber to this j>a per send $1.00 and we will send in your guess. It is well worth your money to get both papers and you may get a big share of the money besides. Two Live* Saved. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, Ill., was told by her doctors she had Cou sumption for| and that there was no hopes her. but two bottles of Dr. Kind’s New Discovery completely cured her and she savs it fayed her life. Mr. 'lhos. fcnrgcrs. V.W Florida St. Sun Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching sumption, tried without resuit everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured, He is naturally thankful. It is suefi results, of which these are samples that proVfe the Coughs wonderful and efficacy Colds. of Free medicine in trial bottles at Dr. R..I. Reid’s Drugstore Regular size 5 qc. nyd l oo. The mere appearance of ad vertising indicates that business is being done, or will bo done, and so long as everybody pre¬ fers to buy of men of success rather than of men of failure, just so long will the man who advertises be likely to do the -btiswwess,—Fowler. - DANGERS OF THE GRIP. The greatest danger from La Grippe If is of its resulting : u pneumonia. reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain’s Cough avoided. Remedy taken all danger will be Among llie tens of thousands who f ave used this remedy lor la grippe, having we have result¬ yet to learn of a single case ed in pneumonia, which shows con¬ clusively that this remedy is a certain prevenative of that dread disease. It will effect a permanent cure in less time than any other treatment. The 25 and 50c sizes for sale by Dr. R. J. lieid. _ Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher died at Stanford, Conn., Monday morning last. —Excursions are starting up early this season. Messrs. Tug¬ " Hollingsworth gle & Union Point run one Monday from to Atlanta. BIG GOING-OUT. There has been already some 500 tons of guano delivered at this depot this season, and we are told that there will be from one to two hundred more tons delivered here. A great amount of this is acid. Putting the cost at ffn average of $18 per ton we will have a drain of $11,000.00 to $12,000.00 from this’ section this year for fertilizers. This is enormous.and if the farmers who are buying this guano would put stock into a mill here to the amount of half they put into guano the returns in profits would be immense and within a short time there would he much improvement in the finances in this section. At $12,000 per year it would soon enrich all the stockholders. -Hew to Care Skin Disease,” >e Simply ffiterna! apply medicine “Swaync’s required. Ointtr^** tetter, itch, all Cures eczema, truptioiu cn the dear, U6», bauds, &c.. leaving the ride White aad healtijr. Iu groat beat¬ ing and curative coweri are pawmaed by In his inaugiral message Pres McKinley advocates bimetalism. rigid economy in the government opposes bond h-mos, loans aud trusts, demancs more revenue, high protection, reciprocity and suggests relief to farmers. He has called an 'xtraordinay ses¬ sion of Congress to meet n.-xt i nday and suggests that¬ diate legislation is needed to bring on the p omised prosperi¬ ty'. But promises to bring about this change for’the better grad¬ ually. He promises to up-hold that old fraud"-iv^ service re ¬ form." Suppose he will hold to that idea until lie gets in what few Republicans Cleveland’s 3 admin¬ istration ouste \V 1 1 iI o no physician or phar¬ macist can conscientiously war¬ rant a cure, the J. C. Ayer Co. guarantees the purity, strength, and medicinal virtues of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It was the only blood-purifier admitted at the great World’s Pair in Chicago, 1893. »♦ f Mr, Thomas E. Watson says of the new President: "He is a Republican of the strictest sect, and he brings all the weight of a lofty character, superior intellect, and amiable disposition to tint.maintenance of }jj s party’s creed! ,.j McKinley lltlS not obtained , . . hlS; election , as a Republican 1 with the purpose of antagonizing . . RopubllCOn ... poll c j eSi He is ItOt A posing n as the big Chief, wllO MS bigger and ] K >ttor than all tl) <• otlier chiefs, and who is, theviMore, above all party shackles." statk of Ohio, City 'of Tolbdo, | | Flunk Lucas J. CounJtk, liiakcs senior Clicny oath that lie is the partner of tho firm of F. .T. Cheney <tC o., doing business in the City of Toledo, 1 lounty aud Stale aforesaid, and that sa id firm will pay the sum of One lit ;lred Dollars for each and every casj ipf Catarrh that cannot be cured li Hall’s Catat th Cure. fram 'tBp j/CHENEY, Sworn to before nko/and sttbscribed in my presence, tbiniifc day ofDecem her, A. I). 188G. I A \i.ULEASON, ’ SKA I, i Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Cur* is taken into' 1 ' nally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, Send ior testimonials: freo. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best CASTOR IA For Infant* and Children. n» tu linlli “* i« « (lfMtnri ’ •wry tl *r*PPW. Old People. Obi people who require medicine to regulate the remedy bowels and kidneys will find the true in Electric Bitters. This medicine floes not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other intoxicants, but acts us a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the slomacbe a - d bowels, add ing strength and giving tone to the or¬ gans, thereby aiding Nature in the per¬ formance of the functions. Electric Hil¬ lers is an excellent appe tizer and aids gestion. Old People find it just exactly what they need. Prieto fifty cent* and LOO per bottle at III r. IL J. Reid's Drug Store. HE PAID IT. Several years a£o a gentlemen in an adjoining qounty gave a sealed note to Another party, payee aie<l some time after and his papers wbre sold at pub lie outcry. The note in question which bore a face; value of $96, was considered Worthless, and only prising brougdt gentleman l|Rc. of this An county enter¬ bought it. A few months ago the maker of the note was hurt in a railroad accident and recov¬ ered ten thousand dollars’ dam¬ age, which he invested in real estate. Tho purchaser of note received a few days $182 principal and interest on his modest investment.—Union Point dots in Herald-Journal. CASTOHZA. ll 99 Tisfpw* Eighteen Years. Fain. Departed aud Sleep Came. Mrs. Julia A. Brown, otCovlncton, Tcnn., whoso husband has charge of the eloctrlc light plant at that place, has been a great sufferer. Her ailments and speedy euro are host described by herself, as follows: 1 "For IS years I suffered (mm remedy nervousness j and indi Igostton. 1 tried every friends, hut roc- l onimem led !>y family and could get no relief at all. Two years ago, , while being treated by three looal physi clans. L'rs. Barret, Maley and Sherod. they K ¥ M \ ' & -OK \ Mm 5SK K‘ h Mrs. Julia A. Brown. Informed mo that I had become (iropticaX and that there was little hope for mo. then decided to try Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine, I was then unable to Jot to sleep until well on toward daylight, deep, heavy and during In my all this time I had a miserable, f»am %wlcc<l, but left side. J ti'cw most bottle of the Nervine after taking ono-half well I I could sleep nil night the jult only aa remedy as over that did. The iYemnr Is I gave weiland mo any relief whatever. fhnnfc Qod everyday am now strong, and I of my life for Dr. Miles'Nervine.' MBS. JULIA A. BROWN. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold on will a positive fc. guarantee that the first bottle 00000 All (Iruv.’.tsts sell It at *1,4 bottles for *8, or it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt, of price by tho Dr. Miles Medical Oo., Elkhart, lutL Dr. Miles’ Nervine Restores ...Health Save \ Paying t 7 7 Doctors’!! * Bills II 3B.B.B.mS& A 5At«i 2 > THE GREAT REMEDY A FOR ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES j| Him bean thoroughly t®«ted by 1 * ( i 1 omin«ui phy«iolou« and tho p«o* pU for forty yo«r«, and cure* (F quickly and permanently is'Jsvi issav \ as.. Vt7*by fhe^biiuo^u 2 i nvSm X 5 1 Q Sonia. far &.’>« w > * J up tho health oud atrongth from the Aral For aale by druggists. SENT Ft *EE wuMtr” A qa T eeiir., 1 I> KitttB—Our and 04VagT* tvotyvn 1 toxitealf afflict. feV book for men dUcwe* Gmof ofyodth, W iti ffloeasea, tbplr sex, fcraite errom trouble off). — coat otampi fo pay poitiwo to th'i fflit #pooiaH»t« and Dr. pl/y*lcUti» Hathaway of this A CO. C-Oliri id# go. BrcaA 8t., Atlanta, Ga. Letters from the People. Mn. Kditob:— f am a straight in the middle-of-the-road populist and I want to know wliut the boys are doiti(f all over the country, but I Bin not able to pay for several leading read reform papers, though I want to them every week. Can you tell me tho best plan to get them’/ Axswkk. If you will write enclosing a stamp to the National Reform Paper Club, No. 7, care People's Party Paper, Atlanta, Ga., they will send you tnelr clubbing list, through which you can get almost every boo* and paper printed in tho United Rtates at the lowest wholesale price. If you are a subscriber to this paper and will men¬ tion this paper when you write, we have made arrangements whereby you will be given an annual membership in the club Aiisoi.urKi.r rum-:: (The reg¬ ular fee la One Dollar for each member) This offer is good for only a few weeks The club handles all kinds of reform books and papers and through its hun¬ dreds of agents working In every state and county disposes of thousands of books—hence its mombers get in on the ground door and buy at wholesale prices. Craw Send 81.70 to Advo-Democral, fordville, and get both paper* one year. Mrs. Inna Gage, wife of Ex Deputy U. S. Marshal, Columbusi Kan., says: “I was delivered of TWINS in less than 30 min¬ utes and with scarcely any pain after using only two bottles of “MOTHERS’ FRIEND’’ did nqt suffer afterward. JUST** "MS’ SBiorretD nr.truTon co., atlaxti, ul HOLD I1Y ALL DKL'OHIMTK. HOT1CB. I waht every man and woman in the unite*. State* interested in the Opium and Whisky habit* to have one of inj books on these the eases. Address H. U Woolley, Atlanta, L»a. Hot SHI, and oae will l*% sent you tree. i Mothers Read This: * * $ t The Best m 10 £ Remedy, * For Voile. l>l.url.e-«. t f) , riersnt'e.e'r'.^b',';:^ j*™; XiSJSf .’he'sum's-"; -1- J g PITT'S CARMINATIVE clul Islbr standard. 11 - avvies (Iren over the critical period ot V iinr, and is rocomnit ntletl bv 9 liliyslei an* as a friend t'f mothers Aifnlts nmlchildren. It is pletis nut to taste, never fails to salt si.' • .2 \ few doses tvi'l demonstrate lls •halve virtue. Price 25c. 1> ( t ih a'uTU Isis. epn ritl oidy hy D v • NV t«. TIRED WOMEN Tired and broken down women will find that DR. KING’S ROYAL QERMETUER is a priceless boon and blessing to them. It gives appetite, brings restful, refreshing sleep, aids digestion, tones the nerves, builds up the strength and puts disease and pain to flight. For FEMALE TROUBLES Including all menstrual and womb difficulties, it has no superior—used both locally and internally. It is emphatically WOMAN’S FRIEND. pleasant to take as lemonade, and harmless at all times. New package, large bottle, 108 Doses, One Dollar. Sold by druggists. Manufactured ^ THE ATLAHTA chemical „ C(J -g , _-»y*a** a,|m, ‘' 8jt - * WAITS SOU 48-PAOK BOOK: MAILED VKtt. It Don't Cost a Cent. —'I HE— Sayannali Weekly News, Published Every Montluy and Thursday. till eight page papers, a year For ONE DOLLAR. Less than one cent a copy. Its two editions it week (five the readers of (lie WEEKLY NEVVH Hie news of the world, markets ami all th- matter which nowaday* t;n i<> uittke up a ffootl newspa¬ per, while the news is fresh. The WEEKLY NEWS Is nn up-to-date newspaper; any man or woman can read lit the family elrele. Remit hy Post-Ofilee or Express Money Order, Re(f(sterefl order L"t- for ter. or j-et your Post, Master to It von One year 81 on, II month 50 cents. Address the MORNING NEWS, Savan¬ nah, Georgia. FREE. TO Al»v I, 111 I Si: our IASIH MS m,a men i t s wu l>uii lh«»*rtl>*i(«s FREE OF COST I TumJctii, Combination.. .$175.oo i Diamond Fiumc ISO oo i Bicyclei Ladles’.........125 00 Don I'* ... 125 no 1 Liuli™’ .. .... ion nl) I r Gent's ... .... 1<(() (Ml 1 Ladles’..... 75 00 1 OoHi's....... So on 1 VoiiHis’, OlrJs. So 00 I “ Hoys' 50 00 10 1000.00 Write M On <:<*, iridonhiK rnlmmurtl mill 1 4‘SM'd nn vi* lop#-,for full patlculurs AVALON CYCLE CO., 211-315 Grand Ave, 'Agents Wanted.* MII.WAI’K A,Wls» W<’ M l) m.w 1HU7 BiuvHc for ^25.0o. VY;V LODD POISON A SPECIALTY J'OfSON XStZforg Uary IILOOU permanently cured In lOtoR/jdaya. you can t mated m homo ho for *.Tm« prica under hr rooK»i a run¬ ty. If y<»t* prefer to com* here w« wiilcon* tract to i»fi y rni l road fa re and hotel hi 2 In,a rw| nfoehanr*. if wo fail to cure. If you hum taken mer¬ cury, iodide |»ot:iHh, and ntHI have ache* end pains. M ucoim I’HteheH Colored In mouth. Hpote* HoreThroat, Clrer* ylmplcs, of Copper the body, flair Eyebrow* fallhiir oo any part Secondary or lsLOOf> TOIHOH out, It Is thl* ohstl we r osrantes to core. Wo solicit the world most net* cases and challenge the tor r a case we cannot, cure. Tni* disease has always ha died the skill of the most behind eminent physi¬ cians. ••'500,000 hoof capital proofs our uncondh tional guaranty. A tit e sent sealed OQ applicator*. Address COOR ICCMKUV CO^ go* UmodIc Xtujple, tUltAOO, ILL. OASTOHIA. It 99 •▼try fitpfM.