Newspaper Page Text
Two Cases in Gladwin County, Mich., Cited to Prove
the fact that Nerve Debility can be Treated
with a Nerve Food Successfully.
Prom the Courier-11eralel, tfujinaic, Mich.
In the long list of diseases that human
flesh is heir to, none perli&ps are more pain*
ful than inflammatory rheumatism nn<I its
HtiPiidant ills. The sufferer lies racked by
i/funs that seem unbearable and many times
<v«n tie till i itmilF would lx* a relief. Tor*
tured by pains that seera beyond human
ikill to drive away of even alb:viute, the
urcb hrd sufferer tosses on a bed 6f pain,
hoping that something may l>e found to re
Jiiise him from the thralls of that dreaded
malady. A case of lJii« character nucently
•Time under the observation of a represents
i ij idvs in, the count/ seat of Gladwin
county, Michigan. While there he heard
of the ease o r Mrs. William Flynn, who
had Keen a victim of inflammatory rheu
i.Mfj'reii in its severest form.anti had endured
untold sufferings from it. It hud drawn her
hand, out of alt ape until tli«*y resembled
bird'* claw*. She had fallen away in flesh
until she was almost a living and skeleton and
hf-r sufferings were victim so great of alceplcsnnefia. constant
that she Iwcam© :t
AII of these troubles contrived fo make her
condition most alarming and she became tho
v»- f iri» *‘f hallucinations, seeing terrible
things and fancied dangers everywhere.
Then, Ht a time when the most serious
eofise*ucnees were arkfthlc threatened, remedy she that was had in
dueed (o try a rein
cured one of her friends and after a short
time a happy t«*rininfttion of her terrible
illue a w i < assured. Asked iu regnrd to
lief trouble nml its treatment Mrs. Flynn
responded as follows: “Two yearn ago 1
hud a terrible attack of inflammatory rheu
roatiTni Sro ‘utirely that prostrated he Ip hum. me The utterly trouble so was that in 1
1 * «
n t<*») violent form and drew mr hands out
of ill shape. It also affected mw lower
k •,- - ti f imv b. fare but none .%o violent «-s
this, l h»d constant pains in the joint* and
violent he das hes. There were a»s*» times
when f had chills very severe and these
were folh-wM that l»y exceedingly peri*sis of violent profuse per- and
•pirntion constitution. was This condition
weakened mv
kepi on for about three months.
" One day a lady friend who had used Dr.
Williams’ Pink Pills for Pal© People with
great benefit, met my little girl on the street
and on learning of my condition advised mo
to get home Pink Fills and taka them. I
got a b*>x and began to use them according
iojlircction*. IhI After two*or three doses they
• very dearly on my nervousness. I
had not been aide to sleep tell for a long time
and tin* was beginning b» in flesh on me very I
severely I had fallen awaf until
was very thin and weak and my hands were
imhlly mote Jr than skin ami lx»ne. As I sai*l
after'.two throe doses of Pink Pills they
begun In quiet my nervousness, nml I could
sleep. I continued able to gain be so that and iu do a tew
months I was again to up left my
own work. The rheumatism has nearly
n»e. I »n» fre* from tin- pains in the head
and at night I can get healthful and
t„g sl.vp These pills have done a great
deul *>f g*>od for roe and I cannot other speak too
highly of them. There are also eases
aroftmi me where they have IsxMi liiei and
they have acted bcnenrmlly as they much did in
my own c&wu I cannot say too fur
them ami viy th*we few wools of tesfimoriy
In onl*T that other* and who jfrCtftlief. are suffering ” u* J
was. umy try them
^ I
Job Printing Best and Cheapest at the
Advo-Democrat office. I
—, i
Machinery Supplies! ! j !
„ CI.lss of Foundry. M.rcnme. Boiler, ■ i Ght _ • and i mill m -ii
Work promptly executed with latest improved machines
Largest Works of the Kind South, i
Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co., j
8RNI) US YOl t! WtHiK AUtrUST.t, OA.
On any llasiness It Will be to Your Interest ffr»ee
l^fT T -T. STOCK OF | I
GENERAL _ m m m l
mm ■ — ■■■■ * “ — * ^
* ; jgL, % jm /
‘AT PTW^-— —’a * »
- -
.. t C~%'3 m ’*E5 -
w 1 - . ., ,
at twt«#i**;0©OHTRr r y tbm
The foowiBg kind patrons have paid
tiitir euLi rip!ion since our last issue.
]i II tbodes, 30c. to Feb. 2$ ’97
C H toluekc, 81, to Feb. ‘Jo, '98
W N Jtinn, 81. *• ’98
W A .‘ary, SI to March-10 ’’JH
The Itst two sittings of the
Superio court in this county,
Aug. lMfi and Feb. 1897 held
only thr-e days. There was a
; tifne a y d time savin f
money mm g to the county,
' "' two S8Ssio " 5 ,hc
had the lawyers.
witnesses anti all interested in
the eas-jS supplied with bar
dockets, showing just when said
cases werscorning up in rotation.
This was surely time saved as
every tody admits who has
thought if the matter. These
little bar-lockets are phamplets
of 8 page; of type printed mat¬
ter and stves the county many
times ther cost. All counties
are now’ tsing them and they
find them great time and money
The folbwing letter explains
itself. Every citizen in the
county wh; lias water powers
and mill sites should have
j photos untie of them and send
them on with the Georgia Kail
road exhibit, It might bring
purchasers here to buy and de
velope then:
Aufusti, G.i.. Mardi 4 th, 1897 .
Editor _ Advocate-Democrat:—In the
exhibit of the Georgia 7 K.iilrOrtd at ' the
I ouncsscc v ell onilittl we would , like very
much to show ip.all that we can of the
'ijder n I oh ers, <u*\ eloficu , . and tinncvelop- „ ,
ed, in the Counties along the Line of the
( ueorgia , . .... am< ; U. .
I write to askiif you will kindly call the
j tdl the parties ritorestocl in such Water
! Powers ' ’ v **** t ......:..i..... «:*th
photogiftjdnc , . \ lew , of any Mill }>ites .. that
ihev desire t., bring to the attention of the
Investor. tliut i We will exhibit them free , of .
all Cost. Yours truly,
419 Dyer fSullding.
vr„ v ^'• * f? J i^tlMaruS, kMu-iwU- fnrmnvlv loilli lJy
of ' this COlUlty y bOU« ^ r bt 741 btllcS
of COttOU frOMl Ollt) party last
■ ,
WGOlf ill otUKlGTSVillO , ... , .
j tVIlCl puiu
j p ' '- 1, p xV.tW i- rin .S s*hl *.-t .«•*. 91 r \ .J-t r U lui f<»r
(same* j * This r . of the
i 1 ‘‘U^LSt •» mt CO11Oil t i\n 1 lldllS.l vn nenetinn«j J pepr
\ interior
i IlltldG ill till tOWH ID
fJnm-o-io VibOlgltt. • Ml. Mr TTriu-nrri*? l AlWcllUblS >t ll b o-nnd OOU
April Sheriff Sale.
Will bo sold in front of the door of
tlic court house of said county, within tlm
legal hours of sale, to tin, highest bidder
for cash, on the first Tuesday in April
next, all that tract or lot of land lying in
the808th I’istrict. <». M., said county.
containing 185 acres more or less, bojpid
uh vn the North by lands of John F. Ho’
and lands of estate of Jno. N. T.
Jones, eui the East b_\ f lands < f
.Irscph F. Nelson ait<l lauds of I). S.Stcu
art-, on tire South l>y lands of the said P.
S. Stew art: aud on the West by the lands of
said D. S. Stewart and lauds of estate
of said Jno. N. T. Jones, deceased. The
sjimi 1 being ail t!u*t tract of land known us
lot no. csi three m the phm of the divis .
the distributive share of Svlvtraii Kli/.a
la*lji Jones. Said lamD levietl oil os t! ^
of said V ylvtrah K. Jones uu
dcr and by virtue oi a ft. fa. Issucvl from
the Superior ciKirt of said county iu favor
of F. ilauiiii.
This, 10th tkw *>f March. 1 S 9 T,
1 ). P. llKNKV, Sheriff,
Taliaferro county.
April Sheriff Sale.
KOBGIA. T A t- 1 A F t.RitO i’OCNTY.
V* Will be •Old in (rout of ilic door of
house of wild county, within the
ur»of sale, to the highest bidder
fur cash on the tjrst Tuesday In Apr 1
ail that tract or lot of land lying in
tiOff dis’Ttct, G. M.. T»Kaf ■.trvcouuur.
adjoining ian«j> of E. 1. Anderniu
Golatt on the North.-on Fast by
an*l Anbury Ogletrte: «>n tlie S>»uli
Ja* U. Ogletree; on tlie West by Vb i
Loftee!,>rd wn.i otterseantaiains^OOot‘rea
<t.? property of ^*W Bvacsadti written
said K»»' pc-sscssionr said
ievieti on umier and by virtucof a-ti.
ismi«ij ftoiM she Superior Oxirt of said
of the ttii dar of October, 1878.
fefiftof T. M. Brian. A-ntflf.' /- B.
Absalom G. KvaBT*
Tuts. \o da-March, !S»r,
' D.T. HEVKY'.trherjfT^
TaVisferro County.
Itecently, while a repreaeotuti'A of th«
Courier-Herald was at the thriving viijbge
of Gladwin, GlarJwin County, he heard of a
case of thhf nature and that it had yicided to
a «hort treatment with a ctdelirutcd remedy,
the name of which haa become a household
w#rrf in every hamlet, village and city in the
land. The victim of this unusually sever*
case of nervous trouble was Itiuisom BLrrv
mono, an old and well-known resident of the
| village. Ills nervous Condition had grown
[ worn; and wornq, until the slightest unusual
| noise, or even the opening of a door would
him frail tic. Skilled ph J8 i
clans had studied over his case and pre
i seri lied tl»o usual remedies, lmt their efforts
j wore get unavailing, and the patient continued
to worw
\ Finally f one day in reading a newspaper,lie
encountered an item in regard a ease Home
j what similar to his own, and read with great been
) interest of the means by which it had the
cured. IIo at once decided to try rem
eily, and did so. As to the results of its use,
we can not do better than quote Mr. Sim
mans' own words. When asked to narrate
his experience, he spoke long, as continued follows: . illness (
“ As the result of:u
f became violent the victim of alniut nervous debility in
its most form four years ago.
It kept growing worse and worse until I had
become no nervous that the least noise around
the house, or the entrance of anyone into the
I house, would throw me into a violent nerv
<*us paroxysm. I tried medicines for the
trouble, but was not relieved. Finally, about I
read in a Detroit, Michigan similar paper a
cure of a trouble somewhat to mine,
effected by a me* , *ine known ns Dr. Wil*
Hams' Pink Pill*, iui<l decided to give these
pills a trial. After 1 had taken a box of tlie
j.ills, my nervousness i>e#fan to l>e relievetl,
have not had to use them or anything for
nervous troubles for two years past, fumy
ease they acted quickly and and they efteetually proved on
efficient my nervous and troubles, remedy. Since an
reliable using
them I havo recommended them to others
nn*l they have used them with great benefit.”
Mrs. Simmons corroborated her husband's
riatemenU.uml was earnest in her hnd good words
■, for the remarkable'remedy husband that been needed the
' of affording her much
rest, ami had freed him from the violent
nervous disability that had made his life
1 miserable. Many eases similar to this onf
; of Mr. Simmons' have Ix'en noUd, wherein
Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills have been usotl
with eminently satisfactory frt'quoni and and speedy re
suits, and liability to l»cen readily excessive relieved
nervous exeitemer.i has
and the shattered nerves built up ami ro>
st«irtvl to a normal, healthy condition.
Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills contain, in a
condensed form, all tnc eJements neeewairy
t«» give new lift* and richness to tin* blood
and restore shattered nerves. They are an
unfailing siweific for such diseases as loco.
dance, motor sciatica,neuralgia, ataxia, partial jMirnlysis, rheumatism, St- Vitus'
ous hearlaehe, the after efteet of la grippe,
palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow
complexions, all forms of weakness either in
male <»r female, pink Pills arr sold by all
dealers, or will l*e sent post jxud on reoeipt
of priw, fift cents a box, or six boxes for
V) (they are never sobi in bulk or by ths
100), by athlrwwftig Dr. Will'iAuns' Medicino
Ckunpany, 8chen«crtad.T. N. Y.
A\ege table Preparation Regula¬ for As¬
similating the Food and
ting the 5 tamachs and Bowels of
Infants /Children
Promotes Rest.Contains Digesfion,Cheerful¬ neither
ness and Mineral.
Opium.Morphine NARcoTiti. nor
Pumpkin. Sex A"
Alx. Senna +
Anit* Send *
J\ppcrmint Hi ZoAmtttttSoiOf -
Harm Seed -
Oartfud Juase •
ifet ywH narsr.
Apctfect Remedy for Conslipa
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish¬
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Xac Simile Signature of
/»iu Hiui.i.tS ,olcJ
5 } nos,s- r> t.>,s
exact copy of wrapper.
j Ferndale RYE Bourbon.
J or
Is fix yoars old and is shipped direct
from ourdistillery ts tire consumer, tliis
insuring absolute purity. We never sell
to t lie wholesale or retail denier thus sav¬
$ 26 J ing two profits to the consumer. FEKN
DALE RYE or UOUKBON is hltrhly r -
RNDAtf commended Medical' by Physicians as a typical
whiskey for and family uses.
Ferndale nye or "our
RYE $2,65 per Gallon.
BourboH must No charge for pi^sor all orders packing. Regarding Money
our responsibility, we refer-you Savins to City
Not. Bank, and Citizen Bank, of
Sam Stark Distilling Co., Paducah, Ky.
Hon. W. J. Bryan’s Book
A LL who are interested in furthering the sale of Hon.
W. J. Bryan’s new book should correspond im¬
mediately with the publishers. »The work will contain
An account of his campaign tour . . .
His biography, written by his wife . .
His most important speeches . . . .
■ The results of the campaign of 1896.
A review of the political situation . .
Mr. Bryan has announced his intention of devoting
one-half of all royalties to furthering the cause of
bimetallism. There are already indications of an enor¬
mous sale. Address
W. B. CONKEY COMPANY, Publishers,
341-351 Dearborn St....CHfCAG 0 .
Business Success
Is ull ith methods. Tlie \
easy n w proper
American $8. Typewriter
I* ttie first reqirSife fof every correspondent, author, clergyman, doctor
or business man- if does * ark unexcelled by any. Alw aVa Goes. In
fact the ouly Ty^v rite- -eithin reach of a’d. We are selling 15.000 a
year. -1
For handsome illustrMe.lfc^talogue mention Advo-Democrat when you write.
Th^A'nlerican Typewriter Co.,
1 Blanks ~ OFFRE AT THIS—
a-' ___
Printings OF ALL WYLES
at this office cheaf.
- __
Castoria is put np in cne-siso Dottlea only. It
is not sold in balk. Don’t allow anyone to sell
yon anything else on the plea or promiso that it
is "jnst as good” and "will answer every pur
pose." See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-it-I A*
is on'.;
every .
i^aKSRSi-*' Wanted—An iaea^fer