Newspaper Page Text
SLOO Per Year.
In Spring
Duck, Percals, Lawn,
Dimity Cords, Orgady
And White Goods, at
The Alliance Store
Pure Home Matters PicKed Up by Our
Local Reporters.
Wliat Our People Are Doing and Saying.
Things Our Friends Tell Us.
—More rain, etc.
—It has been dog-killing time
in this town since Friday of last
—Jim Mann returned Saturday
last from a visit down the Geor¬
gia Railroad.
—Mrs. T. C. Holden has been
quite sick at her home in White
—Mr. Childs, representing the
__ Christai.n Index, was_here Mon¬
day lfyst.
—The farmers of this section
are not alone in their tardy con¬
dition in their farm work.
—There were not so many
people in town Saturday, The
weather was fine for work.
—Mrs. Luna Phillips, and lit
tie daughter, of Harlem were
here this week with relatives.
—Mrs. W. A. Moore has gone
over to Sharon to visit her
daughter, Mrs. J. A. Kendrick.
—Martin F. Leary, of the
Athens branch of the Ga. R. R.
spent Sunday with relatives
—Miss Kate Dakrnan, of
Washington came over Sunday
last to visit Mr. C. Bergstrom’s
—Some farmers were afraid
the ground would harden
before they could get their farm
lands broken.
—There has been a great deal
of lumber shipped to this place de¬
this year and there is still a
mand here for it.
—Dr. Ike Moore, of White
Plains, has been attending his
sick daughter, Mrs. R. J. Reid
in this place.
_Mrs. C. Bergstrom and Miss
Kate Dakman went up to Atlan
ta Tuesday to be present at the
millinery openings.
—Sorry to learn that Mrs.
Martha Rhodes’ eyesight in one
eye is badly effected by a severe
spell of neuralgia.
—Our city council is not only
brave enough to tackle a dog
ordinance but they attacked even
the “probably-would-be” mad
dogs. Moody tells
—Farmer .Tim us
that the frost bit his Irish pota
toes down to the ground this
week. He reported them hand
It may save you ^;
money to be informed that, wnen |
you need a blood punfiarAy kind most -
Sarsaparilla is the m
r r r, is h .‘he .SSdSd P ant“
such Sited the only blood-purifier ad
at the Chicago
j.- a ; r
—Mr. A. L, Hillman went to
Atlanta this week.
Buy your soap at Alliance
—Charlie Rhodes went back
to school at Auburn this week.
If you need pants go to the
Alliance Store.
—Rumor has it that there will
soon be a marriage in Crawford
Arbuckles coffee 15c per lb
at Alliance Store.
—Dr. W, F. Hammack, of At¬
lanta, came down yesterday to
visit relatives here.
Clark’s thread, two spools
for 5c. at Alliance Store.
—T. C Moore, of tho Sparta
Ishmaelite, spent Wednesday
night in Crawfordville.
Miss Mamie'Harrison went up
to Greenesboro Saturday shop¬
—Mrs. Dr. Reid is convalesc¬
ing rapidly her friends are glad
—Dr. Ben Daniel of Union
Point was here this week attend¬
ing Mr. W. W. Bird.
—Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Chap¬
man, of Augusta, visited the
latter’s parents here this week.
Big bargains in checks,
sheeting and seaisland at Al¬
liance Store.
—Mr. J. T. Overton sent us a
nice lot of sweet yam potatoes
for which we are thankful. Ed¬
itors are always fond of potatoes.
—Young Mr. Tunison from
Greene county, who is working
in Atlanta at a planing mill had
his arm almost cut off by a buz
saw a few days ago.
Hall’s Hair Renewer is pro¬
nounced the best preparation
made for thickening the growth
of tho hair and restoring that
which is gray to its original col
—There are several Crawford
villians now residing in Atlanta,
A party said a few days ago that
one from here seemed at home in
the Gate City, meeting so many
friends from this section,
—The editor of this paper took
d i nner -with his friend Mr. A. J.
Adkins a t the popular Exchange
Hotel, 163 Marrietta, St., Atlan
ta, Wednesday and he found his
host and hostess as kind and
hospitable as ever. Mr. A. was
formerly proprietor of the Ad
kins house in Augusta,
Sftve The Children.
When children e -iti,
cough, cold and croup, Dr.
£ ST r IS*.
Blandon, Pa., writes; “We have
^ ^ Bull - g Cough syrup for cough,
d ^ found it the best
medicine and cur. for these
™ «•
but always keep it on hand.’’ Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrupusold everywhere
for 25 cents. Insist on having it.
On our last page this a reek will
be found an attractive and
unique advertisement of Messrs.
A very & McMillan, Atlanta, Ga.,
who are handling all kinds of
machinery at the very lowest
prices for the money. Their
advt. is worth reading whether
you need goods in their line now
or not. »
Mr. Geo. W. Brown, Rharon's
popular postmaster was in Craw
fordville Saturday, and come
around to tell us of the thorough
overhauling , ,• of the Kenonck
Mill, It is in thorough repair
and that experienced .. miller, ..
Mr. E, S. Allen has charge of
it, who will make best Hour and
meal. See notice of saiNe in this
Miss Lecltio Hoffman and Mr.
Lovo Kimbrough, both of
Greenesboro, wore married in
tw that „ city {t _ w last WPflnesHftv Wednesday nin-ht night,
Miss Hoffman is the young lady
who spent some time with tho
family of Mr. E. J. Anderson of
this county, where 4ie won
many friends. Mr. K imbrough
is a successful business' young
man of Greenesboro. "tfe wish
them much success in life.
There was another vicious mad
dog at largo in this community
Monday night and it bit-- many
dogs in and around town . Tues
».«■*•« killed rr and
dogs were mu, 'H -
will bo killed. Beside!?
Mr. W R. Reid’s flnd’r ’ds
that w« bitten and yut
week, two more were t *on
day morning. People . j> the
walehont tor theeo d .ecrom
dogs and well they ma; be. It
is said that mad dogs afro nvunor
ous in the neighborhood of Now
Hope church in this county
MfONDERFUL are tho enren by
W¥ Hood’s Sarsaparilla, Mid yet they
are simple and natural. I lood’s Sarsa¬
parilla makes PURE BLOOD.
The dog belonging to Mr. A.
J. Chapman, that jbit /created so
much excitement and so many
dogs here last and woek that was
thought to be mad, died a few
days ago. Pryor Chapman says it
the dog bit him a week before
acted so strangely. Tho child
reported bitten last woek, was
only bruised by the dogs teeth,
the skin not boing broken. The
dog did not seem 'mad at the
time There it bit has the been ehildj a' sharp look¬
out for dogs since and the town
council has passedlan ordinance
condemning the dogs bitten by
Mr. Chapman’s dog.
Without A Rival.
As a positive cure for sprain*, brui*e«,
and pains of all kinds, Salvation Oil
has no equal. Mrs. Frank Juif, 518
Gratiot Ave., Detroit, Mich., writes:
*<j uge( j Salvation Oil in my family
and can say it has no rival as a lini
roent; it certainly cures pains. I
sprained my ankle and it cured me
and since then I. have always used it
for any pains and bruises.” Salvation
Oil is sold for only 25 cents. No other
■»* *ew° rk as promptly.
—Rev. R. E. L. Harris arid
Mr j w . Farmer went up to the
jj ap f tist Convention ; • Gaines
viI e this w eek
I U fit- /7 - !i n
Correspondents' Reports of Wind Their
Neighbors Talk
Of the llnpponiugt lit Their ltaspecttve I,o
otilltluf. All the New*.
The spring. Tho beautiful
Eggs aro plentiful and cheap
selling here at 8c per do/..
Miss Maude Rhodes visited
relatives here last Sunday.
J - '*’• Heard, Jr., went to Mad
. last week. lie soiling
lSon is
silverware '
Messrs. ,T. T n M. Sflggus r, and , J. r
A Rhodes spent Sunday last
with relatives hero.
There will bo a party at Mr.
Akins on Thursday night, the
last one or the season.
The Dramatic Club will moot
every Friday night as it is ex
pected ublic exhibition that the Club will give a
P soon,
Wo attended preaching at
Bethesda church last Sunday and
listoned to tt good sermon by
jj ev g. a. Gardner.
Our farmers have commenced
planting their crops. It is to bo
hoped Biafc that although tho harvest late in plant
big will bo
One of tho young men from
Holden doos not visit Robinson
as much as ho did last year,
Don’t know what tho trouble is
unless it is becauso ono of our
f a j r sox has gone to another
town to live this year.
Mr. It. R. Ilixon went to At
{ante Tuesday to attend the
on that day. We sympathize
with tho bereaved parents in tho
loss of such a bright littlo boy
«•» «'oir !«. In heaven',
, pnbltohin* M
L . Brittain s old check for he
was tired of reading it so much
and says it has boon in ns paper
ever smee ho subscribed for it.
We trust that lie will reconsider
and not stop his paper but sub
scribe at once for the Advocate
Democrat and get tho nows from
all around him.
with local applications, as they Catarrh cannot"
reach the seat of the disease,
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take in¬
ternal remedies, Hall’s Catarrh Cure
is taken internally, and acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not a quack
medicine It was prescribed by one
of the best physicians in this prescription. country
for years, and is a regular
It is composed of tho best tonics
known, combined with the best blood
purilieis, acting directly on combina¬ the mu
cous surfaces. The perfect
tion of the two ingredients is what
produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimo¬
nials, free. F J. CIIKN EY& CO.
Props., Toledo, O.
Hold by druggists, price 75c. best.
Hall’s Family Pills are the
The prospect so far is that we
will have a good fruit crop.
Weather still looks rainy, but
we were proud to see those few
fair days.
Miss Lena Smith of near Nor¬
wood spent a few days at the
Grove this week.
Miss Rosella Moore has return¬
ed home after an extended visit
to relatives in Atlanta.
Miss Norma Bohler of Wash
ington visited relatives and i
friends at Raytown last week.
Misses Stelia Rogers and j
Lucile Hill of Warren ton made
In Advance-
NO. 7.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated hculthfullnosN. forItagroatlcavenlugstrongth Assures tho food
against ulum and all forms of adult,ora
tion common to the cheap brands. K()Y
- -r-*
a flying trip io tho Grove Sun
da y
Farmers are surely making
tvouId' Iasi' 'a while° 1 i > u gor ' plani- titV-.y
would soon have their corn
Some from here attended tho
buriul of tho infanl 0 f Mr. Blalcfl
Jarrel Monday p. m. at the fumi
ly burying grounds; our sympa
thios go out to the bereaved,
Mrs. Will Harris of this neigh
borhood who wont to Emanuel to
visit her mother is quite ill wo
learn. Mr. Harris was also call -
od down immediately to see her.
A few days last week made the
youug people think of “picnics,”
the sun shone so warm, but if
chickens don’t hurry up there
will ho hut little fried chicken
when the picnic season comes
The two most critical times in
. the times
a woman,
these «'** times, w$»au l)r. I’imce a mbtheg. Fn-vbi * At
tte Prescription is of lilcalcelu
feminine, promotes regularity of
S’,[Sf.SrKritnMtn?^ tSflt»ndS “he
hJ d “ licato organism into
i rf t con(Jition . Almost aj ,
iUs f womanldnd aro trace .
ttblo to somo form of what is
k as „ fomalo complaints.” in
Th no t three cases a
hundrod ot wotnan - H peculiar Favor
disoascs that Dl , Pierce’s
Uo proscription will not cure.
In connection wllli watch, clock and
Jewelry repairing, during tho summer
months, (provided you bring the machine
to my shop) 1 will makosewing machines
run light and stitch perfect tlmt you con
shier worthless. I can repair any kind ot
machinery, I am a practical workman,
no cobbler. If I do uot give satisfaction l
want no pay. R. li. BTRoZEH, ^
Jeweler, Crawfordllle. On.
"Wow to Curo »tl Mklii
No Simply Internal apply “Sweyne's OlntrnJut,*’
medicine required, (lures
tetter, eezenut. Itch, all eruptions on tho
clear, facu, hand*, nose. leaving the akfti
whir* and healthy. Its great heal¬
ing and curative powers arc posso.sod Irv
Jo ♦wayne's other remedy. Ask Druggist for
—Mrs. Ida Harris is visijuiig
Greenesboro this week.
FREE Our 01 , .. ;c Medical reference
«,ok for men .n il .mnen afflicted wl/ft
. peculiar M
iii/v iorin of pr .* of •: Uisvn><:« youth, contagious
their n-x. trouble Bend two
disco* h. female etc. the i leads
cent st»mu« to pay postal n- to
in/ «;,«e,a »*ta ami ulf/sictana of thut ooa n*
(r » Dr. Hathaway & Vio.
t'A'/i Ho. lit: ** St.. Atlantn, (,a.
—Miss Mammio Hammack
went uj> to Greenesboro Wednes
For Infant* and Children. 15
Hi hy /f It
. M
tvt TJ