Newspaper Page Text
The Advocate-democrat.
8DOO Per Year.
The Alliance Store
Has Just Received
<•30 • DOm-e
Latest Style Straw Hats,
Which will he sold at following
prices each:
5c,, 10c., •J •1
25c., 35c., •» •»
65c., 75c., and $1.00.
Each of the above prices represents the very best VALUE.
Pure Home Matters Picked Up by Our
Local Reporters,
Whftt Our People Are Doing Anil Saying.
Things Our Friends Tell Us.
—Pretty good crowd in town
New buggies at J. N. Chap¬
man’s for $30.00
—Many report large fields of
corn already planted.
Don’t fail to buy your pants
at Alliance Store.
—Millard Henry went over to
Washington Monday on business.
.—Mrs. Dr. Phillipps returned
co fter ikfiEftf nr Afarfbiir Fuesuky r
Cheapest harness and riding
saddles in town at J. N. Chap¬
— Several new names added to
our subscription list this week.
—Mr. Dug. S. Stewart went
down to Augusta Monday on
New buggy, harness and
whip at J. N. Chapman’s for
—Mr. O. P. Bonner says there
was a mad dog killed near his
house Monday.
Early Amber cane seed 5c
per qt. at Alliance Store.
—Marshal Tucker has been
putting some much needed work
on our streets this week.
—Miss Carrie Nelson returned
this week from a visit to her
brother’s in Wilkes county.
•—County Commissioners met
last Tuesday and went over their
regular routine of business.
J. N. Chapman is still selling
the celebrated Columbia buggies
at $45. and $50.
Big assortment of lace and
embroidery at Alliance Store.
—Carl Holden and Oscar
Chapman returned Monday from
the Baptist convention a Gaines
—The lumber has been put on
the ground for the enlargement
of Col. Horace M. Holden's resi
dence on Broad street.
—Mrs. Geo. W. Tappan, visit
White Plains, has been on a
to her sister. Mrs. Dr. Reid of
this place, this week.
’ —Correspondents will please
send us only short news items,
People generally prefer some
thing "short and sweet."
The show windows at Al
liance Store are full of bargains
in straw hats.
—Mr. A. J. Chapman
there are one or two more dogs
in his section that are supposed
to have been bitten bv mad dogs.
—The bright hopes made by
the bright weather Monday
morning was slffi'htly dampened
that afternoon by a heavy show
>'o-Tc V.r.r for Fifty Ccnta.
GuarcrUA-c n *“
Tzen strong. rug :tS*
• —Mr. J. V. Garrett has receiv¬
ed a patent on his mop and he
has contracted to have them
made and is placing them on the
Victor sweep wings cheaper
than ever at Alliance Store.
—Rev. R. E. L. Harris preach¬
ed at the 5th Baptist church He in
Atlanta Sunday last. return¬
ed Tuesday from the Gainesville
—Jno. Stephens is preparing tect
commencing Monday and lasting
three days.
—Even some of the favorite
house cats have been slain un^
this section.
—Miss ... Mabel ... , Nelson, ,, , the .. „„ pop
ular assistant at the post office,
was absent from the office
several days this week on ac
count of sickness.
—Mr. J. V. Garrett says ho
wants to get up a cotton planter
with a boat attachment to meet
the demands of such weather as
we have had recently.
The Alliance Store will have
in a few days a full line of silks
for shirt waist, and latest style
plaids for skirts.
—Mr. Sam Lumpkin Olive,
son of Hon. Tom Olive and negh
ew of Judge Sam Lumpkin, will
be the orator for Memorial day
at this place. •
—Mr. W. Parkie Carlton of
Union Point, and Miss Jesse
Morton,of Clarke county, will be
married on the 14th inst. We
extend congratulations.
—You would feel good in & a
nice suit of Wanamaker
Brown’s excellent clothing this
spring weather. See samples at
the Advo-Democrat office.
—Many think the Confederate
Monument to be erected here
should be placed on the court
house square or somewhere in
town. Think this a good idea.
—Some of the ladies in charge
have very wisely selected the
plain inscription "In Memory of
Confederate Dead. 1861 -
65, ’ for the Monument soon to
be erected here.
—All who can and will help
with the singing for Memorial
day services are invited to meet
at the residence of Mr. V>. R
Gunn to-night (Friday) for a
practice of the music.
—Several couples have been
accused of being parties to the
marriage that was mentioned
1 * 8 * w ’ eek in these col *V 1 ? r f
? ldn . [ know so many were think
getting manied.
The directors of the Southern
B. & L. Association are advocat
tug the dissolution of f+ the . receiv . -
erships for the concern and al
lowing the busine-s to be settled
up outside by the directors.
may be the best plan.
One of (li*“ Best Bhotufraph of tin*
Mr. McD&nnell * w k » ad 17
years experience in, I ‘hfcogra
phy. having worket^Siu’) uffalo
and Detroit as well as s-/\ pal of
the leading galleries, in other
large northern towns, -hi id charge
of Photo Department?**' the great
Chautauqua, N. , Y,,*for two
years. The few years ik Georgia
he has been at CohihaBB Augus¬
ta, and the past tvs'w| 18 1 r ears at
Athens. .
. }f(ih
day HO and will Wednesday he W ***, fit Jno. Tuej- H.
Stephen's gallery. It is a life
time opportunity ,o have your
pictures mads. 5
L.yjo tor
Rain .shine , he , v in make ,
you a line picture. 1 h«ese pn
will cost considerately more
f ter Wednesday, the 14th.
Since our Sharon have received rj ews was
put in type we a
from the wonderful peach
of Mr. D. A. Pprkins, of
that section, on whic so many
peaches are growing freak J from that will one
bloom. It is a
have to be seen to malice it plaus
able, but we counted {thirty four
little peaches in one bloom and
there were seven blooms like it
on about seven inches of the
limb. We doubt if there was
ever anything like it before in
this part of the country. We
are told that all the blooms on
the tree are like the one we ex
Two years ago It- J. Warren, a
druggist at Pleasant Brook, N. Y..
bought a small supply of Chamber¬
lain’s Cough Remedy, He sums up
ihe result as follows. “At that time
the goods were unknown in this
section; to-day Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy is a household word. ’ It, is
the same in hundreds of communities.
Where ever the good Remedy qualities of
Chamberlain’s Cough become
known the people will have nothing
e'se. Forsale by Dr- fi. J. Reid.
.7, P. Atk’ nson, 17 year old
son of Gov. Atkinson, ran away
last week and married Miss Ada
Byrd of Atlanta. The bride is
only 14 years oid.
A Life Saved.
Marvelous cure* ol tliroat anil lung
affectiona are made daily by Dr. Bull’s
was attacked by a bfcd cough and cold,
and it was thought be bad consump
lion. Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup was
t0 our ^ ftnrpT - m(; it ma ,i c
him wcll and hearty. There is no
p etter cure j n the world than this
gyrup.” Dr. Bull’s Couch Syrup Ls
sold everywhere for 25 cents
Correspondents’ Reports of Wliat Their 1
Neighbors Talk
Of the UrtniM'ttinK# in Their lU'#pective l-o
onllticg. All the Now n.
News is scarce as frost in
Mr. J. M. Saggus and sister.
Rosa, visited relatives at Sandy
Cross last Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. I). A. Saggus is getting
work for eight or ten miles
around. He is progressing fine¬
ly with his shop and is doing
honest work at honest prices.
One of our boys wore a long
face last Sunday as it rained ail
day and he could not go to see
his girl; got his haircut though
just the same; says it won’t rain
Your humble scribe attended
preaching at Sandy Cross his
old home church last Sunday.
We heard a good sermon by Rev.
J.C.Bell the pastor. We will ever
cherish this place and people
nearest to our heart; it was hero
that we first listened to the Gos¬
pel with the ear of faith, here we
learned to love the Savior and
His cause, around this place we
days have spent some life. of We the happiest
of our shall never
forget the Sabbath school and
the faithful old teacher who so
faithfully taught and entreated
us to love and serve the Lord,
and the prayer meeting, the
beautiful songs of praise, how
they woulfl cl cor our hearts.
with local applications, as they cannot,
reach the seat of the disease, Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take in¬
ternal remedies, llnll’a Catarrh Cure
is taken internally, and acts directly
on the blood and mucous surfaces*
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not a quack
medicine- It was prescribed by one
of for the best and physicians is regular in this prescription. country
It years, is composed a of the best tonics
known, combined with the best blood
purifieis, surhtces* acting The directly perfect on combina¬ the mu
tion of the two ingredients is what
produces such wonderful results m
curing Catarrh. Send for testimo¬
nials, free. F* J. CHENEY & CO.
Props., Toledo, O.
Sold Hall's by Family druggists, Pills price 75c. best.
are the
itv orriZEK.
In Introducing the Holden ni lghhof
liood In your columns, wc bt:g leave to
clsiini that we have quite a number of en¬
terprising good citizens.
Holden la situated <>n tin- Greenesboro,
Bethany and Crawforrtville road near the
Taliaferro line, about M rnilea west, of your
town, and Is owiled by Mr. J. V- Andrews.
"A public glnerv, one store and the post
office includes all of its public business, all
of which are owned and controlled by Mr.
One am| one-half miles west of Holden
is Bethany Presbyterian eliurcli at wblcli
place is a flourishing school under tin: skill
management and tutorage of Prof. .1. K.
Rhodes. There is also an Interesting Hun
iluy school under the supervision of Mr.
1 C', E. Jordan who Is a very useful man hi
u, e church,
Our neighborhood also shares si portion
of the District officers: Judge H. M.
j King is our N. 1*. ex-ofllcio J.P. lie Is
| n very useful officer, always advising par-
1 tics to settle their diflerenct without
j litigation.
We also have the conveuience of a good
j saw mill owned and operated by rp-r Dr. M. I
vocations of lif<- and confine nftn ■ It to <!><
jpra<’i" of m"iicin' < <■- be,,
„d the com-!
™ •- in wf »" -n ices,
[\| ERVOUS Troubles are due to
impoverished blood. Hood’s Sar¬
saparilla is the One True Blood i
Fufiller and NERVE TONIC.
Ill Ad.-vrnn.oo.
NO. 8.
Absolutely Pure.
(VlcbruU <1 for lbigivut leavening siren gilt
unit healthfullness. Assures the food
against, alum mill all forms of mln 1 1 <■ i i
tion common to the cheap lirumls. ROY¬
and yet wo do not see how wo oould got
along without tlio saw mill: It Is the moans
of a groat, drill of improvement, in tlio
neighborhood. A good deal of repairing
and building Inis boon done In the neigh¬
borhood stnee Christmas: Among which
is n very nice collage that Mr, .1, V. An¬
drews Imd Imllt on bis plai-o for bis daugh¬
ter, Mrs. Ruxio Callahan.
W« also have the convenience of a llrst
class wood and blacksmith shop owned an
operated by Mr. Birdie King. Birdie Is n
very enterprising young man and will
do ii blless succeed in future life.
VVIdle the fanners have complained a
great deal about ruin, yet they do not serm
to be entirely discouraged from the honest
licks they put In us soon ns the ground
gets In order to plow.
Preaching at Bethany eliurcli on the
third Sunday evening of each month by
llie Rev. Mr. Burgess.
Judge Hal Flyia, of Cruwfordvlllc who
Is representing a wholesale clothing house
of Chicago, is In Holden neighborhood
of ilriees. mv goods at IfJCk
Dr. Hi mis, of f’rawfordvilln came out
on Tuesday to see Mrs, Hendrick who Has
for some lime.
Doii’frolinffo Sjilt mid Smoko Your Ml (ft Awny,
To rjult tobacco dually arid forever, bo nmff
nolle, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No To¬
nne, the wonder-worker, that makes ivonk men
strong. All drnj.'*!, .Wo or $1, (Tiro puunin
teed. ItooUlct ami sample free, AtUlnss
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New Volk.
Mr. Harry Hill lias been ap¬
pointed supervisor ol the North¬
eastern railroad to take effect
April 15th.
To Cure CoiimI !,„iIloit rorovrr.
Talus CiifnirotK Oiuniy driarifistH l atlmrlic to<■ or‘Me.
If C. (J. C. full to mi l , refund mou- v.
/V<lv(,i-tlli<,il I-r!t,• s,.
The follow's m~- letters' riuniilu iss the
offllce atCrnwforilville, Hr. I of this muni Is
uncalled for:
Inn. It. Angiil, Rev. Tlio«. (billici-tmi,
Rev. (I- W. Johnson. Mr. 1‘Vcil Martin,
Mr. Juliii Morgan, cure St Jniiu s Hotel,
Mr. Charley I'lctve, Mins Murrlc Wilder,
Mr. Robert Washington.
t! «
While I nin In peace with everybody
)icrc and am able to gu ofV l am preparing
to luayc and take f ids mctliod to ask all
who an* due me anything 'to pleu-c eomc
forward and Kttlc at once.
Crawford vf I Jr?, On., April Cth 7.
take; notice.
/ii eonructlon with watch, dor k and
jewelry repairing, during the summer
month ft, f provided you bring the machine
to my whop; I will make sewing nmehlncH
run light, and Htiteli perfect that you con¬
sider worthless. 1 can repair any kind of
machinery, I a in a practical workman,
no cobbler. Jf Ido not give -aHnfaeiion I
want do pay. If. R. VrifO ZMt,
Jeweler, Craw/ordllle, Oa.
“nr™wt«rurr«ii>*kiiii»(».. r ,.„.-*
gimply apply “Swayn<-'s (H,i; ~
jfo Internal medicine r« quired
fe'aSSCU- ( nnd curativ.- >ng - oil ■ t
np , ‘‘th
otffir re,m ; n- Ak Ih i ,i
Thin or gray hair anti bald
heads, so displeasing of to many be
people as marks age, may
averted fora long time by using
Hall’s Hair Rertewer.