Newspaper Page Text
No Cripe old-fash*
When you take Hood's Pills. The big,
ipned. sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to
pieces, are uot in it with llood s. Pasy to take
and easy to operate, is true Pills
of Hood’s Pills, which are
up to date in every respect.
Safe, certain and sure. All
druggists. ‘25c. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
The only Pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
Oiciil Organ of Taliaferro Co.
Mr. Davies, of the Marietta
marble works, was in Crawford
ville this week and besides tak¬
ing other orders, took a contract
to erect a neat Confederate Mon¬
ument in Crawfordvillo to the
memory of the brave heroes who
fought for their country and who
now silently sleep beneath our
soil. The monument is to bo ten
feet high neatly carved out of
Georgia marble, The town
council has agreed to appropriate
§50.Off toward paying for the
monument. The company agree
to deliver it here prepaid for
§100.00. The remaining fifty is
to be raised by the Ladies Me¬
morial Association by private
subscriptions, and entertain
This is a most worthy move
and we know that the remaining
§50.00 will be readily raised. No
town of tho size of Crawfordville
should be without a lasting
monument to the memory of the
soldiers of 1861 and 1865.
Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, bcfqre
lie died.'suggested that a monu¬
ment be erected at once, on the
northeast corner of the court
house square, It should be
erected on the square, on the
southeast side or in center of
Broad street near the square.
From this point it can be seen
the full length of Broad street
and can be seen from Liberty
Hall and from the monument of
Mr. Stephens. The court house
square is the place for it.
' Since writing the above it lias
been jcided to enlarge amount
a- r have a much larger monu¬
ment erected.
A Timely Friend.
With perfect propriety may we call
that excellent remedy, Salvation Oil,
a timely friend. This liniment rapidly
cures rheumatism, neuralgia and pains,
when other remedies fail. Mr. Jno.
M. Hall, Ashland, Va., writes : “I
suffered with rheumatism in the ankle
and the muscles connected therewith.
Salvation Oil at once relieved the sore¬
ness, reduced the swelling, and cured
the pain. No other liniment that lever
used did me so much good.”
Greene-boro has subscribed the
last dollar of §120,000 for a cot¬
ton factory. This will be money
well spent by our sister city.
sk a- FRIEND”
v^- Shortens labor, lessens pain,
* r ;v diminishes danger to life of
both mother and child and leaves her in condi¬
tion more favorable to ejjeedy confinement'’ recovery.
-Stronger after than before
says a prominent midwife Is the best remedy
Known and worth the price for that alone.
Endorsed and recommended by midwives and
all ladies who have used it.
Beware of substitutes and imitations.
Makes Child-Birth Easy I
Sent by Express or mail on receipt MOTHERS of price,
jl.on per bottle. Book "TO
mailed tree, cooiaining voiantary testimonials,
aox.n bt ai.c cBvoGisTs
The history of _ this ,, . country ,
since i86.) has abundanUy proven
that while secession might have
been an unwise remedy for ex
isting evil tendencies, the pnn
ciples for which they contended
many of. right them even ’ 1 he unto death,
were irrepressi
ble conflict between centralized
power and the liberties of the
people has not yet been fought
to a finish. 1 he battle ground
has been changed, but the strug
gle still goes on. Thirty years
ago it was the nation against the
state, to-day it is the ‘‘trust
against the individual.
There is nothing treasonable
in the observance of Memorial
Day. Truly may it be said:
We mean no treason liy tears and song:
Who think such things do m deep
A patrot’s grave ne’er yet bred treason
These heroefdead were of our own:
We can’t forget though time has flown,
That in their death they met the
tyr’s honored fate.
FREE—Oar afflicted wlti
oookformca atwi women
ih'r form of pri -.-atc disease, pt-euliar tt
their sex, errry.z ot youth, crn'agioui
diseases, kraal. tro«U» etc. Send i t ro
coot stamp* bj ptvf va*A‘V- u ’ lead.
fo, *jeciaii*i* and plfyaiclaas of this court*
V7. Vr. Hathaway & GO.
So* St.. Atlanta, rs.
The Spectator. j
. .
* Some Things He lias Soon, :
* Heard and Thought About. * * * j
The Spectator notes with re- j
gret the growing indifference of
our people to Memorial Day. j j
This indifference is easily ac
counted for-but the very expla
nation that forces itself upoti us
is humiliating 1
Success is the world's standard
of righteousness. The man or
the cause that succeeds is ap
plauded. while the nnui i
carnse that fail are oo t« 1
with contempt, or at most with
the charity that is supposed to ;
cover a multitude ot sins. jvi,, i
•‘worship the rising sun. |
Much of the world s worst rea
soiling has been put into our
thoughts about the cause for
which the South shed so much
blood in ’61-’05.
The cold, cruel logic of this
reasoning shapes itself into
this deceptive syllogism: The
right is always successtul; but
the South failed; therefore the
South was wrong. This sort of
logic would prove that the holi¬
est causes for which men have
given their lives, and met death
at the martyr’s stake, were
wrong, and deserved tho failure
that has (apparently) come to
them in many of the centuries of
the past.
******* 1
We need to observe Memorial
Day not merely as a tribute to
the dead soldiers of the ‘ •lost
cause” but rather as a means of
education to the generation that
has grown up since the war, and
know little of tho merits of
the great question whose agita¬
tion resulted in tho bloody con
ilict of arms that terminated
thirty two years ago.
Our children must never be
taught that their fathers and
grandfathers wei’o traitors, and
that they fought only to keep
the negro in slavery.
Km mufeirtTuA oi the lathers
was not for the continued slavery
of the negro race but for the
freedom of the States. Then as
now, there were centralizing ten
dencies that threatened and itn
periled the fundamental «. i •
ciples upon United which the govern
ment of the States was
founded—principles that were
the basal facts of the Constitu
tion itself. In 1860 and in 1897
the Constitution .. and i • the ,,
was is
otection . • ol the .i peojlle , of c tills .
country against the reckless un
restrained rule of the majority.
The fathers believed that they
had , -j ceitain . . lig'llts | , undoi i tho . l
Constitution which were endan
dailgered by tho results of tho
election of 1860. Hence they
seceded from the Union. The
war was not of their seeking.
With them it was a war of self
p irst ._ Tjttr , ar „ mni . wllo tllinIc t(in
Prindpalo ,J , * „ lto 0Jll f , 4M . for
l fivc nt|ls Vuar wl ,„„ ot l<!r
fJ|k , nfty „ IC i< rin( ,p U | m. or
, ]()0 , ,,,.
A) , v Jta , rong thlnk „ Jtlt tlo)i .
d |l0uW fo Is t() atl(!1M(
tlllrd . nite clr , lis( . s BU(i kw . l h kl> ,,,. hl . y
(lun( . c s|iW(
Third -A teacher doc, not need six or
, lgllt assistant, in the comm unify, serving
wlthout . .!
Foi)rtll ._ >So ,„ eprt . f ,. r ,, av ignorant m gro 82day to build a
(;llIm t(lM)1 , , ,i rhl .,i„., tf;ar))W
a Inonlll to imild up their child's mind,
moral*, anil m,uiners.
Fifth.—Doe* Crawfordville projio-a; to j
sustaiu a nine inouili-’, HIGH ^.school,
t,r ,nL ' rc, y 11 five month-’ COL'N'IIG
ACADEMY? One half the chizuua, by \
li " ir uc *‘ OM » P r,-! ‘ r th a latter. Proof—
tUe 'all, 75 in the spring.
Sixth.—Everybody appear* to know I
how to teach school - except—except the
t " u " ,er - ,Ie «° r ‘ ,lal! y 1,,vit, ' s tlw “ wU "
*iave hotter mathods to come over and
teach a day or two. He premises good
pay and close attuntion.
Seventh.—tued to work In this
ord, making. ’ r ‘ The people K,1,lc » tlon were *«'» prnsjicrou* j [
then. But now Bum v have reversed 11 Jf
order, and tl,,.y become poorm- evert
To Cure (^wllpitllon borever.
Tako Caecarcte Cant/y Cathartic. 10c or 25c ;
f f e. C. C. fail wdroggieu rofunu muuoy
Whon ''hey put his a man in jail, in- ]
hecanno follow natural
clination;|- u7iet° Ho cannot 1S notejual- oat y.hat
ly tro<' of a dyspeptic? For
all of the real enjoyment he gets
out of lift’. he might as well be in
jail- H - cannot eat what lie
likes. u f >J J' J 3
much, yMts . tittle sympathy. ., At
fir.t. povtops « little heaviness
in the stdmach, a little sourness,
windy ^ uelchings and heartburn;
£ e “ dll ; S ^S^i^Cst^aS irflio 1 n3Hn U Ui!
, g almo6 inevitable, and means
that the ' >ody is holding poiso
nous impure matter that should
£ > J , rj i of ; The tho‘ noison is
. 0ilbsol . b< d into blood
, lll( j i vhole body Impurity
j t t j 1( , |.lood may lead to almost
dU el iae. Constipation is tho
start of it all. Dr. Pierce's
Pi,v,.„«f I ledsaut PpIIou e • 1
tion, cure it so it stays cured.
No other remedy in the world
will do that.
Send ' 21 cents in ono-cent
stamps io World’s Dispensary
Medical Association, Buffalo, N.
Y., and receive Dr. Pierce s 1008
page coni moii sense medical ad
visor, illustrated.
OiH! of Mr' hardest jobs that fall lo llm
lot of man *r woman is that of the school
teacher. is true that It luis its period
of viicatioriteaeli year, but it Is not true
that it always pays enough for Die work¬
ing months'o enable the teacher to rest
duriu E hol,da >’ s - But wo are not
speaking sopnuch of Hie physical confine.
meat or tho mental drudgery, as upon the
exactions oh the position, and the unreas¬
oning deirfi.nds of parents iniil the ,'public
for results. There is an interesting article
along this Y'uo In Harper’s Bazar, from
which uc quote as follows:
Is there fliy other class on which the
community makes demands so severe us
in case of touchers, public or private? No
physician i»expected to cure all Ids pa
Tii*c comes a time when every
one of thePnno matter how carefully
tended, |>u-“' beyond his reach. No law¬
yer saves exiiblt» fpGs clients; unbroken no clergyman or
revivalist an phalanx of
saints. Ve’k'O teacher, who constantly
has to e with the infyuutee of the
wet. i with that oi fiie home, is
8X l w ’ cttMl 11 h1s v,! nr “ x hl,nrH “ <ill v t0
’‘ewmpHuh more than «di the sources of
,iVl1 l 'J l ' io ’ imi ' tl> 1>ring tml ail l,is
P ,1 P illi llil "i M,los8 “ nd compkte-soul, body
and gramumr. Madame UoImihi .me,, do
hned maiTjagu as hu Institution where
one portion upw expected to provide hap
uss u b a school is an Institu
, .
' ... |o - v ’ 1>e *' M '‘" ,l , "‘"'tipi,cation .
".ble for at mast forty. 8„ro y this Is
cruel remi in ment. JNo maxim ih more
f forinidanle .. ,, , t-lmt 4 Uermiin proverb,
brought home many years ago ih'e liy Horace
Mann, "As a the teacher, sols school,”
It would licipiitc »h true to »ay. “As me
']'c parent-. s« i« the school” or ‘‘as me
tlic; Grandpa! Hits so Is the school,” since
these relatives created the brain-cells and
the moral flbw of each set of pupils, and
the teacher takes these ingredients and
make* tl.« best Jm can of them.
JIr - E ' )llor ~ 1 lu ' •* l,ovu articIc cl| l'P wl
rru,n Aus»i*ta Chronicle i-tso pertinent
llt tllis t,mi ‘ thut 1 fl>rhciir a » klu «
v0 " t0 l> ul>ll » l, lt -
There arc a few other facts that pertain
to our L'rawfcrdvIlJe school.
The Georgia railroad is work
in & «P scheme that will prove
beneficial to itself and to the
towns along its line. They have
requested Mr. Holden, their
a#?ont , } iere< ascertain how |
many J boarders can be acconuno
hated Cm. .,lie , ... .InnitR , .
dm summer, what amusements
we can furnish summer board -
ors and hmv ouv roads ^ for
bicycle riding, etc. All this in
formation Mr. Holden has been
gathering. The railroad will
dkelv 1 - v sell season 1 } tickets llU£C from ~ 1
here to Augusta . to go and re-1
turn even every day in the week |
at a small faro so business poo
plo of Augusta can board up
here and go down and return ° * 1 ; ■
each day y on the picayune. 1 \ This
. good chance for the people
is a ■
who wish to take boarders to aid I
the road in making our town a J
popular summer resort.
Mrs. A. lnveen, residing at 720
Henry St., Alton, III., snffmetl with
sciatic rheumatism for oyer eight
months. She doctored for it nearly |
the whole of this time, using various -
remedies recommended hy friends, nnd
was treated relief. by die physicians, (hen but re
ceived no She nsfid one
and a half bottles of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm, which effected a complete
cure. This is published at her re¬
quest, ns who wants others similarly
afflicted to know what cured her. The
2.7 and 70 cent sizes for sale hy Dr. it
J. Reid, Druggist.
Many people regret tho de
miso of the Evening Constitution
but many more are proud that
they still have a most splendid
evening paper in the Atlanta
Journal. Col. E. P. Powell has
sold his interest in the Atlanta
Constitution for
Americans are tin. .cost inventive
people on eartb. To them imvo been
issued nearly (>00,000 patents, oi*more
than one-(lin'd o! all thepaients »*n«d
in dm ivorM. No V«i«<A.vvefy <*t mod
ern years has been of greater benefit
to mankind than Chamberlain’s Colie,
Cholera and Diarrl oea Uemedy, or bus
done more to relieve pain and suffer
ing, J. W. Vniighn, ofOamon. Ky.
says; “I have used Chamberlain's
Uolic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Uemedy
in my family for several years, nml
find it to he the best medicine I ever
used for cramps in tho stomach and
bowels. For sale by Dr. K. J, Keid.
The Georgia Baptist conven¬
tion will meet in Augusta next
1* on
Col. A. E. Buck has secured
his Japanese persimmon—he will
represent this country in free
silver Japan.
Coughs tickling in the
Is there a
throat? Do you cough a great
deal, especially when lying
down? Are you hoarse at
times? Does nearly every cold
you take settle in your throat?
These "throat coughs" neglect are
very deceptive. Don’t
them. Troches, or cough
syrups won’t touch the spot.
You must take remedies that
will enrich the blood, tone up
the nerves; and heal the in¬
flamed membranes.
Cod-liver Oil with Hypophos- remedies.
phites contains such
It has wonderful nourishing
and healing power. The cause
of the cough is removed; the
whole system is given new life
and vigor; and the danger
from threatening lung trouble
is swept away.
Book about it free.
For tale by all drjggnts at 50c. and
> 1 . 00 .
SCOTT «c BOWNH. New Yorit.
Tho Ladies Memorial Associa
tion of Crawfordvillo finds that
tho portion of tho Crawfordvillo
cemetery set apart for the graves
of colored people is in an nn
couth condition, and suggests
that, those colored persons who
have friends or relatives buried
there clean tho respective graves
by April 15, or it will be taken
for granted that no graves are
there, and stops will bo taken to
improve the looks of tho place.
Dr. D. L. Farmer is homo after
completing . his course ot three
years and getting his diploma
from tho Southern Medical Col
higo in Atlanta. Dr. Farmer
took a high stand in his classes
iind ,s w “ n i;«H»a r oU tor h,s i.fu
work. . Dr. Fanner intoriiis us
that he thinks of oi locating lo, .inn at ai
Crawfordvillo lor the present at
Seven Months With Fever.
Wonderful Hticovory of lloaldi.
^ 7 :—:—
medicine over produced, tmtnoly:
Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine,
ws ~ ~
1 1
m Cl
a v4 . /. W- m \ fm
J. !1. lUttin.
’^^1?^."“ t“KST‘tbSS" l K
feve'r ^ laid
i„ \ u «i f„ r month*. Art.i uottinx
«nuvr*: s
^”,^1 'Av^i^'ai.d at
t,,. r in ail my ltt«, and weigh ate ‘ pounds,
"‘ ,1U| ’ Ur,>
South Hond, Ind. j. ir. jiAiitD.
ffuarantoo Dr. Miles* thut Nervlno tho Bnitbottle 1 h nold on will a ponltiyo iHiiiolit.
A11 <lru]tf!flHl.M Hull It. lit. ®l, rt botthifi forffl.or
it will boHont. propHld, on ruculnt of prlco
l>y tho Hr. MUct* Mud leal (Jo.» JL Ik hurt, lna*
Dr. Miles’ Nervine Rc«torea ...Health
n or iij it f
I want every man nml woman Jn Iho HnltfMj
Btatfi lutoroMterl in the Ofilurn and \V!il«ky
habits to have one of my Woolley, hooks on iho«e die
<ia .*»«, Address II. M. Atlanta, Utt-*
iloi Wl. n»<l one will bo mint you tree.
Wanted-An idea S 5 SS
Protee^fMir^dejH^the^jiimj^ bnni^y''B we •fill
ney«, WashliiRton, l>. Ofor their prise offer
an«) JUl of iwti hundred InvontlonH witnlfitj.
i Many nut i* ar#»nuffarlnguntold tor mad lei good mlaary. nnd apand- bad,
ng tholr monny bf intolligiifit n*»n irnatruent
but for llio want, HELP »r«t
being laid av/av in proinatriro grnvaa.
lain tho raacn of ovary anflorinu and wwnk
ES AND DRAINS, whnUior thnjr bn from
tiio overwork, onoctaof sfoknoas, eurty urrors, from jntiiaoretlons
or any chuw»,
we oon f|uicUly nmt.boda »ncl permanently known cure
by nniHt unfulHnu IT. 1,o niodnrn
pjndieal FthnurnuUNfM, ttk I A J moat all oiww of iJonaumptl on
L'atairh, Kldnny nnd l.ivnr fVim
plnintv, •■.nn bn triwiod to than* diannana, nnd bv
applying tnn propar rnmndinn n cum can «l
v»ny» bo nffnclnd. Many man auffnrlng from
Minan dlNnaNnaaro llkodrowning *uob Fran rrMcriptlnfMD /non, u rnaidog
aftnr rnnro nlruwn, aa find thninanlvna
dupnd Vrun 'Vr^nt.utttntM, fraudulent etc., only C5. to C). druwHlxt■
by womn 1>. or
mndlclno oontvnny, 8 TOP •xporiranntlng.
Wenivo a I 0 f 4 . 1 l Ooncf or Guarantee
to euro or refund your money.
Trnatrnerit nt homo iu> wall aa here: mmtne
prion, aarnn guarantnn. To thoaa who prefer
to come hero we will hotel contract to rnfund
railroad fall faro nod oxponMM if e>e
to cur*. l*r 82 SO.OOO.OO capital
back of rotund our ahnolute Guaran If
cure or your money. you am
tJmd of qtwicknry. it yon havnnny of the abovn
■ yinptofON tbat aiakn Jlfn u mlonrabin nxbft
WRITE U8 and wn will wind FREE*
valunbln p«|Hir fulJy nxplafnlng thnnn 'Iimimm,
and our inotbodaof tha rurmt par fact, medio*) rnliable aoi
and effnotlvn trnatmnnU known atrletly to ounlidnnUeL
mnoe. tk,rrnapo#»dnnno until ordered.) Addreee
(No lund/cinn* w»nt
tate Medical Co„ Omaha, Neb.
(Of N-jb/mik i, I unorporeted.)
A SPECIALTY I'naiorr.H**
__________ O|HOM OfKler forTerw
tlury «LOOI> I perroaneot^f
ruredIn IbtoZO •tern. You can be tresUctl at
home for same prif^j under Mniogu^rtta
tjr. If you prefer toc^/me here w<- wnicoa*
trer-.l to pa y rai Jroad farcand h< -Uj 1 bil !• wo fall to euro. If you have taker; mer¬
cury, lo did® >>ot:iali, and still have ache* and
pain*. M ucou* In mouth. Worn T Ii rout*
Flinplea. C»pp»f Colored Hpots, Llcere ort
•• roanintcfftoctir«. WeaolkHt the moat obew
! 0*1. CUM »n<l Cliallene. th n world for a
«... W«!0»ni>otciir«, of T'a» IH.OMO eminent ha. phyal*
Waffled the »VIII the moat
Ciena. RAOO.OOO A baolute capital iwoofa bf bind sent our acaled wnf*,r»0W rm
tP^nal epplirJtlon. goffranty. iddreas C’fHlR,KKM KD Y
KTl eMVBth T.mplr, CU1CAUO. 1U. ^