The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, April 09, 1897, Image 4

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Our Regular n Corrowindeni
Wntcs lintei taiain^iy.
Some Presidential Nominations
Sent in to the Senate.
Some Comparative Figure* l or the Month
of March. Wear Admiral Puv+oli Retired.
Public l>eht Statement. Foreigner# and
Our Tariff. Other "latter#.
'i'hc I’resi.U-nt Hi tt.l to tint Semite
Thursday tint following nominations:
Stub! Andrew it. Whit.-, of N«‘W
York, to i*i AmbacMtidor Kxtraordlnary
and Min inter i i.-nipotontlury i a tlie
United State* to tier many.
William U. Draper, of Maswu-Uuaetta.
to la- Ainbaet-.nlor Uxtraor! tiar.t and i
Minister i’h-uliiotimtlnry of tie- United |
Htnbn to Italy.
Chandler llale, of Maine, to be Sec
rotary of the m the United
States at Home, Italy.
Samuel h, Gra/toy, of Massachusetts,
to tie Oooeui of the United States at
Pu-OlMttu, Old Jin.
An*m Burlingame Johnson, of Oolo
ratio, to Vie Consul of the United States
at Amoy, Oliijm.
VV 11 h d r a wn Atirtolt Burlingame
JoblMoii, to lie (kmialll 111 Phu-CIuiu.
Intfirlor Henjmnlu Buttorworth, ol
O'Ulo, to 1 m- ('mum iaslottor t,f t ’at.-nts.
TrcuKUry Oliver I,. Spaulding, of
MJcUIgtui, to l»i> Assllurtt Secretary of
ttu- 'IVfxt.Mitry.
William it. Howell, of New Jorwy,
to Is- AnulnUuit Secretary of t he Trea*
War. '-Oapl. Itobrri r'raiK, .Signal
i kflrpH, U> Major.
Col. Krcd D. Grant, of New York,
and non of <«pii. U . H. (JraiLt, lum icon
ofTt n-il U»p pusitioai of
rotary of W ar aud t«oa tin* offer under
.......unit lily comparative statement
of tin* t •ovornstivdit jumI ex
pejuittnrea eh.»w the t*»t«j reveipbt dur
tog M«« ili to hare been $ntl,2tT,«82,
ami tho Aiil/uj.- |Ti.2Vl.WT,
louring u Hiwpluv for the month of to
i*H,t»sr> Tble exciHM Is due olmool en
Mroly to tacrotoe'd retsfljila from cun
tom#. During March IMS I, tla-rc wiih
a dotUSt of about *2 Skt.OOO. The to
tal recclpte ilitriug tlw* I st nlm- utontlia
were f2-447.H!»,Of,l ami is- o.V|M‘iidlturea
*‘ASI.tHMl,:v'(2, leaving Ihe itetU-U for tluit
IH-rhnl H’ The receipts from
ciiKtom# during March amount,-d to
*22,K«,H5tl as with Ilil.MI,
215 for Ma is'h, t si Ml. The reoeiplH
from internal revi.irK* Iiuti-:! -i-d aliout
s:i75,0Uo over March of ' isi yen'.
Itaiir Admiral Joltn II. Itu^MCdl, re
tln^l. died n4 Iiim I’u^idemv In
ton after Hii iLIm^ of i ion lh. Me
was Vxwn lu FtvtlerU’k, Md . In
and eiUi*red the uhvj a midshipman
w lu'ii onl> 11 yua -1 Id. ID now imiuh
Active naval st v during tlu Mexi
im wo r, H4id lotuj si list im*l ion
III ivnmv ’i' th the of
<'ll Lilt'K*> | n > i •O. dotivering
dTs|*ati*h» v n (I (' <u oitt
« UiJ> I iy \'-i h Aim in and Hnglish
• •iivoys wet iMlniUiotl to uudiom'i’.
The tm>iM h*> to a amt of the nubile
tb*l»t shows that at tb«’ uIonu of husD
nii^ YYisIm'iWa , March Sli*. Uw debt,
less <* in Hn* ti\\isiiry. aun»u-uted tt»
$l, 0 tlH, 0 tl 2 . 1 ? 0 O. a Teenv^we for ihe
month of ".n/JM. I'bls
a«HNHMiUHl for by a o>n>*s|mml.i]ir <k»
eretiM* iji amount of oasa on hand. TLa*
debt in trlatisl as follows:
ItiOToat luviring .lebt, .«MT.5G4,U50;
debt on which interest ha* ceas'd
siniN» maturity, $l.,*»5\?60; debt bear
ing m. nb- :>T.«• :x». l\daJ. $1.
•J'Jb.ooT.osr. rtos. however, doe* not
imlude *. 7.1 in ortlficati# and
trsMsury n»*U's outstanding and offset
by iu* equal amotuu of t*ash in the
TIk- <ti#h in tlie rmwnry is cln tiled
a# follow# ilnlil. 212.V . silver.
.vM7.SnS,2II: pnjHH-. *151 iC.7 :..H B ml#
tliaburstug ..ffic #’ ImIhui-.’w. »W>.. J17,
stB.'XW. Total. S#7 '4»,75it. a gin not
which titero .tic ik-ugiu.l i.abtlitic#
lunowiriiig iu *ti53.t!M.I63. which
linvts a -i*'’i iialamv in the tcMdsars
>f *222.olo.'JtW.
TIh- first open and t\ia-:iial nxpres
sion* of diwnusfauihat with tin» ja-ml
ing tanff tiiU on the (Mil of foreign
tatrt.ais Imre eon-., to the State l*ei>ari from Japan an - Argentine.
Tlie Jape ni we Miti>#t Ini# oxiitv-esyl
tlie regret of tus t*.*. t ihe
proixwed s.VqaHm .if silk *ch« 1 .i!.*
tluit .without pr tjt lie. rig to Wp iK th*
tilaanfacturers of the Unites 1 Ftauw,
throaten seriously tin- import troth 4 It
pan ha* f-ntted built States up at grent in exp-m- anti • [tartly niui j j
th<; raw
" :an ' lfa ' !lu r ttl Hilk
1 The Argentine Minister has adaed ,, .
hi« j trot!-tit, iu the usual diplomatic
form, against the proposed duty on ;
hides and other raw material corning
from his country iu great quantitia*
to the United States. It is pointed oi*t
by biin that when the United Slotos,
iu the Wilson bill, placed wool on the
free list and placed no duty on hid-*,
Lh* OoTermnesit of Argentine voluB
tartly, in recognition of the friendly
»j«Irit Bhown by the United State*, re¬
sponded by placing lumber, of which
great stores were exjiorud to Bucaioa
Ayres, on tin ir free list, and by reduc¬
ing duties on otter important import*
frost the United States.
Richardson Block and Other Chat¬
tanooga Property Burned.
A Prominent Citizen F alls Six Sto
r j es an( j |, Crushed to Death.
UnderTonsof Iron and Brick. Heavy hx- j
plosion Preluded the Uire,Which Wrought
jj eat (, and ttestruction. Half a riillion
Chattanooga, 'IVtin. Fire broke out i
at 3 o’clock Satuntay monrlns in the
ftiohardaon Building, on Market Ktrec-t,
and In two liourw the handaomcKt store
aud office building in the city was a
^ ruLnB. One threatening wall
overlooking Market street emperlla the
safety of passera-by, and prohibit
trultic for art eutlre square.
Boyd Kwing, roeeivor of the Hast
Teonctftsee Land Ooiupany, fell six sto
riea aud was crushed to death, while
B. M. Patton, architect, the designer
Llie building, is Lmriuii iwid< r hiiv
tlrv'de of tons of debti*.
The buUdlng w«* »ix irtorleo high *nd
the tavgeto office Week lu the c>lt^.
law library *>t 6tKJ volumes was loeat
ed ott the fourth floor, auA together
with many valuable collections, were
lost. Tlie loss on law liooks uloue la
*100,000. 1’he tire origUutted In the
boiler rtHiiu of the basement and waa
prewded by a heavy explosion, plainly
Ueunl for many blocks. 'l*he ground
site wo* originally purchased for $110,
(KKi, while the cost of The super-atruct
ur»‘ exceeded *160,000. It was in the
renaissance style. There Is aliout *175,
(kto Inanrance, *01,500 of whlcli w.ia
placed with local firms and was carried
Oil tlio building. The greatest loss re
suited from the total destruction of
valuable personal Insurance, railway
and legal documents, tliat cannot be
replaced. Only the contents of
stored in the block are saved. I lie
ntliecti of tlu* Chattanooga South
mi, mid the Chattanooga, Borne & Co
lumbus Railroad, the local offices of
It. t; Dun A- Co., tlie National Build
lug & Ianui Oomptiuy, and numerous
l uge agencies, insurance, mercantile
and manufa tun>rs wuiv located here,
tik* total losses cannot ho stated in
figures, but will not full short of $500,
Other losses a re Hu* Y ager building,
adjoining, *5.000, occupied by O. A.
Morris & Co., s,xsi dealers, loss on
Mock *3,000. Tb* Third National Bank,
across the street, caught fire, but the
IIallies there were extinguished with
out much damage,
The IUcliardaon building waa tbo
proj^erty of the American Investment
Ooiupany. compostnl of * mde and t'-haa.
Richardson ant! tin* estate of John
RUdianistii. all of New Orleans
Kd 1*'- RUdiartUon, manager id the
property, hatl a narrow eseape by the
dre e^ivipe. but Boyd Kwing. who
fainted in Richardsou's arms, dropped
to the pavement from the sixth door
window hen the former became ex
hauated. SeSveral ctlar ixvU] >ant*
*uffei«d slight »eoithnits.
A Sculflc Reaults Fatally.
Jackson. Mi<*. A siMH-iaJ from Car
rollloa to tlie Clarion-I.-otigvr. says:
Mr. Jcsso H;irt, acootn|vini'rl Miss No- j
ni Ugglcwtou to church last iiight. Do
their i-ctiim home the young laiiy pick
.al up a fiSUil Unit had liven left ta the
l«rlor, »1 hw Hart, jokingly ordered
her to put it dow n. Fhe |4nyfully re
fu-id and a scuttle ensued, when the
pistol was dtorltarged and Mw Bggle- i
stou. the la-lie of the i»uuty. fell .lead
with a bullet through her brain. Hart
is erased with grief.
- J. 2
(( ' Z r'/e
\\ JIQ.-/W
"■\ v m FL
■ 5> /F§^ \ mt W f I
m I
m s'
j / . SL Jfc a?. * o- & L
7 // 1
g Superior To AIS SarsapariSIas. i
I il 4P
t! i own in Georgia, over fift v v. ago, marvelous medictn.. was discovered. It was what
is now known !>. I*, p., (Lippman' s Ureht Remedy ), and its fame and mentation has been
growing with the years. shoulders, and joints, . .
Dyspepsia, " Ythfumatism, Blood Poisoning, Pain in Skin the Diseases, side, waists, it has been berk equalled. ft
Malaria, Scrofula, and all Blood and never
Pam is subjugated, Health Renewed. Appetite restored and sleepless nights banished by
\/,V \|yl f’-JN __ its wonderful influence.
,'5r P. p. is a wonderful t> otic a:td strengthener. Weak women should always take
V‘-___ y I». p. I*. It builds them up. It ha-,’lie universal commendation of medical men convince throughout
the aoang-y, kf-jsfical because we publish the formula on every bottle, and one trial will the
: I that it is a genuine health restorer.
\ FAad The Truth And Be Convinced. <1
'A 5 vras a 1 ariyr A Wtsntierfu! to mil scalar rheumatism Curb. tor thirty jfrllent ■week. Drs. J. thin 1 handle RICHARDSON. about one Piedmont, dozen bottles S. C. a
1 ’N) vent*; i f'W, U 31 medici nes and doctors with no per- . y\
; iiiaiient if; I was advised to take P ]’. p. and
\\ I’ beto-.e I w.tS;il'!e I tod ftnislietl work. two I feci bottles better tuy than pain I have subsided for riot Springs Surpassed.
yo t * n
f I years, aufi am confident cf a complete recovery. A boctlc of P. P. P.. has done me more good than
J 1 J. S. DUPRISS, Newaanville, Fin. three months’ treatment at the Hot Springs, Ark. •V4
JAMES M. NEWTON, Aberdeen, Brown Co., O.
// tontlmony from tho EVtayor.
T with Rheumatism for fifteen years, tried Pimpics, Sores and Eruptions Curod.
; a.l 1 31 i.-e v'- <.called m : a specifics, bottle of but P. P. to ? no and purpose. I ftel like My a qualities I take great of the pleasure popular in medicine testifying fo to r skin the efficient disea «t'S ■ w
■- \ Two Well- - 1 g Phyciclano. an tions, known After unsightly I taking as p. entirely P. three and p. disagrcca i cured. bottles suffered i ble u accordance for eruption several on years with my ; ' dircc- with face, II
i vron E own axu
We aie having a bl>. male for your i’. i‘. P., and Capt. J. D. JOHNSTON, y
■- xrc preser be it in a greatmany case-;: and find i; an cx- Savannah, Ga. of Johnston & Co.
Tlie above letters are taken from ma.iy received by r.s. P, p. p., {Lippman's
Great Pftnedv,) is a medicine whose virtucf, are known ft a the Atlantic to the Pacific.* f; ’
PrP. p. begins its work by purifying the blood, wi.ick is the source of all life, a
h t \ sad d :s not cease until a pc:. :ire cure is effected.
'j' e mortifying eruption:. . -are daily the tasks, complexion, sleepless the nights, tired loss feeling of appetite, that pre¬
vents. irrita^lity horough aeeomplislr’.’.c: . of from
of disposition, all mean a derangement the system consequent
im: e blood, which can and will be cured by P. P. P, ti
j ’( p_ X J (Lippman's Great. Remedy), is conceded by physicians and the people
C jst h ^ Greatest Blood Purifier of the Age. It positively and permanently
\\ cutee. « adie'Bj ^.Wk-fcotmcyt.:, ^rice §i a bottle, six bottles for f j. I
)\\ LIPPMAN BROS., sou Lippman Block, SAVANNAH. GA.
psoKiuosa, z
i A7
j Do You Advertise?
Don’t You
. I W flunk Your
Ad Placed Her ro
Would PAY ?