The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, April 09, 1897, Image 5
m y m t £ N m Rev. William Tucker was in Agony Many Years. Savs He Felt as Theygh He Had Been Stabbed by a Thousand Knives. He was Stricken Blind and Feared He Would Lose His Mind. All This in Defiance of the Best Meal Skill. His Recovery Looked Upon as a Miracle. $ From the Xcu: Fra, Grecnsburg, Ind. • h ■ ' 7 * /! / SM m ■■ ifijljlP* \ ■i I /v - 4 ii^SggSf fSvffilrij /y J i mi SB w f- J ! . M l' II )l ! m m ff wf \ I m Pfl7r i'll V 1 r 1 - - r~ i BF.V. VII.I.IASI TrCEEr., riERCEVIIXE, INDIANA. It was publicly talked a]] over Decatur and Ripley counties for some time before the \ru’ Kra sent a reporter to l’ierccville to fully investigate the Tucker matter. Tic Tuckers weil-to-do arc prominent Tbe people Rev. and William are id) farmers. Tucker subject of all tin; talk, was pleased Tucker to allow ns an interview. Mr. looked well and healthy, although be is seventy-live years old, and faith forty years the Free ago be began preaching in the of Raptists. This is hits story as he told the re,K,rter: and bo “ | was born and reared on a farm gan preaching at an early age. I was al ways subject to rheumatism, even when quite young. Pains,sharp and acute, would shoot across my hotly, causing me much snf ferinn. spinal The ,l™iors pronoune.-.i kept.getting it then disease. The pains worse all the time from day to day as the years rolled round, and I experienced many years suffering eompeltd “ Atthnneh S T much JSgrtSS regretted to I was to i e , from mv work in the religions cause. The pains would first start fmm my spine and limbs, but afterward begun shooting from all parts oftbc body anri it seemed as.thonph a thous and knives were, sticking me. After these pains would first come on, my entire body would suddenly grow cold, I would benumb all over and nil my muscles wonld be asleep, I would then turn'suddenly blind. and generally i often Jay in this condition for knew hours, what going I was eMsscious and was on, but the suffering was intense and nil bearable, No w.rrds can describe it. ’'Frequently', in going about my place or when I would be away from home, these DR. PEPPER'S ilOYAL-TANSY PILLS / NEW PISCO VERY. NEVER FAILS. C w y\ A new, reliable and safe roijef ion t. i > bPnn.’m'Tafii.TN Itulfeu. Invigorates 1 ,^ these orjfftBB. It,. ft » f V- fr Foaled in plain wrapper. 4<- m r Ktann^ for particulars. 6*old by local For sale l>y Dr. Ji. J. .{' id. KENDRICK MILL ON HARDEN CREEK. Having renovated and repaired llie above mill, near Sliaron, Ga. I am pre¬ pared ?<* do all {vrlndltigof wlieat. and corn. gitiiRtnteefng satisfaction and a Good Turnout of Flour and Meal. Elias 8. Allen, the veteran Miller o county, w ill be on band, and take plea in serving the customers. GEO. W. BI10WX. - Letters of Administration. o < KORGIA. TALIAFERRO COl A tv: To all whom it may concern: Geo. T Edwards having- in pr r form, applied !<> me for per: r* ?ers of Administration T Mrs. Mary II. Portwr. of countVt this is to -srt“ ut ne’.t i;in of . Port i • and appear ut offl ad ri rds an Mr- ii. j . an* : GL A II. MITCHELL, Or* spells wouldiCOme on me and for sometime I would be entirely blind and my mind would tic alleged. My family was uni ■nay and fcarcit inymind would bceomc impel sea. 1 consulted theyisuid several pliysiciaus hope.lcs* ut (ircens burg, but my ease was ; im tbe disease was incurable. I went to .er cities for treatment. A prominent doctor of Toledo, Ohio, dismissed me. as incurable and I gave, up in despair. 1 tried many patent, medicim-s but . 11011 c of them did I be Jei. ; good. Finally 1 saw in the Mew lira an article about Dr. Williams' I’ink J’ills. J bad no faith in them, for nothing did me any good .but,1 tried them as a last resort. I be first, box helped me at once and 1 kept on j taking them. began taking them m May, I have taken over a doacn boxed now I feel prrfcctiywel] in cverjrrcKIKict and feel that i am permanently cured. I could never sleep before, ils the pins would come sntldeidy on me. in tbe night mm I would become mind). Many a umc I’ve walked ,hc floor in !l b’ on y 'l 10 <-ntir< ‘ ni T ht - 1 '■?'* | sleep perfei-lly sound now. airt , my .appetite is better tliamcver liefore, and I weigh more than for manyy-ears I feeUthat I owe my itfe to the I mk I ills. l*ev- 1 ucAcr’hssured us tb°.t »<‘«I not doubt a word of Ills testimony for his family will vie with him in every' he s/siKe. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills contain, all tbe elements necessary blond to ansi give new shattered life and richness, to tbe restore I nerves. They are solil in boxes (never in hsise form, by the dozen for or hundred) at 50 i cents a tvix, orsix boxes $2.5ti, and may j be bad of all druggists or directly bv m*D ; from I If Williams’ Merlicine Co., Schenec tad.v, N. V. ^ \ Mothers Read This: ^ m The Best . Rern ed . ; y, ? iHivrrhoa, a For Flatulent C*o|Ic t !»>■ (n-nt - vv, nausea, c»uk!»», H>«1* ^ ,.,‘a infant inn, tefthintf rl»ilrlr«n t srliolrra mo rbi i>«, I'niiatnral drain A s* from tb« Row* ri»«. Fains, Loss of i i. apppfib*. ImllRCKtlon, ami all «lls- 5 i iD-crh of tin* Kf oina«'li A. liowels. .» PITT'S CARMINATIVE v, chil Is the standard. It carries ^ r the critical |» riod of j toctM 1 '?* ar.d ih reconiiticnded I>v . physician# as a friend of mothers A'fiilts and children. It i- satisfy. plens- 0 F ant to tastc.iicvcr fails to \ few doves will demonstrate it* 6 superlative virtue. I*riec25e. p’r ^ bottle. For sale bv all dn^ Preparedonlv 11 bvDr.W.M.Pitts. ^ V ’ ' # « Exchange —HATES:— I cr Day, 81.00, Hotel. Pci Week. 31.00, 84.50 # anti $5.00. A. Proprietor, J. ADKINS 163 Marietta St. ATLANTA. GA Oppo Mil!' A I trad y' - Cede 1 > rated the j^)r in the South. D’ t} stopped, able Vauke.-Blade, JO t 1 Ur NO Oracher selected. The citizens and trustees of tho Stephens High School met Saturday last and discussed the matter o: teacher for another year. S \-«ral applications were before the body but nothing de finili;\va’ done as to electing a teacher They meet again on the i7th of this month to finally elect. r*<, t<uey want tho matter fully dis f S sed by our people and want to what is best for all concern,* |. The matter of a good school is very important for the t4wn and community at large. £ few dollars of tho cities money cQuld be most appropri¬ ately and profi’ably put into the school l)»yv. The D^liGATES te Sunday lCI ECTK School D, Con¬ vention Meets at Newuan, Ga., April lii, 1 1 and 15. Pres. W. S. Wit,hum. rif Atlanta, lias earnest¬ ly requested all Sunday schools in the shv ( > to send delegates. Judge Oh H. Mitchell and Mrs. W. P Hubert have been elected as delegates from tin* Crawford ville Methodist school. Reduc¬ ed rates <h all railroads and del¬ egates eiitortained free by tho good peo|] e 0 f Newman. OVK T,unks CONTINUED. 'Flits snlisciij.tion folltnljjig kind patrons have paid tlidr slnco our Inst isstti*. J- by,- si to Melt. IN. ’1)8 W. A. l -iniel, SI to Fob. 25 ’its W. U. Liljcpfijrd, lj, id. 81 to Ans. 25 '1)7 A. S. UOitlo July ;i, 'IIJ E. II. Osiotm •, 81 to Foil. 27, '117 J. T., 50: to Oct. (i ’1)7 AV. T. Filiate Stewart, 25c to April 1 '!)7 Ale. Pearce, 81 to Mch 12, '(IS II. C’. 1 >f kon 75c t i Jim. t 'IIS. There 0| B PIRi E SOLD. but one piece of property te, sale hero Tuesday under the shtriff s hammer and that was rea\y sold before sale day. Tho Jtnes land advertised was sold ‘o Ifr. D. S. Stewart. _ It was ti, vtt'uablo piece of land and is coiimnient to Mr. Stew¬ art’s other land. •• , NOTIOil. The seoend Quarterly Confer¬ ence forth) Ceawfordville charge will meet at Crawfordville on Friday theIfitli. instant, Dr. W. P. Lovejcy will preach at 11 o’clock a. tn. All official iitoin bors are uiged to be present and the invitqd public generally is cordially and to attend the services the sessio* of tho Quarterly Con¬ ference. JjOvrcKP. Winter, Pastor. O^STOniA. ** lo on every wuppor. A WEEK OF FUN ( In Augusta, Ga. APGCSTt OA —Is a city that al waj’H Ukti4 t h h ad In ev myibinA »he umlertak^-othpf foll<*w. This will hold ft;-, ; th- jit* *;* i r.Tilon^ the j Merry “ '4f ? H-lMim ar*? making j for tlit i; »4a h a Week, which cwnmen ’A April to and cl-. -* M 1 y Ul. A Gala V,’. t k lh AUf<u#Ha iia« Itf« full j mcanini? <• vety hpdh« engaged of th** w«>rd .‘Mrne The M^rry Makers h;* v«; ! of the inotft famous perform rs, mule t he Unit d HtataH. They 'ir- Cot, : Trapeze, and Aerial Art;»f«, Their performances will be riven {n the open rnr on J’ro * T rtret-t. F ‘(‘i to all- A #ide from the I entertainments, t-here will l .<* • Gr-.n ' U 1 rade, wheel# .iaitc and rid. i C costume* Tw r thou. Ard . ; < r hiM E in fane < i t i r< err;*. i -- floral - 4 wild v.'*tt para<b* wnipoj 1 of the tif^t darir t <t ,i ■ <1 female ridei A military i ftp in v.'hlch the ( /ri - A \. t IV ;j rumps { L* >• at tvar-ttims and an u arrant ;<*d th visitors to A lie n mr G- la Week are t'.o n t ar.d v'irto o n Lion In de st: yr< rn rh li one »dt# th7it citj 11! have Jux to A , c\"; in th' S'urh b«s#i >>t. ( ever veil* h m fn 4 ntert.fiJr f rlend and *ri All the railroads per m!!#., • u it enjjy UM CASTOniA. *7 ‘ r no Drops “ CASTOR!* A\tgc tabic Preparation anriRe^ula Tor As¬ similating thefood ling the Stomachs and Dowels of lNFANIS.*iCHlU)KEN< Promotes Digestion, 1 Cheerful¬ ness andRcst.Contalns neither Opium,Morphine NAkc nor Mineral. Not otic. Reap* afOUin-SAMVIiriTCUm J\impkm Sitdl* Alx.Stnn* SaUt * HoditlU — AnistStfd }\pp*munt *■ * - Jti CiutorudtSadar 4 ffami Seed - Clarified hiifrynwsi Suyar ft aivr . / Apcrfoct Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoea, for Constipa¬ tion. Sour .Convulsions .Feverish¬ Worms ness and LOSS OF SLEEP, facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Us EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. m :v 1 ANDY CATHARTIC fa •m 10 f ALL 25♦ 50 * li; m DRUGGISTS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED Si Hip fth-ut tnxu muan i uu u \ , srts *>r fsnmi stun naturaltA»w pic and iiooiilct fi*M. Ad. STKBMNfl IIKHI I) i (50.. fhhauro, Mnntnail. Can., «r fork. ai Every Class of Foundry, Machine, Boiler, Gin and Mill Work promptly executed with latest improved machines Largest Works of the Kind South. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co •> send us voi.’it wo lifer At OI MTA, OA. Frick Co. t 1 Eclipse Engines, ■ Boilers, Saw Mills, ) Cotton Gins, V Cotton Presses, 1 i ■SiisSt wi Grrain Separators, Chisel Tooth and solid Saws, Saw Teeth, inspirators, Injectors, Engine Repairs and a Full Line of Brass Goods, Avery & McMillan, SOUTH EltN M.SNAOKKM, 5 I & 53 So. Forsyth St. ATLANTA, GA. 2; I 160 // i I z i % | We Save By Vv avcpjeys, continuing bringing into 18^7 tliem the fully manufacture’ to date of when 1896 ^ V Cost of -ired, tho buyer up the - ever rc r j v-c nave to coat of '*) New Tools. cxpci; !v vo machinery', bicycles $6a, and ..They #0 can have furnish equal thcftc J* mat* at no z at their price, t '• I III* Most Advonf «*d Tyj*! of 1897 Models Sell for MOO £ , BicycJ® Construction. : fr % INDIANA BICYCLE t 1 ' ■ Apoi w, fna * cpp JL-* Jlw THAT THE FACSIMILE J* SIGNATURE -OF ' r * * (IS ON THE WRAPPER OP EVEEY BOTTLE OTP OaBtorla la put up in onc-abo bottles only. It not Bold In bulk. Don’t allow anyone to sell yon anything also on tho “will plea or promise that It is “juBt ns good” and G-A-S-T-O-U-I-A. answer every por #4" Boo that you got li on every wrappor.