Newspaper Page Text
Nearly All of Greenville is Now
Linder Deep Water.
Thousand Families of the City are
Now Wholly Surrounded.
(treat NttalMr of Delta Negroes are Home
less And Without Food. Water Spout at
Fulton, Kentucky, Runs Higher Than
Ever Before.
Jackson, Miss.—Plantations never be
fore under water were submerged Fri¬
day. The streets of Greenville are now
navigable only by boats, the flood from
above having met and joined forces
with that from below. Nearly 1,000
families to Greenville are surrounded
by water, although souve portions of
the city arc still dry. Tlie levees there
still hold, however.
Citizens of Huntington wired the
Governor Friday morning to send fifty
touts at once. They were forwarded
on the first train, hut will have to
make several miles of the journey by
skiffs. The State is doing ail to Its
power to assist its delta iteople, but
from the depleted condition of the
treasury, can offer little eleo titan the
labor of her eight hundred able-bodied
convicts. Thousands of delta negroce
are now homeless anti will remain so
until tho floods subside, but planters
are feeding a.nd coring for their hands
as far as )**wibio.
J. F. Price, of this city, has rot tin tod
from Letfevere, which is in a border
delta, county. He reports that water
from tl*e Mississippi has not yet readi¬
ed there, but the small streams are all
overflowed on their own account. Tbe
bottom lantte are under water, but
plowing and planting are going right
along on ail the higher places and even
down to the water’s edge.
st. Ixiui.s, Mo.—A SpSecJal from Cai
ro to the Scrippo-McRae Ib'cas Asso
edatton states that information was
brought to Cairo by a cenimerciaJ trav
elor that a relief ixtat yesterday found
the bodies of a young an aged.
woman and a child in a flooded house
on tlie Missouri side of the river at a
point thirty miles south of New Ma¬
drid. Titc people hod either starved to
dentil or died of fright. Tbe water
was at t lie t'aves of the Imiuiks and the
victims were in tlie attic. A negro and
.a white man are also reported as hav¬
ing been starved to death on tlie plat¬
form of a tomixjriu-y refuge in (lie
same locality.
St. Raul, Minn.- The Mtoedasippi has
pi, --mI tlie dungcr kine—fifteen feet—
and was still rising slowly Friday. All
the ri-sidi nts of tlie west Hide, east of
State stroi t, liave licen drive® to high¬
er ground. The water is entering
houses on the west hide of the Htjvet
.and several hundred will he forced to
move if the water rirtes auoUxer six
•dies. There are many stories of suf
Memphis, 'I'enn.—Tlie damage to the
farming country in the delta cannot be.
exagerated, Five counties will be,
for tire most jgtrt, under water for
thirty days and the nmiii lino and
branch lines of the Yazoo & Mississippi
Valley road will have more than 100
miles of track imwidwted. 0 |>i*osite
Perthshire, tlie uppre crevanse, a mile
of track has lK cn completely washed
away. Probably twenty railroad sta
tkm« and small tovms will bo flooded,
rwrlitfhtre, Terreae, FhUUi, Riverton,
Dahomey, Storm, B<*noit, Be«!aJv,Way
oide, Long-wood, l^ffuge, Swift water,
Dee»on and Australia. But the shift is
now to the 0 outh ot (^reonvlUe and the
levec*t from Wayside to tlie tnosiGi of
the river must begin to fuel tlie pres
sure of the inoreniemt of water lau:k
into the channel from the delta, White
River country and tbe Ht. Francis ba¬
sin. From Memphis to Orawky’s ridge
the river is now' forty miles wide. A
line east and west on the water acroo#
Rosedaie would prot>ai»ly tie fifty
miles long. All of this wabr must
pass out between two wall# of levee
in many pi-w** s but a f(?w m44c® distant
one from tlie otiier.
New Orleans, La.—A special to tbe
Daily State-#, from Helena, Ark., says
tbe river rose two-texitlis in twenty
four hour#, ending at 8 o'clock Friday
morning, and is still rising. Tlie ti.ree
-foot rise al St. Ixiui# yesterday and a
of two-tenths at Marked Tree car
-y fs-.j, . to t i.o |e-opk- who have icen
for the river to lialt.
levee at tbe Hubbard [dace,
eight miles below Helena, will proba¬
bly break before many hours. Already
five incipient breaks have been closed
by the desperate workers and now
Unit the back water is attacking it
from the rear, cutting off the supply
of dry dirt, tlir situation is still less
hopeful. There is uo lack of men and
sacks at that point. It is simply inabili¬
ty to secure sufficient quantities of dry
dirt in time. Help was sent down this
Tbe rescue steamer Maude came up
at noon and will return this afternoon
with a fresh crew of men for Captain
Brame. at YVestover. His men have
been so constantly at work that they
are worn out.
The break at YY estover is widening,
now being over throe hundred feet in
A rumor hits just reached here that
the Mississippi levee at Kyle’s store,
three miles above here, is about to give
way and that the Austin, Miss., levee
its in a very precarious condition. Both
points catch the force of a big current
and are bound to go if the rise con¬
tinues, which seems to be inevitable.
Five men near Indian Bay, Monroe
County, are known to have been
drowned while fleeing from the rising
waters in White River bottom.
On the whole, the situation is very
Fulton, Ivy.—A waterspout Thurs¬
day night ran streams up higher than
ever known before, and did immeasur¬
able damage throughout this locality.
Every bridge in this county was swept
away and the water is standing two
feet deep in roods that have heretofore
been high and dry in all raises. Many
of the trestles on the Nashville, Chat¬
tanooga and St. Louis Railroad were
carried away by tlie water, and traffic
is suspended until repairs can be made
between here and Union City, Teun.
Rosedftle, Miss.—Tire relief boats
brougliit In scores of negroes from the
back oountry Thursday and placed
them in every available place of safety.
Tho refugee* are in a slate of misery
and hunger and the people are pro¬
viding for them as best they can, but
the increasing numbers hourly arriving
make tlie situation desperate. Tlie wa
ter is pourtug tlirougli the crevasse
near here at a terrible rate and tbo out¬
look is indeed gloomy.
Nashville, Teun—Heavy rains Tin tru¬
flay niglit and Friday morning locally
(ujfl far up tlie OttinbiTlaki<l riv«v
^ Cartilage have swelled the river
p ki rising rajiddly, having ns,-I
four feet In twenty-four hours A fur
^ rie*- <y£ alx*wi wsjfists ot tr .
fg expsetsd.
People In the Delta Console Themselves.
Gov. flcLaurin’.s Letter.
Jackson, Mitt*.—The citizens of this
portion of the delta already overflowed
get more comfort front the warnings
jf tlie Weather Bureau srnit out Satur¬
day than do those below Vicksburg,
where uo breaks in the levee have yet
occurred. Inasmuch us Chief Moore in¬
forms them that tlie worst is yet to
CO II10.
This oily is iai ooitstaut eominuiiictt
tton with the della country because of
social and business relations, and be
cause of i lie great Interests involved.
A private letter from a inerehant at
Boiling Fork. Sharkey County, wliieh
is forty miles south of Greenville and
fifteen from the Mississippi River, but
directly on Dorr Greek, says:'
“it’# water, water everywhere, and
more coining. I lutve been forced to
move my entire stock upstairs, and am
all right, provided the building ttou't
float away.
“The ladies wlvo remain and te gro
women and oilier shoppers are travel¬
ing in skiffs, dug-outs and aJl sorts
of craft.
“The situation i* critical, and tJxe
ovtrtlow is a serious matter for this
Governor McLuwin lift# wily rtH-oir
cd replieo from two oounties, but lie
wired the following In reply to a dis
j >;i reli received to-day.
Gen. IL A. Alger, Beoretary «f War,
Wa-sliington. I>. C.:
Communication. with the flooded dis
trict so interrupted by overflow that it
^ impossible to give anything like an
accurate estimate of the number# #uf
('-ring. But I tfliink $10,000 would re¬
lieve present deMres. Many thanks for
your interest in our strickt® jH-opie.
Will keep yon pivtiqHfly informed, as
(Signed.] A. J. M’LALHIN,
At a special meeting tii*> i#'nit<*itiary
Bfxtrd of Control ordered all the .State
mule#, more than 100 , gotten off th«
\ delta farms and brought to tlie State
farm# In this county (Hinds.) So far
j uone of tbe State'# stock lias been
j drowned, but tlie Ward consider# St
safest to get every thing away froni tbe
i overflowed district.
j Tudtcioos advertising pnys.
Athen^Will be Blockaded by tbe
Fleet of Powers.
Qrcece 'Submits Proposition to
Purchase the Island.
tie win Protest no Jlore. hoy s If Voice of
Humanity is not Heeded by Christian |
Europe the Island will be Drenched In
Blood Throughout.
( Admirals
Vienna! -A council of the
was ltd 1 Thursday to determine
whether nd when the gulf of Athens
is to be blockaded. A 11 the powers
have now giiRented to that propoei
tiotn, though nothing has boon decided
with resptjt't to the blockade of other
Greek port*. It is uo secret that King
George lias formally stated to the pow
prs that \v?jl aadeclaration of war against
Turkey immediately follow tut ex¬
tension of the blockade to tlie Greek
t oast. This fact cannot lx> left out of
consideration. It is believed in some
quarters that if the gulf oi Athens is
blockaded popular excitement will
compel the King to declare war, even
if ills own judgment aud that of his
Cabinet were opposed. Tit is has been
a leading cause of the delay in seem¬
ing a unanimous agreement between
the powers, There is no doubt that in
tlie event ot a Turko-Greeian war the
intervention of the powers would b«
Ixvndoot, Hog.—It Is sent 1-o'fflehdJy an¬
nounced fluff the Admirals of the for
eign fleets in Cretan waters have ask¬
ed t.lwrlr rcsi"‘«ti v « Governments to dis¬
patch fifty cavalrymen and a battery
of artillery each for service in Crete.
Owing to th« decision to extend the
blockade It iff* necessary to reinforce
the Interna 1 ‘juaI fleet arid some days
mus-t elapse before the requisite num¬
ber of warshiP* wiU he available for
the coevehwt ot Greece. Only the I’itn
■«tis the port cl Athens, dill lx- block
aded at first, iPrthor J^jP****. tnetwir* Aeiiond
tag upon % wr *
Can**, Greece.—Col. Vasses has writ
teat to the ort hodox Bishop offering to
stir it-inter two Turkish officers and for¬
ty-two f* attar# who were mptured at
Malaxa or coodttlon that they are re
moved from Crete.
The forwUn Admiral* have refused
to permit the Christians of Akroliri to
sell tlioir pr-xluce In Canea until the*
surrender their arm#.
Berlin, Germany.—The Frank fori
Zteitung has received a dispatch from
Constanttaopte saying that Greece imp
submitted to the Turkish Government
.1 prop' sition to purchnKc 1 e island o»
The dispatch adds that the porto dc
dined to undertake aeparate negotin
tions, do flaring that Turkey rctmiiu
In accord with the Europ -.ut coiu-ert
Loudon, Kug. — There were loud
cheer# from i lie Irtwh henete in I lie
Hons** of Comntou# Tliurstht.v wlu-a
the Parltainonfary Her-t-lnry for I lie
foreign ofiictl, Mr. Otiirzotq cnnfirmi'tl
the report from Crete that a th'laeii
meat of Turkish Bnsld •azotiks at. Re
timo hod fired upon a flag of truce
Continuing, Mr. Curzon said the Gov
erunient wok doing everything possible
to weelerate tbe witlxlrawal of the
Tmrktfeh twsOp# from Oreb', though be
explained that until tlie powers won
to a r>os1tioin to replace the garrison,
which they were iu>w endeavoring bi
do by tbe dispatch of relnforcemetits,
they were not jUBtlfled In exposing tlie
refugee# at tbe •eaisirt* to tlie risk of n
Htiecewfiful ft tadk.
Tlwre was great sxettemeut m» 1 ni»
roar in the House while Mr. Curzon
was replying to the questions regard
ing Crete. The Scotch and Welsh
member# objected to the employment
iff Ute Seotifh and Welsh trtiop# In “a
service rep gaunt U> tiie whole of
Scotland «nd Mutes,” Cheer# and
eotinter clje-r, and "Oh, shame!”
punctuated the questions arxi answers.
Vienna. T.< Fremdenbatt pubUahe#
a diHpabfli from Ht. Petersburg, which
fva.y# ttist Great Britain hits notified
of her a not to the Admiral’#
irroposal to •hlCH'i-hslf* tXt*- ^ulf <>t Atb
provkisMl all t.ln> jK>w»*rw »u
Woo kadi*.
ituosia. it Is added, te willing to send
) !:cr tmtwiiiflm and a battery of ar
ry to the island of Crete, provided
. tire do iikvwiw.
.-tt.ori*y t,f jwwwh
t’ct# count-Mi'iu, the Frendcnbutt
in re* that kuatrla will not send any
: re-inf or in.-wts 'o Crete.
Athens, Greeet*.—A number of Kalian
ihuiU'ors have arrived here from
rote. having safely run the blockade.
„,ov snv that there Is no bread to the
-land, except in the comp of Col V«a
aos. which is provisioned for three'
moutilis. Olives, milk mud lamb*' fleolt
are the principal articles of food of the
inhabitant*. Tb» hmurgeut# nre not
organized, bat consist of bands of arm¬
ed peasant*, who leave their homes for
•t day or two during active operations
-I «.« exists. return to them. No commit |
The real bend of the Creek army of
occupation in the island, according te
tho of tuo Italian \olUlitcx.ra,
is OoL Limbiicl, who direct® ali t ho
movements of tho itiAurgonm.
London, Eng. The Hally Telegriilta
published Saturday an ’ interview had
by the correspondent. in Crete with
Ootenel Vassos.
The Greek commander declared that
(fie protest recent ly sent i>y him to the
foreign Admirals would be the bust
document of tho sort that would be
9en ^ Colonel Vassoa said tliat lui does
regard the Admirals as true rep
rvseulatives of Europe's attitude,
„ lf colonel Vttssos, “the ICu
ro p,.. in forces had ilene in the town
w j u) y j i, aV e ilone lit the country, pt\r
fpeace might reign until Greece
completed the negotiations with Eli
n ipe f,„. a recognition of Iter claims
to Crete, and not a drop of blood need
have been sited.”
Procceding, Colonel Vassos indig¬
nantly related tlie Uicldentn of the
proceediiitgs of tlie iutertuitional foa’txvs
here during tlie week, lit 1 added that
the Bashi Bnxouks, who formerly
forbidden to curry jiritts, Issued from
Gallon Wednesday evening and ltuireU
ed toward VIgla. Their adviinee wits
covered by th<‘ guns of tho Turkish
warships, but the progress of the Buslii
Bazottks wits slow. Tin- international
fleet, cattle to their aseislanoe, firing
eighty-two rounds front tlioir heavy
guns. Tho Christians ndreaiotl mtrt
tlie Turks entered tlu- village n.nd set
fire to the houses, a church tit id a mon¬
“This," Colonel Viiskos exclaimed, "is
the work of Ohiriatian Europt*. The
condition of affairs ’s now tnflnlti-ly
worse than evo/f Ix-forc. The Admirals
have made it so. I say deliberately
and reluctantly that widens the Euto
pean people listen to llte voice of itu
manil.v before It s ltx> lale tills um
ha]jpy Island will bo deluged through*
out wilh torrents of blood.”
Family «t Shuws, Mls*l»»l|tpl, Rt-'-otuctl
Just In Time.
Sluiws, Miss. Friday morning the
plows were running In the fields ud
Jneonff to Shews, Twenty four hours
later boats were running through the
main btudncsB streets of I lie town inkI
tbe fields are from foltr to six feet tin
der witter, On the west sitle of I lie
railroad the rise was very sudden hod
night and t«*iple were totally itupre
part'd for it, Home barely esiuptug with
T|w , ] K t*IH rising slowly. The
(J|( . | mv , m Imx risen thirteen
^ f ....... Sl)I) ',| ll> m „ruing, ’lihret
to-day OtiO feet "I
rnllroatl track was iNniipletely wpolled
away. It Is ImtHiHKlble to estlimite tlie
number of sloe drowned, but il will
into the lumdred Many families
to-ni:;iit without lloivseiioid gixide i
are rail
and food and m e iiuplpg on tlie
road track. ill want go under I
water. jtesr'lti.tig I irlies have taken
pefj)*Ie out of tlie toll# of houses in
many plttev#
Democrats mul Rcpoblicatnt Indulge In a
j Free-for-all I iifht Over Flection.
I Huatlnglon, W. Va. A wunc viiipnf
alieled Lii Uie JiJ«tory of ISuntl iti^ton,
WM odi th<? le«i<Ui4? tbor
ought nr* of Uie city st II o’clock Hal
morning. It was a riot between
Demoeruts and Kepu till can#, the result
(>f nituTSdoj # city «l<'<-tl(®#.
< |„.twe*ni Ifr. tx-snge
[^publican leader, and George Ingraii
DemoeraUc lwailer, in five minute*
i fifty peojflo became involved, and
kll j vw alK j club# were used with tell
■ ^ f .rr,.,^ m i botlt sides. Women who
w* rr* on the Htrw-t fled for their live
all(1 ^<,1 reigned umprew for half an
hour -pi )fc police msluwl In and useti
! on the li/»‘ls <ff irritate
Risen*, against whom they I tad per
* >u al grwlg”S, but did i#A try to queU
tlje (Ust.iU'ltance. Matter# finally quiet
«| down, but anof.i-r ixttlireitk Is t \
t^o-n-d at teiy iiiomeut. It Ifc iwt
! |[,. VK j ip a t any of tbs Injured will ti!
| --------- _ --
| The dispute among the owners of tlie
j Biruiinghiini Stato Herald ovct lh#*
I i of C. A. Mounijoy w
wan witiafaHorily H^ttlod. Mouutloy’H
..ii. tiori will hold, he t# tag subject, to
(j,,, or<l<>r# ot tbe director#, while ,!. A.
j Rountree, whom he suewed# as l're#l
I flent, 1# to tie Manager, in full
; control of the managernent of th<- pa
I per.
ULY. UK. JONATHAN «ml'|!U , !l
yythow stricken w ith
n»(«" C»wl~t.<m* M«r »U«
tT* ”
From the tlazrttr. Maadvillc, Pn.
The following intorestiug tatervinws con¬
cerning the efficacy of I)r. Williams’ Fink
Pills tor J'aie People, have lately been rt>
oetved nf the office of this newspaper:
The first embodies a eon versa! Ion with Mm.
M. A. Whltely, the willow ot the late Rev,
spoko ns follows:
“1 consider it ray duty to toll for public*
“S'mutate ‘
tra**triclc«u by pamlyai», nn«l lay helpt*'*a
for month". I whm at last advised to try Dr.
Williams’ Pink Pills, which alter many mis
flviuirs 1 conolutled to do. as 1 had lost faith
mall medicines. The Ural box helped idlls has mo
much, nn l the continual uscof the
worked and is working wonders. To-day I
havedriveu twelve mllttn without fatigue. I
cannot say too much in praise of Dr. Will¬
iams’ Pink Pills for they have done mo a
vrorld of good.**
Mr. John W. Beatty, who Is a contractor
ami builder of Meudvlllo, of tho highest re
spec, ability, an vs: passed meridian of
" A.U hough L uavo the
life, 1 am glad to bo able to say that I hare
but. little or no use for medicine of any kind.
But my wife is not so fortunate. During the
lust few years she levs beau a sufferer from
dropsy nud disease of the heart, and at times
suffered greatly. A fsw months ago she bo
gun taking Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pal*
People and has been greatly hencHted by
tlioir use. Bh«experienced a mnnbnm* and
coldnwH in lu*r liml® and at times could
scarcely walk by reason of poor circulation
of tho blood. All these unpleasant symptom*
have disappeared and 1 ooulhhmtly hope to
see her a well woman oro long, brother-in-law will MlHO
take of miue, the liberty O. W. to Myor, speak who for resides a al Hhank
leyville, Mercer County, Pa. So greet was
his ulttictlou by reason of ory-sipoias in th*
face ami a general breaking down of the svh
tem that last winter he wm* given up to die.
Dr. William*’ Pink Pills for Pale People huvw
made him a new matt and he ie as one res¬
cued from tho vwry jaw* of denlh."
Mr. Prentice Fry, of Moadvillc, tostilhw as
“My wife and daughter have been falling
in h«*allh for some time and the treatments
of physicians In their oasoh have been irult
leaa. Ho much has b««ti ftltltiof Dr. WUUhius*
Pink Pills for Pale People that i resolved to
try them, and myself and family will always
btifflml that Providence threw suoh * medi¬
cine in our way. The pale facias and wasted
ebooks of my wlfo and daughter have dlsft|>
poured, and the ruddy glow of health haw r«
appearod. Pen cannot record my feelings in
llie matter, and all I can say is that I trust
all who hi* bowed down by the heavy baud
of physical infirmity will learn that there la
a remedy that cure* and plaew* ruffering
liuinanity wher* they can enjoy this aarthl#
ex 1st one*. (Jod bless the maker of Dr. Wlll
iuum’ Pink Pills for Pale People.”
Dr. William*’ Pink Pills contain, In u con*
doused form, all tho olomoufH necessary t<*
give new life and richness to the blood and
reator* shattered uorveH, They are an un¬
failing spool/lc for such dlsoHsc a* locomotor
utaxta, partial paralysis, Ht. Vitus’ dune*,
sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervoii#
heatiai'Ue, the after effect of la grippe, palpi*
tutton ot th* hsart, pale and sallow
plosions, all forms »/ weakness either in
male or femala. Piak Pills aro sold by all
dealer*, or will be seat post paid oa r*cci 0 l
of price, ftO eentH m box gr^lx boxes for $2.W,
by Atidrowefng Dr, WiftnitUM* tLlom,*
pany, Bota*uectr»<iy, N. V.
A alugtiall player at practice wa#
throwu down by an opponent, and til#
• rm wa# broken near the shoulder. Th#
report #uya tint “opponent” regarded
the Incident «« more fuiniy thou #«rU
oos. Of conrae U wa# funny. It wa»
oven “humenuti.”
Htatk ov (>ii if), City ov Toi-mih»,
Lut an aovurr. -
KKANK .!. I IIIINKY nniU** e»tli Hint ll«
Is tlie HfintiM’ iiH'iiitirr nf llm Brin ot H* J.
Ghiiiniy .V tin, (lulng hiudnrs* la tbr *111' of
Tolsilrt count j, mol tUuic b for##* IS, noil
Hint nit lit ttrni will pity tlie now of 0»W
III N'lHIKH loll,I,Alik l"r ninth mol|t
cone of ‘ ulnrrll tlint cnptiol be coiuil by rll#
llWf of HAI.I/H CATAItnil CHItW.
PltANK -I ' 'II KNttlY,
Nwnrn to to-foro III" unit ttnrianbof, »ub*irrlbiol to toy It.,
/ii’i-ptii Hi In tllli itoy nf A.
IMW,. A. W.
' HVA t Not a ii y PiWdto.
i _
ITuII'm Colurrli Core In tiiki*ii lttltirn»lly nod
;t<’( dlfuf’U.V <IU I ll<* hlOnfl UllG IUH< f'MW .‘UT
ftu-t'H of till* syrtrmi. Koiitl flit*
free. Tot* ‘to. It.
F. J CttKNKV 7fi A ill.
y Held liy ilcugulHlH. '*< 011 N.
linil'it t’ljiully t'lllB an: llio io*nt
In evsrr 1,000 men In He- lttfl(l«li nrnif
mily tflgltivf'ti ate ever six fu l III helxtif.
JUHT I ry a 10<*. Lf»t of o'jt iir«*»", tin*, nasst
liver ait <1 I iptfuiator evsr mi i Gc,
A *rw)uy. inaThln* works twslv* a«
fswt «h Mif Dmii *1
si vm. WDiHtow** Hoof III nx Wyruri fur <\i\\i\r«n
tTstliinx. MifleiiH Ihf* yum rprlu<’«*s ifill/iinffiit
tlon, uiU.yn paitt. «mrf wind colic, &* ,*lio:LLo.
Tin- an my »ff ('hinn Is simiwll/nwi put
(i*tnn at D P »J0,(Jf)O Holdhrs.
Wrfftjv MHows or t KU«r«nticd; m*( a (’aftrut,
tnmiJy p* I hurtle; cure
m* »riml»*r «f Hrjufn IIp'mi«< #t urnnfeffl in.
pountry Ism( ynir wan
FI'fH pt'iDpiifl ffrm fr**nntl j ft rmuiffitly rnri i-fl. 1 Sn
fiU< «ffi*r <Ji4j ’« nn- of pH. Kl.if* UK AT
N am i el( kM. h'rrr %V .; rial l>o' I t-mn I
inf. .-iiytm to Dr. Kline '•til Arch ■(., F'hIIii., I ‘a.
7’ho ITnlM'G Hide* R<*of (HfU i>oun‘h>
(,f Imm to (Ircat DrHHLa last ycur.
Caw aiiw< «fir/»*iI m t#» iivi-r, itwl
IfOAfl n. Ncvt j nickL'ii. w<*iiki;ii or ^ri|»< ; Uh .
Wauttd: Agents Hillary anil exiwnse#
ot ■■otomFslon. Hcixl stamp for reply,
Martin Rawndev#, ivlrtnlngliitni, Ala.
'Itit.ff. nr*- tweaty-ttirei* m-fe# of latel t«
i-vi'jy InlmhUimt of Die glohc.
for yif I y Onia,
(Ivfr PMt.'fti curcil. Why not lei Ko-To-JI«^
T*KU or rc/iimn yttnr tor toItat co?
, y, i/iftki'H h# nl lh ttml wniih <c*f|.
J/riT * 5 lent. .Vi eenu uml ll.U), ut all
Thirty crcaiitfHi In ( i t itfit! KaiiHftH
lo farmers », r/ionth for rroum
J'ihf.M ( lift- Ih M W'/I|*l»Tfu! 1 ’OVfeh tor •Glciim,
MltM W PiflKKH T. \'a»i Kh'lcfi _____ hint lil’tko ..
«vco»«s, flOD/klyn, S. V , (Act, IHH
The e\xtn nf a proj^r«*a«ivc enrhre part/
in Ate l* ou, Katinas, werv all Ulblea.