Newspaper Page Text
What the People of that Thriving
Town Are Doing.
nr i.. nanny.
Mrs. Mary Croak has had some new
pullings put around her lot.
All tin work done at reasonable pricer,
C, L. Bag by, the tinner, Sharon, Ga.
Some of oar sport* and idle people arc
paving their respects to the finny trJb<
nowaday*. visited
Mrs. A. M. Iiiigliy and daughter
Mr. J. C. Griffith’s family in Jacksonville
lv.t week.
Cali on II C. Dickon when you want
anything it. the Whiskey line; he will fix
you up alright.
Mr. J.W. Fallen and family visited
Hillman last week the guest of Mr. and
Mr*. L. A Moore.
Melton Gilbert, they is holding the 1
ni v
fort prettv well wiili Love Mersiiou as
right hand support,
Preaching at Raytown Methodist church
next Saturday and Sunday by the pastor,
Rev. Mr. Embry.
Mllrtrajon school closed last Saturday
for the present. Will resume studies
again in the summer.
Preaching last Saturday and Sunday at
Sharon Pre-htlerian church bv Rev. Mr.
Simpson, of Washington.
Sharon streets are cleaned oil of all lit¬
ter and every week which speaks
well for its council and marshal.
Mrs. Dr. William Moore, of Crawford
ville Is visiting her daughter and lnmily of
our town Mrs. James A. Kendrick.
A great deal of corn planted in this
section 111 the piot two weeks uml a good
deal of farm work done generally.
Mr. Albert Barnett haa been carrying
in nl Ids logs in a sling for several days
hi* bicycle kicked him a short time ago.
Barnett lets a very good Sunday school
now at the Methodist church. Mr. Lead
better is stiperlntendant and is a go*»l
We have got a clock at our bouse that
stops running when we all leave home. It
seems that it wants company while it is at
Several fruit tree' aretits have been in
out town the past week. Wo understand
that Mr. Hull Kendrick lias gone into tbe
Mr. J W. Fallen had some repair* done
on hi* mill last week. It is in perfect rtm
aiii| iSVdct'Wlw and turn eua excellent
bread stuffs.
Mr. Jesse Taylor Is still suffering very
much witii indigo .ion ami ot her troubles.
Wc would Ik: glad if be could be restored
to good health I); HU).
M. T. lingers, from Uumnk, was in our
town lad Saturday, He spent the day
with Mr. E. E. Darden; lie is a boss talker
and stranger to uobody.
Our Sharon people .should lie certain to
Call at the Alliance Store when in Craw
fonlvdie for . heap goods and barguins.
They tain country produce.
Shtlvwribe for your county paper and
read the county news. A neap of our
comity |s',>pie don't know wlmt is going
on a half n mile from home.
The huli .s or lady Unit keeps up with
Mrs. A. D. Kendrick or Miss Mary
O’Keeffe nf Sharon In the way of flower
gardens w PI have to get up and get.
Mr. Kd ward Keating is going to make
consider!'.ble improvements on his lands
near Sin .run. He* mvlvud two cur loads
Of lumber bv the Ga. R. R Iasi w *ck.
Fill a buttle ur common waterg',a.*s with
tirlu and let it stand twenty-four hours: a
sediment or settling tmlinit. s a disease,
condition of the kidney s. M lien llrlni ’
stain* liuen It is positive evidence ot ki*l
to y trouble. Too frequent tie dre to uri
nute ot i>oin in the Imek, ia also combi"
iug proof that the kidneys an. I bladder are
out of onlvr.
\VH At TO l»«>.
There Is comfort to the Unowledge sc .
often e\pi. -e.l, that Dr. Ki) met . Sv\. tup
Root, the gnat kidmy r ftnedy ful tills
even wi»li iu relieving pain in the back.
kidney*, liver, bladder and every part 11 f
tlie uniary p issage. Ii correct* Inability
to hold urine and scalding pains in passing
it. or isi*i effects following use of liquor,
wine or liecr, and orcreoii'.rmhm unpleas
ant m-eesoty of bring o impelled to get
up many time -during tb <■ night to
uwte. The tutld auvt the extraordinary
effect of Swatsp-Root i* > oon realize.!. It
stands tlie highest for its wonderful cures
of b most dUtressingJca >es. If youneevl
a medicine >eu should ha ve the l<e*t. tso** 1
by druggist* price (lift) < eut* and one
staple xml , . ,
ai. Fur a !k>U ie
hoth sent free by mail. > uruuon the Ad»
caG'-Draanerat ami send your full
Atki wm> U> l>r. Kil .Drr v^. C <>.,
homion. N. ¥. The > roprietors or ih '
of Uja .
naper Ihs y,* nuinettf**
Uncle Darden was down last week
visiting relatives and friends in out section.
Uncle Jem' has not been among us In
•om*time but be hu* not forgot how to
Wages hands arc very scarce in this j
section. Everybody want* hand*. Old
man George Brooks colored is all the extra
we have in our town and he is too old to
, jo mijrh
We are making the celebrated English
I,| n jment just as good as the Mexican.
Young American or any other kind aid
cheaper, tail on us when you
nr : ee| a linjm<-ut.
Mad dogs have been on the rampant at
; Raytown and several dogs have been bit
; an ,j billed. One ran into Mr. George
Wright’s house. We don’t think any
people have been bitten.
Mr. Chap. McGinty, of Warren county,
was in our town last week visiting Messers.
Kendrick’s and Brown’s, his relatives.
Mr. .McGinty got pretty well everything
he had burned tip not long ago.
f foimeiiolri Treasure.
D. W. Fuller, of Caiiajoharie, N. 5.,
says that lie always keeps Dr. King’s New
Discovery in the house and his family has
always found the very best results follow
its use: that he would not he without it’
if procurable. G. A. Dykeman Druggist
Cat -kill. N Y... savs that Lb . King s New
DU, oven is undoubtedly the best Cough
remedy; that lie has . used . .. it . in . Ins f family , -|
for eight years, and it has never failed to
doall lliat is claimed for it, Why not try
it remedy so long tried and tested, Trial
bottles free at Dr. it. i. Reid's Drugstore
Regular size 50c. and Si .1)0.
Wc are agents for Grand Father's Bible
Stories fur this county and Warren: any¬
one wishing; to subscribe for this book we
would be glad to receive their subscription.
We will call around and sec you.
Judge Pittman and Maj. Taylor were in
town last week together. The Major was
selling pork and the Judge was trying to
buy a horse. They make a good team
sure enough when they get together.
Did You liver
Try Electric Bitters as n remedy for
your troubles? if not get a bottle and get
relief. This medicine has been found to
la: peculiarly adapted to the relief and
cure of nil Female Complaints, exerting a
wonderful direct influence in giving
strengtli and tone to the organa. If you
have loss of Appetite, Constipation, Head
ache. Fainting Spells, or are Nervous,
Sleepless. Excitable. Melancholy or troubl¬
ed with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters is
tlie medicijie you need. Health and
{strength are guarantee by Its one VTi.
ty cents and 31.00at Dr. H. J. Reid’s Drug ]
Store 1
Mr. G. R. Moore’s little boy, six years
old, died at his home near Ray town last
Saturday and was buried at the Methodist
eometery hi't. Monday. He was sick only
a short time. We extend our sympathies
to the bereaved family.
Wc think some one of our nice young
ladies ought to propose to Mr. L. T.
Moore. Wc know iu reason Louis would
marry if he had the chauee but Louis is so
bashful wc think he Is afraid to venture
far enough to pop the question.
One man bossing a two or three horse
farm and doing no work himself ain’t
much on the road to success. Not only
in farming blit in any other business: that
is the reason some of us are iu no better
fix. We don’t work enough ourselves.
Lducat0 Your IlowoU With CHfleRroUk
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c, iV. If C\ C. C. fail, druggists refund money.
Messrs. Miitr.n Gilbert and Love Met*
shon had a cake eating on the first dav of
April. Milton cat a whole pound cake
made of cotton before he thought about it
being the first day of April. Milton lias a
hard time but lie is a good fellow all the
Wc hear of some parent* who dou’t
want , Ut . ir children whipintd at school. It
is „„ impossil.ilUy for a school teacher to
t along with some children without
^ s)u( , t i, c switch and it is very wrong in a
p ar ent to object. “Spare the rod and
ti,,, chiivU”
Educate Your Bowels With Caacaroti.
Candy Cathartic, cure conxtipotioa forever.
Uk\ 35e. It C. C C fail, drngslilarefund money.
Mr. I*. S. Jackson, of our town, is hand- j
]j ils ; tlio bi" stock food of the day. It is
,,dled the International Stock Foci and
u^r,. j s ., 1K . r fcct guarantee on it ormonev
r0 funded. Our stock raisers should give
lt „trml there is a lot of stock in this land
u ,q country that need something to iui
prove their condition,
\v« t.sik a stroll down to the old Ken
,| r j c t Miq last week, one of Sharon’s
„|d ismi mark* it make*: goo.1 ini’*! and
ft 0 «r and is under the sapervWon of Mr.
\V. Brown w ith uncle Ellas Allen, the
s],} pioneer miller, to attend to it. Mr.
Urown imettvis to make soow further re
pairs on the mochiBery in the near future,
Everybody Suya So.
(•„,!, r»U\xrtic. Uie most won
derf ui tuu < u:cal discovgrv of st>ro. j».rus
clean hid tr Uic entire syateto. dis|*el oolus,
cure he.u aciro. fever. Labitunl ronatipaUon
and biiiou>nesA. Please buy and try a box
^ to-day; 10 , 50cents, boidacd
guamnie^ to cure by ail dnggifti.
T. A. Slocum, M. C., the Great Cliemiot
Scientist. Will .Send Free, losfce Afflict¬
ed, Three Bottles of His Newly Ills
corsred Itemedles to C«re Con¬
sumption and All Ltny
Confident that he has discovered a relia¬
ble cure for consumption at,<j ali bron¬
chial, throat and Jung diseases, general
decline and weakness, loss ofiicsh and all
conditions of wasting, audio make its
great merits known, he willj send, free,
three bottles to any reader of The Advo¬
cate-Democrat w ho may be suffering.
Already this ‘‘new scientific course of
medicine” has permanently cured thou
sands of apparently hopeless cases.
The doctor considers it hi* religious
duty—a duty which he owes to humanity
—to donate his infallible cure.
He has proved the dreaded consump¬
tion to be a curable dim a-Skbeyoud any
doubt, and bus on file in Ids ■merican anil
European laboratories testimonials of ex¬
perience from those benetitfcl and cured,
in all parts of the world.
Don’t delay until it is too late. Con
uninterrupted -^eftn. speedy
and A ‘ ^
cum, M. C., 08 Pine licet. >ew lork,
. m( , wrilin g (lie Ooctor, afdress, please give
X)m . ss ,, os; „ ffi( and also
mention reading this article in The Ad¬
We had a little ? e m our town last
Saturday between ir marslial and a
young man by tlie name of Shelton. He
had been or was violating gome of the
town laws and marshal Arnett went to
arrest him and he took leg hail and the
marshal never caught him either. They
ran about a half mile. Our town folks
were nil delighted over it. Nearly every¬
body was on the streets looking on.
Gufkian'* Area* s„'vI.
The Bust Sa!vo,in tiie jknrld for Cuts,
Bruise*, Sores, Ulcers. Rheum, Ew¬
er. Tetter, Chap pod Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Erupt tins, and posi¬
tively cures Piles, or no pay require 1. It
is guaranteed to give satisfac ioa cr
money refunded. Pririi 25 cents per box.
For sale by Dr. R. J. Rjid.
Strozer, t lie Jeweler at Craw
fordville, will vvait Sharon every
month, 1st and have 3rd Monday of ready, each
yo«r work
»'ork ttvst .. 'WX'-riryg modor
Mr. D- A. Pei kins, of Raytown, reports
that he has pencil bloot^is in his orchard
that have from five to twaity five young
poaches in each of them. He also states
that he chopped, one year, twenty five
acres of cotton by iiimJcif and it was as
grassy as c.ouId be. Ho also has a house
cat that canligt a rat and rabbit and
brought them !«>th and laid them down by
his bed side. He had .he rabbit cleaned
and used it. Dr. Emmett Darden says lie
has his opinion about the above statement;
he says it may bo possible but hardly
probable. Darden rather also doubts our
statement about our new clock stopping
every time we all leave home, but he need
not, for the old lady says it is a fact.
0R.HMTM mC3 ,
(Regular Oradaate*.)
Arc the Icaufnc and most ivrtceufulipeclallati and
will give you help.
Yount* and mid
die aged men.
MjgMSg' \ cults ReniarkaLlc have follow- re
WS Bfc v / \ ed our trectmcnt.
Mnny varied ye a r • of
am! Buccesr
! ' ful experience
In the use of curs
tlve methods that
we alone own and
control for all dls
... . orders of men who
ggg& ■Bfe havc weak, unde
velopcd or dls
: L eased organs, or
who are sulTerlnf of
from errors
youth and excess
or who are nervous
and Impotent,
the scorn of their
fellows and the
i- contempt of thel
• frlrnds snd com
psnlons. U leads u?
^gnornniei <? to all p»ticat*. !f they can posslhly
wiuaSmrd our o iwu exclusive treatmeat
• care.
WGMLX! with Don’t you want that to jef cured of thit
vcflkneu * teeatra*nt yon c«n u«e af
home W.thoot ln*trament»? Otir wonderful treat
meet Ua* cured otHera. Why not you? Try it.
CATARRH, »nd ditcatca of Uie Skin,Blood,
Beirt, Liver and Atdnejra.
ST PfHT.I»-The mow rapid, safe and effecUTe
•emedy. A complete Cure fiaaranteed.
RCfK DISEASE* failed. of an klnda cured where
maiiy others have
tlflATrtlL DISCHARGE* Quick, promptly
cured m a few day*. »«ire aod safe. This
include* Gleet and Gonoehora.
We have cured caeca of Chronic D!sea*e« that
have failed to get cured at the haad* of other ipecial
Ucj and medical in tttut l.
fflmaux KEM EMBER that there t* hope
for You CA*n*ult no other, a* you may wacte raluaole
Una Otaia our treatment at once.
Bcvrure of free and chWp treatmenta We gtr*
the heist and moat acieuittic treatment at moderate
price*—a» iow a* can be done for *afe and akilifa)
trearmcat. FREE couanHatton at the office on
by mail. A home Thorough examination be and careful d!sg
no*la rroatment can given in amalortt* IforVea
ofcoaea TNend for Symptom Blank No.
N«>. t for Women; Ko, S for gkln Dlscaae*. All corre
»ponJenre Knt:re antwered proroptly. Bu»mea* atrictlv c a
fturntta). treatment aent free from
iJoa. Hef«r to ovj paucnia, back* and huainen men.
Adireaa or call on
, a* i-l Amth Bread Street, ATLANTA, GA.
This insidious disease is now prevailing all over the country. It comes with its
chilliness, pains, aches, fever, watery eyes, headache, Etc. To avoid i>, take an oe
casional dose of
Dr. Hammack’s Cold Cure.
and it you have Grippe, the tablets taken according to directions, will cure it. They
are put pp in screw top bottles, convenient to carry. 25 doses 35 cents.
For Coughs
A cough is the rock upon which the health and life of thousands have been
wrecked. Every cough should be treated at its commencement, and for this
purpose there is nothing better than Dr Hammack’s White Pine and Spruce
Gum Cbugli Balsam. It cures without fail all bronchial and lung affections.
Price, per bottle, 25 cents. Once used, it is always the favorite.
For Pains and Aches.
There is nothing better than Dr. Hammack’s Electric Liniment. It will cure
neuralgia, rheumatism, stitches and pains, lumbago, chapped hands, and all
manner bottle, of pains and aches. Don’t experiment, hut buy this liniment. Price,
per 20 cents.
A Good Rubber Hot Water Bottle
should ba in every family. We have them—the best made from50 cents upwards
and everything usually sold in a first-class drug store at reasonable prices.
Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ATLANTA, GA.
E l. Advo Democrat:—When 1 wrote fu
reolv ta Mr. Johnson’s article in the Peo
pies Pa: tv Paper. T tried to write m a
chrbtain spirit, cutcrtaluiog at tin* time
no ill will or feelings toward Mr. Johnson,
nor indulging 2 in any ridicule. In tliat
article , I , confined , myself ,, wholly , ,, , to .
true facts in the case and I think I know
what they were. I wrote not from sup¬
position but from knowledge.
Mr. C. M. Walker, candidate on our
ticket was not at tire place of election ail
day as stated by Mr. Johnson. I think it
was about 2o’clock before he arrived. I
have done nothing,and I have said noth¬
ing in this controversy that I am ashamed
of, or have any compunction of conscience
for, and wilh tills article I drop the sub
ject. Yours, in truth
Filual I’tlabl ItcMn* Vilas.
Symptoms—Moisture; inlouse itc-V-lfix
and starring; most at night; worse tiy
scratching. If allowed to edminuo twnyjrs
fvrsu, blsod SI 1 b ulcerate, jbfi"
coming very sore. Swayne’s Oiutmoirt
stops the itching and bleeding, heals ifl
cendion, and is most cases removes the
turners. At druggist, or by mall, for 50
cents, Dr. Swaync >fc Son, Philadelphia.
—The singers for memorial
services are practicing music for
that occasion.
For Infants and Children.
'Ghyfff&c&i': vrappit* •very
Are the joy and sunlight of our
homes. Use all care to keep the
little ones in health. Do not give
them nauseous doses, You can
overcome their troubles with Dr.
Royal Germetuer.
They all like to take it because it
does not taste like a medicine,
but like a lemonade. It cures colic
in young children, overcomes all
bowel troubles, gives good digestion,
and quiet, healthful sleep.
As a tonic for weak children and
as a remedy for use in teething, it is
the greatest in the wb fid.
tWSC.J by < ■•-GjjUts, new package,
large bottle, 10S Boees, One Dollar.
Manufactured only by
Hi Atlanta CfremicaJ to., It’anta,
Writ, for tf.f»e Book, Vtljfi f™.
[ Sent Free!
| miltt( . r *. who loV( . nnima ] Sj we wia
.send free, upon .ipplination, a copy of
Nip “ALLIANCE,” the organ of this
■ Society. In addition to its intense y in
foresting readme, it contains a )i t of
U)(J valuaUU , an(l mu , sna , p rem f U m»
given NATIONAL hv ti c paper. Address
410-411 United Charities Building, New
- < ,
i 1 K J r^ade
mi h ms
•: I, IS mi
i hss
Do not be deceived by alluring advertisement? and
think you enn get the beet made, finest finish and
for a mere sonur. Buy from reliable mnnufa ctnrem
that have rained a reputation by honest and square
dealing. mechanical There is none in the world that cun equal
in construction, durability of working
parte, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or hue
as many improvements os the NEW HOME.
m New Home Sewing Machine Co.
OjtAko*. Mass. Boston, Mass. 28 CkionSquare,N.Y.
Chicago, III. St, Lons, Mo. Dallas, Texas.
bAK J'UAJfcisco, Cax. Atlanta, Ga,
Plain Facts.
Apparent Cheapness Does
not make a real saving
of money.
j -
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a » E
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e '<
ST & !
s. a! w \ “
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I i s ' S m -d b I
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BEST VALVE for its price, is real and
only cheapness,
j HIGH Domestic «.<£££ » “»
* The
Best Machine
Best for the Agent to sell as it gives him
the most profit for the least money.
Bvst for purchasers because it give- the
most satisfaction in use,
•iGENTS WANTED. “Domestii ' at d
Imperial Paper Patterns. Send for Cat¬
alogue. Address,
Domestic Sewing Machine Co.