The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, April 16, 1897, Image 1

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    The Advocate-Democrat.
8100 Per Tear.
The Alliance Store
Can satisfy
The most fastidius
With 9
. .
Shoes and Oxford Ties,4
For ladies and children,
See our stock
And be convinced. . ' •
Home Matters Picfted Up by Our
Local Reporters,
What Our People Are Doing ami Saying.
Things Our Friends Tell III.
—The weather has been line
this week.
Early amber cane seed be _
qt at Alliance Store.
■—Judge Geo. Mitchell visited
Robinson Saturday.
—Flowers will be scarce this
v ‘"Lakeshad. a in JLd& v ■
‘ "ar
liance Store 5c per lb,
—Mr. W. R. Reid is planting
his cotton crop thi A s week,
- * Get , hat at Alliance ,,,.
a straw
Store before the best are gone.
—Judge T , S. H. Rhodes went , up .
to Atlanta Saturday on business.
—Miss Emma Jane Beazley's
school at Jennings closed last
—All hands and the cook have
heed gardening and farming this
—Miss Claud Bristow’s school
at Ogletree’s meadow closed last
—Miss Nannie Guest is visit¬
ing her relatives and friends in
—Prof. Jack Beazley’s school
at Sandy Cross closed exercises
last Friday.
—Judge Reese is holding
Court in Athens this week for
Judge Hutchins.
—The teachers examination
will be held here soon. See no¬
tice in this paper later.
—Mrs. B. M. Holden will ,go
to Atlanta this week to visit
relatives in that city.
Do sure to see the beautiful
oxford ties for ladies and chil¬
dren at Alliance Store.
Part of, the Alliance Store's
silk for waists, and pliiids for
skirts has been received.
—Potatoes planted before the
rains have not Come up well—
Other garden truck as well.
—Jno. Stephens gallery open
ingthis week was a success and
many dice pictures' wefe made.
—A number of our citizens
took in Augusta Friday last on
account of cheap railroad fare.
—Mr. and Mrs. Harold visited
tjie latter’s brother. Rev. R. E.
L. Harris at this place last Fri¬
. —We welcome “Spy from
Moore's mill/ and hope items
will be sent regularly 8 for
Mr. \r W. ur J. tv, Norton v, hqs the
ooumu-t wolden to rcsicfenoQ enlarge Col. and flprace has d.1
ready started to work.
—Mr. ,, and Mrs. Paul i tt H. r*\' Chap
man came down irom Rutledge
Saturday ir to visit the
parents -his place.
—When will those other mar¬
riageable couples report?
—E. C. Gunn week. paid a visit to
Augusta this
—The mad'dog scare has not
died out yet, but the dog crop is
thin now.
Mrs. J. W. Johnson, of
Greenesboro, visited Crawford
ville this week.
—Prof. McLaughlin reported
having raddishes, sallad and
other garden truck large enough
to use a week or more ago.
-Mr. Bert Flynt, son of Sena
tor Flynt, united with the Bap
tist church here Saturday and
baptized Sunday morning.
—Mrs. J. P. Perkins is
boarding her -daughter in
Cra$viop Aiflla- to
tages of music lessons a* well as
schooling. ’
—Mr. ,, C. _ F, McDannell, _ ., the ,,
ar ^j s t, who has been with us this
week is a gen i us Q f rare ability
and he is at home in all the
branches of art.
—M r . and Mrs. Paul L. Chap¬
man, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Har¬
ris, Carl Holden and Misses Ella
Norton and Mabel Nelson went
out fishing Tuesday their last. They
have not reported luck yet.
The old story of Prometheus is
a parable. Prometheus was on
terms of intimacy with the gods.
From theffi he stole fire, and
gave it to men. For this sin he
was bound to the rocks of Mount
Caucassus, and vultures were set
upon him. They only ate his
liver. This grew again as fast
as it was pecked away. Are his
sufferings to be imagined?
Take a modern interpretation
of the parable. There is no
cooking without fire. In cooki ng
and eating the mischief lies.
The stomach is overtasked, the
bowels become clogged, they that
cannot dispose of the food
is given them. The impurities
buck up on the liver. Then
come the vultures—the torments
of a diseased liver. Dr. Pierce’s
Golden Medical Discovery vultures is
more than equal to tile
of dyspepsia and its kindred dis¬
eases, There is no more need of
suffering from dyspepsia one’s than self.
there is of hanging
Sold by all m’edicine dealers the
world over.
—Correspondents will remem -■
her that we sometimes have to
curtail s6me of their writings to
get them in. It is impossible to
publish strictly many long articles of vital that
are fiot news or
local interest.
'two years a go I i- J.-VTarrftj, a
druggist at Pleasant Brook. N. Y.
tain’s Cough a Remedy. "“PJ^ ^amber- He suris .Up
,M result n£ follow*. “At ffeit »
( wdfcft.; [ IC goods day were Champlain’s unknown in Cough this
Remedy is inHundmb a honm.*h6ld of^nmnnities. wor<l. w It is
Where v p. la the good /sf
Chamberlain’s Ccugu Remedy beootm.
Inown the people will have not
For sari by Dr R. t He id.
Mr. C. C. Caldwell lost a valu¬
able horse oue day last week. Ho
had just bought it in Wi^jtiinglon
and soon after he star to# homo
^vvith it, it took sick adjd died
within a few minutes thsijeafter.
His loss was considerably over
*100. _ X
The colored people ,ted
emancipation in big sty l*pj here
Friday last. The trains
in large crowds and n y of
them tilled up with liquor,,
no trouble occured excep or
crSwrirrJ'sr^ two got into the callabocpe fot
W. P. Hubert lias vesij his
position as assistant dep emt
and telegraph operator at this
place and E. C. Gunn, fr^m the
Social Circle office has taken the
office here. Will’s liianyAdbuds
here regret his leaving xj#, arid
Eugene’s friends welcomjp., W|H him
^ ac i c pis 0 pi home. has
no other _______. place „ in view. SL
• SHOULD RE DONE. *6 - . '
M Ml ' T v V ’ Oarrett Garrett i.sinvol.imit- is invomigut
. arrangements to naw ni,s
in S
? atea manufactured in.
Crawfordville. It is agoqaidea.
Our town should be manufactur
ing a number of such J^eful
articles that are now mi IU
factory of this kind woAMci *>, pay
better here now ,. than most, any
business that could be iuyested
in considering the amou lit it
would cost to start it up.
If any of our readers liavt • been
induced to answer the ad't.
the Avalon Bicycle Co., Milwau¬
kee, Wis., it will be well t >
send them any money.
concern has failed—to ps,y
debts and now another
calling itself the Advance
Co., in the same city claims
continue the broken down Ava¬
lon concern. They both setem
be the same concern.
The following kind patron* have paid
their suhxcrlption since our fust issue.
A. 1). Moore, 50c to April 15 ’9T
J, C. Jordan. $1 to Feb. 1 ’9S
Mr. Robert McGibonyand Miss
Mamie Harrison were married
last Sunday night at the home
Mr. H. H. Flynt, in this place,
Rev. L. P. Winter
the ceremony. Mr. McGibony
is now a resident of this place
but for the past few years
made his home at Greeneslporo.
He is One of our finest
and ik Connected with the
of Mr. J. N. Chapman.
wish for the happy couple a
and happy life.
—We are glad to know
Mr. W. W. Bird is
after so long a spell of sickness.
A Peerless lAtiimtOtii
An a pain destroy Hi na<l etna, fot
fheumatism, Slalvatk/ff f)>! is iii< peer
of all liniments.
A r m,rietor of SmeblugerP Oeve»
Wi 0ii w ; hs “I .'ered from
r , . . , , twelve v rtfand niv £
ftttack kl ,, m0 in , tmab3e
' 4
*»*• I 0 1 ^ ^
was m> P and sJ out. A* &} i »am de
•trojer Mii« y. ; neBt t r iag , ma} ^ “ »
SajVaUon OU _ is sold everywhere to-
2-5 e'en*. Try it aild be cobVM*^J.
A Bad Report from the Convet
A Taliaferro County Wan In Troubl# About
th« the Old Man* My* Can
- *
non .Say* he Can Prove hi* Innocence.
News reached here Tuesday of
a bad affair over'in Wilkes if re¬
ports are true. It Is said that a
negro convict was whipped to
death at the camps of Mess 3
H. & Wade Griffin, and th
y«^» nRn 5s
trouble as he was the whipping
bpss 'The at the camps.
Augusta Chronicle has
the following special report of
the affair.
On Friday last a negro, work¬
ing in the chain gang of J. H. &
W. H. Griffin, was whipped by
the boss of the gang. Tho ne
died and was bnvied Satur
day-. Today the coroner’s jury
a§gemblod to hold an inquest.
Tho body was taken up and ex¬
amined. The flesh was horribly
mntiltftecl. Tho jury found that
death was caused from the whip¬
ping and young Bob' 1 Cannon, tho
whipping boss, was brought here
to-night and placed in jail to
await the grand jury in May.
Humor says tho negro was
buried at night. He was 00 or
ll ofit? "'ills ' numtT’wus
Frank McRae.
with local applications, an they Catarrh cannot,
reach ilic seat of tho disease, disease,
is a blood or constitutional and
in order to cure it you must take in¬
ternal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure
is taken internally, and acts directly
on tho blood mid mucous surfaces
Hull’s Catarrh Cure is not a ijtinck
medicine’ It was prescribed this by one
of the beat physicians in country
for years, and is a regular proscription.
It is composed of the best tonics
known, combined with tho best blood
purifieis, acting directly on the fnu
cous surfaces, Tho perfect combina¬
tion of the two ingredients is what
produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimo¬
nials, free. F- J. CHUN EVA CO.
Props., Toledo, 0.
Sold by druggists, Pills price the 75c. best.
Hall's Family are
While lam in peace wiih everybody
here and inn able, to go off ( am preparing
to leave and take tills method ti ask till
who are due rnc anything to pie ce come
forward and settle st once.
Crawfordville, Oft., April 6th
There was a terrible explosion
of an engine over in Wilkes coun¬
ty one day last week. The en¬
gine of Mr. McEvoy exploded
and tore everything to splinters
that was in its reach. There
Was but one person seriously
hurt and is reported to lie young
Jesse Evans. It is said that he
was badly mangled and his head
Crushed. He was scarcely alive
when we last, heard from him.
A Truthful Statement.
An excellent and invaluable remedy,
for the cure of cough, cold and hoarse¬
ness, is Df- Bull’s Cough Kyrup, and
Mr. Ja*. Hadfield, 350 West St„ New
York City/ verifies Bull’s this statement, hyrii'p
tie writes; “Dr. Cough
j, * mQtt kxc *lleoi remedy lor cough,
m ^ v * _ 1 r rrrt-ut
pleasure m recommending ff it to u> aU an,
who require 1 *uch a Valuable household
medicine. .. . ,, Dr. , Bull s Cough <•,,.<*». «wnn byrup
im told everywhere for 25 cents.
In Advance.
NO. 9.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated fur Us great, Uv. \ citing strengt li
nj|tl heivH.hfultnt's. A sum, tlir food
against alunJ autI nil harms of udiiKern-
1loncommont»> the eiienp brands. IBri
Ab BAKING I’OW.lEU CO., New York.
Luther I?. Hjadawaydied
day evening at the home of his
father, near Jointing’s church,
of lung trouble from which he
lias been a sufferer for a year or
more. It is a particularly sad
death from the fact that the de¬
ceased was a lively and popular,
business young man who was
about 27 years old, and who lmd
made for himself a bright start
in this world. About a year ago
his ill health forced him to give
up a paying mercantile business
which he had built up at Hurt
well, a thriving northeast Geor¬
gia town. His remains were in¬
terred at the Jennings
cemet ery Mfa incsiiay
’The sympathies of i the entire
community are extended the
bereaved family.
Americans are tne most inventive
people on earth. To thorn have been
lusiied nearly 600,000 patents, or more
than one-thud o( all the patents issued
in the world. No discovery of mod
era years has been of greater benefit
to mankind than Chamberlain’s Colic,
Chcdera and Diarrhoea Remedy, or has
done more to relieve pain and suffer¬
ing. J. W. Vaughn, ofOaaton. Ky,
KrtyN* “I have used Chnmberlain’s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
in my family for nevoral yearn, and
find it to be tho beat medicine I ever
used for era mps in tho Htomach and
bowels. FoP Ha b) by l)r. 11, J, Reid,
The farmers o/ Georgia will use com
meri liil fertilizers to the amount of S7,
()00,000 this year. There are I,too brands In
the market, au lucre,''*e of 8011 over last
Mrs. A. Invcen, residing at 726
Henry >St., Alton, III., suffered with
sciatic rheumatism fo," over right
months. She doctored fi>rif. nearly
the whole of this time, usi.'ig various
remedies recommended by friends, and
was treated by the physiclano, but re¬
ceived no relief. She then turid one
and a half bottles of (Iharnl.>erlain's
Pain Halui, which effected a complete
euro. This is published at similarly her re¬
quest, as she wants others
afflicted to know what cured her. Tho
25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Dr. Jl
J. Reid, Druggist,
An Albany girl gives us tin; definition of
love: “/telling at tlie Jicart ami can t
scratch it,’’says tu» Amsrkus Ifc.ruUt.
No-To-Hne for Flftjr C«nU.
fJuaranU }#*,/!' nbnevo b*blt cure, f/iaL:«# w«ulc
ujuii ntroni;, blood pure. W*,#l All tlruggiMl*.
In connection with watch, clock and
jewelry repairing, during the summer
months, (provided you Inlrig the machine
to my shopf I will make sewing machine
run }|/(ht am] wtltch |**rfwt tliftt yon * on*
HUifit kVort)il<fMH. I ran rojmlr miy kind < '
tniv hlrn ry. I nm u |>ractic tl workinun,
no robhkr. if i do nov/i\f. mVmfnvtioti j
want no pa y. B. li. STKOZEK.
Jt wtder, CritwforcliDcr. (In,
•Ofow to I liras nil Hkii, t )\»an ••
"imply Ifituniaf ««,.> tnkdU'fm; ;
'failin' i
+l>h liand*, wd ti' un, Atr
la.ta ,.
**< mA enrative ixmitrs an
tw^rue*. ^ rB , Ak „