Newspaper Page Text
Much in Little
It especially true of flood’s rills, for no medi¬
cine ever contained so great curative power in
to small space. They are a whole medicine
chest, always ready, al¬ Pills
ways efficient, alway* sat¬
isfactory, prevent a eoid
or fever, cure all liver ill*,
»|ek neadaeha. Jaundice, constipation, etc. Me
The only rill* to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
-Official Organ of Taliaferro Co.
CHA WF<>KDVILLK, <iA. AP1U*, 1897.
, The Dingly tariff is higher
than the McKinley tariff.
Will Myers has been caught
again, in Idaho this time.
The worst of tho Mississippi
flood is reported over, All
should be thankful.
Loss by fire in the United
States in 1896 was $117,(XX),000.
insurance *73,000,000.
Mrs. Nobles will be hanged on
April -0, to-day week for the
murder of her husband.
Twelve veterans of the war of
1412 ure yet living, with ages
running from 90 to 104 years.
Standard oil stock is going up
and another hold is being taken
on the throat of the people by
the trust.
First month’s sales of Bryan’s
boolf brought lit in in $1(5,000.00.
He proposes to give half to the
silver cause.
Insect Preventive.--In nearly
<Xvery numbe r^qlJ^’kj^JMaga-.
zine some one laments the ruin of
her flowers by insects, and asks
for a remedy. Lot me suggest
an infallible Olio, stop the do
struct ion of the birds. Provi
donee appointed earth’s protec¬
tors against the insect plague
years ago. These feathered
friends annually cleared my
plants of aphis, but fashion de¬
creed that they should lie slaugh¬
tered, that brainless women
might ornament their hats with
their poor little corpse. In my
own fair State, the land of na¬
ture's gems, you have demoraliz¬
ed men and boys into following
the birds into their nesting places
on the islands, and shooting
down every parent bird, even
tearing wings and breasts from
jiving victims, throwing down
their bloody bodies to be devour¬
ed by ants, and leaving the little
ones to die by the slow torture
of starvation. Oh, the calls and
cries of those perishing baby
birds'. 1 wonder that Heaven
does not answer them in a thous¬
and judgements upon the heads
bedecked with these hideous
manifestations of woman's
brutality. Mrs. Haynes. Hern¬
ando Co., Flu.
exerts a wonderful influence in
strengthening her system by
driving through the proper chan
nel all impurities. Hf.filth J!l(i
strcnoih arc guaranteed to result
from its use.
My vitt \va, t*Hlri.k!en tor rk-litrrn month*.
*f!-r usic* BKAWlKl.r> S KEUC
L.VIVH lot two month'
J X JOHNSON. Malvern, Ark
M* ky all £n*j.«u at II 0# jw kcuu.
The Spectator. . .
* Some Thing* He Has Seen,
, Heard sad Thought About. * * *
Our Chief Magistrate has cer
tainly been the storm center of
many sensations in Georgia for
some years past. One s love of
notoriety must be abnormal in
deed who would or could
desire more publicity than has
come to Gov. Atkinson since he
entered the Executive Mansion,
His private, home, and political
life have by turns contributed
their quota to the newspaper
sensations sensations tnat that have nave downed ao^gea ms his
Steps, pried into his family circle
and lugged before the eyes of a
find nublic matters that hon
orabM sensitive gentleman
hold Rflorod
The matrimonial efforts of the
Governor’s youthful son and that
young gentleman's more youth¬
ful jnamorata, are matters se
rious or comic, just as one is dis¬
posed to take them. The affair
to many will present itself as a
“comedy of errors, t t j u
which the young couple’s “as
sault with intent’’ to marry was
a pardonable folly. A majority
of young people will doubtless
be in very hearty sympathy girl,
with this romantic boy and
while older people (particularly maids,
old bachelors and old
will shake their heads in grave
and significant disapproval.
To monalizeato it facts likethis
is to play with some of the edged
tools of truth. But this affair
no doubt has its lessons for every
parent who has children
proaching maturity.
A man said once, “Boys be¬
tween tho age of fifteen and
twenty have less sense than they
ever had before, or ever will
have again; and the same thing
is true of girls between the age
of twelve and eighteen.” Pos¬
sibly some may regard this as
two sweeping a genei’alization,
but it no doubt has a modicom
of truth in it. One thing is sure;
when yH^t4rat--mwrrr-tTrriw- boys especially—and
4 ^* _{<*,_
age where they need parental
and counsel and restraint
»><»'« a^too^lften
alUnvi , (1 and encouraged to ro .
, rur d themselves as “grown,
and fully entitled to all the
rights. privileges and immu
nities of their elders. Your
“smart Alex ’ is often more to be
Pitied 1 than blamed.
« . ,
" ’ *
nothing . short of down- .
It is
right cruelty to force girls “on
the carpet, before they are pro
pared by age. experience, or
knowledge for the duties of
adult womanhood. An app o
plucked before its maturity may
mellow into quasi ripeness, but
it is never us sweet and good as
one that hangs upon the tiee
until sap and soil Ulld sun have
done their full woilc. Society s
hot house ways are not as satis¬
factory as the slower but surer
process of nature.
• •
Wo tease children about
“sweet hearts” from infancy up,
and then wonder how it is that
girls not yet out of short dresses
talk about their "best follow,"
and that boys whose jxnlal beyond ex¬
tremities have not gotten
the “stone-bruise” period should
“put on airs” about their “dul
Tho Speetater is two vividly
mindful (and too pleasantly sentiment so) to
of his own boyish call
sneer at what we "puppy
love. ” The point he would have
safely guarded is the propensity possibility of
of encouraging a
our nature that is strong
c» ou ^ h iu i,s « lf activity. iato improper O
and abnormal Uur
will have ample time when to
think of love and marriage
they are grown up to manhood
j womanhood. Let us not too
press to their lips a cup
that sometimes has as its bottom
ii‘ u ‘ r dlst ‘Pi' oiat
MOOD'8 Sarsaparilla has over and
over again proved by failed, its cures, that
when all otlier True preparations
it is the Due BLOOD Purifier.
Correspondents Eeports of What Their
Neighbors Talk
! T
C * 1 ew
Farmers arc busy putting in guano an
planting torn.
We are having a few good days for
farm work, and wc tillers of the soil are
putting in double li<ks.
Mr, G. If. Bocker killed a ma (>U in
his yard several days ago.
Bermuda school clones next Fntiay un
til summer.
" closed last
Friday, to res.rtneatrftin . m . the summer.
Messrs. H. Wync and It. J. Cooper at
tended preaching* Craw ford vUle Sunday.
Pearl, the little daughter of Mr. Frank¬
lin, of Powelton, was bitten last Wednes
day by a mad cat. She was carried to
Harlem, to the mudstone which on being
applied ad hoped twenty six hours.
Uncle Sanford King an old and highly
resjveeted citizen of Hancock county find a
former resident of Taliaferro, died last
Friday, telling his friends who were
around his couch that he was going home,
Blessed thought to know we have a Heav¬
enly home, amMhat some day we are go¬
ing there.
Miss Clara Nelson returned home last
Tuesday from a two months visit to her
brother who Iiy^.s in Wilkes, She says
the people of old Taliaferro know nothing
of had roads, mid if they don't believe it
k’O over in Wilkes and he convinced,
Mis* Nannie J. Jones, after a long and
severe spell of sickness is again able to
visit. She spent week before last with
Mrs. Gee Seals and relatives in and near
nucleiea'a Arnica Solve.
The Best 8alv«.fn the world for Ontn,
Bruises, Soros, Ulcers. Salt Itheum, Fev¬
er, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain*.
Corns, and all Skin Erupt ons. and posi
tive'y cure* Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give satisfaction or
money refunded. Price 25 cents pur box
For sale by TV. R. ,L lb eh
Spring, sweet spi ing.
Mr. A. S. Liuieeford has been on the
- 11«* fe. lea; wx-k's- —
The farmer, are, very busy preparing to
plant, and are making good use of the frir
A crowd was out from town Tuesday
Ibhing, enjoying ihemselves very mu-h so
w ‘’ » ,L h« ‘ ar ®\ Leila L^ce j ord spent , Saturday Q , .
night and btmdaywlth Miss Nellie Moore
5 r : Cnarhe Octree d ned
Mr. j. I). Moore’, fann y Sunday last.
a “ e n< " n K ® un 'T T°° n
Messrs. r Henry Winn u and Ray » Cooper :
attended Sunday school Sunday evening.
( ome again boys; wc are always glad to
Rumor has it theft will !>e a marriage
Jn thU ^ghunrhood, the 81st of June,
Q ttn ani , one te n w ] ta t day it will he on?
^j r j esse Ogletrce attended Sunday
sc j l(K) | .Sunday evening, as he came over
j, orse .hack. Wc dont suppose he intend
(( j t() ^.p gm girls from walking,
The young folks of this community, ate
expecting to go to Slmron next Sunday
v i s it,j n g the Catholic church while there,
Little Men
“x* Women
We call them Uttle men and
little women, but they are
neither. They have ideas Fortu¬ and
ways all their own.
nately they soon become fond
of cod-liver oil, when it is
givfn to them in the form of
is the most valuable remedy in
existence for all the wasting
diseases of early life. The
poorly nourished, scrofulous
child; the thin, weak, fretting
child; the young child who
does not grow; all take Scott’s
Emulsion without force or
bribe. It seems as if they knew
that this meant nourishment
and growth for bones, muscles
and nerves.
Book telling more about it, free.
It won’t pay to try a substitute for
Scott's EmuHov. with the children.
They will relish the real thing.
For uk at 50c. sad SUM, by all
SCOTT ft BOWKt. Nm. York.
Mr. Hiram Nelson came over to Snndav
sc-hool last Sunday. CVime a^ain.
we are "lad to have you.
Our Sunday school was organized last
bundav./ilecting ,, , , It sigieriuiendent „ Mr.
nr *V T r. V. Nelson, , , . vtlio , Vfi arc „„„ certain will . ,
make us a good and faithful superintend
dent, and may we all join in and help him
in this noble work.
Mr. Prior Chapman wav over Sunday
evening. Come again, Prior, and bring
others with you.
If we see this in print we will again
come.—[All right Ed. A-l).]
FnFn r_Our 04 Page Medical refereno.
book for men and women afflicted witi
f orm 0 f private diseases peculiar tc
their sex, (rroic of vouth, coniagious
diseases, female trouble etc. Send * two
ce-tstaino* «;■ to pav P postage to the lead,
U l plfy^eians Of this com,
Ur. Hathaway & Co.
;2K So. Drc-t St.. AfmUmGa.
Preaching at Bethany Presbyterian
church next Sunday evening, by the pastor
Rev. Mr. Burgess.
The ground is again in order to plow,
and the “haw. gee, come up dar, sir,” i
being heard in every direction.
“Get your com plapted” is the watch¬
word now.
Little Itufc Callahan is the Holden inai
carrier. Rule Is an industrious and intelli¬
gent little fellow.
Mr. Cliable King lies been contemplat¬
ing a trip to Athens for sometime but ill
health and bad weather has prevented In¬
Little Lillian, the four-year-old daugh¬
ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. \V, Broome, is
quite sick.
Little Beulah, the one year old daugh¬
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Tod King, has been
quite sick but we are glad to learu is
much better now.
Mrs. Hendricks, whom we mentioned
being very sick last week, we are glad to
note is much improved.
Mr. Frank Ilobbs, of White Plains,
spent Sunday and Sunday night of last
week with friends in the Holden
borhood. We are always glad to welcome
Frank’s cheerful face and gentle deport
m n t.
Picnic at Jordan’s miU Easter Monday.
The chirp of the. young chicken Is be¬
ing heard in ail directions and soon the
lloldcuites will be fortified with the yel¬
low legged chicken to help them through
the hard times, if they don’t all go to
Mr.'Wesley Brcom says while passing
through his farm a few days ago that lie
was suddenly attacked by a large owl
with such fury that lie was forced to re¬
treat to get something with which to de¬
fend himself, and just as he had procured
a club a second owl put in bis appearance
and a lively tight ensued. Mr. Broom
says their blows were aimed altogether at
bis face, with their bills, claws and wings,
and that he had a lively time for awhile to
He however succeeded iu crippling and
capturing one of the monsters and claims
•that he lias won a great victory. Dr.
ground a— ......... later in the day to see »“f where
owls had had Wesley down but tailed
find am- trace of blood or hair that
monsters had torn from theii intended
Mr. W. H. Gunn and wife are
visiting in Taliaferro county.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mitchell,
from Taliaferro county, were
among friends here Sunday.
paits, made its appearance at
Daniel’s Spring on Monday and
worked that community up to
fever heat.
Cabbuge PI mis*.
Question.— Enclosed find some worms
and a moth which produce* them. The
worms have seriously injured our cab¬
bages and turnips, eating off the tops
Please name them and give a remedy
against them.
Answer.—T he iusect is called the
Cabbage Plnsia. It works great injury
to many garden crops, but especially to
cabbages and turnips. The female moth
(dark gray in color, with a bright spot
near the middle of each front wing ,)
deposits her eggs either singly or in
clusters on the upper surface of the
cabbage leaves. The egg3 soon hatch,
and the young worms begin at once to
derour the leaves and to bore small,
irregular holes iu the cabbage head. In
this section there are several broods of
this destructive insect each season. The
moths usually fly at night, but may
sometimes be seen flitting about during
a cloudy day. To get rid of them, dust
upon the plants pirethrum. (insect pow¬
der) mixed with three times its bulk of
flour. They may also be destroyed by
spraying with kerosene emulsion.—State
Agricultural Department.
Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure Victorious.
No other medicine can show such a record.
Here is a veritable patriarch. 73 years of
age, with strong prejudice to overcome, who
had Heart Discos* »ears. He took the New
Heart Cure aod is now sound and well*
sg \ P4
n 1
% t* Y w m
Samuel O. Stone.
Grass Lake, Mich., Dec. 28,18&I.
I have been troubled with heart disease 15
years or more. Most of the time I was so
Dad it was not safe for me to po out alone, 1 had
as dizzy spells would cause falling.
severe palpitation, shortness of breath and
sudden pains that rendered me helpless. All
physicians did for me was to advise keeping taking
quiet. In August last I commenced
Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure,
and before I had finished the first bottle I
found the medicine was a God-send. I have
now used four bottles in all and am and feeling have
entirely well. I am 73 years of age
held a grudge against patent medicines all
my life, but I will not allow this to prevent
giving my testimony to the great cure your
valuable remedy has wrought in me. L)r. Miles' I do
this to show my appreciation of STONE.
New Heart Cure. SAMUEL O.
Dr. Miles that Heart the Cure first Is bottle sold on will a positive uenefit.
guarantee sell itat$l, 6 bottles for $5, or
All druggists prepaid, receipt of price
it will be sent, Medical on Co., Elkhart, IncL
by the Dr. Miles
Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure R “H e 8 th.
e « i
It Don’t Cost a Cent.
Savannah Weekly News,
Published Every Monday and Thursday'.
lo4 eight page papers, a year for ONE
DOLLAR. Less than one cent a copy.
Its two editions a week give the readers
of the tYEEKLY NEWS the news of the
world, markets and all the matter which
nowadays go to make tip a good newspa¬
per, while the news is fresh.
The WEEKLY NEWS is an up-to-date
newspaper; any man or woman can read in
the family circle. Remit by Post-Office
or Express Money Order, Registered Let¬
ter. or get your Post Master to order it for
you. One year 81 00, 6 month 5o cents.
Address the MORNING NEWS, Savan¬
nah, Georgia.
-7——--------r----; ‘
The New York World.
IK Cages a Week. 150 Capers a Year.
It stands first among “weekly” publication papers and
in size, frequency of reliability of
freshness, variety and con
tents. •It is practically a daily at the low
price of a weekly; and its vast list of sub
scribera, extending to every state and ter
j(> news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated ard among
its special features ate a fine humor page,
stor ies hy the gieatest living American
and English authors.
Conan Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome. Stan
i'f^.'^nj^Brander We offer this unequaled Matthews, and ete.
The Advocate-Democrat together one price year
for SI.70 The regular subscription
of the two papers is 82.00
I TTAifT every man and woman in ihe Unites
States interested in the Opium ami Whisky
habit* to have one of my books on these dt»
eases. Address A*d II. M. Woolley, Atlanta, Gil,
Box 082 . one will he sent yon free.
Wanted-M Idea £ES
, oar Mm; therm*, bring we.nh.
»h<l iut of two hundred invention* wanted.
Many men nr« «uflering^Tintold misery, spand
but for tVe want s/intelligent *reetm«nt HELP are
i beina laid away in premature graves.
is in the reach of every suffering and weak
mum All cases of NERVOUS DISEASES
the ES effects AND of DRAINS, early whether indiscretions they be from
rk, sickness, errors, from
O’ verwo or any cause,
w e can quickly methods and permanently known cure
by moat unfailing Consumption to modern
medical skiil.Almost all cases of
Rheumatism. Catarrh, Kidney these and Liver Com¬
plaints, can be traced to diseases, and br
applying the proper remedies a core can al¬
ways be effected. like Many men suffering from
these disease* are drown ing men, grasping
after mere straws, such as Free prescriptions.
Free Treatments, etc., only to find themselves
dnoed by some fraudulent C. O. I>. dmggist or
medicine company. STOP experimenting.
Wegive a legal Bond or Cuarantee
to euro or refund your money.
Treatment at home aa well as here; same
price, same guarantee. To those who prefer
to come here we will contract to refund
railroad fare end hotel expenses if we
fail to cure- ^3?"S250,000.00 capital
back of our absolute Guarantee to
cure or refund your money. If yoa ere
tired of quAcfcery, if you here any of the above
innptoms thu: make life a mu*erable exist¬
ence. WRITE US end we will send FREEe
valuable and method# paper fully explaining perfect, theee diseases, reliable
our most
and effective mmMMl known u> medicai sci
ence. CVu-resTKYndence strictly confidential.
No medicines sect until ordered ) Address
tate Medical Co., Omaha, Neb.
tOf N'ebraika, I-corpcratedg