The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, April 16, 1897, Image 5

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Wliat the People ot that Thriving
Town Are Doing.
Dr. Rhodes, of Hillman, was in
our town last week.
Our convent has a Cuban bov
attending school there.
Mr. W. E. Arnett, our marshal
keeps busy all tbe time.
Services at Jennings chapel
next Saturday and Sunday.
Don’t let none of us forget
memorial day let all attend.
Big day with the colored folks
last Friday in Crawfordville.
Business has been quite dull in
our town for several (lays past.
Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott is stop¬
ping with our family at present.
Miss Katie Lee Moore visited
her unde Mr. A. D. Moore last
We have no loafers in our
town. Those that want to loaf
go fishing.
Birthday Party at Mr. J. W.
McKinney's on Tuesday night of
last week.
We are are still in the lead
with our liniment, an old En¬
glish remedy.
Uncle Billy Moore always has
something new to tell you or in¬
struct you on.
Our farmer friends are doing
all they can towards fixing for
the present crop.
Mr. H. T. Taylor and Mr.
James Meadows visited Mr. Tolly
Taylor last Sunday.
The mad dog sensation has
about subsided in this section
we are glad to state.
Mr. Edward Keating is pro¬
gressing finely with his improve¬
ments on his residence.
Mr. W. H. Bagby was suffer¬
ing a good deal last week from
an over horse back ride.
Mr. H. C. Dicken and Love
Mershon enjoyed themselves on
a fishing frolic last week.
Mrs. Sullie Coffee and Mr. Hen
ry Fielding, of Barnett, visited
Crawfordville last week.
Don’t forget John Stephens
when you go to Crawfordville-.he
wants to take your picture.
Myself, wife and Mrs.
visited our daughter Mrs. J. T.
Taylor and family last Sunday.
Mr. Jeff Lim, of Augusta, was
up in this section last week. Mr.
Lira was raised in this county.
Mr. George Fouche and son
has been doing some painting A. Ken¬ the
past week for Mr, J.
Mr, H, C, Dicken is doing
very good business in the whis¬
key line and by the way is a nice
clever man.
Whipowills, jay birds, etc.
have made their appearance. We
suppose winter is broke. We
hope so at least.
Fill a bottle or common water glass with
nrin and let it stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or settling indicates a diseased
condition of the kidneys. When urine
stains linen it is positive evidence ol kid¬
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri¬
nate ot pain in the liack, is also convinc¬
ing proof that the kidneys and bladder are
out of order.
Tlicre is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills
every wish in relieving pain in tbe back,
kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of
the uniary passage. It corrects inability
to hold urine and scalding pains in passing
it, or bad effects follow ing use of liquor,
wine or lieer, and overcomes!that unpleas¬
ant necessity of being compelled to get
up many times,luring the night to uri
nate. The mild and the exlraordinarv
effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It
stands the highest for its wonderful cures
Of ll most distressing^cases. If you need
a medicine von should have the best. Sold
by druggfats priee fljfty cent* and onedol
*>• For a sample bottle and pamplet.
both sent free by mail- mention tlie Advo
Cate-Democr»t and send your full post
office address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing
_ Tlie ...
hamton, i. proprietors or
naoer guarantee the genuineness of
offer. „
Don't take the advantage of
ignorance if you do you ought to
be in the chaingang or some
place of that kind.
Call on us when you need your
tin work done. We will be glad
to serve you. C. L. Bagby the
tinner Sharon. Ga.
Marshal Arnett had some
trouble in keeping order in our
town last Saturday but nobody
was seriously hurt.
More people in Crawfordville
last Tuesday than we have seen
in sometime on sale day and
nothing to sell either.
Mr. C. C. Caldwell lost a fine
horse last week. The horse died
in less than a hour after he had
bought and paid for him.
It is bad enough for a man to
come to town and get drunk but
much worse to got mad and want
to light and get whipped.
Mr, .T. W. Fallen’s little baby
was quite sick last week and was
seriously so for awhile but is
much better at this writing.
We dislike to see people labor try¬
ing to get other peoples’s is
for less than its value;it wrong
and honest people wont do it.
Advertise your business and
subscribe for your county paper.
Let the people know where you
are at and what you are doing.
Mr. John Tuggle, the funny
drummer, was among his many
friends in Sharon last week.
John is a good one sure enough.
Mr. Babe Chapman, of Wil¬
liam’s Creek, lost a fine young
horse last week which fell very
heavily on him these hard times.
We notice Mr. A. D. Moore,
boss of the temple of industry,
has sold out all of his second
handed work and is putting up
When you go into a man’s,
shop attend to what business you
have with him and don’t ask him
questions that nobody can an¬
The IMBcovery Saved HI, Life.
Mr. G. Caillouetto, Druggist, Heavers
ville, in., says: “To Dr. Kings Now
Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with
La Grippe and tried all the physicians for
miles about, but of no avail and was given
up ami told I could not live. Having Dr.
King’s New Discovery -la my store X sent
fora 1 tot lie and began its use and from the
first dose began to get better, and after ns.
ingthree bottles was up and about again.
Its is worth its weight in gold. Wc don’t
keep store or house without it." Get a
free trial at Dr. It, f. Reids Drug Store.
Mr. and Mrs. Willy Harris
have returned to their home in
this county from Emanuel. Mrs,
Harris is not much improved in
Mr. George Patten, who mar¬
ried Miss Della Kendrick of this
place died at Stone Mountain last
Saturday and was buried last
Monday. Bagby
Misses Missouri and
Mert Taylor visited Mildrajon
Grove last Saturday and Sunday
the guest of Mr. J. E. Bagby’s
We have been quite unwell for
some time and don’t feel much
like writing this week but we
will have to try and keep up our
Cure For Heartache.
As a remedy for all forms of Head¬
ache Electric Bitters has proven lo lie the
very- licit. It effects a permanent ( life and
the most dreaded habitual sick headaches
aiehl to its influence. We urge all who
tre afflicted to procure a Iwttle, and give
his remedy a fair trial. Incasesof habit¬
ual constipation Electric Hitters cures by
giving the needed tone to the bowels, and
few cases long resist the use of this medi¬
cine. Try it ouce. .10 cents and $1.00 at
Dr. K. J. Heids Drug Store.
Big. joval Jim Hall, of Warren
county, was in our town last
week telling his yarns and crak
ing his jokes. Everybody knows
Big Jim.
Recollect that we are agent
for grand fathers Bible Stories
a great book for the young peo
P*C. \V6 would be gbtu to get
your subscription.
Mr. Marrable, of Monroe, was
on a visit to his wife, this week
l n tilts county who has been Stop
ping at her father’s. Mr.
Taylor, for sometim e.
Tufaarv.spit and Smnte V«nr lift Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
ne «c- < ul < of »• f«, "«rve and vigor, take -Vo-To
Bac, tbe wonder-worker, that make* weak men
strong. All drui»j;!st», 50c or fl. Curcpuaran
tce <t Booklet anil .ample free. Address
SterUag Itemedy Co., Chicago or New York,
the dreaded consump¬
T. A. Slocum, HI. C., the Gr***t Chemist
Scientist. Will Semi Free, to the Afflict¬
ed, Three liottle* of His Newly Dis¬
covered Remedies to Cure Con¬
sumption and All
Confident that he lias discovered a relia¬
ble cure for consumption and ail bron¬
chial, throat and lung diseases, genera)
decline and weakness, loss of flesh and all
conditions of wasting, and to make its
•Treat merits known, lie will send, free,
three bottles to any reader of The Advo¬
cate-Democrat who may be suffering.
Already tIris “new scientific course of
medicine" has permanently cured thou¬
sands of apparently hopeless «*cs.
The doctor considers it li s religious
duty—a duty which lie owes to humanity
—to donate his infallible cure.
He has proved the dreaded consump¬
tion to he a curable disease beyond any
doubt, and bason file in his American and
European laboratories testimonials of ex¬
perience from t hose benefited and cured,
in all parts of the world.
Don’t delay until it is too late. Con¬
sumption, uninterrupted, mians speedy
and certain death, Address T. A. Slo
cum, M. C., 98 Pine street. New York,
and when writing the Doctor, please give
express and postoilie address, and also
mention reading tliis article in The Ad¬
Miss Beulah Sharp, formerly Tuesday
of this county, died last
and was buried at Hortb church.
Miss Sharp had been sick for
sometime with consumption.
Strozer, the Jeweler at Craw¬
fordville, will visit Sluron every
1st and 3rd Monday of each
month, have your work ready,
work first class, charges moder¬
We hope our business men and
people will bring in their job
printing of all kind t> us. We
will have it done for them and
deliver it to thorn without extra
Come OUt Sliat'On VWld Rtiy*
town fadies and gents 6 Craw
fordvillo memorial day and bring
all the flowers you can. We hope
all tile old veteran soldiers Will
be on hand.
Mr. B. M. Wheeler, of Warren
cottn ty, died last- IM/Vi* • VWL WAS.
buried Oil Saturday at Rev. Barnett Mr.
Methodist church.
Cummings conducting the funer
a j services. Mr. W heeler had
been in bad healt h for sometime,
He was well known in this sec¬
Everybody Sny»' So.
Cascarets Candv Cathartic, tlie most won¬
derful medical discovery of tiistc, the age, pleas¬
ant ami re freshing to the net gently
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing the entire, system, habitual dispel constipation colds,
cure headache, fever, buy) hux
anil biliousness. Please and try a
of C. G. C. to-day; 10,3.1, M) dents, (soldand
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
There is still war ipolk in the
old contry.
DR. HATHAWAY & 69 ■»
(Bcfultr Or a wing U * .)
Are the leatllnf help. and moat etieceutfdiapeclal^tt and
will give you
^ Vounr'andmld
die aged men.
RemarkaMe re
EUlta have follow
«d our treatment
varied Warty and u r ■ of
w foJ *uct*e*»
In experience of
the dap cura
tlva methr>ds thru
we alMi o wn and
control tor all die
rtJersof men who
have weak, unde¬
veloped looaed organ*, or dl« or
iwrho are lufferine
Brum booth error# or
j for and exceM
who arenervoui
«nd Impotent,
(the acorn of their
ifellowi and the
",o»tempt of t hel
frlenda and com
ttnnlona, lead* u«
loiniruntee anteetoall pat tent*. If they can treatminl poulbly
k rraforrd, our o two excltiiive
will afford u cure.
WOMEN! Don’t yoa want to get curitd of that
weakneta wjtli a treatment Onr that, wonderful yon con uo« af
home without iriitrurnenl*? traaP
meat Uae cured other*. Why art. f joT Try It.
CATARRH!, and nd dlaeue* dll off the Skin, Blood,
Heart, Llrer and Kidney*.
• TPtm.ra-The mo«t rapid. »«f« .nd effective
•emedy. A complete Cure Cluarauteed.
SKTIf nmAmi'M of all kind* eared where
many other* Lave failed.
include. Gl .«.»d6<»aort.«
w, tare eared cue of Chr ebta»M*« th»<
UMaid'ined'lcaMnatlwe,. oherapceal
REMEMBER ihit there I, hope
for You, Consult no other, at yoO maff waste vaiaaole
time. Obtain our treatment at ©or*.
, nd trea-«MU. We tiv,
nM.deMTanraeV^d'pninipfir’lnaiaei.mfcUy S'SSaSTto’a"?*
Ifaentl.'., EnUra prat n ^^ tJ re^fTOn_oUK-rv»
AddrsM or call oa
. 31 South Brood Street, A ILANTA.GA.
a GRIPPE 9 9
Tills ipeidlous <lisc;is( v* uowpnevniling ail over, the country. Th-conn— with iis
chilliness, pains, aches. fever, winery eyes, headache, Etc, To avoid it, take an me
casioimi dose of
Dr. Hammack’s Cold Cure.
and it von luce Grippe, the tablets taken tieeerdlmr *o directions, will cure i\. Thoy
are put tip in screw top buttles, convenient to carry. -Co do i s 31 oonts
For Coughs
A oou&U the K»vU upon whirh the iKsOlliuiuiUriV <\f ‘(Uousmuts have been
wrecked, .hyerv eoujjli should lie (routed »m Its toinmeitceMieid, ami for (his
purpose the re is nothing hotter thiui Di* Hfliiun.iek’s White Pine and Spruee
Balsa in. ’]i cure* without tail all bronchial and linn' affect loui.
Price, per ibottb*, mils. (Jjuv used, h is .alwrivs the fay pH to.
-For Pains and Aches.
1 l*er« nothing bolter than3Dr. HhiiuihkV. s KhnUrio Liniment. 1 will cure
neuralgia. rheumatism stUchus and pubis, lumbago, chapped hands, and all
inanm-t of pains and audios. Ji)nn r t, ca ncrimeat, but buy this litumcut. Pnoo.
per bottle, )><> cents.
A Good Rubber Hot Water Bottle
should be in every family. We have them I lie nvst. made from (So .vm
sind e\ crythiugr usually sold Ju a first-class druij Moretreasonable pra«
Wholesale ami Retail Druggists, ATLANTA, G
FOlt SALE llY V. G. LUCAS, C11AWl*V>KDY1 U.\.
It is said that chewing fgnm ' produces
Educate Vonr Rowel, With Casriirotn.
Candy ('utlrartiv, euro roustipaiinn forover.
lOc.k’tto. If C. *3. C, bed. druggists refund money.
'Wisconsin people make sugar
whey of milk.
To Cura Coiifilkpntlon l r t»r<ivrr.
Talas CsiscarD ts Ciindv Cathartic, 10c orCfto.
If <\ C. fall t >curc, druKk'ists refund niunov.
The State M adie^l A-suelaJlop nicclsl i
Macon April 21. to ‘ U.
EdocfttoYonr llowcl. With Ciuwarots.
Candy Cathartic, C. fail, euro druggists constipation refund forever.
tOo, 35c. If C. C- money.
The recent hetiyy r.tinsiki I noiiitYbirm
to farmers and others hi the state.
To Cura ('oBirtf li pul Ion Forever.
Take C’liacjircJts Candy firuifglsts Cathartic. I0o or 25c
If C. C. C. fail to cure, refund money
The population of Georgia ts, according
to the census of 1890, 1,83.7.353.
The f»c- /? — ll on
Congress did right i*i approprintli.g
8300 00 ) t > the flooded siiS reta In the
Mississippi valley.
For Infant* and Children.
Til, fjj- if
ilmtl, 01
cifutur. •Tirp
ru„l !*))«,! Itching Idles.
gyinp.Vmis—Moisture; nigid, IpleUte ltc'lhg
and stiiivlug; mo,t at xvorso lij
scratching. Hallowed mcontlnuo Umvrrt
form, which often bleixl ami ulcerate, be¬
coming Wo very itching sore. and Swayno’s bleeding, Olutii^i limit, ul
Ccrytlou, Slops anil in most the
cohos removes
tumors. At druggist, or by Phllutlolphla. mail, frt( 50
dents. Dr. Swayne A. Kor>,
Are the joy anrl sunlight of our
homes. Use all care to keep the
little ones in health. Do not give
them nauseous doses. You can
overcome their trouble? witjj Dr.
Royal Germetuer.
They all like to take it because it
does not taste like a
but like a lemonade. It cures colic
in young children, overcomes all
bowel troubles, gives good digestion,
and quiet, healthful sleep.
As a tonic for weak children and
as a remedy for use in teething, it is
the greatest in the world.
IWBoJd by . ^iats, now package,
large bottle, 108 3oaeb, Ope Doijar.
Manufactured only by
Tlie Atlanta Chemical Co., Atlanta,
Write for 48 -Pm« be»», tilled Free.
Sent Free!
To any person Interested A hmurinn
staid mutter., free, or who application, love miiumis, we will
the “ALLIAN(’E,” upon a copy i
the organ of this
Society. In addition tin its intense \ • n
terustlng rending, it eouinlns a lit. of
the valuable and irmistia) premiums
given III l ;,e paper. Address
4 ii>--i 11 l luted OluttriUtw Building, New
sSaHKS •nn
fUf ijyE t nt,i
sm jiv
Si r tfHlNR :: ■g j gaS fi
for • ra«r« *K»nsr Buy from r<>lfnl»!n mnniffncturorn
that fiavu gnlnoo] n reputation |»y Imrirxt ftml
dc»Jhi|r. There l« none In tho worlil that nn i tim.l
In ron«triictlofi, -<in»uhlllty of worlilnff
pnrt«, fiiwiti'M of ttntah, liMlity )ii appcfimrim- i,r Iiom
M inuny lnipror^fiiont* an tin NEW HOME
The Kew Home Sewing Machine Co.
S„ Saist'iwm, <)m„ ivmi,fu.
./. T. ov Kk’i'ON & CO.,
Plain Facts.
Apparent Cheapness real saving Does
not make a
of money.
7 -
i J
- .^rS~ I
l 9
& * i i
5 :
£ i
y z
H -
X- for Ji* price, is real apd
HJGH QUALITY nt fair prices Is the
real and only ceononty,
Best Machine
lip ! for the Agent to sell a. it gives him
most profit for the least money
Best for purchasers iiee.iise it gives the
satinfaeuon in use
AGENTS WANTED. “Domestic” ami
i'apcr Patterns. Send for Cat¬
Domestic S*wing Machine Co. s