Newspaper Page Text
SlOO 1*01* Year.
The Alliance Store
Can satisfy
The most fastidious
With . .
Shoes and Oxford Ties,+
For ladies and children.
See our stock
And be convinced. . .*
Pure Home Matters Picked Up by Our
Local Bepcrters.
What Our People Are Doing; and Saying;.
Tilings Our Friends Tell Us.
—Some guano yet being haul¬
ed out.
it lbs. Soda, -5c, at Racket
-Some ice reported Sunday
morning. eJSLS?" I
Whi "’ *
—Ground getting hard and no
ram expected soon.
—Cousid* rable frost reported 1
ounriay morning last:
Mbs, Granulated Sugar,
best, $1.00, at Racket Store.
—Millard Henry has bought
him a Lovel Special bicycle.
—Sunday was a regular
spring poet and turtle dove day.
Arbuekles roasted coffee per
lb. 15c, at Racket Store.
—Mrs. Martha E. Moore is
visiting relatives here this week.
—We have had some glorious¬
ly good weather for work this
—Charlie Slack. of White
Plains, visited relatives here
this week.
—Read all our now advertise
ments. Your needs are mention
ed therein.
Heavy Kersey's Worth 12
for 10c. yd at Racket Ft ore.
_Mrs. Janie Howard and
dren, of Stephens, are visiting
relatives here.
Good mattress ticking, 5c.
yd. at Racket Store.
.—There have been several
deals made in CrawfordviWe real
estate recently.
6 Bars Soap and 6 plated tea
spobhs, 25c. at Racket Store.
—Trains Were behind
day on account of a wrecked
freight neai union - J *
1 Doz Skeins best turkey ted
*»*• a' Sto,-".
—Easter Monday was holiday.
much observed here as a
Farm work too far behind.
-Mrs. U F. and Miss Eva
Asbury. of this county, are
mg Greencsboro this week.
C our beautibul line t f Dtmi
ty corded welts, etc, Racked
S tf “ , r c
Rev. L. P. Winter and tarl
»•„ f i,.....isit to friends in and
•Vniind Powelton this week
%v- bugor harness
v-bic ' 1 " Ol^viman’s
Mi M«mie i.- Hw I. ack
, i . . hunt
place S'.iturda.y oventwr last.
Straw hat time H herd
thos- a: the Alliance Store
most stvlish and are sold
astorJsbihg low pi'ices.
—Charlie Lanneau, of the
Madisonian, spent last Saturday
and Sunday with homefolks
—Prof. L. A. McLaughlin will
here not be an applicant for the school
another year, so we are in¬
Pretty organdies, percales
and Bel mar fancy shirting aie
taking '
the day. The Alliance
Store has them.
—Everybody is requested to
all the flowers they can
M ?nday to be P ut 011 the soldiers
<«d u,.
tho (5 m£ ‘ " ""a
; n j^. (y
shuts lor shirt waists
at the Alliance Store are the
pi-ettiest on the market and very
—Johtt Stephens arid Will
Hubert, went off Tuesday fish¬
ing. They had a good chance to
catch a Cold
—Oglethorpe Superior week. court ik
in session this Linton
Phinny will be tried for killing
Julius Hardy.
Cheapest harness and riding
saddles in town at J. N. Chap- j
—Messrs. W. C. Chapman, D. J.
P, Henry, S. H. Rhodes and
W. Timberlake went on a fishing
tour yesterday.
—The supply of flowers last
memorial day was rather short.
j Hope every one will bring all
j they —Prof. can Monday. Huekabay advertises
t.o give a free show- oil our streets
Saturday evening at 5 o'clock
followed by a lecture.
J. N. Chapman can save you
money on buggies, harness,
Wagons, etc.
_j p* 0Tie 0 f the
fading druggists night of Montezuma. last week
j Ga.. spent mother’s one family in this
with his
- place.
—Alvin find Ralph Goluckc ...
j have start ed a draying business
with thelrlit,lc,»ny weighs
The whole turnout
000 pounds.
! K U st^ . ^ (
at ’ A ' n
j —Cant. Rad ., Rhodes, of W ai
fen and who is an a^,Leant for
the Warrenton
! Crawfordville \\ednesday on h.s
”9 *» *"««• »" ''“'Tf'
—It %vas reported that Dr.
Moore’s friends fn Milledgeville
would not consent for him to
move to Crawfordville, but we
are informed that he is
here anyway.
rru , J ■ , g,
^adn'sad last ««* to hoarof tho
death of the latter at Mr. Bah- ,
home in Rome. Our
I are extended the bereaved bus
\ m
Under the W ather.
That is the comn u Spring
Complaint. You f< i “logy,”
dull. Your appeti is poor.
Nothing tastes t id. You
don’t sleep well. Vfc drags.
You cross every bi ;» before
you come to it. Thi <s lots of
people have felt lik au until
they toned up the ystem by
taking the great spr jg remedy
Ayer’s Sars )arilla
It’s been curing si cases for
60 years. Try it y rself.
ftend for the “Curebook ’ o page* ftu.
J. C. Ayer Co., ho* Mm.
Dr. D. L. Forme will bo in
Crawfordville fol¬ r'k ^ j
lowing Monday, ? d. All
of nr.j IV w
to consult him l cjfre going
Satisfaction will be
in every particular.
Mr. Jesse Evans who was kill
ed by Hie explosion of the
Avoy mills irt Wilkes county,
was the man who was known
“the man up the tree” at
Black and Watson debate
Liberty Hall some years ago.
He was a good citizen and
a large family to mourn
Mr. W. J, Norton, of
place, has a dog that, follows
to his work while
houses, and the dog is a
pot with the family. He
up on top of buildings on
work is being done and
Very much at home while
i n P « the roof of a two-story
We heard a prominent
<. s t u te man, who has traveled
good deal in the peach section
(j^or^ia say a few days J ago
f ' '“ it r
tms year/ nt, now* h
; rect, but the cool nights
frost#we have had lately are
very encouraging in that
Much of the fruit will fall
1>ut pro b a bly a sufficient
^ t0 yield a crop
j» fruit.
A F | a g ^ irf Warning.
dry, tickling, hac ;
i Beware of the
j morning cough, lor it warn* yotf
consumption larks near. The
Dr. Bull’s CcmgH Sljrrap will cure
, “I had a very cough. One
pronounced it consumption. I
l>'«“'r «■»>; «' ’ f' Z ”
5 31st bUeet, rt lec.'i o, I..*.
Bull’s Cough 8ym(t *>*ta but 25
Ask for Bull i, taka only Bull s.
On Monday the 2t>, the follow¬
ing programme will be in order;
Meet at court house at - p. m.
Song—Banner of the Cross.
Prayer—Rev. L. P. Winter.
Song—When the mists have
cleared away.
Remarks in regard to proposed
Song—Pass over (ho River.
Address—Col. S. L. Olive.
Song—Waiting and Watching.
Form in line, viz: Old soldiers,
Ladies Memorial Association,
children, citizens, march by
Stephens’ grave, decorate same
and on to the cemetery.
Ladies of the Memorial Asso¬
ciation respectfully request that
all the flowers be placed on only
the graves of old soldiers. Dec¬
orate all t he old soldiers' graves.
Then disperse.
Marshals of the day: W. C.
Chapman, .7. H. Stephens, O. L.
Chapman, C. Bergstrom. C. H.
Golucke, Angus Richards, S. II.
Rhodes, Omer Taylor, G. H.
Mitchell. J. A. Beazley.
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the seat of the disease, Ca'arrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take in¬
ternal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh'Cure
is taken internally, and acts directly
on the blood and mucoutt surfaces*
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not a. quack
medicine It was prescribed by one
the best physicians in tills country
or vear« >s a regular p v,option,
of Hie
purifieis, acting directly oti the nut
cous surfaces. The perfect combina¬
tion of the two ingredients is what
produces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimo¬
nials, free. F- .7. CH EN EY As (JO.
Props., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, price tlie 7. r :.c. best.
Hall’s Family l’ills are
Mallary Bros. & Co., of Ma¬
con, have tlie neatest outlay of
machinery we over saw. They
keep the best in their lino and
can furnish yon anything
machinery at the lowest price
short notice, See their adver
tisement in another column
this paper arid write to them
what you need.
In another column of this
will be found the
^ent of tho Richard
() f Atlanta, the prize goods
ufacturers, who have in the
four months estaKished an
ruous trade for .heir
by originating thei unk, u.e idea oI
putting Money " ” ' t t
^’out nackatfesof
from their factory to
rot ail storos. as a spoontl
ment for the public |,n,,, to try
««• Th, an: n
, i placed in th<? packages, and
drawn, and the papers
tlm constantly
names and
0 f people who draw five
twenty five, fifty dollars, etc,
j a tiv e ten. or twenty five
purchase ‘ of the goods. .
j, wi u be well for you to
pm equal l«trw»W. to
'get quality for the any and
and same price
raight d r;iw th<J $500; or oim and
, the smaller cash prizes,
you jont, you willght a
pr i ze of some value, as
.distribution is fa r, and
tlt gjfVo, ll groee/ fall
• ' ’ four
I Jff t { ' om , of their
In Advance
NO* 10.
SVVVi 5 i
6 akiN <3 1
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for Its great leavening.stren.nlli food
and liealilif illness. Assures tlie
against alum and all forms of adnlieru
llon common to t(ie elieiip lirnnds. ROY
The following kind pal runs Imvo paid
their subscript Ion since our Iasi. Issue.
W. .1. Norton. SI to Kelt, tin ’8H
,tno. T. Obii)>imin #1 to Fell. ’08.
Tho members of the MothO
distchurch at this place have
closed a t rade for t he vacant lot
along side the Presbyterian
church next to Mr. M. F. Grif¬
fith’s and will sonn ei'ect a par¬
sonage thereon. Tho property
was bought from Mr. G. G. lli.\
on. It is a nice lot., large enough
for botli the parsonage and
church, Tho latter may bo
moved thereto in future.
If you do not want gray hairs
use Hall’s Vegetable Sicilian
• * er.
I j-imr In spenffor linin'. 0 , ,
th'c United Elates.
Kiliirmn Your lloweU With Cu.ciiretS.
Canily Cathartic, euro OrnuBlHlHrefund constipation forever.
lOo, l»i-. If C. 0. O. full, moiioji.
Pllosl 1*11*.: Itching 1’iliis.
i Into. mo nan bc.Mna
mill ht,n inic; most ill nl,[lit; eimUnuc wor n by
scriildnii:-;. Hallowed t- tmivira
form, which often bleed nud Ulcerate, lie
corning very sore. Mivnyno'l bleeding, Olntmdnt heals uJ
stops the Itching and
c«ration, nnd in most Cano* removes tho
UiinorH. At druggist, or by mat!, (or. fid
I cants, Dr.'Swayne & Son, Philadelphia!
Mrs. Nobles will not hang. She. has a
respite until she gets a new trial- may lie
a year or a Ilfe-llme.
In e< munition wlih watch, clock nut I
jewelry repairing, during the summer
in< inths, (provided you bring the maelflna
to my shop) 1 will iimkesewing nmeldnes
run liglit, nnd stItcli perfect, that yon eon
sklei worthless. I eiin repair any kind of
iniielilnery, I inn n jiructlcal Hiitlafnellon workman, L
no eohliler. If I do nolglve
wiml no )>»>'. R, R. STIW1/.EH,
Jeweler, C'ruwfordille. Ou.
—Mr. John Cheney, of Mariet¬
ta, spent Sunday last with rela¬
tives here. He is a nephew this of
Judge J. D. Hammuck, of
«m.w i.» our. aimam
2ttnr, Simply ni>i»ly “S wayne'* Vnipovli Olutm. .it,”
, rczima!"!ici.!'’' l || <« Cures tbe
fan*., imrxU, n" <• <•. iraving u»c ►kin
whir* ami b-alti.v. !t« •*.•«.•,» lu-.V
-—- •
Residents Western! , Ol
Crawfordville say thqy mtend
keeping up w tilth ' .’
wiH buihl up h ' ' of 1h( ,
. town H.nco the pa.sonage , ,
| located there.
Honesty and Virtue.
There is mr>W» honesty and virtue
contained in a boltle of Salvalloa Oil,
th an In any otiicr -fluiment known,
>*m w , a. Fiedler, 2^4 I’aletliorp St.,
i^ijitadclplua, I’a., oSinfirins till* truth:
^ (oUDd salvation Oil to he an cx
r . # .jj en t remedy for rheumatism, stiff
'" u *'”J’ <• *;l»» *•
Don’t flsten U> the dealer’s ar^mente
in. favor of asuhstitute. InsistongeU
i ting Salvation Oil, it costs only 2& cte.