The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, April 30, 1897, Image 1
CD > Q > o n < H 11 rn a*,. n 70 > 8100 Per Year. VOL, XXII. The Alliance Store Has a nic6 lot of LATEST STYLES PLAIDS, For Skirts from 15c to 50c. For Waists 25 and 50c. per yd. SIDE-WALK NOTES. Pure Rome Matters Picked Up by Our Local Reporters. Our 1’eople Are Doing ami Savin#. ........... j. Hadaway has invested mle. ; snuff at Alliance Store i Lit | W. /-» O. TT Holden u i has i been |week. fcsilk Umbrellas for 50c anyaeitet &£>!•. ■ —Mi’s. W. P. Hubert is visit ing relatives at Harlem. 7 lbs. Arbuckles coffee for §1.00 at Alliance Store. —Twenty-nine tickets sold Tuesday from this place to Au gusta. 1000 Palmetto fans lc each at Racket Store. —Charlie Reid says smoking made him see snakes in his dreams. Ladies ribbed undervests 10c pr. at Racket Store. —Charlie Caldwell has two handsome young horses at his stables. —Rumor has another marriage on her programme for this sec¬ tion soon. Beautiful paterns figured Lawn for ole at Racket Store. —Mr. Ed. Howard, of Steph ens, is on a visit to relatives here this week. —Miss Eloise Richards, of Washington, is visiting relatives here this week. Ladies Shirt waist latest stylos 49ceach at Racket Store. A beard can be colored brown or black by Buckingham‘s Dye * for the Whiskers. —Will Hubert has been at work in the telegraph office at Conyers this week- —We are glad to know Mr. W. W. Bird is able to walk out about his yard and lot. —A big crowd from this sec¬ tion is preparing to take in the Miller's mill picnic to morrow, —The little shower Monday gladdened the hearts of many. It did not last long, but did some good. —Prof, Jordan Sanford, well known here, had his arm broken or badly hurt recently in a game of ball. —Mr. C. Bergstrom was faithful on hand Monday with his drum. He is surely a superior drum beater —Miss Maud Culver, of Cul verton. came Monday i ,-tctv Prof L. A. McLaughlin s a . at this place. , -The monument to be erecteu here is to the memory of all Con federate soldiers who fought in the war of .1801-65, “IN THE tNT£ft£«T OF ALL TMC EOWU-V* CRAWFORDVILLE, GA„ FRIO If, APRIL 30,1897. —Mr. Ed. Golucke, of Madison, is on a visit to relatives here. —Glenn Legwen has just bought a new Waverly bicycle. —Dead dogs are found about town some mornings these days. Always go to the Alliance Store when you need shoes or Oxford ties. —Mrs. E. E. Boline, of Wash, ington, came over Monday to at¬ tend memorial exercises. She brought some beautiful flowers, —Col. H. M. Holden will add a double veranda on three sides of ^j s residence which Mr. Norton jg now repairing. It will be qt , ite an addition. atfBT dotti^J. §wiss organdies laca stripe lawns ever brought to ville at Racket Store. Ladies’ Oxford ties at Al pance Store for 50c. _yj r , E Boswell of that Rye firm of W. B. & A. J. Bos¬ well & Brother, Penfield was in Crawfordville Friday last with a drove of mules and horses. —Pres. P. G. Veazey of the Veterafis Association was too sick to be present at the meeting Monday. His friends regret that he was unable to be here, Buy Scovil hoes and Victor siveep wings at Alliance Store. —Mr. John F. Holden has been spending this week at White Plains. “They say” that John is not always looking after mercantile trades every time he goes away. —Mrs. L. F. Stephens, Misses Maude Stephens and Mabel Nel-' son, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Oslin and Mr. J. N. Chapman, wellt dowii to Augusta Tuesday to visit that city. Be sure to go to the Alliance Store when you need pants. —Mr P. K. Boswell, of this county, laid the foundation of the Confederate monument by being the first man to pay in his cash towards its erection. Let others do likewise. -^Superintendent Bralnd, of the Georgia Railroad, was here Saturday, looking into the de¬ tails iff the accident which caus¬ ed the injury of Paul Carey and death of Cal Fouche; 2 bars good pure soap fetore weigh¬ ing 20 oz. fit Alliance for 5c. —Col. Sam L. Olive, of Lex¬ ington. brought a beautiful rose¬ bud down Monday from Lexing¬ ton to place on the tctoib of Hon. A. H. Stephens in memory of that statesman for the kind words spoken to Sam while he was a child, —Mr. J. P. Perkins' little daughter, , . , Claude, , has - a „ pet „ ot dog dner that has learne j £ hen Evenv henthe dog in the field or vpods. it wUl go gjl^e its companion to an- V la) •’'"'-■..y”'-. r'~ ss ;; ! ! V m, ‘ Fifty Years A go. Who could imagine that this should I The place where, in eighteen ninety^ That white .world.vronder of archj dome Should shadow the nations, polychfon Here at the Fair was the prire con.f^j On Ayer’s Pills, by the world pfefWri Chicago-like, they a record show, \ Since they started— 50 years ago. Ayer’s Cathartic Pi have, from the time of t ! preparation, been a continup success with the public, that means that Ayer's 1 accomplish what is prom for them; they cure wi others fail. It was fltt therefore, that the wor!d-v popularity of these pills she be recognized by the W<> Fair medal of 1893 —a which emphasizes the rec< 50 Years of Cures — GRANITE CULVEItT8; The town council is prep to put in granite culvert a ong onr stseets where w< havi^gfldges^Tllis wij' varuMjL-WRL ment. Let the gooMiSif on. WILL BE HERE A WEEK, Dr. D. L. Farmer will be ih Crawfordville for one week fol¬ lowing Monday,’ May 8rdi All those wishing to have dental work of any kind done would do elsewhere- well to Consult Satisfaction him before will going be given in every particular. A FINE IIOItSE. Lovers of fine stock were pleased With Messrs. Rhodes & Dolvin’s fine Tennessee black horse which was o?a exhibition here last week. He is an excel¬ lent saddle and harness horse and trots a mile in' J2:30. They shipped a; car load/ of horses to this section lately/.' tlletl Files! It. tins I«4 m. (Symptoms—Mol«t-.W»; (it night; ftuwtMe ticking By and stiiuincf most -worse tciajwhin/,'. If allowed u» otftuioua tumors fthrm, which often biped and ulcerate, l « Cdtnlng Ter j sore. 'Swuyr.e’B Ointment itops tlie Itching and blooding, heals thp til ewatlon, and druggi/at, i» mokt oases removes tiVnnes. At or by mall, for 50 pimte. Dr. Swayn^t & Son, Philadelphia. only Twelve met. The meeting Veterans held here Association Monday by the shows that the number is grad¬ ually gro. ing smaller. Only twelve of tiie old soldiers met and a few years ago a much larger nmr/ber answered to the tap of the iirv.m that has called them to meet on the 2tith for many yea/rs. No Room for Doubt. Proof, yes overwhelming proof can be furnished of the excellent curative qualities) of Dr. Hull’s Cough Syrup. “I caught a cold wliich led to a cough and pali in the chest, (pneumonia?) I bough! Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup, cough and after one bottIe of it , the began u> disappear; when I finished taking f the second bottle I was cured, Gngt v Thurmaster, 49 Hickory St., , Dr , Bul] ^ Couch Syrup PHINNY TO HANG. The Man lYho Shut Julius Hardy to Dir on May 21st. ( TRIED AT LEXINGTON Last, AV't-bk. Tlie Trial a Short One. Tlie | Evld«tl6« Made the Conclusive. Good Speeches Attorne 3 's. Linton Phinney, the negro was charged with the raur der of Julius Hardy at Wood stock in the edge of Oglethorpe last December was tried at Lex ington Superior court last week : had was found guilty of murder and has been sehtanced to hang on Friday, May 21st. His trial was a short one. He was ably defended by Cols. Sam Olive and Geo. Grogan but the evidence was so conclusive that the jury could do nothing but find the prisoner guilty. 4 ■» 7 m / \! ■'Wi 1 % v/: 7 the horrible deecftW* tiie news of which niaob the bravest men shudder to think of a yc’ung man being shot to death at a dead hour of night for a small sum of money which be displayed tho day before as his net earnings. Suspicion of Lin¬ ton and Taylor Phinney as the guilty onos soon caused their arrest and the evidence ripened Sufficient to convict them, For fear bf lynching, the prisoners were carried to Athens ancl Iroin that jail they escaped. Linton was re-captured and will pay the penalty on the gallows While Taylbr is still at large—some suggesting he is at one place and sortie another, but it is sure he is far away from this section. It is hoped that he will yet be caught and punished. CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED with local applications, as they Catarrh cannot reach tlie seat of the disease, a blood or constitutional disease, and in order tb cure it you must take in¬ ternal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on tlie blood and mucous surfaces* Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine It was prescribed this by one of the best physicians regular in prescription. country for years, and is a It is fcomposed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood ptuifieis, acting directly on the mu¬ cous surfaces. The perfect combina¬ tion of the two ingredients is what produces such Wonderful results tn Curing Catarrh. Send for testimo¬ nials, free. F J. CHEN EVA CO. Props., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 7.5c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. HOUSES AND MULES. We have! constantly on hand at giloam a lot of fin.- Tennesse horses and mules which We are selling reasonably. Will visit your home and show you the stock. Write to Rhodes & Dol ™, Siloam, Ga In Advcuoce* NO. 10. ;VAi> m 3S5 kg BAKiH® POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its great leavuulug strength food and healthfullness. Assures ihr against alum and all forms of adultera¬ tion common to I lie rlioii|> brands, liny. LEAKING POWDER CO., New York. OCR THANKS CONTINUED. The following kind patrons have paid their subscription sinceour last, issue. ■1 S Chapman 50r. to Nov. 1, '97 O M Sugg us r>0r. to Sept. 1, ’97 I. A McLaughlin hoc to Aug. 2!i, ’! ? M. J. Taylor, 50c to May 8th, '97 SPECI AL NOTICE. In another column of this pa¬ per will be found the advertise¬ ment of the Richard RespossCo., of A tlanta, tho prize goods man¬ ufacturers, who have in tho past four months established au enor¬ mous trade for their products, by originating ‘’Money the Prizes, unique idea of putting “rang¬ $500, ing in amoiints from one cent to in th’e packages of goods sent out from their factory to the retail stores, as a special induce¬ ment for tho p ublic to try the same. The prizes are really placed in tho pack ages, and are drawn, and the pap ers through¬ out. the state are constantly pub on-’ ___ * {II same ualitwTWPl^|lw patronage, te^P jto. get ti price, and and for the same' might draw tho $500, or • Dtl< the smaller cash prizes, am you dont, you will get a merchan¬ dise prize of some value, as the distribution is fair, and you stand the same chance of getting the $500 prize in a live For cent full pur¬ chase as any one. par¬ ticulars, ask your grocer or druggist for one of their (free) circulars. —Miss Maggie Stewart return¬ ed Wednesday from a visit to Union Uoint. —Perry is on it ial at Decatur this week for killing Lanier. Flannagau will not bo tried this time. TAICE NOTICE. In conn,ctloli with watch, clock and lepairi g, during the rummer months, (nro\ Id cl you bring tlie machine to my ,«hop) I will make sewing machines i un light and stitch perfect that you con¬ sider worthless. I cun repair any kind of machinery, 1 am a practical satlsfunlhm workman, I no cobbler. If 1 do not give want no pay. It. B. 8TKOZEU, Jnwelcr, Oawfordille. (la. HAVE NOT ELECTED. There has been no election yet of a teacher for Stephens High School and the matter is one of great importance to every citizen in the com in unity. There is no reason why we should not have one of the finest schools in tho State right here. , Wonders Never Cease. No one need suffer the tortures of rheumatism, because that modern lini¬ ment, Salvation Oil, positively cures it. “I was a great sufferer from sciatic rheumatism, and the best of doctors attended me without relief. I com¬ menced using Salvation Oil, and two bottles helped me wonderfully. It certainly has worked wonders with me. Mrs. E. J. Phelps, Box 28, Enfield, Conn.” Salvation Oil is for sale by all dealers for 25 cts, Take no substitute,