Newspaper Page Text
Wid about which such tender
holy recollections cluster as that
of “ Mother”— she who watched
over our helpless infancy and guid¬ Yet
ed our first tottering step. Moth¬
the life of every Expectant and all ef¬
er is beset with danger
fort should be made to avoid it.
Mother’s so assists nature
in the change tak¬
ing place that
Friend the Expectant is
Mother ena¬
bled to look for
ward without
dread, suffering or gloomy fore¬
bodings, to the hour when she
experiences the joy of Motherhood,
Its use insures safety to the lives
of both Mother and Child, and she
is found stronger after than before
confinement—in short, it “makes
Childbirth natural and easy,” be as
so many have said. Don’t
persuaded to use anything but
“ My wife suffered more in tpn min
utpH with pitber of her other two chi1
ilren than <ii<l altogether with her
last, having previously.used four bot¬
tles of 1 Mothfer’a Friend.’ It is a
blessing MOTHER,”'nays to"any one .expecting customer. to be
come a a
Hkndbksoi* Dams, Carmi, Illinois.
Of nriiea-Nt* at tl 0.1, erserit liy mall on receipt
of price Write infornihtion for bojlk contalnlnL- Mothers testimonials free.
and valuable for all ,
The Rradfleld Kdtrtstcr Po„ Atlanta, Ca.
Centennial Exposition,
From May 1st. to Kov. 1st. 1897.
The second largest, Exposition ever held
in this country, thousands of II mic.r-col
e'VH and Investor, from the Westaud North
’(Vest will he there.
To show up tin- wonderful resource*
.dong Ilf line, the Georgia Railroad hi*,
decided to make an Exhibit of tli >-<• rc
sources and asks the people of the Conn
tic.and towns along Its lines to co-opeiut*
u Ifli tlv-m iu making tlie exhibit n .sue os,
by furnishing creditable h:»c*c •imeiiK *>f all
Mineral-. Paint and Eire Clays, description
of Water Powers and phoLUlfh^i'M-x' ftTuTi
Milt ripj-. -tWiNiCN oTiiil Manufacturing it -
dustrie* especially desired.
Further arrangements will lie made and
due notice given regarding Exhibits of
Agricultural products, and Fruit i i sea
Ft r further Information apply to,
JNO. H. A V Eltl 1,1Coin mis loner,
tip Dyer lfuileing, Augusts. O i.
Having rpiu-v.iteil and repaired tlie
above mill, near Sharon, On. I am pre¬
pared to do all gi hiding of wheat and corn,
guaranteeing saiisfnctiOh ami a
Good Turnout
of Flour and Meal.
Kilns S Allen, t'iV vetenm Miller of the
county. "ill Ik- oh hand, and take pleasure
in srrvimj tbr*custoiiicrsi.
geo. w. brown.
Printing OF ALE STYLE*
at tliis ofiiie cheap.
Legal Blanks -^ at mis
Frick Oo at , V
Engines, . V ( **
Boilers, Saw Mills;
Cotton Gins, — ^*0
Cotton PresseSr
Grrain Separators,
Chisel Toot hand solid Sa *v s‘, .
Saw Teert* Inspirators, Injectors, Engine Ktpairs and a Full
Line of Brass Goods.
ccxin roo r» . »i cc:i t-hiC c< *. Avery & McMillan^
51 & 53 So. Forsyth St. ATLANTA, GA
. I). VV. Mu-Tit!) wt a to Augusta on
The Drum ti • c'.ub wi>! meet every Fri¬
ar i.i.h *-t the acr-denu.
The telephone iinca arty being built in
about two miles of this plice.
Miss Etta Murdin vJsilrti relatives ar d
f.iend-inCiasrf<r.Rl'tV. Symdiy.
V iBe I • Hancock has Icturmd home
afte - i oi (I ngu week witldicr uncle, D.
A. Saggua, v,f Margarett’s (Move
Miss .Tuba Smith has closVl her school
an l 1 1 the 10 'rot of her frlffda she lias
ret uni cl tab r home at CaiLi Point.
It was our plenume toatto thf» mc
moiiil sr 1 vices In CraWfordville Monday.
Onl.- a f w wor.t from here. iTheaddross
by Col. Olivo w.isa mdfcterplcc sl'd of thought
and dellven d with eloquence was ap
pci ited by every one. Wo f iitgratulate
the ladies of Cruwfordvfllc for heir untir¬
ing energy in tlr ir efforts to bi%t a nion
ii nci.t. c.
'I here will be a grand picnic lstj tf. Daniel’s
HpringsySatuid.iy May Ihe scjpols a large
ero vd i xp -ct(cl-—four or five will
celebrate the ot<a-Ion, ‘Whowll.Uie the of May? IVc can’t say ju t Vf now.
We also h >| e to see the Editor the
Advocato-Dfemo rat with it is frieni.Seome
and bo with us in lliutday. Will fc all
in our power t, i make it a day If of piastre
with you, come. [Thanks. Jll. t
come, hope o nc of our friends will
Fill a bottle or common water glass vHii
m il! at tl let it itmd twenty-four liours-, a
sediment or settling ludiciites a disetiuei.
ondltonof Hie kidneys. When mine
st jins linen It is positive evidence of kid¬
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to mi
nut- i i pais in the back. Is also convinc¬
ing pi oof tiiut the kidneys and bladder art
out of order.
There it comfort in tlie knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kihnei’s Swamp
.............— ........ n„», u
every wish in relieving pain in the back,
kidneys, liver, biadder and every P»rt of
the uulnry passage. It corrects inability
to hold urine and scalding pains in passing
it, or bad cfTccts following use of Jiquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes)that unpleas¬
ant ihwhsUv of Iwlug compelled to get
up many timesduring the i.Igbt to uri¬
nate. Tlie mild nud flic, extraordinary
ctfVcl of Swamp-Hoot is sooi?
stands Hie highest for its w<„ 1( | ( . r f u | euros
aju4i#WfFjon of h Amnst dirir---I^VifOT If you need
should lime tlie liest. Sold
by druggist - price fiift.y cents and one dol
m. For n sample bottle anil pamplet,
both sent free by mail, inenllou the Advo¬
cate-Democrat and send your full post
ofHce address to Dr. KilmeFjs Co., Iiing
hamton, N. Y. The proprietors or this
paper guarantee the genuineness of tills
. fte •.
Mothers Read This:
The Best
For FUtulent Colic, I>l»rrh<*a,
l>y»rnt«r.r, nausm, (Mttffh*, rtiol*
rr» Infantum, tMthinR children,
elioler* Snorb u«, t niiHtarnl drain
f,«, m the Umreln. Vain*, I.M» « f
appetite. lndljre«tlon, and all d»«
eHHiten of the utomarh X bowel**
Talheataniianl. It carries eliil- s
drrft over the critical f-Sriod of
teething. And i» recommended by '
jilivsiei a ns a- a friend of mother*
Adults aildchildren. It is pleas
ant to taste, never fails to satisfy.
A few doses n-i'l demonstrate its
superlative virtue. Price 2/ie. p’r
bott’e. For sale hv all druggists,
Prepared only byDr.W.M. ritts.
CTawfonMlIeN ’iVihrite to the Dearip'sf
Cause of the Southern Heart.
The services held here Mon¬
day in the memory of the fallen
heroes of the South in the last
war were touching and befitting
—all seemed to' harmonize in one
effort, to refresh their memory
of the lives and deeds of those
loved ones who fought for their
country, a small number of
whom were with the throng of
people who crowded the court
house and listened with interest
to well expressed sentiments of
the sons of those who wore the
grey. Memorial recalls the heroic
day struggle
deeds of the grandest
in the world’s history and re¬
minds the generation of today
that theirs is an inheritance of
glory untarnished by defeat.
Exercises were opened with
songs and prayer as per program
published last week. Some short
talks concerning the erection of
the monument here was indulg¬
ed in and a subscription list was
started to raise funds with which
to finish paying for the monu¬
ment and soon £60.00 were sub¬
Col. Carl H. Holden then arose
and in a short and appropriate
speech introduced the orator of
the day, Col. Sam Lumpkin
Olive, who made one of the best
speeches it was ever our pleas¬
ure to listen to on such an oc¬
casion. His speech was neither
lenghthy nor flowery but was to
the point and he won many com¬
pliments for his excellent pre¬
sentation of interesting facts.
One of these tokens of apprecia
ion was in the shape of a nice
tox of sweet flowers containing
many rare and beautiful speci¬
mens from the flower gardens of
our town and arranged by the
of Crawfordville young
uC j; es
, t p anc ] on p, the cemetery and
e graves 0 f Stephens and the
t ] soldiers were covered with
( ,i<je buds aud flowers,
|ie Grant tomb was dedicated in X. Y.
thif v©ek.
? w*
■*£? -tie Your How els With Cascnrots.
C&idy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c, ?'«• If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money.
¥ * *
» ♦ *
It is sid that At’anta will soon have a
uew idiming paper.
N’o-To-Bao for Fifty Cent*.
(i ua r „ -t«od lobocco habit cure, makes weak
men 3 tr t, blood pure. 50c, $1. All druf gists.
Tlie Sreco-Turkish war is being run on
11 canntfi ball schedule.
To Cur* Cotmiipution For*r*r.
Take CaBCarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c.
If C. C. C.^J il 10 cu rc, druggists refund money.
The monetary conference will go on re¬
cord iu advance as a failure.
To Ci ,r « Constipation Forever.
T»l;e Casrjrets Candy Cathartic. 10c or!5c
It C. C. C. fad to cure, druggists refund inouey
McKinley’s extra session of Congress
may last as lc»R as Cleveland’s did.
Educmt* You** Bowel* With CiAicarets.
Candy Cathartic* cure con*tipation forever.
10c, 'A>c. ir C. C.C. fail, druggists refund money.
\ .*.*.*.
The fight I ciween the Arbucbles and
lluVemcyors gFes us cheap coffee.
hi fw- li n
liallt mg
airmen* wrappar.
tW lv.*.
Reports from veld mines in Og e
tlicrjxr county arevtiil encouraging.
W. Jl, Williams on tri i a’ Coiuiubui
charged with the nAtrder of Wilson.
OICH RED BVOOb,!?, thl .’ f01 '”'
Im. dation of good pcalth. That is why
Hood’s Sarsaparil *. the One True
Blood Purifier, glv«s HEALTH.
“Mr. Cleveland can never ga : n be
president of the Culled Stat-f.’ Henry
For InfanU and Children.
‘21"? nu}
M‘ '1
‘y. ~
. '.
V ‘ ,
4i:- .m I
t . „ F.l m —rrSm U. __ I w I \ i
AX^getablcPreparationfor andReguta- As¬
similating the Food
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
Infants ^Children
Promotes andRest.Contains Digestion,Cheerful¬ neither
ness Minexal.
OpiuriT.Morphine nor
Not Narcotic.
Recipe ofOldlk-SAMVELHTCnER
Pumpkin Seed*'*
y/Lx. Senna *
JiocJullt Smite -
Anise Seed. *■
Peppermint Card - Seda
Jji onatc *
f Venn Seed -
Clnnhtd Sugar *
h mlciyrccn t larar.
tion. ApcrfectHemedy Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, for Constipa¬
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish¬
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
Atb months-old -
J 5 DOSIS- 33 C 1 NTS
25 10$ ♦ 50* m DRUGGISTS
— ---— -—>• - ca to _________________ CO] never strip or gripe,but r _____________are rause easy natural fhe results, Ideal Lnxa- Sam*
pit ami booklet frw. A<3Tf STERLING REMEDY CO., Chicago. Montreal, Can., or New York. UT.
Every Class of Foundry, Machine, Boiler, Gin and Mill
Work promptly executed with latest improved machines
Largest Works of the kind South.
Lombard Iron Works & Snppij Co,,
<4 -5
>* 1 L
There is a Difference
Maybe you cannot see any difference between the
new ’97 Waverley Bicycle for 06o and other makes
offered for the price. There ii one.
The new Waverley is equipped with new and
costly bearings that run absolutely true. No other
bicycle has such bearings—s'ich workmanship—
*100 Still another Waverley—iSt,6 Model, yet
greatly improved. Now $60. The cost of new
and expensive machinery has been saved.
Sead for Free Catalogue. INDIANA BICYCLS CO., Laic napolis, Ind.
Printing Best and Cheapest at tlie
Aflyo-Deinof rat cffice.
Caatoria is pat ap ia one-sire bottles only. It
is not sold ia balk. Don't allow anyone to sell
yon anything else on the plea or promise tl
is "just as good" and “will 0-A-S-T-0-&-1 answer every
pose." 49- See that you get
TO* Ju¬
lian* Is tt
signature every
of. wrepper.