The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, April 30, 1897, Image 5

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WJ at the People ot that Thriving
Town Are Doing.
nr C. L. BAGBY.
Visitors to our town were plen¬
tiful lust week.
Misses Myrt and Annie Taylor
visited our family last Sunday.
Mr. Frank Gilbert, of Wash¬
ington, is at home on the sick
Preaching last Saturday and
Sunday at Raytown Baptist
Job work done at this office in
the neatest style; bring your
work in.
Mrs. Della Patton has returned
to her father’s, since her hus¬
band's death.
Mr. Stapleton on Redlick, died
last week. He had been sick
only a short time.
Mr. Bruce, the horse trader
from Wilkes county, was in our
section last week.
Mr. Ruff Kendrick has return¬
ed home and retired from the
fruit tree business.
Good many people in town last
Saturday and trading was lively
with our merchants.
Mr. Charlie Caldwell and his
escort was with us last week
trading horses as usual.
When you want loud talking
done call on Bro. Josh Moore of
Raytown he will set you up.
We notice that Bro. W. J. Nor¬
ton is progressing finely with
Col. H. M. Holden’s residence.
Ground is pretty hard in places will
at this writing. I expect we it.
need more rain before we get
Dr. Hill, of Washington, was
out to Barnett recently on pro¬
fessional business. He is a fine
We attended the Memorial ex¬
ercises in Crawfordville last
Monday a nd wa s very much
Mrs. William Harris now
under the treatment of Dr. Binns
of Crawfordville, she is improv¬
ing some. Presby¬
Preaching at Sharon
terian church next Saturday and
Sunday by the pastor Rev. Mr.
Simpson. of Craw¬
Mr. U. S. Gunn, one
fordville's successful young mer¬
chants, was in our town last week
on business.
Mr. H. C. Dicken and Love
Merslion took a big fish last
week and report good luck and a
heap of fun.
It is strange that people come
from Crawfordville, Warrenton,
and other larger towns than
Sharon to trade.
It don't seem that the sorry
dogs ever go mad for in the last
excitement of mad dogs we see
all the sorry ones left.
The show folks were in our
town last Friday cutting up
their didoes. Very good crowd
but sorry show so we learn,
Uncle Seaborn Acree was in to
see us last week. He was look
ing well and in fine spirit talking
about marrying, as usual.
Sharon lazy club is rather thin
up to date. We think there must
be a reform movement on hand.
Our Secretary must be dead.
Mrs. Sal lie Coffee and family
are preparing to build a new
residence on the old home place
near Barnett. Success to them.
Frying size chicks are very
scarce in our community. The
May picnic’s will bo slim this
year, we presume, in the way
of fried chicken.
Mrs. Joe Weathers has return¬
ed home from Augusta. Mrs.
Weathers is in very bad health
and from what we can learn it
was not improved much by her
stay in Augusta. Elliott
Mrs. Elziabeth was
sailed to the bed side of Mrs.
Jenny Harris last week. Mrs.
Elliott is a good nurse and prob¬
ably will be of benefit to the sick
lady. They are related also.
I Our 602nd District is parleying
liver Ihould another road question which
lommissioners. be ignored by our county
Let the roads
■ay Kit as they are which gives an
-let from our county to
Had big times in Sharon and
at Hillman on Easter. Some
fighting, drinking whiskey and
all round frolic generally. Some
got into the callaboose, too.
We have a patent hitch-up in
our town now. It is an inven¬
tion so constructed that if your
horse should take fright and
want to run you can turn him
loose and you and your vehicle
remain behind.
Call on us when you need ads.
or subscriptions for your county
paper or job work of anykind
done. We will fix you up at a
reasonable price at the Advo
Democrat office. C. L. Bagby,
the tinner, Sharon. Ga.
Mr. G. W. Brown has received
a fine lot of brim fish which he
intends stocking his pond with.
Mr. Brown is one of our most
progressing farmers and best
citizens. He is always looking
ahead for future improvements.
Several of our citizens visited
Washington on Wednesday of
last week attending the commit¬
ment trial of Bob Cannon. It
did not do Mr. Cannon any good
though. He was bound over to
await his trial in the superior
The sad accident that happen¬
ed to young Carey and Fouche
on the Ga. K. R., last Saturday
was heart rendering to our com¬
munity. These two young men
bid fair to make useful citizens.
Our sympathies are extended to
the bereaved family and rela¬
Our job office has just finished
up some nice bill heads, letter
heads, tags and labels. Call on
H. C. Dicken, Sharon, and he
will show them to you, and ho
will also sell you anything good you
want to drink in the way of
whiskey, wines and beers. Don’t
take my word go. and see him.
We have never seen a good'
dog go mad yet nor one that was
treated right and kept at home
where he belongs and a dog is
going to stay at home if you
treat him right. If you don’t
he -is-goi ng to hunt- his board
elsewhere and will find an egg
with a spider in it and thats the
last of him.
When Dr. B* V. Pierce, of
Buffalo, N. Y., published work, the
first edition of his great
The People’s Common Sense
Medical Adviser, he announced
that after 680,000 copies had
been sold at the regular price,
$1.50 per copy, the profit the on
which would repay him for
sars is&s'rs the next half
would distribute
•it .c \, . i
teen ^
complete, interesting and
ever pubUshed—the mdpien.
only being required to mail to
him, at above address, twenty
one (21) oue-cent stamps to cover
Sfkl-ilTb^^tTcS-paiA It is
a veritable medical
lOORVies Addition Profusely is illustrated. precisely
The Free
the same as that sold at$1.50 ex
cept only that the books are in
strong manilia paper covers in
stetid of cloth. Send NOW be
fore all are given away.
AN ATLAM . T , . VT a , vv-TFRPRTSF ];N LRI Ri. L OF 01
It affords us pleasure to call especial at
tention to the, advertisement of tiie
“Mother’s Friend,” appearing in this
The Bradfield Regulator Co., of Atlan
ta, Ga.. have at great expense issued a
most attractive and mentonous book,
which they mad free, contaming infor
rnatoln of the greatest Value and nnpor
tanee to all ladies expecting to become
That the “Mother’s Friend” is a remedy
wonderful in its effects, and relieves the
es pedant mother of incredible suffering
and robs the final hour of confinement of
its dread, pain and terror; is fully attested
by the experience of happy mothers all
over this continent.
A perusal of the hook will convince any
ladv, and the useof '-Mother’s iriend
Sngthe hSrCTtL f
it and was induced to use it.
Send your name and address to The
BradfielVt Regulator Co.. Atlanta, Ga.
and receive in return, free, this excellent
book. “To Expectant Mothers,” con
taining information of value to all ladies.
Correspondents’ Reports oil What Their
Neighbors Talk
Of the Happenings in Their Respective Lo¬
calities. AH the > T <Ws.
by erranx.
Colton is coming up beyond our expec¬
Picnic at Daniel’# spring hex* Saturday
first of May.
Wcslcv Broome says Chat he had rather
fight one man than two owls.
Charlie King soys that lie is bolter look¬
ing than Zack Broome or Frank Hobbs
Miss Fioy Taylor, of ueaHWliite Plains,
spent Saturday night at 11 onion, Hie guest
of Mrs. Ko.xie Callahan:
The fruit crop is thin in soikt orchards.
Wonder If Mr. Frank Hon* got there
Sunday evening? We saw aim on his
way. I
Considerable appearance id a light
sprinkle of rain Monday motfl 4- but the
clouds banished in the afti *| 1 ■, ■iron and it
now looks as if the dry spell us.
Mrs. Jesse Andrews, has bel Huitc sick
for some days past but, we hoi Hie attack
will not prove- serious. go!j ■draws is
a very devoted wife and a Mint her.
Mrs. Hendricks, of whom I alien c iic
fore, mentioned being sick, imp c-s very
slowly. We sympathise witli t in her
afflictions and wish that she eo||j recover
her usual health.
Mrs. Robert Loo Andrews njBter 111 two
little daughters, Music May Bath
were the guest of Mr. iin <l J ' v '
Broome Sunday last. We H a [I had the
pleasure, of enjoying tiie ptefl S and in
teresting company ot Mrs. AH •ews in the
afternoon of Sunday.
Bueltlen'* Arnica Sals .
Tlie Best Salve,in tiie worlill for Oats,
Bruises., Sores, Ulcers, Hands, Salt Rjsium, fthilblains- Fev¬
er, Tetter, Chapped
Corns, and all Skin Erupt'onQtnd uired. posi¬ It
tively cures Pitee, or no pay
is guaranteed to give sa ciion or
money refuucled. Price 25 t i per box.
For sale by,Dr. R. J. Reid.
Good stands of corn in som, luces,
The Whippowiil’s ebafterin ells of a
full open spring. lKchaso
Mr. S. J. Jones advises the of
grey land in place of red, since »Uic rains
stopped. 1 •
Mr. Frank Jones says lie wfj have. t >
take a near path through to a got done
planting in time.
Mr. John Jones and wifespewtSaturday
night and Sunday with rclativ| e g in the
district. The latter’s health is [ improved.
Mr. C. I. Ogletrec took in < town last
afternoon, wo presume he is up
-»■*-.......*-*•* M '" ' J - *•
Mr. Marehman, near t the ,, n district . line . as
»■“ r'p
^ !“ Z
— ?.
i ■ !
, ( . an , t b( , a| H .
; ; ■ Ull „ ] h , mtl Ma(V Whcck . r
to ( r ,. em . sb()ro ^turday Olives last,
s pcniling tiie night i.cforc , itIl
far a, 1 t va,,c,;d tlltt ‘ as lu on j e ronU is ,1Ht
j castouja.
j ,ini“‘ /# s/fTFZ. ”T" U iri7 M
: vnnn
| We tender a sincere cond Hence to rela.
| tives ,,urt of an<1 the kiIkd unfortunate hy trai " b(,y g that low were last
i a atur “
I Saturday. J May Goil scotb their aching
and grief stricken heart# its tliey pass un¬
der the rod. Who will be t), e next? God
only knows: “He, je also ready” is the
divine injitnellon. J
^ ^ MlMtm l f , lcaRtg for
JJccnsc to tf . Il( Il vvill be h M d at the Court
in CrawfordW |,e , n Hnt „ r day, the
May 1807. beginning at 8
o’clock, standard, or railroad time.
The necessary stationery will he furnish¬
ed hy me.
No books or papers, except the “certifi¬
cates of good moral chat-actor” as required
hy law, need he carried to the examination
room, The above named date was fixed
by tiie State School Commissioner.
WM. T. FLY NT, C. S. C. T. C.
| . Ciawfordville. Gn., A.pril 2. 1897.
It is reported t hat Tj,vlor Phinney, one
" f of Ml >“«'“* »•"*• " as
perhaps been located iff Florida.
.. -
t i GRIPPE 9 9
This'insidious dtrensc is now ptvvailiuj' all over the ,country. Jt comps with u#
chilliness, pains, achci, fever, watery eyes, headache, Etc. To avoid it, take an oc¬
casional dose of
Dr, Hammack’s Cold Cure.
and it you liavt* Grippe, the tablets taken aceerilin!; *■« tliveetions, jt, They
are put up in otw top bottles, convenient to carry. £5 (loses-£3 QefltK,
For Coughs
A cough is the rock upon which the health and lUcof thousands have been
wrecked. Every cough should he tccalcd ot Its commencement, and for this
purpose there is nothing better than 1 >r 1 lanimaek's White Pine and Spruce
Gum t'ougli Balsam. It cures without, lail all bronchial and lung affection,*,
1’rtce, per bottle, cents. Once used, U ,is always the favorite.
For Pains and Aches.
'Tnicre is nothing better than Dr. Uatnmack's Electric Ijniment. K will core
neuralgia, rheumatism stitches aani pains, lumbago, chapped hoods, and all
mannci of pains ami aches. Don’t experiment, lint buy tin's Jiitbticnl, Price,
sper bottle, Jo cents.
A Good Rubber Hot Water Bottle
be in every family. Wfi have lliem—ilio best, m:ufct» from/)!) cent upWiinks
everything usually sold in a lirst-class drug store nt rcMsoniihle prices.
Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ATLANTA, GA
s They're Right Here
a i $ And are having a big siiDou account o f
j i ^ “meiil” nmVtlrc
of money in Ihci packages. Rciii-ew c Is made to the
|,riz,! ?..... ,s ''f «h« Uidmnl Empress (!»„ of Atlanta,
111 '"Ifct the public to try same, is dislrihu
ting prizes valued from one cent, to five .......I red dol
Jars, in every package of goods soul out from their
factory to the retail stores in this town. Thc\ have
1 kx*ii doing this for the four mnnllis in the towns
P® throughout the State wherever they leave placed on
sale their goods, and Imve established an immense trade
as the result, and you may be sure t hey have been doing Hint very
i long iuuI that the prizes art: rcal|y drawn, and paid promptly, can
la- veri cd by any dealer in the goods: 1 1icreloic, why not “tn
your luck” in a package of
For you get, quality equal to any other goods and value lit
t the same price: and besides, a present of some
M (II anil of manufacturers the one SI,000 elrnnoe in to cash an get inducement prizes for nothing nflered /far Shot) the eiish, public montli or by to some the try
their goods.
For Sale Everywhere.
Complete Ginning Outfits.
TUAMAQ- inufflrto Steam Presses,
ant j Elevators
Saws, Belting, Valves, Pulleys, Shafting & Mill
Supplies Generally.
Mention this paper. MACON, GEORGIA.
Letters of Administration.
To all whom it may eoneern:
Geo. T Edwards having in jiroper 1
form, applied to me for permanent .oi¬
lers of .administration on the estate of
Mrs. Mary 11. 1’ortwood. late of said
county, tiffs is to site all and singular the
creditors and next kin of Mrs. Mary II.
Port wood to he and appear at my office
within the time allowed bylaw, and show
cause, administration if anv they can, why permanent
should not tie granted to
Geo. T. Edwards an Mrs. Mary If. I ort
* W tn^s my hand and offleial signature,
thwoth , , , dayof , 11 A.’r -1 L. 1 HJy U 07
GEO. H. M IIC11K LL, Or.liiMrj.__
111 J/YCTS ten week- and then stopped.
("pages Tl.e old, reliable Yankee Bltuie, to
weekly, filled with storj.-s pf
fun, love, and thrilling tales of adventure,
riend ! 0 (ts. in stamps for 10 weeks trial
o Yankee Blade, Brooks, Me.
IVr 91 . 00 ,
O IV 1 Week*
llUlvli JjATpl and J#r>.00.
A. Proprietor, J, A DK INS, 163 Marietta St
Opposite Miller ti Jirady’s Soutli. Celebrated
g tll() j ogi n„. l Mr /<vt in tl«:
w N)lMl „ 1Ilir( | iim f ur W. U.
Nash ami Mary L Nash lu.s applied to
me for a discharge from Ids euafdianship
of W. U. Na-I. and Mary L. Nash. Thi
lbru , forr Ul n , ltifv eoneer.e
<-d to tile tludr «hj«<tons, if any they
have, on or before the first Monday In
June next, elsejW. J - Nnsh will Is: dls
charged from li.s goardiausbui a. appiasi
for. GEO. If. Mi l HELL,
Ordinary faltaierro (.ount,