Newspaper Page Text
E asy asy to to Take Operate
.Art* feature* peculiar to Hood*# Pills. Small in
fci/f*. tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man
over.'* ac c. i. Uoo<i & r«„ ■ 111
jTopri.tor«, howeii. Ma*,.
rue only piii» to tag* »iu iiood'a sarsapariua.
fprjn lllli nUVUunliJ'Ul/lHi/l/liftli Ani/ACATU’ HPIUlorOAT
pobusukd bvkrv pribav morning by
Official Organ Taliaferro Co.
UBAWKOliDVW EE, GA. APK. 3 o.lS 97 .
Tlio Atlanta Weekly Journal is now
running n mining word contest.
For fifty cents they hoihI the Weekly
Journal one year and allow the person
sending the subscription one guess at the
missing word. The sentence selected is:
“He who has ceiKed to enjoy his friend’s
has ceased to love him.”
The missing word is the one necessary
to till out the above sentence and make
perfect'••use. Itlnnota cat h word,but
is a plain every day English word.
To the person first goes?-! ig the right
.word The .Journal will give 5 per cent of
the amount of subscripti ms received dur¬
ing the three months that this contest
lusts, and 5 par cent additional will he
evenly divided between all other persons
who muv guess the hissing word.
The A’eekly Journal Is a first class fami¬
ly paper, having ten pages filled with
matter that will interest all members of
the family. It has a first class woman’s
pfig(: an admirable children’s department;
.at least one store every week; a vast
amount of miscellaneous features; and
njl the news of the world. Address The
.Journal, Atlanta, Ga.
Don't Tu’»un o Spit uml Nmokv lour Life Away.
To quit tvilnuu’o easily and forever, bo mug
noth', full of life, nerve, uiul r, take No-To*
H.u\ tUu woudur-worker, that itukkcs weak men
*tr*»n«. All fide or 91. Cure ifimran*
teed Uooklot uud sumplo free. Address
Sterling Keinody Co, Chicago or New York.
t’li'j Hartwell Sun 1
Livor?body *?»>» He.
•vbU'atF 1 ' Gnthurtic, the moat won*
i lout discovery of the itjre, p eas*
anr and refr<-ohmgr to the UihU\ act gently
it;id ptmltivrty on kidneys, liver ami \nnvela,
rleuimlug the oiiUro h.v* tein, dispel colds,
cum headache, fever, habitual constipation
and biliousness. Please buy and try n box
of ( C. < ’. to-day; 10, t\ 50 eeiU«: Bold urnl
guaranteed to cure by all druggkijts.
Islimetd Heath, who is so well known to
I lie people of Warren hs the court house
janitor •dude,” died W'ediimlay.—l’lip
I wr.
"ntiw to Cum all Skin Placnae."
,No Simply Internal apply medicine* "S\vayin* , H Ointuu .it *’
tetter, itch, nil required, Cure*
Ace, Imnde, eczema, Ac., eruptions leaving on the
nose. the skin
clear, white and healthy, its grout heal¬
ing and curative power* are pos-o«st*d fji by
ether remedy. ArU Drngg.dt*
^wayiK * Uiu:meut.
Two convicts* escape* 1 reccnth from
Hoswcll's convict farm in Ogidhorpc
county and these c.scapcs broke into a
store Wfore thov had gone mum miles.
T. \. Slocum. M. C\. the Great Chemist
hcleiitist. Will Send Free, to the Afflict¬
ed. Three Hatties of Ills Newly Ole
covered liemedles to Cure Con¬
sumption wtut VII l.*ttiIt
CoufUcnt that hr lifts itUrowivil a rvlla
!*!*' rurft for consumption aiul all hron
ciiiat, throat »ml lumr 'lis«-;is,.>. s*n,' t»!
«li‘thnr ami weakness, luss«(it.-sU aiul
cnwtHunu " f "«siiug, «>*»• make it s
vat merits known, he will send, free,
three bottles to any reader of The Advo¬
cate-Democrat who may la* suffering.
Already this “new sriemlflc course of
meii it*," has perm.'ineiitly cure, i thou
samls of np|>i»renHy 1 io|hTi cast's.
T he il'sior eonsidera It his
4lUt> a duty which he owes to humanity
—to donate his Infallible cure,
ll>'has pro>ed the dreaded eonsumi'
tiou to hr a cur*b!e diss'ft'e U-vond any
doubt, and*».« tile m his American and
Eurr>|ieaii latioratories testimonials of
JH'IICIHJI (row tl««e U’lu tmst and cured,
j„ ,,|| „f thi> world.
sumption, ummerrupusi. mean* -peedy
and certain death. Addres* T. A. Slo
i mi. M. C.. WS l'ine wtrxs t. New York,
an I W hen >. riliiu; the IVa lor. please give
express ami |a«toftie ..hire--, and also
ssasS£“............... AJ
The Spectator. . .
» Some Things He lias Seen,
» Heard and Thought About. * * •
The effort of the good women
to gather funds for a Confeder
; ate monument is an enterprise
that commends itself to ourpeo
i pie with all the emphasis of the
noblestsenti r nt Th « memory
of the men who wore the gray
j thirty \ years ago, is loyal one of South- the
i treas ir es of every
erfl ticart. The fact that the
cause for which they fought
defeat upon the battle field in
j vests thdir heroic deeds with the
sacredness of martyrdom itself.
The cm soldiers .are passing
away; yoar less.' by year,their number of
grows Scarcely one
them is now under fifty. A few
years more und they will have
of arms or the battle field of life,
Before they go away from us let
us honor them and their dead
fellow soldiers by putting their
memory in more enduring form
than the uncertain caprice of
tradition and the not always con¬
siderate pen of the historian.
But we need to build this mon¬
ument not merely as a token and I
a tribute of our veneration for
the soldiers of the South who
surrendered their arms in the
bright spring days of 1865, or (
died from wounds or sickness in i
We the dark need days build that it went before. J
to on our own
The South lost more than its
property hearted as a result hospitality, of the wa its! r. j
Its open
high sense of honor, its chivalric j
devotion to principle, its noble
ideals of manhood and woman
hood—these qualities of our peo
pie have not been so character
istic pf the “new South as they
were "f the "old South. Oui
ISpolitical sordid fortunifhastempt- selfishness and to
ed us to
forgetfuint v « .thosn nr,vl
l ana me life of our fath
Besides this is a very practical in
which has come to us
the closing years of the nine¬
teenth century. The greed of
the millionaire is equaled by the
,. nV y of the pew r fellow who feels
that he has been cheated out of
liis rights.and between the two wo
tire in peril of becoming a nation
of gold-worshipers, whose high¬
est ideal and standard of life is
A few hundred dollars put by
Ihr people of Taliaferro county
into a monument to the memory
of solders who fought in an un¬
successful war might serve as a
wholesome corrective of a ten¬
dency among as that has already
done us much harm, and will do
us more * if it is not corrected.
The cotton farmers are put¬
ting in fin enormous crop. Bread
will be short next year.
—So Augusta many this of our week people wo haven't went j
room to mention them all.
-Our people merchants. should Goods trade j
with homo
are Georgia. as cheap here as anywhere in j
I p ;ll jl Carey, who was hurt I
| ^ 0JV y^tunlay is rapidly recover- >
! j n ^ r , k UR they j t j 10 attending his physicians shatter-! j
tqj n can save
oil log.
Mr. Fouehe, father of Cal. i
I young man who was killed
; 1K>ar lu-rc Saturday, has employ- and
od Col. Horace M, Holden, ,
j is a suit under con-,
j sidcnition. for the damages.
The Ideal I’anacoa.
James L. Francis, Alderman. Chicago,
y ^ Jcon^!
Colds and Lung Complaints, having used
a ,,, lllv fumit\ for the last five years to,
the exclusion of physician's prescriptions
m* I... j
wHu . s have been a Minister of the
Methodist ami Episcopal Church for 50 years
or more, having never found any-i
thing so beneficial, or that gave me such j
*i»eealy relief a* IH. King's New Ihseov-.
TwC Taliaferro Boys Hurled In¬
to tjje Air.
B r A
So O « Mnosrf Exactly How tile Fatal JVc
cl! tat Occurred. One of the Younj;
Jit a Uead,—The Other ImprofiiiR.
: ■
Oi, n. , r.f of the most mn«t hnniMp hoil lble r-Hl rail
road accidents that ever happen
ed i this county occurred at
the ossing in front of the Will
place on the Georgia Rail
rQat , ne m ile east of the court
hou: last Saturday evening at
•o'clock. The train from
Auf stain charge of Conductor
p er ns and pulled by engine
^r 0 _ 7 run by engineer Perkins
but nd rate and as the fnema .11
saw rnggy and horse coming
upo the track at the crossing he
told he engineer to look out for
a he and at that instant the
rnout ar.d its occupants
incl vA ,dLg the horse were knock
ed into the air like so much
,, Cal Fouche,
chat; . a young man
aboi ■ 16 years old, and Paul
Caref', _____ another young man
proU Jly 21, were the victims,
Th«3?; were knocked some 30 or
40 yai'ds from the crossing and
wen taken up by the people on
the^ iain and brought on to the
dejk in a dying condition. Cal
had of ie in his head and was
badly uised about the head and
breatJ He died within a few
s after he was brought to
tlie ° °
Pa Carey was not so badly
bruit- d up, but one of his legs
was -ribly broken and at first
no 0 , ; ,f the urge crowd that
^ 1 ' iered f° ut h “ goring
co yV i U £ J i
* L Jjvfas removed to Col.
He Aden ’s residence where
he wa, attended by Drs. Beazley
and liieid and all did all they
could for him. He began to ral¬
ly and Sunday morning, although
still unconscious, was carried to
Sharou aocompained by Drs.
Beazley, Davison and Reid. It
was decided that he would get
well and that the broken
limb could be saved,all of which
was a surprise to all those who
supposed he was in the last
agonies of death until late Sat¬
urday evening.
Young Douche's remains were
carried to his father’s home near
Sharon and were buried Sunday.
The horse was instantly killed
and the biiggy was torn into
splinters. No one knows exact¬
ly how the accident happened.
The essence of life is force.
Every breath yoo breathe,every
heart beat, every motion of
your hand, takes force. The
measure of force we call vital¬
ity. If this is lacking, there is
loss of flesh, lack of resistive
power, a tendency to catch di¬
sease easier, especially a tend¬
ency to Consumption. For low
vitality nothing is better than
Scott's Emulsion. It supplies
forceby furnishing the nourish¬
ing, strengthening elements of
food in an easily blood, digested form;
enriches the and builds
up the system. When ordinary
food is of no avail, Scott’s
Emulsion will supply the body
with ail the vital elements of life.
Two sito, 50 ct*. and $1.00. AH
If you will ask for it wc will «*nd
you a book uHing you all about Scott’s
Emulsion. Free.
SCOTT a SOWHR, tin, York.
We are told that the'fireman said
the young men were driving
along leisurly and that they
turned and saw the train but did
not seem to make any effort to
pull the horse back or rush it
Paul Carey has not sufficiently
recovered to tell the facts in the
case. Fouche never spoke after
the train struck him.
A Valuable Prescription.
Editor Morrison of Worthington, Ind. '
Sun." writes: “You have a valuable.
prescription in Electric Bttiers, ami I
can cheerfully recommend it fpr Consti¬
pation and Sick Headache, and as a gen¬
eral system tonic it has no equal.” Mrs.
Annie Stehle, 2625 Cottage Grove Ave„
Chicago, was all run down, could not eat
nor digest food, had a backache which
never left her and felt tired and weary,
but six bottles of Electric Hitters restor
ed her health and renewed her strength.
prices 50 cents and 1 . 00 . Get a Batde
Harry A. Cassin, cashier of the Georgia
Saving. Loan and Banking Company, At¬
lanta, who yesterday confessed to being a
defaulter to the extent of $45,000, and
" hose friends had agreed to pay up his
s night ! ,0 . rt , a ? u charge 1° koe i\ of hi ". baihtt. 1 °! 1 '' of is tf -'
m a
HER jjpg TR {jXy SAVED.
Dr, Miles' Heart Cure Does It.
Mrs, Chas. La Point, a well-known resident
of Denver, praises this wonderful remedy,
Her testimony should convince alias to the
worth of the New Heart Cure and Kcstora
tive 1894, reads Nervine. follows; Her letter dated Sept. 11th,
M <A
MjO. JS plffi a
. %
t&k- mi/, ’ ym
%||jP ft
Mrs. La Point, 2137 Humboldt St.
"Typhoid fever left mo with heart trouble
of the most serious nature. Nothing had the
doctors gave had any effect. I severe
pains in the heart, and was unable to lie on |
my leftside for more than three minutes at
a t ime. My heart seemed to miss beats, and
I had smothering spells, in which It seemed
every breath would be my last. We acci¬
dently saw an advertisement ct
Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure
and Restorative Nervine, taking and the purchased remedies a
bottle of each. After lifted chair and sit a
week, I could and In be short in time a 1 able up to
an hour, housework. a I shall be evergrateful was
do light wonderful medicines. Truly
to you for your
they saved my life. LA POINT. ^
Dr. Miles Heart Cure is sold on a positive
guarantee that the first bottle will benefit.
All druggists sell it at $1, 6 bottles for $5 or
it will be sent, prepaid on receipt of price
by the Dr. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, Ind.
Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure
Plain Facts.
Apparent Cheapness Does
not make a real saving
of money.
The But [I Always the Cheapest.
BEST VALUE for its price, is real and
only che-apness.
HIGH QUALITY real and only at fair prices is the
The Domestic
Best Machine
Best for the A?ent to sell as it give* him
the most profit for the least money
Best for purchaser, Is'cattse it gives the
most satisfaction in use.
AGENTS WANTED. “Domestic” and
Imperial Taper Patterns. Send for Cat
alogue. Address. I
Domestic Sewing Machine Co.,
m m
£ « Is m m.
The Quality and Price ‘Mult Decide.
This pleasant and perfect remedy, so
delightful to take, so refreshing and
exhilarating, stands in highest favor
with all who know it best, as the great
I est of all medical remedies for both
sexes, of all ages and in all conditions.
It will give you APPETITE.
It will give you restful refreshing SLEEP.
It Will Stimulate JOUf DIGESTION,
|t w {|| restore your NERVOUS ENERGY,
[ || w j|| pu t v 0ur KIDNEYS in perfect order.
It will purify your Blood.
It will change your weakness into STRENGTH.
It will tiring you out of sickness into HEALTH.
, The Atlanta Chemical CO., Atlanta, Ga.
; if*; - -
iff m
lit >r " -• I .§
m & J»i?w IF
I! m
1 ----
Do not be deceived by alluring ndrertfsemei nts and
think you can get the boat made, finest finish and
for a mere son*. Buy from reliable manufa cturera
that have gained a reputation by honest and square
dealing. in There is none In the. world that can equal
mechanical construction, durability of working tiafi il'lj
parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or
as many improvoin entsas the NEW HOME.
The New Home Sewing Machine Co.
Orange, Chicago, Mass. Boston, Mass. 28 Union8qv ark.N.Y.
1i,l. St, Louis, Mo. Daixas,T: riLis.
San Francisco, Cal. Atlanta, IU.
./. T. OVERTON & CO..
I want every man and woman in the Unites
States interested in the Opium and Whisky
habits to have one of my books on these dis
eases. Address 11. M. Woolley Atlanta, (ia..
Box 882. a:cd one will be sent you free.
Wanted—An idea £KS
Protect your ideas: thev may brin g you wealth.
Write JOHN WEDDEKBURN & ; CO., Patent Attor
neys, »nd list Washington, hundred I). C., inventions for their $1,800 wanted. prize offer
of two
15 permanently
cured in to35 days. You can be treatedat
home for same prico under name guaran¬
ty. If you prefer to comebcro vre will con¬
tract to pay railroad fareand hotel bills,and
BOCbarge, if we fail to cure. If you have taken mer¬
cury, Mucous iodide potash, Yivtches and in mouth, still have Sor© aches Throat, and
pains. Pimples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers
any out, part it is of this the body, Secondary Hair or BLOOD Eyebrows POISON falling
vre guar ante© to cure. W e solicit the most obsti¬
nate cases and challenere the world for a
case we cannot cure. This disease has always
baffled the skill of the most eminent physi
Cia ns. *500,000 A bsolute capital proofs behind our uncondi
Ih n lal guaranty - sent p.eulcd on
application. §07 Address COOK REMEDY CO*»
Masonic Temple, CHICAGO, ILL.
Many rpen are suffering^untold misery, epend
but for the want of intelligent treatment are
being laid away in premature graves. HELP
is in the reach of every suffering and weak
man. All cases of NERVOUS DISEASES
thoeffectsof ES AND ORAINS, early errors, whether indiscretions they be from
overwork, sickness, or from any cause,
we can quickly methods and permanently known cure
by most unfailing Consumption to modern
medical skill .Almost ail cases of
Rheumatism, Catarrh, Kidney these diseases, and Ljver Com¬
plaints, can be traced remedies to and al¬ by
applying effected. the proper Many suffering a core can from
ways ways be be men
these these dii diseases _______ are Hke drowning men, grasping
after mere straws, such such as as Free Free Prescription,, Prescriptions,
Free Treatment*, etc., only to find themselves
duped medicine by some fraudulent STOP C. O. D. druggist or
We give company. legal Bond experimenting. Cuarantee
a or
to cure or refund your money.
Treatment at home as well as here: same
price, same guarantee. To those who prefer
to come here we will contract to refund
railroad fare 83^9250,000.00 and hotel expenses if we
fail to cure. capital
back of our absolute Cuarantee to
cure or refund your money. H you ar«
tired of quackery, if you have any of the above
symptoms that make life a miserable exist
anoa, WRITE fully US and we wiil these sead FREE a
valuable paper of explaining diaeaaas,
and our methods the most perfect, reliable
and affective treatment* known to medical sci¬
ence. (Ro medicine* Correspondence until strictly ordered confidential. Addreas
sent J
tate Medical Co., Omaha, Neb.
tot S.biMb, I*corpor»Udj