Newspaper Page Text
8100 Per Year.
If you want $• & $ & %
For your MONEY, & & %
Buy your SHOES
At the Alliance Store.
Pure Home Matters Piokefi Up by Our
Local Reporter?;*
Wliat Oar People Are Doing: and Saying.
Tilings Our Friends Tell Us.
—Mrs. M. F. Griffith has been
sick this week.
21 lbs. granulated sugar for
£1.00 at Racket Store.
—Oscar Chapman has ordered
a new Waverly bicycle.
Big lot of embroidery and
laces at Alliance Store.
-—Spring chickens are extreme¬
ly scarce in these parts.
Ladies patent tip Oxfords at
’ Racket S tore Tor J0c pair.
—The crowd in town Tuesday
attending sale day was small.
—Mrs. Courtney Rhodes re¬
turned Monday from Augusta
Brown dress linen at Alliance
St me for 12 1-2 and 18c. per yd.
—Mr. J. N. Chapman has had
his blacksmith shop recovered.
Fire proof kerosene oil 15c
gal at Racket Store.
—We extend thanks for sever¬
al new subscribers added to our
Bargains in toilet and laun¬
dry soap at Alliance Store.
—Dr. C. S. Lucas, of Washing¬
ton, was here this week on busi¬
—Mrs Lint Akins, of Smith
onia visited relatives here this
—Mr. U. S. Gunn’s residence
and Dr, H. F. White’s office is
being repainted.
Arbuckle’s coffee at Alliance
Store for 12 l-2c per lb.
—Mrs. M. C Rhodes is board¬
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Sain E. Gunn.
New buggy, harness and
whip at J. N, Chapman’s for
—Mr. M. F. Griffith has just
recovered from a several days
spell of sickness.
—Messrs. Will Sanders and
Joe McWhorter, of Stephens,
were here Sunday last.
J. N. Chapman can save you
money on buggies, harness,
Wagons, etc.
—There will be a crop of ap¬
ples this year if nothing befalls
those already on the trees.
*—The good work of the paint
brush is making many improve¬
ments in Crawfordville now.
—Ford Mitchell came down
from Atlanta Wednesday to
spend awhile with home folks.
Hall's Hair Renewer prevents
dandruff, and stops the hair
from falling.
—Mr. C. H. Golucke is making
fine meal at his mill and gets just
as much grinding as he can do.
—Mrs. Sam Gunn is visitina:
in Wilkes this week.
1 doz. skeins turkey red floss
for 5c at Racket Store.
—Dr. H. F. White and lady
have moved to the lot of Mrs. M.
C. Rhodes and will keep house.
The Alliance Store has an
assortment of bleaching at 5c,
lie, 7c, and 8c that can't be beat.
—Mr. W. R. Reid is having an
ice house built next to his bar.
where he will keep constantly a
supply of ice.
—John H. Stephens went up to
Stephens a few days ago to see
about opening up a photo gallery
there for a few days.
Ladies’. Misses’, and chil¬
dren’s tan hose at Racket Store.
—MivO. P. Bownar is suppl y
mg ourpbopie wiwTttc© patch “Straw
berries from his just now.
He finds ready sale for them.
Cheapest harness and riding
saddles in town at J. N. Chap¬
—Dr. D. L. Farmer, of Thom¬
son, spent several days here this He
week doing dental work.
will make regulrr visits to this
—There has been a great deaj
of repairing and building done
about here and there will be a
great deal more of it done before
the year is out.
—There were many disappoint¬
ed young people around here
Saturday when the rains descend¬
ed and the winds blew until the
May day picnics were almost a
The cheapest buggy umbrel¬
las in town at J. N. Chapman’s
—There is a subscription Methodist out
asking aid to erect the
parsonage here and every one is
asked to help all they can. Mr.
Winter says he is meeting with
splendid success.
—Messrs. J. H. Chapman, of
Augusta, and.I. A. Chapman, of
Camak. went from here over to
Powelton Wednesday to visit
their mother who is quite sick.
Hope she will soon recover.
Mr. H. TT K. „ Zerbe, „ . a veil „
known young man who has been
tuning and selling pianos f o r '
1 homas & Barton, is still in that j
line of business on his own hook. I
He asks the patronage of the
people of this section—see his,
notice notice in in this this paper. paper.
—Jack Stewart got his finger
wrapped in a rope Wednesday
and a yearling calf was attached
to the other end of the rope and j
after a considerable ’bout Jack's
finger was broken badly. Dr
Beazley fixed up the wound alright, and j
it has been getting along j
We have constantly on hand at
Siloam a lot of fine Tennesse
horses and mules which we are
selling reasonably. Will visit,
yonr home and show von the
stock. Write to Rhodes & Dol
vin, Siloam, Ga.
* 1%. f -X I
\ 2 ygg§g mi N
h'-ww Vtx ■ -ir
Fifty Years Agcr,
This Is the cradle in which th< •ew
That thought of a philnnthrd •rain:
A remedy that would make 111
For the multitudes that* w&q racked
with pain. jjJp
*T was sarsaparilla, as made, know
By Ayer, some 50 years ago,
Ayer’s Sar stygtrilia half
was in its infabey a cen
tury ago. To-day it dfcth “be¬
stride tho narrow wo like a
colossus." What % secret
of its power ? Its cuffs! Thj|wonder The
number of them!
of them! Imitators ®.yo fol
lowed it from the begffning #eStill of
its success. They be¬
hind it. Wearipgft» safsanarilla only
medal granted to
in the World's 1893,
it points proud# to it ‘ecord. hedy;
Others imitate
they can’t imitate th# record:
5o Years of Cares.
We are glad* to not® that has* a
Crawfordville thepspe^ktyr'idplace young‘‘S»«wi
captured at
the closing ex <v rf? mJk eftacfhe
sell obi fid Aub urn, G iard
Ric hards has Jtfgea f as
spefikerri Richard and> his suT 1 ;t«
There is a mulbe tree pear
Mr. J. C. Lunceforc AlPhoine heard that of.
is the largest we eve
It measures 14 1-2 feuft around at
the base and is about 4 1-2 feet
in diameter. It is staid to be
over a hundred years old. The
old ted tree time has and about is dying. lijed its slot¬
Mrs. B s F. Moore,, if this place
happened to a very ; painful acci
dent late Tuesday;' afternoon,
She had been down t o the horse
lot to look after some chickens
and in climbing over a tall fence
a rail turned and th ■ew her vio
lentlytothe grounfl, knee breaking and
her leg just below the
badly wrenching the knee joint.
Mrs. Moore is getting quite old,
though a very active lady of her
age and but for thq wrench of
she knee the hurt would not be
to bad. Li-’*;®*,;
Miss Fannie He :r, the mag
netiewotider f rom Greene county
gave an ■exhibition pf bev pecu
liar powers a* the ycourt house
here Wednesday j night. The
audience was fully convinced that
j)ie power used by Miss Hester
- n t h row ing the strongest men
about like they explanation. wNfc small boys She
wa g beyond brellaS, sticks and
shoVPC j um
chairs about W hflo they were bo
ing held by several men. Mr,
Hester her father, promises another to
return and give us en¬
tertainment soon,
Without A Rival.
and pa i n8 of all kind*, Salvation Oil
has no equal. Mrs. Frank Juif, 518
Gratiot Ave., Detroit, Mich., write*:
“I used Salvation Oil in my family
and can say it has no rival as a lini
ment; it certainly cures pains. I
sprained my ankle and it cured me
and since then I have always used it
for any pains . and braises.” Salvation
Oil is sold for only 25 cent*. No other
remedy will do the work as promptly,
Mr. Jim Moody returned Tues¬
day from Sharon where he had
spent several days and nights
yith Paul Carey, Iho young man
who was hurt by the train here
two weeks ago. Ho says Paul is
getting well rapidly, has good
appetite, sleeps well and talks
freely, but does not remember a
thing about the accident. Says
the last he remembers was his
and Cal's riding along singing.
Mr. Moody told Paul that Cal
was killed in the accident, but
Paul refused to believe it until
his aunt, Miss Kate Hatty, con¬
firmed it, and then he said he
was sorry to hear it. He said
he did not see how it happened
that he escaped alive as he was
on the right side of the buggy
and that was the side the engine
struck first. He asked what be¬
came of the horse and he ,seemed
more surprised when lie killed. was told
that the horse too was
His rapid recovering is far
beyong the expectation day of any
who saw him the of the ac¬
An anonymous correspondent
writes us of a serious mishap of
one of Taliaferro's handsome
young teachers. Said corre¬
spondent says that pains the young
man took particular with
his beautiful white false teeth
while opting supper one night
recently, but in spite of all these
pains and care his treasured false
teeth dropped ' from his mouth
and a dog under the table took
posession of the teeth and ran
under the house and broke the
tifiefth. The young man lost his
teeth and supper too. No names
were called.
j. HO%»TllIS > i'
Reward We OndHju,mir ed Do ilfarrh llars
for any case
that cannot be cured by Hall’s
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props.,
, W Toledo, O.
Wo the undersigned, have
known F. J. Cheney for the last
15 years, and believe him per¬
fectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able
to carry out any obligations made
by their firm
West & Try ax. Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, O.
Wadding, Rinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Price 75c. jwr bot¬
tle. Sold by all Druggists. Tes¬
timonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are tho
The little three year old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. E.
Blanchard, of our town, happen¬
ed to a very painful accident on
Saturday last. A colored woman
was scouring the front porch and
on the edge of the porch was set¬
ting a vessel filled with lye,
which the little one pulled off
pouring the contents of it. on its
face and neck, burning it very
badly. At first it was thought
that the lye would materially in¬
jure the little one’s eye, but at
this time is improving dispelled.— rapidly,
and all fears are
Harlem Light.
Some of the boys who can’t g*'!; govern¬
ment plums will have to be satisfied with
Save The Children.
When children are attacked with I
cough, cold and croup, Dr. Hull’s
Cough Syrup will prove a, quick and i
sure cure. Mr. Elmer E. Baker,
Blandon, Pa„ writes: “We have
used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for cough,
cold and croup, anti found it the best,
cough medicine and cure for these
affections. We never run out of it,
but always keep it on . hand, , „ Dr. ;
Bull’s Cough Syrup is sold everywhere i
for 25 cent*. Insist on having it. j
no. n.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for Its great leavening strength
mid healthfullness. Assures llu 1 food
against alum mid all forms of ndulteni
I ion common to ! lie cheap lirimds. ROY
Adh ovtise<l Letters.
The following letters rciuniii in tlie post
ofliiec id, Criiwfonh illo, first of 11 1 i- month
Uncalled for:
S. Adam Cknmer, Frank Cain, Mr, .lim
Cling, Mrs. Emma, Field, St Alliert, Hotel,
Miss Delude Howard, Mrs. Allicrl .Jones,
Miss Ada Lester, John E. EcwK Rev. ('.
II. Mullary, Alisa l.uura Phillips, earn
George Pliliitus, Mr. .loliu Reid, Mis.
Annie livid; Air. Gable \\ u.
In another column of this pa¬
per will he found the advertise¬
ment of the Richard RcspessCo.,
of Atlanta, the prize goods man¬
ufacturers. who have in the past
four months established am enor¬
mous trade for their products,
by originating the unique idea of
putting “Money Prizes, “rang¬
ing in amounts from one cent to
shOO, in the packagesof goods
sent out from their factory to the
retail stores, as a special induce¬
ment for the pufelic to try the
§ame, The pmes are really
11 ; i,ek.itge s, and are.
drawn, anaTffe ,l ^(^ay^{#w^a
out the state are constantly pub¬
lishing the names and pictures
of people who draw five, ten,
twenty-five, fifty dollars, etc, in
a five, ten, or tvkmty-five cent
purchase of the goods.
It will be well for you to give
same your patronage, for you
get quality equal to any brand,
and for the same price, and you
might draw the £500, or one of
the smaller cash prizes, and if
you don I, you will get a merchan¬
dise prize of some value, as the
distribution is fair, mid you
stand the same chance of getting
the £500 prize in a five cent pur¬
chase as any one. For full par¬
ticulars, usk your grocer or
druggist for one of their (fe'eei
SiK.wImlliiig in Mny wmh Mm* unusual
sport in southron Ohio Sunday.
Tluoldon'a Arnica Halve*
Til* Host 8alvs,in tlie world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcer*, Halt Rheum, F.-v,
«r, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains.
Cornu, and all Hk in Eruptions, and posi¬
tively cure* Pile*, or no pay required. It,
Is guaranteed to give satisfaction or
money refunded. Price 2t> cents per box,
For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
In connection wllb watch, clod: and
jeweiiy repairing, dining the sumrm r
month", (provid'd you bring the rnuchim
to mv -bop) I will muk cm- wing mnchlm
run light and stitch perfect that you con¬
sider worthless. I can repair any kind of
machtrt'ry, I am a practical workman,
no sohlilor. If I do not give mli.sfaction i
'A. I ut m pay. R. 15. STIlo/ER.
Jeweler, Crawfordiile. On,
Formerly with Thomas Bariori
Address: 420 Walker Ht.
X. ii Parties wishing to j>ucrcha*e
Piano* or organ* will do well to i-onfcr
with Inm. April 14, 97.