Newspaper Page Text
la caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges¬
tion and permits food to ferment and putrify in
the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache,
insomina, nervousness, and. Pills
If not relieved, bilious fever
or blood poisoning. Hood's
.Tills stimulate the stomach, headache, dizziness, con¬
rouse the liver, cure Sold by all druggists.
stipation. etc. 21 cents. Hood's sarsaparilla.
The only l’ills to take with
Pfflcial Organ Taliaferro Co.
Sam Jones is shaking up the
sinners in Augusta this week.
C. C. Mulherin has been re-ap¬
pointed to the cadetship at West
Point from this district by Con¬
gressmen Fleming,
The government crop reports
say that cotton generally was
jilanted late this year. Maybe
a bad start will make a good
Judge Candler seems to be in
earnest about stopping the prac¬
tice of of shooting down people
in and around Atlanta. He has
refused Perry a new trial. The
case will be carried up.
•Through Mr. Jno. T. Patrick
Vice-President St. John the
Seaboard Air Line R. R, has ex¬
tended the editor of this paper
a broad-guage invitation to make
our headquarters in their car¬
shaped building on the grounds
while at the Nashville Exposi
tion. If we are so lucky as to
get to the Exposition it will be a
pleasure to avail ourselves of
this most cordial invitation.
Carelessness in girlhood causes
the greatest suffering and un
happiness in alter life. Little
irregularities and weaknesses in
girls should be looked after
promptly aud treatment given at
once. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre¬
scription promotes regularity of
all feminine functions, makes
strength and builds up a sturdy
health with which to meet the
trials to come. The Favorite
Prescription is not a universal
panacea, It is good for solely but one
thing. It is directed at
one set of organs.
Dr. Pierce.s Common Sense
Medical Adviser, a 1008 page
medical work, profusely receipt illustrat¬ of
ed, will be sent free on
21 one-cent stamps to cover pos¬
tage only. Address. World’s
Dispensary Medical Association,
Buffalo, N. Y.
T. A. Slocum, M, C„ the Great Chemist
Scientist. Will Send Free, to the Afflict¬
ed, Three Bottle* of Ills Newly I>J*
CDwered IVwmedies to Cure Con¬
sumption and All Lung:
Confident that he has discovered a relia¬
ble cure for consumption and all bron¬
chial, throat and lung diseases, general
decline a id weakness, loss of flesh and all
conditions of wasting, and to make its
great merits known, lie will send, free,
three, bottles to any reader of The Advo¬
cate-Democrat who may be suffering.
Already this “new scientific course of
medicine” lias permanently cured thou¬
sands of apparently hopeless cases.
The doctor considers it his religious
dutv—a duty which lie owes to humanity
—to donate iiis infallible cure.
He has proved the dreaded consump¬
tion to be a curable disease lievond any
doubt, am) bason file in his American and
European laboratories testimonials of ex¬
perience from .yjiose tiemffitcd and cured,
in all parts of the world.
Don’t delay until it is Wo Lite. Con¬
sumption, uninterrupted, means speedy
and certain «<»th. Address T. A- Slo¬
cum. M. C.. 98 Pine street. New York,
an i when writing lit© Doctor, please give
express and poatoffle address, and also
mention reading this article up The Ad¬
The Spectator. . .
* Some Things He Has Seed.
» Heard and Thought About- » • •
The best disposition of our crimh I!lIs i<!
up for discussion and settlement o' .Geor¬
gia to day. The fact that the prese at sys¬
tem of leasing convicts will soon exp ro by
limitation, some reecut occurrences here
and there, and a growing sentiment ar'ong
our people that our present plan of pun
islujpent is not the best, viewed from any
standpoint, have brought the question to
the front. The question is one with mW.v
sides, and one about which thinking [>eo
ple will not cave to dogmatize.
It is not difficult to point out many Jb
jcctionablo features in our present system
—less difficult no doubt than it is '»
devise a system that would bo free from
the same,, or even greater defects.
One vital objection to the present sys¬
tem is that it is a species of legalized
slavery. The State 1ms the normal and
legal right to punish evil doers, but it has
certainly no normal right to convert this
function into a commercial transaction in
which the sovices of the criminal are
bartered to the highest bidder for a con¬
sideration. The criminals of the State
should not be treated as so many paupers,
lunatics or imbeciles, and supported at
the expense of honest, law-abiding peo¬
ple. To maintain prisoners in idleness
would be to add cruelty to punishment.
They ought by every token to cam their
support. Hut to use the convicts of
Georgia as a means of revenue to the
common wealth is too much like putting
a premium upon crime.
We have had abundant demonstration
of the fact Umt it is impossible, un¬
der our present system to protect the
State’s convicts from cruel treatment.
Shameful and shameless barbarities liavo
been recalled by many fair and full investi¬
gations of theconductof the convict camps
in various pints of Ihe state. This is not
true of all of them, of course, but in too
many of them, it lias been the case, and is
no doubt true today. Safeguard tho sys¬
tem as we may, it is intrinsically bad, and
can never be made good. It was foisted
aud fastened upon the State during the
days of reconstruetioifiso-called,) and does
not deserve the long life it lias had.
The criminal laws of Georgia recog¬
nize a distinction between misdemeanors
and felonies. Tho couvict lease system
rccoginizes no such distinction. Crimi¬
nals of all grades and shades art: dumped
into a common pile. The youthful
offender, too poor, it may be, to pay a fine,
goes into stripes along side of the most
hardened law breakers. Such indiscrimi¬
nate mixing of petty thieves and bloody
murderers “chock by fool”” makes of our
convict camps breeding places for crimes
and criminals. The new system, what¬
ever it may bo, should abate this evil.
A FRICANA will cure Syphilis and Old
z» Sores to Stay Cured.
The next commencement of Mercer
promises to be the greatest ever
known in her history. The program has
been arranged and is given below:
Friday night May 28, at the College
Chapel—Annual Debate between the Ci
eecouian and Phi Delta Literary Societies.
Saturday night May 29, at the College
Chapel—Freshman prize declamation.
Sunday morning, May 80, at First Bap¬
tist church, Baccalaureate sermon by Dr.
K. B- Tapper, class of ’71, pastor First
Baptist church, Philadelphia, Pa.
Sunday night, May 30, at First Baptist
church—Missionary sermon by I)r. A. II.
Newman, class of ’71, Prof, of Church
History, McMaster University, Toronto,
Monday night, May 31, at College
Chapel—Sophmorc prize declamation.
Tuesday morning, June 1, at College
Chapel—Junior original speeches.
Tuesday afternoon, June 1, at 4 o’clock,
at College Chapel—Allumni address by
Ex-Congressman T. G. Lawson from Eu
tonton, Ga., class of '58, introduced by
Ex-Gov. II. I). McDaniel, class of ’58;
Literary address by Ex-Gov. R. B.
bard, Tyler, Tex., class of *51, introduced
by Ex-Gov. W. J. Northen, Atlanta, Ga.,
class of ’58.
Tuesday night Allumni Banquet.
Wednesday morning, June 2, at Col¬
lege Chapel—Commencement exercises.
Wednesday night, Moot Court by Law
Judge Speer presiding.
Many of Mercer’s graduates will be
and several distinguished men
will make addresses at the Allumni Ban¬
Bed need rates, a fare of one and one
third (11-3; on vhecerlificate plan has been
for all the Southern States.
No-To-Um tor Fifty Cent*.
Guaranteed ,ob»cco hatiit eure. makes weak
men stronx, blood pure- 50e.ll Alt druggists.
New is scarce this week.
A good crowd at Sabbath school Sim¬
Mr. P. G. Veazcy has about recovered
from a spell of sickness.
Mrs. Stewart is no better, doubt Is en¬
tertained of her recovery.
Messrs John Akins and Charlie llill, oi
Mildrajon, came over to Sabbath school
Messrs. Jet Mann and Hugh Wheeler,
of Peek’s Cross Roads, went out to Her
nnida Sunday.
Miss Laura J. Cooper visited the family
of Dr. A. S. Cooper Saturday and Sunday,
spending the night with Miss Leila Moore.
Mr. P. G. Yeazey says he ate more fish
last Saturday than he ever did at one time
before. We hope they will have no bad
Misses Nannie audCamila Jones and
their little sister Lucy visited Mr. and
Mrs. Jesse McKinney of near Harnett Sat¬
urday and Sunday.
It is reported the people are going to
make another effort to have the picnic at
Miller’s mill the first Saturday in June,
'’’bat will be a very busy time with far
(Mrs. S. N. Chapman, of Powclton is
, iite sick. She has been in a low state of
jlalth f for some time. The many friends
0 Prof. Chapman sympathize with him in
j,l affliction.
ffr. B. F. Wynne went down on his liny
f a Saturday morning and caught two
ftn\ -Jbon, carpe with his handout of a small
1 some distance from the river. The
tnt weighing twelve pounds.
Til© Discovery Saved Ills Life.
Mr. G. Caillouetto, Druggist, Bcavcrs
vllle III-, says: “To Dr. Kings New
Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with
La Grippe and tried all the physicians for
miles about, but of no avail and was given
up anitohi I could not live. Having Dr.
Kiug’fNcw Discovery in my store I sent
for a by He and began its use and from the
first dor began to get better, and after us¬
ing tint' bottles was tip and about again.
Its is vVtli its weight in gold. We don’t
keep sr Ve or house without it.” Get a
free trie-at Dr. II. J. lieids Drug Store.
At theJottom of the deep sen the wa¬
ter is on! a few degrees above the freez¬
ing point)
As a r< I tody 'lire For for Headache. all forms of Head¬
ache Eletqlc Bitters has proven to be the
very best. dijaded ,|lt effects habitual a permanent sick headaches cure ami
the most ^fluence.
meld to its We urge all who
tre afflicted > procure a bottle, and give
his reined v Hair trial. In eases of habit
ual const! Rilte-AciuaMs-vnv
giving the :, ^)fivoneto the bowel*, and
few casejs long resist the use of this medi¬
cine. Try it ouee. 50 cents and $1.00 at
Dr. B. J. Reids Drug Store.
Lowell, Me., has a postmistress, a wo¬
man physician, a woman stage driver urn!
a woman justice of the peace.
La hive Grippe
If .you had the Grippe,
you know fits aches and pains,
the fever, the chills, the cough,
the depression—you know
them all. Tlhe Grippe exhausts
the nervous vitality. system quickly, Two
lowers the
things should be done at once:
—the body must be strength¬
ened, and force must be given
to the nervous system. Cod
liver Oil will do the first; Hy
pophosphites the second. These
are permanently and pleasantly
combined in Scott's Emulsion.
It lifts the despondency membranes and
heals the inflamed
of the throat and lungs.
But you need not have LA
You can put your system in
a condition unfavorable to it.
You can have rich, red blood;
resistive strength; steady brain
andi nerves. Scott's Emulsion
prevents as well as cures.
And whether you send or go
for Scott’s Emulsion, be sure
you get the genuine.
SCOTT * BOWNE, N*w York.
MONEY MADE*. this aiidiThink EASILY itOver!^ AND
Rapidly, Read
We want tliree or four men with energy
anil grit to represent us in Taliaferro ami
adjoining counties. Will give them a sit¬
uation in which they can make money
rapidly, the work being light and em¬
ployment the year round. Requires no
capital or great education. Home of our
best salesmen are country boys. Profits
quick and absolutely sure. Write at once
for full particulars. Address,
Kiser Building, Atlanta, Ga.
Pill n bottle or common water glam with
uriti and let it stand twenty-four hours: a
sediment or settling indicates a diseased j I
condition of the kidneys. When urine
stains linen it is positive evidence ot kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri
ante ot pain in the back. Is also convinc
iug proof that the kidneys and bladder are ;
out of order.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer’s Swump
ltoot, the great kidney remedy fulfills
every wish in relieving pain in the back,
kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of
the uniary passage. It corrects Inability
to hold urine and scalding pains in passing
it, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overoomes|tlint unpleas¬
ant necessity of being compelled to get
up many times during the night t o uri¬
nate. The mild and the extraordinary
effect of Swamp-Hoot is soon realized. It
standsthe highest for its wonderful cures
of li m ost distressingjenses. If you need
a medicine you should have the best. Sold
by , druggists , ... prim* lnfty ,.... cents . uutl , onedol- . .
m. Fora sample bottle and pamplot,
both sent free by mail, mention the Advo
cute-Democrat and send your full post
office address to Dr. Kilmer Js Co., Bing
liamton, N. V. The proprietors or this
paper 1 guarantee ° Hie genuineness of Ibis
0 N '
Plain Facts. *
Apparent Cheapness Does
not make a real saving
of money.
The Best Is Always the Cheapest.
BEST VALUE for its price, is real cs c
only cheapness,
HIGH QUALITY nt fair prices is ^ ■—
real and only economy,
The Domestic
ALWAYS _ —____
^' IiAS BEEN TllK^
BeSt MaChillB
Best for the Agent to sell as ltgiycs him
the most profit for the least money.
Best for purchasers because it gives the
most satisfaction in use.
AGENTS WANTED. “Domestic” and
Imperial Paper Patterns. Send for Cat¬
alogue. Address,
Domestic Sewing Machine Co.,
Petition For Public Road.
Office of Board of lioads and Hovonuo,
Whereas certain petitioners have made
their iipllicution to the Board of Roads
and Revenue of Taliaferro County, pray¬
ing an order granting the establishment of
u new Road coinmeneingnbont one fourth
of a mile, more or less, south of tho Ga.
R. It. near the corner of land helonuing
to J. W. McKinney Kr. in bend of road
that runs from a point In the Crawford
vllle and Barnett road near the old rail
road shanty, by tho residence of W. If.
liagby to the lino hot wean Taliaferro and
Warren Counties, and running In the di¬
rection of Fowelton. by residence of John
.Shields and W. J. Ellington, to a point 11
the road that runs from Crawfordville to
Carter's bridge, about one mile, more or
less, from said bridge; and that portion of
the road now running by residence of W
II. Bagby in direction of Warrenton, not
proving conducive to the convenience of
.he traveling public be abolished, from the
bend in road as above, described, to its
term inns at. County line; and, whereas,
Commissioners appointed for that purpose
have reviewed anti marked out said con¬
templated road, and reported to said Board
of Roads and Revenue that, said road will
he one of much public utility and conven¬
ience. Now this is to cite and admonish
all persons that on and after the first Tues¬
day in June next, said new road will be
granted and the old road abolished, if no
go<«l Given cause is shown to the contrary. seal the
unth-r my band and this,
4*h day of May, 1897.
Clerk Hoard of Roads and Revenue.
W. T Nash, guardian for W. K.
Nash and Mary Nash, has applied to
me for it discharge Nash from his I.. guardianship Nash. This
of W. R. and Mary
is therefore to notify all persons concern¬
ed to flic their objections, if any they
have, on or before VY. T. the Nash first will .Monday dis- In
June next, els,- he
charged from bis GEO. guardianship H. MITCHELL, as applied
Ordinary Taliaferro County
n 1
If! iffy ? ra
The Qdiflity and Price Must Decide.
I I WjP It
^l|Tr | LJ | | Eg E# W C
There is a difference between medl
cines and medicines. from
Those of to-day, as ft rule, differ
those of the past in many respects. be¬
Fully as great is the difference
tween'Dr. King's
and the ordinary medicines of to-day.
It is unlike them in
1 . It does not taste like a medi¬
cine. It is as pleasant to take as
lemonade and makes a most refreshing
a. It never nauseates tho most
delicate stomach,
3 , it does not swap off one dis
ease Tor another. It does not set up
one form of disease in order to relieve
another as is so often the case.
4. It contains no alcohol or
0 p| unl in any form and is always
lmrnslcss even when given to a babo
one day old.
5. It does not patch Simply, It
cures. It reaches as nothing else
does to the hidden sources of disease
in the blood and removes the cause. It
does this with an ease and power that
have never been equaled.
For all troubles of tho Blood, Stomach,
Bowels, Kidneys and Nerves, and for all forms
of MiLAlllAI, rival t'OISON it stands pre-eminent—
without ft or u peer.
rw- Sold by druarglatn, now viwkwro. l»r«o bot¬
tle. 108 Dosed. Quo Dollar. Mnnutaoturodonly by
K ~i - JJPi
m w> Hr mm ■
. L .«• :■
y M
v J
me ---- - —
Df. Iintlio deceived I v ..IlnrlnK vdwrll.rm.nt. find
think you yen eel Uw bait iniTt, Ilnwt ftolrli nnt
S»i&EagS!S in iiirrhanlofti e-in»iruction, durabUUy 3 it S worMtw 6
part*, of lininh, beauty In apponraiMf*?, or luui
m nmnjrimprovements n» tho NEW HOME.
The New Horae Sewing Machine Co.
CHukok, ClUOiUO, Mm,. H.I.. Boston, Mann. S8 Union s<jir/r.V,N.y.
b*N Fauinaatu, NT, 1.00,8, MO. lUblJUl/I ViUJ,
Cit.. ATbASlA, Cl.
i A SPECIALTY ondflrjr Primary, So*,
tin ry iU.ooi> J’OISON permanent!?
cur rod In lM,o3f> days. Yon can bo treated at
homo nome for eunio price iriceundori under fianioffiirtrao
ty. If r y on prefer to come boro we will oo»
tract to pay railroad faroand hotel bills,and
nocharce.if wo full to euro. If you have taken mer¬
cury© Iodide VntoliPH i)otn m li, and mill have aches and
pains, Mucouft Copper Colored In mouth, Spots, Sore Ulcers Throat,
Fiuiples, of tho body, Hair Eyebrows fnlllnir on
out. any part this 8««ondnry or IILOOIJ POIHON
It Is
we guarantee to cure. Wo the world most obstl- for
tmte citsea and challenge tho a
case wo cannot cure. This dkieoee has always
baffled the S5OO,O0<> «kill of capital tlio most behind eminent uncoudl* pliysl
clan A bso proof* our sealed
tlomd ernarauty. I u to sent on
application. Address 13001% KEMKDY ILL. CO H
907 Masonic Temple, CHICAGO,
Many m«n urn muffwintc tor motlicine* untohl KOD<l mlwry, and bud,
liiff tlioir for tiia iitoiiojf of intelligent trwitiumit
but want HELP nr®
lifting laid nvrur iu prematura urnvm.
I* in the r«ncn of »*ver.v Huffttrlnu end weak
fi.o SUSHI ,S early® rrorajndiscr from b® etiona from
overwork, quickly Biokneae, and permanently or any CHURA,
we can cur®
by moit unffiiiinu method* known to modern
medical fikill.A G'atnrrh, boost nil Kidney cu»e* of nnd (/'omuirrifition Liver Com*
libouftiotiMin, plrilnt*, traced tb««e diiwm*e«, nnd hr
can be to
opplyintf the proper rornedle* n cure can *1*
wuy* the*® l>» diranMeaur® enecUH). like Many drowning men KuITeriiitf from
men, urunnlnu
•fiftr mere *tr»vW*, finch ft* Fre«t FrMtcrtpilot)*.
Free Trentin«nt«, etc., only to 0. find tbem*«lfn*
duj.ed by *ome fraudulent C. 1). dra*c«i*tor
medirino We comj.nny. Bond STOP ftx peri men ting.
to give cure a or legal refund your or Cuurantee money*
price, refitment ot borne oh To wejl u* bare: prefer
sum® Muarnnteo. those who
to railroad come here we will hotel contract to refund if
fare nnd expense* we
feii to cure. 250,000.00 capital
hack of our absolute Guarantee Jr to
cure or refund your money. you are
tired of (tuackery* if you have any of the above
symptom* that tueWo life n mi*ernbifi exist*
once. WRITE fully US ur.d we will send FREE •
VNluebla paper ot expleinina tiiese
end our methods the most perfect, reJiatji#
and elective treatrnente known to medical *cl
anre. (No madlciueaaebt florrespondanca uatll strictly ordered.) conddential. Addzeae
State Medical Go., Omaha, Neb.
(Of Nebraska. Incorporated.)
A f\CTS. The ti old, n weeks reliable and Yankee then Blade, stopped. 10
v page* weekly, filled with atorie* of
un, love, and thrilling tales of adventure, trial
land JO rts. in stamps for 10 week*
A Yankee Blade, Brook*, Me.