Newspaper Page Text
What tbe People of that Thriving
Town Ate Doing.
Mr. A. D. Moore was quite
sick last week.
Preaching at Jennings next
Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Paul Carey is getting on
flue so the doctor and his nurse
say. Miller's
The picnic at old mill
was very well attended if it did
Big Masonic meeting in Sharon
last Fridry some new members
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Taylor's
little boy Benny, was quite sick
last week
Mr. Charlie Reid. of Crawford -
ville, was in our town last week
on business.
Mr. Charlie Caldwell had a
very fine Kentucky horse here
last week.
Mrs. A. M. Bagby was quite
unwell last week but is better at
this writing’'.
Miss Kate Cosby and Reppy
Elliott returned to their home in
Greene county last week.
Mr. Love Mershon has accept¬
ed a situation with Mr. A. D.
Moore at the temple of industry.
Miss Missouri Bagby spent Mrs.
last week with her sister,
Rosa W. Taylor.
Mr. W. E. Arnett will write
our articles for us next week as
we will not be here.
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Jackson
are running the hotel and board
house in Sharon now.
Mr. J. A. Kendrick has bought
him a handsome double swing
and put it up in his front yard.
Several of the Sharonites at¬
tended court in Washington last
week to hear the Bob Cannon
Mr. Bob Davidson, of Augus¬
ta, was visiting his parents last
week; he also joined the Masons
while up here.
A good many in our section are
done planting, and chopping cot¬
ton and hoeing cch'n is the order
of the day.
The little town of Barnett
seems to be a dead issue now
days; only one little store there
in business.
Call on Fallen when you want
a good smile he will fix you up
in apple pie order in anything
you want to drink.
It was our pleasure to spend
awhile with Mr. Charlie Dozier
at Hillman last week. Bro. Bob
Jackson was with us.
Mrs. Willy Harris has been
carried to Auguata for treatment.
She is suffering from mental
prostration so we learn.
Mr. Beader Dyer, of Fountain
Camp Ground, was in our town
last week. Mr. Dyer is one of
Warren counties best farmers.
Mr. Ed. Keating will have his
residence guttered with tin which
is very necessary and great pro¬
tection to the building.
Mr. L. A. Brake, the saw-mill
man, was in our town last week.
Mr. Brake had not been in our
town for two years before.
We visited Crawfordville last
week and found some nice im¬
provements. They seem to be
painting the town white.
Mr. W. J. Norton's smart dog
that the Advo-Democrat spoke of
recently thing will be contracting the
first his master knows.
Advertise your business in
your county paper and keep the
money at home and your busi¬
ness before the people.
Mr. W. P. McKeon returned
from Augusta on Tuesday of last
week after several days absence.
We thought Bro. Me. had desert¬
ed us.
Miss Annie May Kendrick's
school closed last with a sociable
party. Miss Kendrick has given
satisfaction both to pupil and
Mr. Major Moore brought a
mill carp fish to town recently
that weighed nineteen and a half
pounds. It was caught in a trap
on little river. It was raffled off.
Messrs. Dicken and Gilbert drew
Mr. J. A. Kendrick and Ed.
Keating took in Washington last
week on business.
Mr. Arthur Moore and family.
of Hillman, took in our town last
week visiting relatives.
C. L. Bagby, the tinner. Sha
ron, Ga., will serve you when
you need his services.
Mr. T. P. Kendrick had a se¬
vere spell of cramj) last week.
Mr. Kendrick is subject to these
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Gregory's
little boy Hiram, was quite sick
last week but is getting along
very well at present.
Prof. Woodall visits our burg
now and then, but not as often as
he use to. Come again Prof, we
are always glad to see you.
Call on us when you need a
good linament for all pains and
aches. W r e think we can give
you satisfaction, C. L. Bagby. the
tinner, Sharon, Ga.
Mr. W. H. Martin, of Kings
Hardware Company, was in town
last week. Mr. Martin we think
is one of the cleverest drummers
on the road.
Mr. Charlie Smith, of Barnett.
with his little Shetland pony and
pheaton was in our town last
week, and it was quite a show
to the town folks.
Educate Your llowcls With Cascaret*.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money.
Mr. R. H. Jackson lias been
doing some nice picket fencing
for his brother L. S. Jackson the
past week in our town. Lint
keep’s on the move.
Mr. H. C. Diclren took in
Crawfordville last week, He
says that Crawfordville is any
thing but a dry town, but was
looking pretty dull.
To Cura Constipation Forerer.
Take Cascarcts Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c.
If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund mouev.
Mr. J. Y. Garrett was in our
town last week with his patent
mop. Mr. Garrett seems to
think that he will make a success
of his new venture.
Mr. H. C. Dicken is doing a
pretty good business in our town.
He can give you a good drink or
a good meal of vituals at a low
price whenever you want it.
To Curo Constipation For*v«r»
Take Casearets Candy Cathartic. lUcorEic
If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money
Mr. C. C, Caldwell passed
through our town last week en
route to Washington. Charlie is
a hustler in the way of a horse
trader, you cant down him.
Strozer, the Jeweler at Craw¬
fordville, will visit Sharon every
1st and 3rd Monday of each
month, have your work ready,
work first class, charges model’,
Uncle Bush Harper comes into
see us occasionally. Mr. Har¬
per is about 70 years old but
don’t look to be more than fifty;
he is lively and full of fun as if
he was only 25.
Educate Your IJowoU With Cascarcts.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
I0c,25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money.
Our trip to the shaft last week
was null and void. Mr. Clot¬
worthy did not want to pay us
what our services were worth
and we did not feel able to work
for nothing and board ourself.
Dr. D. L. Farmer, Thomson’s
excellent dentist, will be in Sha¬
ron one week, commencing Mon¬
day, May 24th, and will do su¬
perior work in his line at moder¬
ate prices. This is your chance
to get your teeth fixed.
i tif / } - It n
We can boast of Sharon for
clean streets and side walks and
orderly bar-rooms. Messrs. J.
W. Fallen and H. C. Dicken are
two as nice men and good citi¬
zens as you find anywhere and
they keep perfect order in their
bar business and sell good
Miss Loretta Gertrude Demorcst, of
New York City, and James Foreman, of
Jacksoa, 8. C.. mat each other at Augusta
Friday night for the first time, and a few
hours later were married.
rilnl file.; Itching VUct.
Symptoms—Moisture; nuenae Celling
xpd M u-inir; moat at night; worse by
soateliin;-. Jf allowed to continue tomor*
form, wh en often bleed and ulcerate, be¬
coming very lore. Swoyne’s Ointment
steps the itching and bleeding, heals ul¬
ceration. and in most cases removes the
tumors. At druggist, or bjr mail, for 50
cents. Dr. Swayae 4 Son, Philadelphia.
Correspondents’ Reports of TSLat Thair
Neighbors Talk
Of the Happenings in Their Bsapective 1 , 0 -
calitie*. All the New*.
ny cmzic,v.
Preaching at Bethany Presbyterian
church next Sunday evening by the pas
tor, Rev. Mr. Burgess.
Owing to the cool dry weather «v,ton
has been coming up slowly, but is im¬
proving as the weather gets warmer.
Mr. Kodolph Taylor and family and
Mrs. l)r. Andrews were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. A. Broome on Sunday last,.
Messrs Charlie King and James Taylor
went tip to Athens this week. Guess
Charlie’s business is with t le old folks
tliis time.
Mrs. Marshal Andrews, of Crawfordville
and her son, Boland, are ,- siting friends
and relatives in the Holden neighborhood
this week.
Guess the young man fritm tlie Kethcs
da neighborhood that califd on his best
girl near Holden last Satulday tie is in var
nest. He canto early in morning and
sta yed UD tii sun down- sjJys I
y{ r \y atT cn Andrews that finding
himself up with business pair aj few of plow days lines ago
j, e so „gi,t to procure a
without paving the l-oady fash for them
and found in the winding up that he was
ou t 01ie an( | a h a ]f days w ork for himself
and mule besides a boart l bill that was
presented fer which the i arties agreed to
take a new pair of shoes, Try and find
some other method for th » next pair of
lines, Warren
Bovkun's A«tle
The Best Salvo in the rofld for Outs,
Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, if alt Kfceum, Per.
cr. Tetter. Chapped Ur nds, Chilblains,
Corns, Mid ell Skin Erui iCons, and posi¬
tively euros Piles, or nofpsy required. It
is guaranteed to gi* satisfaction or
money refunded. PriWIS cen ts per bo*.
For sale by Dr. It. J. Ri :ld.
Oats are heading low.
Strawberries are nlent iful.
English peas for dinner last Sunday.
Plowing and chopping corn this week.
Cotton was chopped ! t Mr. Denham’s
place last week. ,
Mr. Frank Janes Is onja visit to relatives
m . Greene „ county, _______ so^vv I mam.
They will have the pf ebie oyer at Mil¬
ler’s Mill 1st Saturday June.
The faitlCffil old cOloAed woman, uaole
Zackery Chapman’s j is not expected
to live, m
Mrs. J. D. Moore ., n gj pcs. Alice Lunce
ford spent Friday nfte fym last at -Mr.
Carey’s. f y. <
Mr. Jim Mann was at Bermuda Sunday
school and called to see t [ity girls. We told
you Jim wasn’t so tipiid.
A destroyer Is .killing Lie young chick¬
ens at Mr. Carey’s and ol iier places eating
whole broods, so wc loan i.
Mr. Ben Humphrey ii i superintendant
and singing master at the Johnson Sunday
school. He is good iu cl I her capacity.
We learn that a lady fir ished that tedi¬
ous quilt last Friday. I t Idnk she blessed
the Lord oh! her soul, at d thanked the
Ned Carey and Sid Fou< lie, of Sharon,
were at this former’s uncle's last Sunday.
Glad to see Ned up in the , icinity. Come
again hoys.
Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoke Ynur I.ife A'Tar.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, Pc mat;
nctie. lull uf life, nerve and vi i,’"r, take N.-To*
line, the world,-;' worker. thatneabes weak men
strong. All druggists, Me or 51. Cure guaran¬
teed. Booklet and sample! free. Address
Sterling Hemody Co., Chicago or New York
The next examination of applicants for
License to teach will be hell I n’t the Court
House in Crawfordville on beginning (Saturday, the
29th day of May JS97, at 8
o’clock, standard, or railroad, time.
The necessary stationery will ho furnish¬
ed by me.
N’o hooks or papers, except the “certifi¬
cates of gowl moral character” as required
by law, need he carried to the examination
room, The above named date was fixed
by the State School Commissioner.
WM. T. FLY NT, C. B. C. T C,
Crawfordville, Ga., April, 2'tli 1897.
Formerly with Thomas <k Burton,
Address; 420 Walker St.
N. B.—Parties wishing to pucrehase
Pianos or organs will do well to confer
with him. Apjd 14, ’97.
This insidiousHisenso is |\ow prwyailing all ov.or the country. Ijt .comes with its
chilliness, pains. aches, fever, watery eyes, headache, Etc. To avoid it, take an oc¬
casional dose of
Dr. Ham mack’s Cold Cure.
and it you have Grippe, the tablets taken according *o directions, will cure it. They
ore put up iu screw top bottles, copyeiiicnt to carry. 25 doses So cents.
For Coughs
A cough is the rock upon which the health and life of thousands have been
wrecked. Every plough should be teen ted at its commencement, and for this
purpose there Is nothing better than ](r ILummacU’s White Pine and Spruce
Gum Cough lbdssi.n. It cures without tail all bronchi#! ami lunguileclions.
Price, per bottle, 25 cents. Once used, it is always the favorite.
For Pains and Aches.
There is nothing bettor than Dr. Hammiu k's Electric Liniment, It wilt cure
neuralgia, rheumatism stiiehes and pains, lumbago, chapped hands, mid all
miumci of pains and aelwv. Don't experiment, hut liny this liniment. Price,
per bottle, go cents.
A Good Rubber Hot Water Bottle
should lx! In every family. We June them—the best made from 50 cent ,r. 'varies
and everything usually sold in a first-class drug store at rcasonuhlc prices'.
Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ATLANTA, GA.
FOR SALE 11Y P. G. LUCA'S, (T.AWFoliDYJ.LLi;. <L\.
1 m m They’re Right Here
c And hit having 11 big side on account, of
<r\ “merit” nud tlic
wm. of money in tins packages. deference is nnolo to
prize goods of tlio Hichanl Hcspress Co., of Atlanta,
who. in order to get tlio public to try same. is distribu
twig prizes valuod from one cent to five liniidrod viol
Jars, in wen package of goods syjnt. ..out from 11 u■
factory to tlio rotall stores In this town. They
kjjj boon doing this for tlio four months jn tlio
throughout tlio State wherever they have placed
' sale their goods, nml Imvo ostahllslioil an ini/iK'ime
as the rosidt, ami you may lie sure t hey have been doing that v ery
tiling and that, t,he prizes ate renl|.v drawn, and paid promptly,
lie voriliod lty any dealer in I lie goods; therefore, why not “try
IJ your luck” in a package of
f or you get ipiaTjty e<|ti:fi hr nti irtffFTWWSTfTifr
the same price; and besides, a present of some
undone olianoo to got for nothing 4000 ninth,' or
HI of the 41,000 in cash prizes oilorod each ir.oiitli liy
mail ohletnrors as an inducement for the public to
their goods.
For Sale Everywhere.
<*'• \
COTTONGINS ya.v'5 'MM ■M Y'- * -
Complete Ginning Outfits,
THOMAS Steam Presses, L
and Elevators
Saws, Belting, Valves, Pulleys, Shafting & Mill
Supplies Generally.
Mention this paper. MACON, GEORGIA.
AFRIGAHA 5 The Blood Wonderful Purifier....
Cures absolutely Rheumatism, .Scrofula, Syphilis, Old.
Sores, Constipation, Gout, and All Diseases caused by
impure Blood .... TO STAY CURED.........
Africana Has Never Failed
In a single instance out of the hundreds treated. Therefore, we offer it
to the public with entire confidence, and so-called are willing infallible to undertake
the most desperate case on which other core*
have failed. Africans is made altogether from herbs, is perfectly
harmless and yet is the most powerful and surest remedy ever dis¬
covered for the above named diseases. Write for further particulars,
testimonials, etc.
Africana Co «« 63K Atlanta, S. BROAD (la. ST