Newspaper Page Text
The Advocate-Democrat
Oak Bed-Room Suits,
Extra Dressers,
Oak and Poplar Bed Steads,
Bed Springs and Chairs,
Very Cheap at ... .
yXif/ , ,/
The Alliance Store
Pure Home Matters Picked Up by Our
Local Bepcrters,
Wh.t Our People Are Doing »nd Saying.
Thing. Our Friends Tell Us.
—Charlie Rhodes has returned
from school at Auburn.
Go to G. Bergstrom for
spectacles. has
—Mr. E. I. Anderson
bought him a new buggy.
—Mrs. U. S. Gunn has return¬
ed from a visit to Augusta.
—Mrs R. E. L. Harris has
been right sick hut is better.
Bewtiful line of dotted swiss
td. T-ackvA ETtnrc . ■ -
—The ’phone people have
moved their camps on down the
Sulphur at C. Bergstrom's
—Mr. Joe Wheeler has our
thanks for a lot of nice spring
Fresh patent medicines, full
assortment at Paul Lucas’.
—Miss Nannie Guest is_ at
home again after a long visit lo
10c. buggy whip, 5c. at
Racket Store.
—Mrs. J. H, Leary, of near
Crawford, is visiting relatives in
this place.
Go to C, Bergstrom’s for
Sewing needles.
—Mrs. Lot Oslin, of Barnett,
came up Saturday to visit rela¬
tives here.
Keg pickle 10c quart at Al¬
liance Store.
—Mr. J H. Chapman is proud add¬
of a new little railroad man
ed to his family.
Call on C. Bergstrom for
sewing machine needles.
—Messrs. John B. Young and
Ed Howard, of Stephens, were
here this week.
Nicest chocolate, cocoanut and
stick candies, all Frankinson’s
purest make, at Paul Lucas’.
—Dr. C. S. Lucas has made
Miss Mamie Hammack a present
of a nice bicycle.
Lemons 10c Doz. at Alliance
—Dr. Binns, Jack Beazley and
Charlie Reid took in the circus
in Augusta Saturday.
Another beautiful line of
embroderies and insertion just
received at Racket Store.
—Mrs. L. F. Stephens has had
a monument erected at the grave
of Dr. L. A. Stephens.
Best machine oil at C. Berg¬
—Mi's. Jack Chapman was
quite sick last of last week but
is better at this time.
Nice colognes, face powders
and toilent soaps at Paul Lucas'.
— 1 The town council charged
two of the telephone negroes sjtlO
this week for disorderly conduct.
Go to C, Cergstrom’s for jel¬
ly tumblers.
—Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Stephens
have been spending a part of the
week out at the latter’s father’s.
Home raised hams 10c lb at
Alliance Store.
—Will Hubert has been in
Athens this week with his sister
Mrs. Baughn, who has been quite
Gents laundried percal shirts
for 35c at Racket Store.
—Richard Richards returned
Monday from school at Auburn,
Ga. He will spend his vacation
at home.
- 1 Tu-reLeapest N. uuggy Chapman’s umbrel¬
las in town at J.
—Although Mr. R. E. L. Har¬
ris will not be here next Sunday
there will be services held at the
Baptist church.
Frankinsori’s pure candies
cheap at Paul G. Lucas’.
—The ice-cream festival at the
court house Friday night did
very well considering the short
time that notice was given of it.
Hawk’s spectacles-at Alliance
Store 25c to $6.00.
—Dr. Kent, Mrs. Bettie Gor¬
ham, Mrs. M. E. Moore and lit¬
tle Emma, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Chapman, have all
been on the sick list this week.
For snuff, tobacco and candy
go to C. Bergstrom.
—Miss Hattie Legwen left
Wednesday evening for her home
near Danville, Va. She made
many friends while here, all of
whom were sorry to see her
One cake toilet soap and one
plated tea spoon for 5c at Racket
—Six boys with instruments
made some good music in town
Friday. It was a German band
on their way to some southern
summer resort and making their
expends as they went.
New buggy, harness and
whip at J. N. Chapman’s for
—In response to a petition
from the people, the city coun¬
cil has appointed another night
watch in the person of Millard
Henry, Angus Richards having
declined to accept again.
Quart fruit jars 65c Doz. at
Alliance Store.
—Miss Claude Bristow, of this
place has gone to the Normal
School in Athens where she will
complete her education in the
line of teaching. Her many
friends here wish her much suc¬
Machine belts, broken or
wornout parts of sewing ma¬
chines at C. Bergstrom's.
The bald and gray will find a
sure remedy in Hall's Hair Re
Beautiful eyas gro-w 4m' an*
Beautiful, As the swrift willowy years lo *t* .‘MrW j^nray. slim
Lose fairness with day*
But she still is quee dx.rra. to
Who wears youth’i (Mra..l — beautiful
hair. &
Preserve YS Hair
and you preserve iur youth.
*‘A woman is «(| -|fl Id as she
looks," says thfl orld, No
woman looks as old as she ir
if her hair has (erved its
normal beauty, i-cankeep
hair from falling restoring
its normal color. *. r restore the
normal color to dfoy or faded
hair, by the use «K>’
Ayer’s Hill* Vigor.
—The member . * ^th v.., e „ Baptist .. .
church ed the member* at this jdae®eivy of the Methodist tenfier
church the use of their jpnurcn
building during t' mpc'i’ C° n -
ference wnlep^ Irene • here
in July.
Have you ever tried Prank
inson’s candies? They Lucas’, are pUr
est and best at Pauli
—Messrs. J. P. Sf- T. C. Hoi
den, W. R. Gunn, Eh F- Taylor
and a part of Atlanta the A|dvo-Democrat Monday. We
went up to
did not take in the circus, but it
is thought that John Holden
J. N. Chapmap buggies, can save harness, you
money on
Wagons, etc.
—Mr. and Mrs. Jas. F. Rhodes,
of Crawford, came down Sunday
last and went over to Powelton
to visit the latter’s mother. Jim
is looking well and is doing a
fine business in wagon manufac¬
turing at Crawford.
Will receive in a few days
another nice line pure silk um¬
brellas at 50c. Racket Store.
—The negro Pascal, who was
brought in by Fim ey's story of
the murder of Julius Hardy at
Woodstock, has been committed
to jail to await a triql in October
at Lexington. Finney may not
be respited as a witness in the
trial of Pascal
—Special attention i6 colled to
the large notice in this paper of
the standing of the Mutual Life
Insurance Co., of N. Y., Mr. R.
F. Shadden, Gen. Agent. It is
one of the greatest insurance in¬
stitutions in the world.
Dr. D. L. Farmer will be in
Crawfordville again oh Monday,
May 31st, and will spend one
more week here. His office will
be at the Crawfordville Hotel,
where he will do your dental
work ■ in up-to-date order both
in price and workmanship.
A Truthful Statement.
Anexcellentand invaluable remedy,
for the cure of cough, cold and hoarse¬
ness, is Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup, and
Mr. Jas. Had field, 350 West St., New
York City, verifies this statement.
He writes: “Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup
is a most excellent remedy for cough,
cold and hoarseness, and I take great
pleasure in recommending it to all,
wlio require such a valuable household
medicine.” Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup
is sold everywhere for 25 cents.
He Resisted Arrest ami W. E.
H4 Wu An .f£x~Conviet, and wan 'Wanted
tor ltolilMify and wu Thought to bo the
•One WUo 11*4 Attempted to Wreck the Jtaruett.
Harvey Jones, a white man
about year. 1 ?, old was killed at
Barnett Sunday while Constable
Arnett,and his posse of men,
composed of Messrs. Kendrick.
Maher and Moore, were trying
to arrest him.
A number of robberies have
occurred at Barnett for some
time past and a few months ago
a warrant was issued for the ar¬
rest of Jones and when the of¬
ficers went to arrest him he made
\iis escape and has been evading
them ever since. Mr. Arnett
learned that he was at his moth¬
er’s and went there to arrest him.
He was asleep, and as Officer Ar¬
nett approached the house Mrs.
Jones aroused her son and told
him the officers were after him.
He jumped up with pistol in
hand and ran to the front door,
and Arnett hollered, “Don’t
shoot,” but he fired, the ball tak
ingeffectin Arnett’s thigh. Then
Jones turned and ran through
the house. Arnett returned the
fire, but missed him and hol¬
lered to his posse to shoot him,
and as he ran out the back door,
with pistol in hand, Maher, dis
charged two barrels instantly. of shot at
h im, killing him
He had a very ex-convict. bad reputation He
aU( | was an was
supposed to have been engaged
in pn«i.i*>g obstructions on Ah'*
Georgia raili'oad track in several
places this year, some of which
came near proving held serious,
An inquest was over
dead man’s body and. Ifteir ver
Net was that ‘the killing was
justifiable in as much as Jones
was kill resisting the arrest and trying
to officers,
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
F, J. Cheney & Co., Props.,
Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have
known F. J. Cheney for the last
15 years, and believe him per¬
fectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able
to carry out any obligations made
by their firm
West & Truax, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, O.
Wadding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Price 75c. per bot¬
tle. Sold by all Druggists. Tes¬
timonials free.
Hall’s Family Pills are the
A Gilmer county- jury once brought In
the following verdict: “We, the jury
find the defendant almost guilty.”
Everybody fcaye No.
Cascnrct,* Candy Cathartic, the, mout won¬
derful medical discovery of the ajrc, pleas¬
ant and refreshing t° the taste, act gently
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel ronftipfttion colds,
and cure biliousneps. headache, fever, habitual and box
Please, buy try a
of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 (tents. Hold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
Tlx- friend* of Lewis Rcdwinelook for
his release from the prison In Col nim¬
bus, O., In a short while.
A Peerless Liniment.
As a pain destroyer and cure for
rheumatism, Salvation Oil is the peer
of all liniments. Mr. Wm. II. Brown,
proprietor of Striebinger House, Cleve¬
land, 0 ., writes: “I suffered from
rheumatism for twelve years and tny
last attack kept roe in bed, unable to
walk. I used Salvation Oil and soon
was up and about. A* a pain de¬
stroyer this liniment has no equal.”
Salvation Oil is sold everywhere for
25 cents. Try it and be convinced, i
In Advaoioe-
NO- 13.
m hg
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for Its great leaveningsttcnfftb food
and healthfullness. Assures the
against alum and all forms of adult (ra¬
tion common lo Ihe cheap brands. KOV¬
There was a strange negro
found at the hall door of Mr. S.
H. Rhodes about 8 o’clock Mon
day night. Fannie, Judge
Rhode’s daughter, saw him and
asked what lie wanted, and here
fused to answer. Upon being
notified of the stranger -the
Judgement out and demanded
what he, wanted but he still re¬
fused to answer, but ran,off. A
hunt was set up fur the negro
and he was soon captured and
carried to jail, but was released
for want of evidence.
Tfc« Ba*t &*Ir* Id ti* world for Onto,
Brn»»o», Sorot. Eric*™, Salt Rheum, m.
Tetter, Oh«pp«d Hand*, Chilblain*
eerM, end ollSkln Eruptions, end poA
,j r ,; y mirtw Piles, or no pay required. It
u r i«rant*«<t to give latfifncUou or
money refunded.' Price 26 cents pvbom.
(wde-syn. t
Griffith killed a ppjy
of large hawks Saturday just
then cut down the tree .contain
ing their nest and took there¬
from a large, fat young hawk
almost, as large as a hen. It did
not have a feather on it except a
few pin feathers in its wings.
It is always said a man deserves a
chicken pie for every hawk he
kills—Mr. Griffith should be
treated to three pies.
In every county. Business respectable.
Compensation good. No trouble to make
some money. Address Chronicle, Augus¬
ta, Git,, for particulars.
The gizzard of a hen recently killed at
Covington contained twenty-one brass
tacks, thirty-fine birdsbot, two pins,» tiny
brass ring, a Pit of steel and some .crush¬
ed brass caps.
In connection with watch, clock and
jewelry (provided repairing, during the Kinnnii|r
month*, you bring the machine
tomv*hop)I light and will make sewing machine*
run stitch perfect, that you con
sider worthless, lean repair any kind of
machinery, cobbler. I If am I do a practical workman,
no not,give R. satisfaction 1
want no pay. B. 8THOJ5EH,
Jeweler, Crawfordlllc. Ga.
It has been generally thought that Blind
Tom was dead but he is still alive and m
living In New Jersey, near New York city.
Blind Tom bus a brother living In Macon.
Catarrh Inhaler Free!
For Catarrh,Hay Fever, Asthma & Headachy
J nil} for a niujri
time mail any reader
of the Advo-pemo,
i erat Aerial one Inhalers of my new and
A . medicine for ormvewr
?: \V on three davs’ trial
* If it giv(*s satisfac¬
f tion, send me 8 I. 00 ,
it not. ret urn it in the
original package.
Cure catarrh in warm weather, (.'beck
liny Fever, Asthma and Headache at tire
beginning of the attack, by destroying the
germs that delays produce dangerous. the disease. Don't
wait, for are
Address, Dr. E. J. Worst, Ashland, O,
The publisher of this paper has reason
to believe that this advertisement I* worthy
of patronage, and earnestly request in all in¬
terested person* to send for an baler. It
costs nothing unless it suits you.