Newspaper Page Text
E Advocat e-Democrat.
$1.00 Per Year.
Tlia Alliance Store
-—Is Giving an-—
Extr 10 Per Cent Discount
—On All No.—
We are overstocked on this size Suits.
Pure Home Matters Picked Up by
Local Reporters,
What Our People Are liolng and
Things Our Friends Tell Us.
—Go to C. Bergstrom for caudles.
—Mr. S. I. Anderson is report¬
ed sick this week.
—Good many report cotton dy¬
ing considerably.
Nice black alpaca coats
90c at Racket Store.
-—One of Mr. S. V. Cha pman's
children is repoP^^igTff sfeic.
.1 s i^d^Rwent nesda.j^fci up
Atlail business.
Tli^Slliauce Store can
you good on pants.
—Mr. Frank Rhodes has
here this week with his
—Mrs. R. E. L. Harris
(f/iid sick last and first of this
—Look out for our new
“Rock on Elmwood Hill." It
a good one.
Anotherbeautisul lino ladies
shirt waist sets at Racket Store.
—Dr. Adams of
was here Wednesday on profes¬
sional business. *
—Col. H. M. Holden spent sev- At¬
eral days first of the week in
lanta on business.
—Mrs. Al. Beazley*came
Wednesday to visit her
Mrs. B. F. Moore.
Three packages Dixie chew¬
ing gum, live stieds each, at Al¬
liance Store for 5c.
—Col. Horace Holden has
the roof and chimneys of his
house painted red.
—Miv and Mrs. W. O.
vent up to Atlanta
to spend a couple of days.
—There is a reported sched
in the Georgia Railroad
ules to take place Sunday.
M r C. E. Knox, of
son, was up here Sunday to
tend the burial of Dr. Kent.
—Miss Beulah Kent,
down from Greenesboro,
last, to visit her grand father,
—Fast train failed to go
on time Tuesday on account of
wreck down towards Augusta.
Bob and Miss r (iimift And* 1
son will attend closing
of the Woodville school to-day.
—Have your house
and it will be worth more
double the cost of the paint
—Photographer Stephens'
lie will take pictures at
ens. in Oglethorpe county,
—Mr. W. E. Arnett, who
shot bv Harvev Jones, was
Sunday. The ball is still in Mr.
Arnett’s thigh.
—Go lo ('. B-r'-troia* for cops
saucers at ail kinds.
■—Dr. R. J. Reid is having the
pailiugs on his lot painted and
will soon have his residence re
Just received another beauti¬
ful line of those siik umbrellas,
ladies and gents, for 50c at Rack¬
et Store.
-—Mrs. Irby, of Greenesboro,
sister of Mrs. Dr. Kent, came
down Saturday, to attend the
Doctor's burial.
—We want a correspondent at
White Plains, Lyneville and Ray -
town. Will some one at each
place send us the news?
The Alliance Store has just
received a blA- .of t urpentine and
can saVW' n 5 6
'Special pHce ny The gallon.
—Mrs. W. A. Leg wen went
down to Harlem Saturday to
spend several days with her
daughter, Mrs. Dr. Phillips.
Another big lot of Mason
fruit jars just received at Al¬
liance Store.
—We extend our thanks to Mr,
W. Y. Edwards for an invitation
to the first barbecue of the sea¬
son to be had at Malayer’s bridge
—Mr. James (Jack) Downing,
of Union Point, and Miss Clem
Gunn were married at the home
of the bride in Augusta on the
25th, inst.
-—If you want to be in style at
a mederate cost get a pretty neck
tie at Paul Lucas’.
—Mb Hilliard H. Mapp, One
of White Plains’ most estimable
citizens, died Saturday night and
was buried Sunday.—Union
Point Review.
—Mrs. L. P. Winter haB snap
beans last week of her own rais
ing. This is the first report of
beans from a Crawfordville gar
den this season.
—Prettiest lot of late styles of
scarfs and neck ties at Paul G.
—One of bur successful farmers
says this dry weather is the
of the crop—farmers can get all
the grass out and the crop will
be ready for the June rain,
-—The telephone camps hav« road ‘
been moved back up the
near Robinson where they are
moving about 100 poles they put
U P on liie railroad right-of Aay
Lemons still 10c. defe. at Al
McLaughlin and
family ay ill gcJ down in tin* lower
Q f g^ate to spend their
vacation. Their friends here
gret to see them leave
—Mrs. John Thompson, . of .
lYUgusai. camo up 1 u(*.M e\ en
friLnits ha g s been TiS S ind her
m-A obd *n see hoc * ho- '
-irnvi Mi
‘ 'A T ‘ Chapman W. of
P1 i to’visit mo , ln ,p
ne d av his old home and
manv friends around here He
■ brtfaght Mr. W. J. Norton d fine
■/i Pi. ■
P’ ®:il : 1
: ‘ m
Fifty Years Ago?
President While in howell Polk in the White Houtofj i(l\
was Doctor Ayer r
Both were busy for human weal
One to govern and one to heal. *j
And, as a president’s power of will;
Sometimes depends on a liver-pilljjy
Mr. Polk took Ayer’s Pills I trofes
For his liver, 50 years ago. >
Ayer’s Cathartic PMls
model •were designed purgative to to pe®/lc afm. fly Who a
with had so griping long injured medicinem tiii|ji&elves ieing
carefully prepared and t/ILpxact Imgr in¬
gredients adjusted to bo4^jp^md
necessities of the
liver, their popularity tbil ia
larity stantaneous. has been That maim }U
well marked in the (al jis
awarded these pills' (he
World's Fair 1893.
50 Years of
Stephens High Schu is
place closed ’Fruiay^W FTidu\Ha||
he usual
ercises. The school wa? .as
flourishing this term as I tpmuld
have been, and we hope .16 see
all efforts put to bear on building
up the school for the next (term.
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall’s
Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Prows.,
Toledo, O,
We the undersigned, the have
known F. J. Cheney for last
(5 years, and believe him per¬
fectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able
to carry out any obligations made
by West their firm & Thu Wholesale j
Druggists, Toledo, O.
Wadding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toleilo, O.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Price 75c. per bot
! tie. Sold by all Druggists. Tes¬
timonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are. the
| —Go to C. Bergstrom with youfi Bea¬
vers. Miuk and Otler skins.
0 ur T J vnevillecorresnondent \ in
back We depended , .
going on us.
on him to report important
events in his section, but very
j recently he failed to send us
word of the marriage of Mr. F.
p jj a jj an d Miss Lula Wallace
which occurred over a week ago.
However, we extend congratula
tions to the happy couple and
wish, for tliom nil tho blossings
j of this life,
Honesty and Virtue.
There is more honesty and virtue
containe d in a brittle of Salvation Oil,
^ j n any other liniment known,
“Mrs. A. Fiedler, 28G4 Falethorp St.,
Philailciphia, l’a., confirms this truth:
i She found Salvation Oil to be an ex
joints, bruises, etc., and tlutaks it
*>I,o«ld bvays be kept in the I ouae’*
Don’t listen to the dealer’s arguments
, in favor of a substitute. Insist on get
ting Salvation Oil, it costs only 25 cts,
Linton Finney Dies With the Name Old
Tale of Goins to Ginn.
Linton Finney was hanged at
Lexington Friday last. The
gallows was made inside the jail
and only a few officers, doctors
and newspaper reporters wit¬
nessed the execution. No one
seemed to take much interest in
him except the curious.
Ho made a statement last
yveek, saying that what he had
haid before about Taylor and
(Pascal killing Mr. Hardy was all
/a lie and that he did not know
anything' about the affair at all.
Am At •y.v
ftsISL /& mm
r /l VJs :
'J iF''
/sp 3 "
His last statement on the gal
|^ws be^iriji as follows ’ au^ wound
lipuke '
a prayer:
“I don't want to say anything
more than I am prepared to meet
lfiy God. I don't know anything
about this crime. I am going
before God with (lie (ruth in my
mouth, and I am certain that God
knows I have told the truth, and
I feel good about it.
“Well, brothers, 1 am going
away to leave you, I am soon to
face the jaws of death, What
for? For the swearing of lies,
but, oh, bless God I am so glad
that I feel as good as I do; 1 am
so*£1 ad that my face looks as
pleasant as it does; I am so glad
that I feel so pleasant and can
talk with as much freedom, be
cause Jesus is in me and I am in
Jesus. I am going away, but l
I aint going to die, I am just go¬
ing to sleep in the body, but my
spirit will rise again in glory,
where peace will be forever and
forevermore, where there will
be no more sorrow, no more
Everybody Bay* Bo.
Cfiscuretn Candy Cutlnirf ie. the most won
der/ul jn<’<j idi.l discovery of the ugc.
anfc and rofreHliinij to the* tawlc, act Rontly
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing tho entire ?■wsfyiri. dispel colds.
cure headache, fever, habitual constipation
and bilfoiisncf- Pleas*! buy and try a box
of C. to-day; 10 , f »0 cents. Sold and
guaranteed to cure l/> all druggists.
PREFERRED to serve.
Robert Cannon had the option
of going to the chain gang one
year or to pay a fine of five
dred dollars. He chose the for
mer and is now with Col. It. I>.
Callaway serving his sentence.
Washington, Ga. Reporter.
A Flag of Warning.
Beware of the dry, tickling, backing,
morning cough, for it warns you that
consumption lurks near. The famous
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will cure it.
j “I had ft very bad cough. One doctor
prommneed it consumption. I used
1*. n«ll-,C«ah Sfr,I... .an,
j pletely cured : tb. cough left me and
| hu 3/5 never 31st Street, cbmc^hack• (lucago, ^ Ill*. Di.
j Bull's Cough Syrup costs but 2d cents.
Ask for Bull's, take only Bull's.
In Advanco
NO. 14.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its great leavciiingstrenulli
and healthfullness. Assures Hip food
against alum and all forms of adult* ra¬
tion common to the cheap bran Is. ROY
Dr. J. J. Kent, one of Craw
fordville’s old citizens, died at his
home Friday night about It!
o'clock of kidney trouble, which
had locum troubling him a long
time. He was out in town on
Monday and was taken worse
Tuesday. He was given all mod
ical aid possible but (ho <1 muled
disease took him away • at the
above named hour. Ho was in
his 70(li year, and has long been
a member of (lie Baptist church
here. He was one of the highly
honored members of the Masonic
lodge at this place and his re
mains wore laid to reJjL Sunday
* u 1
%i'* < ' 1 ul * ' ****
crowd of Masons from the lodges
at Sharon, Thomson, and Green
esboro were in attendance.
Dr. D. L. Farmer will he in
Crawfordville again on Monday.
May a 1st, and will spend will one
more week here. His office
be at the Crawfordville Hotel.
w h e re he will <l<> your dental
work Hu up-to-date order both
in price and workmanship.
There was considerable excite
mo „ t created down about Barnet )
a fow days ago by a mad dog.
The dog bit several geese, pigs,
puppies, etc, and went on to Mr.
Ross Gunn’s place and got after
some chickens. It is said Mr.
Gunn went out to seo what was
the trouble and upon finding
was a mad dog, ran back intc
the house for his gun and failed
to shut the door, if was
ij m( . s when lie returned and
found the dog ready to enter his
door, Mr. Gunn fired on the
dog, but missed his mark and
the dog left.
BucLt*«n'« Arnica fifllv®,
I > The Beit Salve iu the world for Cute,
; Bruise*, Soros, Ulcer*, Suit Rheum, Kt-v.
cr. Totter. Ch ipped Hands, Chilblains,
Coras, aud all Skin Erupt ous, mid p ri¬
lively cures I'.-les, or no prv rcfjuiw-1. li
1* guar.'iiitKcd *d pive ^utisfnetion or
I money refuiuletl. Brice 25 cent* per box.
j Forg ;, la by p,. « j. r, i,|.
j Two of the five cars broken
[up Tuesday in tho wreck loaded at Grovetown with bulk
wheat and it was scattered to the
I winds.
AGENTS WANTED, male or f.uml.
! in '-very comU'- I'usincHH rcsiicciablc.
(/Ompcnsatiori good. No trouble tfj iiBik*
Home money. A'blr*'KHChronic/-, Aujru^
u, On,, for p.u t »ihn
j i„ connection win* w«teh, do- TOO
je-.-dry rei.mrinK.. dc-.iig il. • • mci
t lin*
ij-o. ,-,•„( siitcl. p' rf(-< i rh >, , - con
nl of
w * » man/
ni> ( if i.doi.:»tgive wn-ir u,i,
*. ant no R. 15. sTRu/ It.
; J< welcr, Cruwfo