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The Advocate-Democrat lif
8100 Per Year.
i P
m a! k'V >;i
MI 5 *
§89 1 I
Retiring • • » *
take Ayer’s Pills, and you will
sleep better and wake in better
condition for the day’s work.
Ayer’s Cathartic Pills have no
equal as a pleasant and effect¬
ual remedy for constipation,
biliousness, siclc headache, and
all liver troubles. They are
sugar-coated, and so perfectly
prepared, that they cure with¬
out the annoyances experienced
in the use of so many of the
pills on the market. Ask your
druggist for Ayer’s Cathartic -
Pills. When other pills won’t
help you, Ayer’s is
Pure Home Matters Picked Up by Our
Local Bepcrters.
Wlmt Our People Are Doing and Saying.
Tilings Our Friends Tell Us.
* set
Glass tumblars 15c at
Racket Store.
—Jim Ingraham of Grecnesbo
ro was here Tuesday.
—Mr. T. J. Evans has been
right sick this week.
Mason's quart fruit jars 60c
doz. at Racket Store.
—Mrs. Lot Oslin, of Barnett,
visited relatives here this week.
—Mrs. R. E. L. Harris is fast
recovering from a long spell of
—Mrs. W. A. Legwenreturned
Tuesday evening from a visit
to Harlem.
The Racket Store has just
received another line of beauti¬
ful laces.
—Griffin Bros., shipped 40
bales of cotton from Union Point
this week.
—Mr. McGibbony has added a
dining and stove-room to his
—Miss Jessie Bickers, of
Greenesboro, spent Friday last
with Mrs. Dr. Kent,
—Mr. J. V. Garrett returned
from Atlanta Monday right sick
with a throat trouble.
relatives in Madison.
—Mr. W. W. Bird aud family
went up to Daniel’s Springs
terday to spend a month.
—Mr. W. J. Norton has about
finished up Col. H. M. Holdi'fl s
residence on Broad street.
—Mr. H. Smith, 01 »*•- ”>?
ton, a formei Cl rzu ' ''
place, spent aes * J ' ...
Pretty patterns waist si a
for 25 c yd. at Racket Store.
—Charlie Asbury has returned
from Mercer to spend his vaca
tion with home folks at Lyne
_vj rs Lucy O. Brown and
to Spar
ripe malting
m this sc ction.
vo the editor a
—Splendid time to plant late
corn and peas in wheat and oat
■—Every citizen in and around
this place should go to work and
build up a tine school.
—Mrs. Emma Stephens and
son, Robert Stephens, of
Atlanta, visited relatives here
this week.
—Mr. and Mrs. H. Leary, of
Augusta, came up Wednesday to
visit Mr. J. W. Farmer’s family
at this place.
—It seemed that the Miller's
mill picnic would be rained out
again Saturday. Learn they had
a nice time.
—Mrs. H. M. Holden and
children returned from Atlanta
Saturday where they had spent
several weeks.
—Good crowd went out to the
S. S. picnic yesterday at Dan¬
iel's Springs. The town was al¬
most deserted*
It beats a picnic to candies get some
of Frankinson’s pure at
Paul G. Lucas’. Your best girl
would enjoy it.
—Rev. L. P. Winter, lias been
lecturing at Madison, Watkins
ville and other points in that
section this week.
Pare stick candy, best fla¬
vored taffy, cocoanut, ground
pea and chocolate, Frankinson’s
make, cheap at Paul. Lucas'.
—Jack Stewart lias opened up
a regular meat- market in town
and will furnish our people ice
cold meat on short notice.
Macbeth's pearl top lamp
chimneys at Racket Store.
—Mr. aud Mrs. John Steph
ens have been spending this
week at Mr. E. I. Anderson's on
account of Mr. A’s sickness.
Merchants can go to C.
Bergstroms aud ^et coffee and
at NdtvYorif prices, A
_Freight train was wrecked
between Barnett and Norwood
Tuesday evening delaying the
passenger trains until about 9
Go to C. Bergstrom for Wild
Cherry Phosphate.
—Messrs. Jackson and Wing¬
field, of Washington, were here
Monday looking after their
horses that F. M. Mullen had
spirited away.
Go to C. Bergstrom for fresh
soda crackers.
—If you see a horse being rid¬
den rapidly in any direction in
this section just now, don’t be
alarmed—it may be one of those
“Mullen horses.”
Go to C. Bergstrom for fresh
ginger snaps.
—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reid,
of Columbia, Ala., came up
Saturday last to spend several
days with relatives here. Frank
is a successful lawyer < f Colum¬
Go to C. Bergstrom for lem¬
on cakes.
s -s 5 : ’~s“s
some store or house he was vis
j^ n g_ Anyone returning the
same t0 hi m w ill receive the
lasting gratitude of a cripple.
Go to C. Bergstrom for bed
and mattress ticking.
. c ,
Rai j road schedule will be for the
better. The two fast trains pass
here now in the afternoon ; to
^ t ] ant3ij a t 5-.10, and to Augusta
a t; 6:17. The mail trains in the
moTO ing to Atlanta. 9:50 and to
Augusta. 11:38.
Go to C. Bergstrom for fesh
.,7 ?p,.crctt i wXS”a?
n jght with three additions; Mr.
W. W. Bird, Miss Mamie Akins
and Mrs. B. F. Moore. Dr.
Mack and Rev. Cartledge. of
Aug'^ta a--si.-ted Pastor Bur
gess ii* the services.
p. M: Mullen, a edlgred trader
who moved hejm from Warren
county last winter^ was arrested
Saturday, clia m -with selliug
horses that bel d to otlUrs ’Messrs.
Jackson, Winy tte|d and in
Washington, has been
driving a big tradrtji n stock in
this section since wU’istmas, He
bought stock in Washington giv¬
ing notes on other thirties as se¬
curity and sold * the stock and
took other notes. The notes he
gave as security hi Washington
were on parties supposed to be
in Warren county tout it is said
that no such pel ns can b<
found. He had robordod at the
court house here u4»out *#00.00 in
notes bearing nanv'iof
persons both white Jfod colored
about here. These es it is
said he used in tradivg in War¬
ren and elsewheri
It was a grt'iii 'scheme anfl
Mullen was working it for all it
was worth. He got about six
head of stock from Mr. Jackson
in Washington, about $800.00
from Mr. John Hi Mi nd seve ral
horses from Mr. Wood of the
same town. He j got 19 tows
from Messrs. Wlll ahd Bob Ed¬
wards, of this jpounty. These
he was just driving*)ft Saturday
morning when a telegram from
Washington cauarl his arrest.
Mullen was jailed here Satur
day, and carried ty Washington
Monday. There s|eems |hese to be an
endless chain of charges
coming up against the trader and
there is no telliaA yet who he
ofwos nor iwhc J.rsfw&fle Jftliie
has been trading on. Messrs.
Edwards had their cattle attach¬
ed and so did the other parties
who Mullen owed.
$loo REWARD $100.
The readers of this paper will
be pleased to learn that there is
at least one dreaded disease that
science lias been able to cure in
all its stages, and that is Catarrh.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the onjy
positive cure known to the modi
cal fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall’s
Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the sys¬
tem. [thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and
giving the [patient strenght by
building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have so
much faith ip its curative powers,
that they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any case that it fails
to cure, Send for list of testi
monials. Address,
F. ,T. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggist, 75c.
Hall's Family Pjlls are the
Wonders Never Cease.
No one need sufler the tortures of
rheumatism because that modern Uni
ment, Salvation Oil, poBttively cures it.
“I was a great sufferer from sciatic
rheumatism, and the best of doctors
attended me without relief. I com
menced using Salvation Oil, and two
bottles helped me wonderfully.
certainly has worked wonders with me.
Mrs. E. J. Phalp*', Box 28, Enfield,
Conn.” Salvation Oil is for sale by all
dealers for 2d eta. Take no substitute,
—The rock culverts for our
town are being put in place and
will be monuMen,, (o „„v
present council.
***£ //< r „ , ^ — ’ t« fTirf a
Some un known person made
an attack upon the residence of
Uncle W-ash Williams, our col¬
ored met ch ant, last Friday night,
and for awhile rocks, brickbats
and pis do! balls made the mid¬
night. hour ring like Sherman
had r< 3 turned to Georgia. They
brok< i out several panes of glass
and broke one window sash with
rocks. Marcia, Wash’s wife, was
in t he room, and one rock struck
her on the head and she fell
ba ck and rolled up in the bed
tick. It is not positively known
who did the devilment. Some
-\veeks buck several anonymous
letter8 were lvritten and sciltter .
ed around malting threats against
^fash. It is bejeived to be col¬
ored enemies of Wash's.
The load dyspeptic his back. carries It a dread¬
ful on seems
as if he were really made up of
two men. One of them ambi¬
tious, brainy and energetic; the
other sick, listless, peevish weak and
without force. The man
weighs the other one down, The
dyspeptic may be able to do
pretty good work one day, and
the next day because of some lit¬
tle indiscretion in eating, he may
be able to do nothing at all.
Most eases of dyspepsia starts
with constipation. Constipation all
is the cause of nine-tenths of
human sickness. Some of its
symptoms are sick and billions
headache, dizziness, sour stom
ache, loss of appetite, foul
breath, windy belchings, heart¬
burn pain and distress sifter eat¬
ing. All these are indications of
derangements of the liver, stom¬
achs an l bowels, 'did* Ml are
caused fa’#’pfealfant*JWstawifi Jpj constipation. Dxr
quickest, easiest and most mr
tain cure for this condition,
They are not violent in action
Send 21 cents m one-cent
stamps to World's Dispensary
Medical Association. Buffalo, N.
Y., and receive Dr. Pierce’s 100#
page Common Sense Medical
Adviser, illustrated.
Mr. Edmond Golucke’s inven¬
tion which he is having patented
is a novel and much needed hug
proof bed lock. He showed us
a diagram of it a few days ago
and it is a simple and practical
device that any person can put
on the bedstead. It. can be made
at a small cost and is a thing
that is needed by every bedstead
maker. Mr. Golubko may estab¬
lish a factory hero to manufac¬
ture them for the wholesale
Not long since we saw an ac¬
count of a young school teach¬
er's misfortune to his false teeth,
and he says it is a considerable
mistake that it was not the dog
that destroyed his teeth, but says
he was riding a “boss” and he
sneezed his teeth la¬ out of his
th( , stepped
on th(,U) and .... them. We
certainly sympathia with him
the loss of his false t«etn. j
Doubt. !
No Room for J
Proof, yes overwhelming proof can ;
he furnished of the excellent curative j
qualities of Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup.
“I caught a cold which led to a cough
and pain in the chest, (pneumonia?) I
bought i i . Dr. r> Bulls ft,,,,], Cou„h «,i„n u Pi .,n,l and
after taking one bottle of it, the cough
bc'an to disappear; when I finished
taking the second bottle I was cured.
Gustav Thurmaster, 49 Hickory St.,
Cleveland.0/’ Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup
cogtg but 25 cents. Take only Bull’s.
In Advance.
NO. 16.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for Its great leavening strong! food li
and Healthfullness. Assures the
against alum and all forms of niluHora¬
tion common to flic clicap brands. ROY¬
The case pf Mr. George Foucho
against the Georgia Railroad for
killing Cal Fouche, near here re¬
cently, has been compromised,
the plaintiff getting a good sum.
CoJ. H. M. Holden hud the case
in charge and managed it very
successfully for his client.
Oscar and Robert Modi’©
caught a carp weighing# pounds
(i ounces in their bag seine last
Saturday evening at lyioop'k
mill. It was the largest tjsfh that
has been caught in a long lime
and doubtless it was one that
was bought and put ip the pond
years before it washed out.
Tins is the season of the year
tp.overhaul<an<J^auuu’yourgins, aud to hfgrethis^wfffflr , , , cTOhefight,
l if is necpssAfy ■To UntA t* iii.-,! ■. Ut- s
workmen to do it. Tho Lombard
Works & Supply / 1 / Co., of
Augusta, are Die best equipped
of any firm in the South to do
all kinds of gin. mill, engine and
repair work. See their notice
elsewhere and send them orders.
•—Messrs. John HiU, of Wash¬
ington, and Columbus Caldwell,
of this county, had a little 'bout
in town Monday. Neither were
hurt, except by the council fee
charged Mr. Hill.
Blood Poison.
Contagious B’ood Poison has been ap¬
propriately called the curse of mankind
It is the one disease that physicians can
not cure; their mercurial aud potash
remedies only bottle surely up break the poison in
the system, to forth in a
more virulent form, resulting in a total
wreck of the system.
Mr. Frank B. Martin, a prominent
jeweler at 926 Pensylvania ington, Ave., Wash¬
I). C., says:
I was for a long
time under treat
I ' meut of two ol
the best physi¬
(1 Jmt cians of this city,
; for a severe case
of blood poison,
\ but my condition
grew worse all
Vffpl mJ J M ^ withstanding ie w ^^ e » not* the
UmW /i ■
N'jlP' /Jr/ f hundred dollars.
My mouth was
filled with eating sores; my tongue was
almost eaten away, so that for three
months I was unable to taste any solid
food. My hair was coming out had rapidly,
and I was in a horrible fiz- I tried
various treatments, and was nearly dis
^uraged^ when a^ friend recommended
^ ,
began to get better, and when I had
finished eighteen bottles, 1 was cured
sound and well, my skin was without a
blemish, and I have had no return of
t ] Jc . disease. S.S.S.saved me from a life
Q f m j.,ery.'’ S.S.S. (guaranteed of purely blood
vegetable) will cure any case
P j jts
fl( treat _ sss
men t. mailed
free by Swift
Specific Ga. Co.,