The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, June 11, 1897, Image 4

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    E asy aSy to tO Take Operate _ .
An* IVaturf^ peculiar to Hood’s rill* Small in
tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man
ml:‘‘You never know you a _ -
> r lukeh a pi!) 1:11 it n all ■ 8 ■
Proprietor*, •J.V. <• Lowell, I Hood A Man. Co., | |
1 in; only pills to lake wltii Hood's rtarjspsrill*.
Official Organ Taliaferro Co:
C i! aWFOBDVII.EE, GA.JI'N. li, 1807.
Mrs. W. L. Hawes has been
appointed postmistress at Nor¬
Senator Bat on is looking after
lit.; interests'of th<r Georgia cot
on raiseri* rtt the national sen
a! e.
The good rains that have visit¬
ed farms during the past week
l ive brightened crop prospects
Business men shteuld have two
•.urns one on the - building they
<K't •ttpy and one in the local news
ii ipo.r.s.
Jr. W. S.' Hwinson, of Wash¬
ington, planted \ ttere in straw¬
berries last February auci has
,i (ready gathered 50C quarts of
ii -fries from the vines. Great
country is this.
----- v t)
The Atlanta Journal's! ibirth
day edition on Saturday last
showed up tho.progress of one
>i the most sutfqessful evening
i ’•* persltt tilt South; Wish them
< oil tinned’ suicess.
rtie l.inchlntou News says
,hiit the dedication sermon at
Camp ground Baptist church by
Rev. R. K. L. Harris was a gem
d eloqttence and one of the
ablest sermons lie has ever de¬
Buckingham's Dye for the
Whiskers is a positive remedy
for a gray board.
There has been trouble at
Harlem over the appointment of
i Mrs. Goodrich there who the
i uvn objected to. The office was
boycotted and Mr. Angior who
ViS instrumental in the ap|»oiut
uK'nt xvas timl upon in his room
one night last week. 'The mayor
o Harlem says the trouble arose
on account of Angier’s conduct.
1 \. si,iw. «•.. tti. ur—t *•!,«»».*
s wm scU t'lvv, t„ th. Aflite*.
<-<l. ThrM»'>IOw*r > 1 U N**QJ)II»
.ai.r .,1 «» «»««.»
.■impil.autui Ail i.u»c
Tr *“ l ’ 1, '‘
( .nti lvnl tint he lilt- discovered » relia
Ii. • t an- fill cou*iuii|itian ami .1) hron
■tai, thioat and lung diseases, general
a,- in; ami weakness, loss of 4>S4h mid all
. ■mlitions ot wasting, audio make its
• ct 11 merits ", known U. he i.e will will seno, srtW tree. fas
i'ii iv bottle' to an.' rca r of I he Ad VO
i « • s-l>cima'mt who mav Iv suffering.
M,v:oh tins
m - iii ine has pcrinan,t(J cured thou
* 1 -ls„f appatx'iiilv h«>jH s
1 in* >i kK'i' *ji it liH relijjiou* 5
(luv ,l)j;X whichlir«vo»t.» hum:,nits
... Kirills I.ifa -e cur-.
I p - "ed tu die,; lc i
, , , . di-is ; o«d any
., . : It. eno ;..son file ill his American ami
I , op. ..... an . la .xh ..... . ,. , s t st.itu n.a.i ,u of ,.i\
)» pm’t from u ■*** l^euctiuti ami n;r«tl.
i * ..Ii parts t»f thc world
Don’t dc .i. until it is too late.
,impthin,-tihiinrtTNptcd, means
i>«.i certati ,'-’»th. Address T. A. Sio
V v ..hl’-,.,, str.xt. New York.
,q’t ffii.'ii writing iht* Ihmor. glrc
,1 and mailing i».i - oifl,' x Idrcss. ami *t«ti
’ikiiituni -h -tt cie 'a The Ad
•v:itc Demerit
Th<?r« is a boauty that is pecu
liar to old age. There is a boau
ty that is characteristic of mid¬
dle age and fully developed
womanhood. There is a beauty,
also which
.*) is seen on.
ly in
hood and
girl hood.
But the
over which
poets rave
and artists linger is leminine
beauty peculiar to the age of six¬
teen At any time of life dis¬
ease ks bad enough; but when
disease steps into a girl's life in
time to deprive her of that pecu¬
liar grace which ought to be hers
at sweet sixteen, it is far worse.
Such was the unhappy experi
ence of Mrs. V. M. Badgett, of
si!) New street, Knoxville, Tenn.,
when she was a girl.
She writes:
“When I was sixteen years old
I suffered with female weakness
and of the worst kind and had
spent till I had trying to get cur¬
ed. I had tried several of the
best physicians, but all failed to
cure me. I gave up all hope of
recovery and thought I was fast
approaching consumption. Fi¬
nally my teacher recommended
Pe-ru-na to me, and lent me the
money to get Pe-ru-na, as I
had'nt anything left myself. I
took the Pe-ru-na and it cured
me. I am a well developed and
healthy woman, and I owe it all to
Pe-ru-na. I had suffered for
several years with female weak
ness. I am sure I would not
living now if it had not been for
Pe-ru-na. I can not help rec
ommending it to sufferers.
Send for Dr. Hartman's latest
book, written expressly for
women. Sent free by The Pe
ru-na Drug Manufacturing Conl
pany, Columbus, Ohio.
The suicide of Hon. Joel T.
Olive of Lexington. Ga., recalls
a class of line, bright students
that read law with Hon. Alex H.-.
Stephens from October, 1871, to
April, 187“ This class consist
ed of Z. I. Fitzpatrick of Madi
son, Josiah H. Casey of Augusta,
William G. Stephens, nephew of
the great commoner, of Craw¬
fordville. Joel T. Olivo of Lex¬
ington and Paul C. Hudson of
Hephzibtth. All boarded at Lib¬
erty Hall, tho home ot Mr.
Stephens. In April, 187!?, they
applied for admission to tho bar
at Lexington and were examined
by Gen. Robert Toombs. Judge
Liuton Stephens and Judge W.
M. Reese. Not a single ques
tion was missed bv any of the
number. Mr. Stephens was
very proud Of those young
A strange fatality followed the
, Youuir Stenhens soon 1
Class. \OUU„ Otepneus soon
died of consumption ami death
nnicklv quickly oxertook ov«*rtook the ttu. ga> srav and' ana
brilliaut Cascv. Poor Paul Hud
son WHS rapidly winning fortune
and lame at Thomson, the home ;
,.r t| ou ’P j,' Watson but au
»wflll-lUIsfoi . , . f tune , befell w. f .11 hun l,im and ,uut
...j sll iditl*. in a Texas - !
jail. J
Tho sole survivor, Prof. Z. I.
j,i itBlmtm . k . W U 0 has Iwdll a
nrOlUittOllt ^ educator ill C*id>rgia , ®
for fourteen years, practiced law
at- . RaWMltoil tc_. 111 pill tUCrsllip „• Ki.s W with! ltll I
ox Cotlgressinail T. G Lawson
th (>J . f<njr vca ,.,_ but had
to nbtwulun lus . profossion on ac
\>1 ]>rOkV*ictei« Oi - j ,
couu. a
Dill'llmoniu ”aZ“„ He W™ retired to his
i„ county,
sher,. he farm* for several
- rostO-'tffi. Vl ' ;kr ' ...... Ho th^rBUpOII . '« ,Uh wat Ollt^Iw * / r..n„ M,, 3[
the scImoI room, at thi v '.earnest
request oi his u«ighbox^. Ex-
pecting to teach but a few month s
as a matter of accomodation t,o
his lifelong friends near the Ine
of Jasper and Morgan count ins,
he has never re-entered the pro
fession of law but has been e.ct
ively engaged in teaching. Thus
it appears that it was not des¬
tined for Mr. Stephens’ students
to be lawyers.—Macon Tele¬
—Rev.Ab. Harris occupied.Mr.
Lewis’ pulpit at the Methodist
church last Sunday night, and
preached a very impressive ser¬
mon. He made a strong a ppeal
to his congregation to em’Drace
the opportunity offered to be
saved.—Greenesboro Cor. in
Union Point Review.
Go to C. Bergstrom for
sw'eet pickles, -
On July 15th.
Who rmn form thc sreatest number
word* from tlic letter* In t he word
You can make ten or more words. Do
not use any letter more times than it ap¬
pears in tbe word. Use no '.atignase ex¬
cept English. Words spel'.ed alike hut
with different meaning ei in lie used but
once. Use any- .Standard Dictionary.
Anything that is legitimate, will lie allow¬
ed. The publishers of Tti e Sunny South
will pay Sat) in gold to t he person who
makes the largest list of words from the
tetters in the word INDEPENDENT: 810
for the second, 810 for the third. Sit) for
the fourth, 810 for the tiftli, ami 85 each
for the next eight larges t-lists. The above
rewards are given free and without attracting con¬
sideration for the purpose * of
attention to the South's groat illustrated
family and literary weekly. It is twelve
large pages, seventy - - .wo columns each
issue; all original irmt.ter with the ve-y
bost long and short stories, in addition this to
its numerous departments. To enter 50c
contest it is nocessar.y for you to send
fora tlirce mouths’ Subscription with your
list of and words, and eVcry person sending 50 is
cents a '1st of I tn words or more,
guaranteed mail addition an ext/ra present, by return of
(in to The Sunnv South)
a 102 page book. THIS CONTEST WILL
Ci.O.SE JULY I .’mi.
NOTE—For 7fi cents we will soul you
The Sunny Sou th for three months, allow
you to enter above word contest, send you
your choice of Die books offered in the
i-ontest, and u! > send you free and
post paid, our beautiful *■' portfolio, Pale¬
stine Photo? *• 'j lixlM 1-2 inches.
The 64 pi Aui. -,. /.tamed In this vol¬
ume arc Actual Photographic Reproduc¬
tions of thy localitlet in the SOUTH, Holy Land.
Box 100, AtlautJi, Ga.
Congress is increasing the taxes on tea
and beer. Thej waul onr drinks to come
••How to Cura all SMa UIhsm."
Simply apply “Swayna'* Ointment ”
No 9 Internal medicine itok, aU required. Cures the
tetter, eoaema, die., eruptions leaving on skin
feea) hands, nose, the
clear, white and healthy. Its great heal
log.and curative now ore Ask are DYugglst ’poasassed for by
no other remedy.
fimnyue’s Ointment.
—Hereafter the prayer meet¬
ings at the Methodisfl church
will have a study of some partic¬
ular Bible topic as one of their
ttfiecial features. All are invit¬
ed und are expected to bring
their Bibles.
LofffCK P. Winter.
v T
Hot weather ntfpn’t cure weak
] n ° - s ' You mav feel better be
cause out , of ,, doors jT,. more, u but ,
;h» trouble Is Still there. Don’t
stop taking your
oCOLL ^ 4- A ^ S
^ 4 # •
L^lll 1 Ul^IUll 1 1 CL f
■■•••*•**^**^8®TT *’■ _ - ^ m
because the Weather happens
to be warm. If you have a
weak throat, a slight hacking
cough, or some trouble with
the . r bronchial ■ . . tubes, • summer . 13
tne Desi lime tim#» tn IO at»t gei rid no rtf OI IU It
If you are losing flesh there is
all the HlOfe need of attention.
U/»olrru»<t«i WeaKness aoow ahrtilt the «ie rhftSt cnesi ana and
thinness should * never Sfo ® tO
gether. One greatly other. Increases
the danger of the
Ihe throat, cure the Cough, and
Strengthen tn? tfllriruy Whole system
now. Jr —
Emulsion all summer. ~
Pov — by au drsntete« f*> asJke.
Prof .. Jordan Sanford was here
Monday and contracted to takei
charge ® of the Stephens High
School, C, , assisted . , T u by has ti-„ mothe , .
rs.M .A. Sanford. With prop
er effort on the part of all inter- ;
ested in a good sclioo-l, we can
now have tt«? best school we ;
have ever had. By raising ;
about §300 by popular subscrip- j
tion the school will be made free
to all in town and to all who live
enough , to . send 1 - daily J ^
near in I
the school. Tills is the aun* of
the trustees and everybody
should give their support to the
school. Liberty Hall will be re
paired and Mrs. Sanford and her
family will be welcomed y . ■
to our totvn.
Co!. 15. M. Mitchc-li wants to build v
railroad from Atlanta to Selma.
j, n
AGENTS WANTED, male or female
in every county. Business respectable,
Compensation good. No trouble to make
some money. Address Chronicle, August
ta, Ga., for particulars.
Notice is hereby given to ail persons
concerned, that Queen departed Beazley late life of
said County deceased, this
intestate, and no person hits applied for
administration mi tile estate of said Queen
Beazley. in said state, that administration
will lie’vested in the Cierkof the Superior
Court, or some other tit and proper per¬
son, after the publication of this citation,
unless valid objection) is made to his ap¬
pointment. Given under my band and
official signature this 9th day of June,
7897 GEO. H. HITCH ELL. Ordinary.
To all whom it mav concern:
15. L. Hadaway having in proper form,
applied to me for permanent letters of ad¬
ministration on the estate of L. R. Hada¬
way late of said County, this is toeite all
and singular the creditors and next of kin
of L. It. Hadaway to lie and appear at my
office within the time allowed by law, and
show cause, if any they can, why perma¬
nent administration should not be granted
to R. L. Hadaway Alg- on L. K. Hadaway’s
estate. . -Witness hand and official
signature, this 7th (lav of Juue. 1897.
GEO. H. MITCHELL, Ordinary.
Executrix Sale.
Pursuant to an order of the Superior
court of said county:
WILL he sold at public outcry before
the court house door in Crawfordville in
said county, on the first Tuesday in July
next, within the legal hours of sale, the
following property to-wit: One lot or
parcel of land situated in the town of
Crawfordviile, in said county, with only
one small building thereon, hounded as
follows: On thc North by lot of II M.
llofden and lot of the Georgia Railroad
and Ranking Companv Rail whereon is situat¬
ed the Depot of said Road, on the
East by a public street Depot, leading North the from
Main street to said on Soutii
by Main street, on the West by a public
street-hading North from Main street and
containing one acre Sylvester more or J. less. Farmer, Sold late as
the property of
of said- county, deceased.
Tcrtns cash".
This loth day of June, 1897.
Executrix of S. J. Farmer,deceased.
July Sheriff Sale.
pEOUGIA, vJ Will be sold TALIAFERRO before the Court
withiu'thcfi^iii/hom's'of tile saie^t!? Tuesday tim'idgh^
est bidder for cash on first in
Julv next, ail that tract or parcel of land
l Tb ; s u, the 6041 1. District; G. M., in Tal
iaferro County, Georgia, containing one
hundred and eleven (111) acre, more or
less, bounded on the North by lands of
Mrs. Fannie Asbun . on the East by lands
Fraik Mu'bHL on the Soithm- Ibctniu
prongof Little River, on the West by the
pnbtic road leading from CrawfordviUe to
B oodstock in Oglethorpe countr, also at
the same time and all that tract or
p*rcel of land lyin^ and beingm tl.e 60,
District, G.M. V in Taliaferro < ouutv, Ga.,
lvfng on both sides of the Nortli prong of
other improvementstbercon, lands of itounded ]I on
thp North and East by
HIhkI*^. truste<* for In^ "ifo .in«l childroii,
on South bv publii road leading from
to Bethauy Weat l*y cliurcli lands m
Orecne Ctwntv, on the of
R. J. Reul. containing forty (40) acres
-re orle. y Saul land* levhsi on .< tl.e
I*^°I >ert > of Beltecta Jane Oj-leim to sat
, s(v au PXW u„ 0 n issued from the
Court of said county in favor of Albert J..
Uit linrcison Haiti Rebecca
Oiletrcc. D. 1\ HENRY, Sheriff.
1 t . Ts .,„ TOt ,
X Tlic okl, reliable Yankee Blade, 1C
puecs weekly, tiilcl with stories of
an, ten’uo love, and fs thrilling talcs of adventure,
,t». .tamp) for 111 ..* trial
le Yankee Made. Brook., Mrt
Filin bottle or common water glass with
urin and let it stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or settling indicates a diseased
condition 0 f tbo kidneys. When urine
sta i ns linen it is positive evidence ot kid
ne j. trouble. Too frequent desire to uri
nate ot paiii in the back, is also eonvinc
ing proof that the kidnevs and bladder are
outofordcr ’
There is comfort ill the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp,
Boot, the great kidney remedy fulfills
every ) wish in relieving pain in the back,
k dDev9i liver , bladdc r and ..very part of
th(j uniary passage. It corrects inability
t0 ll0 id ur i ne and scalding pains in passing
jt, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overeom<-s|that unpleas
“ nt necess »J °[ h( ' in * compelled to get
up ^ many times during the l.iglit to urn
T , w m „ d and thc extr aordinary
effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It
stands the highest for its wonderful cures
of the most distressing cases. If you need
a medicine yout should have t lie best. Sold
by druggists price liift v cents and one dol
m. For a sample bottle and pamplet,
both sent free by mail, mention the Advo
cate-Democrat and send your full post
office address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing¬ this
hamton, N. Y. The proprietors or
paper guarantee the genuineness of this
-p ii p — — —
Centennial Exposition,
Prom May 1st, to Nov. 1st. 1397.
The second largest Exposition ever held
in this country, thousands of Home.Seek¬
ers and investors from tlie Westaud North
West will tie tliere.
To show up the wonderful resources
along ^, its line, the Georgia Railroad Jias
d(!cj d t0 make aa Exhibit of ^ re .
sources, and asks the people of the Coun¬
ties and towns along its lines to co-opeiatc
with them in making tho exhibit a success
by furnishing creditable specimens of all
Minerals, Paint and Fire Clays, description all
of Water Powers and photographs Manufacturing of In¬
Mill Sites,exhibits of all
dustries especially desired.
Further arrangements will be made and
due notice given regarding Exhibits of
Agricultural products, and Fruit in sea¬
For further information apply to,
JNO. H. AVERILL, Cominisloner,
419 Dyer Buileing, Augusta, Ga.
*“ Rapidly, Bead this and (Think it Over!
We want three or four men with energy
and grit to represent us in Taliaferro and
adjoining counties. Will give them a sit¬
uation in which they can make money
rapidly, the work being light and em¬
ployment the year round. Requires no
capital or great education. Home of our
heat salesmen are country boys, profits
quick and absolutely sure. Address, Write at once
for full particulars. HUDGINGS & CO..
II. C.
Kiser Building, Atlanta, Ga.
nsaass sxsasi
ilnry 15 permanently bo
cu red In to Zb days. You can troatttd at',
homeforsamo price undor same fjuaran
ty. If you prefer tocomehcr# wewillcon
tractto wefail opay railroad fareandbotclblll*,and;
Boehawe.if iodide to cur®. If youbare takeamcr
eury, MueonsPatchesin potash* and still have Sore aches Throat, and.
pains, mouth,
Pimples, theVady, Copper Colored Spots* Ulcers on
any part Is of this Secondary Ilair or ULOOD Kyehrotvs POISOX falling
out, H W« tho obsti¬
we icuaranteo and to cliallcnffo ettre. solicit the world most for
nate cases a
case we cannot cure. This disease has always
battled the skill of the most eminent physi¬
cians. 8500,000 Absolute capital prooi's behind our uncondl*
tlonsl tfuaranty. sent sealed on
•ppiicnUon. Address COOK kKMEDY
307 Masonic Temple, CHICAGO, UX«
$100 To Any Man.
Of Weafca*** tn Ken They Treat Ml
Tall to Core,
An Omaha Company places for the firrt
tim „ b9£ore tbe blic B MA(iICAL Tmat .
HINT {or the cure of Goat Vitality, N*rvou*
and Sexual Weakness, and Restoration of
Life Force in old and young men. No
who are suffering from a weakness that
blights their life, causing that mental an<f
physical hood, suffering peculiar to Uwt Man
should writ# to the 8T ATE MEDICAL
COMPANY, Omaha, Neb., and they will
Sati&tei you, absol utely FREE, a.Taluabl. 'C
an j s of men. who have lost aU hope of a
core feet , condition. being reetored by them to a per
This Magical Triatkknt may be taken
at home under their directions, or they will
Free Sample, or C. O. 5. fake. They have
WoO.OOO capital, and guarantee to cure •
every case they treat or refund every dollar; 4
chargee may be deposited m a
“ C *