Newspaper Page Text
Wl at the People of that Thriving
Totvu Are Doing.
nr C. I.. BAGBY.
Good deal of sickness in our section.
Horse trading seems to be run aground.
Everybody has been complaining about
Mr. A. D. Moore was quite sick last
Mr. II. C. Dickon's family arrived in
our city last week.
Weyec less loafing around our town
this year than usual.
Mrs. Edwaro Keating has returned from
her visit to Athens.
Our fields have been full of cotton chop¬
pers the past week.
Mrs. .Mary Croak has the finest field of
cotton in this section.
Mr. and Mrs. G. IV. Brown visited Prof.
E. B. Moore last week.
Mr. James Griffith has about recovered
from his recent sickness.
Mr. M. L. Maher lias returned to work
at the temple of industry.
Several from our town went on the ex¬
cursion to Augusta last Friday.
Mr. A. T. Gilbert 1ms built him and
awning in front of his work shop.
Father O’Brien, of Washington, was on
a visit to our city on Saturday last.
Mr. Charley Smith of Barnett spent
some time in Augusta last week.
The earthquake last week created a
good deal of talk and excitement.
Prof. Moore’s closing exercises of liis
school last week, were very good.
.Miss Missouri Bagby spent last week
with her sister Mrs. It. iY. Taylor.
When in pain call on us and get some
of of ourlinmicnt aud be relieved,
Mr. Edward MeAlpine has not recover¬
ed from his recent spi ll of sickness.
Mr. A. I). Moore has had his residence
recovered, which was much needed.
Paul Carey is improving and doing fine¬
ly with liis wound, wo are glad to state.
Mr. George Fouc lie. has treated himself
to a brand new horse and a nice pheaton.
Mrs. Sally .Jack,son, who is iu Washing¬
ton under treatm ent, improves very slow¬
Mr. L. 8. Jackson has the finest corn
we have seen r,nd it is volunteer corn at
Old aunt Adline Bally, the old lunch
woman at Barnett, Is lying very low with
dropsy. in
Mr. Bra ntly, of Hancock county, was
our town the past week with his fine
Sharon gardens look beautiful. Wc
must i-ive our ladies praise for there tine
Ewell Jackson say's those small, tailless
ma ckerel at L. 8. Jackson's were born
that way.
Hoofing guttering and all kinds of tin
work done by C. L. Bagby the tinner,
Sharon, Ga.
Refreshing showers passed about last
week which was much nccdlid and highly
Mr. W. E Arnett is getting on finely
with his wound but it pains him consid¬
erable at times.
Every expectant mother ha*
a trying ordeal to face. If ahe does not
:p i?
j® j
K | get ready for it,
N a&r ^ there is no happen. telling
L W what may
Child-birth is full
of uncertainties ii
Mature is not given proper assistance.)
Mother’s Friend
ig the best help you can use at this time.
It is a liniment, and when regularly ap¬
plied several months before baby comes,
it makes the advent easy and nearly pain¬
less. It relieves and prevents “morning
sickness,” relaxes the overstrained mus¬
cles, relieves the distended feeling, short
ens labor. makes recovery rapid and cer¬
tain without any dangerous after-effects.
Mother’s friend is good for only one
purpose, viz.; to relieve motherhood of
danger and pain.
$1 dollar par bottls at all drug it»r„, or ssnt
bi raluahl. Inform- oddroM
tion fof women, will Mnt to aiiy
Upoo application to
Frying chickens are very scarce for
tlie season of the year. Xou don’t see
one in market.
Capt. Hunter. L. A. Moore and Jody
Moore, of Hillman, were visitors to our
town last week.
Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott and Miss M. L.
Bagby visited Mrs. Charley Smith last
week at Barnett.
Preaching at Raytown Methodist church
next Saturday and Sunday by the pastor,
Rev. Mr, Embry.
Mr. Jolm Hill, of Warren, was in to
see us last week. Bro. John don’t come
to see us often.
Mr. X. R. Gilbert and daughter, Miss
Mary Lou, of Raytown were in our burg
last week trading.
Old man Bid Denton, a colored farmer
near here makes over -00 gallons of
syrup every year.
Mr. and Mrs. lames Pittman visited the
latter’s parents near Mildrajon Grove last
Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. W. J. Ellington is suffering a good
deal with rheumatism at present. He lias
these attacks every year.
Mr. A. T. Gilbert, our boss horse shoer
and doctor, has Anderson Baugh employed
helping him in his shop.
Mrs. A. I). Moore, visited her aunt Mrs.
John Caldwell, last Saturday, who is very
sick and not expected to live.
Our street sewers and side walks arc in
apple pie order. Marshall Arnett gives
them his undivided attention.
Tom Flvnt says that it has been so dry
and hot on his farm that the heat set the
woods on fire. Tom is a gopd one.
We would be glad to receive any news
that would be news for this column.
Bring the news iu all of you friends.
The grain crop has all about been har¬
vested. Messrs, John O’Keeffee and J. A.
Kendrick bad the finest patches we have
The crops in the country, ns a general
thing, are clean and iu tolerably fare con¬
dition and with some good rains will grow
off well.
Mr. Jesse Taylor said last week that it
not rain any more in forty years. Wo would
told him it would not do many of us bore
much good.
If you want to have a good congrega¬
tion at church every Sunday just have
dinner on the ground and you will get
them sure.
A FRICANA will cure Syphilis and Old
Sores tO’ Stay Cured.
Uncle Billy Moore calls the Harvey
Jones tragedy “a Sunday picnic.” There
is still a good deal of talk going on about
that affair.
KOurato Your nownls XV111. Cuscaret*.
Candy Cathartic, cum constipation rotund forevor.
10c, S5c. It C. C. C. fail, druggists money.
Mr. W. P. McKeon and K. H. Jackson
have put up a patent gate which they say
is aline specimen of mechanism. We have
not seen it.
To Cure CoMitlpiitlon Forever.
T.aUo Cascareta Caudy Cathartic. 10c or 25c
If C. (J. C. fail to cure, drujoists refund money
A great many were in town last week
drawing thetr rations for the present
month which they will have to pay dear
tor in the fall.
To Cure Consti put Ion Forever.
Take Csiscarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c.
If C. C. C. fail lo curt*, druggists refund money.
Subscribe for your county paper and
advertise your business in it,. That’s the
way to do business properly and be up
with the times.
Educate Yoor I>ew.l. With Casearats.
Candy Cathartic, cure «onstipatiou forrter.
I0i\ 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money.
Mr.-G. V\L Brown iriVffos everybody to
his mill to haye their corn and wheat
ground uf». A good article ante! a good
turn out guaranteed.
lt.-T.-Hu for Fifty Citr*
Guaranteed ‘obaceo habit cure, makes w*aU
men strong, blood pure. 56c, $1. All druutfibts.
Mr. Murray Taylor and brother. Munch,
went seining on Red Lick creek last 1 Sat¬
urday and caught a very large sucker
weighing several pounds.
Don’t Toharc. Spit .nil Smok. Tour l ife Mmtsj.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, bt mag
netlc. full of life, nerve and vigor, take' N»-To
Ilac. the wonder- worker, that make, weak men
strong. All drurcbr.s, 50c or 81. Curcrnarun
teed. Booklet ami sample free. Address
Sterling Itemedy Co , Chicago or Now York.
Mr,- Love Merafroft is our boss workman,
at the tempfe of industry. Love is a right
engenious fellow and* will make a good
workman if he sticks to it.
ii a
Our millinery ladies seem to be doing a
very nine business and they arc nil nice
ladies and wc are glad to have them in
our Sown. Hope they may do well
OREAT SALES prove the great
merit of Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla sells Because it
accomplishes GREAT CURE8.
Interesting Sunday school exercises were
held at th, ; "Presbyterian church in Sharon*
last Sunday also preaching on Saturday
bv Rev. Mr'Simpson, of Wiikes county.
Kv.rvbody Says So.
Cascarcts Candy Cathartic, tlie most pleas¬ war*
dsrful medical discovery of tlie asre.
ant aud 1 -o‘resliins to the taste, act geutly
cur. headaoiic, fever, habitual constipation
and biliousness. Please buy and try a box
of C. C. C. to-day; 10. 25, 50 cents. So#'fad
guaranteed’tO’cure by all druggists.
Two mail dogs killed this week—one at
Elizabeth Jones’ and one at Tim Combs'.
Mr. M. 1). Arnett, of Wilkes county,
nearly 80 years old, who lias been paral ized
so he can scarcely walk, has been in our
town for sometime on a visit to his son
Children’s day last Sunday at the Metho¬
dist church at Barnett, was a nice affair;
they had dinner on the ground and every¬
body enjoyed the occasion, a good many
We are still agent for this and Warren
county for Grand Fathers Biblo Stories
hut the subscriber come in vary slow.
Como up and subscribes so we can send off
a big order.
People will come to Sharon and a heap
of them and from some distance to trade.
So that ought to prove to any reasonable
person that goods arc sold cheap and a
good article too in our town.
Mr. A. 1). Moore, proprietor of the
temple of industry has had his well nicely
fixed up with new boxing around and
shelter. This is said to he the best water
in town. A good many of our people use
Messrs. Love Mershon and Melton Gd
bert are two daisy young men but we
think their best girls have gone back on
them. They talk like it. Grin and en¬
dure it boys, like poor L. T. Moore, he
takes all such things easy.
It was our pleasure to dine with Mr. II.
II. Jackson and family on Thursday and
Friday of last week and we enjoyed our¬
self largely. Mr. Jackson keeps up a gen¬
eral repair shop just outside of Sharon and
gets a good deal of tinkerinjg tfl do.
Misses Moore, Brooke and Barr ett.
three charming young ladies of Ray to wn,
visited our town last week on their bicy¬
cles. They seemed to l>e very ej.pert
riders to us but we don't proiess to be a
good judge.
Melton Gilbert says we put m our c< ilumu
not long since and item calling a young
lady “Mrs.” when it should have been
“Miss”; we beg all pardon; we don’t want
to make anyone a Mrs. until they sure
enough are entitled to those trimmings.
ru»l Piles! Itching Vile*.
Symptom*—Moisture; intense 1 piling
and stinging; jaoat at night; w« , »e by
Kanttchtniv If showed to continue ' Minor*
jrprfti, which often bleed and ulcer ? re, be¬
coming very sore, iywayno’s (1 i (Union!
stop# the itching and bleeding, 1) > »d» ul
esmtton, and in most cases rent, roe the
&MS, Wmtjirs. At druggist, or by Phllis m.U,, lelpliia. -for fit)
Dr. Swayne A Son,
Our town cows all got out of Mr. W.
P. McKeon’s pasture last week town
and was giving the cotton patches fits.
Messrs. Jackson and McKSoh .got them
back to their places and rej laired tho
fences without a great deal of damages
being done.
linemen*. Arnica'Salt ft.
The Best Balvo in the world for Outs,
Bruises, flora*, Dicers, Salt Rh sunt. Fov.
or, Tetter, Chapped Hands, * Jhi’blaln*.
Corns, nod t>U Skin Eruptions,, an & po<d
tire’y cure. Files, or no par rt qu' ted. It
is guaranteed to give satl^fae fion or
money refunded! Price 25 eel its pc* box.
For sale by Dr. R. J. Reid.
We have been complimented ft /r our
up in this department by Severn I but
don’t know whether we deserve it.
always like to sec our county p aper
per and if the citizens would s upport
with their help it would cerlainl y be a
success and u great benefit to th » people.
......... . ........ - "
F, G, Com C orsets s
American Beauties
f". All
t .
On Box.
If CU/p i
nl, ukul
FEAlffiRBOHE, i, CORSET __ C0 n
^tf.OLC M -SrtVwrACTdutnS. c
SO«,' BY , .
HGT^D EN & C O. Craw fort filic, ,a
This insidious disease is now prevailing all over the country. It; comes with its
chilliness, pains, aches, fever, watery eyes, headache. Etc. To tuoiil 1 it. take an oc-
casional dose of
Dr, Hammack’s Cold Cure.
and it you have Grippe, the tablets taken according todireetions. will cure it. They
are put up in screw top bottles, convenient to tarry. 25 doses 25 cents.
For Coughs
A coutfli is the roek upon which the health and life of thousands have been
wrecked. Every cough should he treated at its commencement, and for Ihi,
purpose there is nothing hotter than Dr Ilamniack’s White Pine and Spruce
Gum C'ough Balsam. It cures without fail all bronchial and lung affections#
Price, per hottle, 25 cents. Once used, it is always the favorite.
For Pains and Aches.
There is nothing hotter than Dr. Hammack’s Electric Liniment. It >\ill cure
neuralgia, rheumatism, stitches and pains, lumbago, chapped hands, anti all
mannei of pains and aches. Don’t experiment, but buy this liniment. Price,
per bottle, 20 cents.
A Good Rubber Hot Water Bottle
! should he in every family. Wfi have them—the best, made fromm) cent u ward if
ami everything usually sold in a first-class drug store at reasonable prices.
Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ATLANTA, GA.
| -fOR
SAW MILLS, riJ te-sii
Complete Ginning Outfits.
TUftlUlK’ Steam Pressas,
inUlflftO an d Elevators
Saws, Belting, Valves, Pulleys, Shafting: & Mill
Supplies Generally.
Mention this ]mper. MACON, GEORGIA.
AFRICANS The Wonderfu!
5 Blood Purifier....
Cures absolutely Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphilis, Gl*
Sores, Constipation, Gout, and AH Diseases caused by
impure Blood .... TO STAY CURED .........
Africana Has Never Failed
In a single instance out of the hundreds treated. Therefore, we offer it
to the public with entire confidence, and are willing to undertake
the most desperate case on which other so-called infallible cures
have failed. Africana is made altogether from herbs, remedy is perfectly -dis¬
harmless and yet is tlie most powerful and surest ever
covered for the above named diseases. Write for further particulars,
testimonials, etc. Co.,
Africana •3M Atlanta. S. ■HOAD Ga. ST
You Can’t i
x .I!*’
V '■ v'v
' ; a White mumo from a
b\ Crow's Tail, nor a good
Bicycle from Castings.
The Monarch
is good all through.
Look S*3» Is
r LJntler tne as)——•
A Enamel %
We want bright 4 £
businessmen J i ^fmgi m
to represent us WrJKr
Chicago New York London
Sond nine two-Cin’i .tamp, for Man.rch
M.ylng Card.. ^»rul^,#»e cwil«.