The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, June 11, 1897, Image 8
Do You Know vtt 'Zi'iS iBIs Hwm PILLS and Tonic Peiicts Cure All forms of disease caused 1 y a Sluggish Liver and Biliousness? rim rink pin Cleanses r:/- Tor.;c relict Invigorates "Dorlnr’fl Rook 1 ’ tell" nil abovt it iln't r w. ;L’< Complete Treatment Treatment fret prove* 25 cent.-. every vx.rd true Brown Mf’K- Co., N.V a CiretncvUle, Tenn. MONTHLY SUFFERING. ^nhouBands of WOHUHl lire h t r o tt b 1 c <1 «t monthly inter •Vc wiihpoiui d, Hi 1 ne h c r. b k, Y: . .aJgJM ‘ -S'!«-S WMfc. -M TOfflfewj liij.v .iii'l limbs. Hut they need not suffer. These pains are symptoms of dangerous derangements that can be corrected, Tlie men fitrual function should operate painlessly. Win»i makes menstruation painless, the deli¬ and regular. It puts cate menstrual organs in condi¬ tion to do their work properly. And that stops all this pain. Why will any woman suffer month after month when Wine of Cardi.i will relieve her? It costs $ 1.00 at t^ie drug store. Why don’t you get a bottle to-day? For advice, in cases requiring special directions, address, giv¬ ing symptoms, “The Ladies’ Advisory Department,” The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Mrs K02ENA LEWIS, of Oonavills. Tesas. sayst “ I was tro'iblftd at monthly Intervals with terrible pains in my heart and back, tint have been entirely relieved by Wine ut Cartful/’ The Year Round Some Medic ncs bciorjg to one season and some to another. DR. KING’S ROYAL GERMETUER is ;n season all the yepr round. IN THE SPRING It purifies the blood, removes languor and depression, whole invigorates and exhila¬ rates the system. IN THE SUMMER It .overcomes t ho relaxation am! drbilitv caused b.v hot weather and eo. feotV •towel tr.uibh s that are so prevalent then. liesides, it makes the most de lightful mid refreshing drink. IN THE FALL tviu n lnabit a 1 d« - 011 every passing brci.t .s the it, : 1 preventive and the unfailii:. , mo .,f troubles result I IN THE UTINTER Tt still WfotlcT fov CoUlft. Grip, i’atan h, Iiii rir.uii.sni, aiul the ills that belong to cold season:*. It doe* thcr ’ thiuffe. not in a feeble and unroriain way, but with assured ami tmif ■: hant power. Keep it in the Home al A i -ill :>v Pn; new i Inure, hirpe tu'ft! *, 108 lH»sos, Ore I . J!manured only by THE ATLANTA CrE«iCAi CD., ATLANTA, 6A. U nSet ; ;s l\i«c lit A. Mailed Free. »L j 53 YEARS’ * EXPERIENCE. <■ 4 Patents A TRADE MARKS. > DESIGNS, OOPYR1CHTS Ac. Anv<' v o actuUuc n skofob -cul tic t|*tion rtmy quickly !lu r an invent .«n is ftilnitt*!. y*; ggI’ ib'c usilui fcrMM'urintr .cattons strictly AN Oi4e«i .•»*; y patents Ut A mtrti'Jk We have a Wa>’tii!tft« n tirtict'. at it Mu:.n .v Co rccvlva aiHK-ial uotus' lu til# SCIEfiTiFIG AMERiCftH, K'Atit ifaltx iluetri? ,r.”ilnt ion of ntiflr jh’MrnaJ Uan MX i> MUNN A CO. l Urosulnny, \ ork. COUNTY MATTERS/' Correspondents’ Reports of Wbat Their Neighbors Talk - 4>f the Hai>penln(t“ I" Their call* iff- All the News. ’ FROM HOLDEN til' CITIZEN. prof. J. V.. Rhodes has closed first term of bis school. There is a good deal of sickness in otir | neighborhood. Get ready to finish planting your pe; is, the moon will soon be right. The continued showers have moved the crops off and vegetation of all ki; ids is looking healthy and vigorous. Mr. M. G. Copeland, Greene’s woe thy tax-assessor, was in the Holden neighbor. hood last week taking down taxes. As far as our observation extends crops are in better condition than we have ever known them at this season of the year. We learn that Mr. J. P. Wagtion, a former citizen of this county and now of Milledgeville, is quite sick and is beyond the hope of recovery. Since the above was put in type we lern that Mr. Wagnon is dead and was buried at Siloam this week Mr. Hal Rhodes is attending the com¬ mencement exercises of the Middle Via.. Military and Agricultural College at Milledgeville this week. ,S m V i.'ouK Kiticultl terman, of Dimondale. Mich., we are (rm ttol to make this have no hesitation in rcromm* nding Dr. King’s New Discovery, as y ;e were a 1 most marvelous in the/case of my a,-He. While 1 was pastor of'the Baptist . Church at Itives Junction she' .vns brought I down with Pneumonia sugceeding La JsrJKR the could them. I seem ad as If not survive A friend rafottiwended Dj . King’s New Dr. H •). Hoid 4 * Drag iitore. HeguJar f.O.i flfiid fit .00 LYNEVILLE LOCALS. We are glad to report Mrs. M. D. Wal¬ lace about straight again. Mr. I). N. Asbury was at Lyneville Sunday last with liome’f'Mks. We heard a man say r.ot long since that he had so many cliildr en that when one left home he never ’.nissed it. Last year we had watermelons the 17 day of June but if we have them the 17 of July this year we will do well. Rev. Mr. J IcBiayer preached quite an interesti ng sermon at Anthony’s I Chapel last Sunday on Baptism. He made some of we baptist open our eyes to j facts we tie ver knew. A part o’f Lyneville and Pinker Lad a and fish fry r ,t South River bridge Saturday som ■•of the hoys say they had a lug time eat ing corn bread and fat meat hut not mu ch llsh. \i e counted 13 frogs in one dry well about four feet deep and we dropped a j rock in the well about the size of a mar ! ble •• ind a frog swallowed the rock and it was so large that he could barely 'move. | \V1 tether he can digest the rock it will ta’.ve some one else to tell. Klcctrlr Bitters. 1 Electric Bitters isinSmqftidne Ruitod for any season, but pcrjl apf more gcorrally tv o-Jed, v. hen the Vmsufd exhausted fed- 1 tv ,7 prevails, wbca tlv, dver is torpid tujd sluggish and the need i>f a tonic and tU“ terativc is felt. A S3' rempt u.c of this 1 diefa hhs of;pn averted long and perhaps fatal . hilhous ‘.overs. No cine : will act more surely ia counteracting and fei vir.e the svstew from the malarial poison. Headache. Indigestion. Const! pot ion.,l»isines« yield, to Wectric BiUoik ; ra,( fl dOPcr ......... bottle at , Dr. K. ,, J- T Reid's/Drug Store. OI H THANKS (’ONTINI KD. The following kind patrons have paid t.ieir ^jh-cription our Inst issue, Thomas Wynne, cash si on subscription M Z Andrews, to June 15 ’1)7. .1 N ('hapnmti. > l to Feb. 05, ’5>8 Xe<! A Zdwartis. 25c. to Sept. II, ’07 K H H’.huIos, 30o to Aujr. 2D. M7 Joiiu (> Stew;»!t, 2 ">c to Sept t>, '07. l. h/a,lael,c t cu ncetiouriv remmkwl that n billions i on of et eh of vour past sin- and several of vour future mil s. There is less excuse‘for billion* Su'iuiaehes in these tinys than formerly, since they enn be eompletelv cured by n simple t t-iirse of Ramon's Tonic Liver fill Ask tour drugjrist nlwmt this won derful new remedy. It cost but 25 cents a ’> »\. and is ran*!' know to fail. Try a . • c system. Align* Richards il ls I cc i riglit sjfk nit is impr n ing now. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. 7Y? hi- A —“— it a every : tZ j THE MASS MEETING. Pursuant to a call of the chairman of the Populist Executive Committee of Tal¬ iaferro County. The mass-meeting was called to order on June 5 th, 2 o'clock p. m,. elected as chairman G. H. Mitchell; Sect. W. II. Bagby. On motion the fol i ow i n g resolutions were offered and adopted: Whereas on account of fusion of our party with the Democratic party ill the last presidential campaign our par. tv received a great backset. And to re¬ cove r from the evil effects of such a fusion the National Reform Press Association has suggested that a national conference be held by the true Populists in Nash¬ ville. Tenn., about the 4 th of July, for the purpose of re-organizing our party with true men at the head who oppose fusion with any other party. And be it resolved, that we the Populist of Taliaferro County, are in favor of such a conference, and we hereby urge the chairman of the State Executive Commit tee to call a convention of the Populists of this State at an early date when dele¬ gates representing the almost unanimous sentimeut of the Populists of this State, may be selected to attend the proposed conferrence at Nashville. And resolved, that we hereby again endorse and pledge ourselves to support the true Populist principles, as set fourth in the Omaha platform, and denounce fusion in any form with any party. DELEGATES: WHITES COI.ORJ’D 601 st —W T Flynt, Perce Peek. 602 nd—W. C. Rhodes, Davie Davis. 603 d—R T Kendrick, Sherman Edwards 604 th—O M Saggus, J. W. Gaines G 07 II 1 —I V Garrett, Henry ' Adkins^^e ^ __ ....... ^Lt^ , T1 „„ .t.i^ > Question. —IfHraneaftnTIce«▼# ana breed on cattle and horses' A’iSSWER.—Poultry lice will get on horses-and 4 cattle and cause them a »■ -r « «* not breed there. Ibe little chicken m ite, harflly visible to the naked eye, ««► tie, and therefore chickeus should never be allow: d to roost in the stables where these an mals are kept.—State Agri cultural Jepartmeut. Small S rlpeit Beetle on Melon Vin.i. Quest in.— What shall I use to kill the smal striped beetles which are ginning injure my young cantaloupe vines ? Ans wilt.—Spray with Bordeaux mix ture, in 'hich ha3 been dissolved Ixm don pnr e, in the proportion at throe ounces London purple t? 25 gtt^p.n* of tht lordeaux—State Agricultural Depart cjient. TAKE NOTICE. jewelry/repairing, I 11 connection with during watch, the clock summer and months,’(provided you bring the machines machine to mvshop) I will make sewing rthi and stitch perfect that you con¬ sider wort li less, lean repair any kind of machinery, 1 am a practical workman, UO cobbler. If I do not give satisfaction I want no pay. 11. 11. STROZER, Jeweler, Crawfordiile. Ga. IT IS WORTH MONEY Tc us to know if Advo-Democarat Da good udvertising medium. To Test this and to introduce our goods in ibis vicinity, we will give away aiiso lutijly FREE, a Sterling Silver fickle beautiful twisted handle, !) imdies long, worthSI.So. Cutout ad. ^uprtiil und with 115c will for semi packing fork and ]««agc pall, we pre together with our bargain list /fiP' , H ‘‘f 0 ! ,ar S ! ' i !’- s •» c ™> \<;KNTs'w VNTnt 1 ' WONKtVor B.ittG.tlN HOI si:, ttonewoc, tt Is. Engines (S B oilers; Gins and Presses. GET OUR PRICES: Complete Cotton. Saw, Grist. Oil and 1 ,>:!'. tiii ' Ui:1 Pltss ’ <■’«»'• M,llilml hlnngle omflts. railroad ByltyiBi:. lkui«c. Factory Furnace and i^ts* Enctory^upplies. Cafctii%?: Kailro*ul3Iill,3Iaeliin and ileitingy Packing, Injectors. I’ipe Fii tintrs. Saws. Files. Oilers, Kr<-. CAST KYEUY DAY. 5YOHK 150 1IAM>S. LombardRoaW • , JT _ ts&SiippiyCo. . r p , _ AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. Fotmdry, Machir.c, Boiler aval Gin iVorks. Repairs Promptly Done. -----, cared and Whiskey home Hubiis at with- , out rain. Book of ».,r- i ticularsscnt Fit EE. AUsiiu, ___ Offieo B.M.WOOLLEY. M.D. I i.a. lot N. Prior St. Wanted—M r Trf*cct W fti* : yonr ’IJIN WEl.'I'F.HllUnN tders; thrr mar & brine CO Patent you weaii.v . . Att. i c-M-s, Yv «*aiQgton, D. C., for ihulr dl.Sun price u;Itr list ot two huaLirexi Uiveutions vraate4. @ o Drops . 1 AVeg e table Prep aralion for As stmilating the Food and Begui¬ of ling the Stomachs and Bowels Infants -Children Promotes Rest.Contains Digestion,Cheerful- neither ness and Mineral. Opium, Morphine nor Not Narcotic. RtapcafOldllrSAMUELElTCinJl Punpk'm /UxMnna Sui - JloJuUeSJU jtru'ic Seed . Him .Seed - A perfect Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoea, for Constipa¬ tion, Sour .Convulsions .Feverish¬ Worms ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. Attiimonthso J5»o«s-]5C NTS EXACT COPTOF WRAPPER, vabcaAtifoy /g|A«SJY CATHARTIC CU RtCOHSTi PATlOH^ r f nljAUiiu I nn AT TTrnPf iLiliX V PTTIID JIUTETH lEiuD to cure any case of constipation, Cascarcts are the Ideal Laxa f Uuniinn tire, never srrip or gripe.but cause easy natural results. 8am nle and booklet free. Ad. STEItMNO REMEDY (O.. ( hicniro, Mon^reak Caji.^ Vo r k^ ^ 21 ^ Frick Co. j « L B Eclipse f smn jr"g Engines, 7 -3r Boilers, Saw Mills, - : Cotton Gins, Cotton Presses, Grrain Separators, Chisel Tooth and solid Saws, ■\ Inspirators, Injectors, Engine Repairs and a Full Line of Brass Goods. 5FND FOR CftTALOGUF AND PRICES. Avery & McMillan, SOUTHERN MANAGERS, 5 I & 53 So. Forsyth .St. ATLANTA, CA. 3 K® % i ' J/ fi7^ r A ’ r-< ri m I *JS\ v jp t. m •ie $47 III/ A Economy is Wealth Any child can see at a glance the saving to the pur chaser of the Waverley Bicycle. The famous model of last year is greatly improved, yet the price is but $60. We have no new machinery to buy. A SiOO Wavertev ior fastidious people. New features every¬ where. its bearings are absolutely true, and dustproof. The price is S100 to everyone. Catalogue Tree. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., Indianapolis, Ind. Fi'aUti a T iVCiWVlViVF*AWV* SEE t that the FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE ——OF T > IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE OP CM j Castoria is put up iu one-size bottles only, It 'is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell you anything else on the plea or promise that it is “just as good” and “will answer every pur¬ pose." See that you get C-A-S-T-O-KT-A. U on ever 7 wrapper.