The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, June 18, 1897, Image 1
: The Advocate-Democrat $1.00 Por Year. YOL, XXII. ) Our Ps ana.... 1 Other Eyes. *: ' Our I’s are just as strong as they v.-ere fifty years ago, tv hen i we have cause to use them. I Hut we have less and less cause i to praise ourselves, since others S ) do the praising, and we are more than willing for you to see / us through other eyes. This ) is liaa- sve look to S. F. Boyce, j wholesale and retail druggist, Duluth, Minu, who after a quarter of a century of obser¬ vation writes: “I have sold Ayer’s Sarsapa¬ rilla for more than 25 years, both at wholesale and retail, and have never heard anything but words of praise from my customers ; , not a single com¬ plaint has ever reached me. I believe Ayer’s Sarsaparilla to be the best blood purifier, that has beeu introduced to the gen¬ eral public.” This, from a , man who has sold thousands of dozens of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, is strong testimony. But it only echoes popular sentiment the world over, which has, 1 . “Nothing but words of praise for Ayer's Sarsaparilla.’’ Xu y doubt aboutlt? Send ftWCUMbook" It kill* doubt3 and cures doubters. Address J. C. ArMX Co., Lowell. Mass. \ SIDE-WALK NOTES. j?uri' Home Matters Picked Up by Our Local Bepcrters. ‘V—T- -—*•*» ^ V 1a. »—------Ah* v Wh*t Onv ?eopl« Are Iiolug SSyins. Thirds Our Frier.Vis Tell U«. —C. II. Golueke has bought him a nice double horse surry. —Orner Taylor has been right sick this week, but is some bet¬ ter. General line of best goods to be found anywhere at Paul G. Lucas'. ’ Buy it at. Paul Lucas'—any¬ thing you need—he sells good goods cheap. —Angus Richards was able to go' up to Union Point Wednesday but is not well yet. —Mrs. W. T. Flynt, of this place, spent Friday last with relatives at Camak. When you get sick and need Che freshest patent medicines call at Paul G. Lucas’. —Mr. Sap! Chapman, of Au¬ gusta, made a short visit to CrawfordviPs Sunday evening. Paul G. Lucas has some of the latest style, fancy bosom shirts that he wi|f sell real low. —Several from this section attended childr< h’s day exer¬ cises at Powelton Saturday last. —Will R. Jennings and son, little Will, of Atlanta, spent Sat¬ urday and Sunday with relatives here. —There have been more bug¬ gies sold in this section within the last year than we ever knew before. —What does that fellow think now who has been complaining of the nights being too cool for cotton. —-.Miss Marie Lanneau went to Charleston, S. C. Saturday night last to visit her brother, B. R. Lanneau. —Airs. Lucy j^rbwri returned Saturday to her home near Madi son after a pleasant visit to refit Bves here . — „n®t., Antnony, , of . Florida, . camp up last week and went tO;ins cud £hborhooe near th< Y ilkes line. Mi-ts Maggie Lk'Laugh;.gi -.pent part of SaBiAfiiy in tC’-Jl on her way home b a visfi p about Atlanta. “IN THE INTERE8T % ALL THE PEOPLE.” CUJ T > rr ~X I Ay FRIDAY. JUNli IS, 1897. V l A If you need a good milch cow with young calf apply to Mr. E. I. Anderson. —See the interesting notice of Mrs. L. F. Stephens on this page. It beats a picnic to candies get some of Frankinson’s pure at Paul G. Lucas'. Your best girl would enjoy it. —Some of Emmett Henry's friends want to know ivhy he goes over about Powelton so oAen these days. —Mr. J. W. Tucker lost a good horse this week. It was taken from the plow lOr dinner and died in a few minutes. —Rev. W. H. Pryor, of Mor¬ gan county, was here Sunday and sang some of his sweet songs at the Baptist church. —Mr. E. I. Anderson was able to come in town this week and spend several days at the home of Jno. H. Stephens. Pure stick candy, best fla¬ vored taffy, cocoanut, ground pea and chocolate, Frankinson’s make, cheap at Paul. Lucas'. —Mr. and Mrs. John N. Chap¬ man and Miss Mabel Nelson, Wash¬ of this place, went over to ington Saturday to visit friends and relatives. —Millard Henry was, taken quite sick at Powelton Saturday evening last, with sQmething like vertigo. He was unconscious for several hours. —Mrs. Percey E. Trippe, and children of Arizona, are out at the home of Mr. W. Asbury, in this county, where they will spend a few weeks. Go to C. Bergstrom I*fb the shears and scissors'.' has best. • ,, ''Lgfjrtlon* . ~Point church elected J. A. Cromer del egate and S. J. Howell, alternate to the Conference at this 1st week in July. Go to C. Bergstrom for gin baric. ger, spice, pepper and —Rev. Ab. Harris arrived urday from’ Louisville, Ken¬ tucky. He has made steady provement and bids fair to one of Georgia’s best ministers. Go to C Bergstrom for tur¬ pentine and oils. —In the Christain Index re port of Mercer we find this notice: “The speech of the day, ‘A Plea Higher Education, ’ was made J. H. Sanford. * • Go to C. Bergstfom for can¬ dy and candles. —There will be an ice cream festival on Liberty Hall grounds Friday night of next week the benefit of the, Confederate Monument. All edme out help the cause. Go to C. Bergstrom for pickling vinegar. —We are told that our friend 3as. R. Asbury, of Lyneville, thinking of building a residence in one of our neighboring s eounty towns. We hope Jim and fami¬ ly are not thinking of leaving us. Go to C. Bergstrom for sus penders. —Mr. Edward Bradford, Wilkes county, and Miss Landrum, of Woodstock, will joined in the holy bonds of mat¬ rimony on the 16th of month.—Echo from Woodstock. No better remedy for gray hair has been discovered than Hall s Hair Renewer. : ^mon Point Review . Sajs that about seventeen years ago R swarm of bees took up their abode in a piazza post at be jj r Randle place aind last week Mr. Alex Akins took from tbat j )0S t 123 jKmnds of comb and one gallon of clear honey. *|*||E I ONLY True Blood Purifier prominently in the public eye to¬ day is Hood’s Sarsaparilla, j Therefore get Hood’s and ONLY HOOD'*. Liver Ills I,!kc biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti¬ pation, sour stomach, indigestion arc promptly cured by Hood's fills, "they do their work Hoods 25 eaiily Best cents. after ami All dinner thoroughly. druggists. piflsi IPills Prepared by C. I. Hood &\o., I.owell, Mass. Tile 01 ily Pill to take with j pod' s Sarsaparilla. ABOUT COfj&CT. The Greenesboi«Hleraid Jour¬ nal says: “It is and that a ne¬ gro living near Ciywfordvillo, in a log cabin, has rattling rods upon his “dwelli ^.costing ?l>5 —as much, in factfc as the house is worth. ” This about .cor¬ rect; the only mis|«ik<' being the in the estimate of the .value of house. p;» A PEliFECT US i^thumc Is One which does not tvr-‘WCl> tlie system or leave it weak ami rXba'osteil. A per¬ fect cathartic is found”* ' Hood’s Pills. They are praised every'the re, and after once being tried tliay six on permanently take the place of the otf fashion drastic pills, such as “our grpgjWnthers used,” Hood's Pills are the only pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla anuSluy greatly aid that medicine in its clopsing ami purify¬ ing work. _ IT WENT HD. Marshal Tuck* (' -filled a mad dog in town Saturday It ■ one of W. R. E t id ’a fox hounds tha * was byjfte mad dog that raged s^.h «:emptie months hade. T&i$r* — up for a lou* tin. < I hut Saturda sWstid jp bodRT'to bite ,it se if and all gas of hy drophobia, a 'll Mr Tucker shot it near Mr. Griffith s Store — Sloo IiEWAJD §ms *iw-f The readers of paper will be at least pleased to treaJxl lean® thafft^re Vise®* that is one - tojeftre science has w.enlble in all Hall’s its stages, Catarrh mdjiiat tire is is the Catarrh. on^y positive cure kn« n to the medi cal fraternity. Oitarrh being a constitutional constitutional tre'fi disuse, inent. requires Hall’s a Catarrh Cure is y enintenuilly, acting directly fiGm the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem. [ thereby destroying the foundation the rpatiest o£ $!e disease, strenght and by giving the constitution and building up doing its assisting nature in work. The proprietors have so much faith in its cutetive powers, that they offer die Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testi monials. Address F. .T. Cheney & Co. , Toledo, O. Sold by Druggist, 7;>e. the Hall’s Family Pills are best. FOB THE MONUMENT. Some of the young people of Crawfordville are practicing they some excellent plays which will present at ai early date for the benefit of the Confederate Monument fund. Their selec¬ tions are good and there is talent enough among our young people to get up a most excellent enter¬ tainment. The people should be prepared to give their hearty support to so worthy a cause. Without A Rival. As a positive cure for sprains,bruises, and pains of all kinds, Salvation Oil has no equal. Mrs. Frank Juif, 518 Gratiot Ave., Detroit, Mich., writes: “I used Salvation Oil in my family and can say it has no rival as a lrni ment; it certainly cures pains. I sprained my ankle and it cured me and since then JLnave always Used it for Oil any is *old pains fo*/,ulW5 apdjruises.” cent*. Station No other remedy will do the work as promptly- OLD PLAT AND DEED. Mr. J. R. Ogletree, of this county, showed us this week n plat of land, perfectly square. 200 acres that belonged to Henry Thompson. The plat was drawn by "William Downs on the 12th day of July, 1784. Mr. Ogletree now resides on a por tion of this land. He also show¬ ed us a deed to Henry Thomp¬ son executed 26th of November 1801 and the deed was said to be counter signed by the Governor of the state, Geo. R. Clayton, Sec’ty. The deed was printed on heavy paper and the type used was of the old style with Joiig “s”. It is a curiosity. Health and strength carry us through, dangers and make us safe in fine presence of peril. rich, A perfectly,strong blood, lias nothing man with pure to fear from germs. He may breathe in the bacilli of consumption with impunity. If there is a weak spot where the germs may find an entrance to the tissues, then the trouble begins Disease germs propagate with lightning like rapidity. Once in the blood the only way to get rid of them is to kill thein. This is what Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov¬ ery is for. It purifies the blood. That means that it kills the germs, but that is only part of what it does. It assists diges¬ tion by stimulating the secretion of digestive fluids, So promoting assimilation and nutrition: and purif lies and enriches the'blood so supplies tile tissues with the,(o<jd they need. It builds up healthy flesh and puts the whole st *!®' Send , 21 one-cent stamps to . cover cost of mailing: only, and get his great book The People s Common Sense Medical Adviser, absolute! y Free. Address, World’s Dispensary Medical As soeiation, No. 6 GB Main Street Buffalo, N. Y. Go to C. Bel’gstrom for 10, - 000 papers of needles. OUtt THANKS CONTINUED. The following kind patrons have paid their subscription since our last Issue. J. It, Ogletree, 85c to Sept. 1st, '97. 8. If. Stiggtis, 25cto Sept. 11, ’97. II. D. Alurden, 50c to Adg. 25, ’97. Doc Swayne, 25c to Sept 11, ’97. The Discovery Saved Hie Life. Mr. O. Cttillouette, Druggist, Bcuvrrs ville, I1L ( says: ‘‘To Dr. Kings New Discovery I owe my life. Was taken with La Grippe and tried all the physicians miles about, but of no avail and was given ftp and told I could not live. Having Dr. King’s New Discovery in my store I for a bottle and begun its use and from the first dose began to get better, e.nd after ing three bottles was up and about again. Itty.K worth its weight in gold. We keep store or house without it. (let frfee trial at Dr. It. I. lleidS Drllif Store. Go to C. Bergstrom for spools of thread. SOMETHIMG NEEDED. Our city council is the matter of purchasing a horse rnower to use in weeds and grass on our streets. Something of the kind is needed as some of our look like a wilderness in places. We would be glad to see all these weeds cleaned off. Save The Children. When children are attacked witli cougli, cold and croup, Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup will prove a quick and gur0 cure Mr. Elmer E. Baker, p a > write8; “We -------- have g u jp 8 Qough Syrup for cough, col(] and croup , and found it the best h medicihe a „d cure for these ; affectioag Wc aeve r run out of it, : fcut a)wayg keep it on laand. Dr. Bull , g Cough Syrup u sold evaryffher* for 2 - cenU lniisti orl having it. In Advance. NO. 17. sm hgpo^ &AKlN<> POWDER Absolutely Pure. Cel (‘brute. I for its great leavening strength ami healthfullness. Assures the food against alum ami till forms of adulters lion BAKING common to POWDER t lie ( heap CO., lninuls. IfOV AL New York A body of Georgia editors will meet in Atlanta on June 24th and go from there to Nashville under Die leadership of Pres. H. 11. Oabaniss, which means a nice trip. Tile' Advd-Democrat hopes to be with the boys. Lincoln county farmers report the best crops of wheat and oatr they have made for years. It is a strange fact t hat many of the most responsible profess orships of our Georgia colleges are held by foreign people, yet there are many Georgia men fully competent and are willing and anxious to be honored with the positions. It is a .shame to put forward these men and have our home professor, to teach iii ( 'tifieltl schools. John M. Barnes, o? Thmiisfili hftHbetm mK) \nUHL by the presi dent to be Marshal oi Souther., District of Georgitt . —Mrs. W. C. Chapman 1ms been sick this week. The Be»t M«i itt the world ton Ottye, Bruiett, *«»«•, Dlowre, Salt Rheum, tm. er, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Olrilblate*. florae, and ail blcin Eruptions, end pod lively cure* Pile*, or no par required It is guaranteed to give satiefaotiou of money refunded. Price 25 rent* pet bo*. For sale by Dr. R. J. Rotd. It is said that about 720,000 years from now December, Jan¬ uary and February will occur in mid summer. TAKE NOTICE. In connection wllb watch, dock and jewelry repairing, during the mimruer month*, (■provided you bring the machine to mv shop)! will make wwing machine* run light, and .stitch perfect, that yon con Hidct worthless. 1 cun repair .fifty kind ol machinery, I am » practical satisfaction workman, l no cobbler. If I do not,give want no pa/. it. B. STHOEEH. Jeweler, Cruwfordille, llu. .—A large meteor shot through the skies Wednesday night about nine o'clock, lighting up things like a great lamp and made many of our citizens feel a little queer A IS* m Wir* i.t t INTERESTING. For seaspftahle and cheapest Millinery m town go to MRS. L. F. STEPH¬ ENS She lia* always on hand appro prlate hats, rililsms, fancy g'K*|s, etc., for the season; also she has recently .secured the agency for the celebrated. Oresceni Corset and Misses waists made 10 orlc ami guaranteed to please