Newspaper Page Text
licit by Say.
Among the late Leon Say’s papers
were found five decrees dated on the
same day, signed by President Grevy
and countersigned by ail the proper of¬
ficials. appointing him to all the grades
of the Legion of Honor, including the
Grand Cross. Grevy went out of of¬
fice without making the appointments
public in the Journal Offieiel. and Leon
Say never mentioned the matter to any
one, and never wore any of the decor¬
ations. •
Every sleeping car conductor wants
a law adopted compelling the porter to
VnsaMant Dutch Gentlemen.
In Holland a woman is a
consideration and a poor
at that. No Dutch gentleman
walking on the pavement will move
of his way for a lady. The latter
out invariably, however muddy or
gerous the street.
It is entirely superfluous to tell
ple that you are getting old; you
Exhausted .Resources.
“What are you bothering your father
about?” asked the hoy’s mother.
“I want him to tell me a story, and
he says he doesn’t know anj.
“Perhaps he will make up one as he
goes along.” said he had
“I asked him to. But he
been testifying before an investigating
committee all day and it had used up
all his material.”—Washington Star.
The English newspapers are becom¬
ing venturesome. One of them has
sent a correspondent on a secret mis¬
sion, of which it speaks in the follow¬
ing mysterious terms; “We cannot in¬
dicate his destination, for the journey
that l ief ; -e him is one of the most
periloP~~''~ ,
a, and a whisper of his
Idenfy . the purpose of his mission
wor s .al his death warrant. He pur¬
poses to tread a path that has never
known the foot of a white man, and
will travel with such a following as no
newspaper correspondent has ever
mustered for his private ends. Hun¬
dreds of men and scores of horses will
follow his banner and every man of tho
party will carry his life in his hand.”
The Alton turfman who killed him¬
self because “horses were so slow” veri¬
fied the common experience. The only
Cast horses are those you did not bet on.
A Virtne and a Vice.
Vanity and a proper regard for the feelings of
others should both urge you to get rid of that
disgusting skin disease. Whether It be a simple
abrasion, a chap or a burn, or xrhether It is a
aVroT’.lc case of Brzema. Tetter or Jtingworm.
'i eiwriie'win poBittoar* n. Cure
it so it vrill stay cured, too. 50 cents a box at
drug stores, or by mail for 50 cents In cash or
stamps from J. T. Shuptrlne, Savannah, Ga.
There are twenty-three acres of land to
every inhabitant of the globe.
«T. F. Parker, Fredonia, N. Y., says: ‘ Shall
not call on you for tho $100 reward, for I be¬
lieve Hall’s Catarrh Cure will cure any case of
catarrh. AVas very bad.” Write him for par
ticulars. £5©Id by Druggists, 75c.
Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous¬ Great
ness after first day's use of Dr. Kln.e s
Health Boon succeed weak¬
: ness and languor when
Strength Hood’s Sarsaparilla is
taken to purify, enrich
and vitalize tho blood. Hood’s Sarsapa¬
rilla expels the germs, of scrofula, salt
rheum and other poisons which cause so
much suffering and sooner or later under¬
mine the genera] health. It strengthens
the system while it eradicates disease.
HoocF § Sarsa¬
Ts Ihe best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Sold by all druggists. ?1: six for
Hood’s Pills dinner
4 'fM
ras £ /r
HPsigMp / v
j f some yesrs “For I* was I pA
I J quite out much of health, medicine anO 1 l ssHSkS
took s
/ which <ii<! me no good. 11 tillsllll
/ was advised by a friend tol
I I try Ayer's Sarsaparilla*
which I did, taking a dozen)
I or mere bottles before stop-1
I ping. The result was that l\ 2E ;| _
/felt so vveil and strong! • 4
/ that I, of course,think there Sar-\ is 1 I
I f no medicine equal toAyer'3 I L
sipariiic, and I take great pains ’■ \
| to tell any suffering friend of it and 1 \ Ss
'what it did for me.”—Mrs. L. A. • t
liCKhiV, KJlbourn.Wis., Feb.H,1856. \
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla.
A Case Successfully Treated in Madison
County. Y.
Ff’om the Press , Utica. JV T . T.
On the recommendation of Mr. William
Woodman, of South Hamilton, New York,
that Mr. Amos Jamiays, a resident of Col
umbus Centre, New York, be interviewed
regarding his extraordinary recovery from
advanced kidney trouble, embracing dia
: es in. its worst form, Mr. Jaquays was
visited and willingly made the accompany
ing statement:
-I am fifty years of age. and fire years
and I had a tremendous flow of urine.
Strange to say my appetite increased to an
extraordinary degree, but instead of giving
me strength niy food seemed to make me
weaker and thinner, and I was terribly
constipated. My mouth was pasty, I had
continuous heartburn and pain across the
lower part of my stomach and frequent
vomiting. Indeed all or nearly all my
functions became impaired, my sight was
dim, memory deserted me, and life became
irksome. I consulted the best medical
talent in the county, and they all diagnosed
my case as sugar diabetes iu its most
aggravated form, but gave me no relief
whatever. At last I was in such a desper
ate condition that a council of physicians
was called but their good offices did me no
good, and I looked forward to death with
satisfaction as the only relief I could expect.
“Mv old friend, William Woodman, about
this time came to visit me, and from him I
first heard of Hr. Williams’ Pink Pills,
which he declared had cured him of rheum
atism, with which he had suffered fill his
life, and ho believed they would do me
good, as he had read of a case of diabetes
being cured by their use. I believe it was
next day after Mr Woodman’s visit that
Mr. F. Hyde, of Hamilton, New lork,
called on me, and I was told by him that
Pink Pills had saved his life and lie advised
me by all means to try them.
“Thissettled the question and I at once
began a course of home treatment with Dr:
Williams’ Pink Pills. Within a week the
medicine began to do its work, the eon- had
stipatfon. was relieved, my skin, which
been dry and hard, assumed its normal
feel and appearance, I no longer had the
insufferably bad taste in my mouth, and
though still weak and almost helpless, the
but I was far from health, and built very
few hopes on permanent cure, though I
continued to take the pills constantly for
the next year and a half, growing slowly
but surely during that time better and
better. Then I began to reduce the daily
entirely cured. to
“I am still subject to cold always which is apt Pink
settle in my kidneys, and keep
qu^k^Tn anYhavf! “elieve taS and
fifty boxes of Dr. WilHams* Pink Pills,
shall never be without them as long as I
havo half a d( j{ lar - 1
mended , , them to . all my suffering friends,
and they seem to be good for any disorder
of the system as they have never failed to
do their work in any ease that I know of,
‘““I SO r< tho'’n t 1 v°o W
oertify bo statement to be
true In every particular, and if I com
ssassss«ss»sii5Sff*~* “Amos Jaquayp.’*
Mr. Jaquays is a highly respectable and
well-to-do farmer find builder, and highly
tsrjs&s.i.’s.tssx MiwliStm Couni v.
eine but a prescription practitioner used for who many produced years
by an eminent
the most wonderful results with them, cur
ing all forms of weakness arising shattered from a
watery condition of the Wood or
nerves, two fruitful causes of almost every
ill to which flesh is heir. The pills are also
a specific for the troubles peculiar to
females, such as suppression, all forms °f
weakness, chronic constipation, bearing
down pains, etc., and in the ease of men
will givo speedy relief and offect a per
inanent cure in,-illcases arising from mentul
worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever
nature. They are entirely harmless and
can be given to weak and sickly children
St P?nk Pills^re^^old'by 1 ^!!
slightest danger. paid receipt
dealers, or will be sent post on
of price, 50 cents a box or six boxes for *2.50
(they are never sold in bulk or by the 100),
KSKr Uea,CmeCOm *
Here is a Nupe poem on the Emil*
flashed off in a moment of wild, intoxi
cnt'mc lov by the poet lariat of the Lon
don News:
It’s tough, said the Emir of Nupe,
chucked _ the
When you're suddenly in
soup, pains.
I’d sooner have
Soft corns and chilblains.
Or appendicitis, or croup.
Harry Lockwood, of Newark, Ohio,
has been arrested for trying to blow up
his motlier-in-law with dynamite. Mr.
Lockwood shouldn’t take so seriously
what the funny papers say about the
Ih« People of the World Can Be Classifiecf
by the Way They Do It.
A member of the Professional Wo
man’s League, who has traveled ex
tensively in foreign lands, said the
other evening that you can classify waV
t]le peopIes P * t ,f t lie world bv the
they cut their . meat. Ihe ^ ]x>y eilul
physical nature of the Anglo-Saxon is
we(] ;ij ustra t e( [ by the huge rib roasts
1 and the immense'shoulders of mutton,
The more artistic nature of the
] Frenchman is shown by his cutting
• of Ajj et j
, . meat , . , ... . uto
“p 1 ‘
and into . tlie tinny . affairs ~ . ,
epigram lie
calls “rosbif.”
i y VR b cuts his meat into a thin
i ribbon, it . around , iron • skev r.
wraps __ an -
er, broils it over a charcoal fire, and,
[ 0 aTu j behold! there is the famous ka
, bob. , Strange to sayit a i, is yery r,ro fn,
the Anglo-Saxon to cut his meat thin,
L ; U3 t as j s rare for the eastern races
t0 serve xt m : n masslve mnssive nortions ‘V, Yet I
we could , , improve . our daily , Dill oi
fare, especially in the summer sea
son by »don tin" D many of the ,JL dishes
* V L*
an( l methods of , these ,t other „ imc tt .
Thus the kabob system may be ap
D ii e a + Q anY ^ hind of flesh or fowl, and
produces 7 ,, V, a a. crisp, palatable Sga »nd »our nour
ishmg culmary creation, mother made
series of very pleasant dishes are
b / cutting * meat into long ”. strips about
the of . , loud . pencil and- tyi
size a g
them, after they have been salted
an d peppered, in either their own fai
or m ohve „r . oil. The rn,. liquitoi*mltl ho bo
Very hot before the meat is'f>fl* in, SO
BB to close up all the pores' fhpsepeu- a4(1 keep
& ; J uice within the fiber,
cils, when cooked properIy,^g# c -£LB,
delicious, brittle and very Sw^H^ing.
gtill another system comeifroni attfe Italy
and Spain in that very pre<
partition known as frit as, lha@e con
B ( s t G f little pieces of meat shout the
sl/e . 01 , ,“ nfokorv niojcory nut. One > will be
made , of beef, another of , , lamb, a third
of chicken, a fourth of dnclf, a fifth of
corned The greater beef the a sixth variety o* «jd the heefiteak Jhore sue
cessful the dish. These pieces ara
ve i T well seasoned, they being rubbed
with a dove of garlic, salted, peppered, drop
and usually touched with a oi
two of onion juice. They are then
dipped dipped u y in in “ hatter hatter and and fried fried ow ow a a ver$ verj
hot hre. , TV When hen they they 4 £ome .floim out out alj all
look alike, so BO attraction'' that that the the ;%ue»t guest has has thi th«
: additional ; of. novelty, novelty,
' variety and, surprise.—-Ye* Orleans Orleans
Has --- a Sparrow TtJ for a r et» ■ ;
Carfcondahh _ , y \ 1
At ,
bie| ■ a -jeweW '.».« -
when Mr. F lisbie was fufilo, ill), hi!
shop door the bird flew JipuU'i is arm, j
j Looking around, he saw •*,. excite#
cat coining tow aril i,: bini n , ink'll ]. a a ,i evi
dently been trying to c®.ton the Lurct
! ]yi r Frisliie scared the cat aw ay, an# |
th P his arm a li tt | e to s to star) i
the , bird , its ., night. r»* , . I
j on
| It flew about tliirty ^ feet,
up ana
circling down again, returned t«
its f former perch. lie p;, notice phi, tlil|
time that the bird’s Wing wo 3 broken, 1
and took the little tiling into the shop, I |
The sparrow seems perfectlv content,
, eil quftrb’ Alien i\xi,
m ltB new s.
Frisbie is alone it pr.-ch*s itself oi) i
, ^ s j 10u i c l e| . 0 r on a 4 hf»l“ 0 pposite ( j
I and watches him at worM; Jccantmallj
giving a few lively chirps t< fhow how
happy lie is. The rnofne it the bird
hears the outer door 4 hide! |
away, and stays hidden If, i' the Visv
j tor departs.—Wew York fdU
An Historic Churei
The history of the Firfit; r 'irish ol
Dorchester, now a part of 41 th liijpon, oldesl is
the history of one ,
churches in New England e par
ish was organized June® 1 , i8Bh, and
the first church was limit4 The
second church was built 1 .«4h, and
the thud in H177. In 174 iney erect
! j ed their fourth church, aud on JIaj
10, 1816, the corner-stouf«t th« church
■ burned a year ago was ia.4/ Now a
! beautiful reproduction of the old
j church is ready for dedica’ibji.
J The old bell which has been recasi
and hung in its old position in the
| belfry, will continue to call paiishon
i ers to service, as it Ji».s done foi
over 145 years. This (bell has been
! a part of the civil as well as of the re' i
ligious history of the town,for not only
bus it called the settlers to meeting, :
aroused them to attend fires, called ,
them to town meetings and tolled at
deaths, hut it announced the' birth ol ‘
liberty in 1^76 and called the troopi
for the Civil War in 1861.
The Evil ot the X-Ray.
In a recent discussion cn improve j
ments in the X-ray apparatus, one ol j
six feet by one and a halt feet It is
intended to show the full length of the 1
figure view, and lor. '
at one on an orn) j
when the apparatus war being in
spected the means by a of number creating of persons^ an s>ton» i
meat almost beyond th poaer ol ,
words to describe. A -«< avmg in- J
cautiously passed in the l ife of rayf-J
was displayed on the larg screen, arifi
as dress materials are very transparonf
in the rays her costume, of course, 414
not count for much in the picture.
IN’CASE:# 'tYONico's
YOU > PickLeaf
Hlffe..... SmokingTosaccq
Tey it
4 ,
---“C ussas
LYON a c °-c
Made^roin the Purest. Ripe*fc and Swonte«t leaf
grown In the Golden Belt of North Carolina. Cla
urette Book goes with each 2-oz. pouch.
A Pleasant, Cool and Delightful 3moke.
Lyon a Co. Tobacco Works, Durham, N. C.
day Hires ^ ^ /S' ^
V Rootbeer ^
stands be- ^
tressing ef- ' / ; 11 \
fects of the heat.
Rootbeer 1
cools . the .. , blOOU, , ,
sfcfl W tones tile Stom
’ acll , invigorates
/\ t j le body, fully
/# r bSP cotiafiec flic thirst ‘
U V J y Adehcious.spark- . ,
I l 1 U ^’ ^ l ^P ^ e ^ hlgll" n ^ e
/ , est medicinal value.
I The clia ;]l* ..... E,Hir ei ,y co. , rhlla.
-I a p.ckwmm™ 5 s»h ous.
$ f H soHev«r,wu«e.
nniiuir-atm ft fi Si. I I M Auti-j» K the marvelous
1 |»P I ftl I 8 9 ^ ® i\ 1» wStp f Mannvt Phmffid ^
Co„ St ivyoatiway^ N.
r^u »»■*
It's nature's warning that the condition of the blood needs attention
before mere serious diseases set in. Beauty is blood deep.
you see pimples face. and liver
spots on your BLOOD.
Make the COMPLEXION Beautiful, by Purifying the
If the blood is pure, the skin is clear, smooth and soft. If you take
our advice, you will find CASCARETS will bring the rosy blush oi
health to faded faces, take away the liver spots and pimples, txclp
nature help you! YOU CAN, IF YOU ONLY TRY
ALL 10c. vnua 26c., GI8T0. 60c. . N>58
Agents Everywhere! Diamond ”
For the Lovell “
Cycles, and we stake our Business
Reputation of over 55 years that the
most perfect wheel yet made is the
Lovell Diamond ’97 Model.
rjUENTS in nearly every City and Town. Examination will prove
ri their superiority. If no agent in your place, semi to us.
PECIAL--A large line of Low Priced and Second¬
hand wheels at unheard of figures.
We have the largest line of Bicycle Sundries, Bicycle ami Gym mi
einin Suits ami Athletic Goods of all kinds. Write us what you want
and we’ll send you full information. If a dealer, mention it.
JOHN P, LOVELL ARMS C0„ 131 Broad St., Boston.
Headquarter* fur <»un«. Rifle* and Revolver*. 1 Uhlnic Tarkle, Skate* anil
Spoi l lull Good* of Every I>e*crlptl OH.
SEND for our laroe illustrated catalogue.
usi mt buua tuu wAni,rr25
kreat, njion about every subject under ihe mun. It contain* fkti page*, profusely illustrated,
end wtil be sent, postpaid, for too. in stamps, postal note or silver. When reading you doubt,
less run across ref- . u *<|lnyn| nDRTnl A * renC *'’ *
AN ENil V GLUr fcUl A which which you thU do IkkjIi not
wJU c „ ;ar np , or you. It hiwi a COOK
p!ete ill( i,. x , *,, hat It may be Fft?) /T 11 ff. referred to easily. This book
^ Interesting a rk . h mine 0 f valuable and 1« Py|| information, well worth to i*re«onted any one many in an
manner, wlU
titntts the small sum of FIFTY CENTS which we ask for it. A fttudy of this book
prove of incalculable benefit t/> those whose education ba« been neglected, while the volume
will also bo found of great valne to throe who cannot readily command the knowledge thV
The greatest sotisa
lion of the season in
t lie bkj yele market has
beeo ueeasioned hy
four of the leading
inufacturers com¬
I bining Hi protect tU«
*3 M retail ti tle from be¬
ing i in;o ->d u]>on by
4 Ml at-'nii! lose hitvc n> no 'Phis it lid ivputution hicyclu ot combina- hers dcttl- who to
i l t ion.ot which the John
mMM l’-Lo veil Arms Co. t o.aro
the inovln :'A„ spirits. :
have forced w n tho
« price wheels of high gri ads
so that there
is now no reason why
Treas. RF.NM.S. Lovell TiOVRIX, Arms Co. a anything cyclist ycnsi thing hue should rids
class, hut but a tlraU
guaranteed wheel, and j at at prices price ehargea
from tile nameless and unguaranteed a rant i wheohk
There is considerable opposition on to to t this cony
biuation on the part of those who hnndlf
low grade wheels, but the public, will be th#
Wll 1 til' rs, thanks to the Lovell Arms (To. A
catalogue special rtlo of our wheels regular bicvele stock and A
list of issued oy tlu> Dig t’ our
Combination mailed free on annlication.
I rrn WL.,
i u
GALATIA, ILLS., NOV. 10, 1893,
Paris Medicine Co., sold St. Louln, hist Mo. (UK) hottloa of
Gentlemcnt'-Wo TASTELESS CHILL year, TONIC and harf
GROWS already this In
bought throe gross year. all ovr %»
oorlenco of 14 yours, In tho drug business, hurt
never sold an article that gave bum) universal Batl»i
factlou as your Tonic. lours truly,
ALLLStTAlts.' «K
Bums' 'WHERE Tmates Good. Uao
Best Cough Syrup*
lo. thnA. Fold hv druggletM.
I .‘— . I
_ 25cm;
Ajn. X. U. N~ *'L i*d r
A 26 crsfl