The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, June 18, 1897, Image 4

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published EvEnv FRIDAY mornxng »t
Official Organ Taliaferro Co.
Mr. Jordan H. Sanford has-ac¬
cepted the position of principal locat¬
of Stephen's High School,
ed at Crawfordvillc. near the
house of the late A- H. Stephens. graduat¬
Prof. Sanford lias just where
ed at Mercer University, record
be made a most enviable
for aptness, diligence, sobriety
and high-toned, moral dignity.
Having had already considerable
experience in touching, he is
more than ordinary well equip¬
ped for his work.
When under the charge of his
distinguished lather, Prof. V. J .
Sanford, this school drew a fine
patronage from the counties
along the ’.ine of the Georgia
railroad. It is hoped that the
a- 1 vantages which it can offer for
high culture will commend it to
the parents and guardians of the
same or even a larger territory.
Prof. Hanford will have asso
*■1 iated with him his mother, who
for tact and industry in teaching
has few equals. friends ot
The many Augusta feel
Mr. Jordan Sanford will a
special interest in h’.s success.
Augusta Chronicle.
money made in a minute.
I have not made l:-us than SI0.UO any
tlay while selling Cenirifiigat if” Cream
Freezers. Anyone should make from So
(o $H a day selling cream and from 37 to
$]0 selling freezers, as it Is stieii a wonder
,ihere Is always a crowd wanting cream,
yon can freeze er,-am elegantly in one
minute ami that astonishes people so they
all want to latte it. and tlion many of
ih -:n buy freezers*s (he.cream i* smooth
and perfectly frozen, Every freezer i.
guaranteeil to freeze cream pcrfeetly in
one minute. Anyone tup sell ice cream
and the freezer sell* itself. My sister
Makes from 3>(> ' ' 3t 1 “ d» < W. H.
A i Ui . {»"JSla, ■ "•|*T
f»H., will nia<l yon fw!i purtfculars frw. so
y m can go to work and uiftkp Iota of inon
i-v any where, a* with one freezer you can
m-iUi- a hun-lrc .1 gallons of cream a day,
IU- if you wish, they will hire you on llher
at terms.
Senator Blalock's committee
is finding several ‘ decayed"
spots in the management of
State affairs, They lmve found
that the State has been feeding
and furnishing tt span of horses
for the geologist to drive.
They have found that besides
other wrongs in the oil inspec¬
tion department, one man lias
been paid $1,000.00 for only 10
hour's work and that two others
have been paid tj-riJa-OD each for
one month's work when neither
worked half the mouth, We
have no doubt but that this com¬
mittee will do great good if they
will continue a faithful search.
i,ot the good work go on.
T. \. Ktooiun. W.
Ni l«ntltit. ill Vrw*, t«» the AMlot
r,|, Tltr**o lloltlewof HU Newly !>U
rovertMl lvemetUe-* to Cup* Con
autiiplion anil \I1 I.uiir
fii-.iliiU-nl that ho UnratiM-uvovi-J :t roUa
|ili> i ure fm coua-imption amt all 1 non -
Giitl, throat anil lung iliai-asos, genoral
itiv! h" mid woakno-is, tnsfi of tli-sli ami all
tontlitbni* of wasting, and to niuko its
grant inmito known, lit - "ili souii, free,
tUri-e lNUtll ‘1 to »'iv reader of The Ailvo
i »tc-l>i' who may b.» suffering.
Already tin, ‘ new scientific course of
movlKinc’ lia* jw-rinmn'otly cured thou¬
sand- of appureutly Imj.i-. ohm-,.
The doctor eonaidera it hi* religion*
duty a duty which he owes to humanity
to tlonate his infallible euro,
lie ha* proved tin' dreaded consump¬
tion to Ik* a curable disease la-yond auy
douhV, and haso-i file in li:, American and
Kun>|>e»n lalwratprie* testimonial* of ex
peril-nee frann tle»se IwuidttM and cured,
in all part* of the world.
Don't delay nutil it i> tint late C’on
•untpilon, uninternipted. me*a* *jK>eiiy
and certain death Address T. A. Slo
,-imu. M. V., 9 a.Pine >treet. Sew Y.irk,
qml when wf jinff the IhaAor. ple**e qive
-rtprar* and \>e«i.)tli.- address, and also
inentioH raadtoie^ht* article iu The Ad-
1 AKtsfte Democrat
America is the land of nervous
women. The great majority of
nervous women are so because
they are suffering from some
form of fe
fill By rnalo far disease- the
number o f
// female trou¬
bles are caus¬
ed directly
% A by They catarrh. are
catarrh of the organ which is
affected. These women despair
of recovery. Female trouble is
so common, so prevalent, that
they accept it as almost inevita
ble. The greatest obstacle in
the way of recovery is that they
do not understand that it is ca¬
tarrh which is the source of their
illness. All women who are in
doubt as to what their trouble is
should write Dr. Hartman, Co¬
lumbus, Ohio. Give him a full
description of your trouble, pre¬
vious treatment, symptoms and
age. He will promptly reply
with full directions for treatment
This I* an
portumty which no ailing worn
an should miss. Dr. Hartman has
become renowned through his
success in treating women's dis
eases. His experience in these
matters is vast. Correspondence
is strictly confidential. No tes
timonials published without
written consent. Dr. Hartman
relies principally upon
in these cases. Pe-ru-na cures
catarrh wherever located.
Dr. Hartman has lately written
a troatiso on the disease of wom¬
en. It will be sent free to any
address by The Pe-ru-na Drug
Manufacturing Company, Colum
^ ug Q]jj 0
.. tjjj/v <-\ v. n u:v
It is often seen in the daily
papers, especially in early
Spring, that there are many poo
ple in the cities destitute of
something to support their fami¬
lies on. Among this class of
people arc found strong men of
both races and they can put up
a most pititul case and by the
public sympathy is raised a fund
w feed them. At the same time
that- , these , cries .... of starvation , m
the cities for want of employ
mentis being seen in public
print the farmers of the country
are needing hands on their farms,
Ulld , places , it . . llllpossi* .
ill many IS
ble to got hands. If these peo
pie really wanted work one him
ilreil or so could have found
work , right . here Ill 1 alia • ,, fen ...... O
countv during the past few j
months. j
They say they can't get work. I
That is too thin. They buy '
a horse on time and most any]
merchant will advance him his 1
supplies if he will pitch a crop, j
If not that, he can find day. week
or work by the month on
farms -
A man. city with a does family about who 8 { j
livos in a and
days work a month, has asked ]
and received from a Craw-1
fordville gentleman, recently,
This man can do better than that
—may not he able to gel an easy
job, but lie can make a living
fur himself and family if he will
and to work '
go to the country go
in earnest.
Mr. E. I. Anderson has for
sale a good milch cow with a j
young calf._________
That splendid paper, the Sa
vuuuah Morning News, now
reaches C-rawfordvillo on the
same day it is printed,
Correspondents’ Reports of What Their
ffeiabbors Taik
Of the Happening* in Their Be»pective Lo
cnlltles. AH the New*,
Dr. L. M. Andrews visited his daughter,
Mrs. Todd King, Sunday last.
Mrs. Lonnie Taylor has been quite fee¬
ble for sometime past but is improving
Breaching at Bethany Presbyterian
church next Sunday evening by Pas¬
tor Burgess.
Considerable appearance of rain this
morning (Tuesday) we trust the much
needed shower will come.
Miss Mary Lou King, an interesting
voung lady of White Plains, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Boh Lee Andrews, at
.Mr. Earl Callahan is contemplating a
trip to Parks Mills the latter part of this
week. Guess there is a magnet of attrac¬
tion in that dir(” ri-ou.
Mrs. Florenc<P&'i!nsand her little,pn,
Verlie, of near Crawfordvillc,are spend¬
ing this week with her parents iii ,the
Holden neighborhood.
Cure Fo** , 4 ieiui«£Ue.
Asa remedy for all forms of Head
ar-lir Electric Hitters has proven to be the
to its \y« urge all -who
tre a fm 0 tcd to fait ptfx jro al. 8 Incasesof lipttle, and imbit- give
his remedy a Electric p
ual constipation Bittern cures by
giving the needed tone to the bowels, and
few cases long resist the use of this medi¬
cine. Try it onee. 50 cents atal$1.00 at
Dr. li. J. Reids Drug Store,
New* is scarce.
A few peaches*,^ *Ppk-s ripening.
Vegetables and <s>rn need a good rain.
A good many farmers say they are up
with their work.
Mrs. Ed, Chapman -spent a part of last
week with her brother, J. P, Johnson.
The harvesting of the grain crop is
nearing a close. Spring oats are sorry.
Mrs. J. P. Johnson has been quite sick
but is , 1 ' «■ at tbs* - • firing so we learn.
MrJ—, ..... *riM daugtitcr,
Delia, spent an -Iterm, .n last week witii
Mrs. Mann. ;
Guess who the boy wa* that met a
sweet cousin sometime since and she of
fered to kiss him. He refused because lie
did’nt know how.
We learn that Mr. Ben Humphry is
teaching the people at Elim Warren
county, in singing. They are getting
ready for a children’s day in the near fu¬
Mr. Sam Ogletree and wife spent the
<U >' Sabbath before last at Henry Moon's:
Loume, the little boy of the latter, fell out
tUe(loorand insome way hurt his hip
and it prevent* him from walking,
We hope that Mr.JesseOgletree’sen
gagement with w. W, Bird, while the
laU " is at the s P ri "f' w,n n0 ‘ in terf f re
with his coming to Moore s mill Sunday c
school for his presence is looked for with
pleasure, so we learn.
«nd enfoyed’g^d and
music by the band from Sparta went
from the mill to Barnett to be on liand
Sunday for children's day, they report a
nice time at both places.
_ of Spirits
SQ common ln summer-time,
acc0 mpanied by loss of energy,
lack of thought-power, of nourlsh- means
a deficient fhe supply lost,
j vital force is
t j sn ’ t a q U estion of muscle and
8 i neW) but of resistance and
endurance. At any age, but
especially in youth, it Involves
the risk of lung disease. LOSS
0 f fl es h and a cough are threat
enlng signs.
C 0 d-liver Oil. with the hypo
phosphites, meets these cases
perfectly. It tones up, fattens
and strengthens,
ln Scott’s Emulsion the taste
of the oil is fully disguised,
making K almost as palatable
as milk.
A great deal of sickness through this
The weather is still hot and dry through
thi£ section.
Sorry Mr. Jesse Asbury has lost his
buggy horse.
>Ir. and Hrs. Portwood's little baby is
alarmingly sick.
Mr. T. C. Wallace made a business trip
t (5 Greene county this week.
Mr. Charlie Asbury has gone to Han¬
cock county where he will sell books
awhile. We wish him much success.
Mr. J. S. Callaway preached a very
enteresting sermon at Phillipps Mills last
Sunday, from Deuteronomy the i and 16
When young people go to church they
ought not to talk in church. They
only disturb the congregation but they
do harm to themselves.
“How to Caro all Skin Disease."
No Simply internal apply medicine “Swayno’s required. Ointment"
tetter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the
face." hands, nose, Ac,, leaving the akin
clear, white and healthy. Its great heal¬
ing snd curative powers are possessed by
no other remedy. Ask Druggist for
Swayno’s Ointment,
Congress has voted in favor of annexing
Hawaii—Japan objects.
Fill a bottle or common water glass with
urin anti let it stand twentv-four hours; a
sediment or settling indicates a diseased
condition of the kidney*. When urine
stains linen it is positive evidence ot kid
ney trouble. Too frequent desire to
nate oi (tain in the back, fa also convinc
tag proof that the kidneys and bladder are
out of order.
There is comfort iu the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr, Kilmer’s Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills
everv wish in relieving pain iu the back,
kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of
the uniary passage. It corrects inability
to hold urine and scalding pains in passing
it, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes|that unpleas¬
ant necessity of being compelled to get
up many times during .the night to uri
nate. The mild and the extraordinary
effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It
stands the highest for its wonderful cures
of the most distressing cases. If you need
byXug^ti price fimycent^a^one dob
ai. For a sample sen/y^ur^ bottle and paraplet,
both sent free by mail.
. a-e-Democrat aj.d
ofRcf addrcsn t<? Or. Kilmer «fc Co.,
haeiton, N. V. The proprietors or this
paper guarantee the genuineness of this
0 [f rr ,
Executrix Sale.
Pursuant to an order of the Superior
court of said county:
WILL be sold at public outcry tiefoie
the court house door in Crawfordvillc in
said county, on the first Tuesday in July
next, within the legal hours of sale, the
following property to-wit: One lot or
parcel of land situated in the town of
Crawfordvillc., in said county, with only
one small building thereon, bounded as
follows: On the North by lot of II M.
Holden and lot of the Georgia Railroad
and Banking Company Rail whereon is situat¬
ed the Depot of said Road, on the
East by a public street leading North from
.Main street to said Depot, on the South
by Main street, on the West by a public
street containing leading North from Main street and
one acre more or less. Sold as
the property of Sylvester J. Furmer, late
of said county, deceased.
Terms cash*.
This 10th davof June, 1897.
Executrix of S. J. Farmer,deceased.
July Sheriff Sale.
(GEORGIA, Wili he sold TALIAFERRO before the Court COUNTY. House
door in Crawfordvillc iu said County
within the legal hours of sale, to the hMt
ost bidder for cash on the first Tuesday in
WiVto in rif tlie Olriri'iv W)4tli District, 4 ,raTw G. M.. in 'r\' lal
laferro county. Georgia, containing one
hundred ami eleven (ill) acres more or
less, bounded on the North by lands of
Mrs. Fannie Asburv, on the East by lands
of Mrs. Rebecca K. Daniel and lands of
££ prong of Little River, on the V M e.-t h m by the
P’jblic Woodstock road in leading Oglethorpe from Crawfordvillc also to
the and place county, at
same time all that tract or
parcel of G..M..*in land lving and bein” in the 607
District. Taliaferro County. Ga..
lying on both sides of the North prong of
the Ogcechee River with water Mill known j
as Jennings Mill dwelling house and j
other North improvements thereon, bounded on.
the and East by lands of Samuel II.
Rhode*, trustee for his wife aud children, |
on South hv public road leading from j
Crawfordvillc Greene County, to the Bethany West by church lands in j j
on of
R. J. Reid, less. containing forty "(40) acres, ! 1
more or Said lands levied ou as the
property of Relnscca Jane Oglctree to sat
isfy an execution issued from the Superior !
Court of said county in favor of Albert L. '
Richardson against said Rebecca Jane j
Ogletree. D. P. HENRY, Sheriff.
This loth davof June, 1397.
AGENTS WANTED, male or female
in every county. Business respectable.
Compensation good. No trouble to make
some money. AddressChroniele, Augus¬
ta, Ga., for particulars.
Oliver % PILLS
and Tonic Pellets Cure
A1 j form5 0 f disease Biliousness? caused by a
Sluggish Liver and
: The pink pm Cleanses
The Tonic Pellet InVlgOTateS
The little “Doctor's Book” tells all »boqt
it and a week’s Treatment free proves every
word true. Complete Treatment 25 cents.
Brows Mfg. Co., N.Y. a OreenevUle, Term
Centennial Exposittion,
From May 1st, to Bov. 1st 1897.
The second largest Exposition over hold
in this country, thousands of Home. Seek¬
ers and investors from the "Westand North
West will he there,
ji'p show up the wonderful resources
pfong its line, tHe Georgia Railroad lias
( i ec iqed to make an Exhibit of those re¬
sources, and asks the peopi* of the Coun
tics and towns along its lines to co-opeiate
with thorn in making the exhibit a success
by furnishing creditable specimens of all
jijnenUs, Paint and Fire Clays, description all
of Water Powers ami photographs of
Mill Sites,exhibits of all Manufacturing 1%
dustries especially desired.
Further * “ arrangements £ will be made an?
du no ic(J , vt regarding Exhibit,, of
Agricultural products, aud Fruit in sea,
For furtlier information apply to,
JNO. II. AVERILL, Conimisioner,
419 Dyer Buileing, Augusta, Ga.
l,J Rapidlv, Read this and ’Think it Over!
1 J
adjoining counties. M i.l giv. them a Mt
-ploymeat-the^ year round. Hcquirus no
capital or peat education. Some of our
best salesmen are country boys, i rotits
quick and absolutely sure, AV rite at ouce
for full particulars. Address,
Kiser Buihling, Atlanta, Ga,
l.iary A 5 IiLOOI> PEC 1 ALTY££& POISON permanently 3 S
•cured In 16 to36 day 8 . You can bo treated a)
Ihome Ity. for same price under name tfuaran
Ifyoupiefortocornehere fareand hotel wo bills,aad willcor^
tract to pay railroad
uootaarge, if we fail to euro. If you havo taken merf
enry. Iodide potash, and still have aches and
Pimples. Mins, Mucous Copper Patches Colored in mouth, Spots, Sore Ulcers Throat, on
wa coarantee to euro. We solicit the most obstL
nate cases rnd challenge the world for a
case we cannot cure. This disease has always
battled the* kill of the naoat eminent physi¬
cians* 9500,000 capital behind our uncondi¬
tional ffUuranty. Absolute COOK proofs REMEDY sent sealed oq
application. MLaeonio Add-rese Temple, C -UCAOO, ILL CO«»
10? ^
$100 To Any Man.
Of FcikniN In Ken They Tint U4
Fen to Gore.
I'mIo/c" 1 lS£5
mr.nt for the cure of Lost Vitality, Nervous
and Sexual Weakness, and Restoration of
Life Force in old and young men. No
"° rn "? ut Fr *?^ur,™
•wSSSm"'SSeTM.ST-nKgiS' in ito
effects—positive in its cure. All readers,
w ho are suffering from a weakness that
blights their life, causing that mental and
physical suffering peculiar to Lost Man
hood, should write to the STATE MEDICAL
COMPANY, Omaha, Nob and they wffl
pap® r onthesediseases,^andpositiitojproofs Magicai. Tbeatmsxt. Thous
of their truly
an ds of men, who have lost all hope of a
cure, are being restored by them to a per
feet condition.
This Magical Treatment may be taken
houJ ? und *E their directions, or they will
£u/ Lri reliable* ft ttaev
to They are perfectly Free Cure,
bave no Free Prescriptions,
Free Sample, or C. O. D. fake. They have
1860,000 capital, and guarantee to dollar; cure
every case they treat or refund every
or their charges may be deposited in is a
bank to be paid to them when a core
effected. Write them today.
* goY H M * end Whiskey Habit*
i I ■a cured a; home witli
-'-j l"l out pain. Book of par
titular* tent FREE.
'9W lUloELJHH Atlanta, 0£oa B.M. WOOLLEY, N. Pryor M.D.
*»a. 104 St
si ACTS, ten weeks and then stopped
V The eld, reliable Yankee Blade, 1C
pages weekly, filled with stories of
In, h tt. ai d thrilling tales of adventure.
srdJO its. .n srantp* for 10 weeks trial
SYankee Blade, Brock Me.