Newspaper Page Text
kn Astonishing
■ Statement,
A Correspondent' who Interviews a Woman in Re¬
gard- to:* Her , Recovery from Illness is so
impressed ’witli the Story and Regards
ft so Wonderful that He fears to
Write the Whole Facts.
Prom the Press, Beloit , Wit.
Wrostvo, Wtsconsis, June Gth/lSSS.
Dr. Williams' Med. Co., Schenectady, iVT 1'.
Gentlemen Replying, to your favor of
recent date, I called on-Mr*. Jane Culver,
of Wyoming, Wis., yesterday. I had heard
much about her case berdre I went to see
her. She lias so long been regarded by her
family and all her neighbors as a hopeless
invalid that her present state of health is
nothing less than a. marvel in this (Wyoming)
valley. the
For more than * year past and up to
month of March' last Mrs. Culver iiad lain
actually at the paint of death. Her neigh¬
bors and friends expected daily to be called
upptr to perform the " last sad offices ” for
JiWr, and when they learned that she had
actually arisen from her bed and could “sit
up.” it was felt that little'less than a resur
rfection had happened in their midst.
YeV imagine the astonishment when; a.
week or two inter it was unirounced ip tli-
“valley” that she could walk, and when?
was, at last, really able to meefaca :
shake hands with friends in the 1 dom, yard,'
or upon the street, it was.feit'that true*
a miracle- had bwn wrought m tn*ir nuust.
X found M*.^6 Culver, a pleasant faesd,
attractive Uttla woman, about her household
work , when f , called ,, , on June t 5th. c.u cu She was, in
foot, picking over gooseberries, and her first
remarkafter greeting was that in all her fifty
eight years she could not recall so ‘‘early ” a
season for fruit and garden stuff as the
present. She talked freely of her long, sad
illness—the dre.arv track of pain and weak
over winch for twentyyears . her . sj.v body had
been racked, and told with evident happiness
of her wonderful cure. 44 The truth is,” she
sai l. il T was dead and am enthusiasm alive again.” in And
there was no lack of her
Voice as she spoke of the sovereign remedy
whnch hml wrought such wonder work for
her She was r. grounded by the member*
a? her family, her husband, daughter and
gtand children, arid Pink Pills was certainly
the burden of their happy conversation, dur
imr flat my visit.
her cure, after all, is best summed up
}n her own simple and succinct statement,
which she made in the hope of doing good
toothers. education and
Mrs. Culver is a woman ■ of
refinement. Her husband- wan post master
at Wyoming during President Harrison’s
administration. Among* those of their
neighbors iVho can further attest the facts in
lier ease are* the presort post master and his
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dunstan, Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Phrks, Mr. and Mrs. Solon
Knickerbocker ami scores of others living
here in the tvwfv and valley of Wyoming. idea
P.8i—V nau*t confess that I hard an
that patent medicine testimonials were mostly
fake*,. manufactured in which the. good-huraorea delights the
spirit of humbuggery this which D have
•aorld at large. In case
looked up myself I have found at thrf first
trial a cure so astonishing that*? have been j
afraid to write the fact* just'itt the actual j
history of the case demanded} ,’I have been
truly fearful lest 6 shouldfeeem to overdo
and thua spoil this splen^i®’ testimonial. 1 j
v 1
like ;
TJdi-e is a difference, between medc
ciner and medicines.
Those of to-day, as a-rule, differ Irone. ;
those of tlie past, in many respects. be¬
Fully as great is the difference
tween Dr. King's
and tlie ordinary medicines of to-day.
It is unlilte them in
THSES£ FBVE tar/alikea .^THINGS: mc-di-
1. It does not
Sine. It is as pleasant to take-- as
lemonade and makes a most ref re. Jug
drink. ?
2. It never nauseates the aiosc
deli ca te_ stc - m ach.
3. If tio-ss not swap* off 0110 dis¬
ease tc s allot her. It does not set up
one form t-t disease in order to relieve
another G is so often -the case.
4. It contains no alcolior 01
opium 'in any.form and is always
Itarinless even wUia'^ivea to a babe
one day old. ’
o. It does not j:: «h simply, it ,1
cures. It reaches as nothing else
does to the Hidden sources of disease
n the blood and removes the caqse. It
does this with and pc "'rr that
have nev: Abeead-^ra ifed.
For ail t -viahies, ^%82*>.-rvee.»irffor»!!•«•* of Vfl» Blood, S'omacii,
3hwe!s. K »- NSY
f HAl.Alil l, ■ it stands BRi-etarr t-is
'Cho .Mi rival. rewMcr
Sold by • i a&'nerv pac large bot
IOB I>f-*es. Or. e 1‘O.rnr- Munulnctured only by*
vnrrt vok «*-Page book »att,zi) frkv
can send you ft hundred namei of person*
who will vouch fq r the facts as herein stated.
Yours sincerely and with admiration and
respect for Pink Pills.
# (Signed.) F. W. C.
The above letter is in reply to a request
from the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company
asking mentioned Mr. and Calkins write to her interview for the lady
Not the up interesting case publi¬
cation. least part of it
is Mr. Calkins’ owij straightforward state¬
ment of astonishment at Mrs. Culver’s sterv.
The interview with Mrs. Culver follows:
11 1 am very clad to add my testimony to the
growing evidence of Pink Pill cures, Tho
facts in my cure are simply these. Twenty
years ago I began having rheumatism—rheu¬
matic pains in my shoulders. This developed
later on into what the doctora called chroniu
neuralgia of the heejpfc In fact I had a com
plication of diseases and was doctored and ad¬
vised for |pany ailments. I grew steadily
wosse. Insidiously and disease kidneys fastened affected. upon
me. My liver were
limbs I had would' palpitation vTrigid vi rigid the heart and and until friends friends my
gro gro my my
would >u id thin think k me me dy dying 1 n£. 1 *r
44 and 1 sought remeiies From Wisconsin and medical New advieft York
far near. to
I j tried trjed physicians p ijy s j c j ans of of evfry every school 80 i )00 l. Alio
pathy, homoeopathy, and Indian electric herb doctors. and even During' clair
voyants ^weTad^at^
vertisi:i£, and through circular* TlXf, freely TtZ dis
tributed; I tried all sort* of remedies and
consulted I steadily many physicians last Year by 1S9S,, year
grew worse, until year, birch'
j became a be d-ridden invalid, and in
of this year my physician said all I had fo
do was to close my eyes and die. I was
n °. t AbouMhVzOth oTirareh neighl^r
, a who
had 5 ren troubled with rheumatism aftd had
been taking Dr. Williams’ Pink Pilli came
in a “ <i 0,l "l nie *°‘T th «“- 1 ha f r e«d
much, about , them, but was discouraged with
trying new remedies. I commenced their
u$s, ifiig; however, and in a few days began feel»
better. The neuralgia pains fled front
the region of my heart and stomach. InpnO
week I was able to sit up for an hour or twd
at a time. In a little more than two weeks
I could walk, and in May I began doing
housework. I am now able sir ao my worJC
and am free from the frightful pains and
awful weakness from which I suffered so
many years. I owe this state of health to
Pink Pills and to nothing else.
“My best wish is that this simple and
true statement will induce others suffering
as I did to give the pills a trial.”
(Signed.) Mrs. Jan k Culver.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
5th day of June, 18% .
Richard DunstaH, justice of the Peace.
We, the undersigned, Jane Culver; husband have read and her daugh
ter of Mr*. state¬
montas above and declare the same to be true,
(Stgn**.') David W. Cui.vrr.
. Mattie Culver.
5thdtiy Sworn X6 .fame, fad subscribed before me this
of 1896.
Richard Dunstan, Justice of the Pcac#.,
Dr. Williams’Pink Pills for Pale Peoplb
a tv now builder given to the public as an curing unlading all
Wood 1 and nerve restorer,
forms of weakness arising from a, watery con
dition of the blood or shattered 1 nerves. The
pills paid are sold receipt by all dealers,, price, or will be box, sent
post on of 50 cents a
or niif boxes for $2.,50 ((they are never sold in
bulk or by the 100), by addressing Dr. Wil«
hums’ Medicine £&mpanf, £«h«uectadjr, N. Y.
F, C, Corsets
American Beauties
8 n T I I I P T I I fl
H II ofi'l U
r-.. IpS HU tESja M
■-Ifljh'ajr WMl W‘. |! 'W 5 CrrCUiOt C C C P T Q
" \jry
ir Ail
*y-y- Lengths.
On tuzb/hoz.
F&^JY .*•
m atm
S Rf
. . , y
IIOLDF'N K CO. Cr...v-f*n^ v iPc ; f h,
[Continued from 5th page.}
We spoilt a day in (.’rawfordvillo last
week the people seem to be busy there and
a good deal of improvements going on
one way and another. People seem to bo
painting up tlie town generally. '•>
llair cutting aiub shaving was the order
of the day in Sharon last Saturday witli
the pa&jfle generally, some of it then: cut
and shaved so close we think they Jcame
very near getting some of the bruin.
Mss. Bc-tsie Moore, mother.of Mr. A.
I). Moore, lias': 1 , vcrv bad tumor on her
head which- gives her a> great deal oT
trouble but the doctors think it not best
to cut it■ out. It inight’provo serious.
Miss Mary Battle, untold lady of Bar¬
nett, fell out of tlio Methodist church door
at that place 011 childrens day and broke
her »rm. Ur.-ThomasIwas called and set
it for her. She is doing' well at present.
Our bid lady turned-over our Irish po¬
tato 3atoh last week and got three pota¬
toes, AVe love them as well as a town
hojploves slop but will not have many
this year unless they come from some
o titer' patch,
Ourself and brother II. II. Jackson took
a stroll down to liny town last Saturday
and put up a job of tin guttering for Ah.
J. T; Wright. We had a very hot job
of it.hj| had a very pleasant time, other¬ and
wise.Wright husa pleasant home
col,vet tntly arranged.
We think it n great sin and a great
wrong it>r people of good senses to take
advantage of those that are ignorant and
make bigg or fotiU of them, which we
would state is practiced on a certain young
njiti our community. It is a shame.
We should try to enlighten and show him
-1 #JU$ re Meadows’ residence and every
house on her place was destroyed near
Barnett on Saturday the nth of June.
Very little was saved in tlie house. This
is a severe loss to Mrs. Meadows’ as site is
a poor widow woman. The origin of tlie
lira was from, teivitig some ashes in a
' woodlwbox thkeu from the stove. This
is a very earless liabrt- with a heap of
people. I
Tlie late diange of schedule in the Geor¬
gia Kailroiid has rather disconifuddled our
country people about, the time of day hut
they will soon eet all right aguiu. We
think the Bailroads siiould have their
schedules published in our country papers.
We are sure the Editor would do Unit for
the small sura of a pass as they used to-do.
Our country folks want to know the
sehedulo| as well as tho city folks..
It has been facetiously remarked that- a
bilbott^tihttl^ke sins and lor.-iuds several you of vneli future of
your past of your
ones. There is less excuse for billions
headache! in these dajfs than formerly,
simple since they can be of completely Bunion's Tonic cured Liver by a
Bills. Ask your drug-gist about this ceSjj won-,
derful new remedy, it. cost lint 25
a box, and is rarely know to-fail■- Try a
free sample. With each box t/iere me
some tiny Pellets for “toning up” the
Thftve wilibe a big; cotton crop
'made this year. There is only
about 10 per cent of the Missis¬
sippi valley that will f ttil to pro¬
duce cotton this year on account
of the flood. Much piore fertili¬
ze :,s 1 hair usual have been used
in Georgia, South Carolina and
Alabama this year.
it n
Tc^iatoknow if Advo-Dranorawtlsa
good advertising nmditim. To Test
thin mid tn introduce <mr co-Gs in
tliis viciultv, KBK’n. we Sterliiitf-.Silvi-r'Pickh- will giveawavl.disn
lulaly Bork a
beautiful twisted iiandlfl, It
inches leng, worth 51.C5. CuUm'?:vt.
“rttKomid with TCc for packing ami
postage and we will send feftc pre
imld. tUi!*Mf. togotlior witli our hgr-siiu list.
We liuve liargirfhs in every
tilin'; and sell at wnor’faile direct to
consumer, AGENTS WANTEp.
tVOYKWOt BA I IGA f N Hill -ih:,.
yVoiie\ro*', Win,
Boilers 1
.- Gins and Presses.
OoiApltetrCotton, “;tw r Gt-ist. Oil and
Fertilizer Mill (unfits: d o i-in Ihss.t, Cau<
Milianfl ,Shingle outfits.
Bundle®, Kridg-t; Fat-ton' Fufnac'- and
Pailroad ( asli-vy - Hailraad Mi I, Machin¬
ist* 1 and Factory -Supplies.
Belting, Pad ihg, Injector-. Pipe Fit
lings, Saws. Fires. Oilers. Etc. CAST
Fout l/y, Mach ine^Jloiier and G Ii] iVork*.
Promptly D<- ne.
m mtm 1 ‘r* ' y! 1 ii
AVcgdoblc Prcparationfor As¬
similating ihcTood aiuiRcg uta
ting llic Stomachs and Bowels of
PromotesDigestion,Cheerful¬ neither
ness and Rcst.Contains
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
Kiayx cSOId TdrS.tdUXWXMil
Pumpkin Sfitd~
jUx.ScrvHt *
PtxAtl/* - Seed +
flirvi Seed ~
Apcrfect Remedy for Constipa¬
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions,Fever ish
uess and Loss OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
/Qandy cathartic
nlpatif! howl;}pt frfN Id. RTEKIiWfl Co., (’hfcsL-o, BVontrssl* l*an., orNi'ir York# *17.
Frick Go.,
Boilers, Saw Mills,
Cotton Gins, VI
Cotton Presses,
Grrain Separators,,
Chisel Tooth and solid Saws,.
inspirators, Injectors, Engine Repairs and a Full"
Line ol Brass Good!
SFNP TOR CATALyctie AMD PRICtS Avery & McMillan,
5 I & 53 So. Forsyth St. ATLANTA, GA,
:tte ■/M *•1 m p)
m ■r,
- v . j m m 1 I
11 -v *
■ . i.
'■r *
‘100 A marvelous example of skillful i
wot km ah', hip —Th* only bicycle l
- with absolutely true bearings. A vi J
% 60 Saving in cost of machinery add
labot enables us to furnish ’f)6
patterns of Woverleys, improved and 4
perfected, for $60.
) Catalogao frco from us c*r the dealer.
INDIANA BICYCLB CO., - Indianapolis, lad.
Notice is hereby given to rill persons
concern Si, that QdCc-n ilcu/icv late of
said County dece iscd, departed fids life
in/csf.-ilc. and no ptffMon inis applfisl for
'(ration on f Aft estate of sa'fd Queen
ftea'/.b h in said slufe. that adininlstravion
will 1 c'v-Med i" tiilr f^ierk of the Superior
C'011 rtjfor tome old hr fit and proper per¬
son, oft- Afile mi! pi)Id'eAf'An of this citutiou. Ids
unless - olijecti ijs-ik niiuile, to up
pointn*int. Given rljider my hand and
offkrii! .signature tldshtli day of June,
: :'J~ GEO. II. anCilBLU, Ordim.?),
5 >
Onatorla la put up in cno-slto hottlas only. It
not told is bnlk. Don't allow anyone to cell
-a 11 anything olse on tho “will plea or promise that it
juat aa good” and answer every por-
44 Bee-that yoo-get 0-A-S-T-O-B-I-A,
is ca '
To nil wlioin »>, may • om:<*rn:
Ij. If afla.way Jiavlig' ni proper form
lipplii ilto mo fit piHinniiioP, inltftrsof n<t
ininiatnitiou jii th*; o.‘ \>. it. il ula
Hiiy I of hi> l<l Oounty. thin N loeife all
ami /j.'n/(u].'*:• ili<* fio litors ?»tuI n<?xt of kin
of I*. U. HiU’away to Ik- uh< 5 nppi-ar at mv
olllfo within 1 1h; thn« allov,<»d in Jaw, ami
'•'InJw ezhsr, if htiy they should run, why pi anted rnm
^‘Dlia'iiriihiMtratiorj not h"
to c. L. Hadaway «ti L If. llaluway’s oflieial
estate. Wiiness my hand and
J, this 7tb.dA'v of June, 1H!»7.
GEO. ii. MITCHELL, Otdinar).