Newspaper Page Text
[Y I at the People of that Thriving
Town Are Doing.
lire. L. BAC.BT.
Mrs. John Caldwell is no better.
We had several visitors last week at our
home- still
Mrs. John Brooks, of Raytown, Is
quite feeble.
Tom Flynt says it is still hot but not so
dry with him.
Mr. A. I). Kendrick visited Union Point
last Saturday.
II. C. Dickson visited Greonesboro last
week on business.
Mr. Tom Moore, ol Norwood, was in
our city last week.
Mr. Ed. Keating is making other addi¬
tion to His residence.
Love Mershon lias got to be a daisy fan
cv lettcrer aud painter.
Mr. Walter Lynn, of Red Lick, has been
quite sick but has recovered.
I)r. Nash, of Hadly, Ga., was in our
town last week on business.
Mrs. A. M. Bagby visited her daughter,
Mrs. R. W. Taylor last week.
Mrs. I'.. L, Bagby and Mrs. Coot Elliott
visited Mildrajon Grove last week.
Crops are booming now since the rain
and grass is coming along too.
Mr. M, D. Arnett returned to his home
in Wilkes county last Saturday.
Mr. G. YY, Brown has been suffering
with rheumatism for several days.
Call on us when in need ot a good lina
nient or a receipt to make it yourself.
Preaching next- Saturday and Sunday at
Jennings Chapel bv Rev. T, B. YVest.
A FRICANA will cure Syphilis and Old
CTY Sores to Stay Cured.
Mr. A. i). Moore manufactured a lot of
Cheap coffins last week for the public.
Mr. J. YY. Taylor has a fine baby girl
at his house and he is as happy as a lark.
Call on us when you need any tin work
done. C. L. Bagby the tinner, Sharon,
No-To-Uac for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed lotoaceo habit cure, makes weak
tc»*n strong, blood pure. Mc,$l. All druggists
Guess what young gcut we have* that
always has fair skin a id never goes in the
Our people should b - on the lookout for
mad dogs. Two killed in our district last
Educate Your llowela With Cu.caret*.
Jte3s^KG-J..C. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation uadMcmej. forever.
drujidats r.f
People seem to he going their full
length at work in their farms since the
Educate Yonr JJowols With Caocarot*.
Canily Cathartic, cur* aonstipation refund forever
10c. 25c. If C. C. C. tail, drucaists money.
Doctors Davidson and Brown visited
Barnett section last week on professional
To Curo Constipation Tft rever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. • 10c or SSc.
If c, c. C. fall to cure, drusffists refund rnoaey.
The plmn crop is very large this year
and the young folks are making them
hide out.
To Curt Coaetlpatlon Forever,
Take Caeca ret* Candy Cathartic. 10c or 55c
If C. e. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money
YVe learn there was a negro arrested at
Norwood for horse and cattle stealing re¬
and MOTHER!^ about which such tender and
holy recollections cluster as that
of 11 Mother ”—she who watched
over our helpless infancy and guid¬
ed our first tottering step. Yet
the life of every Expectant Moth¬
er is beset with danger and all ef¬
fort should be made to avoid it.
Mother’s t so assists nature
in the change tak¬
ing place that
Friend the Expectant is
Mother ena¬
bled to look for
ward without
dread, suffering or gloomy fore¬
bodings, to the hour when she
experiences the joy of Motherhood.
Its use insures safety to the lives
of both Mother and Child, and she
is found stronger after than before
confinement 1 —in short, it "makes
Childbirth natural and easy,” be as
go many have said. Don't
persuaded to use anything but
“ My wife suffered more in ten min¬
utes with either of her other two chil¬
dren than she did altogether with her
last, having previously used four bot¬
tles of ‘Mother’s Friend.’ It is s
blessing to any ona expecting to be¬
come a MOTHER,” saya a customer.
Hendbrsos Dale, CRrnii, Illinois.
Tk* BraJfltM C«., Atlaatt, 8a.
Sunday school every Sunday evening
at Mlldrajon school house,'Mr. Ttoss Gunn,
Mr. W. P. Jtclveon is superintending
his own farm work this year and his crop
is looking veil.
Mrs. Fannie Rocker, of Eiim, Warren
county, was visiting relatives in 603 Dis¬
trict last week.
Mr. L. S. Jackson has a new fly paper
on sale at his store that plays havoc with
that pesty tribe.
Mr. Lgc Reese, of Augusta, who was lying up last
week to see his sister is very
low with fever.
Preaching at/toytown Baptist church
next Saturday and Sunday by the pastor^
Rev. H. C. Boil.
Messrs. L, T. Moore and Ewell Jaclcsou
are the dandy bachelors of our town; both
clever men y^augli. Elliugton
Mr, W. J. is reported no het
t t. He is suffering very muoli with that
dreadful disease, rheumatism.
Capt. Henry Smith was with ns last
week from Warren comity. Our county
people will come to Sharon to trade.
John Lmkford, of Woodviile, was in
this section repairing and making new
wells. He guarantees all of his work.
Miss Rosa Strom, of Crawfordville,- vis¬
ited her sister, Mrs. Lint Williams at Bar¬
nett last week, Mrs. Williams has been
Good refreshing rains past about again
last week. Most everybody said June
would be a wet month but it has not come
so yet.
Mr. Shed Kendrick, of Wilkes county,
w is visiting relatives in our community
tl i; week, lie is a brother of T. E. Ken¬
Mr. Iium Caldwell was in our town last
week with a very fine horse. The Cald¬
well’s always get there when it comes to
h irses.
Mr. Uriah Reese, of William Creek, has
a very sick daughter, and chances are
ugnirfst her recovery but we hope for the
Mrs. R. IL.'Jackson and Mrs, Edward
Keating visited Mrs. John Caldwell last
week. Mrs. Jackson is a nedee of Mrs.
Okl Raytown is very dull aud dry but it
looks natural, People seem to have good
crops and are getting along as well as any
other section
Mr. John O’Keeffe lias bought him a
nice boat aud has launched it in G, W.
Brown’s mill pond. The boat was made
in Wash ngton.
-TJKmaiY.8 imu of bu8in*ss_re«m that
want to see their names and'husiness pub¬
lished in their county paper hut don’t
want to oav anything for it.
Uncle Billy Moore visited Ids brother,
Mr. Tom Moore, at Norwood last week.
Uncle Billy is always missed when he
leaves his place of business.
Our old lady has got to be quite a ear
politer. She tore down a house and built
a new pair of stair steps. Site can beat
is iu the wood work department.
Rev. J. A. Mershon, of Emory College,
is at home spending vacation. Mr. M( r*
sh in is quite a favorite in our community
and a model ebristain young man.
Bill Pitts, colored, brought a pine stick
to town last Saturday that had fifty three
burrs on it in one lump; it was quite a
■nriosity to everybody that saw it.
• Go to J. W - Fallen or II. C, Dlcken
when you want a nice cool smile. They
keep beer on ice and icc to sell all the
ti ne as well as good whiskey, wine, etc.
Preaching at Salem Baptist church next
Situiday and Sunday by the pastor, T. J.
Cumming; Sunday school at ten o’clock
Sunday morning, W. H. Biigby, Supt.
Ai D. Moore and mother, yisited Mrs.
Ida Moore on Williams creek last week,
Mrs. Ida had quite a tick child and Mrs.
Bet :e remained over with her for awhi’e.
C.ipt. Jim Flint has turned over his re
c ipt for cursing to me hut we can’t use
it. We would offer it to Bro. Bob. Jack
s m hut we think he has enough of his
Black and dew 1 e-ries arc ilpe now and
yo ican sic the children all along the
roads plucking them with a yiin, and their
mouths are all the same color of the
Mullen, the negro trader, of Crawford
vilie, seems 1 1 be all the talk now. Mullen
is a pretty sharp negro but somebody has
een helping him In his rascality in our
Don’t Tobarro Spit and Sntokt Tour I-ifc Airs?.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be ina
etie. full of life, nerve and vigor, take X--To
.ac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak *ncr
Tong. All druggists, SOu or fi. Curegnarun
id Booklet and sample free. Addrcs
icriing Kemcdy Co , Chicago or Now York
We had a traveling bliud negro lecturer
i i our town last week. His so-called
wife was with him. We think they were
i shoddy couple and not much good in
Everybody Says So.
Casearets Candy Cathartic, the most won
erful medical discovery of the aye, pleas
nt and refreshing to the taste, and act gently
ml positively on kidneys, liver bowels
'causing the entire system, dispel colds
'.re lieadaclic, fever, habitual constipatioi
nd biliousness. Please buv and try a boi
t C. C. C. to-day; 10,2.1. M cents. Bold ano
guaranteed to core by all drurgisis.
It’s the same story. The expefience is
sf all sufferers with blood diseases
identical. First the doctors are con- •
suited, and their prescription of potash
and mercury is taken faithfully, but
without result. Months pass, and the
mercurial dose is continued!? iintil
finally, often his condition the patient being: nojbetter, ttecpmes
or worse, ;cfe»nga
discouraged and decides to
treatment. then thken,, *
Patent medicines are
but until the right one is fo»a« the
results are the same. S. S. S the
only blood remedy on thp irket
which is guaranteed only purely that contijia ve|ePable. no
It is the one liberal,
mercury, no potash, or other i
and therefore is the only a i#» qf that all
promptly gets at the bottou#
blood diseases and cures pem*n»*tly.
I i i
V i
i Sol p a
a p/
Ail who are afflicted with I
Scrofula, Eczema, Tetteft ,
Cancer, Carbuncles, PoiSo^, Rheumatism,
Contagious Blood V
Catarrh, or any other fofat of blood
troubles, .will find in S. Si S. a prorapt
and permanent cure; it ntit ters not
liow deep .seated the failed. diseashj Carbuncles or what
other treatment has
are the result of aai impoverished con¬
dition of the blood, causing a depressed of
vitality and such a low state health
that it is difficult for the system to with¬
stand even the mildest illness.
Mr. Joseph Athens, C. Mygatt,pf Ga., No-400Han- “
cock Ave., sayst I con¬
tracted blood poison from dye, which
developed that life such alarming almost despaired'ofY symptomt^
my was foujrt*ety,'c^|?
At one time there were
buncles on my body, and my I sufttriffg
jyas such that for months Th<Pt.%f""pnysician was unable
to do any work.
in our efty treated me constantly, but
his efforts were of no avail, my condi¬
tion growing worse all the while.
“S. S. S. was recommended, and after
I had taken the first bottle, an im¬
provement was noticed. I grew better
every day, and after taking six bottles
1 was entirely cured. The carbuncles
all disappeared, leaving my skin per¬
fectly clear, and I have never had one
There is not a disease of the blood,
it matters not how severe, which S.
S. S. will not cure. It is guaranteed
Purely Vegetable
and is a real blood remedy for real
blood troubles, promptly reaching the
seat of the disease, and forcing it out
permanently. and blood and akin
Books on cancer,
diseases mailed free to any address.
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, IS*.
W r e stopped one night last week with
Judge Taylor and family. Mrs. Taylor
is 7 i years old and still dots all of her
domestic work. 'life Judge is some yoart
her junior.
Several went on the excursion last week
from this suction. Money Is scarce but
they (an always get up enough to go on
an exrsiouon and can’t raise mdney to pay
an honest debt.
FllssI Piled Itching Kile*.
lad Symptoms—Moisture; atiuyinv;, Intense 1‘cMn h;
most at wor.e tr’
scratcbinf. If allowed to continue tam
form, which often bleed and utc«ra:< Ui
coining very sore. Swayns's OIdi men
stops the Itching and bleeding, heal* ul¬
ceration, and In most cases remove* the
eSmm. tumors. At druggist, or by Philadelphia. n*ii, for (SO
Dr. Swayue * Son,
Mrs. Duckworth, formerly of
hi* place, is quite sick at her home in
Madison. Her sister Mrs. Pat Htwiivant
yisi'ed her last week. When she left her
die was seme better.
ll M
There are seventeen widows in and
around Sharon. A good Lance in this
section for the widowers and bachelors to
get a wife, whl'e the younger men meJ
not cojsider themselves left out.
[Sharon News continued to ait page.j
For Infant* and Children.
Tb fa
.*RfTfe-4 S3
Th is insidious disease is now prevailing all ovev the country. It comes with its
chillin ess, pains, aches, feve.r, watery eyes, headache. Etc. To avoid it, take an oc
easier al dose of
Dr. HammaqK's Cold Cure.
;utd it you have Grippe, the tablet* taken aceorilinu; f o tiirections, will cure it. They
are put up in screw top bottles, convenient to carry. 25 doses 25 cents.
For Coughs •
V' A cough is the rock upon which the health and life of thousands have Prey,
^^jjvreckpiL *»«.p\‘rpo^ there l&rwyiCOiigli is nothin" should better he than treated ]>r Hunnnack’s at its commencement, White Pine and and for this
-gg^Guni t-o-ugh Balsam. It without tail all bronchial lunir Spruce
cures ami affections,
per liottle, 2-> cents. Once used, it is always the favorite.
For Pains and ,$ch£s. ■
There is nothing better tlmn Dr. flammack's Electric I.inimcnt. It will cure,
neuralgia, rheumatism, stitches and pains, I uni Inigo, chapped hands, and all
manner of pains and tielies. Don't experiment, but htjv this liniment. I'ricc,
per bottle, SO cents.
A Good Rubber Hot Water Bottle
should he in cA-ry family. AY'e have them—the best made from fit) cent n wards
and everything usually sold in a first-class drug store at reasonable prices.
Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ATLANTA, GA
^ y
Complete Ginning Outfits,
THAMAQ’ 1 Steam Presses,
and Elevators.
Saws, Belting, Valves, Pulleys, Shafting & Will
Supplies Generally.
Mention this paper. MACON, GEORGIA.
AFRIGAflfl 9 The Blood Wonderful Purifier....
Cures absolutely Rheumatism, Scrofula, Syphilis, <>Ul
Sores, Constipation, Gout, and All Diseases caused by
impure Blood .... TO STAY CURED.........
Africana Has Never Failed
In a single instance out of the hundreds treated. Therefore, we offer it
to the public with entire confidence, paid ate willing to undertake
the most failed. desperate Africana case on made which altogether other so-called from infallible is perfectly cures
have is herbs,
harmless and yet is the most powerful and surest remedy ever dis¬
covered for the above named diseases. Write for further particulars,
testimonials, etc.
Africana Co.. 63'> Atlanta. S. BROAD Ga. GT
\ All the
Wf World Loves
OQOOOOOOG a Winner t
Our ’Ninety-Seven
Complete Line of
Monarch Bicycles
are the
Supreme \w
Result m / m
of our ,<//j ■
Years of \\\\4 Avid
Send ntn« 1wo-c«tit sumps for a deck at Monarch Playing
Cards, Illustrating Lillian Russell, Tom Monarch Cooper.
Lm Richardson and Walter Jonas. Regular 50c cards